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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 100 KB, 804x627, CBbub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5360055 No.5360055 [Reply] [Original]

So i heard /jp/ likes Cosmic Break.
How can I make text appear in this game?
It's neither visible in the login screen nor ingame.

>> No.5360069

No we don't

>> No.5360079

It can be either a video driver's problem or you're missing the game's font.
The first one is more likely the problem.
Win7 isn't the problem because I'm playing the game just fine.

>> No.5360095

I've updated the driver but it didn't help.
I am using Vista so there can't be a problem with using Windows 7 either.
Does anyone know where I can get the games font?

>> No.5360126

Are you forcing the game to use AA/AF throught the drivers ? If yes try disabling that.

>> No.5360140

Ok so im just downloading this now.

How do I play with you guys?

>> No.5360172

We don't play it because it is bad. Talk to /v/ or /a/ or /b/ or something.

>> No.5360246

>hotglue is strongest clan in the whole game
>not talk about it

>> No.5360257

I thought we all agreed it was a shitty game for kids who can't afford to buy a real MMORPG.

>> No.5360279

/jp/ is shit, therefore, /jp/ plays shit games.

>> No.5360293

So how the fuck do I turn my mechs into touhous and strike witches and shit? Pretty much the only reason I'm interested in this game.

>> No.5360308

Learn to edit polygons, or download them off somewhere online

>> No.5360629

where are these fabled places?

>> No.5360976

I got an arm for air units: Dikaro Ar2
tri shot shotgun that does ~15 per bolt (45 if all 3 hit)
missile sub weapon
jesus this thing is crazy.

>> No.5360988

Random people are giving me friend invites, do I accept?

>> No.5361017

>People must have gotten bored already because I can't even remember the last time I ranked in the top 10 in arena. Any bot / gear / combat tips?

>> No.5361043


>> No.5361047

shit game marketeed to weeaboos, but its so shit even weeaboos dont want that shit

>> No.5361065

Yes, everything's shit.

>> No.5361075

Jesus christ the weapon selection is terrible. Also, all the mechs look like ass. I don't mind mecha lolis but the large size mechs should at least not look retarded.

>> No.5361088

I dunno, I like the aerial mech designs.

>> No.5361090

try giving your bot or type if you want real advice. otherwise all you will get is:
stick together
attack the mechs you are strong against
don't die
side dash if you are land based, air loop if air.

>> No.5361126

So I just got a support bot from the Gashapon, any advice regarding weapon loadouts?

>> No.5361200

rage machine gun

>> No.5361203

I'm using a bazooka and stunner on mine, you have to replace her arms to do this, I think. I had the green/red one, I couldn't figure out the use of her normal arms which do 2 damage, maybe I'm just dumb.

>> No.5361217

Constantly shuffling my gear but my current setup is:
-level 3 aquila with two sets of wings, dual blasters, and dual blaster bit
-two level 1 crimroses, one with dual muskets, other with beam gun and spear
-level 4 hound dog in reserve with beam gun mod and beam blade.
I've got a rage machine gun and bazooka in storage but I'd have to cripple my bots to put it on.

>> No.5361241

I cannot stress this enough:

1. Press TAB button
2. Find your group
3. Stick together and cover each others' backs

You will hate this game less if you do that.

>> No.5361325

I hate it when half of your squad is fucking around on the other side of the map or running into dead ends.

>> No.5361342

i don't use aquila, so I can't advise you there.
but most use a couple of shotguns.

for general use on the crimroses:
1 wide beam gun, 1 of mini bazooka / stun gun / laser.
wide beam gun is great for general use, easy to hit+low cost, large ammo supply.
learn to dodge in the air, and maybe try buying air loop.

also, get a non air unit in there. sometimes you will go against all rocket or bazooka teams that it isn't worth being air for.

>> No.5361381

This is what I love about Hotglue, we understand this well.

>> No.5361386

>beam rifle, beam pistol
>not fire beams

Alright, that's it. I've had it with this game.

>> No.5361394

the solid beam is called a laser.

anyone who wants to win understands this. in the shuffle game i've been playing in for over 6 hours, everyone always runs in a pack, and when someone gets separated they get ambushed by 3-6 people.

>> No.5361425

I have the exact same problem with symphonic rain. But I installed a patch that said it contained the font as well. I'm using Win 7 x64 if it makes a difference.

>> No.5361458

>So i heard /jp/ likes Cosmic Break.
You heard wrong, we have about two idiots here that still play this shit.

>> No.5361471

WIZ could benefit if people start coordinating their team in-game by telling them what to do.

I don't think we should take for granted that WIZ already knows this.

>> No.5361500

I start every battle by telling people to stick together and stay around the power point. it seems to help

>> No.5361515
File: 158 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20100612_1457_26_109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, if you don't feel like dual wielding guns or you're just a terrible evader like me, get the Viper Shield. It's a HUGE passive shield that can block your entire front if you're S Air. It takes quite a bit of damage before it gets destroyed too.

>> No.5361517

>Implying I'm not playing with a few /jp/ers

>> No.5361525

I understand you're from /v/, but can you not >imply here?

>> No.5361532

You can't just ignore such things? Goddamn aspie.

>> No.5361534

Would you faggot kids keep this shit in /a/ and /v/ or whatever shitty board you keep coming from?

This game is shitty and you're all bandwagon-hopping retards for playing it. This is even more pathetic than the Habbo raids that ruined 4chan.

>> No.5361538

is ghost raider worth getting? i'm intrigued by medium-sized bots. they don't seem to be very common.

>> No.5361539

What happens if you use two of them?

>> No.5361547
File: 11 KB, 300x400, frustrated bawson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How dare you guys talk about something I don't like on MY /jp/

>> No.5361555

Whole thread reeks of /v/. Time to filter cosmic break.

>> No.5361562


>> No.5361568


>> No.5361569
File: 200 KB, 361x361, aged_wb20100610092609598075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big talk for someone who isn't even over the legal age for browsing 4chan.

Anyone dumb enough to play this shitty grindfest is a cancer to /jp/ and needs to get out before I get upset.

>> No.5361573

Look, newfag. Get the fuck out of /jp/. I've been noticing you just came around for the last couple of days. We on /jp/ ALWAYS talk about MMOs, especially MMOs with little girls in them.

You're the scum of the earth, trying to backseat moderate what does and doesn't belong on /jp/. You faggots are not welcome. You were the sort of cancer that was killing Japan/General and now you're doing the same here.

So fuck off, you're not fooling anybody with your "you're from /v/ bullshit"

>> No.5361577

hurray! now we're both happy.

anyway, tactical use of items. anybody got any interesting strategies? i like to use the air-blast item to push enemies towards large groups of allies, so they can't escape.

>> No.5361588

Those posts aren't even the same person you dipshit.

Take you shitty game back to your shitty boards.

Thread reported, filtered, hidden and called the cops.

>> No.5361596

You become a god while charging the enemy. Except it only lasts for 3 seconds since you're being bombarded. Once both are broken, you are now weaponless.

>> No.5361599

Getting gear is the hardest part. You can only buy weapons you already own. Hell, even getting the cash in the first place is hard. I really don't want to do quest / mission mode.

>> No.5361610

Would you kindly keep your shitty posts out of these threads?

>> No.5361611

Hey um. Do we have a /jp/ channel or guild done yet? My ingame name is Udongein if anyone want to add me.

>> No.5361615

What if you get two extra arms?

>> No.5361618

Who's this retard speaking in my game?

>> No.5361621

I get 1k+ per arena match with a 2x uc token... I think i've made over 200k in the arena already.

>> No.5361626

Well I got bored so I just downloaded it and joined wiz.

Now what?

Also, is 800x600 really the highest I can set the resolution?

>> No.5361627

There's Hotglue and Botglue.
One of the GMs.

>> No.5361636

Your cost would be huge though.

>> No.5361644

I just started playing and chose Air/Wiz. After a few missions I've started thinking maybe I should have chosen Art instead of Air. Should I make a new account or is Air good enough in the long term (or at least until I can pay for an Art robot)?

>> No.5361650

WIZ have hit 80k CP before DOS and BRD hit 70k. we're steamrolling them, guys.

>> No.5361655

Downloading now. This better be good, I've stopped may slave production in Custom Reido to see if this shit is worthy.

>> No.5361658

Seeing all of the meme-spouting /b/tards with /jp/ names is rather disheartening.

>> No.5361660


>> No.5361661

Where do you get a uc token? Also I don't think you get much money if you don't rank well ;_;

>> No.5361666

Don't worry Jones, I picked DOS so I could kill those nerds.

>> No.5361670

What union did /m/ pick? I'd rather play with them than you fags.

>> No.5361672


>> No.5361676


Which union di /jp/ pick again?

>> No.5361677

>Thread reported, filtered, hidden and called the cops.

I doubt that. I could see you vainly reporting a thread that might be looked at by the meido within a brisk 8 to 10 weeks, but I could never see you hiding it in any form. That would leave you unable to spread more of your faggotry.


Cosmic Break dev's did something pretty retarded and made the base guild limit ten people. So, pretty much the only way you'll play with /jp/ is to ask around people with /jp/ related names if they'd like to play, use irc, or wait until someone says 'hey, I feel like playing, game and pass is etc' in one of these threads. Alternatively, you could say you wanted to play, and wait for people to join.

If you meant 'what do I do' in a 'I'm completely lost' sense though, just find a random game and experiment with your mechs, get used to how they move, and so on.

>> No.5361685


>> No.5361686

buy it, its 1k per hour.

>> No.5361689

If you're not in a clan yet post your IGN, I'll friend then invite you.

>> No.5361690

The options menu is bugged. Say you start the game in a window. You can change the res to whatever your current resolution is. If you lower it, go to fullscreen, then go back, the res is capped to whatever it was when you went fullscreen. You also cannot change the resolution while in fullscreen. You have to go to windowed mode, exit the menu, and reopen it to reset the options.

>> No.5361691

Man, this shit is bugged as hell. The game won't even open after connecting anymore.

>> No.5361695

Whats youre name? I'm going to kick your ass, DOSfriend.

>> No.5361697

Japanese GM is awesome, speaking in channel 3.
I think he just admitted he was drunk.

>> No.5361698

Radio is on again? Which channel?

>> No.5361714

JP is WIZ everyone.

>> No.5361717

WIZ. They're bad players but they spam memes to make up for it.

>> No.5361724

>Bad players
>Dominating in each channel

>> No.5361736


Sounds like someone is a little upset that WIZ is in first place.

>> No.5361756
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>> No.5361758

Yeah, we're upset because we have other things to do than play MMOs 24 hours a day.

>> No.5361766

The top WIZ players are never /jp/ names.

>> No.5361776

>Implying we had the time to make top-tier mechas over people that have been playing since open beta

>> No.5361791

Not to mention I got everyone started on おっぱい and using Japanese text all over the fucking place

>> No.5361795

not all the people here use /jp/ related names.

that doesn't matter, most people are using crimroses or starting units anyway. play in a cost <2000 game.

>> No.5361798
File: 63 KB, 441x442, bored.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So after like playing for 2 days this is my verdict.

>> No.5361809

So I'm guessing you rolled something other than WIZ and are enjoying complaining about /a/ spamming memes while /jp/ styes all over the other factions. Hurt feelings abound.

>> No.5361820

Alright you faggots, I downloaded this, so what robot do I want to start off with?

>> No.5361828

You got on too late. /jp/ will abandon this game at the end of the weekend if not sooner in all likelihood.

>> No.5361830

Hey guys, Im in the lobby.

Am I cool yet?

In channel 3.

>> No.5361834

Lilly is fun if you like dealing massive damage and not afraiding.
Crimrose if you like flying and have Medium, almost low damage compared to lily

>> No.5361835


Goddamnit, I just asked this earlier and everyone said they changed their minds and would stick around until the cash shop fucked everything up

Make up your goddamn minds

>> No.5361841

There are almost 150 people signed up at the /jp/ community, one person is not a community.

>> No.5361850

update confirmed for next thursday. GM said so. he's drunk though, so he's probably wrong

>> No.5361851

don't pick crimrose for the first robot, it costs only 6k
pick one of the others to use as a 3rd if you want 2 crimroses (you get 1 for free)

>> No.5361854

I'm afraid that's up to the "competitor".
Once the steamrolling produce a 50k gap difference...

>> No.5361856

lol, I can hear the GM you've been talking about.

So awesome.

So, now that I have started, so I do some arena battle or something to get money?

>> No.5361862
File: 305 KB, 816x638, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typical WIZ games.

>> No.5361863

GM has said a lot of things. Apparently oppai is boobs for Japanese, if we're going by what he's saying.

>> No.5361866
File: 122 KB, 802x599, www.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The top WIZ players are never /jp/ names.
Our /jp/ players are fine, it's everyone else that sucks.

>> No.5361872

my god these fags come up with the worst questions for gm.

>> No.5361885

GM is singing now.

>> No.5361905

I don't even play in channel 3 because I got sick of feeling depressed about the state of /jp/.

>> No.5361912

wiz is winning so hard because we are all fighting each other!
in the shuffle round i'm in, we get +75 points for wiz on average. some rounds +120 or more.

>> No.5361919

About to do my first arena.

Can't wait to fuck up the team.

Also, what else is there to do beside PvP?

>> No.5361934

missions with various difficulties, as well as planet exploration

>> No.5361936

What do you mean by /jp/ name? Touhou names.

Touhou names stopped being /jp/ a long time ago.

>> No.5361939

Missions, and useless and long quests.

>> No.5361943

What's the difference between hotglue and botglue? And who should I talk to receive an invite?

>> No.5361944


Oh hey, me too! Maybe we will fight each other?

>> No.5361946


>> No.5361952

Hey guys the admins just told me that /jp/ stands for japan, why is this board Otaku Culture?

love, /tg/

>> No.5361953

They're both /jp/ guilds, we had to make two because the guilds can only hold 10 people at the first level. I can invite you to Botglue, just give me your IGN.

>> No.5361963

can i join too?
IGN: Duralumin

>> No.5361964

I want to join,

>> No.5361967

I'd also like an invite. Smallboss.

>> No.5361972

Not found, are you on Channel 3?

>> No.5361979
File: 400 KB, 1265x1204, exshuffle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last shuffle round I was in.

>> No.5361984

Yeah shuffle is great for that.

>> No.5361990

Moot changed the name because it was never about the country, only about its nerd culture, and trolls came here all the time pretending they didn't know that.

>> No.5361996

I wanna join
IGN: Udongein

>> No.5361998

Are you on channel three? It keeps saying I can't you guys.

>> No.5362002

What's the difference between Crimrose and Crimrose.N?

>> No.5362006


Can I join too?

>> No.5362009

My mistake. Now I'm there.

>> No.5362011

Oh, there are some people from Botglue in the Union War I'm in.

>> No.5362024

Wow, Wiz totally owns the lag wars. I don't even know what the hell I'm shooting at and I win.

>> No.5362026
File: 31 KB, 316x329, botglue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, we're full at the moment. But we almost have level, so we'll be able to fit in 5 more people soon. If you're not in a guild yet post your IGN and please make sure you're on channel 3.

>> No.5362028

I'm on it right now. What's your IGN so I can send you a message

>> No.5362030

do you need to level the guild up by fighting arena matches?
If you have room toss Xiph an invite, since i've been in this shuffle game forever..

>> No.5362031


>> No.5362032

The best part of lag is getting hit by a flame line you can't even see then running into enemies you don't see.

>> No.5362037

IGN: Goat
Cheers bro.

>> No.5362054
File: 10 KB, 239x30, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're on channel three.

>> No.5362062

Goat here, questing at the moment so I'll be there soon.

>> No.5362069

Some of these maps are ABSOLUTE bullshit.

Fucking spawning my artillery in a CORNER right next to melee buttfucking me and there's nothing I can do. And the whole map was like that, FUCKING RANDOM SPAWNS

>> No.5362072

We leveled, got room for 4 more.

>> No.5362073

I'd like a guild invite too.

IGN: Maratropa

>> No.5362077

Hey guys, I think we might be quitting this game soon. Shit's too easy.

>> No.5362087

IGN: Scream

>> No.5362090

Not found, try Channel 3.

>> No.5362094


I dunno man, I haven't had any lag yet.

>> No.5362096

I was actually just shitting you, continue on with your business.

>> No.5362098

Will do.

>> No.5362106


Oh look I see me :3c

>> No.5362115

How do I become a support type? There is only air, land and art to choose

>> No.5362119

You have to win it in the Garapon.

>> No.5362127

Err... what is a garapon again?

>> No.5362128

you can buy support in the shop, or win it

>> No.5362141
File: 105 KB, 797x599, Garapon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's this, you can find it in the shop.

Or you can buy the support type like >>5362128

>> No.5362151

Goat again, I'm here now.

>> No.5362158

Still says you're not there, try messaging Shikieiki.

>> No.5362159

Is LOLIs also a /jp/ clan?

>> No.5362174

>a bit cheaper
>20% less

>> No.5362181

I'm having some serious textures transparency issues with this. Anyone know anything about that?

I'm running on a 8800gts, with drivers from last October(191.07). Will update as soon as Nvidia's driver page finishes whatever it's issue is, but perhaps it's an issue caused by something else?

>> No.5362218

IGN: serio

is there still place in the guilds?

>> No.5362255

Yes, on channel 3.

>> No.5362288

already am on channel 3, close to the big tree.

i see several people from hotglue running around.

>> No.5362327

Invite sent.
Might be easier to use the Area list to do invites Shikieiki.

>> No.5362357

Oh whoops, I typed in "Serio" instead of "serio".

Dang caps sensitivity

>> No.5362390

Healing support is credit to team.

>> No.5362535

I wish I knew there were sniper rifles before blowing all my cash and most of my levels. Haven't seen anyone use it.
But people sure love that fucking flamethrower. Fuck fuck fuck.

>> No.5362631

I know, that shit's a real pain in the ass. I might one.

>> No.5362642

Any slots in any of the clans? IGN is Scrub

>> No.5362666

The burn debuff needs a nerf, I'm fine with the damage over time, but the whole running uncontrollably for several seconds is a bit too much.

>> No.5362680


You can choose the direction you run in you know, just spin the mouse.

>> No.5362702

yep i frequently kill people while im burned
also fly up

>> No.5362726

Got boring really quick. I'm out. See you next mmo, /jp/

>> No.5362734


>> No.5362752

You in channel 3?

>> No.5362845

I am now.

>> No.5362875

figures. i bought a force barrier, but can't equip it even though it should be possible to.

goddamn it, give me back my 10000.

>> No.5362892

wow 30v30 is crazy. if you stop for 1 second you get killed instantly.
too bad it takes so long compared to 15v15.

>> No.5362898
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Nope, not a driver issue. Anyone got any ideas here?

I have a feeling the game should not look like pic related

8800 was a pretty fickle card in some cases. Does anyone else have one and managed to get the game running?

>> No.5362906

It sucks. Lasts for 2-3 seconds with 20 reuses per battle. You actually have to activate it too unlike >>5361515

>> No.5362941

>My face when WIZ 17k point lead

>> No.5362982

I remember hearing that a lot of people with 8000-series cards were having trouble with the game/it doesn't work very well with such cards.

>> No.5363001


Well fuck.

>> No.5363002

Any space in the clans? IGN Aya_Kyunik

>> No.5363044

Botglue is full.

>> No.5363054

Damn, oh well.

>> No.5363061

How many people does Hotglue have? And what's your clan level?

>> No.5363069

More trees in Quest Mode starting in 10 minutes...

>> No.5363149

What's going on?

>> No.5363194
File: 170 KB, 548x557, derp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys do you think the gms will have a problem with this skin?

>> No.5363206

The GM was talking about breasts for about 15 mins on channel wide chat.

>> No.5363222

It's a Japanese game so it should be fine.

>> No.5363229

Can Crimrose equip the Proton Laser? I want to shoot green beams of destruction from the skies.

>> No.5363300

You can get normal laser.

>> No.5363352
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Those Asura things remind me of Kharn. Too bad /tg/ doesn't play.

Shit sucks that upgrade chips take up cost as do upgrades.

>> No.5363364

200k in 15 minutes... wow

>> No.5363370
File: 106 KB, 801x602, event.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best event ever.

>> No.5363393

Well, maybe I'll be able to get my Crimrose to level 10 tomorrow. Then I'll be nearly undetectable.

>> No.5363403


Is the event still going on?

>> No.5363404





I'm in the quest area but the quests thing is so fucking confusing, I'm just jumping aroudn from area to area.

Please help ;_;

>> No.5363477

plasma sword + light saber is god tier on these trees, i'm beating out all the missle people, and plasma sword hits 20-30 trees at once.

>> No.5363493

It's back on again?
I wish my hand didn't start aching or I would go make more money.

>> No.5363495

Ground Area, go to planet, use blue portals, area 1 3 6 and 9 can have trees spawned by GM for disgusting money.

I've made about 590k now.

>> No.5363509

This'll happen again tomorrow, right?

>> No.5363525

There's an event everyday.

>> No.5363548

is it over?

>> No.5363551

hey, how do u switch between robots when not in a match?

>> No.5363560

Can someone from the /jp/ guild invite me?

IGN's Hyz

>> No.5363569

First robot in commando

>> No.5363570

I was never able to find trees. What the hell do they actually look like?

>> No.5363577

go to channel 3 and you'll see. there's hundreds of them everywhere

>> No.5363588


awesome, thanks

>> No.5363606

How do you keep your money? I abandoned the quest and I got 0 UC

>> No.5363616

You have to finish by going through every area.

>> No.5363666

Ah, that sucks. It's really fucking hard. Well not hard, but really fucking annoying. Annoying like PS0 where you have to climb through like 100 floors.

Fucking hell. And they always hide the portals.

>> No.5363709

Every 5 stages you reach an outpost. Take the yellow gate to return back to the city.

>> No.5363712

Mother. Fucker.
I knew I shouldn't have skipped it.

>> No.5363859

goddamn it, the game crashes because of the amount of people

>> No.5363871

I beat area 7 with two minutes to spare, only to be taken TO AREA FUCKING ELEVEN

>> No.5363881

you shouldn't have used a red gate

>> No.5363884

500 gachapons later (800k) and no second plasma sword.

>> No.5363912

Man I only got 50k from the event, other times I ran out of time/ timed out because I didn't understand the rules.

>> No.5363932

Is the event over?

>> No.5363960

Anyone make new accounts after figuring out how to play or are you sticking with what you have?

>> No.5363964

Event is over, and GM is answering questions/ playing around.

>> No.5363966

I stuck with what I got, it's not like new robots are hard to get anyway.

>> No.5363994

I took that gate because I thought THAT was how you resume quests, for the "Get to the second outpost" mission thing.

After getting all the way to the outpost at the end, oh boy that was definitely not it.

>> No.5364001

What should I be using on my Lily Rain?

>> No.5364018

if any Crimroses are still using the basic arms, you should try to get the Zero saber or Ghost rider arms. They have +10 hp (10 cost) +1 walk/fly (10 cost) for only 10 extra cost.

>> No.5364027

Give whatever you pick up a try, and just fiddle around with all those parts until you find something you either like, or works. Being different from everyone else works to your advantage.

>> No.5364062

How do I edit the hair mesh? I'm trying to make Kohaku, but I'm stuck on the hair bit.

>> No.5364067

>wiz consists of /a/ and /jp/ and something
god dammit GM

>> No.5364069

Seconded. No amount of fiddling made the hair show up; only the face and headpieces.

>> No.5364071

GMs browse 4chan?

>> No.5364082

Get out CB devs

>> No.5364085

GM really takes it easy, and this guy seems to be on from like morning till night, awesome.

>> No.5364104

Oh wow he said that on the mic?

>> No.5364167

Damnit /jp/. I didn't even want to play this game. Now here I am, almost 1 am, cursing myself because I'm too tired to play, but i want more.

>> No.5364183

can't edit hair

>> No.5364186

I set my resolution to 640x480 now I can't unset it back.
I'm stuck on this horrible resolution with unreadable font. ;_;

>> No.5364189

that is how they make you buy new mechs.

now that I have 2x crimrose b I have to chuck my level 10 crimroses.

>> No.5364191

Same. I want my Serio to have orange hair. ;_;

>> No.5364195


At least you can play. I'm apparently out of this until they can fix the issues with my card, which I doubt is high up on the list.

>> No.5364319


>> No.5364338


In the future, try using control-f

>> No.5364368



>> No.5364376


>> No.5364481

since the event the lag on the server has become really bad. like 1 5 second spike every minute or less.

>> No.5364491

What types of custom mech parts have you guys gotten? I really want to know how many different mechs there are that can't be bought or won in the Garapon. Anybody gotten a Elme S. or Destructor body?

>> No.5364493

yeah, the lag is horrid right now

It's not really killer, but it's pretty annoying, we've been trying to beat the penguin mini-mission on hard. Anyone managed that yet?

>> No.5364511

it is definitely killer when your whole pvp strat is reliant on dodging. I only have ~300 hp.

>> No.5364517

Any tips for support mechs? I like the pull gun and the bind, any other special moves?

>> No.5364523

Is the omega blaster good? Or how about the proton laser? Trying to figure out what I should buy for my air s and l types.

>> No.5364525

stun gun

>> No.5364537

Buy repair bits so you can heal your allies

>> No.5364544

fuck my allies

>> No.5364552 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5364566

/m/ and /toy/ are there.

>> No.5364570

Get out, mugen devs.

>> No.5364581

Man, guro artists sure know SHIT about anatomy, blood, wounds and death.

I have yet to find one remotely believable.

>> No.5364592

It's 2D, it doesn't have to be realistic.

>> No.5364594 [DELETED] 
File: 116 KB, 636x700, 1220491106410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it takes a certain level of mental dimness to be a guro artist anyway, so the lack of anatomical precision never really struck me as odd.

>> No.5364624


I guess it is just distorted porn. Exaggerated and fake, as all porn is.

Then again, if they did know anything about death, disease and wounds, they would really have trouble sexualizing it.

>> No.5364651
File: 213 KB, 791x676, 1ea23f0f33bfe166d308d9aeadc52fea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guro is terrible, why would anyone draw that?

>> No.5364652

depends what you are doing, but make sure you have at least one beam weapon (stun / wide beam gun / beam rifle / laser?)
also, S air can only eq SS S M, not LL

>> No.5364914

Man, I want that blonde Lily Rain so bad. I imagine her special attack is stronger too? That's all I want, stronger special attack.

>> No.5364956

I got her, but I junked her for the blue one.

Her special ability sucks.

>> No.5364991

Her special ability is different? She doesn't shoot the 4 pink homing shots?

>> No.5365058

It's exactly the same as normal lily isn't it? Fire a bunch of discs that auto home on the enemy. Maybe hers are homing but I haven't really noticed a massive difference.

BTW wtf do i do with 90000 UC? I suppose I could roll like mad on the random thingo but I'd prefer to spend it on something more interesting.

>> No.5365080

No, I'm not talking about the discs. I'm talking about pink missiles or whatever the fuck they are.

I like to spam those fuckers like crazy. However, even with double upgrade, their damage is still pretty shitty.

>> No.5365104

I just got some Ninja star back for my Lazflamme. It's pretty badass.

>> No.5365110

Oh THEM. Exactly the same or no noticeable difference anyway.

Don't upgrade them, it's not REALLY worth it. It's a situational weapon. Learn to switch them very quickly if your enemy starts flying, it'll knock right out of the sky.

>> No.5365115

Their damage is always shitty.

If you have two weapons and hold down both mouse buttons you can use the homing missle and both weapons at the same time.

>> No.5365134

is there still room in hotglue or its sub-guild?

>> No.5365143

Jesus christ I'm being an awesome ANCHOR for my team in arenas.

What kind of weapon and armor should I use for an support type and air type? and what should I focus to upgrade when lvl up?

>> No.5365161

Sub-clan is full.

>> No.5365183

What's your support? I've only seen the stun one but maybe you have a healer of something?

>> No.5365192

Is there still any room in the /jp/ guilds? IGN is Lawleecone

>> No.5365194

I think that standing still with Lily Rain is crazy.

When I use her, I'm always running in and out like a mad man.

That's another thing that frustrating about using the Medium artillery. Even if I'm all the way back, the enemy always finds a way to break our lines and rape my art'y. And since she's so bulky, it's impossible to get away and they just hitlock me.

That's why I like Lily Rain's excellent mobility.

>> No.5365248

The GM who was talking in channel 3 earlier mentioned they would be adding every mech available in the japanese version over the next month, and there be a 2nd beta period without a wipe.

>> No.5365256

I have to agree with you, but most Lily Rains are pretty bad. It's hilarious to watch three or four Lily Rains stand around spamming their useless homing abilities while I fly around in my Aquila strafing the Toybox that is actually contributing.

>> No.5365272


Thats why you pick high places and ledges to shoot from.

Also avoid Jikun Hu's like a plague. You can't outrun her. Everything else can be brought down with enough bazooka fire.

>> No.5365278

The answer to Jikun Hu is to fire two bazookas at once.

>> No.5365279

i use my lily to spam rockets from that power place. with infinite rapid fire it reduces a lot of enemies to scrap within seconds.

>> No.5365291


Are sure are confident in your stun resistance and superior dodge speed...

>> No.5365293

>Jikun Hu
hate to tell you this, but jikun hu is a guy.

>> No.5365296

> Also avoid Jikun Hu's like a plague. You can't outrun her.

I've got news for you, buddy. That's not a girl.

>> No.5365319

>Jikun Hu

I'm afraid you will be disappointed.

>> No.5365371

On my Lily Rain, currently I'm using Viper Shield + Easy Rifle set-up. The reason for this is survivability and sniping the fuck out of people. Easy Rifle can actually reach out and touch people without exposing myself.

Using bazookas is really frustrating because their range is so short.

However, I would also like you guys' input on preferred weapons on Lily.

>> No.5365393

I long range harass with her built in shitty 4 beam and saws for that low damage. The orange haired Lily saws are better since you can use them while walking. I use dual hand bazookas. Single bazooka fire while flying around agaisnt melee, left+right click fire mode against Aquilas.

>> No.5365408

I'm Nagant ingame, someone toss me a /jp/ guild invite

>> No.5365423

I started with him and had a great time, but junked him in frustration at not being the little girl like everyone else. I've spent every moment since regreting that.

>> No.5365448

Just a general reminder in case people missed it: the guild capacity is really fucking tiny in this game, starting at a pathetic 10 player limit. We have at least 2 guilds up right now, but I'm pretty sure they're full until they level up.

>> No.5365453

Jikun Hu - trap of the year

>> No.5365454

Why the fuck do support robots have to attack to be able to do their job (heal)? Is there a way to use a healing bit without having to charge up by attacking/getting attacked?

>> No.5365456

> The orange haired Lily saws are better since you can use them while walking.

Awesome. I definitely need to get her for that.

The discs are not that bad. They consistently do like 20 damage for me. That's pretty good I think.

>> No.5365463

Uh, does it take like 20 seconds sometimes for your garage to open? And then another million seconds to customize/paint?

>> No.5365468

I dual wield Ancient Bazookas, close to 300 range with 28 force

I often get in the top 5 in arenas.

>> No.5365481

Yes. It's fucking annoying.


Jesus fucking Christ, you can't even see how much money you have in your fucking garage.

>> No.5365486

The gauge goes up slowly by itself. I usually spend my time shooting cactus/trees/snowmen to build meter and get items. If someone picks up a wonder drug right in front of me then he's a faggot.

>> No.5365489

Are those special weapons from the gambling thing? I dont' think I've seen those in the shop.

>> No.5365509

Yeah they are.

>> No.5365511

I heard that you can do upgrades to your character with the useless junk you collect.

Any idea how? I tried looking around, but didn't find any upgrading options.

>> No.5365515

Ground area, Cosmos pot

>> No.5365518

I hear you guys botglue.

>> No.5365523

>finished a match
>exp full on all bots
>open garage to level up bots
>garage opens

>> No.5365524
File: 160 KB, 816x638, cosmicbreak_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you guys in BRD or DOS even trying?

>> No.5365545


We have lives.

>> No.5365555

oh, we forget that you guys are normal sometimes.

>> No.5365638

alt tab, it loads a bit faster.

>> No.5365691

Just started, I'm completely lost. What's the fastest way to make money?

>> No.5365719

so like, are there any replacement/different legs for lily? i want to equip that shield thing, but it's some sort of leg joint thing, and i have nothing else to equip there.

my other bots are either too large or worthless.

>> No.5366031

the paralyzer gun is so broken on a support class.
as soon as I hear the stun sound, I reel them in.

>> No.5366150

>However, I would also like you guys' input on preferred weapons on Lily.
I give her two core upgrades and now I got stuck with useless saw and high cost so I can only equip one bazooka and nothing else. Feels bad man.

My only choice is to level her more if I want to use her again. Tonight, I guess.

>> No.5366379

Anyone have the stealth upgrade? How the fuck does it work exactly, I thought it prevents you from appearing on the radar, but I once ran into guy that I couldn't lock onto at all.

>>5366150 I got stuck with useless saw
You realize it also upgrades the homing beams. right?
Besides, the discs are good for charging up your WB from safe distance.

Or you can rebuild her.

>> No.5366893

Everyone on the other boards is accusing /jp/ of cheating because they can't believe that /jp/ers really have enough free time to get such high scores in just a few days.

>> No.5367079

>implying you have other activites.

>> No.5367089

>I really wish I had an artillery type to use
>Why don't I give the garapon a roll before logging off

>> No.5367763

Haters gonna hate ww.

>> No.5367781

Any clan open?

>> No.5367792

Hang around on the threads and IRC, hopefully we will be able to accommodate more people very soon.

>> No.5367871

Cool. This thread is auto saging now tho I think.

>> No.5367995

Another thread here >>5367931

>> No.5368100

Which just got fucking deleted.
So where is this irc channel?

>> No.5368148

garapon is bullshit and hates me I've rolled over 30 times and still I don't get a lily, keeps blueballing or giving me bayonets, I got a SAGII piece of shit and the M arty girl but it just won't give me LILY. I had to buy my support from the store because the garapon was being an ass.

>> No.5368238

#hotglue on rizon
