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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 346 KB, 1440x900, 120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5474569 No.5474569 [Reply] [Original]

Rewrite thread.

The hack

Now to read it.

>> No.5474576

Oh fuck, is this one legit? And where did you get it?

>> No.5474578

キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━ !!!!!

>> No.5474584

I want to give a loli to the one who made that.

>> No.5474589

It's legit, got it from Ammy, Nagato is the one who made it.

>> No.5474594


>> No.5474600

the archived game is only 1.35 GB? seems really small

>> No.5474602

Is it a full translation?

>> No.5474604

I just wish mine would finish downloading.

>> No.5474607

Is this any good? It's like the duke nukem forever of visual novels.

>> No.5474612

Maybe because it's a demo, Einstein.

>> No.5474614

It's a demo you fool.

>> No.5474617


>> No.5474620

No, that's the tsukihime remake.

>> No.5474621

Otome Function?

>> No.5474622


>> No.5474625

It's a trial.
I don't see what you mean. Clannad was in development for longer.

>> No.5474628

Bro, you are fabulous

>> No.5474634

6/10 i almost raged.

also that was fast

>> No.5474640
File: 154 KB, 1143x1600, VN_translation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, that Nagato dude does cool stuffs all the time.

>> No.5474642
File: 12 KB, 321x227, yeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nagato hacked this, it means Ixrec is translating it.

>> No.5474647

Probably be better off playing it in Japanese.

>> No.5474657

Makoto deserves more credit than that.

>> No.5474661

Why do you need a hack for a demo?

>> No.5474662

Whatever, you think someone can translate a Romeo game properly? I hope Ixrec delivers this time, if he is as big of a Romeofag he claimed to be.

>> No.5474667

Demos are such a cocktease.
Will it be 18+? I want to fap to new deformed Itaru porn.

>> No.5474668

Because it doesn't play on non-Japanese OS.

>> No.5474669

/jp/'s way of saving face is deleting their threads. It's like I'm really in glorious Nippon.

>> No.5474670

Because of Key anti-gaijin policy which detects that you aren't running the game on a non-japanese OS. True story.

>> No.5474673

The final product will be all ages.

>> No.5474674

Good god, they are doing that shit too? Jeez man.

>> No.5474675

I thought it's all age?

>> No.5474683

All Ages!

>> No.5474688

Thank god it will be All Ages, Key can't make h-scenes for shit.

>> No.5474689


No kidding, man. I thought Key were above that shit. Oh well

>> No.5474691

Well, that doesn't make much sense because of the double negative. I meant:

"which detects that you are running the game on a non-japanese OS"

>> No.5474693

Holy fuck, Kotori's voice is so fucking different from what I expected.

>> No.5474694

It's kinda weird, as the demo came inside the Kudo Wafter limited edition pack.

>> No.5474696

Opening here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaLROShaytU

>> No.5474703

Why is that weird? Key fans buy Kudo Wafter, Key fans get the demo. Also, I'm sure there are people who bought it just for the demo.

>> No.5474709

Romeo fans buy it for the demo I bet.

>> No.5474723

Pretty meh, if you ask me. Still can't beat Little Buster's.

>> No.5474733

Kinda take a while to get used to, especially given her appearance.
But Chiwa Saito is love so it's okay, having Becky as the main heroine isn't bad.

>> No.5474742

Anyone has any idea what the H code would look like?
AGTH go nuts without any.

>> No.5474749

It feels pretty weird seeing Ryukishi07 and Romeo's names in there.

>> No.5474750


>> No.5474751

Kotori is awesome, already my favorite Key main heroine.

>> No.5474753

Pretty sure that's japanese

>> No.5474756

So this game is confirmed to be Key's first real bust right? Romeo is a tool and he should learn how-to write.

>> No.5474761

Pulling random engRish and romaji is PRO for japan. You never noticed that?

>> No.5474768


>> No.5474771

>Kanbe Kotori
>Ohtori Chihaya
>Senri Akane
Why don't they just put it in kana or something?

>> No.5474777

Engrish is cool and hip, you know.

>> No.5474778


Because they obviously are making a surprise visit to MangaGamer's panel at Anime Expo and will release an English trial for us.

>> No.5474791


>> No.5474824

So is the date for the full release announced?

>> No.5474825
File: 55 KB, 805x768, 1272172061333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OPMusic "Philosophyz"

>> No.5475032

How long is the demo?

>> No.5475062

About 3 hours.
A pretty long demo I guess.

>> No.5475289

Probably around 1% of the game. Pretty usual for a demo.

>> No.5475292
File: 1.17 MB, 1280x800, ss5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BGMs from the Rewrite trial: http://www.mediafire.com/?vw5zt42kyqj
23 tracks, 115 MB.

>> No.5475303

This resolution is really godly.

>> No.5475310

Thanks dude, you are awesome

>> No.5475314

It has the best female cast out of any Key game, easily.
Kotori surprised me the most but they are all very likable.

>> No.5475374


It's funny because we were originally complaining that half the cast looked the same as each other.

>> No.5475397

I would strongly disagree, but it's just personal preference.

>> No.5475407

Honestly I thought so too.
Heck just look at Kotori in the OP pic, looking at her like this she looks like your typical boring doormat main heroine, not very appealing.

But she is actually amazing, I'm actually glad she is the main heroine now.

>> No.5475442

But it's just a demo, how do you know things would turn out? Since this is Romeo+R07, plot twists are bound to happened.

>> No.5475451

Romeo and R07 aren't the ones coming up with the plot. They just are writing some of the routes. The plot is already pre-established. And plot twists have been in Key before this.

>> No.5475454

I'm talking about her personality, that's all.
And this is Romeo we are talking about.

>> No.5475460

From Wikipedia:
>Hinoue nominated Tanaka for the scenario staff after she played Cross Channel and became a fan of his work, and Tanaka drew up the entire scenario framework.

>> No.5475464

No, Hinoue came up with the concept.
But a concept isn't a plot, it's just an idea.
And Romeo worked from there.

>> No.5475505

So who are the VAs for the main heroines? Anyone has an idea?
Only one I recognize is Kotori's but I'm not really an expert in this area.

>> No.5475513

Where is everyone getting the actual demo? I can't seem to find it.

>> No.5475517

Who is Kotori's? I don't really recognise it.
Check tokyotosho or hongfire. Should be fairly easy.

>> No.5475519

sukebei nyaatorrents.

>> No.5475533

Something like a major plot twist would've been conceived before getting Romeo. Taking care of the framework is hardly the same as penning the plot. Either way, don't argue with me.

>> No.5475565

Chiwa Saito.

>> No.5475621

I'm guessing that, because Rewrite's using a new engine (and thus it'll take more time to learn how to extract the scripts and reinsert them), it's unlikely that we'll get a translation of the trial, right?

>> No.5475682
File: 1.38 MB, 1280x800, ss3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>[20:39] <~Nagato> it's just a modified reallive
Hacking shouldn't be a problem. Question is, can we get a translator on it?

>> No.5475685

Personally I'm expecting a patch at some point. Those scripts could be used with the full game so it would be highly convenient to do the trial first.

>> No.5475746
File: 1015 KB, 1280x800, ss7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rewrite trial on MegaUpload for those who prefer MegaUpload over torrents:

>> No.5475841

Someone should start a project like the Flyable Heart and Hatsukoi ones, if it's only 3 hours long I'm sure it can be translated fairly quickly. Also it doesn't need to be perfect, it's just a demo.

>> No.5475855

Does this work with AGTH yet?

>> No.5475925

The characters looks like pretty bland moe blobs. You know not even with the usual Key quality like in Clannad or Little Busters!

Romeo is a fucking tool, please die already.

>> No.5476035

I don't know, but if an /h code hasn't been made by the time I finish downloading it then I'll start working on one.

>> No.5476453

I really love its BGM, soft yet endearing. Thanks for the rip!

>> No.5477214

Bump for h code.
I'm hoping you don't live in Australia.

>> No.5477255 [DELETED] 

No, I don't. Download is taking a long time though. ETA 1 1/2 hours.

>> No.5477396

After playing the trial, I'd consider working on a translation if it gets hacked.

>> No.5477406

Hopefully someone will hack it soon, I'd be really grateful if we got a patch for the trial. Thanks in advance, bro.

>> No.5477551


It's been hacked already.

>> No.5477979

By who and when?

>> No.5477993 [DELETED] 


Google it.

>> No.5478013


I have no idea, unfortunately. I've just heard that a crack is out and some folks are playing it.

>> No.5478046

But that is hacked for playing, and from what I understand >>5476035 need a hack for text/gfx extraction and insertion.

>> No.5478074

I tried, I really did. It seems getting an h code for this game was harder than I thought. I'm at a dead end and have no clue what else I can do. Sorry guys. ;_;

Maybe someone better will come along and succeed.

>> No.5478096

Still, your efforts are appreciated anon. Mmm... I wonder if we'll have it hacked on a week or more-so.

>> No.5478108


Ah, my mistake.

...I feel like an idiot now.

>> No.5478715

I was following this guy's video: http://www.hongfire.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1455865

I get to the part where I use the step over function except for my hex dump nothing changes (in the video, his changes to all zeroes). Am I doing something wrong?

>> No.5479571
File: 758 KB, 1280x800, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally install this
Damn, only get B score in performance

>> No.5479893

Are the effects in this game that extravagant?

>> No.5480500

What the fucking fuck. Is this true of Kud Wafter as well?
I have my new copy of it lying unopened on my desk as I write this. If the fucking thing won't run on my computer then it's going right back to Sofmap and Key is getting a polite but angry e-mail from me right away.

>> No.5480532

It is, yeah.

Print screen that email you're going to write and post it

>> No.5480566
File: 85 KB, 1280x800, Re05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is going to steal your waifu.

>> No.5480622

If you're going blame someone for this, blame the translation faggots that won't shut down their shit even after craploads of C&D letters.

Anyway, Lucia looks delicious.

>> No.5480646

To me she looks rather generic, Mai Kawasumi recycle.

>> No.5480665

Except their personalities are completely different.

>> No.5480690

That's a guy?

>> No.5480819

It's sure be something if someone were to whip up a translation of the demo. There'd probably be something for everyone there, considering the odd blend of Key, Ryu07, and Romeo.

>> No.5480845

Yep. This is high tier visual novel right off the bat.

>> No.5480848

It's not that odd. Ryukishi was inspired a lot by Key when he wrote Higurashi, Kazoku Keikaku influenced Clannad, etc.

>> No.5480923

So, how is the trial of Rewrite?

>> No.5480930

It's shit.

>> No.5480938

Troll-kun, do you still want to stir shit up again?

>> No.5480956

Keyfag, why aren't you tired of reading the same VN over and over? Look at the girl in OP's post, she looks exactly like every other kawaii uguu bitch made by Key.

>> No.5480980

Why don't you go back to sucking Nasu's cock somewhere else?

>> No.5480990

Because I play Key games for the art.

>> No.5480999
File: 224 KB, 1280x800, op00.mpg_snapshot_01.15_[2010.06.26_10.37.23].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except Kotori is really fucking different from your usual Key main heroine.
Her character is definitely more Romeo than Maeda.

>> No.5481015

can't wait for the translation to complete in 5 years

I'll start taking some japanese I suppose...

>> No.5481052

It's excellent.

Also bump.

>> No.5481056

So for the VA, so far almost confirmed:
Kotori = Chiwa Saito (Becky in Pani Poni Dash)

Shizuru = Suzuki Keiko (Yumemi in Planetarian, Haruka/Kanata in Little Busters).

Akane = Ueda Kana (Rin in FSN)

>> No.5481070

If the game is Romeo then it's is too late for you. Anyway, I hope Ixrec delivers if he is as big of a Romeofags he claimed to be.

>> No.5481137

So I promised some Anon I'd find this.

/KF /HW8@4329d0

>> No.5481174

It works! Thank you very much!

>> No.5481214

What are you supposed to do with this?

>> No.5481222


>> No.5481253

You put it in the shortcut to AGTH + Rewrite, before the Rewrite path. It'll allow AGTH to correctly catch Rewrite's text, making stuff easier to look up or machine translate.

>> No.5481289

anyone care to upload the CGs?

>> No.5481298
File: 428 KB, 1296x858, kLO11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5481616

Text insertion?

>> No.5481630

So rewrite is all ages? Lame. I'll wait for the xrated version then.

>> No.5481650

It won't come, LB had eroge voice actress doing the roles from the beginning, Rewrite has Ueda Kana and Chiwa Saito, they won't do ero.

>> No.5481657

You should do everyone a favor and kill yourself.

>> No.5481663

Imagine Ryukishi trying to write an ero scene, for just one moment. That's right, you can't.

>> No.5481686

Oh look it's one of those elitist faggots that thinks VNs are literature.

>> No.5481732


Dude, VNs are made for ero. Sure some of them have nice stories, but I like them for their ero scenes too.

>> No.5481795


>> No.5481809

He's probably capable of writing a decent ero-scene, he just can't draw.

>> No.5481810

Nukige are for ero, normal VNs are for story.

>> No.5481833



>> No.5481892

Where's the background glow for the text area?

>> No.5481908

Release dem tools, man. Someone'll definitely pick this up.

>> No.5481952

Yeah, I wonder when will they invent books there in Japan.

>> No.5482123

Considering all his sexual innuendos on his series, I'd say he has been wanting to write a h-scene for a long time yet he can't thanks to the age-rating of his works.

>> No.5482204


>> No.5482215
File: 402 KB, 1440x900, GgXRY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're not my tools, and they're not finished yet. I'm sure that the person who made that screenshot will release their tools once finished.

>> No.5482220

Writing it is no problem and does not scare me.

>> No.5482245

And I hope he'll continue to be like this. We have enough h-shit already.

>> No.5482315
File: 95 KB, 779x376, dowant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5482515

Ryukishi doesn't want to write H scenes, and he wanted Rewrite to be all ages.

>> No.5482530

I've been trying to decompress tcdata so I can look at the scripts, but the program I found (unTCR) keeps telling me that it's not a TCR-compressed file. Is there any other way to extract the scripts?

If this is a stupid question, please feel free to ignore it- I'm not that experienced with this kind of thing

>> No.5482654

Basically, what you're trying to do is use tools made for other games to extract this game's resources.
However, this game is different and uses a new (?) engine, so no tools work with this game yet. In other words, a hacker needs to make tools for it.

>> No.5482757
File: 1.93 MB, 1305x1846, moe 140645 kippu rewrite seifuku thighhighs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you they guy who said it'd be easy to find the h code and I asked you to do it then? Whatever the case, thanks!

>> No.5482941


can you do same job with Kud Wafter pls?:)

>> No.5483131


That's me. It was pretty easy too, though not the five minute job I expected.


Copy-protection anti-debugger crap makes it hard to find h-codes.

>> No.5483729


>> No.5483824
File: 112 KB, 720x405, 1277255716959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When this actually come out
Because of the demo I will probably go
Shizuru -> Kotori -> Senri -> Outori -> Lucia -> others -> True Kotori

>> No.5483833

Chihaya for me. The rest I don't really care about.

>> No.5484222

The anti-debugging isn't much of a problem. If you have strong enough anti-anti-debugging plugin(s) then you can easily run the program in ollydbg without any anti-debugging errors.

>> No.5484621

Does anyone have the opening song? I can't even find a full version, or a good quality short version.

>> No.5484626

Only one I didn't like that much was Lucia.

>> No.5484642

Hasn't he only played one Romeo game?

>> No.5484662

There is no full version yet.

>> No.5484663


>> No.5484959

The OP most likely won't be out till the game is actually out.

>> No.5485125

Just listened to the demo soundtrack that was posted yesterday.

Damnit, it's good. I swear some of these tracks give me some Clannad, Cross Channel, and Umineko vibes.

>> No.5485136

or hopefully a few weeks before release like Kud Wafter
i am quite fond of the OP

>> No.5485144

>Cross Channel, and Umineko vibes
Probably just your imagination.
It's ok, but I think Little Busters and Air had better OPs.

>> No.5485157

This is feeling more solid than Little Busters already, hopefully it means Key are back at their best.

>> No.5485173

If someone is interested, here's the (ripped) short version of the OP http://www.mediafire.com/?dygznm1muni

>> No.5485179

Little Busters was Key's "guinea pig" for visual novel elements and minigames that their fans would and would not like, right?
I think it is not far to believe Rewrite is the culmination of that.

>> No.5485204

Didn't Tomoyo After have minigame stuff in it? I haven't read it so I'm not sure.

>> No.5485219

Personally I thought it felt like a transition from the key style to a more common galge style.
Probably the reason why it's not as well liked as Air or Clannad, it kind of feel like a departure from the old Key in many ways.

It does, pretty good too.

>> No.5485233

>Little Busters was Key's "guinea pig"

>> No.5485237

So who wrote which characters?
Only ones who seem really obvious are Kotori with Romeo and Lucia with R07.

>> No.5485251

I don't think they've said yet.

>> No.5485311

Is someone already working on a translation?

>> No.5485333
File: 13 KB, 296x186, 1276862311119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5485501

Muscles, muscles, gotta have'em all~

>> No.5486235


>> No.5486254 [DELETED] 

chriSBeAr poOltaRd,_remOVE_YoUr cLOWN Of:_HtTP://TInYuRL.cOM/3AXvE5D
aa k sgvghnepy yzlw phrtw w p uebl

>> No.5486263

I wish i could understand japanese better. shit sucks.

>> No.5486628

Not gonna announce anything further yet than "I am."

Currently text-only, of course. Once some tools get released and significant progress is made, you guys'll hear about it.

>> No.5486755

Who is this and why does that damn face look so familiar.

>> No.5486789


Fucking sweet.

Thanks a lot for the effort, man.


Masato Inohara, from Little Busters.

>> No.5486793

I know what you mean. It's so hard to stay motivated.

>> No.5487683

up because best vn demo ever

>> No.5488426

Tonokawa -> Shizuru

>> No.5488480

>but I think Little Busters and Air had better OPs

No question "Tori no Uta" is amazing, but I actually find "Philosophyz" to be more to my liking than "Little Busters!". Not that I don't like "Little Busters!", but "Philosophyz" gives off more of a "Mag Mell" vibe to me, and I really like Clannad's OP so...

>> No.5488835

Can you post some of the text and translation to prove you're not bullshitting and your translation is decent? It might motivate a certain hacker to dump a translatable script sooner~

>> No.5489377


>> No.5489755
File: 15 KB, 200x280, [small][AnimePaper]scans_Rewrite_Key03(0.71)__THISRES__276553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rewrite trial scripts to be translated:

-Comment out (put '//' before the lines) the original line and a translated line below it. Make sure you also have the line number (for example '<0004> ') in front of the translated line.
-Do not touch empty lines, lines with command gibberish (such as '<0002> BS_DT_A') or lines with only a name (such as '<0009> 理香子_体験版'). You'll probably break the game if you touch them.
Insertion tools have not been finished yet; Nagato is still working on them.
If you are serious about translating the Rewrite trial, please contact Nagato (in #Ensue or #Ammy on irc.rizon.net, you can also try contacting him through the Amaterasu forums ( http://amaterasu.is.moelicious.be/forums/index.php?action=profile;u=1 )).

Scripts were not uploaded to TLWiki as someone would inevitably Atlas it (the same thing happened to the Air project).

>> No.5489803

>Scripts were not uploaded to TLWiki as someone would inevitably Atlas it (the same thing happened to the Air project).
That's discrimination!

>> No.5489811
File: 1018 KB, 193x211, cool.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5490246
File: 342 KB, 153x113, 1254562979320.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5490276

>Scripts were not uploaded to TLWiki as someone would inevitably Atlas it (the same thing happened to the Air project).
Don't we have editors to fix stuff like that?

>> No.5490454

Come one guys, it's a great occasion to make a good use of your japanese skills, it will make a lot of people happy. I can only cheer you on because I can't do anything else.

>> No.5490645
File: 1.44 MB, 1280x800, Muu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is so kawaii.

>> No.5490705



>> No.5490724
File: 556 KB, 1680x1050, mu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5490731

Personally, I really hope Rewrite is their next project.

It would be awesome to get a key game the year of its release.

Plus the talent assembled for this is first class. It's r07, Romeo, and Key. I can't imagine it being anything short of a masterpiece.

>> No.5490736

Shame I can't use my ATLAS skillz to help this project.

>> No.5490746

isn't he doing Lucia?

>> No.5490757

It hasn't been said who he is doing. And he could do more than one character.

>> No.5490763

I'm sure Key asked him for a moe sound for Shizuru and he answered that. Also, she's probably a witch.

>> No.5490767

I doubt he is though.
Shizuru seems more Tonokawa than R07.

>> No.5490769

Key fucking started the whole moe sound thing you know.
Remember "Uguu"?

>> No.5490770

From what I understood, R07 and Romeo are both working together on the concept, and then working as a collaborative team on the writing, with that one really brilliant dude from Key contributing.

>> No.5490779

Talk about dream team.

>> No.5490782

There is already a witch in the cast.

>> No.5490785

I know. And it would be silly to assume he is doing a character because of 'Muu'.

>> No.5490786


>> No.5491097
File: 513 KB, 640x480, ....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assume you're joking, but just in case you aren't: No editor can fix mistranslation. There are TLCers that do exactly that, but in the case of an Atlas translation (>50% mistranslation rate), it's easier to just retranslate everything from scratch.
In other words, Atlas translations are useless at best, and extremely damaging at worst (like >>5489755 said, see Air project).

pic related: a line Atlas translates correctly, although only if name tags aren't Atlas-translated.

>> No.5491112

You severely underestimate ATLAS.
There's quite a lot of people that's using it to play eroge you know.

>> No.5491143

Yes, people use it to play eroge.
Have you ever watched an unsubbed anime without knowing Japanese? If you know what the show is about, you will more or less understand what happens.

Atlas is only a slight step above that. With Atlas, you can more or less understand what the characters are saying. However, to TRANSLATE (and not make 50% of every sentence up), you need to fully understand what the characters are saying.
It's just like how when you're learning a new language, you can read a text and more or less understand it, but can't properly translate it. You need to know a language well enough to translate from that language.

>> No.5491201

People say they read eroge using ATLAS, but I question how much they really understand.

>> No.5491271

It's not like they have anything to compare it with. I don't think anyone who have read something with Atlas reread it after the actual translation's release.

>> No.5492057

What were you doing on page 5?

Back up you go.

>> No.5492103

I tried using Atlas to play Tsuyokiss when I had taken only 1 semester of Japanese. Needless to say, my 3 month Japanese knowledge gave me a better understanding of the game than reading from Atlas.

>> No.5492899


>> No.5492948

So... who could give a review based off the trial?

>> No.5492976

ATLAS is worthless, that said i don't think any machine translation could do better. Japanese is a fucked up language.

>> No.5492978

10/10 - Masterpiece

>> No.5492985


How is the hack installed?

Should I just drop it in the program directory?

>> No.5492987

He said 'a review', not 'a rating'. We all know it's 10/10, but what's so good about it?

>> No.5492999

A solid ten.
1280x800 is like a cake on top of the cake, too.

>> No.5493010

/jp/'s perception of this game over time.

Trial just came out: 10/10! Masterpiece!

Full game is released, 1/3 of the board has played it all the way: 7/10, pretty good

Game is translated, everyone on /jp/ and other places have played it: 2/10 this is HORSE SHIT!!!

>> No.5493029


Yeah, just drop it in the game directory and overwrite. Seems to be a no-CD patch, too.


Yeah, impressions would be nice. I've installed the game, but since I can't read it...


But this is what creates anti-translation faggots who email eroge companies and ask for C&Ds.

>> No.5493040

Sadly the truth, haters will always hate; yet I bet Rewrite will be pretty memorable, plot and character-wise.

>> No.5493043

Thank god nobody sane care about the opinion of /jp/

>> No.5493045

Doubt it'll be able to top Clannad

>> No.5493076

Clannad was a pile of shit.

>> No.5493078

The most surprising thing about the trial was Kotori.
She is the exact opposite of what I expected her to be.

>> No.5493088

Yeah sure bro

>> No.5493090


>I'm a huge faggot, please rape my face.

>> No.5493096


>> No.5493107


>> No.5493166

2/10 right? A pile of HORSE shit, I must say.

>> No.5493184

Clannad has translation, you trolls are proving this >>5493010 point.

>> No.5493186

I just finished translating the first seen.txt to see if I could do it. How's the other translator doing?

>> No.5493193

You guys should put the Rewrite translation up somewhere so you aren't translating the same parts

>> No.5493201
File: 752 KB, 126x96, 1268071287278.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if this is true, but if it is, your sir have earned a well-deserved kitten.

>> No.5493215

Hoping this will be released this year.

>> No.5493221

From the trial, I think Rewrite looks pretty good. But it's really hard to say without actually playing any of the routes.

>> No.5493225

There are other translators?

Anyways, can you post some of your translation so we can see what it's like?

>> No.5493409

Bump for review and translation sample

>> No.5493419


>> No.5493420


Thanks, man!

>> No.5493528

Sorry guys, I was cooking some rabbit for dinner.
Here it is:

>> No.5493538
File: 567 KB, 256x180, 1277384748010.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5493559

キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━ !!!!!

>> No.5493564
File: 270 KB, 600x404, 11556010_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's just a sample, friend

>> No.5493576

WWW.aNOxntxAlk.se REmoVe alL_x ThEre ANd telL moOt_tO eAt_a BUcKET_oF NiGgEr_dicKS
xph u gjhqplv sucb noclywdad bb x t

>> No.5493584

I can fake it through this with Atlas but as reluctant as I am to admit it, I am a keyfag and therefore would really, really, love to see this projected started... and completed. So stay away, Moogy!

>> No.5493585

Also, I probably won't be able to translate everything. Romeo is hardcore.

>> No.5493788

I have just finished reading the first seen.txt tranlated by anon.

Damnit, Rewrite is the story of my life.

>> No.5493814

I don't really know enough Japanese to judge, but the translation looks quite good, barring the occasional typo (we can get editors/QCers to pick them out).

>> No.5493987

Even as short as your translation is, I already love Rewrite's narrative (Romeo, oh youuuu)

>> No.5494058

Getting when I get to a place with decent internet

>> No.5494110

Any CG rips yet?

>> No.5494135


Dude, you can eat Bugs Bunny AND Roger Rabbit and I won't give a fuck if you keep on translating this game. Just this snippet was better handling of the runes than more than half of the localization groups out there.

>> No.5495050


>> No.5495135

Hmm, I'm not sure how I feel about the way Yoshino's line was translated.

>> No.5495360

What do you suggest?

>> No.5495830

I just don't think 'fuck off' is very appropriate. It's far more obscene than what he is saying so it sounds awkward to me.

>> No.5496200
File: 362 KB, 1296x853, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The text in seen01000 can't be accessed normally it seems. I had to put a marker in the script to get it to display the text instead of going on with the fancy effects.

I still need to implement some kind of wordwrapping (important) and fix/redo my slow as fuck compression. There's also an obscure disassembly bug that isn't a priority right now (only happens in 1 system file which doesn't need to be edited anyway).

>> No.5496221

It really depends on context and tone of voice, neither of which the reader knows. What do you think of "Fuck if I know"

>> No.5496235

Dude, this is awesome. I feel more motivated now.

>> No.5496745

>>This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by visualarts.

>> No.5496772

Well damn.

>> No.5496784

Wow, you're awesome!

>> No.5496806

Is the seen0100.txt simply translation or is there a way to insert it into the gameplay yet?

>> No.5496895


>> No.5496921


So he's cleaning it up I take it?

>> No.5497362


Well holy shit. Guess there's hope after all.

>> No.5497592

Here's the second seen.txt


Any suggestions for a hiza kakkun replacement?
See here: http://45web.net/hiza_kakkun.htm

I'm sure there's something better out there than "pulling down pants".

>> No.5498200

Seemed more like Tonokawa's writing to me, since it's not as flashy as Romeo's usual writing.

>> No.5498352

//<0011> だから吉野が、漫画やゲームに出てくるようなキザな口調で話すことを知っ
<0011> The truth is, besides him, I don't know many people who talk like they jumped out of a comic book or video game.
>That's why few people know that Yoshino talks like a(ry

>> No.5498465

I am unfamiliar with this. What's supposed to be after (ry?

>> No.5498508

(ry = (略), just means "etc". or whatever. Didn't bother typing out the whole thing again since the rest of the translation's sentence was fine

>> No.5498537

Apparently some things from the trial are going to be rewritten, so translating it now might be a bit pointless.

>> No.5498578

>surprisingly few people
if you want to keep the 意外に, I guess.

>> No.5498672


>> No.5498970

Just finished the demo
Akane > Kotori > Chihaya > Shizuru > Lucia

But they are all good, usually I have 1 or 2 heroines in the Key games that annoy me but they are all very likable here.
And Kotori is the best Key main heroine so far.

>> No.5499013

Akane > Kotori > Chihaya > Shizuru > Lucia

Finished the demo yesterday and yes I agree that everyone is likable. The last three was pretty much scores the same position for me but Akane and Kotori was superior.

>> No.5499027
File: 640 KB, 900x480, kotori - the new kyou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I've heard that Kotori is the best Key heroine from multiple people already...it really makes me curious for the translation. She has Kyou's awesome smirk, but is she really that awesome...?

>> No.5499041

Good catch dude. Let me change it.

What do think of this one?

ろからのぞき込み、 いちいち格好良すぎる言葉づかいに爆笑することで親しみを示し、ひざかっ
>It was lunch break, and I only tried to have a heart-to-heart this fella, to follow him to the John and watch him pee from behind, to laugh uproariously at all the way too rad jokes he tells to tighten our friendship, and despite the fact there was nothing like pulling down each others pants to destroy our caramarederie...

>> No.5499060
File: 83 KB, 240x260, 1276922079645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5499099

>Even though there hasn't been anything like talking openheartedly to each other every lunch break, going to the restroom together and peep from behind, showing our familiarity by laughing at each other when trying too hard to be cool, or expressing our friendship by pulling off crazy jokes like the knee-back-attack.

English is probably a bit dodgy since it's not my first language, but you should get what the sentence was about like that. Also I just read your post so I don't know what the context is.

>> No.5499101

Besides the fact that it's spelled wrong, what don't you like about it?

>> No.5499117

Holy shit, I parsed that completely wrong then.

>> No.5499123

Well there isn't really any Key heroines like her.

I guess you could say she is kinda similar to Miki in Cross Channel, though that's not really right either.

>> No.5499173

Sorry bro, but this is looking like it's above your level.

>> No.5499199

Well, that was pretty much clear from the beginning.

>> No.5499327

how come Romeo didnt get anime adaptations for his novels? poor Romeo ;_;

>> No.5499330

Because he hasn't written anything good

>> No.5499338

Well Rewrite will most likely get one.

>> No.5499351

how come little busters hasn't got one? ;_;

>> No.5499359

IIRC, Romeo has a light novel series right? Probably that will be his first adapted work ( if that would happen) since LNs have a higher chance for adaptation than VNs nowadays.

>> No.5499363

Hard to animate due to its plot, not as well liked as Clannad, Kanon or Air.

>> No.5499370

KyoAni are animating it in 2011.

>> No.5499424

You could ask same about Setoguchi's and Urobuchi's works as well.

>> No.5499446

Urobuchi has had one of his VNs adapted twice and has written an anime though.

>> No.5499447

And LooseBoy too, I want to see Himawari no Shoujo animated, more Touka for me ;_;

>> No.5499449

Who the hell are they?

>> No.5499454


>> No.5499462

I'd be proud of that one point IF I was trolling.

>> No.5499475

Same could be said about a lot of some of the more famous VNs, no anime adapions for Loose boy's works or MLA either.

There are some rumors that Loose boy and Akabei didn't give in to one for Sharin no kuni and âge did pretty much said that there wouldn't be a MLA anime on the Kiminozo radio. Perhaps Romeo has done the same thing?

>> No.5499544

I still can't believe that you're serious, but oh well.
Urobuchi Gen: Wrote Phantom and Saya among others, and is recently writing light novels.
Setoguchi Renya: Wrote Swan Song and Kira Kira, among others, and is recently writing light novels although he's supposedly doing another doujin VN under alias.

>> No.5499554

Looseboy not approving Sharin anime I can kind of understand, since it would be really hard to make a good adaption of it, but what's up with âge?
I guess that makes sense if they want to keep MLA as visual novel to show just how good the presentation on genre can be.

>> No.5499617

Why is it hard to adapt Sharin? Other than that single plot twist, the linear nature of the story would make it easier to be adapted.

>> No.5499699

There's not much to animate in Sharin, most of the content and greatness of the game come from Kenichi's thoughts.

>> No.5499788

Setoguchi's alias is also credited on that Second Novel PSP game.

>> No.5499817

>You could ask same about Setoguchi's and Urobuchi's works as well.
Urobuchi's Phantom has 2 cour long TV series and a few episodes long OVA series, and he's the main creator of Blassreiter which is a Nitro+ / Gonzo collaboration.

>> No.5500359
File: 1.27 MB, 1280x800, Akane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is voiced by Eri Kitamura? Fuck I hate Kitamura.

But perhaps I can grow out of that hate with Akane.

>> No.5500662

To be honest bro, it rather sound like Tamura to me.
Not overly sure, but the tone is pretty much close to her bernkastel style, albeit not as deep as usual.

Can be wrong, but it really sounds like Yukarin.

>> No.5500690

I admit it's in the same cooldere tier yeah. But try hearing Kitamura out when she voices her regular on Fairy Tail for example.

>> No.5501189


>> No.5501241

Aren't we over bumplimit?

>> No.5501652

New thread?

>> No.5501696

Sure. Why not

>> No.5501754

New thread
