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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5355655 No.5355655 [Reply] [Original]

You will never have a Sakuya bot ;_;

>> No.5355668

I came so close to giving up and uninstalling this.
I have no idea how it happened.

>> No.5355674

You got better guns?

>> No.5355678

i wasn't really interested until sakuya bot
well played anon, well played

>> No.5355681
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>> No.5355683

Probably. It really improved around the time I switched to Lily Rain.

>> No.5355701
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>> No.5355703
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>> No.5355709

Is there a good site to get skins for this? I want my flying loli to look better.

>> No.5355710
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>> No.5355713

Anyone figure out the mystery of the purple HP bars yet?

>> No.5355716

>Could not connect to server

Still this shit since the start of OB.

>> No.5355718

All I know is that the trees from last night had them too.

>> No.5355721

Absolutely now idea. I've been searching forever and all I can find are screenshots.

>> No.5355722

I been hearing that they might be from that shield equip.

>> No.5355726

Picked a starting robot that I didn't like using.
Went to check other robots at the shop. Pretty expensive.
Roll the Garapon (or whatever it's called) once - get Gothic Lolita Lily Rain. Fuckyeah.

>> No.5355732

One other idea was it was due to HP size, but I doubt a 350 point Crimrose could get in the 500 HP range.

>> No.5355737
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What mystery? Just ask someone with them.

>> No.5355739

I've been hearing that there's some money event on channel 3 or something. Trees dropping money or something, any details on that?

>> No.5355741


Maybe that is why I was having fun from the start. Lily Rain is my best, but I still can't carry my team when the suck and go off to do their own things.

>> No.5355746

But I post on /jp/, do you know how hard it would be for us to have a conversation with someone?

>> No.5355750

GM's spawn them, but servers are down and event was either moved back or cancelled for the night.

>> No.5355763

What's a good way to get money? I always seem to be pretty low on it.

>> No.5355765

Server should be up soon guys. Someone on /m/ says their twitter said so.

>> No.5355767

Missions or quests really.

>> No.5355769

Arena or aforementioned event.
Grab a double UC card from the shop though too. Lasts for an hour and makes it so each arena battle gives ~500 UC.

>> No.5355785

That's pretty much what I've been doing. Though I didn't consider the double UC card. Thanks.

>> No.5355789

I dont know, Wiz is pretty good at sticking and ganging up on the others from what i've seen.

>> No.5355802
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I can't wait till this model is implemented.

>> No.5355816

I wanna play, anything I need to know /jp/ related?

>> No.5355835

The majority of us are playing WIZ, I think.
A lot of us joined the Hotglue group but it doesn't affect gameplay.
So nothing I can think of, really.

>> No.5355836

Dodge like it's Armored Core 1-3. e.g. circle strafe, side dash. Stay with the group.

>> No.5355854

>Sorry for the maintenance delay! We've changed the hardware configuration a bit, now we're just fixing some settings... Should be done soon! 44 minutes ago

Leveling up nets a large sum of money too.

>> No.5355867 [DELETED] 

www.anonmalk.se but with t instead of m in the middle 09addd8fbf49cffdc250cd75d3edfedd 72422

>> No.5355891

does anyone have the rest of the maid parts (I have the legs) and would be willing to part with them? (for free, duh)

>> No.5355897

Let's pass maintenance time by giving each other tips.

Tip 1: Never roam the map solo. Press TAB and find the pack.

Tip 2: If your position has been overrun and/or all of your team just died, get the fuck out of there and return back to the spawn to regroup. Live to fight another day, every death hurts the team literally.

Tip 3: Don't turn your back to the enemy when they're chasing you. Retreat, but keep firing at your pursuer.

Tip 4: Don't get over-confident. Don't chase people too far, they'll lead you right into their pack.

Tip 5: Protect your team's flanks. If your whole team is putting fire down a choke-point, keep watch of your other flanks. A good team will always outflank you and you'll get wiped if they catch you by surprise.

Overall: Stick together, gang up on people, and watch each others' backs.

>> No.5355907

Never do the battle the mini-ark quest unless you want to be covered in bees.

>> No.5355909

Only certain ranks though.

>> No.5355911

Tip 6: http://www.cosmicbreak.com/commu/?m=pc&a=page_h_ranking&kind=friend

>> No.5355923

To go along with tip 2, try to kill some objects to find the health restores while you hide.

>> No.5355932

Tip 7: Get Purple HP bar.

>> No.5355936

I have yet to give this a first go (which I'll do tomorrow, as it's 6.45 AM already), but any tips for a fast melee bot? Mainly bad things to avoid so I don't fuck up.

Thanks in advance

>> No.5355939

I have been wondering for a while now, how do you do this?

>> No.5355943

I've been trying to figure this out myself.
No one seems to actually know what it is.

>> No.5355945

Saved some copy pasta on /v/ an hour or so ago, it includes
>22. Some enemies have a shield you have to get through first. This shows up as purple in their health bar.

I could post all of it if you want it.

>> No.5355948

Play loli Air
Max Fly
Get the Sword bit and a rapier or some sword.
Don't be hit while zooming around.

Propeller bit and rapier might work, since the rapier has multi hit while you're in the air.

>> No.5355950

Is it the shield that you can just buy at the shop? I could really use some type of shield for my weak crimrose.

>> No.5355960

Its a shield i think, could be an item.

>> No.5355962

Will /jp/ still play this game when the "Buy stuff" for money is implemented?

I think some of /jp/ still plays Mabinogi and Aika, maybe even ECO.

Also, Bazookas are the best weapon in this game.

>> No.5355963

So it is the shield part isn't it?
That means that 4200 wasn't spent in vain.

>> No.5355965

A couple of the mechs have non-weapon parts which can be used as weapons. The starting Land robot has a melee combat part and starts with a sword.
No idea if it's any good, though.

>> No.5355975



>> No.5355978

Mabinogi is nearly completely free. They only really charge you to keep your guild.

>> No.5355984

Might as well post it.

>> No.5355988


I was under the impression /jp/ loved lolis.

Don't you need to rebirth to become a loli again? I was pretty sure if you wanted to change age (unless it's 17) you'd have to buy a card.

>> No.5355990

So, does anyone know how to equip 2 guns? I have seen vids of crimrose firing two guns but when I equip one on each arm it just lets me use one at a time.

>> No.5355999

Rebirth has been free for a long time now.

>> No.5356002

Press left and right mouse buttons simultaneously while standing still.

>> No.5356004

M1+M2 or CTRL+M1.

>> No.5356008

Press the left and right click buttons on your mouse at the same time.

You can switch weapons by pressing shift + left click.

>> No.5356010

Hold left+right mouse buttons at the same time. I can't move while doing this.
Supposedly Ctrl+left click works too.

>> No.5356013






>> No.5356021

This game is so fun, but the customization is really confusing. Also, i'm playing like it's armored core, (dashing left and right multiple times to evade enemy fire) but it's not working. I have high TGH or whatever it was called but I seem to always get stuck.

>> No.5356022

Sorry, it seems as though my question has been misunderstood. I equip a gun on each arm in the garage, but when I get in a game both guns go into the left arm and my right arm is empty.

>> No.5356024

If you have more than one secondary weapon, they're switched with Shift+Right click.
You can also quickly and temporarily use your next Secondary by holding E and right clicking.

>> No.5356028

Except Stock Aquila's have like 3 bars and don't have purple health.

>> No.5356035

> both guns go into the left arm and my right arm is empty

What? Sounds like some bug.

>> No.5356039

Must be a bug. Unless you mean the weapon indicators at the bottom right. The left of which always shows primary weapons and the right always secondary.

>> No.5356042


It's no bug. I'm thinking one arm is for Range weapons and the other is strictly for melee.

>> No.5356044

Play like a pussy. Stay on the out skirts of the skirmish plinking people with your pea shooter. When you see some one with only a health bar run in and sword them.


If you're in a big group use your sword to stun bitches up while everyone shoots that guy.

Always go for the arts first they're weak to melee. They'll be in the back, sneak around slap him up a bit run out. Don't try to kill him unless he's already low or alone. As soon as the other team notices back out.

>> No.5356045

Main weapons are always on M1. Subweapons like shoulder mounted rocket launchers/swords are on M2.

>> No.5356046

What is the ratio of robot types in Hot Glue?

>> No.5356050

I've been trying ctrl + M1 but it doesn't seem to work for me. Does it work for anyone else?

Can't use M1 + M2 because that adjusts speed settings on my mouse.

>> No.5356057


>> No.5356060

somebody said something about pressing E while you fire

>> No.5356065

So should i play this with a gamepad or with the mouse and keyboard?

>> No.5356066


What the hell is this? A story behind my loli robots?

>> No.5356068

I think that only lets you use your next secondary.

>> No.5356083

I've no idea. The silverish haired one matches one posted earlier in the thread, but suddenly generic accident, generic hospital, then suddenly hellspawn.

>> No.5356088

Nope, that hasn't ever been the case. The free rebirth lets you go down to age 10. You just can't change your look without a paid card.

>> No.5356093

Guild mean absolutely nothing in this game other than to have an icon next to your name. Your allegiance is to your faction, WIZ, BRD or DOS. You fight as a faction, not a guild.

>> No.5356118

Nope. You can hold a gun in each hand.
You probably are just putting them both on the same arm, with that one arm item.

Else it's a bug. I can hold a gun in each hand and fire them both.

>> No.5356119

Us WIZ are actually top faction, which is pretty impressive considering /v/ is not our ally.

>> No.5356129


Take a picture of how you do it cause I'm honestly wondering how to wield 2 guns at the same time.

I'm so bored.

>> No.5356135

/v/ is too unorganized and they are by themselves

>> No.5356139

put them on left and right arms and hold down both mouse buttons, I don't do that usually because AIR will drop out of flight and into a cesspool of rocket spammers and then I'll be fucked because AIR aren't able to lift off when constantly taking damage

>> No.5356145

I can confirm that you can hold two guns at the same time. Just open your default bot and replace the melee weapon with a gun. Shift click will switch which gun fires with M1, and left click + right click will fire both at the same time, although doing this forces your bot to stop moving.

>> No.5356146


I can do that, but I can't move at the same time. Is that the only way?

>> No.5356155

that's the only way to fire both at the same time use SHIFT + left click to alternate them

>> No.5356157

Also, I'm pretty sure wiz has a lot more people. That and if you actually play games with /v/(other FOTM shit, tf2, ,etc), you'll learn that only about 5ish% of /v/ is actually good at games.

>> No.5356159

That is exactly what I have been doing. Maybe crimrose just has to have a gun and a sword for some reason.

>> No.5356163

Actually, /v/ is quite organized. They are very helpful with the newbies.

>> No.5356164

My Crimrose does it just fine.

>> No.5356166

I tried to give my starter loli bot two guns, but she refused to dual fire. I figured the guns were just too big for her, or the dress part won't allow it, since it's already her default sub weapon

>> No.5356169

well wiz is voiced by TEH RIE TANAKA which means /a/ which has the most population is on board and they are balanced skill/population wise because of their closer relationship with tohou and other doujin games

>> No.5356171

/v/ just sucks at most games. Last year they suggested DFO, and they ragequit because it was too grindy.

>> No.5356172

You can fire as many main weapons as you have equipped for the "full assault mode"

>> No.5356175

some weapons like the laser will run out of the ammo clip before dual burst kicks in

>> No.5356178

Is anybody else having trouble getting the voices to work in this game? Everything works fine including sounds and music, but for some reason I can't hear voices. And yes, I have turned up the voice volume in sound settings.

>> No.5356181

What the... This isn't the cosmicbreak I'm playing.

I've had 3 sub weapons before. I've currently got a Lily Rain with 2 subs and 3 primary (including her inbuilt weapons). All work fine simultaneously.

>> No.5356185


I think DOS would be the best cause /m/ was in it.
I guess I overestimated their "expertise" in mecha.

>> No.5356190

Most of /m/ is Tokufags nows.

>> No.5356203

Anyone else find it unbelievably amusing when you're in lobby, find someone and just shoot them until they shoot you back?

I don't know why, but I spent about 2 hours in the lobby just doing this.

>> No.5356206

Be flying. Be firing with left click. Tap the right mouse button to fire both guns. Continue flying. Repeat. I can usually stay airborne if I only double fire a bit.

And if it wasn't clear, pressing the right mouse button while holding the left is sufficient to double fire.


>> No.5356209

I never could tell if they were actually PVPing or not.

>> No.5356210

Yeah, it's surprisingly entertaining.

>> No.5356215

>Kritzinger's Diary
>Today my father hit me while I was on the family computer. He told me that girls didn't belong on the computer. I'm really lonely. I hope I find nice friends on here.

>Waiting for my white knight, Kritz

I lol'd.

>> No.5356218

we have a population advantage, and DOS was in first place for a while, we just overtook them in the long run.

>> No.5356219


More fun if you have a bazooka. Find a loli, explode her, she shoots you back with an little automatic gun. How cute!

>> No.5356222
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>Failed to connect to server. Shutting down.

>> No.5356224



>> No.5356227

What's more fun is pushing someone with a melee weapon while they're afk.

I pushed someone to the corner of the map once. It was a Touhou so it was probably one of you guys.

I also tried to push a group of people into the water together to make a party but they kept jumping out before I could even get two or three in.

>> No.5356228


Extended maintenance.

Please don't turn into NEXON.

>> No.5356230

she added me as soon as I joined hotglue for no reason lol

>> No.5356232

DOS was first place for a whole 30 minutes.

>> No.5356234

Oh so that was you.

I hate you.

>> No.5356236

they were in first for a good 12+hrs in channel 3
are you talking about channel ranking or overall ranking?

>> No.5356239

So who, out of impulse picked Jikun Hu because they thought he was a flat girl with short hair?

>> No.5356240

I hope the Touhous aren't from /jp/. Most of the ones I've seen talk like they're straight out of gaia.

>> No.5356242

in voice chat on the very bottom enable radio and enable output to max

>> No.5356246

Started reading all his diary entries and see what people replied to it.

>> No.5356247

Wait what. Its not a flat girl with short hair!?

>> No.5356248

I've been jumping on peoples' heads lately

I also tried to get two huge mechs to stand close so I could get stuck bumping back and forth between them as a tiny lolibot, but one always moves.

>> No.5356249


Me, and you can't believe how mad I was after I found out. I would've picked Lily.

>> No.5356250

I picked him 'cause I thought he'd be the most versatile.
But I also thought he was female. Massive disappointment.
Why can't we have his older sister?

>> No.5356253

The first time I played this, I was grouped with a bunch of XD-fags. Then, I found some 4chan bros and actually had fun.

>> No.5356256

Me. So confused when I heard the voice clips.

>> No.5356261

I always figured his older sister was CrimRose. Could be wrong though, I didn't really look into it.

>> No.5356264

PROTIP: Let two of your characters stay at max exp and the third will get the full value. (that is, if each would get 50, instead one gets 150.)

>> No.5356268

Only idiots who didn't read his description that refers to him as a he.

>> No.5356271

I did, but I don't mind a trap is fine too.

>> No.5356273
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His sister is in the back right of this image.

>> No.5356276

Because grind=skill amirite...

I also put a bow in his hair until I read his description.




>> No.5356277

I honestly thought it was a typo. I actually laughed a bit because I thought a lolasiangame had used the wrong pronoun.

How wrong I was ;_;

>> No.5356278

I skimmed over it quickly. Can't believe I missed the gender.

>> No.5356279

Reimu here. I can't wait to log onto my +20 fly crimrose and start wrecking people :3c

>> No.5356280


I'm fairly confident HG alone could beat /v/ at most games.

/v/ might be big but it's also really fucking casual and full of underage kiddies. /jp/ is full of NEETs who excel at dominating the early game for any game because we are all obsessive and play too much.

>> No.5356283


Who reads those? Honestly, I thought Jikun Hu was a tomboy loli, and I picked him.

>> No.5356284

One to the right of Crimrose?
Also, brb fapping.

>> No.5356285

Damn. We really should have got her.

>> No.5356293


So none of them are flat?

This is disappointing.

>> No.5356298

Is that Yukari Tamura I hear?

>> No.5356300

Support loli is pretty close. See the post in the other thread.
I think so.

>> No.5356301

So who's the one leaning on his head?

>> No.5356304


Where is my delicious centaur Lazflamme?

>> No.5356305

Support Loli.

>> No.5356308

Anyone ever take off the girls' legs and then have it in walk motion in the garage preview? You should try it if you haven't.

>> No.5356309

The support unit from the shop. Don't know her name.

>> No.5356311

I like how support is teasing him and how his sister notices he's down in the water because of his boner

>> No.5356314

Standing next to Lily.

>> No.5356316

she's not actually 4 legged the back legs are actually her boosters

>> No.5356319


>> No.5356326

And you can put on an extra pair so you can have 6 legs, one humping the other.

>> No.5356332

You will never be a sexy cyborg samurai ;_;

>> No.5356341

Curse you, Japan. I want her too.
Though I'd change the facial decoration.

>> No.5356343

I actually got the Lazflamme LOUD from the slot machine. Blonde Lazflamme ftw

>> No.5356353

Is there a way to select alternate skins for the other mechs like when you get your first mech?

>> No.5356366


Who is that beauty and how much would I have to pay to get her?

>> No.5356368

You can edit the colours of individual parts and (for a cost, I think) you can edit the bitmaps.

>> No.5356370

No if you mean the hair. You have to buy/win them separately, they're treated as a different mech. Other than that, almost everything else can be changed in the paint shop.

>> No.5356374

Yuyuko here. My robot has a school swimsuit, that is good enough for me.

>> No.5356375

Some brand new character. You'll probably have to wait years for her to be implemented here.

>> No.5356379


Pictures and a step by step guide on how to do that, please.

>> No.5356382


Can someone explain this to me? If I upgrade, do I have the choice to keep the blonde version?

>> No.5356385

Someone on the Hotglue community page uploaded the skin. For Crimrose only.

>> No.5356391

>Nu Crimrose
Do want.
So how do I get one?

>> No.5356392

I meant the whole skin pattern thing. When you choose your first three, you get to choose from three preset skins. I know you can edit them, but I want to see the other default skins. (My crimrose has the heart cheeks and thong)

Come to think of it, they have to be stored somewhere. How to access them, I wonder?

>> No.5356398

I know what you mean now. I've not seen anywhere else to access them but I've not tried much customization.

>> No.5356402

i wish to have the sakuya armored core

>> No.5356409


Since the skins normally are cs2, and no cs2 files are in the folder, I think they're packaged in the data files. Tough luck.

>> No.5356411

The top one costs 150,000UC, the other two cost real monies.

>> No.5356415

I know, but how do I access the top one? Something about lv 8 normal Crimrose and an item?

>> No.5356425

It's probably not implemented in the beta yet.

>> No.5356442

You use the item you buy with the money

>> No.5356444

Alas, it seems Nu Crimrose will always be beyond my reach then.

>> No.5356465
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>Should be done soon! about 2 hours ago via web

>> No.5356478

3 hours pass and still it's still in maintenance.

>> No.5356487
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>> No.5356508

IGN Marisa here, anyone know where I can find Marisa's skin?

>> No.5356509


>> No.5356525


It requires the polygon tool, it probably was never distributed.

>> No.5356529
File: 43 KB, 640x480, cb_t1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5356546

It's up.

>> No.5356560

No it isn't
I need that raymoo skin~ :3c

>> No.5356563

Can't even connect to the server anymore.

>> No.5356567

>A few problems came up with the new system, so we're still working on it... sorry for the long delay!

>> No.5356569

They updated on twitter 15 minutes ago...

But I'll be damned its already 2:30 AM in the east cost... and I need the money to get the stuff I want.

Oh wait im a NEET so it doesn't matter...

>> No.5356583



It took me nearly an entire day to figure out what was missing from the game, MUSIC. All the levels are filled with is the sound of my and my teammates shooting
that's right sound effects still work, but EVERYTHING ELSE DOESN'T

>> No.5356586

I hope they're still holding the event after this, but I wouldn't be surprised if its canceled.

>> No.5356594

Just put on IOSYS in the background. Problem solved.

>> No.5356595

Maybe you turned down the music volume on accident.

>> No.5356596

You're missing out, too, the OST is probably the best I've heard for an MMO

>> No.5356601


Nope, it's jacked up all the way to the right as much as possible. . .

>> No.5356603

Where do I get toohoo skins?

>> No.5356634

Poking around for help. My fps is really weird.
60 in quest, and otherwise "empty" areas. Town is 60 until I get in range of a bunch of people, which then drops to the 20s. Looking to an empty area brings it back to 60. Arena is just fine in the starting area, but it hits the 20s as soon as I get to the fight. I should meet the recommended specs, so I don't know what the problem is.

>> No.5356643

Turn off the shadow thing

>> No.5356648


>> No.5356652

I believe there was a setting in the options to allocate more memory, could that solve your problem?

>> No.5356660

/jp/ NEET squad - waiting from day until night for the beta to come back on!

Let's group up and overpower the other night players with our neetery!~

>> No.5356669

nvidia 8400m GS It's shit, but it should be more than enough.
Did that, but it didn't change much.
I've no clue what the memory option does, but it uses the same amount in the task manager whether it's on low or high. Doesn't help either.

>> No.5356675

Sounds like a pretty NEET idea

>> No.5356677

I hope they fix the fucking login problem. I'm so jealous of seeing you guys playing it.

>> No.5356684

Server has been down for the last few hours for extended emergency maintenance.

>> No.5356689

There is no login problem you type your game ID and not your email in login, it's also CASE SENSITIVE

>> No.5356700

No, I'm talking about other issue. I can't access the update server since the beginning of open beta. I see some other people complaining about it and sent an e-mail to the support only to receive a answer with "please keep trying, we are sorry". Almost 2 days already.

>> No.5356725
File: 237 KB, 492x541, 1276323916803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do people do this kind of stuff?

>> No.5356735

I think that's the GM loli bot?

>> No.5356743

disable firewall, anti virus, portforward and other shit i guess.
There is clearly nothing wrong with their update server and it is on your side.

>> No.5356755

You know what really sucks?

More than half of the bots we are using right now are going to be CASHSHOPONLY

>> No.5356758


I want it nonetheless. Is it possible to paint over the mech and make it look like that?

>> No.5356763

I only use the most basic bots! The joke will be on you all when your hax robos are gone and I'm super pro with my starters!


>> No.5356769

How do you get them anyway?
I already spent 8k on the lottery and they only gave me shit.
My starter bots are still better.

>> No.5356777

These bots level up better.

>> No.5356789

Can you elaborate and details please?

>> No.5356799

Already did all of that. Still the same problem

>> No.5356802

Better abilities when you pick the card things.

>> No.5356820

I only go for capacity upgrade most of the time so I can equip better weapon.

>> No.5356825

you can max out explosion resistance and artys will be like WTF when you take their rocket hits and then proceed to steam roll them over

>> No.5356829

Artys can do the same thing and upgrade their shell resistance.
Guess I will play more lottery and find a keeper.

>> No.5356833

Someone said that the 8X00 series as a whole has trouble with this game, to the point it won't even run for some. That's probably the problem, knowing my luck...

>> No.5356835

You can only upgrade your bots 5 times?

>> No.5356838

Fags with Saggitary Maxis II Gold needs to stop using them as a melee when you're an artillery bot

>> No.5356844

You have to get level unlock cards

>> No.5356845

they can go up to level 10 with the level items.

>> No.5356848

>I got destroyed by a melee arty mech bawww

>> No.5356852

Where did you find a skin for that? I can't ever find good skins.

>> No.5356853

Not really. Looking at that japanese wiki, the majority are garapon, so unless that costs real money.

>> No.5356855

you can do that with stock with the lvl unlimiters

>> No.5356867

It won't.

>> No.5356874

So anyone can recommend me some good bots with good core weapon from the lottery so I know which bots to keep and which to scrap?

>> No.5356875

I hope not. (it does in the japanese wiki)

>> No.5356894

They're easy kills. Just asking to get shot up by being big and gold on the front lines with the wrong type.

>> No.5356937

What weapons do people prefer for artillery types? I usually get top 5 with the ancient bazooka but I know I could be doing better. Theres usually one guy in each match that is always first and has 2-3x more points than everyone else. Usually an air type though.

I want to try a medium or large type for the better weapon selection, but the few I've seen are usually easy kills and a perfect target for mortar shots.

>> No.5356948

I used musket.
Once I finished my ammo, I am shit tier.

>> No.5357122

I carry around a Handy Bazooka and an Armor Breaker on my Lily Rain, but I'm probably not supposed to do that.

>> No.5357349


Bazooka all the way.

>> No.5357379

It's up.


>> No.5357406


>> No.5357443

bout fucking time.

>> No.5357489

Is 800x600 the highest res you can go?

>> No.5357505

>could not connect to the server.

>> No.5357519
File: 305 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20100612_1050_00_208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Double handy bazooka + missile pod worked for me so far.

>> No.5357536

Why wouldn't you play something that's not so shitty? Like s4?
Oh, right, you can't make hotglue clans and recruit 200retards from imageboards there.

>> No.5357546

>Not shitty.
I don't think so, bro.

>> No.5357570
File: 26 KB, 519x253, It's shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5357578

>mmo faggot
>can't read
Just as expected.

>> No.5357587

Any /jp/ers still not in a clan? Post your IGNs so I can invite you.

5/15 so far

>> No.5357590

What the fuck, am i the only one who can't connect to the server after the maintenance?

>> No.5357606
File: 385 KB, 719x886, CosmicBreak Community_1276167472132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"/jp/" clan

>> No.5357614
File: 202 KB, 656x879, such a moe neko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmmm, maybe I should give this game a try...

Can I join the /jp/ clan if I do?

>> No.5357616

it's not shit, it's just full of noob who use cash shop and pretending to be strong with server full of hacker...yeah it's not shit, ony the community is

>> No.5357632

wow menus load <5 seconds for me now

>> No.5357633

You're from /a/, you have a trip, of course you can join!

>> No.5357636

>>From /a/

You're new around here, aren't you?

>> No.5357638

how do you get a good view of your character like that to screenshot it?

>> No.5357639

People with trips should be barred from joining anything, they are the most obnoxious. Tablecat is an exception.

>> No.5357643

am i the only one who gets a lot of lag? people teleport all the time.

>> No.5357651

Needin' help here. It was working fine before the maintenance.

>> No.5357653

Oh, right. You're just a touhou/irc/figurine faggot, that explains why I haven't seen you before.
Anyway, enjoy your angel beats!! and >implying in super awesome totally /jp/ clan.

>> No.5357670

Ugh. What a HORRIBLE event. Can't even tell if I'm damaging those fucking trees.

And 10 fps. Goddamn 8400m GS why won't you work on this simple game.

>> No.5357764

Holy shit, I just got about 200k from this in 10 minutes.

>> No.5357785

from what? and where is it?

>> No.5357880

Blue keys fucking where?!

>> No.5357893

>two fucking phoenixes spamming shit everywhere
ghost trees and in the quest world thing at ground level.

>> No.5357947

The phoenixes are actually useful if you need to die to respawn with more ammo.

>> No.5357964
File: 49 KB, 480x360, 1274155097073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5357973

Reported for greentext bullshit on /jp/.

>> No.5357978
File: 83 KB, 802x598, aassdd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5358030

>No one but 4chan watched DBZ also 4chan made the youtube video that started the fad.

>> No.5358062

400k gone because you can't even get a key. Great.

>> No.5358065

Kajet goes to 4chan you know

>> No.5358117

went around that place for a while, but didn't see even one tree. do i need to be on a specific channel?

>> No.5358160
File: 538 KB, 1910x1147, cosmicbreak_schedule.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The event only takes place in channel 3, its over now though.

The next money event isn't until next week.

>> No.5358264

Could not connect to server.
Okay what?

>> No.5358272

well i managed to find 3 trees, but the fuckers were too tough. 0 damage with bazookas, 1 with sword.

also what's with those stupid fucks talking out loud in channel 3?

>> No.5358278

They're the GMs

>> No.5358303

Everyone goes to 4chan, you know. It is not a secret clubhouse since 2004.

>> No.5358314

Hell yeah, double exp and cybergold all weekend

>> No.5358325

What's the quickest way to level?

>> No.5358443

Get two of your robots to max exp, and instead of leveling them, leave them that way. That way, one robot gets all the exp instead of it being split.

As for exp, spam the arena like that for like 100~150 exp per round.

>> No.5358577

Same problem here. It only started after the maint. WHAT THE FUCK.

>> No.5358586

get the double experience item too. with that i get up to 400-500 exp per battle.

>> No.5358632

What does the Memory Size option do?

>> No.5358745

You guys should play this game because one of the GMs is a /jp/er

>> No.5358755

Well that explains all the spam.

>> No.5358761


>> No.5359194
File: 298 KB, 1280x960, ScreenShot_20100612_1149_02_565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god, that Hotglue is you guys right?, so stylin'

>> No.5359196

/jp/ will always have the most CP.

>> No.5359199

I think it makes the game allocate more memory for itself. I could swear the menus work faster now that I set it to max.

>> No.5359202

I actually feel bad about leveling my loli. She's already at 800+ cost, if I got all the things I want on her, I'd probably uninstall in shame after dieing in the arena.

>> No.5359203

I just got a support character.

It's fun to be a little healbot :3

>> No.5359211

Fuck, that maintenance means I missed the cash event again, right?

>> No.5359223

I love the fact that this is a game about loli robots and Union rank is determined by who has the most CP

>> No.5359245

Does leveling up match you with higher ranked players? I was doing a lot better at level 0 than 4.

>> No.5359256

Is it too late to get into the game? All I heard at the beginning was that this was a disappointment like FEZ, but now it's apparently not?

>> No.5359268

>go to match
>it's an okay map, no trees though
>slowly build my wonder bit through shootin' bad guys
>entire team runs away from me.


>> No.5359275

Leveling up your robots or your ID? There are level restricted rooms for people with ID level 7 and below, but that's about it.

Not too late by any means since it's not one of those silly Corean grindan games where you need to work 10 hours each day just to be able to play with your friends. So far it seems a lot of people are disappointed in it, and alot of people enjoy it very much (I'm on the enjoys it very much side). If you have the time, try it out, at worst you'll waste a couple hours retexturing your lolibots.

>> No.5359287

Use the healing radio command
Also making 900 UC and 800 EXP in one battle, so good.

>> No.5359296


I'm going to have to say that there's actually a kind of... secret appeal to the game.

On the initial appraisal, I played this game for about 2 hours and said "eh, it's okay, but shit. I'm not playing again." - come 6 hours later, I feel like playing it again.

Soon enough, a couple hours into it, i'm really feeling the game, and now I'm enjoying it almost all day. Even now, i'm typing to you between rounds.

It's not the only thing I play, but it's pretty good. We'll have to see how they shit up the cash shop, though.

>> No.5359323

most people don't even know what the support types do.

Anyway, I tried the Laser that Yuyuko recommended for air types, and it definitely runs out of ammo quickly, but it is crazy accurate. I'm sticking with wide beam for now.
wide beam + mini bazooka on a Crimrose is dangerous.
I've been playing as Xiph.

Its a nice change from FEZ, but I think I like FEZ better. I can't play FEZ with a trackpad on a laptop though, so its out.

>> No.5359339

>On the initial appraisal, I played this game for about 2 hours and said "eh, it's okay, but shit. I'm not playing again." - come 6 hours later, I feel like playing it again.

I think many of the people that dropped it approached it with the wrong mindset, this isn't really an mmo that you can play all day or hang out with people in, just a simple game you can enjoy in small doses - a couple matches every so often between VNs or what have you.

As for the cash shop, we can already assume what it'll be like, with repair/ammo restore items and upgrades available only to paying players. It's a pretty big advantage, but I doubt they'll be used by people to the point of ruining our enjoyment. Probably only for guild matches between SERIOUS BUSINESS people, and the odd jerk that just has to have his name up there every match.

>> No.5359401

Sad. That means this game is going to die after beta, then.

>> No.5359436

It'll die before then. Beta is a whole month, most people will find a new fotm or simply lose interest, and the people that stay till the end will like the game enough to put up with some unfairness.

>> No.5359506

>doesn't do missions or quests
>doesn't win in the arena

>> No.5359833

it seems like the only reason wiz is winning is because we are all fighting each other in the shuffle games.
+60-100 points for wiz every game.

>> No.5359920

I had a level 4 robot and two 0's. When I took the 4 our for another 0, I suddenly started getting positive scores and not getting removed from games.

>> No.5360046

This game has QUESTS?

Also, fuck your missions. Everyone always passwords their shit or they take hours to start.

>> No.5360056

if you see a hotglue named mission, the password is probably "slut"

>> No.5360712

Does /jp/ play on any particular channel?

>> No.5360913

People must have gotten bored already because I can't even remember the last time I ranked in the top 10 in arena. Any bot / gear / combat tips?

>> No.5360954

new thread >>5360055
