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File: 353 KB, 600x374, loveplus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5468806 No.5468806 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/, let's have a Love Plus thread like in the good old times.

>> No.5468812

A Manaka thread you say?

>> No.5468816

I can't get her route in this fucking new game.
Anyone knows WHAT THE FUCK do you need to do?

>> No.5469115
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Thank the game for giving you Nene instead

>> No.5469126


>> No.5469295
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>Dialogue translation: 23.6%

>> No.5469320

I can not capture Rinko for the life of me. I've already played through it 7 times. I don't understand what the problem is. I captured all 3 girls in the original easily.

>> No.5469325


>> No.5469330

I would probably die if it turned out it was a stupid anti-piracy thing or something.

>> No.5469340

Try paralyzing her or putting her to sleep.

>> No.5469351

I was thinking exactly the same thing.
I mean, I have study/athletics at MAX, charm almost at 90% and sense or whatever is called at 60% and her events aren't happening.

>> No.5469372

The farthest I've gotten is to the event where you can exchange mail as a result, and walk home together without her refusing. After that I can't get anything.

>> No.5469377

Three options but only Nene and Manaka are worth your time.

>> No.5469381

Rom fucking where?

>> No.5469382

NTR Plus

>> No.5469407

Same thing happened to me with her, but I wasn't trying her route.
Last event for Manaka was the one where you walk her home for the first time but after that nothing.
You can't raise her affection, so you can't walk her home again (she refuses), so you can't get more of her events, so YOU'RE FUCKED.

>> No.5469412


Just get one of them before your 100 days is up or else you'll be in game ronrey.

>> No.5469419


Start showing up to tennis practice.

>> No.5469430

I tried that for straight 60 days.
I doubt that's the problem.

>> No.5469484

It is

>> No.5469549

>There is Anti-Piracy beyond what prevents the rom from loading on some cards. The WoodRPG firmware and derivatives (such as WoodR4) are affected. Specifically, it is impossible to raise the affection levels of any of the girls when playing it on a flashcard that does not remove the AP, meaning you cannot go on dates, cannot get ANY contact (except Rinko's, since it is given to you in an event that can be triggered without any indication Rinko is there), and cannot get a confession of love from any of the girls. Incidentally, it would also appear the "boyfriend checks" are somewhat based on affection levels.

Well, that makes sense.

>> No.5469567

well, that's great.
Now I need to wait for a fucking patch or code.

>> No.5469619
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Serves you pirates right.

>> No.5469641


I'd buy it if there was an english version.

>> No.5469666


>> No.5469671

It is possible to use an emulator to bypass the Anti-Piracy measures?

>> No.5469679

isn't a big deal.
We just need to wait.

>> No.5469682

shut up, buttface

>> No.5469694
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Huh, I guess it's a good thing that I ended up preordering it then.

Well, it'll probably be patched by the time I get it though.

>> No.5469749

The patch here
Seems to have fixed it for me.

>> No.5469754
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>> No.5469803


>> No.5470897


The Anti-Piracy thing affects SDHC as well despite not being listed with the R4 and DSTT correct? Does this patch solve the problem for any carts aside from the two mentioned?

>> No.5472490

Anyone knows how I can import my Love Plus data onto Love Plus+?

>> No.5472510

I'm waiting for Lovecraft Plus now.

You are a female student accepted to Miskatonic University, and your possible boyfriends include tsundere Wilbur Whateley ("It's not like I saved you from getting sacrificed to Dagon because I like you or anything! You are...uh, necessary for my plan to get the unabridged copy of Necronomicon! " ), a deep one student from nearby Innsmouth, local mad scientist Herbert West and a Yithian that possessed one of the students.

>> No.5472514

Did this only add new events in girlfriend mode? Anything else new?

>> No.5472527
File: 8 KB, 346x161, 1256043338282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god

>> No.5472530


>> No.5472541

fund it

>> No.5472544

It's called Demonbane

>> No.5472548

New costumes for the girls, new hairstyles and some mini games. The main add-on is the vacation mode. Kinda reminded me of The Sims series. I just fucking wish that they would at least add one new girl, it would be ridiculous to just get another DS, just to transfer the save data over.

>> No.5472553

for love plus you need to select SEND DATA
for love plus + you need to choose INHERIT DATA

>> No.5472570

Demonbane is not slice of life.

I just want a peaceful life, except with the looming threat of death, insanity or worse.

>> No.5472633
File: 266 KB, 853x682, touhou-dennou-coil[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Augmented reality might actually make going outside bearable for most of us on /jp/

>> No.5472645

sounds boring

>> No.5472651

at least its progressing.

>> No.5472684


As soon as I get my Dennou Coil glasses, I'll go outside.

>> No.5472706
File: 42 KB, 875x880, 1261504643708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5473092 [DELETED] 


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>> No.5473091

I'm a fag who hasn't played this: how does LovePlus work? From what I hear, you butter the girl up and confess and that's where the game starts, but if I got it right, the rest isn't a normal VN route but something different. I'm curious about what it's like.

>> No.5473118

You basically go about your things like school and hobbies to build up your stats. Sometimes she might ask you to walk home with her and you'd talk about various things.
When you've built up enough of certain stats, you can call her and go on a date, which is more of you two talking and skinship/kissing minigame (you basically rub her with the stick with different objectives).... and that's it.
It's basically just stats building, stylus touching and hearing this pixelated polygon talking about how she likes ice cream and how she likes you so much.
After a while it got really repetitive, or maybe I was doing it wrong.

>> No.5473141

So you choose one girl at the start, or is it determined by who you ask on a date?

I thought the system would be a bit more innovative, seeing as everyone falls in love with the girls.

>> No.5473145

Whoops, I was supposed to noko, not sage. Shameless bump ensues.

>> No.5473235

/jp/ doesn't use sage as an insult, you might as well had saved yourself the hassle.
Anyways, yes.
The part I described is actually the girlfriend part.
In the confession part you have 100 or so days to build up your stats and court one of the three heroines. Obviously, different heroines value different stats more highly, so there are certain activities that net you more favour. Every once in a while you have a sort of checkpoint and having a stat high enough will raise your standing with a particular girl.
You can also choose to ask one of them to go home with you (and she can refuse), and shit like that.

>> No.5473247

I see. Thank you for describing the game.

>> No.5473301

The innovation is that most games only let you experience up until the confession part, this was the first game that actually let you spend time as a couple.
It is innovative. It doesn't mean it's all that good, but hopefully it will get better.

>> No.5473307

Ah, I see...

>> No.5473328

Another small factor, is that depending on your answers on her questions and other actions, she changes to 'suit' your tastes more(changing hairstyles).

>> No.5473446
File: 9 KB, 154x155, BAWWW_alice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5474058

I'm using an Acekard 2i, and it solved the problem for me, it isn't only R4/DSTT.

>> No.5474412

Anyone tried the SOS button yet?

>> No.5475860

I can't find anything

>> No.5475907

With AKAIO or the original firmware?

>> No.5475948

Wow, I've heard about this game through that SAL9000 thing but I actually feel like playing it. DS isn't region locked is it?

>> No.5475967

Maybe it's somewhere in the chat mode?

>> No.5475974

isn't region locked

>> No.5475976

It's not region locked.

>> No.5475994



>> No.5477173


>> No.5479185


>3. Copy the attached two files, infolib.dat and extinfo.dat, to the TTMENU folder of your DSTT.
What did you do for this step?

>> No.5479326

I love playing this on my supercard dstwo using my DSi with Manaka clamshell case.

>> No.5479379 [DELETED] 

CHriSbEAR PoOLtaRD,_Remove_yoUr_CloWN OF:_hTTp://TiNyurl.CoM/3AXvE5D fwmnw gx qtzzue i nwh y vl qisg ecqf q

>> No.5479650
File: 78 KB, 417x500, 1277482190181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5479705

I just put those files in the same folder as my rom.
