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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 178 KB, 1500x1231, 1275993495119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5326589 No.5326589 [Reply] [Original]

It's amazing how much you are able to infer about a person just by his browser of choice.

>> No.5326596


>> No.5326597

Wow cool.

I'm awesome cause I use chrome.

>> No.5326599

wrong board mate
unless you change the dudes to orange goo
then its relevant

>> No.5326598

o rly? Stop using Opera then, OP.

>> No.5326603

irony is that the picture of the chrome user is actually gay.
but we all love neil ph anyway

>> No.5326608

I'm a creepy nerd and I used Opera for the longest time. Not too long ago I switched to Firefox though.

>> No.5326609

I guess that's why I use ie for 4-chan and Chrome for Facebook.

>> No.5326610

I'm actually gay and use chrome, what now op?

>> No.5326611

Firefox is the best
I use IE, too lazy to download firefox, plus I'll have to get used to firefox
IE crashes all the fucking time

>> No.5326612

awesome people more like google slaves

>> No.5326613

Wait what the fuck, this isn't /g/ at all!

>> No.5326615

I use chromium.

What now faggots?

>> No.5326619

/g/ reposts to /v/ who reposts here.

>> No.5326624

That's why I use Chromium instead.

>> No.5326629

I don't get what's so good about Chrome. All I hear about it is shit like "does this work with Chrome?". All the fucking time.

>> No.5326626

get out chrome devs

>> No.5326623

opera is the best.
but it's okay if people don't use it.
or else i won't feel elitist anymore.

>> No.5326632

Sure, if you like google monitoring everything you browse and think only deviant thought-criminals desire any privacy.
Also lynx > *

>> No.5326635

Reported for offtopic metathread.

>> No.5326636

IE -> How does I computer
Firefox without add-ons -> Retards trying to conform
Firefox with add-ons -> Conformists
Safari -> Queers
Opera -> Nonconformists
Chrome -> Nonconformists

>> No.5326642

Remember when Firefox users were the nerds and nobody cared about browsers other than IE?

>> No.5326646

Chromium, you dummy. And Lynx, is pointless outside of accessibility requirements.

>> No.5326671

I can understand IE but who fucking cares what you browse with?
I guess I'm not allowed to talk because I use Firefox and Chrome.

>> No.5326691 [DELETED] 


tinyurl dot com/37zb82j when ur done being a thief copycat scumbag 689928ed50387f5c8f46632dfccb1b21

>> No.5326688 [DELETED] 


tinyurl dot com/37zb82j when ur done being a thief copycat scumbag bc7c87df6b26991550844e1b57e7b087

>> No.5326715

I use IE when I need to do a web search for someone with them watching over my shoulder because it's unused and contains none of my accumulated filth

>> No.5327050

Ouch! that hurt. I use mozilla because internet explorer is stupid.

>> No.5327056 [DELETED] 


tinyurl dot com/3ye3cob you WILL take down the illegal clone 8e6d2d11165fa5407305d2946c2fa736

>> No.5327065

I use Mozilla because I honestly don't give a fuck about browser loyalty and just want one that isn't total shit (IE)

>> No.5327071

I literally don't care about any browser that isn't firefox because I am not a fucking nerd

>> No.5327073

Only retards still think IE is a bad browser.

>> No.5327078

So you use it?

>> No.5327089

Only retards still think that only retards still think IE is a bad browser.

>> No.5327097

Are there really people who think that using a google product makes them special? They're a mind bogglingly enormous corporation that's trying to control as much information as they can.

>> No.5327114
File: 433 KB, 1000x1200, 03087d5ee67dbbe382e39f2e23ee2d4d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Firefox is the best.

Deal with it otherbrowserfags.

>> No.5327120


That's fucking capitalism. If you don't like it go die in a ditch somewhere.

>> No.5327124

Well then keep on sucking the cock of power if you think it'll get you anything.

>> No.5327128
File: 260 KB, 1128x1600, 003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scene faggot here. How do you guys like my tiny clothes and straight hair?

>> No.5327130

enjoy your AIDS

>> No.5327131

Yes, and it's sad
I'm amazed at how people can be fan of anything, even their browsers. Please use whatever is best for you, and don't stick with something just because you feel identified to it.
And how is this thread related to Otaku Culture?
Anyway, I use 3 different versions of Firefox with different addons, google chrome and chromium depending on what I'm doing today.

>> No.5327132

Everyone who isn't stupid: Firefox

Trend-chasing wannabe corporate tools: Chrome (hurf durf Google is the new Microsoft and I wanna be in on the first floor derp)

Poser tech dweb: Opera (hurr only like 5% of people use this so it must be cool)

Totally clueless middle-aged dad: Safari (Macs are "cool", right son? I'm fighting Microsoft's corporate oppression, just like we did in the 70s. Now how do I email?)

Total retards / tools: IE (Everything is Microsoft at my job, I hate myself)

>> No.5327133

>google planted microchips in my grandma's skull and now she watches me google porn

>> No.5327136

when i ask 4chan which is the best, they all respond google chrome

>> No.5327142

Knowing is half the battle

>> No.5327170

/g/ material doesn't belong here my friend. Also, your argument is negated by the fact that Linus Torvalds (the creator of Linux) uses Firefox.

>> No.5327215

Opera user. Yeah, nerd. Creepy or not, I don't care. (BTW, it makes 20% of Russia and 30% of Ukraine creepy nerds - ask wikipedophiles) You've got a problem?

Actually, you have. Thread is reported for not being /jp/-related.

>> No.5327480

I'm awesome because Opera is awesome.

>> No.5327486

Never tried chrome myself but seeing as it's full of spyware I'd say this is the real browser for retards.

>> No.5327487

Opera Supremacy.

>> No.5327523

Opera user here. I'm OK with this.

>> No.5327529

Opera ftw. Loads fast, can be a web server, and doesn't afraid of anything.

>> No.5327536

Thanks for calling me a queer, faggot OP.

>> No.5327542

I use the first, second, and fourth, each for a slightly different task online. I'm not even sure what #3 is but I've tried #5 and just haven't found any need for it.

>> No.5327545

Opera here. Don't look out of your window, I'm not watching you through it with my dice set for dungeons and dragons. honest.

>> No.5327546

>I'm not even sure what #3 is

Oh wow, you don't know a lot about computers.

>> No.5327549

I just switched from Chrome back to Firefox because I missed the addons, but now I miss how aesthetically superior chrome is. So conflicted.

>> No.5327558

/jp/ - Technology

>> No.5327586

Yes but as soon as I realized that I admitted that, I went and checked. Honestly, I was expecting Safari to have a different kind of icon.

>> No.5327584


maybe because this isn't /g/ in the first place

>> No.5327595


>> No.5327601

Oh, awesome, thanks friend!

>> No.5327622

what addons does Firefox have that Chrome doesn't? I'm curious, not trolling. I figured with Chrome supporting greasemonkey scripts by default, no one would have problems.

I personally use both, but lean slightly on Chrome for the aesthetic, as he said before me.

>> No.5327633

This shit is getting ridiculous. Firefox is bloatshit, same with Opera and Chrome plain sucks because its Google incorporated whos hounding through all your data just for using their browser. I dont even know anymore man, do they make text browsers for windows, or do i need to code one myself?

>> No.5327640

Chrome is for hipsters, sorry OP.

>> No.5327662
File: 1.08 MB, 1463x1170, browsers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That image sucks

This one is more interesting.

>> No.5327666
File: 412 KB, 1440x900, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delicious add-ons.

>> No.5327687
File: 267 KB, 300x169, 1271322665999.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cool add-on
>watch as i do the same thing with my settings menu

One of the reasons why i prefer Opera to Firefox.
Also, Opera has mouse gestures.

pic related
It shows how awesome mouse gestures are

>> No.5327702

I've got nothing against Opera, but mouse gestures are fucking horrible.

>> No.5327708

Aw man, I remember using Netscape. It was fucking awful for 4 months.

>> No.5327713

To each his own i guess.

>> No.5327717


I got so many complain from my user when I give them Opera as their main browser, some web can't be access normally, shitty cookies management.

they really need fix that shit fast

>> No.5327728

It takes a bit of getting used to. The thing i hate most about being stuck with my netbook is being unable to perform them. Drives me nuts sometimes, when ive already forgotten most of the hotkeys and key combinations.

>> No.5327736

Firefox = CCCP
Opera = VLC
Chrome = ???

>> No.5327737

Opera isn't for casual users too since there are a lot of things that could go wrong with it.

>> No.5327739

Firefox is good for anything but Java, it just sucks at that.

>> No.5327742

CCCP isn't a player

>> No.5327751


At least compare it to KMPlayer or WMC...

>> No.5327753


>there are a lot of things that could go wrong with it.

well that sum it up.

>> No.5327755

>Opera = VLC
that's too harsh man

>> No.5327761

But its still the fastest among firefox and chrome.

>> No.5327769


i don't think i want to used the fastest car in the world that might blow up in random.

>> No.5327771

You mean, Firefox == VLC. Popular Open Source program for beginners that's replaced as soon as you need something that actually performs well.

>> No.5327780

The main deal is this: "Am I dissatisfied with my current main browser?"

Until you can change that into a "yes," any other browser I download is merely to take advantage of a quirk it possesses.

>> No.5327787


>> No.5327827
File: 187 KB, 778x536, 1272383795359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5327827,1 [INTERNAL] 

Firefox master race

>> No.5327827,2 [INTERNAL] 

I heard firefox is getting optional DRM or something.
/g/ shat their pants because of it. God... How can an entire board about technology be so technologically illiterate ?

>> No.5327827,3 [INTERNAL] 

>furryfox crashing race


>> No.5327827,4 [INTERNAL] 

SeaMonkey master race

>> No.5327827,5 [INTERNAL] 

No 4chan board actually understands the topic they are assigned with.
