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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5390792 No.5390792 [Reply] [Original]

How come your parents let you be a NEET? Why don't they kick you out? Don't they expect you to do anything with your life?

Or are you one of those special NEETs that gets social security income?

>> No.5390794

I don't live with my parents. My roommate is sugoi.

>> No.5390802

Because they're dead and I'm living off inheritance. Have enough to live off interest for pretty much the rest of my life.

>> No.5390806


>> No.5390807

I'm not a NEET and I don't live with them anymore. My job is terribly lax though. I pretty much surf 4chan 50% of the time

>> No.5390808

I'm a mistake between two kids under 14 and having some good ol fashion non-condom fun. They feel some sort of guilt or something for not being able to properly raise me,despite the fact that I lived a pretty cool life and had an awesome childhood.

My mother doesn't find it strange that I leech off her.

>> No.5390809

My parents do not give a dick. They say I can get a job whenever I want as long as they're alive.

>> No.5390813

It sounds mean, but sometimes I have fantasies where everybody else in my family dies and I'm left with all the money, the five bedroom house, the four cars: everything. It's like an extreme version of Home Alone. I love my parents, but damn son, I'd be loaded.

>> No.5390814


As for me, I'm applying for SSI and I'm pretty sure I'll get accepted with my history. I can probably get around $700-800 a month, which is enough for me to live on my own and do nothing, if I get accepted since there are plenty of cheap apartments around where I live.

>> No.5390818

I work 40 hours a week and pay $400 a month to keep up my lifestyle

My family still thinks I'm a loser

>> No.5390821

>pay $400 a month to keep up my lifestyle
Where the hell do you live?

>> No.5390827

do not care what your family think unless you love them

>> No.5390828

SSI? Social Security...
Yeah. You lost me. I don't look into government programs. What is this, for disabled people?

>> No.5390829

Dropped out of high school and lowered their expectations early is pretty much the only explanation I have really.

>> No.5390830

My mother has that "you'll always be mommy's little boy" mindset. She doesn't want to see me grow up. She doesn't want me to leave. She'd be all alone if I wasn't here, because she doesn't live with anyone and has no friends. My sister left and she was devastated at the thought of me leaving.

In other words, my mother pays for me to fulfill her desire of me never growing up. Good thing I'm still a kid inside, and don't mind.

>> No.5390833


>> No.5390834

You can be an aspie manchild or have social anxiety and get up to $800 a month due to social disability.

>> No.5390835

How old is your mother?

>> No.5390840

Me too. ;_;

>> No.5390845

Im not NEET.

>> No.5390850

Then why are you on /jp/? Go back to /a/.

>> No.5390855

Shit dude, where are you living that it's THAT costly? Are you living at a high end condominium or something, I only spend like half of that in a month and I am currently paying for all the utilities for 2 houses.

>> No.5390860

my mom gave up a long time ago.

>> No.5390866

OP, visit the board on the actual 4chan servers sometime, the ghost board title is just a joke.

This is "/jp/ - Otaku Culture" not "/jp/ - NEET & Hikki Whatever"

>> No.5390867

What hick town are you living in? My apartment costs me 1.5k/month.

>> No.5390870

Got kicked out of high school and got a GED, my mom pretty much gave up on me. I still live with her.

Occasionally, she'll ask me what I'm doing with my life, if I ever want to get married and have kids, if I'm planning on going back to school, how can I expect to keep living like this, etc, but most of the time she seems cool with it.

Or just heartbroken and indifferent about me, hard to tell.

>> No.5390874

>ghost board title
>This is "/jp/ - Otaku Culture" not "/jp/ - NEET & Hikki Whatever"
no, /jp/ is /jp/ - Touhou and NEETs

>> No.5390877



Definitely heartbroken.

>> No.5390878

okay, just leave. Right now.

>> No.5390880

lurk or leave.

>> No.5390881

Whenever I think about giving up on life, I think about how I'd feel if I invested tens (perhaps even hundreds) of thousands of dollars and two decades of my life into a project just to see it flop. We all owe our parents better, guys ;_;

>> No.5390888

Drop out, no work experience and I'm 24.
Basically, nobody will hire me for anything.

Just my mom and younger brother with me.
She can't exactly kick me out just in the hopes that I magically find a job just so I can come back without NEET'ing it up, she knows better than anyone just how hard it is to find a job.

Kicking me out means making me homeless.

>> No.5390889

I feel guilty a lot towards my mom, just the fact that she still thinks I can accomplish something depresses me every time.

>> No.5390891
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This pleases me quite a bit

>> No.5390898

Sometimes I think of how I can change the world to fit myself in this mean mess I was born in.
Like the Pirate King.

>> No.5390905

Every family member wants me to accomplish something really amazing. I said fuck you and became a NEET.

I feel good.

>> No.5390913

These threads are simultaneously depressing and retarded.
In fact, they're even more retarded because they're depressing and because I seriously doubt that you guys are all fucking neets.

Whatever happened to people being lifeless nerds with great intelligence who spent 90% of their life on the computer and was a programmer/student?
I mean, you'd think I wouldn't care, but the internet, you see, has this weird point were jokes have actual effect on shit.

>> No.5390917

Your great grandmother was Byakuren?

>> No.5390932

Well my mother was able to hook me up with work, I was pretty much unable to find a decent job by myself.
So now I'm living by myself, paying taxes and so on.

That wont last forever though, and I worry for myself since I can no longer move back with my parents if I can't find another job after my current employment ends.

But fuck this blog bullshit.

>> No.5390949

I have the know-how to work as a programmer, technician, graphic designer, help desk guy, call center operator, sysadmin, web designer, etc. but the problem is that no one will hire me. I only do online commissions once every so often, and they don't pay very well.

Most people here are smart, but socially inept. In the business world, it's not what you know, but who you know, and how you present yourself.

>> No.5390960
File: 24 KB, 187x181, sadfrog2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whatever happened to people being lifeless nerds with great intelligence who spent 90% of their life on the computer and was a programmer/student?

The dotcom bubble burst.

I'm sorry.

>> No.5390962

I'm in uni.

That said I only left the house when I had labs or assignments to do. I've failed 4 units out 8 units last year. They don't know... feels bad man.

>> No.5390987

GTFO newfag

>> No.5390993

hello summerfriend

>> No.5391002
File: 108 KB, 405x412, 1276577567673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't know about the ghost board

>> No.5391003

That's true and feels bad. Usually the morons who can sell themselves and cherry-talk will get the goodies. Obviously nobody would want to hire some weirdo.

>> No.5391013

Sorry? I don't care about your little circlejerk club. Threads like this were always related to /jp/. End of Story.

>> No.5391027

I live off the government. Pretend I'm scared of going outside and play through with it.

>> No.5391029
File: 4 KB, 126x126, 1276532148857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While you are correct, anyone who's been on /jp/ for more than a month should be familiar with the archives.

>> No.5391032

I actually am like that but I don't get money from the government. :( Feels bad man.

>> No.5391034

I also have severe social phobia but I would never be able to use this disadvantage to claim some goodies as it would make me look like some moron even though that's the reason I'm pretty much failing at college ... it's like I'm really reading NHK.

>> No.5391037

You mean Easymodo or Green Oval? I know about that.

But when someone calls it a "ghost board" I think "what the fuck is that?"

>> No.5391045

Because I don't know the archive rite? Also the archive should be used for archive sake and not for circlejerking like the tripfags and are doing.

>> No.5391051

I get money from the government just because I don't want to work.

Well, I'm technically looking for a job but it's pretty obvious I'm never going to get one.

>> No.5391056

>>5390792 OP
(and samefaggy emotrollan whiny thread in general)
Down, girl.



>> No.5391060

Wait, that's what people mean they they refer to "ghost" boards?
What... can you actually post on easymodo?
I thought it was just an archive.

Not that I'd bother when I can just post here.

>> No.5391071

I bet you think you're clever.

>> No.5391072

oh and just for the record, who was the one to bring up tripfagging? you were. Shut up already.

>> No.5391073

Sorry, you appear to have lost your way, and ended up in /jp/ by mistake...


>> No.5391082

Sorry? Isn't it time for a cup of tea with your friends over at the other board?

>> No.5391084

Been living with my dad NEETin it up for 5 years since I graduated high school.

Thinking about getting a certification and applying to a private English teaching school in Japan and doing that for a year. Sort of a sink or swim sort of thing, try living on my own. Thoughts?

>> No.5391087


>> No.5391093

You absolutely will not get accepted for teaching English if your highest education is high school.

Go to college and major in English if you want to teach it in Japan. But by the time you're qualified to do it you'll realize it's not even worth it.

>> No.5391095

unrealistically terrible if you have no foreign travel experience. Of course, you look like more of the OP's formulaic trolling-by-numbers.

>> No.5391098

>sink or swim
Because you learn to swim by drowning, right?

No, that's how you learn to fear water.

>> No.5391099

I've heard from a friend that a couple people in his program he's doing don't have any college degree and only a certification. Assuming it's possible you don't think it's worth it?

>> No.5391107

I've been there before for a month.

>> No.5391125

If you can actually get into a program like that, go for it. But a vast majority of them have high requirements.

>> No.5391131

>No, that's how you learn to fear water.

No, that's how you die. After drowning, you can't think "oh gee, water sure is scary!" You'd just be dead. That's what drowning is, after all.

>> No.5391148

live with mom however she is always around her partners house so it is pretty much just me and my bro, plus I has the assburgers so benefits for moms

>> No.5391150

>implying you can't 'drown' in a pool, be rescued by lifeguards, have phobia of water

>> No.5391162

I'm not a NEET. I study and work a full-time job.

I kinda envy NEETs though.

>> No.5391166

Then you didn't actually drown.

It's like how people say they get electrocuted rather than shocked, overdosed rather than had a little too much, etc.



>> No.5391170


>> No.5391177

I recently started school again, so I m no longer a neet. Started working also but just enough to pay for school. Other than that my lifestyle hasn't changed; eat, browse the net, check for new singles, and sleep.

>> No.5391179
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>> No.5391183

so much butthurt saging... is this 7chan 2.0?

>> No.5391187

>butthurt saging
Get back to /a/, we don't like your kind around here.

>> No.5391196

>is butthurt saging

>> No.5391204

go back to /g/ where you belong, bangkok anonymous

>> No.5391205


hate your thread, OP!

>> No.5391218

While drowning and electrocution are only such if they result in death overdosing is just excessive intake of whatever.

Just sayin'

>> No.5391243
File: 131 KB, 500x333, ugly_3d_girls_laughing_at_your_small_dick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>butthurt saging
>guy implying only butthurt people sage

>> No.5391283

I heard the chinese will take just about anyone that speaks english and is willing to move to china

>> No.5391288

If she is I would totally kill myself.

>> No.5391323

Don't they treat you like shit, give you shit wages, and make it hard for you to leave?

>> No.5391397


source of pic please, iqdb and saucenao don't net any results

>> No.5391408

Duh, it's probably a crop of a character sprite.

>> No.5391439
File: 214 KB, 800x1136, 6855145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5391456


>> No.5391491

Parents kicked me out at 19. I moved to a big city and pay $420 a month living with 3 roommates. It's pretty cool I guess (lol they never see me come out of my room). My parents would have charged me the same $420 rent to live at home with them in the middle of nowhere in the country, so fuck that.

>> No.5391495

Isn't it quite true, at least on 4chan?
Most of us are just childish faggots who use the "sage" function well knowing it pisses off OP when we do it.

>> No.5391510

>implying it pisses me off

Sage all you want, it doesn't really matter.

And you guys seem to miss the point of sage. It originally wasn't for "lol your thread sux so I'm not gonna bump it," but rather, if someone's post didn't contribute anything to the discussion, they'd use sage so that they could make their post without bumping it to the top of the front page, which would push off a thread with legitimate replies.

>> No.5391523

OP, are you still here?

>> No.5391528


FUCk thank you ;_;

>> No.5391582

Back on track!

I was depressed from the instant I hit puberty and didn't realise till I hit 21. That's cool I thought, I'll just ask my mother to help me out with a little therapy/medication etc.

She flat out refuses claiming it's too expensive even when I'm begging her for help. Then she proceeds to renovate the house and completely forgot about my problem.

So now I'm searching for employment. Sure I'll have to give up the NEET life for a while but hopefully once I get enough cash together I can move out and continue leeching off the government.

>> No.5391618

I'm not a NEET. I'm a creator.

My kouhai and I are going to create the greatest galge the world has ever seen.

>> No.5391620


>I'm searching for employment
>once I get enough cash together
>leeching off the government

error in reading file. [A]bort, [R]etry, [F]ail?

>> No.5391653

Government only provides (decent) cash so long as you're either searching for jobs or somehow disabled. I've been able to claim depression for a while now but they're going to kick me off it soon so I better start taking some action. The amount provided also isn't nearly enough to allow me to move out (enough to share rent but not enough left for food etc.) so I need to supplement that somehow.

>> No.5391655


Read it carefully.

>> No.5391690
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>> No.5391700
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