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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5335482 No.5335482 [Reply] [Original]

So does /jp/ still follow miku after she was updated?

I don't think I've seen any Miku Append threads on /jp/ even though its been out for over a month....

>> No.5335484

I already uninstalled Miku a year ago, and I encourage others to do it.

>> No.5335489

We had a miku append thread B4 and we talked about her needing shoes.

>> No.5335511

No love for new and improved miku?

Guess /jp/ doesn't like change.

Hopefully next Comiket will have some releases using append.

>> No.5335524
File: 444 KB, 900x640, miku with cats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her stupid high-pitched microsoft sam voice sucks anyway. Making Vocaloid music is just a waste of time, in my opinion.

>> No.5335541
File: 46 KB, 372x248, mikutakingiteasy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do get the occasional thread.
Obviously with some flaming retard with his head severed and hang by bits of flesh like >>5335484

>> No.5335547
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>> No.5335551
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>> No.5335552
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She is cute and all, but do you honestly enjoy listening to her voice?

>> No.5335562

Yes i like the music very much.

like this song but i'm not sure if you would like it.

>> No.5335567

Teto is better.

>> No.5335637
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>> No.5335654

That's pretty much a given.
There are composers out that there which you can tell put in the work to really create expression through her songs. I do still enjoy listening to songs made using Miku without regard to how well it's made because I'm highly supportive of her, but it seems that when others are exposed to those, they're generally not as forgiving. Calling it a waste of time however is pretty stupid however on your part.

>> No.5335667

Man-Teto is the best.

>> No.5335680

>highly supportive of her
Clearly you only like because of her looks.
She should be judge based on her music and singing merit.

Just use a moe mascot and be successful.
This just show how shallow humans are.

>> No.5335685

This just show how shallow humans are.

That's a pretty deep statement in my not so deep thread.

>> No.5335690

I like Vocaloid as a tool for music producers who don't have access to a (female) vocalist or like to do everything by themselves.

But when it comes down to it, a human voice will always sound better to my ears.

>> No.5335695

Don't worry, I still consider you a retard even if you didn't reply.

>> No.5335708
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If that was the intention of the developers, then perhaps you have a point.
But don't think for a second that I simply do not care for the music. I can't even comprehend how you got that impression out of that quote.
Is it not natural for someone to be supportive of their favorite singer?

>> No.5335768



Pretty sure your ears can pick out the superior singer.

You are acting like the idolfags in /jp/. The quality of the music is clearly below par but like everything else in the entertainment industry, it is all about the full packaging.

>> No.5335804

Do you consider Miku the best vocaloid?

>> No.5335816

I actually prefer the miku versions on those but here is a good cover


>> No.5335817
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>> No.5335819

Back you!

>> No.5335854

Are the male voaloids any good? I don't ever seem to hear about them.

>> No.5335859

You really think the moe otaku crowd will pick up on the male vocaloid?

>> No.5335884

Well, Kaito is outdated.
Len sounds usually worse than Rin.
Gakupo isn't bad but he rarely sounds like a real Gackt.

There are also american/english Vocaloids but I don't know much about them. New Big-Al's demo was nice though.

>> No.5335930

Is the fact that a real singer can hit vocal ranges that a Vocaloid can not the only thing you value in this context?

If so, then there's not much to discuss. It's obvious we're on two different islands throwing coconuts at each other out of boredom.

>> No.5336000

No it is a just a simple question.
Take away her cute character design and her twintails and judge her just by her music without the bias, how would you feel about her music?
Let someone that doesn't know anything miku and let them listen to one of her song. What do you think their comment will be?
Cute robotic voice or shitty distorted voice? I wonder which will be the more common answer.

>> No.5336022

There is a video on youtube about miku and they played her music on the streets and alot of people liked lit(but i guess it would depend on what you like in a singer.)

>> No.5336041


This, a song mustn't be judged by its visuals, let the songs merit be proven by the song.

That said, I still love the music vocaloid users put out. Even if the pitch gets on some people's nerves, I find it's an acquired taste that provides me bliss unlike any other 'genre' of music.

>> No.5336048

what do you guys think of this song?

>> No.5336049

Also, Miku >>>> Append Miku

>> No.5336058


Far superior song


>> No.5336061

but Miku and Miku Appened are 1 it just exspansions on her 1st voice.

>> No.5336069


Append sounds too smooth and natural now.

>> No.5336075

Isn't that good?

>> No.5336078

lots of people hate autotune too but it's still a fantastic tool for creating music.
personally, i like vocaloids (especially miku) more than 95% of the real pop singers out there. but then again, i've always gravitated towards music that manipulates the voice to sound less human. (vocoders, talkboxes, etc.) throw in that cute-as-fuck persona and it's a perfect package.

haven't heard miku append yet, though.

>> No.5336082
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I prefer the choppier voice, it gives it charm and sets it apart from every other singer.

I listen to vocaloid because it's unlike anything else, not because it sounds natural like everything else.

>> No.5336088

Miku append(one of the version of it anyway)

>> No.5336085


>>5335768 and >>5336000 here.
Whenever I hear of nico singers cover of miku songs, they are always superior but then of course there are a few songs that only MIKU can pull off.
Songs like EEEEEEEEEEEE, Dead End and Miku Miku Ni Shite Ageru just can be pulled of by a real singer.

I wouldn't be surprised if there are miku fans that only fap to her and not listen to her music considering her popularity.

>> No.5336091

Perhaps I didn't enough to Append but I don't really hear the difference...

>> No.5336093

I agree that a "real" singer can sound better than software sometimes. However, the software inspires more producers on the internet. Also, both those examples show how much more popular the software is than real singers.

>> No.5336099

Miku Append(Dark) Dear

>> No.5336101
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So her tits are bigger now? I approve of this.

>> No.5336105


Yech, the original sounds better.

>> No.5336107
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>> No.5336108

In the hands of an excellent producer, vocaloid can sound (almost) comparable to a human voice.


This producer, otetsu, understands how to replicate human-sounding timing and nuance. Some lyrics fall just behind or just after the beat so the vocals sound more natural, he's paid careful attention to portamento so it's a lot less stilted than many vocaloid songs, as well as the subtle pitch inflections so it doesn't just sound like a singing keyboard or whatever.

>> No.5336114

This song cannot be sung better by anyone else.

>> No.5336119

Is it me or is her new costume showing off her slutty side?

>> No.5336143
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Oh, well, that's lame. Bigger tits would have been a much better update.

Doesn't help that the new outfit is ugly.

>> No.5336146

Her shirt is going to rip...

>> No.5336152


THIS. i was shocked to hear how artificial she sounds if you just key in melody/lyrics and don't adjust the voice parameters. there's a real art to getting her to sound like she does on a ryo or oster project track.

that may change soon, though. there's a third party developer making a controller for vocaloids. basically you can sing the part yourself and it picks up the subtleties of volume, breathiness, portamento, etc. and applies it to your vocaloid track.

seems kinda backwards, but miku's interface is a little clunky when it comes to that.

>> No.5336162


God damn, that's some good artificial shit right there.

>> No.5336184

Yes it is.

>> No.5336186
File: 145 KB, 640x480, 684817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd feel the same way I do now about it. You'd just have to send over Last Night, Good Night and I'm already trying to look for fucking tissues, because that is literally how much of an effect it had on me. I wasn't even looking at the visuals.
As for someone else - can I really answer to someone else's taste or values in music (or rather, vocal ability)? Their answer is their answer, it would be pointless of me to attempt to discern or argue how common it is for someone to feel opposed to her vocal ability.

The only reason I felt the need to refute the creation of Vocaloid music not being a waste of time in >>5335654 is because it'd be like me running around calling the creation of Visual Novels or Touhou games a waste of time. How can you just casually call the process of design from something that's established or well like for a variety of different reasons a waste of time when the numbers of those who play them speak otherwise?

>> No.5336188

For you Teto fans

>> No.5336208

I uninstalled vocaloid months ago :)

>> No.5336216

Good for you I doubt you paid for it anyway

Now to more music
Yowane Haku.

>> No.5336219
File: 9 KB, 281x283, 1275912397929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Cries after listening to Miku

>> No.5336225


Are you sure Vocaloid didn't just uninstall your computer off it instead of the other way around?

>> No.5336227
File: 86 KB, 344x293, high.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You'd just have to send over Last Night, Good Night and I'm already trying to look for fucking tissues, because that is literally how much of an effect it had on me.

>> No.5336230

Read his post again

>I'm already trying to look for fucking tissues
He is fapping to it. You really think people installed miku on their computer to make music? They use her as a fapping material, using her to output moaning and fucking sound.

>> No.5336232
File: 148 KB, 300x399, 768961-rika_furude_large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rika Furude will be coming for you 2 in a nightmare.

>> No.5336237

There is a "Vocaloid" for that and she can "sing"

>> No.5336241

i just found out ritsu namine is a guy
fuck you japan

>> No.5336243

Better song that covers up her sex moans.

>> No.5336251
File: 335 KB, 1254x1771, 0ritu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And he weighs 2tons and has missles for breasts what did you expect from 2ch.

>> No.5336262

Oh and he is 6 years old and his second form is a squirtle.

>> No.5336265
File: 66 KB, 376x245, mikutear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn it, I knew this would happen.
Why you gotta be a hater man.

>> No.5336283

using her to output moaning and fucking sound.

lay that over a good beat and it could be a great song!

>> No.5336284

> 6 years old
Would he be considered a shota or a loli?

>> No.5336295
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I'm sure it will be fine.

>> No.5336296

Back to Music what do you think of Vocaloid1?

>> No.5336310

Holy shit.
This is a really well made song.

>> No.5336317

Sorry to say it but they are close.

>> No.5336327

How vocaloid should be used it can make even Meiko sound good.

>> No.5336350


>> No.5336362

is Miki popular?

>> No.5336380

