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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5342717 No.5342717 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5342718


>> No.5342735

Where exactly does LS post his works? I want them.

>> No.5342739

He's got a deviantart, and he posted a few pics on his twitter account.

>> No.5342747

Damn. OK thanks...

>> No.5342778 [DELETED] 


Get the FUCK out.

>> No.5345742


>> No.5345765

>I prefer Walfas

>> No.5345778

Stop it

>> No.5345793

In a way, yes. Walfas is funny in a cute way. An obvious joke that is still enjoyable because your favourite Touhous act it out cutely.

Litteshit is just unfunny.

>> No.5345801


>> No.5345803
File: 53 KB, 416x580, 1275379557020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, /jp/. I'm a namefag, and I support Littleshrimp with every cell in this cancer filled body of mine.

>> No.5345829

I am divided about my feelings for LittleShrimp. Sometimes it works quite well, other times it doesn't.

Oh well. I still like it more than some/most moeshit. At least LittleShrimp isn't playing shit for fanservice and has a fairly unique style. I support that.

>> No.5345833
File: 20 KB, 100x107, idontknowwhattocallthisface3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying LittleShrimp is unfunny

gosh darn it summer /jp/!

>> No.5345851

Curry hates littleshrimp, don't soil his images.

>> No.5345854

littleshrimp, walfas and doyora
i can't decide which one is less funny

>> No.5345860

Curry is LittleShrimp

>> No.5345876

Your mother is LittleShrimp

>> No.5345889

My mother is CurryButt? Imokwiththis

>> No.5345895
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I wish CurryButt was my mother...

>> No.5345899
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they're still funnier than you, nerd

>> No.5345921

Facts about LittleShrimp:

-His name is a reference to his short stature. (And ladies, if you're reading this that unfortunately includes his penis size.)
-He once said American cartoons are a lot better than most of the "weeaboo crap" from Japan.
-He uses emoticons and is active in the deviantart community. So yes, he's a faggot to boot.
-He's still in school. Meaning he's still a littleshit.

Still a fan of Littleshrimp?

>> No.5345924
File: 217 KB, 385x1254, Xzibit_is_a_Horrible_Rapper_by_LittleShrimp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I quite like his drawing style, and some of the comics are at least amusing. But, I would rather they weren't hosted on frickin' deviantART.

>> No.5345926

I thought littleshrimp was a girl, hell the pictures/he posted on their twitter is still somewhat ambiguous

>> No.5345930

thats cos i never try to be funny unlike them masterstroke.gif

>> No.5345934

>He once said American cartoons are a lot better than most of the "weeaboo crap" from Japan.
The 00s were not a great decade for American cartoons, but sweet Jesus anime took one fucking hell of a nosedive.

>> No.5345937

>he finds low-brow middle-school humor to be hilarious

>> No.5345946

You'd rather he post them on Pixiv, or something? No, thanks. Personally, I prefer crap to be stored in a place I don't visit regularly.

>> No.5345954

Oh, look, delusional nostalgiafag. Shouldn't you be trolling /a/ or something?

>> No.5345962

Colonel Aki

>> No.5345967

Life of Maid.
Colonel Aki wasn't it?

>> No.5345970

Except he stores them on Pixiv as well. You aren't very well informed it seems.

>> No.5345977

I like the way you think.

>> No.5345992

Littleshit comment on Twitter:

>@Miluda it also explains why if someone draws CP in the west, they get an ED page, while in the east, it's tolerated or some shit like that.
He thinks loli is CP lol

>> No.5345994

Oh. Never noticed them. Good job, me.

>> No.5346001
File: 17 KB, 150x147, 1010236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only a tiny subset.

I wouldn't care. I'm not crippled by being offended.

I think he's got some nice pictures too. I'm hardly in it for the humour.

>> No.5346008

It is in Japan though.

>> No.5346013

Colonel Aki always draws the same way too. Seen one picture you've seen them all.

>> No.5346028

Yeah, but they are more "cute" and less "derp"

>> No.5346033

Are you on crack?

Picture of LS: http://twitpic.com/1sh1ji

>> No.5346052

Nostalgic, hardly. Anime goes through trends. It just happens I really fucking hate the trends today.

>> No.5346057

I like both. I don't know, there's something intrinsically funny about them. You can beg to differ.

Oh golly...

>> No.5346060

You're not one of those faggots whining about "moeshit" I hope?

>> No.5346065

>Are you on crack?
No, retard.

>> No.5346067

Mugen never talks to us about his illegitimate child.

>> No.5346077

So you seriously think loli is seen as CP in Japan?

No Anonymous, you are the retard.

>> No.5346101

Loli can be for both 2D and 3D(also not always porn) in Japan.
Now lurk the fuck more.

>> No.5346118

Oh my god, you are fucking retarded.

He was talking about "drawn CP". Stop blowing him off.

>> No.5346119

Moeshit is the least of our problems when we have a shitton of slice-of-life series and an ungodly amount of female characters talking a note from Naru, Asuka, and every fucking Rumiko Takahashi female main to make sure that they're as unlikable as humanly possible. It was already bad in the late 80s and 90s, but it's been ramped up. I should not find myself celebrating at the dilemmas and misfortunes of the main cast and see it as karmic justice.

At the close of the decade, the moeshit was just firewood thrown into the blaze that is already fed by combustible materials and gasoline.

>> No.5346124

> moeshit

In /jp/ now too? Fucking hell.

>> No.5346144

So, umm, once again: shouldn't you be trolling /a/ right now? I'm sure they'll appreciate it a lot more than we do.

>> No.5346149

Sure, but it's certainly not seen as acceptable or okay either.

>> No.5346153

>once again
Don't speak for me, you faggot.

>> No.5346174


No, I'd rather him crap up a littleshrimp thread here than /a/. /a/'s got enough trolling and whining right now.

>> No.5346192

You still visit /a/?

Also, stop using sage you cockfaced idiots.

>> No.5346199

LS is a taboo topic. It's for politeness.

>> No.5346206

Saging is pointless when there's an active troll in the thread who will just bump with his posts anyway.

>> No.5346210

>You still visit /a/?
>Also, stop using sage you cockfaced idiots.

Usually I hate when people say this.
But you need to get the fuck out.

>> No.5346211

>stop using sage

As someone who apparently came from /a/ very recently, you have no right insulting others about visiting that board.

>> No.5346224


Only when its halfway tolerable. I'm only saging because I don't think this thread nor my comment are worth bumping the thread for. Its nothing personal, jeez.

>> No.5346234


>> No.5346242

I hope the irony was intentional.

>> No.5346255

Regardless of intent, bumping the thread for that was very impolite.

>> No.5346261

I like being impolite.

Politeness never got me anything.

>> No.5346280
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>> No.5346291


>> No.5346313
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>> No.5346373

so who claimed this is funny?

>> No.5346421
File: 17 KB, 116x142, hur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd argue that the faces are cute and sqwooshy. The "dead mouse" joke, meh.

>> No.5346438

That word alone makes me rage.

>> No.5346461

Not hard to annoy you lot is it?

>> No.5346461,1 [INTERNAL] 

A+ thread would read again for a decent laugh
