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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5374676 No.5374676 [Reply] [Original]

wait wat

>> No.5374704

Their chests go from one extreme to another Jesus!

>> No.5374699
File: 137 KB, 400x400, 1214771153652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait wat It's all in japanese!?

>> No.5374706

me on the right

>> No.5374712
File: 117 KB, 352x259, 1275773900661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5374714

so fucking moe, but I can't read shit


>> No.5374716

it's sad that this VN will never get a translation project ;_;

>> No.5374718

I think the point of the picture is that females with big tits make happy faces, and females with small ones make angry faces.

>> No.5374723

how the hell would i even know who is talking
i assume it's the loli since you're so wait wat

>> No.5374732

most small breasted vn characters are tsundere, stemming from inferiority complexes

>> No.5374740

Oohh, that makes sense.
I was wondering what OP is up to too.

>> No.5374747

"The pleasure of being cummed inside."

Actually, it says: Yes, that's me. I'm the mother of these girls, Ouma Reika. Feel free to correct my JLPT3 interpretation.

>> No.5374753

what VN is this?

>> No.5374756

to be honest I am disappoint in /jp/
the dialogue in screenshot is.. nursery level.

>> No.5374761


That's right

>> No.5374768

Just because we're on /jp/ doesn't mean we'd like to learn or are learning or know any japanese. I like their entertainment, I don't really like their modern culture of overworking and being serious.

>> No.5374771

And the VN is ファミ魔!(It means Family Devil)

Just feel free to google it :P

>> No.5374774

Yes, that would be me. ....I'm the mother of these children. Ouma Reika.

>> No.5374777

well okay.. i guess..
it is just that.. while normally the OP likes to brag, this time his example is really, really easy that all years of /jp/ multimedia experience should enable to understand..
this is what i think

>> No.5374778

Is the title a reference to Family Mart?

>> No.5374781

Well I think most of us are just learning the language for the porn games.

>> No.5374785

where can i lr2 Japanese? website, software?
nothing to do with going outside. i'm a NEET so i only go outside in the night to look at the stars and feel sad.

>> No.5374787

I've been watching anime for like 7 years now actively. And I've been doing just that Watching and Listening. I can understand the spoken language more or less but I have no clue about any writing I can't even read Hiragana or Katakana. Funny considering I can read Cyrillic...

>> No.5374795

Just google "japanese learning" that'll do the trick. I have been "studying" on my own for like 2 months only and I'm already fluent with it, it'll be my 4th language though... english being my 3rd :)

>> No.5374814

I honestly doubt 2 months is enough for you to be "fluent" at anything.

>> No.5374815

It is commendable that you read cyrillic (people who use is far from croatia?) and it is commendable that you know where exactly you are lacking
if you already have foundation from all the anime, even if not consciously aware, you will have a ridiculously easy time to learn the kana
please remember this when you suddenly have both time and motivation

>> No.5374817
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blue haired bitch is speaking
perfectly understandable

>> No.5374819

God learning languages tends to be so fucking boring and dull.

I know German,English, Czech and Croatian I learned most of them via real life contact or TV or internet. I guess German and English in school did help polish these languages but no one really learned "anything" form the classes. If you can't speak to people it's useless.

I tried French it was boring as shit. I couldn't watch french TV, no one i wanted to talk to knew french. It was shit.
I was forced to learn Latin for 2 years I HATED IT. Fucking dead language. I knew how to say "Rome is the most powerfull country in the world." But they never though us how to say "Hello" or "How are you?"

I tried learning Japanese for a day and I quit.

It's just too boring.

>> No.5374832

Took me like a week to learn hirigana.

Simple shit, some people claimed to have done it in a day here.

>> No.5374838

>Learn latin
>Don't know salve

>> No.5374844

No we never learned casual "Hello" I hate the way people are forced to learn Latin just because you go to a "Gymnasium"


>> No.5374855

Because hiragan are piss easy and can be learnt is a day.

>> No.5374857


Well, not everyone learns at the same pace. For example: althought I'm sure I might make mistakes while writing this, i'm pretty sure that you can understand it pretty well.

Pronunciation is not a problem since Japanese is pretty similar to my mother language, and I have been able to memorize hiragana, katakana and like 100 kanjis really fast as well.

Phrase composition in japanese is pretty simple so, only you know the rules, it's only a matter of practice and memorization.

>> No.5374859

They are liars.
Nobody has that kind of determination on this board. I learned hiragana and still havn't bothered with katakana. I know a few kanji and what not. Not like I really read anything anyways.

>> No.5374881

>go to gym
>call it a school
well no wonder you never learned anything.

>> No.5374890


Well, not having someone to practice with is something that can hold you from learning a language, but at least you can learn how to write and read it.

>> No.5374891

So... Where do i start with Japanese? anyone know a good website?

>> No.5374898

htTp://TINyURL.cOM/3YZjs8N ectmOwSgjUnbELOyKAhdFNjasjsjtJHrIgrvc

>> No.5374977

Salve is just general culture.

And you don't learn ancient languages so that you can small talk.

>> No.5374986


That's not necessarily true. I learnt katakana and hiragana in just one day, using mnemotechnic methods,,,

For example KI (き) hiragana resembles an old key doesn't it?

>> No.5375048
File: 18 KB, 473x270, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very true that when you have someone to practice with it is improve your language skill a lot.

Previous 2 years I have been assigned with Israel and Saudi Arabia and Indonesian foreign student. I am now low-intermediate level with the 3 language in just 2 years, and I am 21 already. I'm still stuck with them for 4 more years so it is a good learning opportunity.

>> No.5375126


So Reika has mind-control powers.
Does she use them on the player-character?

>> No.5375164

I'm actually amazed I can read that.
I guess playing eroge with ATLAS actually works as a learning tool.

>> No.5375195

Damn right it does.

Eroge everyday.

>> No.5375204

I practice to improve my Japanese by hanging out on 2ch


>> No.5378666

It sometimes saddens me how retarded 2ch can get. At least they get shit done.

>> No.5378714

Huh, I've been lurking for maybe 2 years and that's the first time I've seen that link. I could have used that. But then again, I pretty much figured all that out from lurking.

We really need to post that more often.

Ignore this post; it's just me talking to myself out loud.

>> No.5378736

>and like 100 kanjis

>> No.5378746


Read the whole site, then go download Heisig's books. Easy as shit.

>> No.5378881

Maybe you gaymers would enjoy your gaymes a lot more if you actually had any interest in Japanese culture.

>> No.5378965

How come you speak Czech?

>> No.5378989
File: 56 KB, 640x480, 1238929457042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5379018

Probably not.

>> No.5379038

A Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar
A Dictionary of Intermediate Japanese Grammar
A Dictionary of Advanced Japanese Grammar

>> No.5379296


kana flashcards

>> No.5379330

Why are you trying to turn this into yet another "how do I learn Japanese?" thread?
