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5358392 No.5358392 [Reply] [Original]

Is falling in love with 2d wrong?

Like, I'm guessing everyone here has at some point, but does the thought that it's fucked up ever cross your mind? And what do you do about it if it does?

>> No.5358399
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Course not! happens to all of us!

>> No.5358397

It doesn't.

>> No.5358401

Nah, feels pretty good man. Stealth momo is so cute.

>> No.5358400

Yeah it's crossed my mind, but then I just stopped caring.

>> No.5358409

Not as bad as falling in love with 3D
Completely normal man
Love is just chemicals after all

>> No.5358411

It bothers me that by not having any attraction to a real woman that I will never procreate. Then I realize that I hate kids anyway, and all is right with the world.

>> No.5358416

It's just chemicals in the brain, brah.

And, you may feel attraction, but is it truly "love?"

>> No.5358422


What about the fact that society demands you go for something "real," a person who exists on this planet and not just in your mind, in order to be a productive member of society?

>> No.5358424

what is love?
baby don't hurt me
don't hurt me
no more.

>> No.5358427

Society can go fuck itself.

>> No.5358437

I know one guy who felt in love with a hooker in Streets of Rage 2, and enjoy pausing and kissing the screen as well as doing hop with her.

>> No.5358441


don't have to procreate to become a productive member of society..

>> No.5358456

>Is falling in love with 2d wrong?
Did you forget which board you're posting on?

>> No.5358455


"Get an education. Hold a job to continue the economy. Find a suitable mate to carry on your lineage and continue the species." This is what is required of a "normal and productive member of society."

So, is going against the grain the norm here?

>> No.5358464


Get a job and pay taxes! All you have to do!

>> No.5358466

Why do people still care about right and wrong when there are so many laws and social conventions to follow?

>> No.5358472

>Get an education.
Not critical. Also modern schooling does not encourage critical thinking, only conformance.

>Hold a job to continue the economy.
Money is a neccessary evil in this world, but if you don't enslave yourself to it, then it's a tolerable one.

>Find a suitable mate to carry on your lineage and continue the species.
Children suck, and there's plenty of other idiots willing to fill this world up with more humans than we need.

>> No.5358475

>Good thing
>Earth is absolutely flooded with 3dpd humans
>Drawings of naked children are forbidden/illegal

Well I'd say society is pretty fucked

>> No.5358479

The last part is a good thing though.

>> No.5358482


Studying the liberal arts actually does encourage critical thinking depending on who your teacher is. Some won't tolerate a parrot and want students to come up with their own ideas and support them, even if the teacher completely disagrees with them. Most just want to see good performance and defense of an argument.

But who actually becomes successful studying liberal arts?

>> No.5358488

In my university's bathroom we wipe our asses with liberal arts degrees.

>> No.5358491


I know people who study liberal arts and people who study sciences, and I study liberal arts myself. It won't get me far, but it's far more fun to come up with your own opinions and ideas. Many of the people I know who study sciences end up being more like robots than actual people.

>> No.5358502

We're not hurting anyone for looking at these things
It's bad to supress someones nature
That's like making being gay illegal
It's just not right, not enough freedom

>> No.5358501


Silly people thinking school Will get you somewhere... Just get a factory job like everyone else! You can live the dream now!

>> No.5358500

Fun fact: science is a part of liberal arts.

>> No.5358509

The sick of mind do not deserve freedom.

>> No.5358514

Jesus, you guys are worse than furfags with your fursecution complexes.

>> No.5358519


I don't regard things in the same way as my university does. To me, everything either has to do with ideas or numbers. I'm an English major, so I'm working with ideas. My room mates are pre-pharm, pre-med, and Computer Science. They all have to do with numbers or things that have less room for creative innovation. My computer science friend in particular doesn't seem to have that much will of his own and concerns himself only with programming.

>> No.5358531

Banning something needs to be weighed against its consequences. eg: Drug war, creating more problems than it solves.

>> No.5358540

Most comp sci people are like that though, I've never met one with a very open mind or that enjoys anything other than coding and WoW. I personally dislike coding, I find it boring and restrictive and I only learned enough to get through my classes when it's needed.

>> No.5358541

Completely different

>> No.5358545

You are probably implying "thinking up a method to cure cancer" is not the same as "coming up an idea to cure cancer." On the other hand, has reading Twilight ever saved anyone?

>> No.5358558

I know it's wrong but I dont care. Loving my 2D doesnt hurt anyone but myself, so if it makes me happy, booya

>> No.5358569


After watching that video I felt a lot better about the fact my bride will never get pregnant.

I think for humans and much of the biosphere, "losing the game of life" probably means winning.

>> No.5358573


I kind of am, but the way I see it, the whole thing about "coming up with an idea to cure cancer" seems incredibly bland. The whole scientific process of testing, retesting, and then moving on to the next logical step doesn't really allow for someone to go completely fucking nuts and do something unpredictable.

I know my degree will be useless, but I'd rather do something I enjoy and work for peanuts than do something I hate and be rich. My pre-pharm friend actually has the opposite mindset and constantly tells me he's going to hate working in pharmaceuticals but he's doing it to make money.

>> No.5358584

You are generalizing the whole "science society" based on your single friend. Visit a real research lab and open your eyes.

>> No.5358589

You are doing it right. Slaving to work, instead of enjoying life, is self-defeating.

>> No.5358607


It's just that I find working with anything concrete that can be observed to be boring. I would probably go to a research lab and find that boring, as well.

I tried reading scientific articles (had to for a writing course on nonfiction), and found them much too dense and loaded with facts to be even remotely interesting. Science would seem more fun if people said that what they were studying was too hard to understand and just defaulted to saying it was magic.

>> No.5358615

just do what feels good, anony!

>> No.5358617


Kind of ironic that I'm spending 10 weeks in a country that wholeheartedly believes in becoming a slave to the system, isn't it?

Meh, I find myself visiting Akihabara and spending my time there more often than not because it seems people are actually having fun there as opposed to the normal salaryman routine of "go to work, go to bar, go home" every day for 50 years.

>> No.5358656

I don't find it wrong, i turned down 3 3dpd girls for my 2d love, and i feel good, well it's like a real girl, but you spend money in item "for you" like figures, manga, anime dvd, and others but they don't stress you, you can hug them in any moment (dakimakura), and you can have more of them without problems.
Probably i know that i'll have to marry but i think that i'll search for a good girl that have an interest in anime and manga like me, so i can keep my 2d love, have 2 childrens and transmit my love to them.

>> No.5358662

You are not forced to marry at all, peer pressure notwithstanding. Nor will you make a good husband unless you both actually care about each other only.

>> No.5358670


www.anonmalk.se but with t instead of m in the middle e5926a1e24e42f7b0d7f40982000b389 92388

>> No.5358680


Being labeled as a fuckup and lunatic isn't something that most people don't enjoy, but I think a lot of people here have the "haters gonna hate" attitude.

>> No.5358688

A woman only needs two dimensions.

Cooking and Cleaning.

>> No.5358691

Are you implying people who don't get married are labeled as lunatics?

