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File: 333 KB, 900x900, 11077078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5451246 No.5451246 [Reply] [Original]

Sanae, help!

>> No.5451255

[X] Punch her in the face

>> No.5451253
File: 437 KB, 600x595, 1276469684177.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you need my help to rape Kogasa, Mystia.

>> No.5451287
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I thought we had something special!

>> No.5451297

oh look it's a RP thread

>> No.5451302
File: 26 KB, 400x342, 9d79d13c3a3d3545bb31d7e8e41d1697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course we did

>> No.5451324
File: 318 KB, 1600x1400, 631f3abc67785c6493c8da5f045c5fbd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reimu's much more of a bitch to Kogasa than Sanae is.

>> No.5451333

gotta hate all this QUALITY

>> No.5451348
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I tought nobody gave a damn to Kogasa

>> No.5451351
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>> No.5451357

see? bird youkai are rapists

>> No.5451381
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this thread.

>> No.5451394
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I loved you...

>> No.5451407
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Why bully umbrella.

Especially when umbrella has such nice legs.

>> No.5451437
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Because umbrella gave miko placebos instead of real contraceptives.

>> No.5451449 [SPOILER] 
File: 221 KB, 819x665, 1276445438102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


tbh, I think fandom makes her much more bearable than ZUN wanted to depict her as. For instance, she come out of nowhere, bother you about shit and lame surprises and she won't leave you until you are surprised (also her real form is the umbrella she is carrying, thus she should be ugly as fuck).

>> No.5451574

soar prize~

>> No.5451592


She's "New Youkai Moe." I prefer to believe that the umbrella is her old body, but she is now the girl and carries around the umbrella for whatever reason. She doesn't need it, but she likes having it around as a security blanket...thing.

>> No.5451615

>her real form is the umbrella she is carrying, thus she should be ugly as fuck
Why does it matter?
It's not like you're going to fuck the umbrella and not the cute girl attached to it.

>> No.5451629
File: 443 KB, 1000x900, 25b3581e8fc0738a39d29931e3bc36701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the hell off of her, you damn dirty sparrow.

>> No.5451662

Why do Kogasa and Sanae get paired up?

>> No.5451670
File: 418 KB, 640x905, 6492293bedb192af4b6519878c78b382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know. It works great, though, so who can complain?

>> No.5451672

cause Sanae beat her up because she likes to exterminate youkai, just like every other enemy in the game. Yeah its stupid, but that's fandom for you.

>> No.5451677
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I'd rain on her parade, if you get what I mean

I bet she would be "soaking wet"

I'd open her up and firmly hold her above my head, if you catch my drift

Talking about drift, she sure seems to be in a state of "downspour"

>> No.5451680
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>> No.5451685
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That was bad.
Stay away from her.

>> No.5451686

I keep forgetting how much we go along with stupid nihonian handwaving. Carry on.

>> No.5451688

Too late ;_;, kogasa gets birdraped, sanae becomes a vigilante

>> No.5451695
File: 496 KB, 800x970, 4b959da609fa6bead8a9372e0ec4ba44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here Kogasa, have some Yakitori, it will cheer you up

>> No.5451697


Reported for role playing.

>> No.5451704

Kogasa only gained this bit of popularity only because of Sanae, if Sakuya had been put in instead, the umbrella youkai would be thrown aside along with the rest of the UFO cast that not named Byakuren. Touhou Fans wanted to build up Sanae's "love interests" and that's all Kogasa is going to be in the long run.

>> No.5451710
File: 104 KB, 1000x1000, 34f60e7e6c27fb5934f330368eba3dbf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Too late ;_;, kogasa gets birdraped, sanae healed her broken mind, and they all lived happily ever after
Fixed that for you. Really, anonymous, you can at least try to get things a little right.

>> No.5451714

You are wrong. You're thinking of Momiji.

>> No.5451723
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>> No.5451728

Oh please, most Touhou fans only like a Touhou only because she is paired up with another character.
Momiji, Parsee, Letty, and many others are simply an accessory for the lovey dovey crap, and that's all they are going to be in the long run when it concerns the fandom, just an accessory.

>> No.5451739
File: 530 KB, 535x481, Chillan_Like_Ice_Cream_Fillan_by_LittleShrimp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why bully umbrella.

>Especially when umbrella has such nice legs.

_because_ umbrella has such nice legs.

>> No.5451738

lady yuyucow?

>> No.5451737

Fuck you

>> No.5451741
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>> No.5451745


Nobody likes Parsee. Parsee is a fucking loser. Parsee strikes me as a girl who will have sex with any random men for a chance at someone finally liking her

but no

>> No.5451746
File: 62 KB, 493x600, 25fb27bc3a9894546038d77bc20a3de99a1e68a6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5451751

Parsee hates most everybody and she would not want to have sex with any of them.

>> No.5451753

>Parsee hates most everybody

Parsee hates because Parsee is hated.

>> No.5451755

Hrm. With that logic, ALL Touhous are just accessories.

>> No.5451759

No cares about Parsee, not her powers, not her green eyed monster, not that she is a bridge troll. Only as long as she is in the arms of Yuugi is the only concern most fans give a damn about.

>> No.5451762

Parsee hates because she cannot cross her bridge.

>> No.5451766 [DELETED] 

>No cares about Parsee, not her powers, not her green eyed monster, not that she is a bridge troll.

Bu t that is wht i like her does that make me a nobody?

>> No.5451764


>> No.5451768 [SPOILER] 
File: 26 KB, 257x227, multiple_girls_inserting_the_end_of_a_broom_into_their_rectums.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bero Bero Baa~

>> No.5451782

>No cares about Parsee, not her powers, not her green eyed monster, not that she is a bridge troll.

But I do I even hope that Parsee becomes a playable character someday.

>> No.5451783


Momiji is cute on her own. Same with Kogasa. They need no pairings.

>> No.5451786
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>> No.5451788

I want to...bite her tonque?

>> No.5451834
File: 332 KB, 400x1050, Nurikabe1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a depressing thread. Yanagi, go.

>> No.5451853
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>> No.5451862
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>> No.5451866
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>> No.5451882
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>> No.5451887
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>> No.5451889
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>> No.5451923

you wouldn't fuck a umbrella

>> No.5451943
File: 216 KB, 1000x1330, ff42d846afaad425691f8b3aa0c0ac58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about now?

>> No.5451944

I would if I could!

>> No.5451948
File: 600 KB, 800x880, 9d5902f488ef7f5f1d567ac56b3a761e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or now?
But really. Kogasa is not for sex.

>> No.5451952
File: 316 KB, 360x360, 1274953460665.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are wrong.

>> No.5451977
File: 75 KB, 500x500, 1275968884252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn right.

>> No.5452018
File: 131 KB, 394x343, be more surprised.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't stop posting in this damn thread, and it's all your fault. Argh, I want to paint my face with your blood.

>> No.5452035
File: 48 KB, 332x296, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is moot deleting this board?

>> No.5452052
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>> No.5452053

Is that her brother?

>> No.5452139

That's her umbrella.
Or that's her, depending and who you ask.

>> No.5454106

They should team up in the next game
"Domestic violence team"
