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548551 No.548551 [Reply] [Original]

ITT shitty things about living in Japan.

- No decent bread (pic related)

>> No.548556

Urinoirs are too low because all Japanese are tiny as shit. Speaking out of experience here. 6'9".

>> No.548559

You can always eat Clannad bread.

>> No.548562
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No ribena
lol racism
getting your photo and prints taken at the airport
Japanese people
People assuming I don't understand any Japanese
People assuming i'm completely fluent just because I can say some basic sentences
Being asked to teach people english
The weather

>> No.548568
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These things

fucking savages

>> No.548570

Fucking seconded.

>> No.548571

They can't accommodate all the freakish giants out there.

>> No.548572

People talking about you in front of you, pointing at you etc.


>> No.548576
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>> No.548578

; _ ; I might be a giant but I still have FEELINGS!

>> No.548582

The TV sucks

no really, when the novelty wears off it downright sucks

and if you want to watch Anime on tv, prepare to completely live your life around the schedule, cause it's fucking chaos. Downloading is soooooooo much easier.

>> No.548587
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>> No.548592

The sad thing is that they probably think it is bread.

>> No.548591


>> No.548594

surely thats the end of the loaf

>> No.548597

Now, while I don't disagree with most of the points ITT, I actually believe that only the OP might've been to japland.

>> No.548600

That bread is an eyesore

>> No.548601

Went there during the holidays for a week with my family. I'm the tallfag.

>> No.548602

yep. That's the shit that occupies the "sliced bread" section in even the largest of supermarkets.

To the Japanese, bread is a sweet snack for breakfast. They have chocolate bread, and even their most "Normal" sliced bread is like 2 inches thick and loaded with sugar.

They toast it and eat it for breakfast.


though chocolate bread, toasted, with some maple syrup (lol have to buy it from "foreign import food" stores) is delicious.

>> No.548609

Really no Ribena at all?

Also, hello fellow from England and/or Hong Kong and/or India

>> No.548604
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Real bread now.

>> No.548608


All of their bread is sweet? Well, that doesn't sound too bad.

>> No.548610

no vimto either

>> No.548618

Not when you want to put some cheese or some pâté on it. Oh wait, forget it.

>> No.548630

you got it stud

>> No.548626

Are you saying you cannot make a proper sandwich in Japan?

>> No.548628

japan also has terrible sausages. unless you're german anyway, they're all german sausages or tiny tasteless hotdog sausages.

i am thinking of exporting some cumberland and lincolnshire and motherfucking pork+leek+apple sausages there. the japs will have a fit, finally food that tastes GOOD!

>> No.548634

Fruit costs a shitload, and some vegetables are almost impossible to find.

Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against beansprouts or daikon, but when you pay 30yen for like a kilo of beansprouts, and 600yen for a single tomato, something is wrong.

>> No.548637

Aren't beansprouts cheap everywhere?

>> No.548639

I don't think they have a single ingredient used in what we call a sandwich in western europe.

>> No.548644

I was in Hong Kong. The idea of FRESH cow's milk is alien. In fact, I was thirsty one day at a friend's house and he offered me a carton of milk which said, "THE SAME ONE ASTRONAUTS USES" and it turned out to be made in Mongolia witch tons of chemicals.

>> No.548657

At least they can be excused for the fresh milk since they can't digest it.

But that's all.

>> No.548661

well there you go, I couldn't imagine lunch without bread, I mean I could but thats not the point. Also going to have a double sandwich as a result of this thread

>> No.548663


what? can't digest it?

>> No.548666

You shouldn't be asking for milk in HK, it's all about the VitaSoy

>> No.548691

Asians are lactose intolerant.

>> No.548692


>> No.548694


What do you mean with "can't digest it"?
Do they get like...diarrhea or something?

>> No.548696

If Japan is that shit, why aren't the japs there emigrating somewhere else?

>> No.548703


many chinese/japanese/whatever are lactose intolerant

>> No.548702


Holy shit

>> No.548707


Damn guys, now that I think back, I've read something about that before. Aww man, poor nips.

>> No.548710


>> No.548709

Isn't Canada their choice of emigration?
My parents are from Hong Kong but I still enjoy drinking milk. Unless I drink it after midnight at that point, I feel like someone is cleaning my stomach with a wire brush.

>> No.548717

'cause there milk comes in bag.

>> No.548713

The french make bread like this as well. They make the normal stuff too, but if you don't know french brands then you'll pick up a loaf or a pack of rolls only to find it's sweet and studded with chocolate chips

>> No.548714

The fuck? I'm a giant here at 2m (6'6"). How do you even walk around without constantly hitting things? Seriously, you intrigue me. I haven't seen anyone taller than I am in this country, and it is a challenge to do so in my home country (The Netherlands).

Give a decent loaf of bread and you will be my hero. Bloody white bread is really only suitable for sandwiches. I want true 食パン!

You have to look quite hard to find one of those old toilets. My toilet has more buttons than my laptop.

Yeah, I lolled at that too. Your best bet is too learn how to cook Japanese style, with sake, soy suace, mirin, vegetable oil and a whole host of seaweed, so you can use the cheap vegetables (daikon, cabbage, cucumberish things) too full effect.

>> No.548721


japs have low standards.

i guess they were just beaten down for so long by GLORIOUS EMPEROR, that they've forgotten how to demand basic comforts in life, and are happy to live with shit.

>> No.548726

Make your own god damn bread. The Japanese are busy doinitrite when it comes to vidja games, robots, cars, and women.

Also, I've never been to japan, so i can't make a real contribution to this thread. I can tell you one thing that sucks that Japan is accidentally responsible for, though. White girls who talk like they're in an anime, and feign fluency in a language that they could only hold a conversation with a 2 year old in.

>> No.548727

wow i didnt know

>> No.548736

Probably €0,50 for the same amount in Europe. It is a bit cheaper in Japan it seems.

>> No.548731


Nearly all grown mammals are. Only us eurofags (and their US decendants) can enjoy the cheese.

Thanks evolution!

>> No.548732

Expect their doesn't have these little yellow dots.

>> No.548742

>Yeah, I lolled at that too. Your best bet is too learn how to cook Japanese style, with sake, soy suace, mirin, vegetable oil and a whole host of seaweed, so you can use the cheap vegetables (daikon, cabbage, cucumberish things) too full effect.
Yea, anyone can stir-fry shit, and boil cabbage and shit.

But after a life of making delicious european food every fucking day... I have certain tastes that I like to maintain (nothing, and I mean nothing, beats spaghetti and meatballs from scratch, with crusty bread, green salad and parmesan.)

>> No.548743

>Make your own god damn bread.

For that, you need an oven at the very least. Last time I checked they cooked their pizzas in their toasters...

>> No.548744
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>> No.548746

Maybe that's why the Asians don't have sammiches, they can't enjoy cheese.

>> No.548749

yet asians eat and drink milk constantly

they just shit out the lactose, same way the rest of us shit out sweetcorn.

>> No.548754

>(nothing, and I mean nothing, beats spaghetti and meatballs from scratch, with crusty bread, green salad and parmesan.)

Fuck off. Spaghetti alla carbonara. That's real men food.

>> No.548751

>Yeah, I lolled at that too. Your best bet is too learn how to cook Japanese style, with sake, soy suace, mirin, vegetable oil and a whole host of seaweed, so you can use the cheap vegetables (daikon, cabbage, cucumberish things) too full effect.
I came

>> No.548753

You have never experienced a true Japanese toilet have you? Those squat things are just a remnant from a past long gone. The modern toilet will give you a full enema if you push the wrong button.

Also, don't mix up ビデ and おしり if you are male.

>> No.548756

Yet they have instant pizza machines

>> No.548758



>> No.548764

>real men
i lol'd

real men eat BEEF

>> No.548766


You better be joking nigger.

>> No.548771

protip: squat toilets are far from dead. gtfo tokyo and you'll see.

even most houses still have squat toilets (houses as opposed to apartments)

they are dying though. very slowly.

>> No.548772


>> No.548775

not just bread, all pastries and cakes.

japs just have to have food look good, the taste is secondary.

>> No.548777

Beef in Japan....

>> No.548778


Stop it right there! The Japanese do not make pizzas. They make something that looks like pizza, and might even, vaguely, evoke fond memories of pizza, but it is not, NOT, pizza.

Real pizza does not come with knackwurst toppings, or mayonnaise for that matter.

>> No.548784


WHAT? Is Japan's Pizza Hut any different?

>> No.548786

most popular pizza in japan is squid+olive

>> No.548787
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>> No.548789

how all the snackfoods that look potentially edible are fish flavoured

>> No.548791


Yeah. One of the schools I work in has ONLY squat toilets. And it's worse if you're a girl.

>> No.548793

Who's that Pokémon?

>> No.548796

thats the reason about all the shitstorm of pizza hut in evangelion, code geass and DtB

>> No.548800

i dont want to know lol

>> No.548802

stand on the wall and it will look like a normal urinal

>> No.548804

except you're not supposed to shit in a urinal

>> No.548808

People do it anyways.

>> No.548809

i used to have dreams of moving to Japan now i'm not sure if i want.

>> No.548811

fucking moon gravity, I could never quite get the hang of it.

>> No.548813

You'll be trading meat for fish, bread for rice, and delicious pizza for a miserable pile of lies.
No sandwiches too

>> No.548817

WHERE IN GOD'S NAME WOULD YOU PUT SQUID ON A PIZZA? Or mayonnaise for that matter?
