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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5330966 No.5330966 [Reply] [Original]

how many of you still go to /a/ on a regular basis? I've been trying to put up with the low post quality but it seems like in the last couple months every thread I open is full of big 3 fags.

>> No.5330981

I go there maybe once a week, scroll down the page, sigh, and close the tab.

It's gotten to a point where I cringe at every other post. /jp/ isn't free of underagebanned, but at least our young dipshits can type like literate human beings.

>> No.5330985

I haven't been to /a/ since the split, except through mistaken redirects.

Not that it matters. /jp/ is basically just as bad due to all the good people jumping into the abyss.

>> No.5330987

One every few months, I've given up on it.

>> No.5331001

Every week for Angel Beats! I go check out what /a/ is saying since I would be kicked the fuck out of here for talking about it despite the fact that it's Key.

>> No.5331003

I still go for Strike Witches, Saki and JoJo. It seems like the board is 99% /b/ shit now, though.

>> No.5331004

I checked yesterday, found nothing of interest, came back. Continued to post on /jp/ while ignoring what I saw.

>> No.5331013

Sometimes I go there to see how things are going. The amount of /b/ shit is a bit smaller than in /v/, but it's still there (and "big 3" shit only happens all the time on weekends).

It's not too bad if you ignore the bad threads and only care about things you like.

>> No.5331022
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I haven't been on /a/ ever since /jp/ was created four years ago.

>> No.5331026
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In the past six months or so, I've been there a rare few times to talk about Baccano. It's horrible there, but sometimes you've just got to release and accept that if you want to talk about a topic there, you're going to deal with shitposting.

Going back to /jp/ feels like coming home after a horrible day at work.

>> No.5331033

Never went there.

>> No.5331036

Fuck no, all they talk about is moe shit, Bleach and Naruto

>> No.5331041

Never identified with /a/ since the split, but I did occasionally go there until about two months ago. Now it's all /b/ + gaia.

>> No.5331042

I don't have problems with going to /a/.

>> No.5331052

Hey, fellow Baccano! bro.

Ever since the split, I've barely ever gone on /a/. /jp/ may take things too seriously, but that's better than disregarding everything and being another /b/-lite.

>> No.5331054

>Going back to /jp/ feels like coming home after a horrible day at work.
Your home is a pile of shit?

>> No.5331059

well I usually just ignore stupid threads but it seems like recently the retardation is leaking into everything. I'll look at a thread about animu characters or something and see 5 pictures of naruto. I feel so disgusted.

>> No.5331065

i can't stand the other boards anymore

>> No.5331078

I barely go on /a/ any more, but lately I've been frequenting /x/ quite a lot.

Once you get past the spam and the HURKA DURR SCURRY GOASTS, they're pretty alright.

>> No.5331080

ITT lies.

>> No.5331087

I go there quite often. Of course 95% of threads are utter shit, but gems appear from time to time.

>> No.5331090

I don't want to start any shitstorm, but I believe you should be aware of the fact that, by saying what you just said, you admit that you first came to /jp/ some time after it was created. That may make trolls try to lure you.

what if he's a bacteria

>> No.5331097

The only other boeard I visit, /jp/ moves too slowly and 95% of the threads are touhou threads, which aren't interesting at all.

>> No.5331099

It's like my home is a pile of shit, but my workplace is a pile of shit that, in addition to being a structure made out of fecal matter, is also actively being pissed on and has been set on fire.

>> No.5331100

Is /x/ still in a permanent state of "Being Raided"?

>> No.5331106

>/jp/ moves too slowly

I really can't stand the ADHD kids we have around here. They are, of course, the ones that make all the shitty, one-liner threads.

>> No.5331112

Unfortunately, yes. There's the rare moment when original creepypasta or, dare I say it, a Vox thread will show up and things will momentarily clear. However, that's for an hour at most, and even then it's filled with CHECK OUT THESE SWEET DUBZ GUYS and other similar shitposting.

>> No.5331126

/jp/ is the same shit, daily dose, circle jerking etc.

>> No.5331144

I kind of like the pace of /jp/. I'd like to think that we take it easy.

I'll admit it, I go on /a/ regularly, though much less than /jp/. The fast pace of it is actually a bit jarring to me at first, and I can't last more than 15 minutes without getting depressed by all of the shit that happens there. I'd like to personally thank this board for grasping the general meaning of "newfag," and not insisting that anyone doing something you don't like is straight from Gaia.


>> No.5331154 [DELETED] 

This thread inspired me to go take a look at /a/.


They're talking about us.

>> No.5331157

jesus christ it's like we're a mix of a board and a bear goddamn

And huh, /jp/ has actually been way too fast ever since summer started (and maybe a bit before that too). The fact that after every refresh on the front page you see three news textless threads and at least two troll ones doesn't help at all.

The only times of the day that /jp/ gets a bit more decent are at 4-5am (and for the rest of the morning too, I guess, but I'm never up at that time so I wouldn't know) simply because of how slow and quiet it is.

>> No.5331172

I've started to get up early in the morning just to see some quality posting here. It's awful to have a job that spans the hours of a regular school day.

Also, fucked that up earlier. This thread has inspired me to take a look at /a/ for once, and they're talking about us.

>> No.5331177

You need to use three >s when directing to another board.

>> No.5331178

/a/ is pretty bad. Would help if the place had mods but I guess that's a bit too much to ask for.

>> No.5331183

How do you come to this absurd conclusion? I came here since day one.

>> No.5331186

>My problem with /jp/ is that it's almost all Touhou threads and nothing else.

>I start threads that really belong on /jp/ here on /a/ and get a much more diverse response, instead of people wistfully discussing how fap-worthy Cirno is.

>> No.5331196

All boards are always the same, the only difference is that you don't keep up with the new stuff and then they "aren't as good as once were" according to you.

>> No.5331197

I usually go to Tohno-chan when I've overdosed on /jp/ Touhou threads.

>> No.5331198

im here only for the toe hoes

>> No.5331201

>I can see why someone would hate /jp/, what with the Cirnoholes and literate posting.
Wait, people still talk about freezing onaholes?

>> No.5331207

A great example of the decline in /jp/ quality. If you had made this thread just one year ago, you would have been shouted back to the board that you came from. Instead, we get a bunch of faggots telling us that they've even visited that place in the past two years.

>> No.5331219

I go to /a/ mostly because it has more users and there must be something good in a pile of shit sometimes right?
But I stay in /jp/ because of the (usually) high quality of content (compared to the other boards).

>> No.5331226
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>but at least our young dipshits can type like literate human beings.

>> No.5331233
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>>My problem with /jp/ is that it's almost all Touhou threads and nothing else.

This is what people with low power levels always say. He thinks this board is 100% Touhou because that's the only thing he recognizes.

Seriously though, if you only like 1 or 2 things then /jp/ probably gets boring fast.

>> No.5331235

Most of them can. There are exceptions made.

>> No.5331244

Maybe he's just exaggerating, you have to admit there are more touhou threads than there should be.

>> No.5331246

Approximately 75% of the sentences I post demonstrate that I have very good literacy.

>> No.5331251

...you know, I want to insult you, I really do, but after checking out /a/, I've learned that you're above and beyond the average poster there.

>> No.5331255


>> No.5331258

This is what I do sometimes, but the threads are so terrible.
I cry and go back to /jp/

>> No.5331260

Thank you very much, kind sir.

>> No.5331262

Pretty much this. It's surprising how far /a/'s fallen.

>> No.5331266

/a/ is now fully polluted with underage moefags with no patience or appreciation for the things that made anime great in the past (tits, gore, robots)

>> No.5331271

12 year old detected.

>> No.5331274

Not who you're replying to, but if there's anyone migrating in from /a/ right now, take a look at that.

The guy half of us mock on a regular basis can type like he speaks fluent English. Can /a/ssholes seriously not grasp how to do this?

>> No.5331281

I used to go to /a/, but I started hating it a lot.

Ended up watching mecha shows just so I could go to /m/ instead.

It's worked out pretty well.

>> No.5331286

People from /v/ migrate to /a/, the better posters from /a/, which are still bad, migrate to /jp/.

>> No.5331290


>> No.5331291

I watch anime on a regular basis.

I try to avoid /a/. I like talking about /a/-related series, but I can sacrifice that for the sake of my brain.

>> No.5331292
File: 71 KB, 1280x1024, index-stfu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was the who wrote that comment.

I have a variety of 'otaku'-related interests, which is why I came to /jp/ in the first place. However, there is an overabundance of Touhou threads here. Like >>5331244 says, I was only slightly exaggerating, but the only threads that get much attention on /jp/ as of late are related to Touhou.

>Seriously though, if you only like 1 or 2 things then /jp/ probably gets boring fast.

Actually, I believe it's because the majority of /jp/'s more vocal posters only discuss one or two subjects that this place has grown stale.

>> No.5331302

They have to try at least have one person to defend their point. The idoit's going along with them so they don't feel completely moronic.

>> No.5331309

This thread is a good example of why I prefer /jp/ to /a/.

We can have a discussion - an actual discussion, not arguments and loud proclamations of NEWFAG and SURE IS SUMMER IN HERE - about a topic, and we can sage not necessarily as an insult, but as a means of keeping it out of sight, since we recognize that it's a metathread and it's off topic.

Meanwhile, /a/ is talking about asses, Angel Beats, and insects. The word "ppl" is being used. Jesus.

>> No.5331315

No, no he's not.

>> No.5331321

Actually there are good posters on /a/, they are just hard to find due to the number of bad ones.

>> No.5331327

Quiet! You're ruining the moment!

>> No.5331344

At the end of the day, /v/'s the only board that really matters.

>> No.5331348

The following boards are good:

>> No.5331352

I think I'm okay with that.

>> No.5331357

You seem lost. Here you go.

>> No.5331369

I love how much people here think they are superior to the rest of 4chan.
It's truly funny, but do go on.

>> No.5331374

I am superior to everyone else, I don't know about anyone else here.

>> No.5331379

I never went to /a/ except for maybe a month when I first started out. I frequent a few other boards though.

>> No.5331384

I regular /jp/ and /a/. They recently damned a child to suffer in the archives forever. After that I went right to /v/ and back here. Meiling's almost done with a doujin I've been waiting for.

>> No.5331404

As the only decent poster on 4chan I should tell you guys that you're all faggots.

>> No.5331407

User base kills it.

>> No.5331415

> damned a child to suffer in the archives forever
What do you mean by this?

>> No.5331446

What the hell is up with all the Touhou threads? It's like every character has their own.

>> No.5331447

I frequent both /a/ and /jp/ regularly

Also, ITT we are tsundere

>> No.5331455

Now THIS would be a /jp/ I'd like to see
Holy fuck, that would be like 20 pages

>> No.5331461

It's called pooshlmer.

>> No.5331506

>>People from /v/ migrate to /a/

Which is strange considering that we mainly talk about video games here. Although they are niche games only huge nerds play such as VNs, 2D games, RPGs, STGs, etc.

If you say so, index-stfu.jpg. I feel that all the media-based boards on 4chan have their own personal Big Three, so it's a moot point. I ignore the Touhou/Type-Moon threads here in /jp/, and you ignore the Naruto/Bleach threads in /a/.

>> No.5331574

>I ignore the Touhou threads here in /jp/

>> No.5331595
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If you don't know where this is from, don't bother.

>> No.5331610

The board is too fast, and most of the stuff they talk about I have no interest in, so I don't go there.

>> No.5331615

You've just described my past year.

>> No.5331666


I haven't been to /a/ in over about two years. I also steer clear of /b/. I think the only other boards I ever check are /c/ which is awesome, and /o/ which became total fucking trash more recent than four years ago.

>> No.5331694

Went to /a/ to see if there were any good threads, there weren't. Came back to /jp/ to see if there were any good threads, there aren't.

>> No.5331742

The only worthwhile facet of /a/ is their meritorious JoJo threads to me.

>> No.5331749

JoJo sucks, fuck off.

>> No.5331768


That reminds me... I posted otaku no video on /a/ back in 2006 and you would have been amazed at how they either didn't know it, or didn't care. I think that was one of the last things I posted on /a/.

I also don't start threads on /jp/.... I don't feel I have enough skill to contribute quality material, which is a feeling I wish more people would have.

>> No.5331778

I still lurk, I hardly ever post anymore though. I hardly ever post on /jp/ either, just lurking. /a/ is shit though. Save for the the occasional GA / Sketchbook / Aria / Natsume Yuujinchou thread, I end up closing /a/ within 5 minutes of opening it. I probably miss the majority of threads that I'd feel like posting in just because I don't feel like wading through the garbage anymore.

>> No.5331779

You do realize there was no /jp/ was part of /a/ back then, right?

>> No.5331786

Occasionally... I still watch anime so I do like to discuss it sometimes.

...but sometimes I'm like BITCH WHOA at the mouthbreathing teenagers. /jp/ is pretty mean, but at least you can tell the users are reasonably intelligent.


No, really.

>> No.5331791

Get rid of 'there was no'.

>> No.5331811
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>> No.5331842


No no no, you've got it all wrong.

Back in the day, the best users came from /g/. Why, not even a year ago, links between /g/ and /jp/ threads were regularly shared. Nowadays, of course, /g/ has been turned into /b/ with cell phones, and the only time that /jp/ can even claim to be a decent shadow of its former self is in the occasional late-night EST hours.

The saddest thing about this situation is that I know pretty much exactly where most of the better browsers of /jp/ fled to, and even there, history is repeating itself.

>> No.5331851


That's how it works now, you can see the /v/ in /a/, and you can see the /a/ in /jp/.

>> No.5331884


Yeah, but I wasn't really thinking about the split. I was just relating one particular story. My viewing of /a/ declined drastically post-split until I stopped going there all together. I also don't watch fansubs anymore, and haven't for two years.

>> No.5331907

/a/ has awesome memes like Kubo and Darkness, yu're all just jelous DX

Sauce plz

>> No.5331914

I go there about as much as I go here, but...

>> No.5331915


Which is absolutely revolting in my opinion. Some of the best /jp/ anons were the ones that came with the split. As loath as I am to admit it, a few of the /jp/ posters that use trips are fun see as well. Notice I only said a few.

>> No.5331968
File: 58 KB, 500x432, 1257972345086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sick of meta bullshit, but I have to ask anyways,


is anyone else fucking tired of "haters gonna hate"? It was kind of funny at first, but now I have to deal with all of 4chan going "LOL HATERS GONNA HATE HATERS GONNA HATE." Apart from this picture, the half-naked batman on rollerblades, and maybe the one with the eagle running on water, none of the macros even amuse me anymore.

>> No.5331977


Why'd you age the thread if you're sick of them? Use your sage properly.

>> No.5331988
File: 196 KB, 649x744, reimuhaters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5331992

haters gonna hate.jpg
I don't actually have one of those saved.

>> No.5332008


Oh boy, let's not go into this.
Let me just say that the way sage is used on English imageboards has nothing at all to do with its origins as a feature on Japanese text bbses, so it's pointless to argue semantics on whether or not one is using sage "correctly" here, and leave it at that.

In any case, I'm not trying to "bury" or voice my disapproval at a post. I'm semi-interested in the content in the rest of the thread and would like a little feedback on the "haters gonna hate" meme, therefore it is acceptable for me to bump the thread.

>> No.5332062


I guess I just don't see the point of an age on an off topic thread when a perfectly good discussion can be had while keeping the thread off the front page. What's wrong with staying in the thread and refreshing, or actually navigating to the higher page numbers? That's what they're there for, right?

Maybe I'm confused.

>> No.5332088

Where in the fuck did the "U mad" shit come from? It's not from /jp/ and I hate seeing it used here.

I go to /k/ besides /jp/. I quit going to /a/ long ago. I hate spoilers. I can ignore just about anything else but blatant spoilers are bullshit. I do watch Anime but /jp/ is not the place to discuss it.

>> No.5332114

/b/ meme. Actually learned were it was from a few days ago. Some youtube clip of a guy on the O'reilly factor or whatever telling Bill, "You mad".

>> No.5332126
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I like one piece

it's because of my Japanese exchanger sister in high school that I started reading it. it's her favorite manga

>> No.5332156

It needs to stay in /b/.

>> No.5332171
File: 40 KB, 640x480, 1252116887839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you frustrated?

>> No.5332185


You bring up a good point, but

1. Most people on 4chan are used to the concept of "if you don't bump it, it dies," so trying to keep a civil conversation off the front page with sage almost inevitably leads to some faggot (such as myself) accidentally bumping it.
2. While in some cases, two or three people sharing a conversation is all that is desired, in others (such as this thread, I believe), it is preferable to get as many responses from as many responders as possible. The best way to achieve this is to keep the thread on the front page, where it is more likely to be seen.
3. I'm a lazy faggot who hates having to click back after sageing a thread instead of being taken to it with noko.

That said, because I don't remember seeing sage used correctly on (the image boards of) 4chan in a long time, I'll go along with you and sage this thread, just for the hell of it.

>> No.5332189

/b/ shit can stay in /b/ If you love it so much stay there,

>> No.5332235

Haven't been there in well over a year, and even at that point it was unbearably shitty. If I wasn't such a masochist I would've never browsed /a/ after the split.

>> No.5332255


IIRC, I remember reading some /g/ thread last year that said something along the lines of:

"u mad was a meme started on 'some nigger website' that spiraled out of control before being adopted by /v/, /g/, etc"

Come to think of it, it makes sense, since the umad images of that time were of a higher quality than the ones you see today, once /b/ got a hold of it.
I know this, because I occasionally look at /b/, for reasons that I am not at liberty to discuss

>> No.5332301

Keep it out of /jp/. Its a shit foreign meme used by underagedban and retards who think they are trolling. U mad is not taking it easy.

>> No.5332316


100% agreed.

>> No.5332332

it's not like /jp/ ever takes it easy

this is one of the most tense boards on the site, you can just feel it with the way everyone snaps at each other

>> No.5332333
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>> No.5332353
File: 37 KB, 640x368, Ahahahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is one of the most tense boards on the site, you can just feel it with the way everyone snaps at each other

>> No.5332367

see! see how bitter you are when you post!

>> No.5332402

I'm not even angry.

>> No.5332409

Yes, we're all "butthurt" here.

I cannot believe how "butthurt" I am.

>> No.5332412

Everyone in this thread is upset. Since this thread isn't going to get deleted lets talk about something else.

>> No.5332417


so... anyone see any good movies lately

>> No.5332422

Iron Man 2, it was shit.

>> No.5332433


And that's the way it should have stayed.

Back when /jp/ actually did a good job of scaring people off, it was like an island of quality in the proverbial ocean of piss.

>> No.5332434

Are you negroid?

>> No.5332578

Very true

>> No.5332618

oh god, you guys have some anger issues

>> No.5332632

Are you negroid?

>> No.5332743

i kinda like perpetuating the meme that /jp/ is shit. keeps the wannabe trolls away.

>> No.5332761

What you don't understand is they think it's shit because it's full of elitists that try and scare people away.

>> No.5335205


This is where the "u mad" shit came from.
