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5395195 No.5395195 [Reply] [Original]

I really do want to know what the hell Jessica is up to. With the reveal of Shkanontrice, her actions make no goddamn sense.

Seriously, it's all one big headache.

>> No.5395203

> Shkanontrice
Oh boy, here we go again.

>> No.5395202

Are you going to make the same fucking thread every fucking day?
The only thing you are doing right now is running in circle, move on from Umineko for a while.

>> No.5395220
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Oh Kanon-kun you're so dark and mysterious, and totally not my BFF Shannon.

>> No.5395223

Yeah, let's have another "ran is a dude" thread, or any of the 9001 shitty one not touhou spam threads instead of something where people might actually say something other than "reported."

>> No.5395235

Really looks like she's making a trollface instead of crying for help, but really I think we're the ones getting trolled here.

>> No.5395251

I'm saying this for you, you clearly seem stuck and just running in circle like this won't do any good for you.
Let your brain take a breather from all this, play some other VNs or something for a change.
And maybe later you will see things with a better perspective.

>> No.5395254
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I have something up for Jessica.

>> No.5395258
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I haven't made a Umineko thread in over a week. But do keep in mind, this is /jp/. Touhou isn't exactly a deep series by any means, but it has tons of threads. It's only natural that a mystery series have many discussion threads, it can't be helped.
Detective Battler notes that something fishy is up with the affair himself, but I don't think Jessica is a villain, her fantasy scenes and episode 6 as a whole made it clear she's the most moral person on the island. Although to be quite frank I am still fucking confused about her, because her actions make little to no sense.

>> No.5395271
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So her maid is also her boyfriend?

What's up with that?

>> No.5395277

>play some other VNs or something for a change.
But Umineko is the best VN ever. I don't even need to play any other VNs to know that.

>> No.5395280
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Yeah, just chill and play some Rance. That Sill character is pretty cool.

>> No.5395288

oh ho ho, anon you card.

>> No.5395291
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>> No.5395294

It's sad that there is probably some people who really think that.

>> No.5395303

result should be z

>> No.5395324

Nanjohdatrice > Shkanontrice

>> No.5395330

Oh, relax, I don't think anyone here has said Umineko is the best VN ever.

And if they do, well, it is their tastes, why should you care?

>> No.5395349

I have nothing against people who think Umineko is the best VN ever.
I have something against people who proclaim that it's the best VN ever yet refuse to read anything else for whatever stupid reasons.

>> No.5395372

Thing is, I don't quite think there ARE people like that.

I know Umineko is popular, but that doesn't automatically make it the "Pokemon" of VNs, everyone I know who reads Umineko has read other VNs.

>> No.5395378

One of the statements is a filthy lie.

>> No.5395386

You'd be surprised.

>> No.5395389


>> No.5395405

Most VNs have shit writing, so at least Umineko has the mystery plotline, which is far more interesting than 'You're in a highschool and you will eventually have sex with one of these impossible cute girls'.

>> No.5395414

If you act like a NICE GUY, perhaps.

Other VNs are worth reading, though. 90% of any given medium is shit.

Still, on the whole I'd say Umineko is a respectable VN to like.

>> No.5395415


you say "reveal" as though it's confirmed.

also, "jessica is suit beato, luring out Battler and getting him to believe in magic so that he can believe in the witch and remember his sin when confronted by 'Beatrice'" explains episode 4.

>> No.5395417

Most VNs have writing which is above the quality of the average YA book. Umineko is better written than Harry Potter at least, and that's what I expect.

"bad writing" is the pseudo-intellectual way of saying "it's shit." No one tries to even articulate the flaws in the writing nor do they explain why we should be holding VNs to a literary level of scrutiny.

>> No.5395419

At least they make sense and may have something to fap to.

>> No.5395424

Except the mystery is pure shit, I've seen more intelligent stuffs in fucking Phoenix Wright.

>> No.5395425

>>Umineko is better written than Harry Potter at least
It's not though.

>> No.5395432

I enjoyed Phoenix Wright more, actually, but you can only read something like that once. Until you forget everything, I guess.

It's difficult to explain, but a lot of it lacks any sort of artistic flair whatsoever; probably because it's just a block translation from Japanese. It just feels like the text is boring as hell and you're extracting what is interesting (the story) from it. Good writing is writing you can enjoy as you read it; bad writing is writing that you must endure in order to experience the plotline.

>> No.5395439

It is not yet our time, comrade.

>> No.5395441

>>It just feels like the text is boring as hell and you're extracting what is interesting (the story) from it. Good writing is writing you can enjoy as you read it; bad writing is writing that you must endure in order to experience the plotline.

Yeah, that's clearly Umineko.
Go play Cross Channel or Sekien no Inganock.

>> No.5395450

It's not like there's any other realistic way for someone to be Suit Beato...I'd say it's pretty ridiculous for it to be Shannon, especially given the very blatant "laying her to rest" scene, and the fact that Beatrice looks NOTHING LIKE Shannon. Occam's razor and all.

>> No.5395451

I did say/imply that Umineko had bad writing.

>Cross Channel or Sekien no Inganock

How are they different? Still amateur translations, right?

>> No.5395453

Amateur translations of more interesting writing.

>> No.5395455

I, for one, like Umineko and its kickass music.

Ryukushi can write some scenes well, if you weren't pumped at the beginning of the fight in the garden between Battler and Beatrice when Dreamenddischarger started playing you have no FIGHTING SPIRIT.

>> No.5395476

On Jessica:
She doesn't know grandpa's dead. It should be clear why, now. Or, at least, there's a strong possibility she doesn't know.

She disguises herself as Beatrice in ep.4, to make Battler remember something. Whatever this "sin" is, we don't know if it's related to Shannon or Jessica, or someone else.

She has feeling for someone.
Battler? Probably not, but still it could be. In this case, Kanon is an elaborate and rather strange act.
She loves Kanon, and is someone really inclined to be decieved.
She loves Shannon and it's gonna be the best Umineko ever.
There are more evidences on her love for Kanon, however.

She trolls hard with a certain phone call.

>> No.5395478

The translation of Umineko is actually pretty good.
Having played it in the original language, at least the first 3 games, I can say it feels pretty amateurish in Japanese as well.
Well at least it's easy to read, though the style is boring and repetitive.

For CC and Inganock, they definitely have better writing, it's not even close.
Though Inganock's style can be a a little annoying for some I guess, feel like the author tries a little too hard at times, especially compared to the style as smooth as a baby's bottom of Forest.

>> No.5395516

Deceit is when the servants, Natsuhi, and Krauss take several explicit steps to trick Jessica into thinking Kinzo is dead. And even that might not have work.

When we have the two closest people to her being one and the same, and establish that she's known both of them for YEARS, well, then we call shenanigans.

Silly Jessica paradox, the only thing that makes Shkanontrice slightly flawed. I'm sure Ryu will explain it, though. Or at the very least, hope so.

>> No.5395523

He won't.
You will have to accept that Jessica is completely innocent and that she didn't know about ShKanon at all, despite how contrived and stupid it seems.

>> No.5395527
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>Kanon is an elaborate and rather strange act.
He always has been. Seriously, he's like the third wheel on Sayo's bicycle of crazy.

>> No.5395534

The thing about Umineko is that it is a mystery. If we knew the solution for the mystery, no one would read it.

>> No.5395550

Many VNs have text that is enjoyable to read even translated. Some of it is lost in translation (untranslated VNs are usually more enjoyable to read in my opinion) but unless the translation is outright bad most of it should still carry over into English.

>> No.5395553
File: 247 KB, 638x476, pimpin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, he's made it quite clear that Jessica is very close to both Shannon and Kanon. In a flashback the three are even seen together.

There's going to be SOMETHING beyond "she didn't know", simply because a major part of Jessica's character is her friendship with Shannon and her love with Kanon.

>> No.5395566

That's a flashback of Kanon though, through his completely crazy mind.

>> No.5395627
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True, but remember that the message the scene conveys is still solid.

Which is Jessica's closeness to Shannon and Kanon.

I can see three ways this goes down, actually.

1. MY LIFE IS A LIE route - Jessica due to some circumstances or another fell into deep delusion where she created her own love interest. Sayo, also being completely bonkers, was only too happy to play along. Episode 7 Bern rips the facade apart, crushes Jessica, and then tells her that she's adopted, her parents don't really love her, and that the puppy she thought went on to a field was really just killed by the chocolate she fed it.

2. Curse you, Lunar-Lass! route - See the Moon-chan fellows for this. She's the big bad, made a big evil scheme to kill everyone and is the MASTER OF PUPPETS WHO'S PULLING THE STRINGS. I don't personally believe it, I think she's a good guy.

3. The Dark Knight route - She has known all along, but is not malicious, far from it. This whole time she's been trying to guide Battler to the truth subtly and at times not so subtly. Course, hilarity ensues and then everyone dies anyway.

This reasoning is possible by a tinfoil hat wearing Anon at 7:31 in the evening.

>> No.5395681

Oooooo, number one would be very moe but number three seems very BRO. Or she could be Beatrice.

>> No.5395693


shkanontrice supported when kanon doesn't want to hit that

>> No.5395718
File: 30 KB, 704x396, george.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, he liked her enough to kill Rosa.

Then again, it WAS Rosa.....

>> No.5395741

You know what would be an evil trick? If a game master, say Lambda, had this huge reveal where she exposed a massive conspiracy and pretended to name all of the members, but in reality she quietly left one of them out.

>> No.5395750
File: 239 KB, 655x1092, lolbattler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Choice number three, it's obvious. From the very beginning of the game she told Battler how shit would go down.

>> No.5395802



>> No.5395812

Episode 6, Kanon kills Rosa.

>> No.5395828


No, I know that. I'm wondering why you're saying that he liked Jessica enough to kill Rosa but then Jessica WAS the Rosa... and then John was a zombie.
