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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5409812 No.5409812 [Reply] [Original]

>My face when /jp/ was full of 29 year old virgins who still live with mummy and spend all day playing some shitty weeaboo loli game with terrible music.

>> No.5409820

Did they all die?

>> No.5409822

27 you faget

>> No.5409825

>my first troll

>> No.5409827

I'm a virgin because I respect women

Unless you're having sex with a complete slut, chances are she'll be really new to sex and relationships in general. It's wrong to assume that even if the sex is consensual, she's really interested in doing it. My friend once had sex with a guy she really liked, then he dumped her right afterward. She was devastated, and rightfully so. He compeletely took advantage of her feelings and stoler her love for a few hours.

Now, lets get back to me. I'm a fairly good looking guy. Yeah, I'm not a player or anything, but I have plenty of platonic friends I could totally hook up with. I just respect their autonomy and realize that until they get older, it's too likely they'll get taken advantage of by predators.

>> No.5409830

now they 30yo

>> No.5409832

Holy shit, that's your face?
Seek medical attention immediately.

>> No.5409835
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op is still fat virgin nerd who gets owned every day

>> No.5409837

Hey don't lump me together with those losers, I'm only 23.

>> No.5409842

no, 24
>live with mom
>play loli games
not into lolicon

>> No.5409843

Sounds like excuses to me.
You're not going to meet anyone by staying in doors all day masturbating to 9 year old 2d characters from anime.
Go outside, socialize.
Jesus, your parents must be really disappointed in you.

>> No.5409848

You forgot to pit
in the filename, OP.

>> No.5409849

It's cool to lie on the Internet.

>> No.5409855
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>> No.5409856

Hey fuck you I don't live with a mummy, I'm not in a pyramid.

>> No.5409857


Fuck off and die in hell, Euro fags.

>> No.5409858

You're not going to meet anyone by staying in doors all day masturbating to 9 year old 2d characters from anime.

And you say this like it's a bad thing.

>> No.5409864

and it's cool to force tired old legion gags on /b/.

>> No.5409876

You forgot to quote friend.
Normal people don't stay inside all day watching anime.
Are you still going to be this pathetic in 10 or 20 years?
You'll die a very lonely man.

>> No.5409878

The problem is your focusing on the things in life that don't really matter. When I was a kid I had hopes and dreams. We all did. But over time, the daily grind gets in the way and you miss the things that really matter, even though they are right in front of you, staring you in the face. I think the next time you should ask yourself "Am I on the right track here?". I don't mean to be rude but people like you I really pity. So maybe you could use the few brain cells you have and take advantage of the knowledge I have given you now. Good luck

>> No.5409884

We're not on /b/ are you blind ?

>> No.5409890
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>the most obvious troll thread
>people reply
>people reply SERIOUSLY
Okay /jp/, I think it's time to change something.
Next time you see something like this? Don't reply. Just leave it alone.

>> No.5409891

glad you noticed, now please go back there.

>> No.5409894

Stop responding to this.
Stop NOT SAGING this.
Jesus, /jp/.

>> No.5409903

>We're not on /b/ are you blind
Look around! WE ARE!

>> No.5409906


>> No.5409908

I'm not following a dream, I'm living a dream.
You're still stuck with nothing and no one, you live a pathetic life void of any meaning at all. Motivate yourself, go outside and live the life you want. You make life what you make it, sitting in your bedroom all day hating the world won't get you anywhere. Do something with your life.

>> No.5409917

Here's a sad fact: I'm going to a better university than you ever could hope to go to, I'm making more money now in a crappy summer internship than you will make salaried, and the probability is extremely high that my IQ is significantly higher than yours.

>> No.5409918

it's like you're new to /jp/.


>> No.5409923

Your post implies I hailed from /b/ You are wrong. You shouldn't make such sweeping assumptions friend.

>> No.5409926

I wish I had taken internships during college.

>> No.5409929

I'm 21 and I have my own apartment.

>> No.5409936

>live the life you want
And here we are.

>> No.5409937
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>> No.5409940

neither should you. So then we both learned something new today. Can we still be BFF?

>> No.5409942

Here's a fact: You're pathetic

>> No.5409948

Here's a tip for you my friend, intelligent people don't brag about being intelligent. If you were so inteligent and making something of yourself, you wouldn't spend all of your time on the Internet, let alone the most immature and shallow website on the Internet. Enjoy flipping those burgers now, I wish you all the best. Work hard, you may even get to be a Supervisor, wouldn't that be nice aye Champ?>

>> No.5409955

I'm sure you do friend, I'm sure you do.
Doesn't mean you're not a loser, even if it were true.

>> No.5409958

>implying anyone here respects anyone else or has the mental discipline to not attack others.

>> No.5409960

>My face when /jp/ was full of 29 year old virgins
It's hard to believe that back in the day, prior to becoming the world's greatest superpower, that this fair board was once a den where manchildren lurked about shamelessly.

>> No.5409962 [DELETED] 
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Oh well.
Pearls before swines.

>> No.5409969

This will be the last time you hear from me or talk to me. I'm just tired of it. Tired of talking, tired of running.

Today I was verbally harrassed and abused, and also tricked. See I know a lot of you are normal guys who can just hang out and laugh at /jp/ and thats pretty much an hour of your day. It isn't like that for some of us.

My whole life I've had to be made fun of, laughed at, and told I'll never be good enough for anything. My family doesn't like me, I don't have any friends. The closest thing I have is what's on /jp. This is why I started visiting 4chan, and it's why I love the 4chan community so much. And I love /jp/ too.

The day I joined 4chan I'll never forget it, it was one of the funniest things I had ever seen. I literally must have stayed up that entire night, and not gotten any sleep. 4chan meant everything to me suddenly, it was similtaniously hilarious, and a good message board, with funny people on it. Now what you have heard today might make you think I dont still think that. But that's that thing, I still do. I think Suigin is hilarious. moot is a great admin, one of the best guys I've met online. etc. But even so, all good things must come to an end.

I have seen the dark side of 4chan today. I have seen things I never want to see again. People have sent me offensive messages on AIM, and after a while I felt for the first time in my life like the internet was turning into real life. I couldn't go anywhere without being emotionally hurt. I felt a little like this before when I got bad tokens but this was a lot worse. With every new message I felt my soul sink deeper.

Think before you post. You're talking to real people, even if it doesn't feel like it. And 4chan may be a joke to you, but to some people, it is their entire world. And when they see 4chan go away, it's like their entire world being taken away before their eyes.

>> No.5409970

You really should start a sentence with a big letter, you're English Teacher would be disappointed in your lack of basic grammar.

>> No.5409974


Sounds like a typical normalfag. Always thinking people that don't share your lifestyle are "pathetic". I'd rather stay inside all day and take it easy.

>> No.5409989

At least you admit it, unlike the rest of these useless pieces of trash. You know you're worthless, these pretentious losers actually think they're better than everyone else. It's a shameful sight, it really is.

>> No.5409999

You can still lurk about shamelessly just try not to act like everyone here is the same. If it escalates to legion shit then it makes everything retarded.

>> No.5410003

Can we move on from "self righteous normalfriend" already? It got old a long time ago.

>> No.5410008

hi every1 im new!!!!!!! *holds up spork* my name is katy but u can
call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!! lol...as u can see im very random!!!!
thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me ^_^... im 13 years old
(im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind
(im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its
SOOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random
ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol...neways i hope 2 make
alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!!

DOOOOOMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <--- me bein random again ^_^ hehe...toodles!!!!!

love and waffles,

* ~t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m~*

>> No.5410015


>> No.5410017

hi every1 im new!!!!!!! *holds up spork* my name is katy but u can
call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!! lol...as u can see im very random!!!!
thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me ^_^... im 13 years old
(im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind
(im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its
SOOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random
ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol...neways i hope 2 make
alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!!

DOOOOOMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <--- me bein random again ^_^ hehe...toodles!!!!!

love and waffles,

* ~t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m~*

>> No.5410019

That's it. I'm sick of all this "Masterwork Fermion" bullshit that's going on in particle physics right now. Electrons deserve much better than that. Much, much better than that.

I should know what I'm talking about. I myself commissioned a genuine electron in the photon epoch for 2,400,000 Yen (that's about $20,000) and have been practicing with it for almost 2 years now. I can even irradiate slabs of solid steel with my electron.

Particles undergoing beta decay spend years working on a single electron and fold it up to a million times to produce the finest leptons known to mankind.

Electrons are 200 times as light as muons and 200 times as useful for that matter too. Anything a tauon can cut through, an electron can cut through better. I'm pretty sure an electron could easily bisect a neutron wearing full plate with a simple vertical slash.

Ever wonder why antiparticles never bothered conquering the particles? That's right, they were too scared to fight the disciplined fermions and their electrons of destruction. Even in the Hadron epoch, antifermion soldiers targeted the atoms with the electrons first because their killing power was feared and respected.

So what am I saying? Electrons are simply the best particle that the universe has ever seen, and thus, require better stats in particle physics. Here is the stat block I propose for electrons:

(Masterwork Fermion) Breaks the CPT symmetry, all stars are constructed of electrons, all particles decay into electrons.

tl;dr = Electrons need to be more important in the universe, see my new stat block.

>> No.5410022

Aw come on, that's all I get? So we're not BFF or what? I want my friendship bracelet back then.

>> No.5410024

Shut up you annoying, excuse making, faggot.

>> No.5410026

Today I felt like experimenting a bit. After shitting on the floor as usual, instead of letting it to dry or cleaning it up, a perverted thought flashed through my mind. I found that puddle of crap amazingly arousing. Even though I fapped to my Rika earlier today, I got a boner.
I don't have any fleshlights, but I found an empty plastic Nestea bottle. You know, those ones have a double-sized opening, instead of the standard coke bottles. It was almost a perfect fit for my penis and I instantly knew what to do.
I filled the bottle with my fresh crap. It was a perfect piece of shit, not too hard but not too liquid either. It's as if God had created it just for me, for that unforgivable moment. Its hardness was roughly that of common toothpaste.
I was reluctant for a bit, but it's not like I could sink any lower than a floor-shitting NEET. I thrust in my cock. It felt so awesome. Soft and warm, it was so close to a real woman. I kept on going and going and had the best orgasm in my entire life.
I know it sounds disgusting, but this is probably even better than the real thing(or, at least I guess, being a virgin), you guys must try it.

>> No.5410028

Im looking for a bento box, it cant be pinku (thats japanese for pink) or any girl color. It has to be of 2 or more kotoba (thats japanese for 2 compartments) and has be be chibi (small) sized. And has to be really kawaii (cute). Also It has to be about 10-20 bux. And you have to post pics of it first (i want to make shure it's kawaii [cute]). And it would be nice if it came with matching chopstick holder (WITH chopsticks). OH! and it CANNOT have any cartoon pictures, or be made out of plastic. It has to be made of ceramic, or something like that. Also it would be nice if it was made in japan. and not in china or corea (korea) or whatever. I have found a bento box similar to the one im describing in e-bay, but it was 1 kotoba, and i dont want my gohan (rice) to touch my other things (it can get wet and i would not like that, plus 2 compartments looks more kawaii)

>> No.5410029

Hah you trolls are trying way too hard, go get a life and stop bothering the adults with your nonsense already...

>> No.5410030
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I died a little inside.

>> No.5410034

I know several of you don't believe in the power of Aikido. I can see why you believe that, how can a peaceful martial arts like Aikido beat a powerful one like Karate.

Well, I have a story to share with you.

Years ago, I was a karateka, I thought I was the toughest kid in high school, I would pick fights, and kick ass. I was full of hate, until I picked a fight with the wrong dude. He was a Japanese exchange student, I still remember his name, Noboru Takeda.

I picked on him because of his hilarious and thick Japanese accent. I told him I was going to beat him so hard, he would go back to China(Yeah, I was a little racist prick.), he never said anything back, made me wanted to kick his ass even harder.

Well, here comes the fight. I threw several punches, he dodged them like I was a mere white belt. I was tiring out and he knew, I saw the smirk on his face that made me raged hard. I put all my strength in one amazing punch, and he grabbed it and threw me over. My back smacked on the hard cement ground, and I was knocked out for who knows how long.

When I woke up I was in the school infirmary, I asked the nurse who brought me here, and you guessed it, Noboru Takeda. The next day, he wasn't at school, he was back in Japan, and I never got to thank him, for saving my life and showing me the light. I soon learned that he was an Aikidoka and have been practicing Aikido ever since to show my thanks to him.

>> No.5410036

Howdy /jp/, my name is Kenichi Smith.

I'm a 27 year old Japanese Toonaholic (Cartoon fan for you foreigners). I draw cartoons and comics on my tablet, and spend my days perfecting my art and playing superior American games. (Halo, Gears of War, Call of Duty)

I train with my 1911 every day, this superior weapon can shoot straight through steel because it kicks ass, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on earth. I earned my gun license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.

I speak English fluently, both the Midwestern and the East Coast accents, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about American history and their Constitution, which I follow 100%

When I get my American visa, I am moving to New York to attend a prestigious College to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become an animator for Pixar or a game designer!

I own several cowboy outfits, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to America, so I can fit in easier. I keep cool to my elders and seniors and speak English as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.

Wish me luck in America!
Wish me luck in America!

>> No.5410038

Those people will find something else to do, they won't go any where or change anything and they won't top themselves because they are cowards. These wasters will most likely end up playing some video game or moving to a different image board or forum. People on /jp/ are the bottom of the bottom, 4 chan visitors being the very bottom, the worst of society and /jp/ being the bottom of the bottom. I only wish I had the power to help these people, but I don't, they will remain a burden to society and a hindrance to their families, for their entire lives.

>> No.5410039

but wait

how would we know it was close to a real woman

>> No.5410041

can only assume three things about you.
- You're doing this because you're socially retarded and believe this is how you communicate with people/help people and mean no harm

- you do this on purpose because you're a passive aggressive fuck and every time you get frustrated with your own problems, whatever they may be you come here and go all eloquent on me just to rile me up and watch me rage to feel better about yourself or feel smart and important like.

- You do this because you're some kind of an obsessive fuck who is bothered by how some guy halfway across the world lives and what bothers you even more is that this guy, disabled, fat, stupid and all that is generally happy with his life without being super ambitious about it all.

If it's the 1st one, you're wasting your time, if it's the other two, get more therapy, you fucking need it

>> No.5410045

At precisely 11:59 PM GMT, I press "play" on my sound system, a CD containing a masterful rendition of Wagner's "Ride of the Valkyries" prepares to play at ear-shattering volumes. I strip the glove quickly before the CD begins, throwing it hastily out of sight. Should I fail to throw it far enough, I must stop the CD player before the pre-arranged five second silence is finished. That day, there will be no pleasure.

Should the glove be out of sight and out of mind, all is well. I sit back, and let the vibrations of sound finish the job. I stare at the only image that has yet fulfilled my criteria for arousal, and a glorious geyser of semen erupts from my penis, splattering every which way in the room. I sit in a half-conscious daze of joy for nearly half an hour before I prepare for the hour-long task of cleansing my computer room once again.

Even as I finish up, I hear the fading whispers in my delusional mind from the image which I stare at so deeply.

Now if you'll pardon me, I shall take my leave and indulge myself in delicious pudding confectionaries before it is time for self-pleasure.

>> No.5410046
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What the fuck is going on here

>> No.5410048


>> No.5410049

well you're gay

>> No.5410050
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>taking 4chan seriously, ever

>> No.5410051

Why do you fucking retards seriously reply to these stupid obvious entry level /b/tard troll threads every fucking day? God damn it.

>> No.5410059

Every thread must be replied to.

>> No.5410069

Looks like my job is done here.
It was a little experiment of mine, to see how /jp/ acts when someone makes fun or attack their lives, because /jp/ is their life. They react all "I don't care, leave me alone" "It's my life, just go away" all "woe is me, I am so hard-done by"
Friends, please, get up, go outside, get some fresh Air.
You will feel a lot better about yourself and your mummy and daddy will be proud.

>> No.5410078

It's like a mental exercise. Most people who have tough jobs face adversity throughout the day. What if you don't have a competitive corporate job? What if your life doesn't have a lot of adversity day-to-day? You have to create it yourself, to stay keen.

>> No.5410079

Are you aware what's really sad though? No one here gives a shit about how "tough" you are. Your pathetic attempt to impress people only makes them laugh harder at you. Any physical skills you may or may not have don't apply in the digital domain, you retard. Not only is there no real way to prove you're as tough as you claim (short of showing up at our houses to fight us, but then again, that would make you even MORE pathetic, feeling the need to beat people up over a fucking INTERNET argument), but even if you could, we'd just shrug and move on. Our respect (or lack thereof) would not change in the slightest. So you've just wasted your time and proved your stupidity. What now, tough guy? Tell me, what now? You fucking TOOL. Go die in a fire.

>> No.5410082

I had never even seen a shooting star before. 25 years of rotations, passes through comets' paths, and travel, and to my memory I had never witnessed burning debris scratch across the night sky. Radiohead were hunched over their instruments. Thom Yorke slowly beat on a grand piano, singing, eyes closed, into his microphone like he was trying to kiss around a big nose. Colin Greenwood tapped patiently on a double bass, waiting for his cue. White pearls of arena light swam over their faces. A lazy disco light spilled artificial constellations inside the aluminum cove of the makeshift stage. The metal skeleton of the stage ate one end of Florence's Piazza Santa Croce, on the steps of the Santa Croce Cathedral. Michelangelo's bones and cobblestone laid beneath. I stared entranced, soaking in Radiohead's new material, chiseling each sound into the best functioning parts of my brain which would be the only sound system for the material for months.

The butterscotch lamps along the walls of the tight city square bled upward into the cobalt sky, which seemed as strikingly artificial and perfect as a wizard's cap. The staccato piano chords ascended repeatedly. "Black eyed angels swam at me," Yorke sang like his dying words. "There was nothing to fear, nothing to hide." The trained critical part of me marked the similarity to Coltrane's "Ole." The human part of me wept in awe.

The Italians surrounding me held their breath in communion (save for the drunken few shouting "Criep!"). Suddenly, a rise of whistles and orgasmic cries swept unfittingly through the crowd. The song, "Egyptian Song," was certainly momentous, but wasn't the response more apt for, well, "Creep?" I looked up. I thought it was fireworks. A teardrop of fire shot from space and disappeared behind the church where the syrupy River Arno crawled. Radiohead had the heavens on their side.

>> No.5410089

Why are CP violations observed in certain weak force decays, but not elsewhere? Are CP violations somehow a product of the Second Law of Thermodynamics, or are they a separate arrow of time? Are there exceptions to the principle of causality? Is there a single possible past?

>> No.5410091

You have a problem with homosexuality?
You know they say people who are most scared of gay people, are closet gay people, people who won't admit to themselves they are gay and live a lie.
Poke your head out of the Closet, it's not a bad thing, embrace it.

>> No.5410092

For further testament, Chip Chanko and I both suffered auto-debilitating accidents in the same week, in different parts of the country, while blasting "Airbag" in our respective Japanese imports. For months, I feared playing the song about car crashes in my car, just as I'd feared passing 18- wheelers after nearly being crushed by one in 1990. With good reason, I suspect Radiohead to possess incomprehensible powers. The evidence is only compounded with Kid A-- the rubber match in the band's legacy-- an album which completely obliterates how albums, and Radiohead themselves, will be considered.

Even the heralded OK Computer has been nudged down one spot in Valhalla. Kid A makes rock and roll childish. Considerations on its merits as "rock" (i.e. its radio fodder potential, its guitar riffs, and its hooks) are pointless. Comparing this to other albums is like comparing an aquarium to blue construction paper. And not because it's jazz or fusion or ambient or electronic. Classifications don't come to mind once deep inside this expansive, hypnotic world. Ransom, the philologist hero of C.S. Lewis' Out of the Silent Planet who is kidnapped and taken to another planet, initially finds his scholarship useless in his new surroundings, and just tries to survive the beautiful new world.

This is an emotional, psychological experience. Kid A sounds like a clouded brain trying to recall an alien abduction. It's the sound of a band, and its leader, losing faith in themselves, destroying themselves, and subsequently rebuilding a perfect entity. In other words, Radiohead hated being Radiohead, but ended up with the most ideal, natural Radiohead record yet.

>> No.5410094

Radiohead for VN villains.

>> No.5410095


>> No.5410100

"Everything in Its Right Place" opens like Close Encounters spaceships communicating with pipe organs. As your ears decide whether the tones are coming or going, Thom Yorke's Cuisinarted voice struggles for its tongue. "Everything," Yorke belts in uplifting sighs. The first-person mantra of "There are two colors in my head" is repeated until the line between Yorke's mind and the listener's mind is erased.

Skittering toy boxes open the album's title song, which, like the track "Idioteque," shows a heavy Warp Records influence. The vocoder lullaby lulls you deceivingly before the riotous "National Anthem." Mean, fuzzy bass shapes the spine as unnerving theremin choirs limn. Brash brass bursts from above like Terry Gilliam's animated foot. The horns swarm as Yorke screams, begs, "Turn it off!" It's the album's shrill peak, but just one of the incessant goosebumps raisers.

After the rockets exhaust, Radiohead float in their lone orbit. "How to Disappear Completely" boils down "Let Down" and "Karma Police" to their spectral essence. The string-laden ballad comes closest to bridging Yorke's lyrical sentiment to the instrumental effect. "I float down the Liffey/ I'm not here/ This isn't happening," he sings in his trademark falsetto. The strings melt and weep as the album shifts into its underwater mode. "Treefingers," an ambient soundscape similar in sound and intent to Side B of Bowie and Eno's Low, calms after the record's emotionally strenuous first half.

>> No.5410103

>they say people who are most scared of gay people, are closet gay people
Nobody ever says that.

>> No.5410104

you're clearly a giant homogay fag

>> No.5410108

The primal, brooding guitar attack of "Optimistic" stomps like mating Tyrannosaurs. The lyrics seemingly taunt, "Try the best you can/ Try the best you can," before revealing the more resigned sentiment, "The best you can is good enough." For an album reportedly "lacking" in traditional Radiohead moments, this is the best summation of their former strengths. The track erodes into a light jam before morphing into "In Limbo." "I'm lost at sea," Yorke cries over clean, uneasy arpeggios. The ending flares with tractor beams as Yorke is vacuumed into nothingness. The aforementioned "Idioteque" clicks and thuds like Aphex Twin and Bjork's Homogenic, revealing brilliant new frontiers for the "band." For all the noise to this point, it's uncertain entirely who or what has created the music. There are rarely traditional arrangements in the ambiguous origin. This is part of the unique thrill of experiencing Kid A.

Pulsing organs and a stuttering snare delicately propel "Morning Bell." Yorke's breath can be heard frosting over the rainy, gray jam. Words accumulate and stick in his mouth like eye crust. "Walking walking walking walking," he mumbles while Jonny Greenwood squirts whale-chant feedback from his guitar. The closing "Motion Picture Soundtrack" brings to mind The White Album, as it somehow combines the sentiment of Lennon's LP1 closer-- the ode to his dead mother, "Julia"-- with Ringo and Paul's maudlin, yet sincere LP2 finale, "Goodnight." Pump organ and harp flutter as Yorke condones with affection, "I think you're crazy." To further emphasize your feeling at that moment and the album's overall theme, Yorke bows out with "I will see you in the next life." If you're not already there with him.

>> No.5410111

You misunderstand me Son, I am not here to "fight" or "argue" with anyone, I am here to tell you all how pathetic your empty boring lives are and to help you live a better life.
There is certainly no reason to get so worked up about it, I am only trying to help you, so please, take my advice, let me help you.

>> No.5410118

way too obvious, you need to work on this a lot. take MY advice, and let me help YOU be a better troll.

>> No.5410119

The experience and emotions tied to listening to Kid A are like witnessing the stillborn birth of a child while simultaneously having the opportunity to see her play in the afterlife on Imax. It's an album of sparking paradox. It's cacophonous yet tranquil, experimental yet familiar, foreign yet womb-like, spacious yet visceral, textured yet vaporous, awakening yet dreamlike, infinite yet 48 minutes. It will cleanse your brain of those little crustaceans of worries and inferior albums clinging inside the fold of your gray matter. The harrowing sounds hit from unseen angles and emanate with inhuman genesis. When the headphones peel off, and it occurs that six men (Nigel Godrich included) created this, it's clear that Radiohead must be the greatest band alive, if not the best since you know who. Breathing people made this record! And you can't wait to dive back in and try to prove that wrong over and over.

>> No.5410120

You think it's as easy as "go to party, be confident"? You think it's that easy, huh?

Don't fucking make me laugh! Have you guys even been to house parties? Every time there is a party where I know I can have fun/be comfortable/demonstate good game, something foils my plan of going and I end up sitting home all night depressed. When I finally of the off chance of actually going to a party, as said earlier, I just end up fucking it up by how I act or how I don't do anything. I fucking WANT that feeling of a girl that I DESIRE to fucking have their arms around me, look up to ME as the envious perfection. And of course yes, there is much frustration about not getting laid.

Ever see a guy who gets pussy from girls at parties? Notice anything? Oh, right. It's the fact that he somehow knew that girl beforehand, acquantance or now, either way through mutual friends. That is SO UNFAIR. See, I thought it was easier with a stranger. But no.

As if it was that easy as to fake confidence. I've TRIED to "fake confidence" as they say, and I only came off as obnoxious and wait for it...FAKE! They could obviously see right through me, the nervous, awkward fucking creep that lies underneath the fake viel of confidence.

>> No.5410121

A very wise man once said that, I am sure of it.

>> No.5410125

CP is the product of two symmetries: C for charge conjugation, which transforms a particle into its antiparticle, and P for parity, which creates the mirror image of a physical system. The strong interaction and electromagnetic interaction seem to be invariant under the combined CP transformation operation, but this symmetry is slightly violated during certain types of weak decay. Historically, CP symmetry was proposed to restore order after the discovery of parity violation in the 1950s.

The idea behind parity symmetry is that the equations of particle physics are invariant under mirror inversion. This leads to the prediction that the mirror image of a reaction (such as a chemical reaction or radioactive decay) occurs at the same rate as the original reaction. Parity symmetry appears to be valid for all reactions involving electromagnetism and strong interactions. Until 1956, parity conservation was believed to be one of the fundamental geometric conservation laws (along with conservation of energy and conservation of momentum).

>> No.5410127

Yes it is, you just need to relax and be yourself, you will enjoy yourself.

>> No.5410133
File: 47 KB, 200x200, 1276107644725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5410138

thats true

>> No.5410141

There aren't enough words in the english language- hell, the entire lexicon of languages the world over- to describe how incredibly wrong this is. Not only is it wrong in that it is ignorant, but in that it is so incredibly incorrect on a factual level. Holy fucking God, how stupid can a human being get? In my life I've encountered people who have been unintelligent, yes- I've encounted my share of people who suffered from mental disabilities. People with downs syndrome, autism, and so on. However, I have never once encountered someone so stupid as to be capable of thinking something so unbelievably off-base. I didn't even think it possible that anyone in our plane of existence could ever even have the capacity for this level of idiocy

>> No.5410153
File: 5 KB, 228x236, doug says fuck yo shit nigger.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My face when /jp/ was full of 29 year old virgins who still live with mummy and spend all day playing some shitty weeaboo loli game with terrible music.

>My face when I didn't give a shit what some females thought of me

>> No.5410157

It's not that fucking easy, some of us just aren't good at socialising, some of us are very nervous and not good in crowds. Fucking arsehole just leave us alone, we're not hurting anyone.

>> No.5410161

Is this the same person, and you just typed all this out in advance? Or is it a really long pasta between two people? I can't tell. The responses are too fast and the text too long for you to have typed that out...

>> No.5410172

It's all the same troll.

>> No.5410175

No, anon. You are pathetic.

>> No.5410183

i've been sitting here with the "quick reply" form open for the past ten minutes, speechless, trying to find the words to convey just how bad of a thread this is, and how bad of a person you must be for making it, but i just cant. the finest poet from any culture or time could sit here until the carbon in his body decayed into something else and never find the words to express just how gay you are. you're like every gay porn ever compacted into one superdense superfaggot. every opinion you ever hold is wrong, every idea you ever have should never be expressed, every ounce of effort you go through to think the thoughts you think is a waste, i'd say you should be shot into space, but you arent even worthy of the resources that would take. i'd say you should die, but you dont even deserve to be buried in the ground you walk on. the only thing i can think of that would make me happy is to lock you in a room with all the anime and terrible movies and terrible games you'd ever like, and just leave you there, forever, sealed by magic and technology, sealing away the ultimate gay, the faggiest fag there ever was. after this, the supreme court would unanimously pass a new amendment that this room should never be opened.... youre so gay it defies time, language, and even human concept... you're gay in every dimension, every space-time event after your birth has experienced noticeably higher levels of Gay

>> No.5410188

Well, there's no need to be a spiteful ass and resort to insults now is there? Take a few deep breaths, have a glass of water, relax.
In fact, yes, yes it is that easy, you just need to be willing to take that step, to actually go outside and socialize.

>> No.5410196

I didn't read that but thanks, yes I am Gay, what of it?

>> No.5410197

It's like hypocrisy became an entity.

>> No.5410214

Are you seriously this fucking stupid?
Some people have mental illnesses which affect them from being able to do such things. You're so fucking narrow-minded and grating I want to physically stab you in the fucking face.

>> No.5410219

All of this hate and self-loathing is not good for you, my friend, please just calm down will you?

>> No.5410233


>> No.5410266
File: 18 KB, 400x300, charles oh rly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is this imposter here dwelling within this thread trying to lead my children astray from the path of righteousness? You, my good man, are the devil who is trying to lead my precious flock of innocent sheep out into the evil wickedness of the outside world. You come here spilling forth blasphemies from your rotten mouth. You are Judas, promising riches when what they shall be receiving is wretchedness.

Do not fret my children. Skeleton symphonies have played psalms to tell me his venom has blinded his eyes. Turn away.

>> No.5410302
File: 117 KB, 342x450, Al Gore Cereal Business.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread
