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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 200 KB, 650x488, 347b871e9f94a616ad6362c6ec33b67e9e227089[1].jpg_50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5362248 No.5362248 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread reached the bump limit: >>5358980
/jp/'s very own music stream is still alive!

Upload/request music using your browser: http://skully.hopto.org:4095
Listen to the stream using your music player: http://skully.hopto.org:8000

Keep the music /jp/ related Touhou. A few unrelated songs are fine but keep it minimum.
You can't upload files that contain japanese characters in the filename. I am aware of the problem and am working on a solution.
Stream may play NSFW music (ero drama, noodle slurping etc.)
Feedback/suggestions are appreciated.
Webinterface is crap. I'll fix it when I feel like it.
Main server holds 12 users. Anon hosted a relay server which also holds 12 users. You should be redirected to it automatically if the main is full.(if not: http://yamaxanadu.tarball.us:8000/ thanks again anon)

>> No.5362252

Play nyanroll

>> No.5362254

what is this shit
skip it

>> No.5362260

>hip hop

No thank you.

>> No.5362274

>Ice Cube

>> No.5362277


>> No.5362278


>> No.5362284

..Get rid of this rap shit, please.

>> No.5362289

Jones, you came at the worst time. It had some good music until now.

>> No.5362322

Niggers, leave this place

>> No.5362329

did bad apple play already

>> No.5362332

The hip-hop wasn't that bad. Feel free to upload more if you like.

>> No.5362342

Fuck yeah Weedeater

>> No.5362380

Time for my EU ass to go to bed. Stay dry anon.
and for the love of god, don't break the stream

>> No.5362399

Cool, I already have this album and didn't realize it. What a pleasant surprise.

>> No.5362407

I guess the problem with something like this is that someone up to no good can ruin it for everyone else pretty easily.

>> No.5362435

It'd be easy to fix if we had a voting system.

Majority vote to skip alone would be enough.

>> No.5362513 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 512x384, moon dance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5362528

Nightwish are honorary Touhous.

>> No.5362536

Most of their music is shitty, though.

>> No.5362634

Hey guys. Been gone for abut 4 hours. Anything I miss?

>> No.5362645

>>5362634 90 minutes of awesome I've.

>> No.5362649

bah posted this in the other thread but that one reached bump limit...

The song that's playing right now, I really like it.
Can someone tell me who the circle is and the name of the album that the song's from?

>> No.5362674


>> No.5362714

I came back at the right time then. Its flap+frog. They've got about 3 albums of songs like these. Give me a sec and I'll get the links.

>> No.5362764

[192](東方)[flap+frog] sasanqua e.p.

(C76_東方) (同人音楽) [flap+frog] confeit e.p (Lame3.98 192kbps) (Sorry about the kbps)

(C77)[flap+frog] dominoes e.p.

>> No.5362788

Do you have 東方ねば~ランド2?

>> No.5362816

thanks, I already have their albums post-c76.

Here's the Share hash for sasanqua e.p

>The Notorious B.I.G.
well, shit.

>> No.5362836

No but I'll try to find it.

>> No.5362837


>> No.5362844

Well I found part 2..

Don't know where part1 is.

>> No.5363005

Found a working torrent:

>> No.5363039


>> No.5363087

what's this

>> No.5363089

Well this is.. interesting

>> No.5363094


>> No.5363100


>> No.5363105

I'm not sure what I think about this.

>> No.5363139

I'm not sure I can tell what I think this is.

>> No.5363169

Did that Merzbow song get corrupted or something?

>> No.5363236
File: 117 KB, 602x850, 1236745699036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so sleepy

>> No.5363245


>> No.5363280


>> No.5363294

Here comes Boris

>> No.5363303

> Boris - Absolutego
> [Absolutego]
> 0:24 / 1:05:35
It can't get any awesomer.

>> No.5363305


>> No.5363321

Fuck yes

>> No.5363330

This isn't good at all! You lied to me!

>> No.5363336

Welcome to drone doom.

>> No.5363368

You gotta listen to the whole thing. Just close your eyes and listen to it for an hour.

>> No.5363369

Strange 'music' playing right now.

>> No.5363371


>> No.5363380

I could do that, or I could listen to something good. I wonder which I'll choose

>> No.5363397

I bet some people call this DEEP when all it really is is noise.

>> No.5363415
File: 56 KB, 245x274, 1273361227801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quality 'music'

>> No.5363426

It's like I'm in South Africa?

>> No.5363429

As an expert musician, I can appreciate music like this.

>> No.5363430

The album very quickly sucked me into some sort of trance like state, where time slowed down, where time didn't matter, where I BECAME time. As the album grew, I grew, as the album built itself up, my own foundations where enhanced, as the song climaxed, I found myself just as empowered as the muse who gave Boris their inspiration. Slowly, but unnoticeably, 5 minutes became 25 minutes, became 45 minutes. Slowly, but purposefully, the drones became a nightmare, a sludgy mantra, became a boulder crushing everything in its way, crushing me, and just as I had grown and the song had grown and time had grown and the world seemed to be some giant, thick, monolithic version of itself, everything began to decline. The drums slowly disappeared as the boulder began to deaccelerate and shrink. The vocals, fierce, brutal, and (for lack of a more poetic word) mindfucking, exited, and once again the song as well as myself was being orchestrated only by the heavy instruments. The drones, sludge, and doom slowly subsided as I found myself more calmed, and around the 50 minute mark (as if time is even something applicable to this album), everything began its final descent as the guitar feedback entered, took hold, and became the only sound.

>> No.5363433

>24:24 / 1:05:35
I thought we were bound by the 15 MB limit.

>> No.5363434

The album begins to loosen its grip; I become slightly more actively aware of my surrounds, but just as I think that I can begin to force my real existence (as opposed to my Absolutego existence) into the foreground, I find myself once again lost in the wall of noise around me. The feedback has overwhelmed me, I almost want to escape; what I thought was a calming relief from the heavy, crushing behemoth has turned out to be worse; I'm no longer being crushed, but the sound has gone inside of me and is tearing it's way out, and I have no strength of my own to stop it. Absolutego has become me, and it will do what it may.

>> No.5363439

And suddenly, 16 minutes later, everything stops. Silence. Harsh, abrasive silence. Never before have I been punched as hard by the silence at the end of an album as with Absolutego. I sit up (over the course of the hour, I had completely relaxed my muscles and slid deep into the chair), look around, check my heartbeat, and make sure that the Earth really has continued on its spacial journey. Surely enough, normality still exists. I take a few deep breaths, collect myself, and try and think about what album I'm going to listen to next. But, I can't. No music can follow Absolutego. Nothing can succeed after that monster has run its course with me tagging along. Now, whenever I listen to Absolutego, I make sure that I give it my complete and full attention all the way through, that I let it move me, frightened as I am, wherever it wants. And, not by choice, I always wait at least 2 or 3 hours, until I have recovered, before playing any other music.

>> No.5363440

Limit doesn't seem to work, I was able to upload a 30mb FLAC file.

>> No.5363441
File: 24 KB, 177x171, eirin you're fucked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This...this is actually a genre of music.


What the fuck.

>> No.5363455

Yes, you should try Sunn O))) next.

>> No.5363463

I am also a musician, but I cannot for my life appreciate this music.

That's what it is, really.

It hurts my ears, too, seriously. I got a pain in my left ear and I decided enough was enough and cut the stream when my right started to.

>> No.5363467

It's an experimental band.

Have you ever read experimental literature? If so, you should know that 'experimental' is shorthand for 'absolute shit.'

>> No.5363468

So wait people have not only bought this but there's enough to form it's own genre?

Humanity scares me sometimes...

>> No.5363473

Yeah, I looked it up and all my questions were answered when I saw, "experimental".

Good experimental music is few and far between.

>> No.5363479

Drone music is hardly anything new. Black ambient, metal drone, ambient drone, noise drone, etc. Unless I'm laying down and listening to it in a relaxed state, I cannot sit through it for the life of me.

>> No.5363481

Needs more N.W.A.

>> No.5363488

/jp/ doesn't think noise is music?
I can't connect to the stream right now (my connection is busy with other things, it would skip like fuck) but I've listened to some Boris before and it wasn't too disharmonious.
It was background noise.

>> No.5363504

I really really REALLY hate the early Japanese experimental scene because the popular acts are popular for acting like violent aspies on stage or or are so focused on sine waves and chance music that they never really try anything all that difficult.

You cannot seriously tell me with a straight face that most of it has countless hours of labor put into it when some of these guys have released more albums and hours of music in three years time than most bands do throughout their entire careers (I looking right fucking at you, Merzbow).

>> No.5363515

To me, it's just annoying. It's just a single note, then maybe a chord, all the while some drum is playing randomly in the background.

It really is just background noise to me, and bad background noise at that. If I wanted some background music that doesn't distract I would turn on some trance. At least that has a coherent melody.

>> No.5363520

Did you upload Melon Soda? It's gotta be better than this.

>> No.5363529

Also when I said "difficult", I mean something more complex other than "If I do X I wonder what will happen". It doesn't make for good listening to anyone other than the super-pretentious hipsters that lurked the underground circles in Japan. Jesus Christ I thought we had our heads up our asses for making mediocre indie rock bands out to be the bees knees.

>> No.5363545

I could upload some more Melon Soda. There's some already uploaded, though.

>> No.5363547

Searched Merzbow up.

>Studio Albums: 248
>Live Albums: 58
>Compilation Albums: 3
>Extended Plays: 32
>Soundtracks: 12
>Tribute and Cover Albums: 2
>Remix Albums: 3

He probably doesn't put much time into any of the stuff he makes.

>> No.5363553

It also mentions that, "No complete discography exists"

What the fuck man

>> No.5363582

I'm not calling out drone groups like Boris, Sunn O))), or Stars of the Lid because there is at least some sort of skill behind the still, yet ever forming, soundscapes. It's the musical equivalent of hiding your power level.

What I do hate, however, is some guy acting like someone who is having a panic attack, seizure, and heroin withdrawl on stage by jagoffs like Masonna. See here:


One minute live shows of someone throwing a violent tantrum on stage and claiming it to be "music". People paid for this in the mindset of it being music rather than seeing some asshole breaking his appendage.

I'll throw on a track.

>> No.5363600

Dude, stop streaming this crap.

>> No.5363608

It's automatic, OP is asleep. Only 7 more minutes of this song thankfully.

>> No.5363625

The best part of this song was when I muted the volume.

>> No.5363633

I like the way timer jumps from 1+hr to 1:04 and then freezes at 1:05.

>> No.5363651

Oh, god, the video comments.

>great live show...really adds to the music.

>> No.5363652

What a complete waste of bandwidth.

>> No.5363657

>Boris - Absolutego

that was... glorious!

>> No.5363663

As much as some are glad it's over, now we have to go through a bunch of stuff that's worse.

>> No.5363700

Boring song, at least drone helps me think better.

>> No.5363779

Man, I loved Honey & Clover.

>> No.5363894

It feels like were going on a safari.

>> No.5363951

Well, it's better than Boris so I guess I should be happy...

>> No.5363963


>> No.5364076

Sweet, now back to the cheesy songs.

>> No.5364179


>> No.5364194

Oh yeah KOTOKO. Finally something I can bear listening to. 3 songs in a row, too.

>> No.5364201

I need to upload more Ice Cube

>> No.5364213

This stream sounds like you're picking random songs out of my collection.

>> No.5364224

KOTOKO and Ice Cube

Much better than Absolutego at least

>> No.5364231

Please put on some denpa songs and not so many touhou, thanks.

>> No.5364235

Pink, Heavy Rocks, and Akuma No Uta are Boris's most listenable.

>> No.5364290

Good idea.

>> No.5364443

Luuby luuby luuby so whore

>> No.5364449

Whoever put that urameshiya....I love you

>> No.5364615

Fuck yeah yellow zebra.

>> No.5364664

Everything still fine here?

>> No.5364793

I'm kind of liking Sigh. Need to find some more I guess.

>> No.5364830

great, I'm afk again for the next 12 hours. enjoy the stream and stuff

>> No.5365361

Saya no Uta really has a beautiful soundtrack.

>> No.5365377

... which was then followed by N.W.A.
But yes, I agree. It does have a very nice soundtrack, and I kind of want to go back and replay it now..

>> No.5365380


>> No.5365461

Play some Ke$ha tik tok!

>> No.5365492

Play Super Rock'N'Rollers.

>> No.5365785

And now it's playing some more!

>> No.5365829

These files don't seem to play properly. There's nothing but silence.

>> No.5365916


>> No.5366276

I wanted to upload Sonic Adventure 2 music yesterday, but I thought you guys would find me and murder me.

>> No.5366283

What's going on here?

>> No.5366321

Coming up soon:
Fall Of The Grey-Winged One - Inritus 1:17:55

>> No.5366338


>> No.5366348

It better be good.

>> No.5366357

It won't, I only listened to Earth's Living in the Gleam of an Unsheathed Sword because I could.

>> No.5366361

Oh god, more drone

>> No.5366376

Fuck this shit.

>> No.5366377

What am I even fucking listening to? Guess I'll check back in an hour or so.

>> No.5366443

Woke up so I'm uploading some touhou and jpop, to make up for all the weird shit that's been going on.

>> No.5366454

>touhou and jpop


>> No.5366465

/jp/ - Drone & Rap, right?
Don't like it, upload something not boring.

>> No.5366496

I liked Boris better.

>> No.5366516

I wanted to listen to those im@s tracks coming up before going to sleep but this song is not fucking ending.

>> No.5366524

I'll upload the entire Sonic Adventure 2 ost again

>> No.5366530

Calling it a song is a bit of a stretch.

>> No.5366532

Cool air conditioner music you've got going here guys.

>> No.5366535
File: 78 KB, 300x306, 1275851496202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see >>5366321

>> No.5366552

What is this song trying to describe?

>> No.5366613

Better not ask that question when in Drone.

>> No.5366655

That was a good hour.

>> No.5366696

Oh shit, you guys uploaded a lot. This is probably going to take a day to play.

>> No.5366716

Oh god, hopped on expecting touhou but got Kalafina instead. Just not that interested in type moon stuff now, especially Kara no Kyokai related...

>> No.5366728


>> No.5366732
File: 53 KB, 600x450, dqwb6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love sonic music, guys!

>> No.5366773

>Depeche Mode
>Depeche Mode
>Depeche Mode
>Depeche Mode
>Depeche Mode
>Depeche Mode
>Depeche Mode
>Depeche Mode

>> No.5366793

Problem? I found some really old CDs that I almost forgot about.

>> No.5366808

If I wanted to listen to the same artist over and over, I wouldn't use a radio.

>> No.5366809

I found In Flames too!

>> No.5366815


>> No.5366829

I'm going to say it once again, if you're uploading multiple songs from the same artist/in the same style PLEASE WAIT A BIT BETWEEN SONGS.
And well, I'd also like to ask to refrain from posting too many mainstream artists - I don't mind not /jp/ related music, because I can sometimes finds something interesting - but everybody and their mother knows Depeche Mode, what's the point in uploading it?

>> No.5366835


>> No.5366837

Geez. Upload list is so long that there's no point in uploading to fix it as I won't be around to hear it.

>> No.5366838


>> No.5366852

There was a Judas Priest song yesterday I liked and never heard before. And I don't mind a Personal Jesus.

>> No.5366856

>And I don't mind a Personal Jesus.

Oops, already canceled it. Oh well.

>> No.5366867

It's playing in my head.

>> No.5366869


>> No.5366871
File: 40 KB, 640x480, frustrated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5366883

I was half asleep yesterday when Eminem's Kim was playing. Made me shit bricks.

>> No.5366891

Mara Huana

>> No.5366909

I dont mind variety or a different kind of music, at least dont put the same artist in a row. Try to vary it a bit.

>> No.5366915
File: 146 KB, 1200x746, 1233476959727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

青い とりいいいい~

>> No.5366951



>> No.5366986

Is it just me or is the stream starting to lag?

>> No.5366998

Same here, I quit streaming already.

>> No.5367003

Working fine for me.

>> No.5367005

At least in the last 5 minutes I didn't see any problems - was away from the PC for a few minutes earlier though, so it might have lagged then.

>> No.5367014


>> No.5367015

Do you know what I'm saying?

>> No.5367017
File: 136 KB, 428x510, vslol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Westside Connection - The Gangsta, the Killa and the Dope Dealer

>> No.5367020

still working smoothly for me

>> No.5367025

Pretty good, isn't it?
And I'm not even joking.

>> No.5367030

How do people get away with singing about drugs? They obviously do drugs, so why aren't they getting caught for it?

>> No.5367043

Nigger poetry with repetitive beat in the background. It's not music.

Also, why can't black people talk like normal people?

>> No.5367050


The same reason because we pirate our shit. They don't care about it.

>> No.5367054

oh wow the music that I uploaded 7 hours ago finally is playing...!

same here.

>> No.5367064 [DELETED] 

http://tinyurl.com/345sdye xjpikcvudvzghuaamsjztmluaemutspb

>> No.5367061

>It's not music
Oh boy.
Not even trying, are we?

>> No.5367067

Their ancestors have no self control.
Foreman is cool though.

>> No.5367069

Less drone and less niggers and this stream would be much, much better.

>> No.5367072

>Less niggers and this stream would be much, much better.


>> No.5367074

I don't like to say it, but it really isn't.
There's a certain truth to his words, but the second sentence was just pure trolling.

>> No.5367077

By the way, guys:


>> No.5367081

British man yelling angrily.

>> No.5367086

>Join stream
>hear some guy talking shit while something is screeching in the background

Ok, no.

>> No.5367091

>I have a shitty taste and I can't appreciate good music

>> No.5367092

Why do we only get decent music when OP is around and when he's gone we get this bullshit. No one there to press the next button for us...

>> No.5367104

It's Touhou now.

>> No.5367105

guh it's over

>> No.5367109

Two more nigger songs coming up next

>> No.5367115


OP let an hour long generic loli techno song play yesterday.

>> No.5367119

>4 Ice Cube songs in next 10 songs

>> No.5367125

>Ice Cube - No Vaseline
>Ice Cube - The Nigga Trapp


>> No.5367136

It wasn't that bad, it had some Lia and Kotoko.

>> No.5367142

I've is fucking awesome.

>> No.5367162

I get depressed looking at the playlist...

>> No.5367176

>Requests have reached max.

How come we can only request a few songs a day? It's like we aren't allowed to listen to old music, and should always upload something new.

>> No.5367182

Fuck this shitty nigger stream.

>> No.5367185

The software he's using sucks. Blame it for everything wrong with this stream.

>> No.5367196



>> No.5367210



>> No.5367230

Boris with Merzbow - Feedbacker - 35:06

>> No.5367235

generic generic generic

>> No.5367240


>boris - flood - 1:10:30

>> No.5367242

2 of the worst artists from yesterday combined?

>> No.5367251

Let's think about this logically. If they worked together, that means they put more effort into it, right? They listened to each others' contributions. They thought things through. They wouldn't just take turns throwing shit at a wall and not waiting to see what sticks.

Am I wrong?

>> No.5367292

Sounds nice so far.

>> No.5367298

I'd rather listen to Boris and Merzbow than Ice Cube.

>> No.5367309

Masami-kun frying bacon while overhyped rock band plays repetitive chords in the background.

>> No.5367315

Fish gonna fly, opinions gonna differ.

>> No.5367350

pau wzz wyshh pum bam wuum bam

>> No.5367378

Bad. Oh wow, so bad. Uploading some related music to offset the bad.

>> No.5367382

If you removed everything bad from this and made what remains a lot better you'd get something like Joe Satriani, I think. Well, a lot better is an understatement but still.

>> No.5367390

>Boris with Merzbow - Feedbacker

I love it, thanks for uploading it.

>> No.5367401

How can ANYONE like this wannabe, souless teenage marketed trash?

>> No.5367406

>tune in expecting /jp/ related music, the only reason I would listen to a fucking /jp/ music stream
>drone doom, Boris, Ice Cube, maybe 3 /jp/ related songs in the time I've listened

I'm sorry for the greentext /v/ bullshit, but seriously, what the fuck? This is the kind of trolling I expect from someone like Sion.

>> No.5367410

Spend some time in /mu/, it looks like you'll fit right in there.

>> No.5367415

You seriously want to listen to eroge music? What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.5367418

He has good taste.

>> No.5367422

Boris with Merzbow - Feedbacker, this song is horrible, it has no harmony, no rhytm or beat you can hardly figure out what the vocalist is singting and it generally just sounds like they are just playing random notes and the drummer is just hittin the drums as fast as he can.

>> No.5367425


Japanoise is /jp/ related.

>> No.5367427


>> No.5367430

Anyone can upload any music they want to. Of course there's going to be trolling and people with no taste.

>> No.5367431

> no rhytm or beat
you sir are quite wrong.

>> No.5367432

Not related to OTAKU CULTURE.

>> No.5367444

Only a teenager without a developed taste in music could have this opinion. It's awful trash marketing solely at a shallow teenage audience that listens to things because it fits an image. Adults do that to, but this is trash is so awful I can hardly express it well enough. Thank god it sounds like it's finally over.

>> No.5367451

This was posted awhile ago: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fob1WXnRQrs

I seriously doubt anyone listens to this, so some people probably uploaded the other stuff to troll

>> No.5367460

dälek stinks

>> No.5367464


Don't count on it. These fags probably have the same kind of shit queued up for hours, later on. Considering the fact that half of it has quite literally lasted over an hour, that isn't even an exaggeration.

>> No.5367484

are you frustrated.jpg
Calm down why the fuck are you getting so worked up about this anyways?
I merely stated that the music does have discernible rhythm and beat.

>developed taste
IMO, that's just a personal preference.

>> No.5367536

So, is this going to be a 22 minute long monologue?

>> No.5367544

This HAS to be a troll.

>> No.5367550


A quick google search turns up a result on youtube lasting 10 minutes. Shouldn't last too long.

>> No.5367554

rainymood is making this slightly more bearable.

>> No.5367556

It's music, bitch, not just monologue

>> No.5367557

Anyone got any audiobooks lying around? Good stuff.

>> No.5367559


>> No.5367561

Youtube videos can only be 10 minutes long

>> No.5367574


There's tape hiss, tape manipulation, also some kind of cyclic droning in the background.

>> No.5367577


...I totally forgot about that. Well, all that's left is to hope it isn't an hour of stupid bullshit again.

>> No.5367579

That's noise, not music.

>> No.5367588

It isn't music, hissing isn't music, tape manipulations isn't music, this vuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu isn't music either, and combined they don't make music.

>> No.5367589

Sure are a lot of noise haters on /jp/.

>> No.5367595

Even you're calling it noise. Not music.

>> No.5367596

uhh... http://skully.hopto.org:4095/js_index.html
>current track, length, etc

>> No.5367612

I think I'll just give up and go to sleep.

In the last 12h there's been roughly
1h of good music
1h of ok-bad music
10h of noise and talking

Good job guys. Good job.

>> No.5367613



>> No.5367618


It might be the fact that, as this is /jp/, someone who listens to this might expect something /jp/ related. Madness, I know. I don't know where they would get such an idea.

>> No.5367627


Noise is music, music is noise.

>> No.5367629

I'm confused that there are people delaying sleep for this. I know you guys have tons of free time, but damn.

>> No.5367634

You serious?
Not that I listen to noise, but for fucks sake people, stop being so closed-minded.

>> No.5367638

foo_request seriously needs a function where the listeners can vote to skip a song.

>> No.5367641

It isn't music.

>> No.5367646

Also this is poetry, if you want to be specific.

>> No.5367652

People are waiting for their music to start playing, and they want to see how /jp/ reacts to it.

>> No.5367660

Wikipedia, the encyclopedia anyone can edit

>> No.5367667

/jp/ doesn't react unless it's bad music. Or an hour of I've, apparently.

>> No.5367671

Seriously, who the fuck are you to decide what is and isn't music? I don't like noise, I don't listen to noise, but I'm not so fucking self-absorbed to declare it not being music because it doesn't fit my tastes.

>> No.5367681

I think I broke the site by trying to upload a 6 1/2 hour long Fushitsusha concert, sorry.

>> No.5367684

Me. I'm me. Noise isn't music.

>> No.5367689

But noise is just random sounds, me hitting my dick on the table and making wierd WOOOO WOOOO sounds could by this definition be called music.

>> No.5367692

oh haha, wow.

>> No.5367695

It isn't fucking music. Who are you to tell me what to call music? Who are you to call this crap music? It isn't music. Deal with it.

>> No.5367699

I think noise isn't music too, there's just nothing harmonic about noise at all...

>> No.5367702

Uploaded songs should be restricted to <8 minutes.

>> No.5367704
File: 43 KB, 530x398, pretentious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Seriously, who the fuck are you to decide what is and isn't music? I
Oh boy, it's art major time!


>> No.5367718

Fuck no, that limits a lot of good songs...

Tyranny of the majority would solve everything.

>> No.5367727


The thing I found funniest about this is that, every other time I tried to tune in and listen, it would start choking and chopping and buffering every other seond twenty seconds in, at most. Then, when a whole bunch of shit gets played, it works flawlessly.

Well, at least we seem to be somewhat back on track now, a bit.

>> No.5367731


Also, I do not know how I ended up quoting you. I think I must have clicked it by accident at some point while browsing the thread, or something.

>> No.5367737

holy shit current song playing is sweet!

where's it from?

>> No.5367739

So now that upload seems to be broken, what happens in like 12 hours when we run out of music which are uploaded by anons and queued up for playing? I hope we get OP's playlist after that.

>> No.5367746

[イオシス] 東方銀晶天獄

>> No.5367750

>I hope we get OP's playlist after that.

NO THANK YOU, it's full of IOSYS, Bad Apple, and NicoNico memes.

>> No.5367753
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/mu/ here.

>other boards talking about music

Oh, i gotta stick around for this.

>> No.5367754

Yes, a downvoting system would be better, but that length restriction could work as a temporary solution to this crap.

>> No.5367756

I prefer those to Ice Cube, drone and noise.

>> No.5367762
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Go back to listening to your inoffensive indie folk.

>> No.5367765
File: 80 KB, 292x302, why would you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what you're saying is that http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKuZzR2FknI

is preferable to Bad Apple and IOSYS?

>> No.5367774

someone broke the OP's site so you can't see the anon uploaded playlist, but shit like >>5367451
was playing just so you know

>> No.5367804
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>Faust vs. Dälek

Is this hip hop? I kind of like it.

>> No.5367805

what the fuck am i listening to /jp/

I could make better music than that. Anyone could make better music than that, unless you were trying on purpose to make it worse.

>> No.5367811
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>> No.5367818
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>my face when weeaboos were listening to T-Electronique near me

>> No.5367819


German experimental rock band collaborating with a hip-hop act, the resulting album is pretty good.

>> No.5367820
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>> No.5367823

>trying on purpose to make it worse
I think that's the point of experimental bands.

>> No.5367826

Fuck yeah star river

あさな is always good.

>> No.5367829
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>> No.5367833

I scrolled down the list earlier today and said "Jesus" to myself a split-second before reading "Jesus Jesus"

That made me chuckle.

>> No.5367840
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I bet you couldn't emulate even 1/10th of Masonna's stage presence though.

>> No.5367845

so seriously what is that head-shaped-drum thing ?

>> No.5367851

I believe you meant "drum-shaped head"

>> No.5367854

All I need is some amphetamines. Try me.

>> No.5367865

well yeah sorry

>> No.5367867

I just read thought this thread and IDK what to say. I listened to the stream during the first thread and what a messy load this has become.

...what's with all the sonic music? Who's trollan?

I'm glad I'm not the only one who likes this track.

>> No.5367877

Sonic music isn't trolling, fuck you.

>> No.5367885

>what's with all the sonic music? Who's trollan?

Nothing wrong with some nostalgia music.

>> No.5367899

Wow, talk about nostalgia.

>> No.5367991

There should be some sort of multi-user pandora. For touhou music. First step, get musicians to classify all touhou music.

>> No.5368096

I'm just saying it's not /jp/ related. I've played many hours of Sonic Adventure 2 myself as a kid, and I have the OST as well. I just never guessed I'd see it on /jp/.

>> No.5368105

Hours of random bands. Complains about the one thing he's actually heard of that isn't /jp/ related.

>> No.5368111

God, this is turning into 7chan radio.

>> No.5368117


Needs more of this

>> No.5368129

No, it needs this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-S-jcCDVTWE

>> No.5368135

I don't listen to the stream. I just saw that screen cap. Geez.

>> No.5368189
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>> No.5368279

...I kinda like this tune.
I should be worried, I think

>> No.5368587

Anything good coming up soon?

>> No.5368639

Depends on your definition of good, but stuff I started uploading here:
should start soon.
It sure took a while.

>> No.5368700

Oh, there it is.
And if you don't like it(though I made sure to upload somewhat varied stuff), then I hope you like sonic soundtracks, because that's the only thing that's going to be playing for some time after.

>> No.5368943

Hahaha, is that some Gorky Park

>> No.5368944

Would like a torrent or otherwise for STORY if whoever uploaded knows where to find it

>> No.5368952

Cool, succeeded in getting another person interested in a band I like. The stream's at least good for that.
Here you go:

>> No.5369043

This brings back memories, Dennou Coil was great.

>> No.5369058

Wasn't it? I kinda regret uploading this, since now I feel like rewatching the series.

>> No.5369062


Thanks, mang.

Since the drone and rap shit died off a few hours ago I've found a few new artists I like the sound of.

>> No.5369093

Suddenly, I feel like uploading more hour-long drone songs.

>> No.5369099

Oh, except I can't.

>> No.5369114


>> No.5369129

I'd like to upload more muzik servant. 40 minutes wasn't enough.

>> No.5369134


Boris' flood is coming up, not drone but there are some pretty minimalistic bits.

>> No.5369144

I never thought I'd see people grouping drone together with rap.

>> No.5369154
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Shoutouts to my Sora no Woto bros.

>> No.5369156

Rap is as close to drone as it is possible to get while being completely different.

>> No.5369166

>Boris' flood is coming up
Well, coming up, yeah, after 2 hours or so of Sonic soundtracks.
And since Hikari no Senritsu is playing, that means my uploads are at an end, so time for a break from the stream. Never was a Sonic fan.
Hope Pyonta is going to be back soon.

>> No.5369195


>> No.5369196
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>> No.5369206

Is this on auto-sage?

>> No.5369218


>> No.5369249

Sonic could outrun any drone imaginable.

>> No.5369260

new thread

>> No.5369261

300 posts is the limit here
