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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5388216 No.5388216 [Reply] [Original]

Make your choice, /jp/.

One night with the girl or all the manga/anime related items?

>> No.5388225

she looks pretty heavy

>> No.5388223
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>> No.5388231
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>> No.5388227

Items. One night stands, not so good.

>> No.5388234

uh, girl, tho i like the stuff too, it'd be hard

>> No.5388235

Take the animu/manga related things.
I could make money off the things I wouldn't want, and enjoy the rest for years to come.

A one night stand is uninteresting.

>> No.5388245


>> No.5388246

I'd give my virginity to her.

>> No.5388250

WTF! focus more on the items

>> No.5388254

She's in cosplay, so she's a manga/anime related item.
I'll take the lot and sell what I don't want.

>> No.5388255
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>> No.5388257

The girl, since none of that stuff would really be that valuable to me.

>> No.5388267

Choose the girl. She's probably your only chance.

>> No.5388265

Can I have both, please? ;_;

>> No.5388278

The items.

Hell the Regult model alone would be enough.

>> No.5388292

the girl
/r/ set

>> No.5388299

Why is there a rifle in here?

>> No.5388306


that changes everything all the way for the rifle

>> No.5388312

The items. Which I would then sell and use to buy two nights with the girl.

>> No.5388314

I really want that yukata rei figure

>> No.5388321

I want all those manga and artbooks.

>> No.5388326

The girl. Considering all the manga is in Japanese, I wouldn't be able to read it. I'm not into figurines, so a hot asian bitch wins out.

>> No.5388331

Here's the set

page 9 has the images posted

>> No.5388345

I can't read Japanese so there would be no use of the second choice. Either way I'm screwed.

>> No.5388341

I guarantee you that those books would sell for more than enough to net me many, many nights with the prostitute of my choice.

>> No.5388339


>> No.5388350
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moar rifle

>> No.5388366

This is no lie, but when i first clicked on the image i didn't even notice the girl.

>> No.5388367

My morals say that I won't have sex until I find someone that I'd seriously consider marrying.

I'll take the items.

>> No.5388368
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>> No.5388371
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>> No.5388373

Sure, used manga sells for dozens of pennies each here in America, right? They must be even more worthless in Japan where they literally come in phonebook-sized compilations for what amounts to pocketchange.

>> No.5388376

>SDTV with PS3

>> No.5388382

Good man

>> No.5388383

Oh, a gun.
How thoroughly unattractive.

>> No.5388393
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more interesting background stuff

>> No.5388400

One night with some whore or a whole bunch of shit I can sell?

I'll take the latter option.

>> No.5388402
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>> No.5388397

I'll take the manga items and sell them so I can continue my vintage MIJ guitar collecting. The girl is moderately cute, I'll give her that. But I'm no one night stand kind of guy and the act of sex without some feeling of fondness or love (yes, I am that old fashioned) seems uninteresting and boring.

I also have a pretty mild libido for a guy so I'm not thinking about pussy 24/7 like most other guys.

>> No.5388408

more like boring man
enjoy leading your boring life, restricting yourself for no reason just to hold up "morals" that only have value in your own mind.

>> No.5388416

> Items. One night stands, not so good.

This. Who the fuck cares about one night of sex without a real relationship?

>> No.5388424

Meh, I'm saving myself for the woman who I will love and marry. Sure she may not be a virgin when I find her but the fact that I waited for her will feel good to me.....and hopefully to her as well.

The items please.

>> No.5388427

Who gives a fuck about manga/anime related items. You can pirate anything that matters. I'm hittin that ass.

>> No.5388430

One night with an equivalent girl costs you a few thousand yen, the combined items are probably worth over a million.

>> No.5388432


Tewi? What did Eirin do to you now?

>> No.5388442


I'd rather take $20.

>> No.5388448

>enjoy leading your boring life, restricting yourself for no reason just to hold up "morals" that only have value in your own mind.

Since when did having morals mean you were trying to please and show others your restraint? I'm the same way about love, sex and marriage and I do not feel as if I am 'restricting' myself. So what if I am the only one who values his own my morals? They're mine, not yours.

Hell, you sound like one of those girls that make fun of guys who say such things by calling them boring losers.

>> No.5388452

>his own my morals


>> No.5388465

>hittin that ass

I can imagine the girl screaming as fat, sweaty, pimply, horrid Anonymous tries to fuck her...his gut getting in the way of his dick.

>> No.5388462


>> No.5388463

I agree with you bro.

Some people just aren't apes who want to fuck anything that moves. For some people they have to actually have an emotional attachment.

>> No.5388470

I presume the OP is presenting a choice between 3dshit and animeshit. If you're allowed to just take it and sell it, why bother with the situation. Monetary value > girl > items.

>> No.5388474

>my morals this
>my morals that
Not trying to show off huh?
You're like that one straight-edge fag that goes to a party, and while everyone else is having fun, makes a point to let them all know that he's not drinking. You are a faggot. Have fun, stop acting like you're too good to enjoy basic human desires. In fact I bet you're only propping yourself up on your "morals" to cover for that fact that you're a loser who can't enjoy anything in life, so rather than feel bad about that, you say "I'm doing it because of my morals, it's the right thing and it makes me a good person!" That's SO lame.

>> No.5388477

The items. No contest.

>> No.5388482

BUT WAIT, that girl's organs are probably worth way more than the items. Hmmm

>> No.5388483

Get off /jp/. You clearly don't belong here.

>> No.5388484

Are those two Sazabis or is one a Sinanju?

>> No.5388485

Don't you know? Humans spend too much of their time worrying about other people and their opinions/ideas/morals and ridiculing them about them than spending time worrying about their own shit.

It's the way we are.

>> No.5388503


>> No.5388516

couldent i spend the night then steal all the stuff in the morning?

>> No.5388519

i said the girl before. but i might change my mind depending on the caliber of that rifle

>> No.5388520

And you sound like one of those people that make fun of others because they do not think like you do and throw out baseless assumptions about people you've never even met. That alone makes you a shallow, ignorant individual. But that's okay, you're just a faceless person on the internet and all that criticism in your post is just your opinion.

Which, by the way, doesn't mean shit to me.

>> No.5388531

Please take it easy while on /jp/.

Thank you warmly.

>> No.5388535

>You're like that one straight-edge fag that goes to a party, and while everyone else is having fun, makes a point to let them all know that he's not drinking.
>Have fun faggot

Sorry but drinking myself stupid only to wake up the next day from passing out with a splitting headache, nausea and puking everywhere does not sound very 'fun' to me. That, and indulging frequently in casual sex and getting STD's. REAL FUN.

>> No.5388536

Sorry, I'm trying to read your posts but my eyes just slide off the words you type for some reason. Could you be less of a twit. Thanks.

>> No.5388543
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Your very welcome.

>> No.5388546

Can I take the furniture and exercise equipment instead?

>> No.5388548
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>> No.5388552
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My condolences. I did not know you were illiterate.

>> No.5388556

Why don't you ask /a/?

>> No.5388563
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>> No.5388564

Little slow on the reaction image there. These things matter, you know.

>> No.5388570

3DPD confirmed for a meme and not /jp/'s real opinion (on women).

>> No.5388577

Wow, reaction images and bickering.

Stupid, useless meido is only good for her sex appeal.

>> No.5388581
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Ok troll that's enough. You derailed the thread. Good job. Pat yourself on the back and beat off and come back for another round.

>> No.5388580

Humans are temporary, information is forever. The manga. I could at least make $5 on it...

>> No.5388618


>> No.5388627

You see what women do Anonymous? They turn man against man. Brother against brother. They make men demean other men because maybe to them it's not all about 'gettin' dat pussy yo'!

Women are evil.

>> No.5388634

I already own more untranslated manga than I'm likely to plod through over the next decade, and she _is_ wearing a sailor collar...

>> No.5388650

>3DPD confirmed for a meme and not /jp/'s real opinion (on women).

Oh look, a whore trying to change /jp/'s ways of thinking. It's just like a wife trying to shape and mold her husband into the man SHE wants him to be. Bitches and whores.

>> No.5388662
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>Women are evil.

>> No.5388677

Easily the media.
Hell, I'd take a single volume or fig over her.
A volume would last me about twenty minutes. Sex would be over in 10.

>> No.5388688

Taking it easy levels are being disturbed. Time to initiate emergency take it easy procedures.

>> No.5388699

You've got an iron wall put up around you, don't you Anonymous? You just think you're so right. So BETTER. Which clearly you are, such an upstanding and moral citizen. Hopefully your first child will die and your devoted, soul-mate of a future wife will cheat on you and leave you because you're a boring and self-important nerd.

>> No.5388701

The items, I wanted a set of pantsu anyways.

>> No.5388708

Does one night with the girl allow me to kill her and devour her corpse?
This is important.

>> No.5388716

I have a girlfriend, so the comics.

>> No.5388719

You really need to take it easy. Why not try smooth jazz?

>> No.5388724

one night with a girl: <$100
all that stuff: $$$$$

>> No.5388734

I can't allow people to be self-righteous on the internet. This is a great war.

>> No.5388738

Items, because at least I can go look at them over and over. The bitch, after one night, will not even look at me.


Also, /jp/ is filled with normalfags today. Off to doing something more enjoyable.

>> No.5388752

That probably hinges on whether or not one night excludes digestion time.

>> No.5388753

I'm tempted to pick the one night stand just so I know how it feels to fuck and cum inside a girl.

>> No.5388766

3DPD. Give me all of your shit.

>> No.5388818

Get the Rifle

Threaten Girl

Fuck her

Enjoy the best of both worlds

>> No.5388820

Admitted troll.

And by saying that you cannot allow people to be self righteous on the internet proves that you think YOU'RE self righteous in weeding them out.

Hypocrite much? Take it easy.

>> No.5388839

You are not taking it very easy. You should try smooth jazz.

Also if you must bicker please use sage so you don't bump the thread with off-topic posts. Thank you warmly.
