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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 58 KB, 800x600, thebestwaifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5456171 No.5456171 [Reply] [Original]


Yes, we exist. Yes, Sakura is our waifu.

Fuck the haters, let's have a Sakura thread.

>> No.5456191


>> No.5456193

Not my favorite F/SN character but at least she's better than Saber

>> No.5456197

The only 2d woman i'd call disgusting.

>> No.5456199

My heart points to Sakura.

My Dick points to Rider.

>> No.5456200

lol no

>> No.5456203


She isn't.


Sakura is the best heroine, she isn't boring like Saber and not slutty and annoying like Rin.

>> No.5456205

>let's have a shit thread.

>> No.5456207
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Sakura/Shirou is the only meaningful relationship in FSN

>> No.5456212
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>Angry Type-Moon Girl

>> No.5456214

>not slutty and annoying like Rin.
Now you've went out of line.

>> No.5456215
File: 1.82 MB, 3200x2400, 0177123d7728269f13e501dff5e94730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you walk into Sakura while she is having bath.
Your next course of action?

>> No.5456218
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>> No.5456220

Fuck you, i like Sakura.

>> No.5456223


>> No.5456225


Agree, Saber/Shirou doesn't last enough and Shirou/Rin dosen't have any development.

Sakura is Shirou's waifu, they have know each other for years. I mean, he even gave up on his ideals for her, if it isn't true love and i don't know what it is.

>> No.5456227

Sakura is clingy and insane. She was interesting as a character, but I didn't like her.

>> No.5456228
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>> No.5456230


>> No.5456233

worms, worms everywhere.

>> No.5456235


She is.
Her personality is annoying, she can't cook and she's wants to rape both Shirou and Saber.
Also, she faps watching them fuck.

>> No.5456239


My bath?

I tell her to gtfo, bitch.

>> No.5456241

>wants to rape both Shirou and Saber.
>Also, she faps watching them fuck.
I can't see how this is anything other than a good thing.

>> No.5456248


She's a slut.

You guys call Sakura a slut, but she was raped.

Rin simply is a bisexual slut.

>> No.5456250

As long as we can all agree that she's a total slut.

>> No.5456257

I've never called Sakura a slut personally.

Nothing wrong with a little sluttiness.

>> No.5456259

I don't hate her. But I don't like any F/SN girl particularly, so...

>> No.5456260

Sakorafags, eh?

>> No.5456268


>> No.5456269
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She noticed you.
You have 10 seconds to do something..

>> No.5456276
File: 35 KB, 360x510, 7f026be818166190ececd9ac9e7df55e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>My Dick points to Rider.

>> No.5456288
File: 68 KB, 550x850, 1252332440143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5456293

Fall on the ground in tears while babbling fearfully for your life.

>> No.5456294
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>> No.5456301
File: 1.89 MB, 3200x2400, aefd2396e9289ed7cb550512be6cece2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too slow.. you are probably dead by now.

>> No.5456307

Sakura just had problems with daddy not loving her enough. Only, instead of just daddy, it was her daddy, step-daddy, and step-brother.

She constantly blames herself for everything that goes on around her, but doesn't do anything to actually change the situation(s) or to change herself to better deal with or prevent future such situation(s) from occurring again. Instead, she just stands there and cries, waiting for her darling sempai to come and save her, and doesn't bother even to improve herself to help lessen the burden she places on Shirou, expecting him to simply be able to handle it all and that the happy days of Cooking Together to continue for eternity.

Sakura is a crying, self-centered, idiotic, whining, little baby, and how anyone could prefer that child over someone like Saber, Rin, or even Taiga is beyond me. You might as well go date real 13 year old girls, as they're just the same.

>> No.5456309

I like a woman who knows her place, that is, in the kitchen. Also, she didn't fuck with Shirou only a few days after meeting him, unlike two other people.

>> No.5456318

>Implying it wasn't her fault to begin with

>> No.5456323


She was raped for years my her grampa, brother and worms, and she was ready to die for Shirou.

>> No.5456327
File: 74 KB, 580x680, 1277314153296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5456332



>> No.5456336

Oh boo hoo. Kohaku suffered a similar childhood, yet she's one of the most widely liked characters in Tsukihime.

>read to die for Shirou
Even though Sakura repeatedly, throughout the route, beat herself up for harming Shirou, beat herself up for dragging Shirou into the mess (as she believed), she didn't do anything about it but cry and whoremoan. I can understand lamenting over your shitty upbringing filled with rape and penisworms, but when you start bitching and whining about how the guy you love is getting hurt by you, it's only reasonable to try and find some way to stop him from getting hurt. But does she do this? NO! She just stands there and cries, shoving all the burden of responsibility onto Shirou's shoulders until he fucking dies for her, and then, AND THEN! She has the audacity to lament over the fact that she'll never see Shirou again? Not that Shirou is dead, NO NO NO, but that she won't see him again, the selfish, arrogant, bitchy slut. And a damn coward, on top of all that.

>> No.5456347

Elder god tier:
Fuck yeah tier
Trolling each other fags tier:
Rin, Saber Sakura

>> No.5456368

why does it seem that so many threads on /jp/ all consist of the following dialogue, just substitute Girl X, Girl Y and Girl Z with whoever from whatever series/game is relevant

<Girl X> is a good girl and my waifu!
<Girl X> is a slut unlike <Girl Y>!
No she isnt <Reason why not>
Yes she is <Reason why>
<Girl Z> is better than both of them

>> No.5456370

Absolute perfection tier:

>> No.5456375

Isn't that the same for most things? Video games, books, movies, etc.

>> No.5456380

You mean, 'Wants to be special and stand out instead of joining the rest with Rin' tier?

>> No.5456382


>> No.5456415


Yes, welcome to /jp/

Btw, Saber>*

>> No.5456425
File: 63 KB, 467x552, 1213680044418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rin and saber - mary sue characters made to pander to the fetishist otaku crowd

Sakura - realistic character with a believable personality and complex character development

>> No.5456428
File: 450 KB, 800x1274, 1277314968246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5456432

Disgusting pig whore.
I'll be over here, enjoying my perfect Rin.

>> No.5456433

Sakura is a slut.
Why would you want a girl that craves the cock so much she'll go mad with lust if you're away for a day?

NTR loving faggots.

>> No.5456437

Realistic and a crazy unlikeable whore.

>> No.5456442

>realistic character with a believable personality
Realistic for 13 year olds. Like Sakura? Go start a long lasting relationship with someone in middle school.

>and complex character development
No. There is character development, but it isn't complex by any means. She goes from being the bland girl, to being a clingy slut, to being a psychotic mass murderer.

>> No.5456453

>bland girl, to being a clingy slut, to being a psychotic mass murderer.

translation : perfect woman

>> No.5456459

You would fall in love with Gilles de Rais if he were a woman.

>> No.5456465
File: 216 KB, 487x594, 1234376083170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only character in FSN with not completely shallow and half assed development is Shirou, and that's pretty damn forced at some points too.

>> No.5456475

/jp/ just taught me something and i liked it

>> No.5456485 [DELETED] 

I've seen pictures of this girl on /jp/ for a while now, and yet I have no idea what show she's from.

Anybody care to tell the lowly newfag?

>> No.5456487

Shingetsutan Tsukihime

>> No.5456491

Go ask /a/. And stay there.

>> No.5456494

Lurk the fuck more. If you don't even recognize her, I doubt you should post here.

>> No.5456504

Sakura=Kohaku+Sacchin. Kohaku and Sacchin=win. Sakura=win.


>> No.5456508

More like Sakura= Kohaku+ Hisui

>> No.5456510
File: 38 KB, 852x480, AKA MARYSUE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot something

>> No.5456515

Sakura = Kohaku − Kohaku's good personality + boring doormat moeblob shit

>> No.5456517


>> No.5456547

And most of these forced as fuck moments take place during Sakura's route. Coincidence?

>> No.5456557

Elitist faggotry much?

>> No.5456562

why do they call them apple jacks if they dont taste like apples?

>> No.5456565
File: 294 KB, 900x692, 1124638653325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not hate Sakura.

>> No.5456568

We get threads about this VN at least fifty times daily.
That you don't know what it is means you do not browse this board long enough to contribute anything of worth.

So fuck off if all you're going to do is shitpost.

>> No.5456581 [DELETED] 

>Refuse to answer simple question
>"So fuck off if all you're going to do is shitpost."
>Sage thread out of spite


>> No.5456588

Welcome to /jp/, please don't enjoy your stay. This VN is one of the most discussed and spammed on /jp/, hell same goes even for /a/. Just get your ass back to narutoforums.

>> No.5456590

Too much in one post.

>> No.5456612

Let me ask you a question.

Why on earth are you browsing this board?

>> No.5456613


You guys are laying it a bit thick.
Up to 24 hours ago, we barely had a couple per few days.
It was not even 'spammed' since other things took precedence.
It's just that with yesterday's thread, trolls remembered that people still react like faggots anytime TM is mentioned, and voila.

>> No.5456639 [DELETED] 

To be honest, I did not expect one simple question to spin into a clusterfuck like this. God knows why you feel so proprietary about the identity of your precious drawing - I'd expect this kind of crap from /b/.

But you know what? That's cool. I got the answer, so feel free to have a nice rage over the noob who doesn't spend every waking hour watching animation. Thank you for your help, have a nice life, and enjoy your mother's basement.

>> No.5456642

Why are all the FSN heroines shit?

>> No.5456643

Sure it's exaggeration, but we really do get "Who's the biggest slut" threads, "baww I don't like Shirou" threads, powerlevels, X can kill Y bullshit, Shiki memes and general shitposting almost daily.

>> No.5456646

'cuz you mad.

>> No.5456650

So the males would look cooler.

>> No.5456655

Nasu can't create a good female characer.

>> No.5456662
File: 209 KB, 406x480, owned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Owned and buttangery because his knowledge is lacking.

>> No.5456664

It's more "lack of trying" Hell, the second post was
>Not my favorite F/SN character but at least she's better than Saber
That alone should've given it away, even if you don't know what F/SN stands for, Google tells you right away, the first result. If you aren't sure if thats the right one, a quick trip to Google Images and putting in "Fate/Stay Night Sakura" would've confirmed it, and her name was in the OP, you could've found the answer easily, without even trying. That sort of ignorance is just inexcusable.

>> No.5456671

Shirou was my favorite FSN character. What now, bitch?

>> No.5456676

No, we do not.
Especially since May, where EVERY OTHER shitposting and spamming was cranked up to eleven.

>> No.5456677
File: 84 KB, 616x789, 1262068537264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is the girl
who's nicest of them all?

Who is the one
That cooks the bestest dinner?

She's not a slut
Like that tsundere whore

>> No.5456679

I go through most of the boards here. I see her picture a lot and thought that I'd ask who she is. Apparently that came off as some sort of trolling or spam or... something, whatever the hell just happened.

Also, see:

>> No.5456688

What you asked is tantamount to going on /v/ and asking who Mario is.

>> No.5456694

made me lol

>> No.5456713

Sakura isn't very nice though. At least Rin tells people straight out their faggots, Sakura goes around talking shit about them behind their backs and gossipping with other people.

Not nice at all.

>> No.5456724

More people play the vidya than watch anime.

>> No.5456732

Shirou is nicer than Sakura, and cooks better. Anything she has to offer is useless, except her slutty lewd body.

>> No.5456740


>> No.5456753


Gossiping with people? Like when? She hardly has anyone to gossip WITH. She never wants to trouble anyone, or hurt anyone's feelings. She withholds criticism unless it's genuinely constructive, and when she compliments you she does it totally sincerely. Sakura is literally the embodiment of the perfect Japanese wife. Smart, polite, tactful, and submissive.

>> No.5456760

everyone hates my waifu, but i love her

>> No.5456762

>Hasn't read Hollow Ataraxia

Saber is a NEET and Rin is a huge goddamn bitch too.

>> No.5456767
File: 125 KB, 380x473, 藤04a頬(中).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taiga is the only truly nice. No ill intent at all.

>> No.5456780


HA isn't even translated yet.

>> No.5456782

The average person is more likely to recognize one of the best known characters from a video game than a character from a show that only Japanese people and weeaboos/neckbeards like yourself would recognize.

...oh screw it. I'd say that you're like arguing with a brick wall, but even a brick wall knows when to shut up.

>> No.5456786


>> No.5456790

When Shirou & Sakura meet Caster in one scene in HA, Sakura starts talking about how Rin is a self-proclamied Miss Perfect that's fooling everyone, that she's unbearable, an airhead lacking in "certain things" and that she has made an innocent boy her slave without a heart. Then she comments that the boy looks happy when ordered around, and she thinks it's not right.

And she shouts angrily at Taiga when she just wants to play with Shirou, almost making Taiga cry. Jealous clingy bitch. That's like kicking puppies.

>> No.5456794
File: 142 KB, 863x1200, 48d1ad3d40bf6cf75db9f0bfcc75a395cc340c0e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sakura actually is feeling void and hopeless. She never succeeded at pleasing anyone if only it is by suffering. Hence why she is only crying and bitching instead of helping, a part of her believe that to please she must suffer. As she get power she is intoxicated by it and realize that her suffering doesn't help anyone which emotionally hurt her more making a vicious circle.

>> No.5456797
File: 211 KB, 1600x1280, 1274209488808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ilyasviel master race here

>> No.5456804

And you're on a board where this character and VN are just as well known.
You saying, "Well, I know who Mario is, so that doesn't matter" doesn't change the fact that you asking what Sakura is from is just as stupid and lazy as asking /v/ who Mario is.

>> No.5456806

>our waifu
What a slut!

>> No.5456807

>When Shirou & Sakura meet Caster in one scene in HA, Sakura starts talking about how Rin is a self-proclamied Miss Perfect that's fooling everyone, that she's unbearable, an airhead lacking in "certain things" and that she has made an innocent boy her slave without a heart. Then she comments that the boy looks happy when ordered around, and she thinks it's not right.

That was Akiha, dumbshit.

>> No.5456809
File: 954 KB, 1400x2300, 95c421c9a4c97db6ec94e53576490610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sanaefag here.
Don't like your waifu much, but I can relate to your plight. You've got my support in your...um...waifuing ventures, I guess.

>> No.5456816

>a part of her believe that to please she must suffer
Then that part of her should continue to suffer without crying for help.
As it is, Sakura is no different than an emo that cuts her wrists while hoping someone will notice.

>> No.5456825

Man, people call Shirou dense, but you're just as bad.

>> No.5456841

Quite the blockhead there, buddy. The Tohno shit was a quick coverup because she didn't want to explicitly talk shit about Rin in front of Shirou so that he wouldn't catch her shitty personality.

>> No.5456843
File: 169 KB, 1400x2500, 1260708277942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She suffers because no one is noticing her. She is feeling like everything is working against her or ignore her.

>> No.5456850

So she is no different than an emo that cuts her wrists while hoping someone will notice

>> No.5456857

That's what the 14 year old fatty teens with heavy mascara say when they slice up their wrists.

>> No.5456860

>You saying, "Well, I know who Mario is, so that doesn't matter"
No. What I'm saying is that Mario is a better known character than her, so your point here >>5456688
is irrelevant.

Side note - at this point I can't tell if you're a troll or just a rabid neckbeard defending the sanctity of his precious image board. Either way, feel free to keep digging - I'm curious to see how far you'll go.

>> No.5456863

>What I'm saying is that Mario is a better known character than her
Yes, so you're saying, "Well, I know who Mario is, so that doesn't matter".

>> No.5456869

Not the same guy, but seriously, what I want to know is why the hell are you even on this board?

>> No.5456881

Why would she want to make Taiga cry? That's horrible!

>> No.5456893

Because she's an overly possessive, vindictive bitch?

>> No.5456895

So is Sakura.

>> No.5456907
File: 78 KB, 640x690, a8804c1081334c6b80be4c6aff5cbde69ecaa21a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's true. But wouldn't you date a 14 year old girl wanting your cock and warmth?

>> No.5456918

If the 14 year old girl wasn't an emo with daddy issues, but a relatively well adjusted youth, sure.

But I do not want some slut that likes me only because no one else is available.

>> No.5456919

I know. Taiga is like some kind of cute fuzzy pet, Sakura wasn't nice at all.

>> No.5456935
File: 37 KB, 500x372, Internet_argument.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As I said here >>5456679
I go on most boards here. I watch anime and read manga, so 'most boards' includes /a/ and /jp/. I get recommendations on these boards, so I didn't think that asking a question like 'which show is this from?' would be so controversial, especially from one that you all seem to like so much. Lo and behold, I was wrong.

>Yes, so you're saying, "Well, I know who Mario is, so that doesn't matter".
Nice strawman, but again, no. Mario is more famous than her. That's all I said. So your argument that asking who she is is like asking who Mario is is a load of crap.
Pic related.

>> No.5456949

Can somebody post pics of these HA scenes (doesn't matter whether it's in Japanese)? Anyone could spread bad rumors about a character and say "WELL, IT'S IN A GAME YOU HAVEN'T PLAYED".

>> No.5456957

Look, you're saying, "Mario is more famous than Sakura, I already know who Mario is, so your example doesn't make count." I'm saying, "Yes, you better know who Mario is. It's insane to not know who Mario is. It is just as insane to be on /jp/ (or even /a/) and not know who Sakura is."
Would you rather me substitute /v/ with /lit/ and name a book? Or /mu/ and name some shitty metal band they like?
Why are you still here, anyway?

>> No.5456967

o i c what u did there

>> No.5457012
File: 143 KB, 985x720, ssrthsrth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh for fucks sake...

Mario is easily recognizable right? The hat, mustache, overalls and what not scream Mario, right? Take a look here:
Purple hair & eyes + shoulder length hair + female = 82 matches. Pic related.

Translation - a character known around the world is more famous than a character that can be easily mistaken for one of 80+ characters in a similar art style.

Also, I'm still here because, like I said, I'm curious to see how serious you are over something so meaningless. I'm going to go make a sandwich now, but if this thread is still around when I get back I'll be glad to poke you some more.

>> No.5457059

Rin is some bad copy of Luvia, and Saber is Agrias without the charm. Sakura wins by default even though it doesn't really mean much compared to the rest of the Fate/stay night cast.

>> No.5457062

cool this has gone from a sakura is my waifu thread to a mario is a more recognised character worldwide than sakura thread.

Cool a ride of thrills and spills here

>> No.5457091
File: 111 KB, 1200x978, 1260426295098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The people who hate Sakura are probably the same people who hate Shinji from Eva. i.e. they don't like characters that are actually realistic and human thrown into situations that are completely out of their control. Sure you can call her an emo bitch, but bear in mind the fact that she spent the last 11 YEARS of her life being told that she's a good-for-nothing piece of shit, being raped constantly, tortured, having her food poisoned, and generally being put through horrendous misery for no reason other than her insane grandfather's wish for immortality. Shirou was the first person in 11 years to show any sort of genuine compassion to her and the times she spent with him were the only times she could be happy.

>> No.5457105

I usually don't screencap shit when I play a VN, but you could try playing the partial patch, the scene where she badmouths Rin is translated, I've seen someone post it before.

>> No.5457107

Nah, I just don't like unvirgin sluts. Shinji is a pretty cool guy.

>> No.5457108

Yeah, sorry about that. I just wanted to ask a simple question and it ended up derailing the entire thread.

Either way, if that idiot is right, there should be another thread about her within a few hours.

>> No.5457121

I like Shinji Ikari and defend him whenever possible, and I'm one of the people who stand up to Shirou when the many haters hate on him, but Sakura is one character I can't bring myself to like. And it has nothing to do with her virginity, either.

>> No.5457123

Rin and Saber: Have sex with Shirou after only talking with him for a week. Have 3 way sex.
Sakura: Has sex with Shirou after spending every day with him for over a year and was forced urges to have sex.

Oh wow, which one is the slut again?

>> No.5457131


But she was raped. Only whorish sluts get raped, because they deserve it.

>> No.5457141

Then Rin and Saber must have been raped every day rofl.

>> No.5457153

You say you watch anime and read manga, but why are you browsing /jp/ then? /jp/ is VNs/Touhou.

>> No.5457154

Saber had sex because lolmanatransfer
Rin knew Shirou from THAT BAR.

Sakura is craves sex so much, if she doesn't have sex at least a few times a day, she'll go mad with lust.

>> No.5457167


Due to prana devouring worms implanted in her by her psychotic grandfather.

>> No.5457181


I'm not a whorish slut ;_;

>> No.5457190

You guys never get tired of this shit right?
Go play Swan Song or Muv-Luv Unlimited already.

>> No.5457212

Yes you are. Now go back to doing slutty things, you slutty slut.

>> No.5457214

np, its keeping the thread going, giving me something to read while i play FSN

>> No.5457215

I post in most VN threads since this place moves so slow.

>> No.5457219


B-but I'm not ;_;

If i'm posting here its obvious I'm not a slut, right? ;_;

>> No.5457222

Finished Swan Song already, not in a rush to do Unlimited.

>> No.5457241


>> No.5457254

So she should be excused for being a slut because it's her body that craves penis?

>> No.5457269

It's not her fault for "craving penis". It's the worms that makes her a slut. She can't help it man.

>> No.5457277


Because it's something completely out of her control. In fact, she HATES herself for not being able to give her virginity to Shriou. She would give anything to turn back time and have her innocence back.

But on another note, what's wrong with sluts? Slutty girls are fun. There's no such thing as good virgin sex, but sluts know their way around. They can actually make it feel good. The world would be a better place is more women were sluts.

>> No.5457290

She should resist the temptation like a true maiden of purity. Shirou resisted the arm eating his brain, she should do the same.

>> No.5457302

nothing wrong with sluts, thats why rin is in the game

>> No.5457306

Nothing is wrong with unvirgin sluts, but something is wrong with Sakura. She's not likable.

>> No.5457312

Shirou had the arm for a few days, Sakuya had the worms for most of her life.
Also, Shirou is a MAN and has more plot armor than god, because he's the main character.

>> No.5457315

So just like how sluts can't help wanting to suck cock and lie on their back all day, it should be excused she they just can't help it?

>> No.5457325

No, Shirou just has more hotblooded spirit than Sakura.

>> No.5457336

There is nobility in resisting base temptations of the flesh. Look at Saber.
Giving in to your desires to be gangbanged makes you no more than an animal living for pleasure.

>> No.5457337

>So just like how sluts can't help wanting to suck cock and lie on their back all day, it should be excused she they just can't help it?
Nympho=/=slut, get that in your head first.
A slut is a woman who WILLINGLY fucks many many people, without being a need, just for fun.

>> No.5457348

Most sluts aren't under the control of magical parasites. So that's not the same at all and you know it.

Anyways, this Sakura is a slut meme is getting way too old. It seems like some people seriously believe it now.

>> No.5457349

Sakura willingly gave in to her urges.

>> No.5457356

Oh and Sakura doesn't have this plothax of yours? Why do you think Gil didn't just fucking steamroll the whole loldark gang of failures in HF?

And personally I think getting your brain eaten is a lot worse than being constantly horny.

>> No.5457358

I must have missed that bit. Quote?

>> No.5457365

But Sakura is a slut. That's not a reason to hate her, but she is a slut, nonetheless. She has more sex scenes than any of the other heroines.

>> No.5457370

well /jp/ its been fun but im going to bed now to dream of sakura

>> No.5457375

It's right after she killed Gil.

>> No.5457394
File: 432 KB, 800x800, Yayoi No.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just dropping in to say this:

I really don't give a shit about who is a slut and who isn't. I find Sakura a horrible character for reasons completely unrelated to her sexual partners. Have a nice day.

>> No.5457405

She was the only heroine that placed her own life above anyone else's.
In a VN where the protagonist, Sakura's love interest, routinely sacrifices his life to save someone else, Sakura herself places her own life as more important than any other life.

>> No.5457420

Seconding this.

The real slut from Crescendo was love, Kohaku is wonderful too but Sakura just doesn't click well with me.

>> No.5457474

She wanted Shirou to kill her, and wouldn't have resisted if he tried to do so. Also, wanting to live isn't a sin. People were blaming her and trying to kill her for things that weren't even her fault.

>> No.5457725

sakura is mai waifu

>> No.5460410

So this thread has been unable to come to an agreement on whether sakura mouto is a slut or not, my question to /jp/ is does she fall into the classification of yandere?

>> No.5460430 [DELETED] 

how about you kill yourself you lonely weeaboo wapanese faggot

>> No.5460519
File: 400 KB, 1683x1200, 1276642164014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like slutty women, At least they are having as much fun at sex as you are, plus you can do whatever you want with them, from foot jobs too anal

>> No.5461860


>> No.5461863
File: 39 KB, 688x235, hajidere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only Dark Sakura, imo. Regular Sakura (when not influenced by Angra Mainyu) is more of a hajidere.

>> No.5461884
File: 20 KB, 332x184, girlcock.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this?

>> No.5461899

>implying Misato is a slutty girl
>implying it's not your nerd virgin's imagination


>> No.5461907

No, that's just a regular old geeky meganekko. Hinata is probably the most famous example of a hajidere.

>> No.5461915

well, she spent one week in her apartment fucking Kaji, that's something.

>> No.5461916

sakura is the best touhou

>> No.5461950

Sanae is the best FSN

>> No.5464590

all the talk about sluts in this game but when do they start being sluts, been playin for hours and all ive seen is sabers ass.

>> No.5464990

>All the talk about sluts in this game, but when do they start being sluts.?
>Been playin for hours and all ive seen is sabers ass.

Anyway, they aren't, /jp/'s just sexually depressed because no one here will ever get any,IYKWIM.
So they call any and all female-like objects sluts, because they sleep with people who aren't socially retarded.

>> No.5467528

Zoken can monitor Sakura at all times and simply will her to die or suffer agonizing torture with his worms. How do you expect her to rebel in her situation?

>> No.5467533

Talk about resurrection.

>> No.5467559


Picture of an erotical black hole.

>> No.5469879
File: 15 KB, 300x275, domrin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Archer LIKES being Rin's slave . . .
