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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 29 KB, 780x729, music_notes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5388089 No.5388089 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /jp/. Guy from /mu/ here. Can I have a list and recommendations of /jp/ related music,Preferably non-techno related stuff.

I asked on /mu/ and was immediately trolled to death about wanting to listen to "shit" music.

>> No.5388095

A personal favorite, Sleeping Terror by ZUN, remix by dBu.


>> No.5388093

Ahh forgot, Someone did point me to the touhou wiki on music. But the touhou music wiki list no genres, and I would like more than touhou music.

>> No.5388101
File: 52 KB, 679x498, gargamel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Way to ruin it for the rest of us. We have so much Touhou music I don't think I will be done until next year.


>> No.5388104


>> No.5388106

>Preferably non-techno
Are you sure? There are some really good tracks from Umineko, and it's not a generic sort of techno either.

>> No.5388099


Always relevant.

>> No.5388110

Well, if it is not the generic tehno shit. Ok then.

I did listen to a group called O-life. They were great

>> No.5388120


>> No.5388122


>> No.5388124

Ha, That's great

>> No.5388129


>> No.5388135

I figured the touhou wiki would include a "sort by genre" option. Perhaps I should undertake the task of creating such an option, just for people like OP

>> No.5388138

Drone and metal are our lives.

>> No.5388151

No, it includes EVERYTHING BUT the genre.

>> No.5388158

I have always wanted to do that, but the sad truth is that I'm far too lazy to replace "arrange: instrument" with "arrange: an actual fucking genre".

>> No.5388159


>> No.5388168


>> No.5388177

OP here, Why do you post good reply then sage? I was under the impression that people only sage when they do not like a thread, as if sage is some sort of magic thread killer.

>> No.5388180

>I was under the impression that...

>> No.5388184


>> No.5388189

Way to troll your own thread, buddy.

>> No.5388202

there is this concept of "polite" sage that /jp/ likes to believe in. So you don't unnecessarily bump a thread over others. Pointless because /jp/ is such a slow fucking board anyway.

You are now going to be trolled to death here.

>> No.5388206
File: 342 KB, 900x1259, 1b5e3fc2c8cb2389ec95168a88a470a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5388211

Because we don't like this thread, indeed we did answer you, but out of courtesy only. We don't want to bump this thread and want to let other more useful threads to stay on the front page. And "sage" of course only means "not bumping the thread" and nothing else.

>> No.5388230

>we don't like this thread
Hey I enjoy our music threads. Drop this "we" shit, not everyone is such a faggot.

>> No.5388233

I still laugh at how 4chan doesn't understand what sage means.

If only I knew moon so I wouldn't have to spend time on a board that imports foreign concepts and then DOES IT WRONG all the time.

Using sage as a way to "insult" someone's post or thread is just completely wrong and a retarded misuse of a good feature that is so popular in sites like 2ch and Futaba. Fuck, iichan and 4-ch do it right. It's just 4chan and 4chan's lame knockoffs that fail at using sage.

The true meaning of sage means that YOUR POST isn't worthy enough to bump the thread. It's ironic, because you think that you're insulting others while you're just, in fact, insulting yourself. Yes, sage can be used when posting a derogatory comment in a thread that you don't want to bump, but posting with just the word "sage" accomplishes nothing but contribute to spamming the board. The trend of replying with the name of a tripfag and sage is even worse, as it accomplishes nothing and only serves to increase the e-penis of whoever you're "attacking".

The sage feature was never meant to serve as an implied insult or general disagreement! Why people started using it that way is beyond me. There are plenty of reasons why one would choose not to bump a thread with his reply. For example, bumping threads with stupid one liner replies should be discouraged and those people should be coerced into using sage instead.

I want to use sage, yet I almost never do it on 4chan because people will jump on me thinking I'm insulting their post or something.

>> No.5388247

I agree.

>> No.5388249

As for OP, I'll just throw in my favorite doujin albums that I have ass-kissed multiple times already:

North-T - Lifework
>Don't listen to much music like this, so I'll just hazard a guess and say modern classical.

love solfege - アクルグ解析による自由への教唆
>"Neoclassical metal" with dance music elements thrown in from track to track.

love solfege - the note of satanism
>Like before. More world music-ish and less rock like than the link above.

Corky Voce - Ambient Dreamer
>Rock. I would really like this album more if she kept a soft tone and stuck to a mood in some of the songs. Still a good choice tracks.

Subroc Records - SUBHUMAN
>I know you don't want electronic, but fuck you I'm posting it anyway as it's still better than most of the boring "IDM" hipster garbage raved about on /mu/. Dark ambient, breakbeat, industrial, dub, and a shitton of other genres. Inspired by Serial Experiments Lain. If there was an essential doujin music list, this would be in the first row in my book.

>> No.5388264

OP listen to these bands

Artist - Album, Track title :Genre

[Demetori - Nada Upasana Pundarika, Nuclear Fusion](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbBgrX-G5cc)) :Heavy Metal

[Demetori - Il Mondo dove e finito il Tempo, Suwa Foughten Field](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkMbjQT66LM&feature=PlayList&p=509385EDB43774F8&pl
aynext_from=PL&playnext=1&index=1) :Heavy Metal

[Kokuyasou - Catharsis, Nuclear Fusion](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcd-1-1loLk)) :Goth metal

[ENC - TOHO SKA PARADISE ORCHESTRA, The Bridge No one Passes](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKFVv19nZG0)) :SKA

[O-Life - 望郷舞踏宴, 夜店勃興 part2](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3P_CQHDl60)) :Folk

[O-Life - 気象無原則, 萃め先は神社で](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMmA-a_8TsI)) :Idunnolol

[SHO - TOHO TEMPEST V, The Bridge No one passes](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkQIIw4OXXg)) :Symphonic metal?

[Sing, R. Sing! - こうまかん☆ぷぺぽー プレビュー版, U.N. Owen was her](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNC8dDFSytY)) :idunnolol

[なもなきよいこ - 東方実験室, Cranberry Trap](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_yj1cQ8jSyo)) :metal

[Iron Attack - Miss Understanding, Miss Understanding](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bm0CEaNJCgY)) :Rock

[Iron Attack - Vampire Concerto, Ripple Of 495 Years](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWmm_azOibI)) :Rock

[CROW'S CLAW - Frozen Frog, Mastersparkin'](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1xpV-Lmj3M&feature=related)) :Classic Rock?

[South of Heaven - 東方鋼鉄組曲, Ⅴ.4th movement-ヴワル魔法図書館&ラクトガール ? 少女密室](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-luAyQMkZyo)) :Symphonic Rock

[Sun3 - Thick and Fast, FIRE! FIRE!](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tpgKe8uX4k)) :Hardcore Techno

[Shihori (A1) - Pod Jack, みんなで大空マジック!!](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNxcKrCVtEk)) :Ear Cancer

I was just going to post this on another forum

>> No.5388276

Boris. Heavy Rocks, Pink, Akuma No Uta, and Smile are their most accessible.

>> No.5388311

sage is a useless feature, kinda like the name field.

Glad Bun has no names field so you tripfaggots don't fag it up. I dread the day when the implement it and all you piece of shit dick sucking attention whores flood there .

>> No.5388328

bunbunmaru don't have a name field? Looks like I should finally move.

>> No.5388338

Good riddance, please move.

>> No.5388347

I'll throw in some Touhou stuff as well:

白いしましまうさぎ - 東方和楽・通
>Remix album done in a traditional Japanese style

minami - 東方JeuXinTerdiTs
>As this was my first Touhou remix album, I guess I would call it "entry-level" Touhou rock. Very standard I suppose.

>Two tracks long. Noise Rock of two tracks from first post-PC98 game.

Sakabato - Present World Borderline
>Yes, more Touhou rock, or should I say Seihou rock? One of my favorites from Comiket 77 hands down.

Mushi/Lumpy/Musique Concrète - A Bug, Touhou, and Melon Soda (Hydrocyanic Acid)
>YOU DIDN'T SAY NO TO AMBIENT. This is hit or miss for a lot of people. If you don't know why, you sure as hell will after you listen to this.

I'm obviously being biased and leaving a ton of stuff out of course. It would be best to swing around when major events like Reitaisai, Comiket, etc. are coming around as people dump tons of shit during those times. If you mass download and weed from share threads on /mu/, it isn't any different really.

>> No.5388348

Sage is not "useless" and /bun/ is infinitely more faggy than /jp/, why don't you do us a favor and head right back there now please.

>> No.5388362

OP here, Thanks for the recommendations.

>> No.5388372

sage is useless.

>> No.5388379

You're useless.

>> No.5388385

That is mean

>> No.5388389

Which routes in AIR are translated and in some patch already??

>> No.5388392

No I'm not ;_;

>> No.5388394

I've always wondered, is /bun/ the general board on bunbunmaru.com or something else?

>> No.5388398

What do you want?

>> No.5388403

People just call it bun because spelling bunbunmaru is too fucking hard for them or something. fucking ADD kids

>> No.5388419

I'd like a big mac please.

>> No.5388420

It's because I don't give a shit enough about it to spell out the full name.
/BUN/ can suck my dick. GTFO bun devs.

>> No.5388451

/bun/ isn't bad. It's pretty slow... but I guess that's why it's not bad.

>> No.5388457

No I would not.

>> No.5388511

Not OP, but I really like that ANALOG GIRL EP, didn't know the genre was called noise rock. Got anything else you could recommend in that style?
