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5464447 No.5464447 [Reply] [Original]

>Okay, I'd been planning to spend a full week translating after my finals for a while now. We've just gotten off our longest absence yet, and I was hoping for a boost in speed like the old EP1-EP2 translation, but, well...

>On the first day, the rough for 'the first patch' was competed. In the week after that, I managed to finish the rough translation for a huge chunk of the game, which comes out to about 100,000 words and brings our percentage up to 70%.

>In other words, there's no point in releasing a partial patch. The full translation will be finished by the end of next week, if not sooner. However, as we've said previously, editing is going to be a real time drain for this game, so there's a chance it'll take several weeks after that before we're ready for a release.

I hope at least GF guys would make it on schedule.

>> No.5464464

Okay, now they are getting competitive.

>> No.5464476

I wonder how the GF people felt after being discarded by the group they used to look up to

>> No.5464482

I'm okay with this

>> No.5464509


Don't really care about intergroup scuabbles, however, I hope GF group will continue once EP7 is released finish it in a more timely manner.

>> No.5464513

They are going to.

>> No.5464514

They just needed a little competition to get off their ass. Good old E-Peen.

>> No.5464519

At least I will have time to finish my exams before the release.

>> No.5464533

Has anyone confirmed that WH is deliberately translating some of the lines to support Shkannon? Cause if they are, I'd rather wait for GF altogether.

>> No.5464546

Good news.

>> No.5464569

One of the gf translators mentioned that chronotrig did something like that, but later admitted that it's probably just a rough translation, that needs editing.

>> No.5464586

There are a lot of people who read the original VN and would call him out on translating and deliberate wording mistakes.

>> No.5464778

Mind making a few examples? I read Ep 1 back in the day, but never got around to going through the new patch or whatever WH came out with a while back. Anything important get corrected?

>> No.5464788

The ??? party was heavily edited, also most of the typos were corrected.

>> No.5464829

Guess I'll take a look. Been meaning to re-read some of the earlier episodes anyway since it's been a good chunk of time.

I'm just worried now that translator egotism and factionalism will turn Episode 6 into a train wreck. I mean, intentionally mistranslating things just to support your own theories? That's just pathetic. I really hope the guys who insinuated that were just trolling.

>> No.5464848

There is no mistranslating to suit theories going on. That was based on hearsay based on an extremely rough translation of an already difficult line. There's most definitely ego going on here, and it's a shame that a translation that should be for the fans has turned into this.

>> No.5464868


Here's what happened.

CT read through Episode 6 and put that translation in as a placeholder. When some people mined the script, they found it and believed he intentionally mistranslated the final red text, because it was horribly, horribly wrong.

However, it was never intended to make it into the final release. At least with that case, it was just a misunderstanding. He was always gonna reread it and retranslate it.

>> No.5465014


So it was just a stupid rumor that didn't even start with the Gamefaqs guys?

This IS kind of getting silly and out of hand. I wish both groups would just stop having an e-peen contest and work together again. Though it's kind of amusing.

>> No.5465254

Why are you blaming GF for this? They're the ones who came out and asked to work with WH to begin with so this kind of thing wouldn't happen.

>> No.5465273


Yeah, they repeatedly asked WH if they could help them, even after they were all but rejected. This translation race is the last thing they wanted.

>> No.5465304

>in a week

Wait? I thought W-H said EP6 was "hard" to translate?

>> No.5465314

"Hard to translate" sounds nicer than "we don't have time to work on this right now."

>> No.5465318

Here's the rub guys: All people who devote the time to do this ARE attention whores.

Chronotrig included. But they're USEFUL attention whores, so we'll just put up with their bullshit so we can read us some Umineko.

>> No.5465327

"attention whores" is the stupidest term ever. It just makes you sound like you're in high school. Are you jealous or something? Grow up, please.

>> No.5465328

But GF is going to end up giving us the same product without all the stupid bullshit.

>> No.5465331

Honestly this whole misunderstanding of that rough tranlastion is Gamefaq's fault.

If they made it clear in their first post that that red text trans was just a 'rough draft' and that chronotiq was going to edit it anyway. Then this whole fucking 'Their delibretly translating it to favor Shakanon' woudn't have started.

>> No.5465332
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Meanwhile at W-H.

>> No.5465338

But they were actually under that impression in their first comment. They're the ones who corrected their own statement later on when they realized they were wrong.

>> No.5465340

1. Learn Japanese
2. Stop being a tool
3. Stop whining on the internet about shit you get for free
4. ????
5. Enjoy your VN

>> No.5465346

Jealous? Not at all. I'm rather thankful that these guys work on translating these VNs.

It's just that they DO act quirky, and they DO enjoy being the center of attention. But that's forgivable because they do us a solid.

>> No.5465348

>Learn Japanese

... Naaah.

>> No.5465351

oh my god.
end of the next week.
me happy.

>> No.5465361

Read more closely. Translation will be done by the end of next week. Editing will probably take another month.

>> No.5465364

Episode 6: Dawn of the Golden Witch

* Translation: 70% Editing: 40%

>> No.5465368

Don't forget the installer by Message

>> No.5465375

What is so time-consuming about editing?

Surely it isn't as time-consuming as translating, right?

>> No.5465387

I remember 100% translation & 40% of editing for E4 taking two weeks to finish.

Just saying.

>> No.5465401

Well, editing does take a bit more meticulous care than rough translating does.

Still, you're right. It really shouldn't take THAT much time. Nevertheless, WH says it will, so it will.

>> No.5465446
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you crushed my hopes

>> No.5465462
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>> No.5465490


Two weeks isn't that bad. I hope thats the case for EP6.

>> No.5465505

Editing umineko is horrible. Translations have to be as accurate as possible, with normal games, you can relax a bit, but umineko is a bitch because if you fuck up something, you may lose a hint or give a fake one (or in E17 fashion, give away an imposrtant plot point)

>> No.5465617

Umm so, is OP's text from WH or GF?

Also, am I the only one who thinks WH is doing a good job on Umineko?

>> No.5465638


>> No.5465642

From WH.

I don't think WH does a bad job. They do make some mistakes, of course, but their work is pretty reliable and good, especially considering what a huge project Umineko is. However they way they have handled the whole situation with EP6 and the GameFAQs guys is so childish that I have lost respect for them.

>> No.5465656

The fun fact is that the way "how they handle" GF guys were only told by... GF.

And WH finally answered back to the situation. It seems we have been trolled by the real attention whores.

>> No.5465663

What exactly happened between WH and GF?

>> No.5465664

>Pleasure to meet'cha, I'm Lazarillo, the third member of the little group that offered our help translating the episode 6 patch. After some pow-wowing amongst the team, we've basically decided to go ahead on our own. The general sentiment is that this is probably the best choice all around.

From GF to WH.

>> No.5465678

>they way they have handled the whole situation with EP6 and the GameFAQs guys
From what I know, they refused help from them when the project was moving forward very slowly, but then again, I should lurk moar. Have I missed something?

>> No.5465680

oh great.

>> No.5465682


Don't lose hope.

Gamefaqs guys said they'll be done with everything by mid-July, and I wouldn't be surprised if they picked it up now.

>> No.5465700 [DELETED] 

I heard that WH kicked GF out because they were sharing too much information about progress with the community, and thus WH "did not trust them."

I find this a believable story because I once worked with WH for a bit, and they told me not to leak progress status outside of the group because it would make things too complicated.

>> No.5465704


This was, of course...after WH told us they felt they couldn't really trust us because of how much we talked with the community, and how they didn't want to edit translations so that they didn't read as though they were translated by someone else.

We decided that arguing back and forth to no avail wasn't going to get us anywhere, and any partnership we could have come to at that time would have been less than ideal for both of us. So we went on our own.

We're still hopeful we can work something out for Ep. 7.

>> No.5465707
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>> No.5465710


>> No.5465719

according to CT, the PM you have sent was back from April. Yet, the drama that WH kicked you started mid may or something.

What gives?

>> No.5465725
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>> No.5465731 [DELETED] 

Funnily enough, you first stated you were kicked by WH. And now you confirm you went on your own.

>> No.5465746

First, you said WH kicked you. Now you confirm your group went on your own.

Interesting drama

>> No.5465764

I have to say though, as a creator of a sort myself, I agree with their view about sharing progress. If you're telling everyone how much you've drawn or written or translated all the time, it can cause a lot of stress, which can actually be a bad thing for both the translator and the general public: if the project isn't fun anymore and you feel you're just a slave to your audience, it's highly likely the project will suffer.

And the audience isn't always understanding: if you make too little progress according to them (say, you come across a horde of red text you want to translate as well as possible and the progress slows down because of this), people might actually blame you and act as if you had the duty to give them a translated product as soon as they want it. It's better to actually work on the thing and shut up about the progress, IMHO. Getting too involved with the audience can be a very bad thing to do, and I think WH is professional for not doing so.

>> No.5465815

Well, since we don't have red in the human world, I guess it'd be better just forget this little drama.

>> No.5465833


Nono, that part of the PM posted in the thread was after us saying that we'd prefer to go on without him telling us specifically what to translate, with weeks of him not giving us work at a time.

He then got really mad, sent us a... 'not very nice PM', and we decided we'd just keep translating about mid-April, and we sent that PM. He then PM'd us back the next day saying that he looked over another of our chapters and that we 'could still work something out, perhaps, and that we'll ask you for the chapters if we need them'.

So we just kept translating with no real contact with them til mid-May, where they gave the progress update of 40%. We gave the chapters we had done at the time (8-11) to Chronotrig, and asked him straight out if we could work together.

Cue his 'trust' PM where he said we'd not work together. We did not reply to that, as we figured it was done. So we've kept translating.

That's it.

>> No.5465840

this drama was stupid. OTL
if they could just work together.
well, we can hope that will work up after the 7th episode is out

>> No.5465860

That doesn't explain why in the PM, the translator says his style doesn't work with WH translator.
Looks like you were leaving, imho.

>> No.5465893

Wait, he 'got really mad' just because of that? Why would that make him mad?

>> No.5465929

>so I'm only left able to make assumptions, but from what's been relayed to me, our styles don't mesh well.

"only left able to make assumptions" "from what's been relayed to me".

>> No.5465955 [DELETED] 

remoEV yUoR_IlLgEAl CloeN_fO HtTp://www.AnOMnomtALk.se/ (anOmnOM_=_aNon)_immeIDAtELY. doha p c o xypw d ntwshb zlccwacb y

>> No.5465961

I guess I will just play both WH and GF translations. to compare, since I understood WH= Shkanon bias

>> No.5465966

So, the guy assumes his style doesn't work well with them, but you guys go on your own so you can go back at them?
Why would he insist it isn't a warning, a fan translating drama etc, if it was just to advance the progress?
with that context, can't help but "assume" you were leaving.

>> No.5465972

...Read the thread, that was a mistake.

>> No.5465984

ReMoeV_YuoR_iLLgeaL_cLoEN_FO hTTp://wWW.aNOmNoMtALK.sE/ (ANoMnOm_=_ANoN) ImmEidaTEly. pu ncizqujro idabuld mr gif cvzdinzgxyyul

>> No.5466014

It seems GF has been leaving 'details' about the entire situation.

>> No.5466021

>In other words, there's no point in releasing a partial patch. The full translation will be finished by the end of next week, if not sooner. However, as we've said previously, editing is going to be a real time drain for this game, so there's a chance it'll take several weeks after that before we're ready for a release.

Also Chronotrig just posted something about the gamefAQ's drama. One of the members of the GF team asked to leave first and then wanted to rejoin later.


>> No.5466034


>> No.5466040

by "leave" I mean at the time they were working with witch hunt and decided to not cooperate anymore because they translated more than WH.

>> No.5466046

question is: who's lying or omitting details out?

>> No.5466052


We never intended to leave back then. What we meant was that we didn't want to wait for 'okay go translate chapter x' which he'd take a good week to get back to us on, and it was kind of grating on our nerves that we weren't doing anything.

It was apparently a massive misunderstanding.

Our first choice was always to work with WH.

>> No.5466054

>So I think it's time to straighten things out a bit. First off, it was actually their group that split up with ours first. After they sent us two chapters, one of which I had already edited a large chunk of, we received this message on 4/20/10:(Just read the rest at the link)
Hmm. So it seems that the GF team really did leave, and WH didn't force them.
Then this "drama" was actually GF's fault.

>> No.5466056

Too slow, we are discussing this already.

>> No.5466117

It's obvious this whole thing was just a result of poor communication on the part of both sides...

>> No.5466123

I don't know, that PM looks pretty clear to me...

>> No.5466136


Read more than the first sentence?

I hope you don't take this the wrong way. This is neither a challenge, nor a warning, nor any of that other stupid drama that seems unfortunately common in the fan-translating community, especially when series get popular (and Umineko has gotten quite popular, thanks in very large part due to your efforts). There are no hard feelings on my end, at least, and I hope the same goes for you. If ya'll decide you do want what we've done in the end, then that'd be super-duper, and would do a serious job for boosting my ego. If you don't, then I won't begrudge you your own desire for perfection, either."

He makes it pretty clear that he'll still work with WH if WH wants.

>> No.5466167

That doesn't explain all the shit GF has been saying about WH since then.

>> No.5466183


>> No.5466190


"Simply put, this is a matter of trust, and the comments that your group has been posting around the web make it really hard to trust you guys. I don't want there to be conflict, but I think we'll proceed with this translation without your assistance."

CT to GF after they sent them chs 8-11.

>> No.5466191

Fucking GameFAQS or Fucking Animesuki?! I don't know whose worse ;_;

>> No.5466196


What shit have we been saying, aside from the rough translation thing, which we admitted was a misunderstanding? (that didn't even start with us as far as I know, btw, Shiro saw it on /jp/ and looked into it himself and kind of overreacted, because if you follow theory discussions you'd know he (and I) are both anti-Shkanon).

That was entirely our fault and we've admitted as such.

>> No.5466204

Most likely this is the case:
1. GF says they'll continue translationg without waiting for an "ok" fro WH
2. WH misunderstood and rmoved all of GF's translation from their patch
3. GF went back to WH with more translations
4. WH say "WTF? I thought you left. NAW"
5. GF got buttmad and started dissing WH

>> No.5466230

Most likely this is the case:
1. GF says they'll continue translationg without waiting for an "ok" fro WH
2. WH misunderstoodm got buttmad, and removed all of GF's translation from their patch
3. GF went back to WH with more translations
4. WH say "WTF? I thought you left. NAW"
5. GF got buttmad and started dissing WH


>> No.5466235

I don't think WH misunderstood, but didn't want to steal any work if GF was going to make its own translation so they just decided to translate it themselves.

>> No.5466238

lol VN translation drama

>> No.5466246

I think GF said on the GameFAQs thread that WH "better not" use any of their translations.

>> No.5466247

As in, they misunderstood GF as leaving when they meant not waiting for an "OK"

>> No.5466256

whatever, it's great to see drama between two groups makes things go faster

>> No.5466276
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>> No.5466277


Well hey, anime have had translation drama for a long time. I say it's about damn time VN translation drama started happening too.

>> No.5466282


That was an offhand comment from after WH said they weren't gonna use anything from them.

Of course, if they had contacted the GF people first, I'm sure they'd have been fine with it.

>> No.5466305

Bro, you missed the boat with NNL and Moogy it seems.

>> No.5466338

Though if CT is telling the truth about the editing, it looks like including the GF group wouldn't have made the patch come any faster.
I guess we'll see when we can compare the quality of each group.

>> No.5466348


The translation would have been done last month if they had worked together like they were planning at the start.

>> No.5466376

I promote the e-drama if it increases the competition, making both sides work faster

>> No.5466379

The GF team, to me, seems to be a big case of all talk. From what I see from the PMs they sent and how they slandered WH by leaking information about a rough translation they seem to be rather aggressive, yet they insist on "not implying" stuff and "being open to working together". Yeah, right...

>> No.5466381


I promote no e-drama, where they both work together, so WE get it faster.

>> No.5466415

Yeah, I can believe WH needs some editors. Their stuff barely resembles the English language.

>> No.5466416

VN drama is the worst thing to ever happen. It makes fansubbing drama look entertaining. It all started with that faggot Moogy and his shitty website. I remember the good old days when only a few VNs were released a year and the community wasn't full of faggots waving their dicks around. I hope both of these groups die and Umineko never gets translated. It's a shitty game anyways.

>> No.5466441


From one PM CT chose to reveal and from "leaking information" that was available for everyone to see in the prologue patch WH released to the public?

>> No.5466457

>by leaking information about a rough translation
You too can extract rough script from nscript.dat of ep6 patch to see those "leaks".

>> No.5466459

From what I read, if WH actually communicated with the GF group properly, all this drama wouldn't have happened.


>> No.5466500

e-drama, work together...it's all good, I'm for anything that makes both groups work faster than WH's usual pace

>> No.5466514

The pace is the same than Episode 4, where they were inactive for 2 months.
Except this time, it is obviously longer because of Episode 6 crazy content.

>> No.5466538

Wait, what? THe script is in japanese, how could you guess what was translated or not?

>> No.5466550


It's our (Gamefaqs guys) fault too. It wouldn't have happened had we been a bit more clear in that PM, I think.

I suppose we'll just wait for Chronotrig to respond now, and hope it works out...

>> No.5466552

It's pretty sad how this shitty game even gets two different translations while many other (not even long) better eroges remain untranslated.

>> No.5466558

Maybe because quite a few people on here are actually able to read jp? hurr durr, as if

>> No.5466565

Since peple have different tastes than you, they can do whatever they want.

>> No.5466567

there's your problem

>> No.5466580

Witch Hunt edits the script while leaving the Japanese in. It's helpful when I want to see how they've mangled a line.

>> No.5466581


WH had translated both the gold text line and the last red text line as a 'rough draft' in their script.

Someone, whether it was the guy from Gamefaqs or not, was looking through the script and saw them. Hence the whole issue.

The whole of the drama, both that and everything else, is absurd. Both sides need to stop being faggots and work it out. It's clear as day neither side is going to stop translating, so they should just come to an agreement.

>> No.5466591

Many lines were roughly translated, but quoted so they don't appear during the game.

>> No.5466615
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meanwhile in the meta world.

furfur grows/has a dick and rapes battler with it. zepar status unconfirmed.

>> No.5466619

I could believe that.

>> No.5466654
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I'd want if the art wasn't so shitty.

>> No.5466811

So, out of curiosity, what IS this mistranslated line that caused so much drama?

>> No.5466831


Did you guys even bother reading the topic, where the GF guys and WH guys both agree that that's not how it went down?

>> No.5466861

Well shit, I'm just waiting for one of them finish it first, so I can start reading

>> No.5466899


Chronotrig translated the final red text as "Counting you, there are 17 people" when the line doesn't say that in Japanese. It says "Even if we welcome you, there are 17 people".

Someone noticed this, posted about it on /jp/, the Gamefaqs guy saw it, checked it, and overreacted because it removes the ambiguity that is present in the line in Japanese, and he is a very large opponent of the theory the rough translation seemed to be 'confirming'.

Chronotrig apparently PM'd him and set him straight, and he apologized for overreacting and causing the misunderstanding.

>> No.5466907


Honestly, I don't get what WH did that wasn't reported by GF people. How is WH stirring shit up about this when they're not even doing anything, until this recent post by Chronotrig.

>> No.5466930

GF defense force is actually worse than the people actually doing the work.

>> No.5466947

I don't think we'll have to worry about this translation group drama for EP7. GF group will drop it when Shkannontrice is confirmed in EP7.

>> No.5466984

I'll be laughing my ass off when Bern tears the theory apart. I'm also looking forward to who the character using LIG code in episode 6 is going to be. Hopefully we'll get some Van Dine rules and put all this servant culprit and love bullshit to rest.

>> No.5467016

Sup chronotrig.

u mad?

>> No.5467062

No, no, chronotrig is the one that believes Nanjo's granddaughter or whatever is the culprit.

>> No.5467075

no that was his second culprit for episode 3. Chronotrig's central culprit is Shkanontrice.

>> No.5467176

...yeah, I think I'll be waiting for Gamefaqs.

>> No.5467183

Miranda Attack!

>You have the right to remain silent. Anything you post can and will be used against you in a court of public opinion.

>> No.5467218


What. because he believes in that Shakanontrice shit theory? Not like it'll affect the translation despite all this 'intentionally mistranslating things to support Shakanon' bullshit being spread around.
