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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5377476 No.5377476 [Reply] [Original]

[ CosmicBreak ]

I have been trying to figure this game out. Trying to understand what is a combination for success.

The first step was obvious: Stick together with your team.

But then I started noticing that we still lost sometimes even if we stuck together.

So asked myself, what else have we missed that wasn't so obvious at first? I have come to the conclusion that every good team, needs good melee players.

There's no question about it. Good melee is what separates the average team from an above average team. Their purpose is to punish outliers, outflank the enemy, and disrupt their backline. I've also noticed that expert players always have some sort of melee.

Do you agree with my assessment?

>> No.5377483 [DELETED] 
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>Cosmic Break
>shitty flavor of the month

>> No.5377495

Pretty much, one good LND melee can run into a group of 10 people, kill whoever's already low, and dodge pretty much everything that's fired at him.

Shit sucks.

>> No.5377513
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Backseat moderating is against the rules, buddy. Also, there's a tag so you can filter it.

>> No.5377521

It depends on the map. Maps with walls and chokepoints (Tundra Wall, Battle Cemetery) are better for melee LND bots. On more open maps like the big field and the big, open sand map a good AIR with 20+ fly can do everything you listed and more while taking less damage.

>> No.5377534

What people should know is that the trees, cacti, etc give usable items that will save you and help win the match.

I also started noticing that there are more melee players now. I saw some today that went crazy fast with them power ups.

>> No.5377538

Take it easy~

>> No.5377549

We've got more room in Botglue, if anyone still needs a spot.

>> No.5377551

Some melee mechs move so fast that it looks like they are teleporting from place to place.

>> No.5377555

A good S air unit can do the same, and can take out land units at the same time. 20+ fly, air dash, and dual guns = prepare for rape.
Their weakness However is small enclosed areas where melee shine. Also melee is so powerful because everyone and their mother thinks toybox is god mode.

that's the dash attack on their weapons. they should be getting stunned / grappled by support or air.

>> No.5377565 [DELETED] 

Is this why you got banned the other day, Sion?!

And I haven't played this for a few days, but I was kicking butt with three melee units in my squad. I would always run around the back and go for the squishy artillery.

I'd say far away if they had an air unit buddy though; those lasers hurt.

>> No.5377563

Anyway to force the resolution higher than 800x600 ?

>> No.5377573
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>> No.5377612

> they should be getting stunned

Too bad the paralyzer is from gachapon.

I've spent a lot of money into that thing and I still haven't gotten it.

>> No.5377623

I have 4 of the damn things, 2 ancient bazookas, and a bunch of other shit.

But do I get my Lily Rain. Fuck no, how about 3 toyboxes in a row? And then some ghost raiders.

Garapon is a piece of shit.

>> No.5377629 [DELETED] 

ZUNbar you should have joined DOS, WIS is full of viruses :(

>> No.5377633

I have junked/sold at least 20 lily rains.

But then again I also have a million gold.

>> No.5377634

I wish there was a trade system. I have unlimitedtoyboxworks here as well. I'm sure someone else wants them more than I.

>> No.5377637

Actually, I could buy one for you.

What's your IGN?

>> No.5377639

Out of 15 rolls, I have gotten a Lily Rain and a Lily Rain Majistic(sp?). Of course my starting unit was Lily Rain, so I wasn't really wishing for those.

>> No.5377641

Is that you I kill occasionally on DOS, Derek?

>> No.5377642
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Nah I didn't really dig this that much. I'll see you next /jp/ flavor of the minute.

>> No.5377645

You can use the non paralyzer guns as well. My support units used two of them until I got the 5 paralyzers that I needed.

out of 500+ rolls, I've never gotten a Lily Majestic or whatever. I did take apart about 40 Lily units with black hair though.
don't want either.

>> No.5377653

Thanks for the offer, but I'm shooting for the Garapon only one. I appreciate the thought though.

>> No.5377660

There's room in Hotglue currently, see >>5377626

>> No.5377691

Guys, is there something wrong with my comp? It's saying that I can't connect to the server. Please tell me it's down.

>> No.5377703

are the servers currently down right now? cant seem to connect.

>> No.5377707

I currently play using two Crimrose, only swapping to whatever the Large Air unit is called if I've been killed twice quickly and my other crimrose hasn't fully repaired.

Ever since I broke out of the new hero rankings, I've found myself getting blown to bits in seconds, unable to do any damage at all or even move because it seems like the slightest hit stuns me.

What should I be doing in order to actually be useful and not just a drain on cost points?

>> No.5377714

Check previous threads on archive. I think you have to do something with your "hosts" file or something.

>> No.5377715

that's a fake Derek, the smiley isn't reversed (mouth then eyes) like it should be.

Anyway, damn I suck at this game; I downloaded it Thursday but didn't play until yesterday, when I started doing arena I felt like I was doing nothing but hurting my team (I stuck to using cheap bots but if you die instantly with them you hurt the team just as much as if you died more slowly with an expensive one). Had plenty of rounds ending with negative score, about the best I've done is 11th in a game with about 20 players. Trying not to worry about it too much while I learn and get my bots leveled up.

I probably do best just using Crimrose and trying to stay alive while pinging away at enemies from long range where I can actually keep track of what's happening. I've tried using melee but I get completely disoriented when I start charging into the enemy and I just get torn apart while flailing around wildly. Maybe it would be better if I had started with a Jikan Hu (of course I just had to choose Crimrose, which is a total waste since you get one on the first rankup), LazFlamme is fun but dies ridiculously fast..

>> No.5377720

is crimrose the air unit? if so, use hit and run tactics, dont let the enemy lock onto you. Usually, if you run far enough into your base, the enemy is smart enough to back off and focus on another target, thats your chance to strike back, when they're concentrating fire on another one of your teammates.

>> No.5377746

A shield could increase your survivability. Alternatively, a long ranged weapon (beam rifle works pretty well - when there's too much artillery around you can perch yourself somewhere and shoot back). You can get range upgrades on your weapons so you can hit people from farther away.

Depending on the kind of damage you find the most threatening, you could get the appropriate cartrige. Air loop is supposed to be great too, I never got it since I haven't played my air units in a while.

Roll Garapon for some decent guns. Paralyzer is a popular choice for the stun/decent range and damage/virtually unlimited ammo.

>> No.5377758

Don't worry man. That's exactly how I started this game. For 7 hours straight since the game first launched, I got nothing but negative scores in arena.

I'm still not an expert player, but I've certainly gotten better.


Second day: Tolerable. I should really stop playing this shitty game, but for some reason I can't.

Third day: Still frustrated that it is impossible to be useful in this game. Even when we win, I didn't do jackshit apparently so I'm always 15 place or lower.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I still hate this game, but I can't stop playing it and I don't suck as much anymore. You'll only get better, right?

>> No.5377764

I play a good air unit and sometimes melee. The real problem with them is that if you're targeted by two people, you're done. You really have to be sneaky/lucky to pull it off, and constantly pulling back.

>> No.5377785

Maybe artillery is the thing for you. Get a Lily Rain and load her up with heavy guns, then shoot at people from outside their range. If you don't think you know what you're doing stick with the biggest group, and try to assist as best as you can. If you're not confident in your skill, don't rush people and don't aim for frags. Alternatively you can stick by your power point, the buff will help alot, and there's always rambo idiots that rush you to mow down.

>> No.5377787

That's pretty much how it works. I was getting kicked out of rounds by the game for sucking too much for like the first dozen arena matches I played, but then I slowly improved and now I can get in the top twenty of the 60 person shuffle matches most of the time.

The trick seems to be not dying. Your cost takes your score down a fuckton if it's high.

>> No.5377810

Always run backwards. Never just turn your back and run. Strafe from side to side, it helps to have a deter weapon like a burner or paralyzer. Saving a flame pillar or something for times like those works great too.

>> No.5377816

I'm in the same boat. I know Crimrose can't take much damage so I try circling around the area with the group still on my sights, but still somehow get managed to be picked off and raped.

Are quests and missions a good way to earn XP and cash so I can get decent equipment? I'm sick of seeing myself in last place in the arena battles.

>> No.5377830

you need good weapons.
I would recommend at least a wide beam gun (or a shop stun gun) and a bazooka.

and you need to practice dodging. I am usually above the frontline, or behind enemy lines in the air and dying more than once is rare. A small hitbox, blazing fast fly, and air dash lets me do major damage (30+ per beam shot to lnd units, 50+ to air units with two weapon shot mode)
can deal 1k before you die on a normal map or 2k+ on an air favoring map.
get Quick Jump, skill is god-like.

that and since air doesn't usually have -50% explosive damage you are asking to be wrecked by bazookas. 6 bazooka shots will kill you easily, and a toybox could unload that in a second as you try to melee another unit. good for large air units though.

I'm pretty sure you only need to do half? 75%? damage to map up for your cost, and kills add way more than they should.
One round I got ~14 kills, 1.5k damage, and best fighting spirit (critical hp for 14 minutes) and got like 8-9k score.

>> No.5377834

alright /jp/, you've convinced me with you fotm shenanigans. I'm downloading it right now, what /jp/ guilds are there? And any particular faction most of you guys are in to pick?

>> No.5377838

Melee is fucking impossible.

You just jump all over the place.

>> No.5377850

When you see the faction leaders you'll be able to instantly guess who everyone belongs to.

>> No.5377851

Different weapons have different patterns. Find one you like and practice, you'll be rushing power points and raping people in no time.

Faction: WIZ
Server: Channel 3 (you can switch between them anyway)
Guilds: Hotglue, Botglue

>> No.5377893

How do you get money in this game? I'm always dirt broke. Also is saving up for a force shield worth it?

>> No.5377902

>and air dash

You keep mentioning this, what's the actual skill called? Not seeing anything called Air Dash on the list.

>> No.5377907

Have to buy Air Loop and such from the shop.

>> No.5377912


I had the issue too. Just do that.

>> No.5377913

There are some of us who have gotten hundreds of thousands from the tree event, if there's something you REALLY want, I can gift it to you, just tell me what it is and your name.

Not sure how gifting works specifically though, haven't done it yet.

>> No.5377923

You just put in your shopping list then click "Send a Gift"

>> No.5377929

There's an event in the quest area every day where you can shoot some trees for money and items (load up your bot with the heaviest guns you can get - a toybox is strongly reccomended. Other than that, get the 2x uc item from the shop and do arenas. Even if you're no good, you'll still get plenty of money.

>> No.5377931

I recall the GM saying that the gift function was not working.

>> No.5377936

Do you guys want to a 10on10 team fight? I want to see how the rest of /jp/ plays.

>> No.5377954


My name is argery. I kind of would like a force shield if you don't mind.

>> No.5377964


Can you trade in this game? I got some stuff from the gachapon or whatever it's call that someone may find useful.

>> No.5377968

Force Barrier LGJ? Or is it something else?

>> No.5377970

What does core upgrade do? I've used it on my lily and it seems it still does the same damage.

>> No.5377972
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Ah, finally, a Cosmic Break thread on /jp/.

I've been trying to find someone to invite me to the clan.

>> No.5377973

Is there still room in hotglue?

>> No.5377974

Oh crap. I quested with you the other day. IGN is AnonChilly.

>> No.5377975


Yea, that's it if the gift function does work.

>> No.5377979

I think it's supposed to do more damage.

>> No.5377999

I don't really like Cosmic Break.

I think it has something to do with the huge gap in reasonability. For instance, the guy with the 8000 cost mech who runs around blowing everything up and doing absurd amounts of damage? That's fine an dandy while he lasts, but when he dies he still costs 8k.

Meanwhile, I spend 600 max on TWO mechs, almost ALWAYS have a positive KDR, my damage is always greater than my total combined HP... what I'm trying to express here is that ratios aren't compared, the guy with the highest numbers wins, even if they have -10k and above in their cumulative cost department.

Even then, let's put that aside. This game might be really cool if there was a competitive play aspect to it: guild matches where things such as class and build makeup mattered, but that isn't going to happen. It especially isn't going to happen before the game goes pay-to-enjoy.

You're all free to keep playing and enjoying it, and I really had fun with the few people I was able to meet from /jp/ and /a/, but in the end, Cosmic Break isn't for me.

>> No.5378014


Sup chilly.

>> No.5378019
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>> No.5378033

I just enjoy customizing my 'bot and testing out new weapons. I'll probably stop playing once I've tried everything out (though as I suck that could take a while)

Just ramming into people in the lobby.

>> No.5378046

This looks like a good way to kill time. Hopefully my shitty internet will be able to handle online gaming. Downloadin

>> No.5378065

Looks like I gotta get you on my friend list or clan list to send it, only has a drop list of names. I'm on ch3: Namae.

>> No.5378070

Is that the original?

>> No.5378075

Alright since people seem to be having trouble on Crimrose I'll post some of my thoughts on how to make them better. I have 8 Crimroses at level 7+

Level upgrades:
HP+Cost: the best hp+cost upgrade of the base units. +23 hp for +25 cost is much better than item upgrades. If you have nothing to get, get this.
Stun Regain: decent, but if you are stunned you fall to the ground and it isn't going to help you much there.
Melee Guard: Very useful if you consider yourself a melee killer.
Bullet Guard: 10% is meh. they are easy to dodge anyway.
Beam Guard: Good if you find yourself getting picked off a lot by lasers/blasters(? i think it affects these), but bazookas or melee is what usually kills you.

Quick Boost: 30% faster charge on boost, very useful
Quick Jump: rise in altitude faster, life saving skill.
Quick Land: eliminates the delay in landing (you can dash/walk immediatly), underwhelming. While you are on the ground you are always a free kill unless you are just dodging missiles/bazookas.

Sniper Sight: Don't notice a difference, but combined with a full stealth team (both sight and system) you could wreck. take it if you take stealth system.
Soul Eater: only useful if you are part of a sweeper team, otherwise high cost for little benefit. If you average 8-10 kills a round it is pretty good.
Stealth System: same as sight, it doesn't work well if you are with others that don't have it. get none or both. (this is awesome on support units).

Land Dashes are not worth it in general, Since they don't help against melee due to your pitiful walk speed. Explosive weapons are easy enough to dodge on the ground anyway.
If you are stacking WLK and Using melee they are worth looking into.

>> No.5378078

Air dashes: these are key.
Air loop: you do a corkscrew type loop in the air. Can be used to reach places you wouldn't normally be able to reach. Great for attacking and dodging in the same motion.
Air Excel: you do an air dash. very fast and a long move. Great for escape, dodging around people, or for general use. GET THIS SKILL IF YOU DON'T SPECIFICALLY WANT AIR LOOP.

General Tips:
Stay with the majority of your team and pick off low hp units, or join a sweeper squad with a few other fast units and hit from the back.
Take notes of places to land to keep your range advantage, you only have 10 seconds in the air!
Kill lnd units, especially S LND. Your beam weapons hit them hard (30+) and ART cannot keep up with them.
You can enter double fire mode while holding space fire one shot, let go, and catch yourself in the air. great for taking out air targets. It is much easier to aim in free fall than in dodging mode, but more dangerous for you.
Try not to let your fly go below 10. it determines flight speed. the difference between 5 fly and 25 fly on a crimrose is something like 20-30% fly speed.

not doing enough damage. Cost does factor into the score, but you only need about half damage to make up for it. You should on average be doing more damage than your cost.
Being a low cost unit (S Air?) does not mean you cannot do good damage. S Air is brutal in damage because you almost always have the advantage: firing down is way easier than firing up. You can take the best positions, and have a very small hitbox while being crazy fast in the air.

>> No.5378083

I did both core upgrades on my Aquila and the listed stats remain the same... in combat I'm pretty sure the stats have gone up though, at the very least the ammo capacity has since I was getting it confused with the blaster with both over 1000 ammo

ok, I'm gonna get a bazooka on my crimrose, I needed to replace that useless rapier with something anyway and I guess a shield doesn't make sense since the idea is not to get hit.

So if I understand right, for Land units you just strafe around out of their reach while using the beam, while against enemy Air you basically turn yourself into an arty and bazooka (+beam) them?

Unfortunately Aquila can't use a mini bazooka because of size restriction; I suppose a shield would be a good idea there? Since it already has the core weapon and 3 main guns wouldn't be very useful when you'd only be firing 1 most of the time.

Do most land units just forgo ranged weapons altogether in favor of shields + melee only? I always see Lnd units trying to jump and melee me instead of shooting back. It does seem like a waste of cost to equip guns when melee is your primary attack.

>> No.5378093


Can I meet you in the central area?

>> No.5378100

One other thing to note for a Crimrose is if you have some Cost to spare, toss some Lily Rain arms on there for +2 Flight and Some HP.

>> No.5378106

that sounds good, Aquila is much better for taking out L units, so use whatever lets you kill them. Blasters are also really good for air if you like to get close enough to use them, and only L units can use them well.

As for land units, in general a gun is much better. A gun will let you stun/kill air units, soften chasers, and provide support fire when you cannot dash into the fray.
Dual Wielding is only marginally better at best.
Shields are good but get blown away very quickly.
All of the land units I am scared of on my support units have guns.

Yes, Crimrose has some pretty shit tier arms. Lily Rain, Zero Saber, or Ghost rider arms are good replacements.

Lily Rain arms let you still look human, so they are the best for your Robot Girl Flying Machines.

>> No.5378107

Does anyone know of a good way to get upgrading parts?

>> No.5378118

Another tip for air users:
The maximum angle at which land units can shoot is very low. So if you get close enough to them, they wont be able to aim at you at all unless they gain some more distance. All you need to do then is to keep this perfect distance for as long as possible.
Works against arty too, but you need to be almost directly above them so you probably wont be able to shoot them effectively either.
Still, circling almost directly above the enemy is a perfect way to win any 1v1 against land and arty just because its hard to aim at something that keeps flying over you, forcing you to spin all the time.
If they get friends to help, you are most likely screwed though, so always be aware of the situation.

>> No.5378191

The problem with this is that YOU also have a maximum low angle. You CANNOT shoot directly below you.

This fucking pisses me off when I play Crimson because I cannot be above my target, but I also cannot be too far. You HAVE to be exactly at the right angle relative to your target or else you're useless.

You can't be too high either or else your range and you angle is all wrong.

>> No.5378222 [DELETED] 

just play for awhile it will become second nature.
also make use of free fall and quick jump.
you can change your elevation practically instantly, and if you need to go down you can fire both weapons at once.
If I could shot straight down Air would people so OP it wouldn't be funny.

>> No.5378240

wow that was terrible, let me retry that. rushing because of pre-match time.
just play as Crimrose for awhile it will become second nature.
Make use of free fall and quick jump.
you can change your elevation practically instantly, and if you need to go down you can fire both weapons at once.
If I could shoot straight down Air would be so OP it wouldn't be funny.
I think it might be time to take a rest, I've played Cosmic Break 60+ hours since it came out.

>> No.5378261

How do you remove the tips screen thing?

>> No.5378336

Anybody have the pic of the 2 girls stitched together? I need it as a reference for one of my skins.

>> No.5378359

The fuck?

>> No.5378379

Faggots like that end up raped after getting paralyzer'd.

>> No.5378388


It's a pic from a VN that I don't remember. It is half of a red haired girl and half of a blue haired girl split vertically and stitched together on a bed. Best to be put in spoilers.

>> No.5378395

What weapons are generally best? Bullets seem to do low dmg and are only good machinegun style. Beam seems to be the most consistant. Explosion varies too much for me. Sometimes I do 40, sometimes I do 8. So freaking confusing. I'm gonna restart on some new mechs.

>> No.5378429

Dark blue.

>> No.5378451

If I listen to certain music I get better at games.

>> No.5378456
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Can't find that screen, best I've got.

I'm still expecting the next Lilim Darkness game to be Deep Blue, where the titular computer steals your girlfriend after beating you in chess.

>> No.5378471

you know except 2 way missles launch vertically

>> No.5378534

They still need to lock on to you.

>> No.5378579

Holy shit, I log on to play a few matches and get struck by unbelievable amounts of lag. The only thing that kept me from dieing every 3 seconds was that everyone else seemed to suffer just as much.

>> No.5378599

not if you fly into their path you still take damage

>> No.5378652

talk about being obsessive

>> No.5378699

/jp/ is nothing if not obsessive.

Anyway, which final upgrade for my support bot, +80 cost capacity (after literally five of those, I still only have 680 capacity), halving status effects, or jump dash?

>> No.5378707 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.5378719


Post pictures of it when you're finished.

>> No.5378768
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Left and right have to be symmetrical ;_;

I probably should have check that before I started. It isn't nearly as bloody, but I like it. I will make my Crimrose like this next, if I don't end up hating it.

>> No.5378770 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.5378804
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Most excellent. Heh, pity it'll get wiped, though.

>> No.5378807

Can someone explain to me what core upgrades are and how do I do them?

>> No.5378814


BRB, backing up all my skins.

>> No.5378815

You get them as level up upgrades. They increase the power of your core weapon, if you have one (most cores do, but some don't. )

>> No.5378819
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God, the lag is unbearable.

>> No.5378848

Still room in hotglue? ign: Mokou

>> No.5378870

I can't seem to connect to the server. It's not down right now, right?

>> No.5378877

I'm having the same problem, so I assume so.

>> No.5378897

Is there a site with good info for this game? I can't find any and I'm sick of just doing random arena matches with my so so art units. I need a goal or something

>> No.5378906

Why do you say that? Did they mention it? Because some games keep everything from beta.

>> No.5378938

Upgrades. Find a style you're good with (Large artillery bombardment unit, harassing/picking up low HP people with small fliers, being a sneaky git and sniping around with small artillery, meleeing, flamethrower harassing etc. ) and a good three slot weapon you find suitable (try around a lot, I sucked for dozens of matches until I found something that worked for me. ) Then fight a bit, note what it seems to lack, use upgrades to fix it.

Generally the big upgrades don't seem to be worth it, their bad effects are too detrimental and the cost increase is too high. The above Accelerated Gun is what I use on my support unit, it has two range upgrades and one ammo upgrade. It's only +25 cost for +25 range and +28 ammo in that case.

After you have a good unit and weapon, the rest of the parts and upgrades can come later.

>> No.5379041

Hey /jp/, anon from /m/ here.

I got interested in the game, but I want to know something first. Will this game follow the free to play but pay to progress model some games have? I don't mind if it's shit that, say, you can acquire in game with a bit of dedication, but serious advantage at the drop of cash doesn't go with me.

>> No.5379045

Everything is free right now.

>> No.5379055

Hence why I said "Will it?". I know it's open beta and all that hoopla, I just don't want to get my hopes high and enjoy it only to have it ruined because of cash shop when it actually steps out of beta.

>> No.5379067

No, once the game releases it will be like your regular korean free MMO.
Garapon will be Rt-only, half the robots will cost Rt, almost all objects in the "Items" section of the shop will cost Rt, and so will many items in other sections.
At least thats what it's like in the japanese version.

>> No.5379077

But why would you care anyway though? The game is FotM, so once the open beta is over and everything is wiped, the channers will abandon it, so there wouldnt be much fun anyway.

>> No.5379082


Whys it matter, most are already bored of this, the more adept will get bored in a few more days, the rest will get bored in a week, only a few diehards will cling on for a month.

Happens every single time we have a Flavour of the month game.

>> No.5379086

I can't log in. I've looked in the archives and found a solution, but it didn't work...

>> No.5379094
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One winged Crimrose here, everything else is smalltime.

>> No.5379109
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Why is Botglue so awesome?

>> No.5379135

I'm tired of GRD units raping my face, they also seem to be consistently over +1k in score. Educate me in the ways of melee.

>> No.5379142

I'm always amongst the top 50.

Beat that.

>> No.5379148


1. The faster you are, the better.
2. Look for high Force weapons, chances are you're only going to get a few hits on your target, make them hurt.
3. Pick your targets wisely.
4. Never go into the open or where the major central firefight is.

>> No.5379163

Attack artillery. Being that all of my units are Artillery, I usually get raped whenever a melee unit gets too close. My best hope is to hide behind some teammates, but usually they just watch me die anyway.

>> No.5379168

>I can't log in. I've looked in the archives and found a solution, but it didn't work...
If you were able to log in before and it happens only now, it probably means the server is lagging like fuck at the moment, so you dont want to be there anyway.
Chill, go play aika or mabinogi or whatever.

>> No.5379173

>Never go into the fray
HOW I HATE THIS SO MUCH. If you are a small bot, yeah don't try to rush into there, unless you see an enemy close to death, but for the love of GOD, don't stay out of the fray if you are a fucking art, of ANY size.

>> No.5379179

Get an Air type with a beam weapon or a flamethrower. Both if you can. Get up in the air when a GND type comes at you. Beam it to death or send it running away with the flamethrower. 'Course, this is just an anti-melee bot. Then again, so many people are using melee bots that a purely anti-melee bot might be viable.

As for actually meleeing, I don't know. I'm shit at it because I'm in the "KILL KILL KILL, GET IN THERE AND KILL EVERYONE" mindset when I play (I roll small artillery bots, so yeah) and wind up dying quickly. What you're supposed to do is pick off stragglers. I've also seen someone roll a melee bot equipped with a flamethrower. He would run into a group and flame most of them away, then pick off the remaining few.

>> No.5379183

For some reason I always manage to drop off a cliff and spend the next 5 minutes trying to find my way back up.

>> No.5379204

Go to C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc and open your hosts file in notepad. Add ' patch.cosmicbreak.com' (obviously without the apostrophes) to the bottom line. Save.

I and many others have had this same issue.

>> No.5379209


Don't target Toyboxes. Fuckers have a billion toughness and you can never stun them. They also are never really alone, as fights always center around the fray of Missle Toybox vs Missle Toybox, with everyone else doing their own thing.

>> No.5379217


Ah burning effect...

You can hold down mouse buttons and still be able to run with all weapons firing...

>> No.5379229

This is why I love getting burned when I'm rolling my Lily equipped with 4 shotguns.

>> No.5379235

>Don't target Toyboxes. Fuckers have a billion toughness and you can never stun them.

Even though I have 27 toughness, I still get stunned every 1 out of 5 shots.

>> No.5379243

I hate toyboxes so much. I always rush them and try to do as much damage as possible. As long as everyone else has the others attention, I can solo one with my small air thats packed with heat.

>> No.5379244

You know what's worse? Falling right on top of the enemy with bulky artillery. Especially on that fucking map where the floor tiles randomly disappear.

>> No.5379250

Seriously, fuck that map.

>> No.5379251

>Don't target Toyboxes.

If the other artillery is too busy with something else and you dont end up being focused by 10 bots, then toyboxes are the most delicious target. Unlike lighter bots, toyboxes have no means to escape so you can keep smashing them until they die, earning you a massive melee score.

>> No.5379258

What do you mean by that? If you're art'y and you think you can hold your own on the front line, you're going to get your shit fucked.

>> No.5379269

But you will be doing your part to bring down the health of other bots. I'm not saying that you stand there, you can still dodge, but don't run and hide behind fucking support like a pussy.

>> No.5379271
File: 192 KB, 800x621, shine buster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won this little guy in Gashapon, in fact I won two. What's he good for? Support, that's healing type right? All I could do in a fight is suck.

>> No.5379278

it doesn't disappear there are 8 tiles by the warp gate that is never there to begin with.

>> No.5379280

The best option for an ART is to stay at a moderate distance and rape anything that comes forward by itself. ART only lose when it becomes a 3 on 1 or something. Staying at the back is stupid but you shouldn't be on the front line either.

>> No.5379281

supports are all sucky, all you do is build up wonder bit and heal

>> No.5379285

But if I'm artillery, I have long range weaponry.

>> No.5379286

Wait. There is an english patch? where?

>> No.5379287

So it's my wonder bit that heals. Nice, that's exactly what I want to do.

>> No.5379288

Is the server online?

>> No.5379291

Yeah I understand, but I hate when arts are like the fucking furthest back people.

>> No.5379292
File: 31 KB, 526x300, 1274718716929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5379297

No, there's other tiles that you can stand on, but then they randomly make you go through.

I know because I was standing on one of the tiles, and then suddenly, I fell!

>> No.5379313 [DELETED] 
File: 355 KB, 1200x1200, 1273287275804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw when I solo enemy power stations with core and armor breakers and the enemy doesn't bother me

>> No.5379344

If your bot has something like missiles, their range is really long. You don't even need to be near enough to see them. As long as the circles pop up, they're fair game. The same thing goes for artillery core weapons.

Enemy artillery is a legit thread as well.

>> No.5379354

Support takes some practice. The healing is ok but you can't heal yourself and building up the WB can be annoying.

>> No.5379357

I love my Shine Buster. I gave him two ancient bazookas after a couple of cost upgrades. I find that he makes a decent ART despite being a SUP and that helps a lot in building up the wonderbit gauge. It's a bit amusing seeing him carry two weapons each as big as himself.

>> No.5379367

Blow up the trees, barrels or what ever item giving things that are on the map to charge the healing bit.

>> No.5379378

>Roots is the "real money" currency in the world of CosmicBreak and can only be acquired by exchanging actual money... but, fortunately for all beta testers, Roots are unneeded during the beta test since all robots, parts, and items are obtainable using UC, which doesn't require the exchange of any real money.

In other words, the game will 100% free during the beta test period! Enjoy!

(Disclaimer: Do keep in mind that we will reset inventories when actual official service starts in order to protect game balance.)

>> No.5379386

Yes please.
IGN: Xanthe

>> No.5379400

Do you have to be online to be added? I have no one to give shared rewards to from arena.

Luvia on WIZ

>> No.5379411

Is there anymore space? IGN: Maimakterion

>> No.5379424

Where can I get an ancient bazooka from?

>> No.5379435


>> No.5379466

Is there still space? IGN: Lagalot

>> No.5379481

Servers are down?

>> No.5379578

Do this.


>> No.5379639

>>5377715 here

Got a mini bazooka on my Crimrose and damn that makes a world of difference; I can actually kill shit now, and pummeling arty in the back with it works great. Went a whole bunch of rounds without negative score and finished as high as 6th overall in 10v10 (despite losing every single match, don't know why the fuck I tried fighting against WIZ instead of against BRD.) Then of course the very next round (when DOS finally won too), I wound up with negative score and got booted.

I'm about to give up on LazFlamme though, she just seems to be a deathtrap; I get raped by melee and air, and arty just evades until they get help. Of course a huge part of the problem is the fucking lag, it's impossible to intercept a moving target with a dash with the way lag has been. I chased a Lily halfway around the map and every time I thought I had her the game would freeze then she'd teleport a mile away.

>> No.5379728

Can I have a Lily Rain Majilis?

>> No.5379801

I suggest using a different bot/setup if you're getting 6th place out of 10. I thought getting a sub-par score was just because I sucked (it is, but not to the extent that I thought) until I put an ancient bazooka and sword on Lily. Started getting 4th-5th place in 30vs30.

Just keep swapping out weapons and parts as you see fit. Experiment and figure out which setup is best for your playing style. Then realize that all that effort was wasted when you get raped by a new player rolling a Jikun Hu because they're overpowered.

>> No.5379931
File: 330 KB, 1264x764, garage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wish there is trading in this game.
I have so much junks and probably every bots in the game now except the A maid.

>> No.5380049

I've been playing this game since launch. Why would this happen to me just now?

>> No.5380075
File: 102 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20100614_1928_22_889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratulations, Shinji.

>> No.5380079


There seems to be some sort of event going on in channel 3. Does anyone know what's going on?

>> No.5380138

Just did what above said. Still not able to connect. It seems I'm not the only one with this problem.

>> No.5380149

I've fucking had it with this game.

It's fucking impossible to be good at this game. I am never useful to my team. I never win anything. I'm just a fucking waste of team slot and cost points.

Why can't I enjoy this game? I've tried really hard to be good at this game but I always get curbstomped by everybody. Even when our team wins, I never contributed anything.

I give up. I'm not playing this game anymore. No matter how much advice I try to follow, or how many different things I try, I just suck too fucking much.

>> No.5380166

What bots have you used? Remember to stay on the defensive.

>> No.5380173

You could try quests.

>> No.5380183

If there's still space IGN:utok
I only play at night on weekdays and usually long times on weekends when I don't have work.

>> No.5380189

All the female bots basically, mostly the ART bots. And you know, I like what this game is all about, the lolibots, the customization. It's just that I cannot play arena mode for shit. Everytime I log in to CosmicBreak, I only end up with feelings of anger and frustration. I've never been so angry at a video game before in my life. Even when our team wins, I'm so frustrated that I've done absolutely nothing for our team.

>> No.5380225

That's probably cause the mech-bots are much stronger than the moe-bots. I was under the impression before the beta started that all the mechs were moe-bots.

>> No.5380233

If you play arties, learn to stay behind.
There is really nothing much you can do, land bots rape lily rain in like a few sec. When you see an oval shape stuff in your radar, just run. Always try to aim for oval shape with a line across it which is the air bots.

>> No.5380273

Nice rage quit.

Just get a lily rain and use the skirt weapon on things. Never pursue anyone. Just run away and shoot when you can. Stay alive for the whole match and feel a little better about yourself.

>> No.5380287

Well there are a couple of things you can do if you play art.

First, consider a shield. Moe bots have crap for hp and desperately need protection. A side benefit of having a shield is that you become less inclined to hold down both mouse buttons to unleash the fury.

Second, keep moving. Never stand still. Always try to be running at the very least. Save your boosters for desperate situations, not when you're safe.

Not a piece of advice but you might want to consider taking a sniper rifle. Dancing around at maximum range means you'll always have plenty of chances to run away.

I run a sniper and shield special lily. The only problem with the build is that you run out of bullets incredibly quickly (only 60).

>> No.5380299

I always stay back. Two things happen if I stay back: (1) I get 0 dmg and get last place or (2) I get gang raped by zerg rushing enemy team who kills me before I even knew I base was being overrun.

I always die to AIR and LND. Yes, I know I'm supposed to kill AIR, but that's not working! The large AIR bots can take dozens of direct hits from my howitzer and I don't even dent their HP. Then they get close to me and stunlock me with melee. They are invincible!

Do you think that these super strong bots will be rare when the game is officially released? You know, since they'll probably be cash shop.

>> No.5380316

Funny you mention the sniper rifle. I have two sniper rifles on two of my artillery bots. It's impossible to hit any with them because the enemy is always moving and by the time two of my sniper shots have hit someone, I'm already out of ammunition.

>> No.5380322

I hope we get the rest of the girl mechs before the beta ends.

>> No.5380344 [DELETED] 

immEdIATeLy rEMoVE YoUR illegAL ClonE tiny.4ChaN.Org froM youR SERVER, ChRiStoPher "SCuMBAg thIEF" PoOl AR-beaR, aND ReDirECt iT (anD tHe SToLen at doMaIN) tO wwW.anonTaLk.SE. THen SENd sYsoP Usd $571,503 In COMpENsAtIon aND puT A PErmanENT tEXt Ad fOR AT On ThE ENTirE sItE of 4cHAn AnD wE WiLl BE eveN. SHoULd YOu ReFUsE, yOU wilL be sUed fOr $80,811 pEr NAno seCoNd. If ThE PERson ReaDIng THIS IS NoT "MOOt", E-maiL HiM aT moOT@4CHan.oRg And PUT PREssuRe oN HIM tO set tHinGS RIGHT. tHaNK YOu fOR LIsteNInG. dsqcrxukuzzadingfzeaiepu

>> No.5380348

That is your problem.
Are you using toybox?
I only use S class mech so i cant help you there

>> No.5380363

How exactly do you use your robot's built in weapons? I've seen my Lily fire buzzsaws once in a while, which I assume is that... Never figured out how I've done it though.

>> No.5380370


I play solely art bots. The key to playing them is not getting hit. Learn to keep looking at your radar for anyone near you and use the tab key often to know how the battle field is progressing. Another this is duel wield the upgraded simple gun. It has 480 speed but I don't remember its name. Run away if you think something may attack you or let them attack you and practice your evade skills. Otherwise when something is in your range and not attacking you, left+right mouse click. It's easy mode win.

>> No.5380380


All sub-weapons except melee requires a locked target. The majaisasd or whatever lily can use the skill while moving.

>> No.5380389

I use howitzer on Maril. She is Medium size.

>> No.5380418

RIght click.

It counts as a pseudo melee weapon apparently. So like other melee weapons, right click to use it. >>5380316

Yeh I miss a lot too but you can compensate for inaccuracy but just seeking a large group of the enemy and firing into their general area. Also, target other arty bots as they won't move as much. Oh and aim for the large mechs, you might not kill them but you will hit them and that's what matters.

>> No.5380700

Is there a japanese wiki for this game?

>> No.5380714

yeah, there's probably a link in the archive, think it's on atwiki or something.

>> No.5380724 [DELETED] 
File: 1.16 MB, 1139x1575, 5277375939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys like OPERATORS? How about OPERATORS OPERATING OPERATIONALLY? Well, good news, because there's a site that's dedicated to OPERATORS like you --OPERATORchan!

Join us for 18 boards of AWESOME weapons discussion. OPERATORchan is an imageboard totally focused around weapons, militaries and similar topics. Talk about gear, Airsoft, weapons; even survival, food & hunting in an OPERATOR-friendly environment. Visit us today! You have nothing to lose, and a great board to gain!


irc.rizon.net #/k/

See you there!

>> No.5380973

I'm looking at the japanese wiki for the faster path to clear quest 1. What does 平原(青)青青・青・ mean?

>> No.5380982

the reward for shooting inside

>> No.5381000


>> No.5381017 [DELETED] 
File: 100 KB, 640x480, 1987012249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys like OPERATORS? How about OPERATORS OPERATING OPERATIONALLY? Well, good news, because there's a site that's dedicated to OPERATORS like you --OPERATORchan!

Join us for 18 boards of AWESOME weapons discussion. OPERATORchan is an imageboard totally focused around weapons, militaries and similar topics. Talk about gear, Airsoft, weapons; even survival, food & hunting in an OPERATOR-friendly environment. Visit us today! You have nothing to lose, and a great board to gain!


irc.rizon.net #/k/

See you there!

>> No.5381016


That's not the shortest route though. Hell, the mission won't even complete if you pick all blue.

>> No.5381027

If you're talking about the quests to find the treasures, I think the second thing is only in the second area (desert) else try the red gates to see if you can find something.

it's probably only one treasure per area.

>> No.5381039

6th place in 10v10, thus 6th out of 20... not that it really matters, my point anyway was that I'm doing way better now and out of the constant negative scores.

I guess I prefer Air type just because I can flee from just about anything (though getting stunlocked by a jikan hu's combo when you have to land briefly is fucking shitty). It really sucks being caught alone by an Air unit as Lnd, and I figure getting raped by melee as an Arty is even worse, though I haven't used arty yet. Got a Toybox from Garapon (like just about everyone, it seems) but haven't tried it yet.

>> No.5381098 [DELETED] 
File: 2.11 MB, 1862x1397, 2930203990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys like OPERATORS? How about OPERATORS OPERATING OPERATIONALLY? Well, good news, because there's a site that's dedicated to OPERATORS like you --OPERATORchan!

Join us for 18 boards of AWESOME weapons discussion. OPERATORchan is an imageboard totally focused around weapons, militaries and similar topics. Talk about gear, Airsoft, weapons; even survival, food & hunting in an OPERATOR-friendly environment. Visit us today! You have nothing to lose, and a great board to gain!


irc.rizon.net #/k/

See you there!

>> No.5381323

>>Arty is even worse

Not really. I don't know about other artys, but I die to air more often than melee. The thing is, I'm normally not flying. If a melee gets near me I just fly and run away. I'm always with allies anyway, so I don't consider melees strong. Jikun hus or whatever are annoying to hit though.

>> No.5381344

>How did I miss this.
>Deleted the other thread.

Event was fun, at least if you took the back door to area 6
(Red gate at outpost 0, then blue twice)
Saw lots of people getting blown up by huge bosses and made home with a few UC and materials.

>> No.5381354 [DELETED] 
File: 308 KB, 666x638, 593095346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys like OPERATORS? How about OPERATORS OPERATING OPERATIONALLY? Well, good news, because there's a site that's dedicated to OPERATORS like you --OPERATORchan!

Join us for 18 boards of AWESOME weapons discussion. OPERATORchan is an imageboard totally focused around weapons, militaries and similar topics. Talk about gear, Airsoft, weapons; even survival, food & hunting in an OPERATOR-friendly environment. Visit us today! You have nothing to lose, and a great board to gain!


irc.rizon.net #/k/

See you there!

>> No.5381396 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 449x308, 6516824147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys like OPERATORS? How about OPERATORS OPERATING OPERATIONALLY? Well, good news, because there's a site that's dedicated to OPERATORS like you --OPERATORchan!

Join us for 18 boards of AWESOME weapons discussion. OPERATORchan is an imageboard totally focused around weapons, militaries and similar topics. Talk about gear, Airsoft, weapons; even survival, food & hunting in an OPERATOR-friendly environment. Visit us today! You have nothing to lose, and a great board to gain!


irc.rizon.net #/k/

See you there!

>> No.5381420 [DELETED] 
File: 95 KB, 400x320, 3926742977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys like OPERATORS? How about OPERATORS OPERATING OPERATIONALLY? Well, good news, because there's a site that's dedicated to OPERATORS like you --OPERATORchan!

Join us for 18 boards of AWESOME weapons discussion. OPERATORchan is an imageboard totally focused around weapons, militaries and similar topics. Talk about gear, Airsoft, weapons; even survival, food & hunting in an OPERATOR-friendly environment. Visit us today! You have nothing to lose, and a great board to gain!


irc.rizon.net #/k/

See you there!

>> No.5381478 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 600x452, 8690742431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys like OPERATORS? How about OPERATORS OPERATING OPERATIONALLY? Well, good news, because there's a site that's dedicated to OPERATORS like you --OPERATORchan!

Join us for 18 boards of AWESOME weapons discussion. OPERATORchan is an imageboard totally focused around weapons, militaries and similar topics. Talk about gear, Airsoft, weapons; even survival, food & hunting in an OPERATOR-friendly environment. Visit us today! You have nothing to lose, and a great board to gain!


irc.rizon.net #/k/

See you there!

>> No.5381488 [DELETED] 
File: 135 KB, 666x638, 134165656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys like OPERATORS? How about OPERATORS OPERATING OPERATIONALLY? Well, good news, because there's a site that's dedicated to OPERATORS like you --OPERATORchan!

Join us for 18 boards of AWESOME weapons discussion. OPERATORchan is an imageboard totally focused around weapons, militaries and similar topics. Talk about gear, Airsoft, weapons; even survival, food & hunting in an OPERATOR-friendly environment. Visit us today! You have nothing to lose, and a great board to gain!


irc.rizon.net #/k/

See you there!

>> No.5381516 [DELETED] 

Spam? What random spam... Is that Kimmos new site or is it some other in(s)ane person?

>> No.5381515

I found an awesome new weapon while questing but when I go to my customize screen to buy a second one it has a shop sign with an x on it. What does that mean?

>> No.5381522

Might be that you don't have a high enough rank to buy it.

>> No.5381535 [DELETED] 
File: 88 KB, 700x454, 2834271533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys like OPERATORS? How about OPERATORS OPERATING OPERATIONALLY? Well, good news, because there's a site that's dedicated to OPERATORS like you --OPERATORchan!

Join us for 18 boards of AWESOME weapons discussion. OPERATORchan is an imageboard totally focused around weapons, militaries and similar topics. Talk about gear, Airsoft, weapons; even survival, food & hunting in an OPERATOR-friendly environment. Visit us today! You have nothing to lose, and a great board to gain!


irc.rizon.net #/k/

See you there!

>> No.5381564

I think it's unrelated... I actually went to the site and they have a banner up that says someone is spamming their board on 4chan and it's not their fault.

>> No.5381590

It also might mean that the weapon cannot be bought in the shop and can only be found as a pickup

>> No.5381596


That's what I was afraid of. I really like it and want another one badly.

>> No.5381670

I don't recall where I saw this, but I think if you destroy the weapon you found through tune-up, the game will you re-buy another one. Not certain of that though, maybe it was on a loading screen popup or something.

>> No.5381675

Let's talk bots.

God Tier: Toybox, Aquila, Jikun
Average Tier: Everyone else
Low Tier: Lolibots

>> No.5381681

You can buy parts you already obtained in your inventory once. So if I never have Jikun Hu I can't buy his parts, but after that (and even if I junk him) I can always buy Jikun AM, etc.

>> No.5381683



>> No.5381686

Doing it wrong.

>> No.5381691

What's the advantage to Crimrose N?

>> No.5381700

Bullshit Tier: Toybox, shotabot.
Decent Tier: Air units.
Wannabe Air Tier: Lily Rain Majalis.
Lol Tier: Psycho Formula.
Shit Tier: All land robots that aren't shotabot.
Unused Tier: Everyone else.

>> No.5381707

She has a new hat and a unique arm blade. She probably has some other subtle thing like how Lily R. Majalis can run and use her skirt.

>> No.5381716

Just the armblades, crimrose AM2 and AM3.
You buy her for that.

>> No.5381737

Anyone feeling generous enough to gift me a couple dozen Cosmo Harmonic Alphas? I really got shafted in those UC events.

>> No.5381757

Problem, useless lolibots?

>> No.5381760

Not when I rank first almost everytime using just my Crimrose.

>> No.5381763

All talk is about Crimrose, how about Lily?
Should we up wlk or fly?
What are decent weapons for Lily?

>> No.5381773

Dual ancient bazookas, you're mostly flying.

>> No.5381805

Training Mode doesn't count.

>> No.5381812

Enjoy getting raped by Jikun.
Put arm parts that have tech and fly on your lily.
Misside arm is very good. With two misside arm and two ancient bazookas, it is like you are piloting a macross.

>> No.5381814

Ancient bazookas, I rank top 10 almost every match and use Lily Rain

is a faggot who thinks standing still in his toybox killing morons means he can stand up to a good player in a lolibot.

>> No.5381820
File: 169 KB, 750x750, 1273930149532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey gaiz.

Total noob here. I just started playing. It's a fun game - like virtual on with loli bots.

I want to play a mech that sits in the back/middle lines and does mostly support damage. It's what I usually love to do in team games. For that reason I chose the ART starter mech. However, I'm starting to realize that it's a bit weird for me to be so up close when I'm an artillery mech.

I was wondering if there was a stronger choice for someone like me who likes to support people. AIR or LND? Are there even healer type mechs?

>> No.5381825

Oh. I forgot to mention that I was also looking for alternative weapon types for my art mech as well.

>> No.5381826

Air is nice, especially if you have a stun gun. But support bots can deal good damage, while also being able to heal when their wonder bit is up.

>> No.5381828

There's a training mode in the arena?
News to me.
Anyway, learn to dodge and stop being so shitty.

>> No.5381848

Fuck your paralyzer and ancient bazooka suggestions.


Not everyone is rich as fuck or lucky because all the fucking events lag the shit out of everyone and only some people can even get money from them. Fuck you.

>> No.5381852

>learn to dodge and stop being so shitty

Oh my god this. I watched a couple matches in observation mode and was shocked at how many people STOOD STILL or at most walked slowly while shooting. It's no wonder people in Toyboxes are killing so much and taking top spots, idiot newbies.

As people gain experience on how to actually play you'll not only see the big slow weapons heavy bots taking it in the face but their players incapable of playing well against others their level.

>> No.5381859

micro bazooka then. It's the same except a slightly slower rate of fire.

>> No.5381876

How about dual core breakers?

>> No.5381878

It's actually kind of funny how shitty most of /m/ was considering that's pretty much the basic rule of Armored Core, and most of /m/ seems to have at least beaten some of the games.

>> No.5381888

>>5379931 Garage owner here.

It isn't that hard. I would give my stuff awa if they implemented trading. Also I only got into an event once when it is ending and only got 50k UC out of it.
I got most of my monies with 2x UC in arena.

>> No.5381918

You do realize it is really hard to move and aim? It would be different if you didn't need to lock on to hit things or if guns had a range of more than 2 feet.

>> No.5381926

Also armored core let you boost with the fly button. If dash and boost were the same thing, movement wouldn't be as fucking awkward as it is now.

>> No.5381963

I'm level 9. I just did the tier 1 quest but it only gave me like 150 money. I'm guessing missions are like this too. Does anyone know how the system works? Like the lowest level stuff I can do and still get decent money.

>> No.5381964

Dodging while shooting basically amounts to boost jump left, boost jump right, and then boost jump back and behind allies for enemy to lose focus. Move forward and repeat. Not particularly hard. I'm amazed I can get so much damage in with a Shine Buster using ancient bazookas. I used to use a Lily, but she can't use repair bits so I only use her outside of the arena. If I'm playing a Saggi and am way out of the fray sniping with my railgun and box missles I still jump around like a madman. The autoaim for the railgun is ridiculous and box missles home in.

>> No.5381990

Best money is arena. Your only other option is the various events that occurs in quest mode during 7-9 PM PDT. They are however horrendous lag filled, people filled, and now as of today super strong monster filled messes.

>> No.5382009

You can't do that with every weapon, just so you know

>> No.5382048

There really needs to be a better way to protect against missiles. All the other groups can dodge damage, but the second a air peeks its head around the corner, like 20 missiles fly right into it.

No those air turn or barrel roll or whatever doesn't count as it'll be a real-money item eventually.

>> No.5382056

How about not approaching that toybox from the front?

>> No.5382067

The only mech I would assume is just standing around and shooting is an ART. LNDs from what I can tell just run up to somebody and start spamming their melee. If you're a LND the only shooting you should be doing is when you're running up to a target you're still too far away to melee. AIRs should be doing constantly in the air while shooting at their opponents down on the ground with their huge airtime. If you're using an ART you most certainly should be using a weapon with decent range.

What weapon are you using?

>> No.5382070

Doesn't matter. Don't approach them from anywhere. They're too tough, too much HP, too much everything.

>> No.5382078

Well, I -was- using ART as an example.

>> No.5382089

Take a shield. And try sneaking up on them. The best method is to load up on flying ability then get to a high point and take off from there, fly over to them, then drop like a sack of bricks.

>> No.5382126

My current problem with AIR is the shitty range of bazooka. I'm gonna need to upgrade it's range.

Would be awesome if I could just bomb from high altitude like a real bomber, fuck yeah.

>> No.5382142

Air really needs to be snipers and not up in your face with swords. Yes the game encourages them to use melee. So they can get killed by the art turning around before they can even finish the swinging animations.

>> No.5382147

Use beam weapon, blaster or paralyzer.
TAB your radar and aim for LND bots.

>> No.5382163

Fuck you. Lasers are weak as hell. I've never seen anyone die to a laser of any kind.

>> No.5382168

Aim for LND bots faggots.
Press TAB, avoid the square and look for the clear oval.

>> No.5382175

> use laser on LND
> 10 damage
> use bazooka
> 20 damage

Story of my life.

>> No.5382191

Fire rate and speed.
Laser are instantaneous and has high fire rate.

>> No.5382205

Fire rate and Speed don't mean shit in a game with this much fucking lag.

>> No.5382236

1. Laser lasts short time when fired
2. It doesn't instantly point at the target so you're wasting shots for half the time you're actually shooting it.

>> No.5382280

i only use lasers against air targets. Thats what they are meant for. Even though they do very little damage, lasers are hard to miss.

>> No.5382283

That is your problem.
People are asking you to use beam gun, shot gun and paralyzer not lasers.

>> No.5382301

AIR isn't even weak against lasers. Enjoy your 5 dmg

>> No.5382307

Who's "me"? You think we're all the same person or something?

>> No.5382345
File: 192 KB, 806x627, ass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thing is a douchebag. Max flight, two shields, and upgraded chest cannon makes for a robot that's both faster and sturdier than anything else on either team, and can gank pretty much every single kill.

>> No.5382388

You should get an angel feather for that last point for fly.

>> No.5382465

Oh my god I LOVE running into toyboxes, expecially alone, they can't move worth shit. Just get to the side of them or behind and FUCK THEIR SHIT UP. It isn't that hard just learn to play.

>> No.5382496
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>> No.5382509

So uh, how exactly do you get to their side or behind when they can just turn their mouse?

Can they even be stunlocked?

>> No.5382518
File: 127 KB, 802x599, outrange bazooka mechs like a pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what I was doing with this.

>> No.5382524

Maybe I'm missing something, but how you kill with two shields?

>> No.5382533

>internal weapon

>> No.5382543
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>> No.5382560

I like dual muskets. What's better than dual muskets in range and damage but can still be dual wielded for reasonable cost?

>> No.5382564

Easy Rifle?

>> No.5382574

I'm tempted to try this, even though it is not a kawaii lolibot.

>> No.5382575

Has anyone tried that weapon in the shop that's supposed to be able to go through multiple targets in a row? Is it any good?

>> No.5382576

is this some free korean mecha game? I remember playing exteel..that game was only fun to play with friends.

>> No.5382578

It's Japanese. That's right, it's /jp/ related. And it's much better than Exteel. In the way that diamond boogers are better than normal ones.

>> No.5382584
File: 477 KB, 1280x985, asdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this gun and this little motherfucker.

>> No.5382590

I bought it. I didn't really like it personally. I'll probably give it another try though.

>> No.5382591

rifle, easy rifle, armor breaker

>> No.5382632
File: 182 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20100615_0202_57_528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if 31 fly was worth it, but now I'm broke.

>> No.5382668

Use terrain to your advantage, toybox pilots usually aim at the enemy powerpoint or sit on their own power point so just move around to the side (unless you corner one alone, then just dodge like a motherfucker). If you're flying get far above them, use terrain, use terrain, use terrain. If they're in the open and so are you load up on items, use them to your advantage. If you have no items, get some. The best thing is even if it takes effort the enemy loses a good amount of points when it dies and that player can't climb back in their toy.

>> No.5382691
File: 427 KB, 1160x580, CosmicBreakPrismriver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My delicious mech is incredibly delicious.

>> No.5382860

How do you take screenshot in this game. If I want to snap the front side of my mech how do I manipulate the camera?

>> No.5382893

So, everything's gonna be wiped once the beta ends.

Any idea on when the beta ends?

>> No.5382896

>No those air turn or barrel roll or whatever doesn't count as it'll be a real-money item eventually.

Do we know what'll be real money items and what won't? I'm okay with say, gachapon being limited, but making the game unplayable to non-payers would be a really stupid move.

>> No.5382897

print screen button.

check your cosmicbreak folder, look for "captures" folder

>> No.5382903

> Do we know what'll be real money items and what won't?

You can judge by how cash shop is set up in the Japanese version. Not sure if cash shop will be different for NA version.

>> No.5382931

hit them with the paralyzer and beam rifle in alternate bursts

>> No.5382940

Oh, that's good. Unless they remove the slot protectors, I'm totally okay with not having boosters and garapon (so long as I somehow obtain a good three slot weapon) and having only one level 10 and one level 8 robot.

>> No.5382952

>print screen button.
No clue on taking shots of the front/side view of your mech?

>> No.5382954

They want and more importantly, need to make money. They'll charge for anything that would be in high demand.

>> No.5382994

Everything halfway good will be real money. Only free things will be the basic mechs and the weakest guns. No Garapon, no consumables, virtually nothing unless you're willing to pay.

Don't worry about it too much though, it's not like you'll still be playing it come next month. And if there's enough of us still around then, we can always have some team matches among ourselves.

>> No.5382997

Hit alt+x, c, v, etc.
Alt-z returns view to normal

>> No.5383101

Basically, the entire "item" section of the sop will be Rt-only.
Most importantly, it includes the level limit lifters, so no 5+ levels for poorfags.

But who cares, nobody is gonna play it once the beta is over anyway.
Leave it to the casuals, /jp/ rolls in the open beta, has its fun, and then abandons the game in favour of the next FotM.

>> No.5383104

Haven't played CosmicBreak...Am I missing out?

>> No.5383365


>> No.5383372

Can't you still get those from drops and quests?

>> No.5383488

Hello, from the CosmicBreak Service Team.

Some of our users have been reporting trouble accessing the Patch Server from the Game Launcher, therefore not being able to login to our game. We are extremely thankful for the detailed reports which you all have provided to us.

We are currently creating a new Game Client Installer which is planned to solve this issue.

To users who have been experiencing this problem:
We are very sorry for the inconvenience; Please use the new installer to re-install the Game Client.

This new installer can be downloaded after this week's Scheduled Maintenance which will be held on
June 17th Thursday 0:00AM to 2:00AM (PDT).

Thank you for participating in the 1st Open Beta of CosmicBreak.

>> No.5383597


>> No.5383651

Ah, what the fuck, now I can't connect either.

>> No.5384125

Any news on when the new moe mecha musumes will be available?

>> No.5384143

Keep up the good work guys.
Most of the other boards are mad and frustrated because of our styling.

>> No.5384214 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5384288
File: 79 KB, 749x534, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this bullshit.

/v/, /m/, and /a/ are all ahead of us.

Get stylin, bros.

>> No.5384325

Nobody's on right now. Either we're already getting bored or we're already getting bored.

>> No.5384402
File: 78 KB, 392x700, 7632327_p6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I logged off a few hours ago because union wars was laggy as hell, even the slow ass L-Arts were moving like max speed Jikun, everyone warping all over the place.

>> No.5384428
File: 214 KB, 801x618, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure is fun killing slow ass toyboxes

>> No.5384437

>My face when hotglue isn't the top
How the hell do we get points?

>> No.5384445
File: 113 KB, 806x632, mikanmech.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So uhh guys, I figured I should ask you guys, especially the hotglue guys if there are any here. I posted this on /m/ too but I'd like your opinion on it.

Here's my mecha-notloli. I installed those two Wing Plus AMJ on her for some shoot-and-scoot action, since Lily Rose is not known for durability.

Results are varied. I can go as good as rank 4 or higher on the leaderboards, or I can suck it so bad that I'd take almost last. Like 18 or lower.

Any tips?

>> No.5384483

DAT lag

>> No.5384489

I tend to get top 10 using only the so called 'lolibots'
I had to use window mode or I'd have more screenshots but sometimes I suck it so hard I end up in the bottom percentile. Sometimes I get caught in a clusterfuck and there I go.

Personally I like aiming for the toyboxes because they're slow as shit and everywhere. Much of the time I'll either scare them off so they're forced to retreat to allies, or I'll outright kill them. Trouble is they like to sit on or near power points or on cliffs so you've got to risk getting close to their allies and clusterfuck and dead. Or I run out of ammo because you gotta learn to dodge and shoot, dodge and shoot and you kill stuff and find you're still alive in the end with no ammo and I end up deciding it's better to rush headlong to die to trade bots than it is to sit still doing nothing.

Results vary but it's fun as hell.

>> No.5384519

I liked taking potshots at those huge art types. That was one of the reasons why I keep choosing low-profile mechs.

Because, you know. Prancing around with a fucking huge mech that's covered in FUCKING gold makes you a delicious target.

But then again, once they lock on to you and hit you with them missiles... Good lord man.

>> No.5384524


Anyone have a list of what quest stages drop what? I know 1 is sword, 2 wheel, 3 bullet, 4 flashlight, 7 wheel, and 10 coin. Anyone know of a full list or don't mind helping me out?

>> No.5384540

I think there's a good list on the Japanese wiki

>> No.5384544

Eh? I'm never still enough to be shot by their missiles. Almost never. I like being sneaky though, hit them from the side when they aren't looking. What gets me are the fast LND types or getting caught in a corner.

I never ever take a break from moving though, since you have two massive guns are you using her as a mobile weapons platform? I would advise never ever stopping even to breath, I see no point to having two large guns, there's never time to use them both.

Like I said though, results vary, I just ended a match at 32. Pathetic but still fun as hell. Sometimes I cost my team more than I benefit so take my advice with a grain of salt.

>> No.5384587
File: 157 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20100615_1923_39_460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What gives, here's my bot too. Can't seem to get her to 10 TEC unfortunately, and touchpad mouse isn't fun for this game.

>> No.5384607

With the tremendous lag I'm having sometimes, I wouldn't be surprised if an artillery guy suddenly rapes me from out of nowhere. Or being cornered and wall-raped by Jikun Hu guys. Seriously, fuck those guys.

I'm using my mech-notloli as a run-and-gun type of thing. Fly in, drop down and rape shit two-bazooka style, fly out. I only do that with my teammates near me for backup. Most of the time I just take potshots at any guy stupid enough to get close.

>> No.5384617

What are the recommended upgrades and weapons for a crimrose? I have around 10k UC and nothing to do with it.

>> No.5384668

Use tune ups, it's very easy to reach that if you do. You'll need some way to get the tune up materials though.

>> No.5384669

Lag has gotten too bad for me, haven't played at all for the past day. I can only hope they'll fix it next maint.

>> No.5384784

Does anyone know how to set custom keys? I would like to change my map key to something else.

>> No.5384791

I keep on slaughtering people with my Maril + beam rifle + little grenade combo.

>> No.5384794

How should I make the most use out of Sagi 2's railgun?

I find the lack of arm slots annoying.

>> No.5384801


I'm surprised that kills anyone.


The japanese wiki has the updated list. Our version has a different set of items.

>> No.5384814 [DELETED] 

I just do. I usually kill Jikuns, Hound Dogs and Aquilas this way.

>> No.5384867

It just does.

>> No.5384946

So, anyone liked this game enough to give it a shot post-beta?

>> No.5385066

I can see mysef playing it a couple hours a day, but I'll probably get too frustrated at the cash shop.

>> No.5385103


How much does it cost? Can you actually trade in the full version?

>> No.5385108

Beta players really ought to get five free shots at the gachapon or something. It'd give just enough to get a nice start.

I'd just base my robot on what parts/weapons I get.

>> No.5385212

Could somebody buy me a Zero Saber?

I... I missed the money tree event. ._. Everybody makes fun of me because I don't have any money, but I just want Zero Saber so bad...

>> No.5385217

I want to join Hotglue!

wat do

>> No.5385218



>> No.5385223


Anyways does anyone know if that 10k lg shield thing any good?

>> No.5385226

>playing with a controller
>feels fucking awesome, man
>dude this is just like Mega Man Legends 2

>> No.5385413

I might give it a shot post-beta. Only due to the fact that most of the strong bots will be cash shop, and therefore, rare encounters.
