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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5348695 No.5348695 [Reply] [Original]

What can a Japanese degree get you in life? No, serious question. I've no motivation for anything, I'm not good at anything, and the only thing that makes me stand out is the fact that I know basic grammar and about 200 kanji.

Aside from that, I have nothing going for me, so I figured I'd build up on what I at least have some sort of foundation in.

Anyone here actually do anything with Japanese? I'd even go as low as to be some translator for shit that's Tokyopop tier.

>> No.5348703

Are you implying anyone on /jp/ knows Japanese past kana, basic gramar, and a few hundred kanji?

>> No.5348702


>> No.5348709

You won't get shit. The best thing I can really see someone doing is working as a liason in a big company which does business in Japan, working as a interpreter and cultural advisor.

Or you could move to Japan and teach English, but good luck getting a visa.

I would suggest you get a real major instead.

>> No.5348707

Not a normalfag, otherwise I'd actually have something that I was good at or something that interested me and could land me a respectable job.

I've been leeching off my parents for 3 years, but they're timed of my shit and think I've had enough time to sort through my feelings and find my "calling in life."

>> No.5348718

Honestly, pretty much nothing.

You know how people always laugh a liberal arts degrees? This is the same thing. A large waste of time and money.

>> No.5348741

There is no "dream job"

You have no "calling"

Go to college, pick something you can do somewhat well and do it.

Reality is bullshit with the monetary system

This is why we lust for/pretend we're little girls in our spare time. Life is shit

>> No.5348743

You can probably become a gay porn star for Japanese porn. They like gaijins in porn, and that's pretty much all they like them for. Assuming you have an average dick size (that's big enough for them) and you're gay (you are gay, aren't you?)

>> No.5348746

I am doing an engineering degree with a japanese minor. I don't think japanese alone would be good for...anything. But taking it in conjunction with something else will open up a lot of unique things to you.

>> No.5348751

I'm gay and have an average size dick. I also don't mind getting various sexually transmitted diseases. Where do I sign up?

>> No.5348762

This. Just like Emiry and that other bitch...Magibon? Whatever. The only career path you can get is Japanese porn. Only gay Japanese porn though, because there's no way they'll have disgusting gaijin fucking their women. They need to be shown their place, so get ready to be tied up and bukkake'd on while a live squid that was soaked in a bucket of sperm for 24 hours is inserted into your rectum.

>> No.5348774

I have a fetish for every single thing you listed. Fuck yes.

>> No.5348778
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>while a live squid that was soaked in a bucket of sperm for 24 hours is inserted into your rectum.

>> No.5348784

A teaching job, maybe.

>> No.5348792

Your english is good, teach english wherever

>> No.5348815

If I had no motivation, the first thing I'd do is try to find some.

>> No.5348817
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>> No.5348828

No, really. Once you do that, everything else will fall into place.

>> No.5348839

How do you "find" motivation? Sounds like something a pretentious scholar would say. Much like OP's parents talking about a "calling in life"

>> No.5348872

Fuck if I know. I don't understand how someone can have nothing they want to achieve.

>> No.5348887

you find motivation by doing things that you like doing.

If you are content living in a room being a NEET why do you need motivation. If you're happy you're happy. That is all that matters
Unless you want to reproduce.

>> No.5348892

But my parents are kicking me out...

>> No.5348897
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Good luck and godspeed.

>> No.5348899

Sounds like pretty good motivation to become as comfortable as possible living alone to me.

>> No.5348905

I'm too scared to suicide. I'm just a frail and spoiled brat who doesn't want to do anything with his life.

>> No.5348909

that's not a deagle

>> No.5348917

You should start accepting the fact that you're going to have to get a shit job you won't like right now. Hopefully by the time they actually kick you out, you'll be resigned to your fate and have some sort of job lined up.

>> No.5348926

You could live off of welfare and get extra income translating porn for /jp/.

>> No.5348947

I suspect that learning Japanese would look good on a resume.
Find something your good at. Having no motivation isn't an excuse you bitch. Especially not if your learning motherfucking Japanese.

Translating a manga or whatever means you have to be in the right place.
Find a job, find a career that would be interesting and work yourself up not that that's what I plan on doing with my life, of course.

>> No.5349009

You want honesty?

I was a Japanese and English double major, now in an Ivy for Law. Let me go ahead and be brutally honest and mean:

- Japanese is nice to know, but hard to put into practice, work-wise. As I've told people interested in the major before, get another skill, then learn Japanese. Never ever major in Japanese alone, it's a ticket to working as a teacher in some backwoods joint.
- However, ironically, if you do have another skill, knowing Japanese makes you look good and very intelligent, presuming you can keep the weeaboo out of it. Treat the goddamn major academically, not like some sort of lifestyle. If you can, choose a program that requires a final dissertation and research, not a language focused major. If you aren't writing over 50 pages of research for permission to graduate, you're probably doing it wrong.
- Go to fucking Japan. Do it. Do not study the language without going to Japan, and ideally studying at a university (Kansai Gaidai, Tokyo, et al). The gaijin students over there are asswipes, but you will learn a lot.
- Speaking of students, most Japanese majors are fucking insane. Some are chill, some are fucking looney.
- Again, HAVE ANOTHER MAJOR. For fuck sakes. If I was a religious man, I'd thank God every single night for not being simply a Japanese major. I know some, they don't have jobs and they live in their parents house watching anime as hikki.

Feel free to ask questions. I know I'm harsh, I'm just trying to shock you into understanding things early so you don't fuck up.

>> No.5349053

I'm not good at anything though...

>> No.5349063

Learn CS. Shit's easy as hell. Anyone can be a codemonkey. It works well with Japanese too, because Japan's in the tech sector.

>> No.5349094

Neither are most people who go to college. If you study something enough, you'll BECOME good at it. That's the whole point of going, isn't it? Just choose something you have a mild interest in and work your ass off to complete it. There's no reason you can't keep learning Japanese on the side, if you're already doing that now. Good luck, my friend.

>> No.5349148

i like you

>> No.5349322

Is there a lot of math involved? I'm terrible at math

>> No.5349609

Bumping as I'm in a similar position

>> No.5350060

>What can a Japanese degree get you in life?
Well, I'm not quite sure what it alone can get you except being a translator. So,
>get another skill, then learn Japanese
pretty much this.
As for me, I'm a medical university dropout (learned enough to get into the industry if I really wanted though) taking Japanese due to lack of visual/light novel translators. The Japanese make nice medical equipment and there's good market for it here in Russia, so it's kinda skill synergy for me. I don't see how knowledge of Japanese by itself is capable of making good money unless you invest a shitload of your resources into it first.

>> No.5350065

Not really. But don't learn programming, there's a slim chance I might end up working with you and it sounds like I'd end up fixing shit you break.

>> No.5350069

A teacher. Get a bachelors or a masters and you can at least teach high school or community college at some dump. Alternatively you could just get a degree in English, and teach high school / community college (especially ones in areas which cater to ESL people). Actually you could get the bachelors in Japanese and then still just teach English. Two of my close friends have gone abroad to teach English. One to Russia, one to China. And all either of them had was a bullshit BA (one in Music and one in Art). Doesn't take very much to teach a language.

>> No.5350074

Learn CS but don't learn programming, huh? Riiight.
You need to do a fuckton of math-related courses to pass any degree in CS. At least at my uni you did. In practice you don't need a whole lot of math.

>> No.5350076

The idea of a former NEET taking a teaching job, and enjoying it, is laughable.

>> No.5350079

There's no point in learning math you aren't going to use. Way too many people take CS degrees when a degree without all the math would be more appropriate.

>> No.5350089

Not really. Not all NEETs have crippling social anxiety. I don't have any problem making casual conversation with strangers whenever I have to be outside.

>> No.5350097

>There's no point in learning math you aren't going to use.
I agree completely. I hated doing it and don't consider it to have helped me at all. There is no "CS degree without the math" though.

>> No.5350099

OP, become a master pastry chef and learn Japanese at a community college.

>> No.5350101

There was where I learned. Provided you were okay with the CS majors looking down on you.

>> No.5350179

