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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 45 KB, 350x500, marimite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5458236 No.5458236 [Reply] [Original]

Your thoughts on the upcoming Marimite Live Action series?

>> No.5458245

Girl to the right is pretty cute looking.
I would like to abuse her youthful naivety.

>> No.5458247


>> No.5458251

is it gonna be a porno

>> No.5458292

shit gonna be shitty

>> No.5458320

I would like to appear to be a dashing older man to her and have her become obsessed with me - then leave her for the journeys of my life.

>> No.5458370

I'd rather have another set of anime OVAs to cover the end of the novels.

>> No.5458408

The TMA videos are funny.

>> No.5458458

Can't stand Japanese live action dramas. I will probably watch it once just for the frustration though.

The Yumi in this is like 13 years old. The actor I mean.

>> No.5458466

Japanese acting is fucking horrible.

>> No.5458679

Hahahaha, word my man, word.

>> No.5458688

Shingami No Ballad and Jigoku Shoujo are 2 of the few well adapted live action series.

>> No.5460511

Like most foreign media it will suck ass.

>> No.5460543
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You guys obviously don't know anything about this series, do you.

>> No.5460552

I'll enjoy it while drinking my tea with my pinky up.

>> No.5460593

I was actually thinking that Marimite was totally gay until I watched the serie.

And it's not.
Well, not THAT much.

>> No.5460600

YumixTouko is better.

>> No.5460601 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5460607

You sure?

>> No.5460631

I'll watch it because I'm a yurifag
But I won't like it.

>> No.5460643
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Um, yeah, that's also yuri. Thanks for proving my point.

>> No.5460670

Oh, I thought you were using gay as a general term for homosexuality.
Nevermind, carry on then.

>> No.5460688

Well, Sei being a raging lesbian kinda makes a conterpoint with the gentle, albeit trouble, relationship between the soeurs.

>> No.5460712
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But that's the protagonist initiating the kiss, not Sei.
And then there was this chick.

But yeah, I guess Sei's behavior is meant to contrast that of the others.

>> No.5460743

I have a real strong love/hate relationship with Marimite.

>> No.5460768

I have to say that a "live" will suck like hell. Japanese can't act for shit.

>> No.5460770
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>> No.5460778

There's surely a lot of ambiguity, and that's why the serie is great and depicts adolescence with a truthful viewpoint.

I just don't understand why people only talk about that, Marimite deserves more than being a vessel for yuri fantasies.

>> No.5460794
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Certainly, but that doesn't mean you should deny it either.

>> No.5460808

I never denied it!

My first post wasn't totally serious.

>> No.5460831

A lot of yurifags these days actually dislike Marimite because it's not explicit enough.

>> No.5460846

that's why I didn't like it. I think Strawberry panic was better

>> No.5460851

That's probably because they were looking for some series with HAWT GIRL-ON-GIRL ANIME PRON and went around asking for the best yuri series.
It's to be expected, really.

>> No.5460856

>Marimite deserves more than being a vessel for yuri fantasies.
This guy...

>> No.5460857

Strawberry Panic is a parody of Marimite. hurrdurr.

>> No.5460859
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>> No.5460861

Oh you.

Wait, you're serious, aren't you?
Let me laugh harder!

>> No.5460862

Yurifags being retards, nothing new to see.

>> No.5460868
File: 121 KB, 600x818, e83d1e4bba51c3d1cc2e6ed1de33f80f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Marimite deserves more than being a vessel for yuri fantasies.
You know what? you're right. It's also a vehicle for truly epic crossovers.
Pick related. Her drill is the drill that will pierce the heavens.

>> No.5460883
File: 87 KB, 502x650, 4ccf51baaad11f3c9642e8e5cac980b4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unlimited Drill Works.

>> No.5460889
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>> No.5460890
File: 613 KB, 1383x2000, Sono Go No Evangelion Ai 498trans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5460896
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Lilith-sama is watching us

>> No.5460902
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>> No.5460920
File: 381 KB, 1433x2023, Crazy Clover Club 11 ~Marimite Complex~ - 42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5460960

This reminds me I have to watch Marimite. As soon as I am over with Military K-On

>> No.5461146
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>> No.5461148

Reported for /a/.

>> No.5461176

Sorry but Marimite was a Light novel series before it was an Anime and it also has games. Quit being a newfag.

>> No.5461208
File: 166 KB, 567x800, 497a650c0e44f70788ddbf7bc906ea5b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yay crusaders for the truth!

>> No.5461211

Books are /a/ related.
Back to >>>/a/ with you.

>> No.5461238
File: 59 KB, 653x506, e2d1fcb04a616f4b1311edb5db465b86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Books are /a/ related.
> Books are /a/ related.
> Books are /a/ related.
> Books are /a/ related.
> Books are /a/ related.
> Books are /a/ related.
> Books are /a/ related.


>> No.5461231 [DELETED] 

> Books are /a/ related.
> Books are /a/ related.
> Books are /a/ related.
> Books are /a/ related.
> Books are /a/ related.
> Books are /a/ related.
> Books are /a/ related.


>> No.5461244
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>> No.5461252

Newfriends books have been /jp/ since day one.

>> No.5461291

Is there any actual lesbianism in marimite?
Or is it all pubescent confusion and flying bubbles?

>> No.5461324

There is.

>> No.5461347

So how would a lesbian DORAMA go down in Japan?
I can't imagine the actresses actually kissing.

>> No.5461368


>> No.5461369

I agree. Its' one thing on late night Anime and another in prime time. That said Japan is a lot less hung up about sex than the west is.

>> No.5461385

Yeah but they also have a thing about gays.

>> No.5461390

Take this shit back to /a/ or /u/. If my favorite anime based on LN threads are deleted in /jp/ so will yours be. I will gore-spam if I need to.

Yes, I mad.

>> No.5461392

There's not really much except light subtext. The only person who shows their carpet munching preferences is Sei. I heard the LNs really ramp up the subtext though, especially with Yumi.

>> No.5461400

internet terrorist on our hands guys

>> No.5461420

I am sure the LNs are more YURI than the anime was.

>> No.5461440 [DELETED] 


remoEV YUor IlLgEal cLoEN_FO_Http://WWw.ANoMnOmTalK.Se/_(ANOmnOm_= anON)_ImMEIdATeLY. ief c wlrunzsn xs ffm n k pcsiv

>> No.5461441

are you dissin me? I would take a step back and check yourself before you start talking shit to me, you little bitch.

>> No.5461445

This is the exact opposite situation, numbnuts, stop crying.

>> No.5461455 [DELETED] 

Like I said, you should take a step back and cool off, before you start starting shit you can't finish. I will hack your ISP and severly wreck your shit if you continue to disrespect me.

>> No.5461457

I don't tolerate that shit.

>> No.5461459

>I will hack your ISP and severly wreck your shit
Haven't heard that one before....

>> No.5461468

Shitass you are a moron.

>> No.5461470

Well you know what the difference is? I put up, so you best retract your anger and SHUT UP, bitch!

>> No.5461483

Haven't heard THAT before, either....

Also, if you were such a 1337 h4x0r, you'd know I'm a different anon than the one you were arguing with.

>> No.5461486


Like I said bro, don't fuck with ME, I don't tolerate disrespect.

>> No.5461492 [DELETED] 

don't be suprized if you find a virus on your computer in the morning, your moron. You diss me, you diss my friends, or you diss my family, and you WILL get fucked up.

>> No.5461505


You're persistent, but not the least original.

Just to show you how much I don't believe you, I'll even give you my IP addy: it's Do your worst.

>> No.5461514
File: 345 KB, 1280x960, 1097869723079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea since you have some miracle method of knowing wath my IP address is and then can hack my Linux box

Yumi is my wiafu

>> No.5461526

What are the names of the Marimite games?

>> No.5461529
File: 124 KB, 450x349, 1bf398c5f24803c35f5146373958d7f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, I'm so scared Oneesama!

>> No.5461530

Will watch. If just to see how much of a trainwreck it might become.
I mean, they're both fashion models and this is their first work as actresses, right? It could either be very bad or very good.

>> No.5461531

I am 1337 actually I started programming in VB when I was 8 years old, while you were still sucking your mommas dick. By now I can hack any ISP, any agency, any computer ANYWHERE just through basic command modules.

You know that little thing called "command prompt" for windows. I figured out how to use that when I was like 4 years old. But, I know you are such an internet badass that you already know everything I am explaining to you an therefrore this conversation is a useless point of fact.

>> No.5461533

You seem familiar, do you do this sort of thing in other threads too, or is this your first?

>> No.5461539
File: 476 KB, 800x933, 7a8ed79a26f7b90f7044aa79cd5c17da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure is INTERNET TOUGH GUYS in here all of a sudden. Dispatching soeur to deal with the problem.

Back to Marimite thread.

>> No.5461542 [DELETED] 

No, most of the time im an easy going bro, cool to get along with, but when people start to diss me, and then refuse to aknowledge that they are a moron and a bully, then shit gets ugly.

by the way, who are you? are you the guy who dissed me?

>> No.5461544

Sure is CurryButt ban evading in this thread.

>> No.5461553 [DELETED] 

rEmoEV_YUoR_ILLGEaL_CLoeN fo HttP://wWW.aNOmNOmtaLk.Se/ (aNOMnOm =_anON)_IMmeIdateLy. p glpeclfrpn eo v j xiqbnlnejbpn r cgvp

>> No.5461560

>Visual Basic
>I can hack any ISP, any agency, any computer ANYWHERE


(I was using MS-DOS 2.11 and BASIC long before you were even born, BTW).

>> No.5461569

>taking a joke post seriously

Get out.

>> No.5461571

so is this true? goddamnit, WHY DO THIS?

>> No.5461570 [DELETED] 

ReMoEV_yUor_iLLgEAL_ClOEN FO HTtp://Www.ANomnOmtAlK.SE/_(AnoMnOM_= aNoN) iMMEiDAteLY. vorqvw s nxkb b ojwc pqg n k hctec hrwjg gz

>> No.5461577


You are a silly ass faggot. Get your recent ass out of here.

>> No.5461605


I've been here since the sho/a/h.

I certainly WOULD rather get back on topic, though.

>> No.5461639


I don't believe you, OK?

>> No.5461664

The Marmite shooting game looks fun but I am way to uncoordinated to play it.

>> No.5461676

I believe you, Anonymous.

>> No.5461679 [DELETED] 


rEmOev_Yuor IllgeAL_CLoEN_fo_hTTp://www.aNOmNOmtaLk.SE/_(ANoMNO
M_=_AnOn) immeidATEly. oapgulztynay c nypprj vtwr d epj z nzgxp

>> No.5461695 [DELETED] 


remOEV YUOr iLLGEal ClOEN FO_hTtp://wWw.ANOmnoMtAlk.SE/ (aNomNom_=_anON)_imMeidaTelY. zpdovdb gtmrtb a u h e pk rmfcsgobs eu

>> No.5461746
File: 94 KB, 640x480, yam02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will probably be even more boring than the anime. I'll just keep playing Lilian Fourhand

>> No.5461780

I know I would fail at this game.

>> No.5462021

moot agreed, don't bother him about it.

>> No.5462076

Yumi seems pretty gay for Sachiko in the Anime series. The series is not all sweetness and light either. Yumi is a drama queen in some respects.

>> No.5462116

actually this may not be so bad. japs can't act for shit but most of this is gonna require only girls standing there making a cute face and reading some sentimental lines so it may be bearable.

>> No.5467254

You mean Grand Theft Lillian: Classmate Murder Simulation?

>> No.5467276
File: 143 KB, 424x600, 1215638984807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Best doujin game ever.

>> No.5467291

Why would you do that?

>> No.5467308

This game has awesome music.

>> No.5467609


>> No.5467743

It's going to be awesome. /thread

>> No.5467751

>Japanese acting

>> No.5468897
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They made a huge mistake in casting Satchmo.

>> No.5468956
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>> No.5468970


Never, ever, EVER trust a smiling Sachiko.

>> No.5469911
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The only Marimite series I would have faith in is one directed by Clint Eastwood.

>> No.5470065
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Yumi, there are two types of people in this world: those with guns and those who make tea. You make tea.

>> No.5470345
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