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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 64 KB, 395x500, jukujo samurai_thumb[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5476921 No.5476921 [Reply] [Original]

College is killing me.
I was thinking about going to Japan to find cute rich japanese girlfriend.
Is this a good idea ?
Or selling myself to rich japanese salarywomen.

Is it a good idea ?

>> No.5476937

I doubt you look good enough to get either.

>> No.5476942

just sell your organs

>> No.5476952

The first step is killing yourself.

>> No.5476969

I can help you.

Are you cute?

>> No.5476978

money for one kidney would last me for 10 months in tokyo fuck that

>> No.5476989

Blonde hair blue eyes.So not that bad. Also not fat I swim a lot

>> No.5477001

Yes, I think it's a great idea. Be sure to let us know how it goes for you.

>> No.5477008

Sell both and you have a sizeable amount of money and you also have to be on dialysis, which probably entitles you for enough welfare to live off of in some countries, if you don't live in one already then move there and you have beaten the system. NEET for life.

And you have no fucking kidneys and have to be on dialysis the rest of your life but hey...

>> No.5477026

fuck your ideas
Don't give me any

>> No.5477028


What is your height?

>> No.5477037

>Selling myself to rich japanese salarywomen
Hahahaha. You think they play that game in Japan? The rich Japanese salarywomen go abroad on vacation first and then pick up easy Ghanaian/Jamaican/other black men and have sex with them.

You know how old horny businessmen who can't get in women's pants over here go to Thailand? It's basically like that but with more black cock involved.

>> No.5477053

Don't ruin it for him.

He's obviously eager to become a manwhore.

>> No.5477054

>You think they play that game in Japan?
They play that game everywhere. Just check some sites with sex offers or swinger parties.

>> No.5477057

[] Rich
[] Japanese salarywoman

Chose one.

>> No.5477059

Jealous fatty. No woman will ever show interest in you

>> No.5477062

He's obviously hoping to get some money out of the deal, though. Or at least food and board.

>> No.5477068

You are a disgusting gaijin. No Japanese woman will show interest in you. Give it up or go to Thailand or the Philippines and try there.

>> No.5477072

Look at the tears flowing.

>> No.5477075

>You are a disgusting gaijin. No Japanese woman will show interest in you.
The club girls in Roppongi would disagree but they probably have STDs and will probably have been cummed inside by more men than they can count.

>> No.5477085

Hmm, same height as mine...

Do you accept taking feminine hormones?

>> No.5477100

Wait, what ?
Why would I ?

>> No.5477101

>selling your body to women
You're a man. The only people who will pay for your body are other men.

>> No.5477107

Because you are obviously not good enough to be bought.

>> No.5477109

Don't you want money?

>> No.5477129
File: 37 KB, 336x411, Senior business man explaining.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll pay you 20 bucks, son.

Now lift up your ass for a second.

>> No.5477155

You don't even know how do I look like so fuck you

>> No.5477157


Here, boards for people like you.

>> No.5477159
File: 14 KB, 278x350, zoomjap smirk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you were attractive you would already have a cute rich Japanese girlfriend so we can probably narrow it down.

>> No.5477165

it's pretty hard to get cute rich japanese girlfriend outside of japan

>> No.5477171

Real good-looking people would be able to get one outside of Japan.

You are just doing it wrong by being butt-ugly.

>> No.5477174
File: 678 KB, 1000x1000, shit was so cash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you were attractive you would also have had a life up to this point such that you would be a normalfag and college would not be killing you because you would be banging sluts left and right.

Pic related, she just blew me, shit was so cash.

>> No.5477186

This guy is why all normalfags need to be permabanned from /jp/. They come to our NEET board and bring in their /a/, /b/, /v/ and /r9k/ ways, and become incredibly butthurt after we tell them to fuck off, which is why they start raids.

Ultimatum: Pseudointellectuals aren't welcome here. People with jobs, friends or a social life aren't welcome here. Wage slaves aren't welcome here. People who don't hate 3d aren't welcome here. People who like breasts aren't welcome here. People who visit other boards aren't welcome here. People who watch anime aren't welcome here. People who play games other than VNs, JRPGs or STGs aren't welcome here. People who are "so ronery :(((" aren't welcome here.

If you fit in any one of the above categories, you need to get the fuck out of /jp/ because you're a normalfag and you're what's ruining the board.


>> No.5477195 [DELETED] 

I hope you do realize that it's the summerfags from /a/ who are pumping this NEET PRIDE!!! NORMALFAGS OUT!!! stuff.

You probably know that already, though, because you're probably from /a/.

>> No.5477194
File: 175 KB, 850x878, HAHA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that you would be any less of an outcast in Japan than you are in your home country

>> No.5477205

describe outcast

>> No.5477206
File: 111 KB, 500x500, yumi confused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People who don't hate 3d aren't welcome here
>People who are "so ronery :(((" aren't welcome here.
I am being trolled?

>> No.5477208

>I hope you do realize that it's the summerfags from /a/ who are pumping this NEET PRIDE!!! NORMALFAGS OUT!!! stuff.

This is what normalfags actually believe.

>> No.5477210

Don't sell yourself, just become a host. More women would pay for intimacy and a good time than for sex, anyway.

>> No.5477216

Can I at least like 2d breasts...

>> No.5477219
File: 12 KB, 276x226, barbaroi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>become a host
...to what manner of parasitic creature?

>> No.5477223

The only people who should be on /jp/ are the ones who post cute pictures. Maybe it's Cirno/Rumia/Mikan/Some girl in Rance or something, but you'd better be fucking posting cute girls. I need my daily fill of adorable.

>> No.5477227


Save everything you like and keep it all in one folder. Really brightens my day in the mornings. I don't even browse that board normally.

>> No.5477233

"so ronery :((" doesn't mean someone who's alone, it means someone who's alone and gives a fuck and posts shit like "omg guys i am so ronery :((("

>> No.5477235
File: 217 KB, 700x1057, 1277509456667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Take it easy

when you learn that replying to idiots accomplishes nothing, you will learn to be at peace.

I am taking a gamble in trusting that you are not as ignorant as some, which is why I am replying to you, so take it easy and ignore what you dont want to see

>> No.5477238
File: 20 KB, 321x267, coolface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread

>> No.5477242
File: 97 KB, 460x544, 1261627837384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I have a folder for that. I'm just always impressed by /jp/'s ability to find new cute images.

>> No.5477244

>People who don't hate 3d aren't welcome here

2d is perfect. 3d is inferior and pig disgusting. The only people who don't acknowledge this are the ones who are afraid of censure.

>People who are "so ronery :(((" aren't welcome here.

People who are "so ronery" need to get back to /a/, /r9k/, /adv/ or /emo/, because they're closet normalfags. Any true NEET will tell you that being alone =/= being ronery; true NEETs are happy that they are liberated from the specious and repressive chain of passion.

>> No.5477257

They are mutually exclusive. The 'so ronery :(((' posts are the ones that are like '3D IS INFERIOR 3D WILL CHEAT ON YOU 3D WILL GIVE YOU STDS THAT IS WHY I AM PROUD TO NEVER TOUCH 3D AGAIN' -- /a/-level shit.

Do you think people from /a/ complain about it? No, they think it's quite cool actually. They basically do what you are doing.

>> No.5477262

I must humbly disagree. Perhaps it's not true for others, but spending ridiculous amounts of time in one room doing nothing but masturbating has left me quite "ronery"

>> No.5477263

>take it easy and ignore what you dont want to see
basically translates to
>live in denial

>> No.5477274

I'm 6'3", dark blond hair, blue eyes, a decent face, and should be in pretty good shape soon thanks to a year of mandatory military service coming up.

Is there hope for me?

>> No.5477275

>I must humbly disagree. Perhaps it's not true for others, but spending ridiculous amounts of time in one room doing nothing but masturbating has left me quite "ronery"

Then you have the weak heart of a normalfag, and you don't belong here.

>> No.5477279
File: 22 KB, 215x224, shiki stance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is, however, what moot told /jp/ to do about stuff it didn't like, and is therefore canon.

>> No.5477282

I respect your opinion, but I am not strong enough to leave. Maybe another day.

>> No.5477286

As long as you don't overestimate yourself and expect people to pay you for sex, I don't see why not.

>> No.5477287

This isn't your blog; go wave your dick somewhere else, normalfag.


>> No.5477290
File: 242 KB, 600x600, 1250992754933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

works for me, join the club faggot

seems like you are living in denial of denial

>> No.5477300

Moot is a faggot who hates this board and would like nothing more than to see it destroyed--or would, if he didn't need it to keep Touhou and VNs out of /a/.

Far from being good advice, if Moot says or does anything, we should act to the contrary because he only has the worst of intentions for us.
