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5443174 No.5443174 [Reply] [Original]

Let's play a guessing game for how long it will take for Witch Hunt to release the first patch.

I say a month.

>> No.5443187
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>> No.5443209
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>> No.5443252
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>> No.5443249
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Rifuy hijack.

>> No.5443262
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>> No.5443269
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>> No.5443277
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>> No.5443284
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>> No.5443380


>> No.5443473
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>> No.5443480
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Anyone have the translated version of this story?
I failed to save the pictures when it got posted in one of the rifuy threads

>> No.5443485
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>> No.5443488
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>> No.5443504
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>> No.5443516
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>> No.5443534
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>> No.5443546
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>> No.5443634

you're optimic.

>> No.5443639
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what about Gamefaq's translations?
any news?

>> No.5443686
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GameFAQ's? Did some people there actually start translating EP6?

>> No.5443698
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from what I heard they already translated alot.

>> No.5443708

OT from gamefaqs is actually very close to finishing from what I've heard.

>> No.5443822

what do you think, to wait for WH original translation, or play gamefaq if they will finish faster?

>> No.5443852

Shkanon biased or not?
I'll take GF without the bias, thanks.

>> No.5443885

I Hate Shkanon lol.
as far as I know, witch-hunt is close to finish the 1st part, and GF is close to finish the WHOLE GAME
that's what I know

>> No.5444004

>witch-hunt is close to finish the 1st part
Which they get from gf guys.

>> No.5444229
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When did even GameFaq's get involved?

>> No.5444245

Gamefaqs translation will finish after WH first partial, but before their second partial.

I don't think I'll care to read WH's translation due to all of the Shkanon bias that's being thrown in there.

>> No.5444252

When WH took too long with episode 5, they were the ones who translated the prologue.

Come episode 6 and the same shit happens, GF guys offer help, WH accepts at first but later dumps them because of internal drama. Now GF guys are doing their own translation and are actually moving faster than the WH translators.

>> No.5444292

What's their progress?

>> No.5444295

I'm honestly surprised that people STILL read this crap.

>> No.5444339

>We've managed to release each game's patch before the next Comiket ever since EP4, and we won't stop now. I can guarantee you a full release of EP6 before Comiket, with enough time for everyone to read it thoroughly.

>Just a note, though. As has been mentioned before, the editing for this game will have to be done very carefully. It has a lot of subtle clues and metaphors hidden in it, and we want to make sure we've communicated all of those as well as humanly possible. We don't know which are real clues and which are trolls, but either way, it's not fair to the player if any of these get passed up.

Subtle metaphors, pointing to Nanjo being his own granddaughter, needs to be translated right.

>> No.5444343

>Yeah, so...I just thought I'd clear this up for everyone before we all grab torches and pitchforks.
>It's come to my attention that the bias I mentioned earlier was indeed nothing more than a rough draft; it never was intended to stick around to the final draft. So, faith in the man restored. False alarm, guys.

>> No.5444352

Trying to cover his ass now that people have exposed him.

>> No.5444355

That would be some feat but here's hoping they pull through.

Wonder who will be first/better if that becomes the case?

>> No.5444403

Now, why did I never thought of Rika's mother being the actual "mother being" for Hanyuu, while also being AuAu...?

Not sure about how does it work itself out with Asumu, though.

>> No.5444425

>I am a 1000 years old witch, yet 6 years ago I had yet to come to existence
Sounds legit.

>> No.5444458

I can't find anything about gameFAQ translations.

>> No.5444473 [DELETED] 

RemoEv yuoR ilLgEAL_Cloen fO_Http://tiNYUrl.cOM/3YKPhf3 iMmeiDaTelY. ncgdhg jyrj eomiz hxfwyseoyos o tthu

>> No.5444485

They live in the "Umineko VN Tea Party" threads in the GameFAQs Other Titles board:

To be frank, I'm not much of a fan of Witch-Hunt's complete lack of communication, and will to use the GameFAQs patch if it is out on schedule (mid-July), but I believe the "Shkanon bias" rumor has been blown out of proportion.

The source of the rumor was a single line, albeit a major red text, which was roughly translated in a way that didn't perfectly preserve the ambiguity it originally held. The mistranslated line itself did not directly address Shkanon, but it did severely limit opposing theories. That is exactly the kind of stuff which gets cleaned up in the "editing" phase WH seems spend so much time on. Rough draft is rough.

>> No.5444510 [DELETED] 

REmoeV YUOr_iLlGeAl_CLOEN FO httP://tInyUrl.com/3YkpHF3 IMMeIDatElY. zcggqzr fhhcejcjwe coxh udgnefyj

>> No.5444539
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Too bad GameFAQ's is late to the party seeing how Ruykishi07 gave his blessing to Witch Hunt.

>> No.5444550
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>We've managed to release each game's patch before the next Comiket ever since EP4, and we won't stop now. I can guarantee you a full release of EP6 before Comiket, with enough time for everyone to read it thoroughly.

I came a little.

>> No.5444585

Witch Hunt slowed down when Message started making installers for them.

>> No.5444743

So nobody has that long ass comic from rifuy translated? I wish someone in /jp/ saved it

>> No.5444869

I'd die until then.

>> No.5444885

GF guys said they will finish by the mid-July.

>> No.5444899


>> No.5444905

gosh, I don't care which group will release before, I just want to play already.
I spoiled myself too much already.

>> No.5445030

Same here.
God I swear, when Ep7 gets released I'm going to avoid this place like fire.

>> No.5445037

Or maybe you'll read it this time.

>> No.5445048

I abandoned it by the end of 3.

>> No.5445063

I can't overcome my curiosity to do that, so it's going to be yet another spoiled episode.

>> No.5445074

It will never be released.

>> No.5445127

Yeah it IS ridiculously tempting but I am going to try...

>> No.5445253

Only this place?
I will avoid the internet. I got spoilers from Youtube, here, and any other place in the world.

>> No.5445267

Several months without the internet is just too much.

>> No.5445560


The funny thing is, the Gamefaqs guys started in March after they tried to join WH.

WH started pretty much as soon as Ep6 came out.

We'd have had a patch by mid March/early April if they'd started when WH did, and if WH weren't fags about working with the Gamefaqs guys, we'd have probably already read it by now even considering they started later.

Unless the Gamefaqs translation is unbearably bad (which it shouldn't be, as they did a decent job on that prologue patch for Ep5 and now they have time to edit, more people on their 'team', etc), I'm reading theirs.

>> No.5445647

@ no bias for shkanon.

>> No.5445709

I'll read whichever comes first and then probably reread with another translation just to compare.

>> No.5446102

When did WH turn into such a bunch of faggots?

>> No.5446136



>> No.5446191

I started playing Umineko after episode 5 was tranlated.
did the previous episodes were like that too?

>> No.5446233

>gamefaqs translating umineko

>> No.5446327

yea, after WH dumped them, they started translating on their own, and it goes faster than WH.
the question is quality

>> No.5446420

GameFAQ's can never be expected to fully deliver
