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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 49 KB, 804x475, 1274470217260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5476587 No.5476587 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5476593

Yeah I think so too

>> No.5476605

Gute Nacht!

>> No.5476614 [DELETED] 

RemOEv_yUOR iLlGEAL_Cloen FO_hTtp://WwW.CockstALk.se/ (rEPlacE cOckS WitH_ANon)_iMMEidAtElY. mdlzuphg gkl layx z e zqb gvpxbxrduf

>> No.5476620

But you've slept all day!

>> No.5476627
File: 175 KB, 414x1291, 1269998384568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5476633

Oh, looks like someone had the ideia before me

>> No.5476661


>> No.5476676

Sleep keeps ya young.

>> No.5476696

Meido has been in hibernation for the past 2 months.

>> No.5476759

>You've already reported enough posts.

Well, let's call it a day then.

>> No.5479304
File: 147 KB, 500x500, 1270803734980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5479310

This is the best idea of all time why didn't I think of that

>> No.5479323 [DELETED] 


CHRisBEaR_PoOLtaRD,_REMovE_yOUR Clown_of:_HTtp://tInyurl.CoM/3AXVE5D mxl s esta p c hhxixeblptkbm woyw

>> No.5479319

>drawing "Anonymous" as a green faceless guy in a tuxedo
I thought we were done with this shit

>> No.5479320

Good god no!

>> No.5479325

it's an old ass picture.

>> No.5479333

...No it's not.

>> No.5479339

how new?

>> No.5479334
File: 43 KB, 432x742, 1271313313709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, the meido design is fairly new.

>> No.5479357

About October last year, if memory serves me right.

>> No.5479358

Like a year or less

>> No.5479363

half a year at most.

>> No.5479369

That's not new.

>> No.5479375

Even that's not new.

>> No.5479380


>> No.5479385

It's new if you've been on 4chan since 2003 newfag

>> No.5479394
File: 231 KB, 720x556, 1275404181091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5479395

It's new enough to not be associated with /b/ shit.

>> No.5479406

How else would he be represented than? A giant "/jp/" sign?

>> No.5479409

been on 4 chan since 2005. what's your point?

something "new" is something you haven't seen before.

this design is old. As in, it's been seen before.

>> No.5479416

Are you really nitpicking such a small detail? The artist used a design for Anon that we know as Anon. What th fuck did you want, an original character talking to meido? It'd look like a comic with no association to /jp/.

>> No.5479413

/b/ hasn't done that "Anonymous is one person lol leejun" thing for years

>> No.5479414

My point exactly.

>> No.5479422

Well, it's not like I would know.

>> No.5479431

>Are you really nitpicking such a small detail?

>> No.5479434

>/b/ hasn't done that "Anonymous is one person lol leejun" thing for years
> there are still new people spouting old memes.

how long have you been on this earth? you should know by now things never change. hell, there are people still protesting the church of Scientology.

>> No.5479437

I thought /b/ moved on to representing themselves with Guy Fawkes masks once the whole Scientology raid shit started.

>> No.5479445

they do both.

>> No.5479449

There have been /jp/-tans, zun!bars, so yeah. Sorry for wanting original content.

>> No.5479458

>how long have you been on this earth?
I'm a 9 year old Asian girl

My point was just that I don't see why we always have to carry around the stupid depiction. It was dumb then and it's still dumb now.

>> No.5479472

>I'm a 9 year old Asian girl
Hello, baby.

>> No.5479475
File: 478 KB, 656x2180, 1274954274892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But zun!bar is already represented in these comics. So is Anonymus of Russian Confederation Bot.

In fact, the dude who made these comics is the one who made the meido design that we pretty much settled on.

In other words, he used original content, but suck to using a classic figure head for something we should get right away. See how he had to name Zun!bar for you to know who he was?

>> No.5479482

hewwo mister~

>> No.5479483
File: 410 KB, 414x1382, 1269998421864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anonymus of Russian Confederation Bot
Obvious typo.

>> No.5479489

To be fair creating a new personification specifically for /jp/ would be about as bad.

>> No.5479490

>it's tape.


>> No.5479503

This. Just keep the old design, it's something recognizable.Why would you create a new design for a random /jp/ anon?

>> No.5479520
File: 333 KB, 500x500, 1276354304530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stupid fucking meido

>> No.5479528


Damn straight.

>> No.5479544

Could he at least be made blue or something? I hate being associated with the old /b/ concept. I'm not saying his art isn't good though.

>> No.5479552
File: 33 KB, 705x544, jp0002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5479559


Me on the left.

>> No.5479585
File: 29 KB, 641x363, IT'S HERE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when /jp/ grows up to be Bayonetta

>> No.5479597



Excuse me, but I couldn't help noticing you were talking about the Game of the Year in this thread.

>> No.5479599

Okay. I always got this image was trying to say /jp/ is the bastard child of /a/ and /v/. I get the dude on the sofa watching x-play is obviously /v/, but how does the mother represent /a/ in any way?

>> No.5479635

look at the picture in >>5479552

>> No.5479645

it was made by retards and it's appreciated by retards.

>> No.5479648
File: 27 KB, 547x529, pfffpffpfffff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's Cereza!

>> No.5479666
File: 226 KB, 472x661, 1262753807624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not enough for GotY material (thanks to Bioshock 2, Heavy Rain, ME2, and RDR), but definitely worth some sequels.

>> No.5479682


Sure. Can we have a Bayonetta thread now?

>> No.5479691
File: 18 KB, 480x270, bayonetta1..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see why the fuck not!

>> No.5479694

What is wrong with her hair?

>> No.5479702

What's wrong with YOUR hair?

>> No.5479727
File: 205 KB, 800x450, xbox-360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


