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5461645 No.5461645 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck yeah Tanomura you're one awesome fucker! You may have the tsundere as your reward!

>> No.5461652
File: 123 KB, 806x626, Capture2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screw Yuka, incest end is best end!

>> No.5461747


>> No.5461786

He is what Anon will end up as in that situation, don't hate yourself, bro.

>> No.5461847

Oh sweet niggers I didn't realize the patch finally came out.

It's time to d-d-DOWNLOAD!!!

>> No.5461848

Fucking awesome game is fucking awesome.
I just got the normal ending, best thing I saw in long while.

>> No.5462081
File: 412 KB, 801x629, shittyart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5462092

Delicious rape scenes and NTR ends.

>> No.5462821

Seems like /jp/ hasn't finished this game yet. You guys must be really busy with nothing.

>> No.5463042

Hmm it turned out into something like the Lord of the Flies after all.
I think I'd prefer if they didn't left the church. I hate how everything deteriorated so fast. I still don't see how that otaku managed to turn everyone to his side, especially the females.

>> No.5463226

What's different in 1.2?

>> No.5463258

Personally I felt the way it deteriorated so fast was pretty realistic.
In such a situation, most people want to hold onto something steady, Takuma just managed to get this job.

>> No.5463268

It was beautiful, easily the best VN I read.
The good ending was a bit too convenient though.

>> No.5463284

Does she die? If no, I'm not interested.
Best game ever!

>> No.5463295

Depends on the ending.

>> No.5463315

This is fucking hilarious. You're all 14 here, am I right?

>> No.5463335

Not really. It's bullshit that he managed to convince everyone to conspire with him to kill Hida-san and keep it from Tanomura. Especially seeing that Hida is a well respected leader, Tanomura is charismatic and popular with the girls and he's an otaku with an unpopular girlfriend.

It was bad decision on Tanomura's part to entrust the vigilance corps to him. He should've put Tsukasa as the head of the administrative division while he stayed at the vigilance corps.

I really liked Takuma at the start, especially when he manned the fuck up. The protag is too emotionless while Tanomura is too upbeat, they both feel like Gary Stu, hell they even have special abilities. Takuma on the other hand feels human, I can relate to him the most. Too bad he we went too much off the deep end. His character has potential, shame they turned him into a crazy bastard.

>> No.5463383

...What? How does her death depending on the ending have anything to do with my age?

>> No.5463384

Hida was charismatic but weak, that's why he got disposed. Takuma was proactive and close to the other people, actually the fact that he wasn't a superhuman like Hida helped in making him the leader.

I felt Takuma's characterization was very well done, you also have to realize how traumatizing and dangerous the situation they were in was.
It's like being swept up by a strong current, a normal human behavior is to hold on the strongest branch no matter what, that was Takuma, in the same way Hida looked like a branch that could break easily.

And sometime you have some extraordinary humans like Tsukasa or Tanomura who actually manage to swim by themselves, but they are more of an exception.

Anyways, it's a fiction so of course the rise to power was a little exagerated, though weirder stuffs happened in real life.
But the psychological portraits of the various characters were amazing, it's the first time I saw a VN where the characters actually looked like "humans".

>> No.5463564

So how is the translation?
Did Takajun do a good job?

>> No.5463737

I think so, but this is /jp/ where we are. You are bound to find many people who can't be satisfied with any kind of translation.

>> No.5463906

Fuck that. His characterization went to shit the moment the writer turned him into a complete deranged monster. He even did horrible things to his friends.

This is bullshit, how can he not realized he turned into one of the monsters he so loathe? He should've been better than that.

Anyway fuck this, if something like this happens in real life I guess I'll copy the enlightened salaryman and live alone.

>> No.5463957

He didn't turn into a monster.
He just did whatever weak people at heart do when they get at a position of power during a difficult time.

He panicked and went from bad to worse with the power and newfound popularity getting to his head, along with the paranoia induced by this situation, his own self-loathing and the fact that he was trying to become someone different from his old useless otaku self and the fact that he and his group had an enemy to hate in the form of the cult.

And you seem to think they were all best friends or something, they just met for a short while and had to bond to survive, that's all.
Heck Takuma felt like shit compared to Tsukasa or Tanomura, he definitely felt like the odd one out.

Of course everything is decided by the writer, it's a fiction, but the problem is whether you as the reader accept it or not.
I thought it was done well enough to accept it.

>> No.5464118

>He didn't turn into a monster.
He did tons of inhuman things man, I'm not sure how you can call him not a monster. I drew the line once he started raping people for fun.

He didn't panicked. He carefully planned Hida's death after all. Hell he was a calculating bastard all throughout the war.

>they just met for a short while and had to bond to survive
No matter how short it was, they still lived and went through turbulent times together. You can't just handwave that and make him do cruel things to them for no reason at all. They did nothing to antagonize him man. Can you rape, torture and kill someone that helped you survive?

>> No.5464281

How can you be sure you would react as a noble fashion in such a setting?
You should read more apocalyptic novel and the likes.
Humans are weak by default, you should always expect the worse especially when they are put in a situation that endanger their life, noble people that could place other above themselves are an exception and not the rule.
Takuma was weak and broke under the pressure, but his weakness made him close to normal people and that's why he became the leader.
His own self-loathing and jealousy is what pushed him above the edge as well.

Takuma wasn't a hero or whatever, I don't know what you expected of him.
But if you add everything that happened, his transformation make a lot of sense, you may not have liked it because you expected something else though.

>> No.5464362

Man that last reveal was rageinducing.
Fuck sluts pretending to be virgins. That is all.

>> No.5464394

She's pure. You don't understand.

>> No.5464405

Haha oh wow. Enjoy your denial.
She practically spelt it out.

>> No.5464428

It made me like her more, great character.

>> No.5464445

I raged as well

>> No.5464633

Now I'm not sure what you're arguing about.

>How can you be sure you would react as a noble fashion in such a setting?
Eh, who the hell said I would? I just said he's a monster.
Not being a monster does not automatically makes you noble.

>Takuma wasn't a hero or whatever, I don't know what you expected of him.
I only expect of him to not be a sadistic bastard. Especially since the reason he developed character to begin with is because he can't forgive sadistic bastards. Now why did he turn into one? Why did he turn into something he hates? And why didn't he realized about it? It's way out of character for him.

He's the character I can relate to the most so I really feel bad when the writer just used him as a device to portray atrocious acts.

Anyway I didn't really enjoy the vn that much, shit happens too conveniently. I think I would've enjoyed it more if it was a survival VN and not a Lord of the Flies one.

>> No.5464663 [DELETED] 

Was the ghost that Nozomi saw in the school building ever explained? I thought it would be Aroe wandering around at night since she was described as looking like a ghost in the prologue but there doesn't seem to be any evidence for that.

Also, what's the significance of the dream Yuka sees in the good ending? It didn't make any sense to me.

>> No.5464673

Was the ghost that Nozomi saw in the school building ever explained? I thought it would be Aroe wandering around at night since she was described as looking like a ghost in the prologue but there doesn't seem to be any evidence for that.

Also, what's the significance of the dream Yuka sees in the good ending? It didn't make any sense to me.

>> No.5464689

A monster is someone who is inhuman.
I'm just saying that freaking out and going to the deep end in such a situation is a very humane thing to do.
Most people would say they hate such things too, doesn't change the fact that people can be really fucking cruel during the hardest time.

Survival instinct, bandwagon effect, paranoia.
That's what Swan Song tried to portray.

But saying that Takuma was only used as a device is just too much, Swan Song is a character driven story and if anything it's the story and various event that were used as devices to show different sides of the characters.

>> No.5464703 [DELETED] 

>Also, what's the significance of the dream Yuka sees in the good ending? It didn't make any sense to me.
Basically, Yuka talking with her past self about how stupid the whole "don't feel anything so you can't be hurt" thing is.

Also, I found a pretty interesting theory about [spoile]the meaning of Aroe reconstructing the statue. If you see it literally as reviving God, it makes sense the Sun can shine again. I'm not sure whether I buy it or not but it at least makes sense if you ignore God forgave humanity in the True End too in spite of the statue being never completely rebuilt.

>> No.5464720

>Also, what's the significance of the dream Yuka sees in the good ending? It didn't make any sense to me.
Basically, Yuka talking with her past self about how stupid the whole "don't feel anything so you can't be hurt" thing is.

Also, I found a pretty interesting theory about the meaning of Aroe reconstructing the statue. If you see it literally as reviving God, it makes sense the Sun can shine again. I'm not sure whether I buy it or not but it at least makes sense if you ignore God forgave humanity in the True End too in spite of the statue being never completely rebuilt.

>> No.5464718 [DELETED] 

rEMoev yuor illgEaL clOEn_fO_HTTp://wWw.anoMNOMTaLk.sE/ (aNoMnOM =_ANON) IMmeIDATElY. btzzo cdj flugzldulzn r xua tnviccl

>> No.5464723

I guess I'm getting a little too much into it, though it just shows I really loved it a lot.

>> No.5464805

>A monster is someone who is inhuman.
You just described what Takuma did. Or are you honestly saying what he did isn't inhuman?
He started a human but lost his humanity somewhere down the line.

>But saying that Takuma was only used as a device is just too much
But that's what it really felt, at least to me.
His change was too sudden. His plans too unnecessary cruel.

>> No.5464832

>I only expect of him to not be a sadistic bastard. Especially since the reason he developed character to begin with is because he can't forgive sadistic bastards. Now why did he turn into one? Why did he turn into something he hates? And why didn't he realized about it.

Because he was the one who got his hands dirty. He inherited the role when there was actual conflict, with a solid opposition and dwindling resources to worry about. That's what distanced him from the rest of the group. Then again, Tanomura's family's death never really seemed to affect him, and Tsukasa was just as stoic after murdering Yuka's abductor as he was before, so he was probably the most affected by his surroundings and couldn't really share how he felt about it, having to appear strong in front of his men. That's how Yuka almost got to him later on by letting him open up.

As he said in the end, everything he did he thought was right, even when the extreme situations he interpreted this to be kill = survive and rape = reward.

Maybe things would've turned out better if he actually loved Nozomi and could open up to her properly. That or she wasn't badshit crazy herself.

>> No.5464889 [DELETED] 


RemoeV_yUoR_IlLGEAl_CLoeN fo HtTP://wwW.AnomnoMTalk.sE/ (anoMnOm = ANON) IMMEiDaTEly. brww lx gyib mwyz jx oubqo eogni gl z

>> No.5464893

Personally I loved Tsukasa and Takuma.
Tanomura had some badass moments but he was a little too perfect.

>> No.5464908

What he did and what he became where all too human.
I think you're underestimating both the situation they were all in and the depths of depravity downtrodden people like Takuma can sink to when put in that situation.

>> No.5464945

I liked when Taku gave a blowjob to a corpse.

>> No.5464995 [DELETED] 

Tsukasa probably annoyed me the most out of all the cast, seeing that everything landed so perfectly for him.

First of all: Autistic sidekick to make him appear more human.
Secondly Yuka: Who just happens to be the girl he injured his hand for in the first place trying to get her dress back to her.
The Doctor who happened to hear him play overseas and was encouraged to keep practising medicine.
Don't get me started on the whole she's your sister/you must constantly have sex with her due to this sacred prophesy I just made up.

That and the fact that his injury was enough to keep him out of the vigilante group, and yethe was able to kill several trained people at the end in quick succession despite having only one (poor) arm.

Not that I'm calling him a Gary Stu, but all things considered, perhaps Takuma was a bit justified in having an inferiority complex compared to the rest of the group.

>> No.5465013

I can tell English isn't your native language. That's okay because it made me chuckle.

>> No.5465015

Tsukasa probably annoyed me the most out of all the cast, seeing that everything landed so perfectly for him.

First of all: Autistic sidekick to make him appear more human.
Secondly Yuka: Who just happens to be the girl he injured his hand for in the first place trying to get her dress back to her.
The Doctor who happened to hear him play overseas and was encouraged to keep practising medicine.
Don't get me started on the whole 'she's your sister/you must constantly have sex with her due to this sacred prophesy I just made up' thing.

That and the fact that his injury was enough to keep him out of the vigilante group, and yet was able to kill several trained people at the end in quick succession despite having only one (poor) arm.

Not that I'm calling him a Gary Stu, but all things considered, perhaps Takuma was a bit justified in having an inferiority complex compared to the rest of the group.

>> No.5465025

His personality is what I really liked.
I felt he was a stoic character done well.

>> No.5465061

As a pianist, his father was famous, and coincidences concerning where and how he played are possible.
It's not even an Important aspect. Not many things change by that connection.
And really, you have people in a frenzy fighting blindly, sticking them with sharp things when they come near you takes no exceptional skill. He was not fighting alone against a group. He was not the only one who stayed close to Aroe either. And if the past event with Yuka did not happen, the current dynamics and relationships would never happen, which makes the story kinda pointless, and I am not sure how that attributes to Gary Stu or whatever retarded terms idiots use

>> No.5465100

Oh shit, I just realized what it means now.

I meant to write
I liked when Taku made the corpse of the girl to suck his dick.

>> No.5465162

True but coincidences concerning his offspring meeting up in the same city and surviving the same disaster are a little hard to swallow.

The whole 'doctor' thing just seemed like an excuse for him to have a connection to him before he died, and give him something to do while the rest were working.

It just seems unnatural that in a post-disaster world where everyone is losing touch with their previous lives, Tsukasa is almost bombarded with constant reminders of his.

Maybe I'm just tired of hearing about his GRIP STRENGTH all the time.

>> No.5465179

It's a fiction, coincidences have to happen to get the ball rolling.

>> No.5465197

Just having 'connections' with survivors does not seem that convenient or unrealistic.
Especially if you consider the Normal End, which stands greatly on it's own, where the 'shock' relationship is not even touched.
It';s another element of the story, not the most important one nor a convenient one to elevate the character.

>> No.5465288

But the whole 'shock' relationship, discovered or not, was the basis of Tsukasa being kept apart from the school and not being able to return, else he would've been exchanged for the hostages and that whole incident wouldn't have ended like it did.

Even if they are just minor things, it just seems awkward having the majority of them revolve around one character when they were doing so well keeping 6 going at the start. I guess I was hoping that once we got away from Tsukasa's viewpoint, then the whole thing would open up to the point where there wasn't really a MC any more. (kinda like FF6)

>> No.5465310

Even if more events involve him, he is not the sole or even major reason these events happen (unless you actually think that without Tsukasa, there would never be conflicts) The dorctine of the Daicih people would not change.. With this logic, if Tanu never fought back and died, things would be different 'yadda yadda'.
You have weird expectations (and FF6 has clear MCs, do not be deluded)

>> No.5465495

I don't discount that but I believe there's a line you can draw where you lost your humanity and starts to become a monster. For me it's when he started raping for fun.
I'm sorry but he even failed to see that he's wrong. Even when everything got resolved.
He just thinks he's wrong because he lost.
He completely lost it, he's now an inhuman bastard.

Anyway enough about this stupid argument.

So what does anyone think about the cause of the disaster?
I think a supervolcano exploded somewhere in Japan. Not sure how the ashclouds got completely cleared in one night though.

>> No.5465602

The protag was boring and had no character at all, the only characters i liked was Takuma because he changed the most and it was more realistic, All the others were kinda boring, even Tanomura. I didn't like the ending because there were alot of poltholes and it felt weak. I didn't do the good ending yet, so these are just my opinions for the normal ending.

>> No.5465608

I think that if Tsukasa's group didn't left the church, things would've been better.

The two settlement wouldn't find each other, even if they did they wouldn't have an animosity with each other since that crazy bitch is dead. They'll have problems with random bandits but those guys will die sooner or later. It won't end up with widespread raping and genocide.

>> No.5465691

yeah, i hated the fact that they stayed there, i think it would of been alot better of a vn if they explored, I only got the normal end, was the whole thing ever explained? like how it all started and who were the people who told the girl about it 2 weeks before, i thought it would of gotten deeper, ending was kinda weak for me.

>> No.5465714

I think Tsukasa has a similar condition to Evolimit's protagonist. They can't feel sadness.

The good ending felt forced unrepentant Takumi doesn't deserve to have a good ending, normal ending was too convenient.

And I think Takuma's rise to power is too unbelievable. Yeah he managed to convince everyone to kill their leader. It makes for an interesting twist but no way was it believable.

>> No.5465773

>was the whole thing ever explained? like how it all started and who were the people who told the girl about it 2 weeks before?

she was told about the earthquakes in advance by cult members who were high enough up in society to hear about it

>> No.5465774

Taku was awesome, just saying, the only reason i read this was because of him. If i wanted to have a hero like main character like Tanomura, i would go read a Shōnen. I have a feeling the author had a much more fun time using taku as a character then the protag, he had like NO screen time at all and was not really the outstanding.

>> No.5465805

I knew that already..., It makes no sense on how they knew about it.

>> No.5465814

Tsukasa had some character, he is just not the the type to show it off.

>> No.5465846

You guys really don't how to read a story like this.
It's not about the events or the plot, it's all about the characters and how they react to it.

It's not the first story like this, does The Road try to explain why the world went to shit for example?
Nitpicking in a story like this doesn't make sense, you guys are too used to VN that expose everything about their setting ad nauseam like FSN.

>> No.5465862

I understand that, but i still wish he explained what the hell was going on, that was why i read it.

>> No.5465879

You read it for wrong reasons.
From the beginning Swan Song was compared to Lord of the Flies, you should have seen it coming.

>> No.5465899


for god's sake

>> No.5465938

Yeah i guess, too tell you the truth It felt kind of random too me, i mean in the beginning it felt more like a "lets explore and uncover the mystery of whats going on" but once they got to the group pf people it felt like they side tracked.

>> No.5466028

Im not a weatherman, but how dose a earthquake effect the climate? I thought a asteroid hit the earth or some shit.

>> No.5466042

The problem is that way too many things in this vn happened conveniently, it's really hard to take it seriously.

Well if it's a volcano eruption people will know it in advance. When Mt. Pinatubo erupted in the Philippines everyone near the area was evacuated in advance. They can detect the build-up or something.

I think what happened is that top scientist and the government discovered one of the supervolcano (A normal volcano wouldn't spew enough ash to lengthen the winter by months) in Japan is about to explode. They saw that evacuating civilians isn't feasible so they decided to keep it a secret.

I'm baffled why they didn't put up emergency transmissions though, or why the other countries aren't sending humanitarian missions. Maybe it just didn't reach that town since it seems to be deep in the mountains.

>> No.5466062

>>The problem is that way too many things in this vn happened conveniently, it's really hard to take it seriously.

Not really, not more than your average story of this type at least.
If you talk about the whole stuff about Tsukasa, well the only that really happened conveniently was his meeting with Yuka.
The whole deal with his family was explained fairly well, and it's not that farfetched to think that an old doctor is a fan of classical music.

You guys nitpicks for nothing much, if you think about it most stories have a lot of convenient events.

>> No.5466085

Thats kinda retarded, we have things such as planes and other means of travel through snow, you think the government would send a rescue team right away, I didn't really count the days , but it seemed like a year to me, don't you think that a bit too long for no contact?

>> No.5466133

Planes are no good. You see how the EU suspended flights a few months ago because the of the ashclouds? Also look at that extreme weather. I don't think anything is capable of flying through that.

But yeah the government actions kinda baffled me. Maybe their shelters didn't withstand the earthquake and they all got buried to death?

>> No.5466156

Well the disasters and tragedy happened conveniently too. Especially during the normal ending.

>> No.5466173

The whole second earthquake and the whole ending where"everybody dies" seemed alittle corny too me. I didn't like it when taku died just because he was portrayed as the bad guy. I saw it coming a mile away and i was wishing for something better too happenen. I don't know, i guess i was wishing for some"deep plot'. It was still a good read though.

>> No.5466195

>>Well the disasters and tragedy happened conveniently too
That's fucking stupid, sorry to be blunt.
Is this the first fiction you read?
Of course shit happens, a story must have a beginning, a middle and an end with stuff that happen in between.

Once again, it's a character driven story, thematically and character-wise, the normal ending was amazing.

>> No.5466197

Well its not like even if the government was killed too, the rest of the world would just sit there.

>> No.5466217

Read the post above you.

>> No.5466266

Same thing for this post.
The normal ending was the big climax where everything that happened before naturally lead.
Of course lots of shits happened, that's normal considering it was an ending in a visual novel, you have to entertain the readers too.
And for the whole "saw it coming from miles ahead", that's what happen when a novel is actually consistent in his themes and characterization.

Honestly I don't understand how anyone could not be amazed by the normal ending, it was the best thing I ever saw in a VN.
And I really wonder what your idea of a "deep plot" is.

>> No.5466274

Now then and there

>> No.5468056


Japanese authors like making the government randomly evil and stupid with no justification. It's a flaw they all share.

All the DEM in the game annoyed me, particularly regarding Taku. There were lots of times when it seemed like he should die, but just happened to survive because the author needed him to stay alive.

The group turning evil thing was also ridiculous. 4/5 of the main characters stay as good guys to the end (5/6 including Taeko), but all of the rest of the administration group turns bad without exception? If the author wanted it to be believable, he should've had some of the other main characters go down Takuma's path, or not had every single side character act the same.

>> No.5468104

Taking cues from Deus Ex, obviously.

>> No.5468161

There was no "evil", they just did what they thought they had to do to survive.
The strong eat the weak, etc..., that's how it became for them.
The point of the game was to focus on various characters and each individual reacted to this situation.
They all went to various directions, seeing another one like Takuma in the group would have been redundant.

Tsukasa who stayed outside of everything, Tanomura who tried to work for the good of all, Takuma who was the weakest link in the group and eventually broke due to the badness of the situation, Yuka who tried to survive doing what she always did, putting a facade and latching on others and Hibari who despite her seemingly bitchy personality always thought about the well being of others.

Honestly some of you guys complain are nearly unbelievable, I wonder how the fuck you managed to enjoy any VNs before.
Like talking about a main character who manage to survive some stuffs? HOLY FUCK ALERT THE PRESS.

>> No.5468334

Hey, part of the reason Shirou was tolerable in F/SN was that there were dozens of Bad Ends where he died. Swan Song would've been better if it had done the same to Takuma.

>> No.5468383

There were bad ends where he died.
And Shirou survived lots of bullshit in the true story, the bad ends are just a small diversion without much meaning.
I honestly don't understand your complain at all.
You wanted more bad ends?

>> No.5468629

Nope. I'm not amazed by the normal ending. To be honest I'm disappointed since that ending was hyped here. Maybe it's just my overhyped expectation.

>Of course lots of shits happened, that's normal
Except it's lots of convenient shit happened.
I'm especially amazed how the last earthquake choreographed itself so well, how it managed to wrap everything up, how it saved the protagonist and his girl and how it MAGICALLY cleared up the skies. In the first place how did that earthquake happen? And why did it not have aftershock? It's a couple of months after the first earthquake, the probability of being an aftershock to it is almost nil. Shit was too illogical.
I guess I should just shut off my brain and enjoy it philosophically but I think that's a copout. A good story should be logically sound.

>amazed by the normal ending, it was the best thing I ever saw in a VN
I dunno, I read a couple of vns where the ending amazed me. This is not one of it.
To be honest I don't see what's amazing about that end. I guess Utsuge isn't really my cup of tea.

>> No.5468741

>There was no "evil", they just did what they thought they had to do to survive.
Because raping and torturing hostages is something they have to do to survive. Am I right?

>> No.5469362


>> No.5469734

Where can I download the soundtrack for this game?

>> No.5471023

The sex scenes were kinda shitty. They always end too fast.

>> No.5471134

This a hundred times. Swan Song killed my libido for a day by systematic arousal and dismissal.

If the sex scenes are going to be that short and unsatisfying, they might as well not exist.

>> No.5471407

Tano x Hibari's scene was awesome though. What's it like to run while semen drips down from your cunt?

>> No.5471728

She looks retarded in the cg during that scene.

>> No.5471843

I guess there is a reason this is called Swan Song, it kinda felt like a tragedy that you can find in an opera, especially the "divine intervention" at the end.

>> No.5472600

Any other vns like this?

>> No.5472615

Maybe. Not translated though.

Closest thing to this translated would probably be Cross Channel or something.

>> No.5472646


>> No.5472658

Remember11 is also about being stuck in a snowstorm on a mountain, but the storyline itself is quite different. It focuses more on uncovering why it happened than how to survive it.

>> No.5472666

Carnival is completely different.

>> No.5472710

In terms of writing, no it's not.

>> No.5472941 [SPOILER] 
File: 81 KB, 800x600, rage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5472954

God the translation fucking sucks.
I remember this scene in the original, the prose was beautiful.
This shit looks like the blog of some bitch.

>> No.5474403

