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File: 200 KB, 768x576, Megatokyo Google Image Search.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5470548 No.5470548 [Reply] [Original]


Open a tab right now, go there, and read the current page. Then return and discuss. Maybe put how many years it's been since you last read Megatokyo in the subject bar.

PS The frontpage isn't some massive reveal if that's what you think is going on. Or it might be, I haven't looked yet.

>> No.5470554


>> No.5470552

No, I refuse.

>> No.5470558

Does that girl in the middle have twintails?

>> No.5470560

Literally the worst thread ever created on /jp/

>> No.5470561


>> No.5470563

Get out Megatokyo devs.

>> No.5470568

Is that still going?

>> No.5470589

Damn, I haven't read that shit since what?

Either way no, I stopped reading for a reason.

>> No.5470607

Do people bump shit threads to see if they can annoy people when they are also adverse to the topic? I'm not sure what the reasoning is behind it otherwise.

>> No.5470633


You guys worried you'll fall off the wagon or something?

How about: what was the last thing you remember happening in the comic. I remember a crossdresser was about to fight Largo. He was doing that thing where you have a bodysuit and a mask of the character's face. There's a word for it, I think. Starts with a k.

>> No.5470681

Gasp! Who's this mysterious girl in Piro's abode? Is it Miho? Could be! That schoolgirl had dark hair too, though, maybe. And who was he talking about at the beginning of the page? Possibly Miho again, or maybe one of the other girls! His insistence on only using pronouns means I don't know for sure.

>> No.5470727

Man, their first couple of chapters were pretty amusing.

Once "Largo" stopped writing the whole thing went to shit.

>> No.5470741 [SPOILER] 
File: 38 KB, 372x289, mysterious girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if Ed's face has changed again!

First it was ugly,
then it was paper,
then it was pretty!


>> No.5471227


>> No.5471254

there were less than 50 MT strips posted in the year 2009.

>> No.5471292

I stopped reading this shit years ago and I'm happy about it.

>> No.5471295

Everyone here is too 'cool', I'm betting.

Whatever. I do not respect this affectation.

I read it when it first came out, and stopped shortly after it stopped being a gag comic. ...because I was a child, and gag comics were what I liked on the web.

I read the whole thing again last year, and although I miss the simple jokes, they're not as good as I remember, and I have some affection for the characters and some interest in how they will develop.

Piro mocks himself, so I don't see any need to mock him. He's all right, and I look forward to letting enough of the comic queue build up that I can read through again and see what he's doing.

I haven't really kept up on any continuity based webcomics. I'm three years behind on Kagerou, two months behind on Digger, two years behind on Venus Envy, and I'll probably never return to Something Positive even though I remember enjoying it. There are at least a dozen others that I 'follow' by visiting them every few years.

Of them, Megatokyo may not be as good as a very good manga, but it's as good as a pretty good manga and as good as a very good webcomic.

Anon just hates on it because

a) It's not edgy (nsfw) enough
b) it's popular
c) Anon is afraid they'll become the worst kind of weaboo if they like anything that weaboo like. Ever.


I learned something last year: Normalfags, even of the internet generation, apparently have no idea what Megatokyo is. I always thought it was so popular that they would know. <shrug>

>> No.5471309

No, I hate it because Fred is a fucking douche. Also his "story" has always been all over the place.

>> No.5471459

>implying MT is popular.
>implying people hate it because it's "popular" and not because it's shit and its artist is even more shit.

>> No.5471463

I still read megatokyo. I've been doing it for so long I just can't stop

>> No.5471472


/a/ is that way ---->

>> No.5471492

I'm disappointed, there's no huge surprise. It's just a normal comic. I don't know who that person is in his house I haven't read MT since 2004

>> No.5471497

Character pages still aren't update, hah.

>> No.5471508

He's sitting on a goldmine and he has always run it so sloppily, that's just ungrateful really.

>> No.5471532

I stopped reading this because Piro wouldn't fuck the main girl. They got to a point where they could fuck. They didn't fuck. I know they still haven't fucked, so I'm not bothering.

>> No.5471540

Is everything about fucking to you, Anonymous?

>> No.5471719

It's my pet peeve in harem and love comedies that they spend the entire series attracted to each other and never fuck even after years and years. Piro isn't even an unsure teenager. He's a goddamn grown man. They don't have to do anything but allude to it but acting like that is unbelievable after a point.

>> No.5471769
File: 310 KB, 650x975, 1270.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this what you really wanted me to see, OP?

>> No.5471787

It's better than wildarmsheero. But it's still shit.

>> No.5471813

I kinda credit it for introducing me to what visual novels were to some extent. Also explained to me some Japanese honorifics.

It was kinda cool around chapter 6. But eventually I just stopped caring because the plot kept on moving on without answering any questions and leaving no time for interesting character reactions. And some character personalities have gone way out proportion.

Last good thing was Miho crying her eyes out in that one scene.

But hey, I don't hate the artist. If he has fans, good for him.

>> No.5472005

He's awfully fond of drawing crying ladies.

>> No.5472464

He's used to getting that response from women

>> No.5472486

I've actually never read this thing, mostly because the drawing looked like ass and the guy misspelled トウキョウ. What is it supposed to be? An e-comic strip?

>> No.5472505
File: 1.14 MB, 2272x1704, Fred and moot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 years or more, i stopped because it stopped being a web comic and started being a "wanna be manga with story"

The art didn't improve at all... it's still just as bad, I bet the creator didn't lose a kilo and is still a fat ass, this is him in the picture right? Or maybe not I can't remember how he looks.

Anyways this is by no way popular and hated because it's popular, it's because every single C grade manga has better art and story composition, he'd be THE LAUGH in japan or more like he'd never even continue there...

Oh also I don't remember how is it read again left/right or right/left.

Anyways just like ALL WEBCOMICS that become "popular" a stray from the fact that their web comics like "alt+ctrl+del" they become utter shit. If I want a webcomic about VIDEO GAMES i expect it to be about VIDEO GAMES.

>> No.5472513
File: 146 KB, 350x409, Fred Troll copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know this doesn't belong here. Reported etc.

>> No.5472603

I'm still reading It. And I don't even know why.
I actually liked It when It was about wacky adventures of Largo and his sidekick in Gintama Country.
And then Largo quit allowing Fred to make some DRAMA.
I'm still hoping that this chapter is one-shot drama arc.
Kinda like Bleach and Old Bleach.
Or... Fuck I dunno

>> No.5472681

Yeah, I became less interested in this after Largo quit and was made into a cartoon cutout character. Don't remember when I stopped, but I don't really care to pick it up again. Also, wasn't he trying to start up another more serious series called "Warmth" or something like that? Did it ever pick up?

>> No.5472726
File: 68 KB, 550x612, megaxkcd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5472781

I've been reading it since it started. I don't know why, though. I keep wishing the story would progress and resolve some plot threads, and as another poster commented, I think that Piro should knock socks with his girlfriend since the strip has been going on for years and years.

>> No.5472797

Unless you're using cg or sprites, you're supposed to get better at drawing Fred.
So fuck off and spend some time learning how to draw.

>> No.5472805

>And I don't even know why.

It's because you have shit taste.

>> No.5472821
File: 262 KB, 700x700, patchouli chibi frown_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stopped reading a few months after Largo left the scene. The fucking web comic just got so full of itself, trying to be so DEEP AND EMOTIONAL

Shit drove me nuts. I'm fine with a dramatic and emotionally gripping plot, but there just wasn't any of that here. The plot just didn't seem to know what to do with itself. It wanted to make silly sexual tension between characters for no fucking reason, it wanted to make a "villain" whose worst crime was hacking the shit out of an MMO or something, and none of it amounts to fucking anything because everyone just keeps going about their daily lives, piling on the sexual tension day after day

It was so fucking inane. I don't know how people still read it other than force of habit

>> No.5472845

I used to read Megatokyo like 10 years ago.

Then I helped /b/ raid Megatokyo like 5 years ago.

Good times, good times...

>> No.5472854

They have scary frog faces in OPs pic, and it's all pathetic Japanophile pandering. It's just another nation, you fags. It's not anime land.

>> No.5472868

I used to think Fred should've just dropped this whole thing and done Warmth a long time ago.
Maybe it would have let him grow as an artist instead of being stagnated by his 14-year old audience.
Not I'm really not so sure. It might have suffered from all the same problems.
So no, he never did it.
Which is bizarre, I mean, I don't think he has a real job outside of drawing, does he?

>> No.5472882
File: 42 KB, 600x770, cirno inquisitive_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What was Warmth even supposed to be about, anyway? I know he never got around to concrete details, but I remember him talking about his ideas for it sometimes from when I used to read megatokyo

>> No.5472913

CLAANAD: weeaboo edition

>> No.5472920

Sad girls in snow.
Seriously. He only thought of it when he was still a youth and had probably just found out about Air.
It was just his take on traditional Key-esque visual novel tropes.
Many of which he later tried to integrate into MT anyway, to great failure more or less.
