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5428789 No.5428789 [Reply] [Original]

There's something that bothers me.

Why Rika didn't simply order to Hanyuu to follow them, so she could see the culprit?

>> No.5428807

to easy

>> No.5428816

Rika is stupid.

>> No.5428825


The laugh overed quickly though

>> No.5428835

It's obvious, Rika didn't do it beca-


Wait. No, scratch that. Rika is stupid.

>> No.5428840

Hanyuu already knew.
Knowing the culprit helped nothing, everyone still died.

>> No.5428842
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>> No.5428854


This. Hanyuu has known everything from the beginning, she's just convinced that fate is immutable.

Of course, she doesn't have to be so damned unhelpful, either.

>> No.5428865
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Cause you need a man to change fate.

>> No.5428875
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Dammit Hanyuu.

>> No.5428879


Well, i kinda suspected that.. but.

Fuck, what a little bitch.
I kinda understand why she woudl do it, but... did she say that she knew everything for the beginning in the novels?

>> No.5428884
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What would be the fun in that?

>> No.5428889

There is no in-character reason. Higurashi would have simply never been possible if Hanyuu told Rika. It's like the question why in Lord of the Rings they don't use eagles to drop the ring in the volcano (the Nazgul had yet to get flying steeds so they'd be unopposed).

>> No.5428899


You guys just ruined Higurashi and the Lord of the Rings for me, thank you.

>> No.5428909 [DELETED] 

Did you forget how shocked Hanyuu was when she remembered what Takano was the culprit? That was information she acquired in Minagoroshi-hen which is why she had temporarily forgotten it. Hanyuu had no idea who the culprit was.

>> No.5428907

Yes, but not until somewhere in the Kai arcs. It becomes clear, what hanyuu knows.

>> No.5428910

hanyuu is troll tier, she was just fucking with everyone

>> No.5428911

Where can I dl higurashi?

>> No.5428915

You're dumb

>> No.5428917

Quit posting spoilers you twat waffle!

>> No.5428918

And why is that?

>> No.5428921

Nice spoiler there, dickweed.

>> No.5428924

Archer is Emiya Shirou.

>> No.5428928

read the thread.

>> No.5428930


Still, it doesn't change the fact that is fucking stupid.

Rika had 100 years and tried a lot of shit (including living in a forest), letting Hanyuu follow her would have been the most logical choice.

>> No.5428934

dragging shit off the terrible anime adaption, eh?

>> No.5428959
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>> No.5428974

That would imply that the "Hanyuu always knew" answer is correct.

Hanyuu had only forgotten her memories from Minagoroshi-hen. Why did she not tell Rika what she knew if she knew it beforehand? Also Hanyuu originally did want to try and overcome the events in Hinamizawa and only gave up after they failed multiple times. Why didn't she provide that information to Rika before giving up if she had it?

>> No.5428979

Let us.....FUCK

>> No.5428983

Wasn't in the anime a scene where Hanyuu confronts Takano at the Shrine, before the whole shit happens?

>> No.5428993

That does happen in the Kakera part of Matsuribayashi-hen, however it would be better to think of it as happening after Minagoroshi-hen in a different world.

>> No.5429013

>Why didn't she provide that information

Because Hanyuu is a troll. Didn't you watch Rei?

>> No.5429020

Hanyuu not helping is pretty much derived from the 6th of Knox's laws: "No accident must ever help the detective, nor must he ever have an unaccountable intuition which proves to be right". The mystery has to be solved normally instead of having a deus ex machina turn up and give the answer.

>> No.5429038
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Hanyuu is a good girl, did you READ Rei?

>> No.5429048

Hanyuu didn't troll in Rei. The sinless world was real. Hanyuu sent her there because Rika died in the previous world. As Hanyuu said, the fact Rika's head ended up getting run over by the truck was simply due to bad luck. The simplest explanation is that Rika was sent to another world like that of Matsuribayshi-hen where, due to random chance, she was injured in that accident instead of being killed. Rika definitely didn't consider it a dream, and as she says Hanyuu saying it was a dream was Hanyuu's way of telling her to live as a human and to stop thinking about alternate worlds which she can never go back to. Plus, she wants to assuage Rika's guilt over her murdering her mother. And we see Bern creating that world by saving Miyoko's parents at the end of Kai.

>> No.5429054


>> No.5429093

I wasn't expecting a serious response from my trollish post, lol.

I wish I was more knowledgeable regarding Higurashi..

>> No.5431510


>> No.5431523

Hanyuu is a bystander.

>> No.5431530

>I wasn't expecting a serious response from my trollish post, lol.


>> No.5431542


Too sad that rika really died, can you imagine everyone's faces?;;

>> No.5431553


What anime is that in the image?

>> No.5431560


Angel Beats

>> No.5431606



>> No.5432700


Oh you


Well yeah, they fought fate together, escaped from a dangerous situation and bang, she died in that stupid way lol

Also, the Rika in the perfect world killed her mom, she will never have a happy ending, poor woman.

>> No.5432725

Their consciousnesses are linked, I think. Rika's unconscious when she's killed. Hanyuu probably wasn't aware of it until Rika actually died.

>> No.5432748 [DELETED] 

wWW._AnoN_+_c_-_C_+_taLk_.sE mcjgjhyimmihzugpl f oelk wtxchgccnqllr z t

>> No.5433358


The problem is Matsuribayshi-hen was supposed to be the final world. Their last chance to break the fate. There is no second Matsuribayshi-hen world.

>> No.5433388 [DELETED] 
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Aren't these cartoons for Japanese six year olds?

>> No.5433432


Maybe Hanyuu powers got "restored" since they did break fate and passed the endless June.

Plus the high version of Rika became the witch of miracles, so i think Hanyuu can fuck with a reality and worlds a little more.

>> No.5433452

Hanyuu always was an evil, bored troll.

>> No.5433704

Except that if you look at the Kakera part of Matsuribayashi-hen, Hanyuu and Rika can manipulate kakera they've previously accessed to reach worlds containing these elements. Effectively, Rika unlocked a world where she survived and Hanyuu was thus able to send her to another one.

Also, Hanyuu had said that that was probably the last world. When Rika died again she tried to save her again and managed to succeed despite the lowered odds of it working.

>> No.5433799
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I wish people would stop assuming that Hanyuu is Featherine just because Ryukishi decided to reference Higurashi in Umineko.

Have people forgotten Chie? By this reasoning Chie is Ciel and Higurashi is in the same world as Tsukihime.

>> No.5433822
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>> No.5434520
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No they are for mature adults like Rika.

>> No.5435519

Thereupon it's Knox's 2nd: "All supernatural or preternatural agencies are ruled out as a matter of course."

>> No.5435871

Rika probably asked Hanyuu, but she was too scared to go after Takano and Tomitake.

>> No.5436033


She's a invisible god.

>> No.5436057

Because she's moe.

>> No.5436111

One could argue that the Ring could corrupt the eagles

>> No.5436127

I think they didnt use the eagles to drop the ring in the volcano was because the eagles wouldnt resist the temptation of the ring.

Also flying the ring right into mordor territory, remember, the ring WANTS to be found.

He would deliberately slip through the claws of the eagles so he can land on an orc or something, thus giving sauron his ring back

Or they get shot down by arrows

>> No.5436130


>when roughly translated, the two kanji that make up Hanyū's name (羽入?) translate to "feather" (羽, hane?) and "in" (入, iri?) which, when put together, more or less make up her first name "Featherine"; in addition, the first two katakana shared by her middle and last names, "Au" (アウ?), are also used by Hanyū as a catchphrase, "auau" (あぅあぅ?)

>> No.5436139

i always wondered this. Hanyuu is right there when Rika dies, why doesnt the bitch just tell Rika who is killing her, it would have saved Rika a few thousand years of trying to find out who is killing her and could have focused on getting away from the psycho bitch.

but yeah, wouldnt be much of a mystery would it.

>> No.5436177
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And Okonogi in Umineko and has the same name and appearance as the one from Higurashi, but nobody has said it's the same person. (Except for the confused people who think Umineko and Higurashi take place in the same world.)

>> No.5436229


Rika is drugged when she is killed.

Rika and Hanyuu share senses.

Hanyuu is always knocked out when Rika dies.

>> No.5436235

Okay, use Frodo and Sam to take the ring to Mordor BY eagles. Just a week of flying at most.

>> No.5436248

I agree that explains why Hanyuu doesn't witness/remember Rika's death. The question is why doesn't she just follow Tomitake and see how he dies, since that would easily reveal the culprit. After all, she has no compunctions about following characters; she had even followed Rena when she left Hinamizawa.

The answer is that there wouldn't be a story and having the mystery solved by having god tell the answer to the detective isn't exactly satisfying.

>> No.5436250

Hanyuu wrote Higurashi and Umineko.

>> No.5436255

Actually, it's from Bernkastel's perspective. Just read the fist chapter of Minagoroshi-hen; she even names the story arcs by their official titles (not to mention the poems she writes describing them).

>> No.5436261

How do I get that glorious sprite pack? I might be tempted to read this shit if I don't have to bear with HAMFISTS.

>> No.5436263

(And I'm referring only to Higurashi, not Umineko. The latter is from "Beatrice's" perspective.)

>> No.5436272

Google or read with hamfists.

>> No.5436290


>> No.5436330


It's called reference, genius.

>> No.5436338

>Except for the confused people who think Umineko and Higurashi take place in the same world.)

Don't they?

I mean, kinda like Nasuverse, same universe, different realities.

>> No.5436340

They don't.

>> No.5436343

I said world not multiverse. They could be in the same multiverse, though that's not necessarily the case.

>> No.5436346

but...but..they look the same aswell. its one hell of a reference. they're connected somehow

>> No.5436351


Why not?
The Sonozaki are even mentioned in Umineko, can't it just be a different Kakera?

>> No.5436353

No they don't look the same. And what about Okonogi? Is he some sort of wizard?

>> No.5436359

Battler says he had read a mystery novel called Higurashi. It's not the same world. As for same multiverse, I didn't deny it though I don't think that's necessarily the case.

>> No.5436360

Higurashi and Umineko don't take place in the same multiverse or whatever.
Higurashi exists as a fiction in Umineko, that's all.
Heck, it's hinted that Featherine is the one who wrote Higurashi there, so Okonogi's similar appearance in Higurashi and Umineko and her nickname being a reference to Hanyuu could just come from that.

>> No.5436364
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No, they don't
One is a tall, black hair and is an adult woman, one is a pink hair clumsily moebloe god who withed nothing but being happy with Rika.

Also, Hanyuu is probably dead when Umineko takes place.

>> No.5436370


>He doesn't realize that Higurashi is a part of the Nasuverse.

>> No.5436371

>Higurashi exists as a fiction in Umineko, that's all.

I think that's just a joke.

Bern came from Higurashi world, and Lambdadelta mentions Takano in her diary, how can it be just a movie?

>> No.5436375

Technically Hanyuu will pass on when Rika dies. Since in the last world Rika lives a normal life, that won't happen for decades. (Though of course that's meaningless since they're different worlds.)

>> No.5436379

Both Bern and Lambda are fictional concepts.
So yes they both existed in Higurashi, the novel, as fictional concepts.
And Featherine who is a writer is superior to them.
It's not hard to understand, that's whole underlying plot of the meta-world after all.

>> No.5436383

ΛΔ doesn't mention Takano by name. With so many references to Higurashi by this point in Umineko, I suspect that Ryukishi is trolling us.

>> No.5436387

im not saying they are the same person, but they definantly look similar. feahterine has dark purple hair, a memory thing that looks strikingly similar to horns, detatched sleeves, the top part of her dress looks like a sexier version of hanyuus aswell.

>> No.5436388

>>I think that's just a joke.
It's not.
R07 said previously that people who played Higurashi would be more easily mislead.

>> No.5436393
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>> No.5436400

Which I guess reinforces the argument that Ryukishi is trolling us.

Maybe he enjoys seeing his fans being forced to construct increasingly elaborate theories to try and link Higurashi and Umineko together.

>> No.5436495


I swear, if Ryukushi ever explains that scene beyond a meta fictional twist, and in fact shows it as a key to the mystery, I will laugh.

>> No.5436521

>Well, her fate also has a weak point.
Since her own endeavors are on the roots of it all, if they shake, so will her fate.
Besides, I gave guarantee that her endeavors would definiely come true but, I did not give guarantee as to how much endeavor she'd need for it to come true.
So, I guees it meana eternity could not be brought forth in her.
I guess it'd be correct to say that, as long as she doesn't lose heart, it'll be eternal.

>> No.5436526


It's called breaking the fourth wall, they even do that in Higurasho sometimes.

>> No.5436542

Yes, the unnamed little girl is very similar to Miyoko, however we are never explicitly told its her.

>> No.5436563


>That little girl tried hard, I think.
>But, maybe I also overestimated her a bit in some aspects.
>Unfortunately, she was far from reaching the world I hoped.
>But, even so, it's alright.
>Because she created a new witch and sent her to me.

>> No.5436570

Except Higurashi and Umineko aren't the same thing at all.
The tea party in both are completely different.

Seeing a comment like this and saying IT'S ONLY BREAKING THE FOURTH WALL or all the references to Higurashi being a fiction and saying IT'S ONLY FANSERVICE NO BIG DEAL is fucking stupid.

You aren't looking at Umineko straight.

>> No.5436578
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Truly subtle.

>> No.5436592


Are you really implying Lambdadelta playing Higurashi and not knowing the culprit isn't just a joke?

>> No.5436601

It's not.
Lambdadelta isn't Takano.

>> No.5436616
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>Implying 34 wasn't the one supporting Takano

>> No.5436633

Ryukishi never outright states it and when he was asked about it he had said something along the lines "I don't remember anyone called ΛΔ appearing in Higurashi".

>> No.5436647


R07 is a troll
And Lambda doesn't "appear" in Higurashi of course, but Rika main enemy was Takano''s Will/Fate. Lambdadelta is fate.

>> No.5436661

And the fact he's a troll means that he's not trolling when he's suggesting a connection between Higirashi and Umineko?

Again, there's no reason to think that fate is a separate entity in Higurashi. All fate seems to do in Higurashi is to adjust itself according to people's willpower.

>> No.5436688

Lambdadelta isn't fate though.

>> No.5436696

And of course there's no evidence that Takano has made some kind of pact with a witch in Higurashi.

>> No.5436703


Everything fits together so nicely, the letter, the new witch, the design, the name

Are you telling is all random?

>> No.5436710


Don't mistake coincidences for fate.

>> No.5436718

It's not random.
Once again, it's strongly hinted that the witches aren't really witches but simply fictional concept.

Just remove all the noises like the magic, kakera, etc...
What do you know about the witches? About Bern, Lambda and Beatrice, their relationships and their places in the series?
You'll see everything will get clearer.

>> No.5436734

No, I'm not saying it's random. I think Ryukishi might be trolling us. I think Ryukishi might be trying to progressively add more and more ill-fitting references to see how far people will go trying to connect the two. First he dad Bern, then ΛΔ, then Okonogi and then Featherine who is similar to Hanyuu and Bern says she used to be her shrine maiden. However Hanyuu's role was completely different in Higurashi and doesn't fit with that of Featherine.

>> No.5436739

>aren't really witches but simply fictional concept.

Of course they are, but why can't they be both?

>> No.5436764

Because it doesn't fit Umineko at all, heck Featherine pretty much sealed the deal.
Never realized how most of the entities found in the meta-world were imagined by 2 young girls?

>> No.5436778

Though technically a number of them were cribbed from the Lesser Key of Solomon.
