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542793 No.542793 [Reply] [Original]

It is a custom for the successor to the Ryougi family to have a match with the master using a real sword at the beginning of each month. The head of the Ryougi household many generations ago got tired of inviting many masters from abroad, so he made a dojo in his own house and made many new schools. This has been passed on until today and unfortunately, even a girl like me is required to wield a sword.

After finishing the match against my father, who surpassed me in both skill and strength, I head to my room.

>> No.542801

sounds pretty cool

>> No.542804


>> No.542812
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And there Azaka was waiting for me wearing nothing but a shirt.

>> No.542813

So how h4x is Shiki's father?

>> No.542844

"Kokuto, say something."

She'll listen to his last words. In spite of his trembling body, Mikiya looks unwaveringly into Shiki's eyes.

"I... don't want to... die..."

These words are not directed at Shiki, but rather at the rapidly impending death itself.

Not at Shiki.

She smiles.

"I want to kill you."

A warm smile.

>> No.542863

/rs/ doujins fucking where

>> No.542937

By kill, she means rape right?

>> No.542982

"That's all. Do you have any messages for him?"

""Nii-san, please quickly break your ties with such a woman.""

>> No.543010

There's no hax, besides ryougi, no one from her family has something like mystic eyes.

>> No.543013

But they need to have some sort of h4x to kill demon-hybrids.

>> No.543025

split personality's to master different weapons?, dunno

See nanaya kiri, the fucker didn't need awesome mystic eyes to be the No 1 from the demon hunter organization

>> No.543026


The only special ability the Ryougi's have is the multiple personality thing.

>> No.543031
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The Nanaya's didn't have all Mystic Eyes either, Shiki is the exception there.
But they are still awesome.

Of course, against this Motherfucker, anything less then Eyes of Death won't cut.

>> No.543034

they did have the jougan, but as I said before, kiri's jougan were kinda crappy

>> No.543049


The Nanaya clan all have Mystic Eyes.

>> No.543059

I'm not sure it;'s mentioned they all have Mystic Eyes, rather having abilities from their human blood and capabilities only (instead of relying on Demon Blood etc), which could include Mystic eyes.

>> No.543069


Why do you think they like incest? Its to thicken their bloodline, to preserve their power, which is the Mystic Eyes. Their Eyes varies in power, some are shit like Kiri's, some are very powerful. Shiki comments about his eye's original purpose was to see what cannot be seen before it mutated to the ones that see death of all things, in Kohaku's route.

>> No.543073

The nanayas have the jougan, eyes of purity, some type of mystic eye with different properties for each nanaya, Kiri's were kinda crappy, reading the flow of toughts. Shiki's eyes evolved to the magan, it's speculated that his original eyes ability was kinda related. to the magan, maybe like the eyes that roa gets.

>> No.543080

Was it mentioned what Kiri's eyes were?
Cause I don't remember their Eyes being mentioned in general, though I remember that part in Kohaku's route.

>> No.543083

So if Kiri's eyes were crappy, why did he kick so much ass?

>> No.543087


Roa's eyes is a result of him and Shiki being linked. And like what i've posted above, Shiki's original jougan can see what cannot be normally seen.

>> No.543089

I always belived that the "see what cannot be seen" was like a general property for their jougan and besides that everything else could be different for each nanaya.

>> No.543099


You dont need hax if you're that damn good. Best assasin in the Demon Hunter Association.


He can see people's feelings, or somewhat like that. I forgot the exact ability Kiri's eyes has.

>> No.543100

So Nanaya lines eye work like this?
Their abilities at first are like a empty paper. Until something is "written" on that paper, their eyes don't have any distictive ability. Like, Shiki's near death experince "wrote" death on her ability to see things not usually seen?

>> No.543105

dissectioning demon hybrids below tables with metal drumsticks

>> No.543107


Well, thats the only description we have on Shiki's jougan.

>> No.543109

Because he was a kickass ASSASSIN.
When the target is not a massive regenerative mass, you just kill him while has no idea what the fuck happened.

In Kohaku's bad end, in the very final scene, where he does the ceiling jump and lands on her, even without his eyes, he could have slashed her eyes first with the knife, then her neck.
And she would die.
(of course, he would have died sooner than that without his eyes, but I'm just giving you a picture).

Point is, being the best assassin doesn't mean being the best fighter.

>> No.543117


No. They were born with whatever power they have. If Nanaya 1 was born with eyes that has X-ray vision, thats his power. If Nanaya 2 was born with eyes that can see feelings, thats his power. Shiki's eyes mutated into what it is now because of his connection to Akasha.

>> No.543139

I dont understand the bit about the Asagami family re-marrying into one of their branch houses.

>> No.543142

Lol incest.

>> No.543143


Main family got bankruped.

>> No.543153

can fujino do shit agaisn't the hardest body known to man?, kouma

>> No.543178


She twisted a whole bridge by just going a bit mad, what do you think?

>> No.543181

I dunno, but she can bend a bridge without seeing it. Not sure how hard he is compared to a steel bridge.

>> No.543184

Women are powerless againts Kouma and his pimp slap

>> No.543189


Most of the male species dies in Type Moon. See the antagonist list for more info.

>> No.543288

Maybe just a master of kendo/martial arts or some shit. Anyone in the Ryougi that is born with multiple personalities(usually they are only two personalities,male and female) would be their head of family by default.

R.Shiki's father is supposed to be their family's head, but it is unknown if he has multiple personalities like Shiki. Even within the Ryougi clan, having someone with multiple personalities is rare, but it's just that they got the way higher chance at it compared to the outside world, or specifically, the whole of Japan.

>> No.543451

---and she said.

If you are willing to take anything
You'll never be wounded.
Anything that you don't fit.
Anything that you don't like.
Anything that you don't allow.
If you take anything without a backlash
You'll never be wounded.

If you are willing to reject everything
You'll only be wounded.
Everything that you fit.
Everything that you like.
Everything that you dream.
If you reject everything without a sacrifice
You'll only be wounded.

A gap between two hearts.
Unable to both affirm and deny.
Between them, there is nothing.
Between them, there is I.

I dont understand the meaning of this poem.

>> No.543492

deep shit is deep.

>> No.543868

Am i the only one who thinks it would be awesome if Ryougi bumped into Satsujinki? Shes already met and fought people from the other assassin families.

>> No.543896

Their child would be a calamity upon the world.

>> No.543906

Ryogi has always been hax though.

"Mystic eyes are normally the result of you bringing about some kind of augmentation effect for your eyes through spiritual surgery. But in your case I think they came about naturally. An ability you originally had was brought to the fore by the accident. By the sounds of it, it seemed that the child called Shiki was always seeing to the heart of everything."

>> No.544069

Their child would be an affront to all that is natural.

And it would be damn awesome.

>> No.544108

Ryougi vs Satsujinki battle would be the most awesome shit ever written. I guarantee it.

>> No.544130

Well, if Kiri had beaten him up more when he was a kid, he would've beaten it in red demon god.

>> No.544143

"I will destroy your ability to cut death at its origin"
"Your ability to see the origin of things is dead, and thus it is cut"
"What is a knife"
"I miserable pile of Mollusks"

>> No.544145

It would be the most hax creature ever to roam the world.

>> No.544154

After reading this thread I came to a conclusion

Tsukihime and KnK is Naruto minus the fillers and fangirls

>> No.544463

you can throw the steel bridge to kouma and isn't going to do shit, he crushes things like a hot knife cuts through butter

>> No.544468

Regardless if it affects him or not, little Fujino would be dead before she could think to set her eyes upon him.

>> No.544522

oh no you le didn't

>> No.544646
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Care to repeat it again? I didn't hear you the first time.

>> No.545105

Yeah, she doesn't throw stuff. She bends them, as in bend the body in half. Also, clairvoyance means she doesn't have to see him to kill him. Again, I'm not sure if Kouma is harder than a reinforced concrete bridge.

>> No.545554

with that I did mean that kouma is harder than the bridge , like trying to bind a giant diamond cube

>> No.547808

How does Fujino have clairvoyance?

>> No.547821


>> No.547827

I have to ask.
What is so fucking tough in Kouma that he could kill the whole Nanaya family?

>> No.547829

He has huge guts.

>> No.547840


The same reason why she has her ability.

>> No.547847

You can read the translation, where Shiki says "she's basically invincible [with clairvoyance]".

>> No.547858


Same reason why she has her ability. Its in her bloodline.


Clairvoyance, do you know it?

>> No.547871


So tough that a repeated attack in the same place using sticks almost took his life?

>> No.547873

A further extension of her power. Maybe brought to awaken due to the dire situation and pressure she was put in during her fight with Shiki.

BTW, her Clairvoyance is not as if she can see through things, it's called Clairvoyance because she could create the fulcrum to twist thing even if the location is out of her vision. Fujinon normal power needs the location to be in her vision before she could make the fulcrum.

>> No.547924

Kouma is supposedly really strong, fast and has super tough skin.

So why doesnt someone snipe out his eyes? They are not bullet proof.

>> No.547946

So she does wear pants below the Kimono. Fuck yeah!
At least that's how it looks like from the picture. Someone confirm this,because it could be just my eyes failing me.

>> No.547961


Err ... no. She wears a jacket over the kimono. No pants.

>> No.547964

I thought you arent supposed to wear underwear under a kimono? Or was that only for yutakas? I think Ryougi wears a orange color yutaka like kimono according to the novels.

>> No.547972

I don't think you understand how crazy is to receive multiple attacks in ONE point (they fought for who knows how long), feel nothing, and then an attack on one OPPOSITE pressure point getting just one MILLIMETER depth.

Fujino is similar to Akiha, crazy, similarly unstoppable attack that mostly works in their field of vision, but they don't know how to fight and they are quite frail.

If they can be killed when unaware with a few well-placed bullets, they are much less hax then you think they are.

>> No.547974

I said 'below'. Under the Kimono.

I don't know about japanese fashion and what you're supposed or not supposed to wear,but I find the combination of pants+kimono+jacket FUCKING HOT. The less skin you see,the better. And that's what I like about TM's character designs. Most of them.

>> No.547976


We're comparing Kouma's toughness against Fujino's bending powers, not situations.

>> No.547980

>Fujino is similar to Akiha, crazy, similarly unstoppable attack that mostly works in their field of vision

What. Only Akiha has that weakness. Fujino doesnt need to rely on sight.

>> No.547994

Fujinon DOES rely on her sight, well, before she awakens her Clairvoyance. But we doesn't know if she has fully awaken that or it's just an abnormal power shown out of distress/at the verge of death situation. But yeah, Shiki said herself, given time, Fujinon would be a dangerous monster.

>> No.547999

She's not a monster.

>> No.548000

The fact that it took such excrutiating circumstances for him to have ANY damage makes it hard to determine WHAT can hurt that motherfucker.
Thus, I can't give a clear answer on wheter he would be immediately twisted or resist it.
But against a vampire, it's possible her power would be worthless.
Characters with so distinct abilities are hard to compare for a fight

Well, she mostly uses her powers against anything she can see (aka doesn't rely on clairvoyance that much), that's why I compared them to be similar
I think Akiha can stretch her hair beyond her vision, but since she can't actually see, she can't aim (aka extending blindly).

>> No.548003


"Tohko, She came up with Clairvoyance in the end. She'll have a ridiculous amount of power if you leave her be."

"Clairvoyance, huh? Certainly, if you add that to her power, she'll be invincible. She would be able to make a fulcrum even if you are hiding... Huh? If you leave her be...?"

Well, according to this, her Clairvoyance would be more or less permanent power, as long as she stays away from drugs.

>> No.548004

With her looks, boobs and booty, I can be the monster just for her. If you know what I mean.

>> No.548014

>(aka doesn't rely on clairvoyance that much),

She just awakened to a higher power near the end of her fight with Shiki, thats why she doesnt use it "much". Seriously, if you're going to debate with something like this, at least read the material beforehand.

>> No.548020

I thought that Touko's "Huh?If you leave her be...?" is referring to her surprise that Shiki didn't kill Fujinon. Looks at the next line after that.

>"She returned to pain insensitivity at the very end. That's cheating. Asagami Fujino in that state can't be my target. I couldn't do anything else so I just killed the disease in her stomach. She might make it if you hurry."
>Shiki did not kill Asagami Fujino. Understanding that, I quickly call the hospital.

Anyway, what I'm trying to say in my earlier post is that whether Fujinon has already fully awaken her Clairvoyance. She sure got the potential, but we don't know if she can use it again right on. Maybe she need some more time before the power stabilize or something. Maybe. She might be already got her Clairvoyance in her for good after that.

>> No.548021

Exactly why she doesn't awaken it till the end, we don't see her using it.
Why are you nitpicking?

>> No.548035

What happened to Fujino after that?

>> No.548036

>we don't see her using it.

The parking lot shakes. The ocean in the middle of the storm appears inside of Fujino's mind. Withstanding the burning in her brain, Fujino creates a fulcrum on either side of the bridge...

... And bends...

>> No.548050


Shiki kills Fujino ....'s ulcer.

>> No.548051

I said MUCH before.
...I give up.

Whatever you wanted to prove, you are right, I don't care anymore.

>> No.548060


As i've said, if you want to participate in this kind of discussions, at least read the material beforehand if you cant stand being corrected.

>> No.548070

Safe and sound.Might be making some extra appearance in some doujin for some consensual sex with Mikiya, or Shiki. Reminiscence of her rae experience might also be potrayed in some of them.However, all these can't be confirmed yet, but alas, fans have been hoping for her re-debut again. This time, in a more erotic and sensual way.

btw, her doctor seems to care for her, so he could be the one who would make Fujinon's life for the better should he decide to do something with her pain insensitivity.

>> No.548074

Appendicitis. I heard untreated the pain in the final stages is the worse imaginable.

>> No.548076

No, i meant what happens to Fujino after she is taken away by the ambulance.

>> No.548077

When I said, she doesn't it use much before, we have NO FUCKING IDEA of the scope, distance, whether it's limited to something she's seen or sensed before, whether she can sense intentions or whatever.

Unless her clairvoyance is explained in fucking details anywhere (since many things function differently in the Nasuverse) and I missed it, we do NOT KNOW much.

And while I have read the material, it's been some time, assume an error in memory or consistency sometimes.

>> No.548079


Ah, mixed it up with ulcer.

>> No.548092

We need another motherfucking translator.

>> No.548098


What are you crying about now? Go read what you've posted before and see what you're saying now.

>> No.548102

True that. I want to at least finish Mujyun Rasen/Paradox Paradigm. alyeris said he got 3 more chapters translated on the paper, but he never type it up into Baka-Tsuki's page. It seems that he's busy with exam, but well, it's been almost a year....

>> No.548106

I think its more likely he died, had a major accident and got into a coma, etc. That or hes really fucking lazy to completely forget everything.

>> No.548110

Anyway, let's change the subject.

First DVD is coming out near the end of May, I believe?

>> No.548112

Anyway, let's change the subject.

First DVD is coming out near the end of May, I believe?

>> No.548121

He's alive and well. I sometimes go to Beast's Lair for new informations and stuff, and he's there recently. It's when he said he got those 3 chapters translated.

He sounds like a nice guy, so I hate to be a jerk and spoils everyone's fun in a proper forum board by bitching at him, but I think someone need to ask him to at least put those 3 chapters up in near future. REALLY near future.

>> No.548127

21st May.

>> No.548131

WTF hes active on beast lair? THAT IS SO BULLSHIT.

>> No.548138

Not quite active, but I can still see him now and then. We could also rely on lvlln, but too bad he has lost interest and motivation to keep going.

I wonder if amukunau would consider helping with this. But last time I heard he's involved with F/HA's translation, so he might be pre-occupied already.

Damn, this sucks. Big time.

>> No.548141

I cant find his posts, can you give me a link to his profile?

>> No.548143


Just click on his name for his profile.

>> No.548147


Sorry, fix'd the link.

>> No.548171

I felt very happy.
That you treated me like a normal person.
That you seriously told me not to kill.
Even though I never told you.
But to me, you were miraculously beautiful.

----You smiled to me and said.
That someday we would be standing in the same place.

The final strike draws near.
It was definitely going to be my limit.
The enemy would probably be aiming for my neck.
I would bleed to death if left alone, all he needed to do was to slice an artery.

----I've always wished for someone to tell me that.

>> No.548230

What? Which chapter is this from? And why is it translated?

>> No.548238


Murder Speculation 2

>> No.548250


It was always translated. Probably, nobody bothered to check.

>> No.548272

-----She kept her eyes on the nearing enemy.
Things are much simpler this way.
Like a bird leaves the surface of a pond.
It only took a moment for it to end.

The end came quickly.
Shirazumi Lio's extended hand was severed in a flash.
She hacked off the enemy's legs, and planted the dagger into the chest of
Shirazumi Lio's floating body, slamming him hard onto the ground.

The knife pierced his heart like a tombstone.

He exhaled, and everything was over.

>> No.548281

....Can't go home like this.
....Going back like this would only earn you a scolding.
"Even so, he'd still be waiting for me."
....We were supposed to stroll together.
....He was supposed to hold my dirty hands on the path to my home.
....There were supposed to be more of those dreamy days.
"Really, it's like a lie."
Breathing stopped.
Consciousness faltered like a candle's flame.
A disapppearing life was too beautiful, like a mirage.

She adjusted her breathing.
Not to live, but to sleep.
Tears flowed out of those eyes that were fixated on the sky.

>> No.548388


where is it at anon!

>> No.548400


Its being supressed in Ciel's ass.

>> No.548869

bump for new translator

>> No.548883
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>> No.548926


>> No.549171

I think that Fujino can kill Kouma, Fujino bends a whole bridge, and Kouma was almost killed by Kiri's steel sticks. Kouma's body is not that hard as people believes.

>> No.549176


Twisting something off is easier than breaking something with a pinpointed attack in the same place. Logic.

>> No.549190

Twisting ,as in applying force simultaneously in two different points, (enormous one in the case of Fujino, to twist a fucking bridge) and hitting who knows how many times a single pressure point to weaken something (and then make him feel PAIN, not even seriously impede him nor stall him) are two very different things and hard to compare.

They are both far beyond logic and physics.

>> No.549226


Its simple actually. Try breaking a man's arm with both methods. Which is more effective and uses less force? Twisting.

>> No.549230

What is hard to compare? one has the force to twist a bridge, other has human force, and almost kills Kouma with a strike.

>> No.549241

Indeed it is.
But we work with a completely different scope here.

On a side note, a rubberman in the Nasuverse would be affected shit by Fujino.

>> No.549243

I think human force is a little underestimating the strenght of someone who literally ripped the head off someone.

>> No.549254

>But we work with a completely different scope here.

The only difference is the force used and the resistance. Adding a few numbers wont change the outcome.

>> No.549257

He didn't kill him with a SINGLE strike.
It's an accumulated damage we cannot really compute.
And that strike didn't do him THAT much damage in the end.

>> No.549259

Rubber, if twisted enough, snaps.
Yes, but Fujino also twisted the arms and legs off of others.

>> No.549268

Not saying Fujino is weak, just saying "Human Strength" is a little low for our favorite Assassin.

>> No.549281

Even if it seems ridiculous, the Nanayas have human speed and strenght trained to limit.

>> No.549289

Well, it doesn't have much in common with what you'd consider human strength, does it?
It's so extreme it's somewhat inhuman.
