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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 2.59 MB, 2088x4664, litcore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5326528 No.5326528 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /jp/? C/lit/ here. My friend asked me if I could ask you guys for a picture similar to this but for visual novels, does one exist?

>> No.5326541
File: 1.23 MB, 1400x1900, vn recs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to give you the serious and mock ones that I have, but here's what I want you to do once I'm finished:

delete this thread please

we'll start off with this one

continues in next post while I find helpful links

>> No.5326544
File: 1.17 MB, 2000x5000, jp-recs3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5326549

Why should I delete it? But thanks man.

>> No.5326554
File: 2.77 MB, 3600x1920, 1270600057566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5326555

>VN recommendation thread

Oh look, it's one of these again.

>Reccomending anything by Orson Scott Card

Ha ha ha oh wow

>> No.5326560

Because /jp/ is a slow board. And this "bad thread" will probably stay there for 2-3 days.

>> No.5326563

Stop making these.

>> No.5326569
File: 856 KB, 4081x1620, rec chart v 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because these threads are an eyesore
either way I'll hide it afterward anyway, that's just a request from anonymous to OP

this pic is a work in progress

is it in English and where can I download a patch? Check here

where to download the games:

>> No.5326570

>slow board
no it isn't
>stay there for 2-3 days
more like 16 hours

>> No.5326574

/jp/ is a slow board compared to the "popular" ones like /a/, /b/, /v/ etc. Compared to, say, /po/, it's blazingly fast.

>> No.5326575
File: 2.92 MB, 1591x3133, approved by jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are all pretty shitty games that center around porn

but some of them are /jp/ classics that most of us have played back when we had nothing else to work with

>> No.5326576

Crescendo is fucking terrible.

>> No.5326580

No it's not.

>> No.5326583

>No True Love
>No May Club
>No Nocturnal Illusion

Fuck you.

>> No.5326591
File: 2.67 MB, 2088x4664, 1275994194101 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed that for you OP.

>> No.5326592

Nevermind those, what about Three Sisters Story, Season of Sakura or Runaway City?

>> No.5326593 [DELETED] 


tinyurl dot com/37zb82j when ur done being a thief copycat scumbag c7d298a32a8479a1388869db1b1d43d1

>> No.5326604

Threads that are actively posted in last 2-3 days. Threads that hardly get non-saged replies last less than 24 hours.

>> No.5326607
File: 467 KB, 1096x1400, lol reccomendation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the point of this chart was to put all the SHIT nukiges onto it

the ones you mentioned certainly aren't masterpieces or even very good, but they aren't considered complete shit

shut the fuck up.
Crescendo was fucking great years ago when I read it and when I re-read it again last January I still liked it.

it is absolutely not "fucking terrible", in fact I'd say it's a good VN to read to try and get into VN's.

here's another op

this seems to be all I have so if you would, please save these and delete the thread

just a request it's not like you have to or anything

>> No.5326616

Where the hell is Cobra Mission too?!

>> No.5326620

No Kafka?
You guys in /lit/ have shit taste

>> No.5326630

look at the bottom retard

>> No.5326634

but i'm still not happy about it

>> No.5326638

what does /lit/ think about /jp/ and visual novels?

>> No.5326648

>the point of this chart was to put all the SHIT nukiges onto it
Wait, is Maiden Rape Assault shitty? I think I can accept everything else being shitty, but I thought Maiden Rape Assault was decent for a rape game.

>> No.5326656

Not highly.

>> No.5326659

they assume it's badly written crap

>> No.5326668

Compared the the stuff they read it is.

>> No.5326672 [DELETED] 


tinyurl dot com/37zb82j when ur done being a thief copycat scumbag 958160ad9c4cc0622ca7928539d42192

>> No.5326675

Maiden Rape Assault is one of the classics I was talking about, but it's incredibly bad.

It felt like the voice actors were recorded using a 10$ microphone from wal-mart and using ventrilo or something cheap like that.
That's how bad it was.

>> No.5326676

Funny, 80% of literature works are badly written. The ones in OP's pic are one of the very good few works. Well of course there's more but still.

>> No.5326685

That's what I'm getting at, if you're as elitist as /lit/ and read >>5326528 on a regular basis there is no way in hell some translated VN is gonna impress you with it's writing.

>> No.5326687

Compared to the stuff they read:
MuvLuv Alternative: Better or worse?

>> No.5326689
File: 2.83 MB, 1852x2738, jprecommendations_revised.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey bro, update your chart. That's the newest one I made. Feel free to delete the old revision.
Those ones are actually decent, hence they have no place on this chart.

>> No.5326695

80% of vn are badly written, and each translation project produces varying writing quality out of that.

Umineko no Naku Koro ni is one case where excellent scenario is muddled by shitty writing and shitty translation project. If you can't ignore all those stupid ellipsis ............... like this uninstall right away.

>> No.5326698

Like I said, I made the thread for a friend. I've never read (or played, what ever the verb is) a visual novel, so I can't judge, but I'm not looking to be impressed at all.

>> No.5326712

I remember talking to you in the last thread.
You said you were going to update your chart and you actually did haha

I'm >>5326569
Still haven't added onto it since I've been busy with all the newly released VNs from May.
I think I might add some of the ones I've read recently.

>> No.5326716

Yeah, /lit/ elitist won't be impressed by any amateur translation projects. It's necessary to lower your bar before you can enjoy any of these translated VNs.

Or you can try to read Katawa Shoujo, for decent (lol) VN written by natives directly.

>> No.5326720 [DELETED] 


tinyurl dot com/37zb82j when ur done being a thief copycat scumbag fcd2a407da09c8665b85c8529ff8fe55

>> No.5326719

Saying VNs are shit compared to books is just like saying the game plancescape torment is badly written compared to books. Different medium for different people. As for me, I'm enjoying both.

>> No.5326723

why does everyone seem to get Planetarian's subtitle wrong?
It's 小さな星の夢, no chiisai to be found.

>> No.5326724

What? No Lovecraft? I am disappoint, /lit/.

>> No.5326734 [DELETED] 


tinyurl dot com/37zb82j when ur done being a thief copycat scumbag 3474dff943e95785907a0fb66e5fc7dd

>> No.5326730

How about a list of good rape eroge?

>> No.5326736

As for me, I'm enjoying books to games to VNs to movies.

I don't like anime due to long waiting time, and manga/scanlation because most of them are either incomplete, still in publication, or sucks.

>> No.5326742

/lit/'s too elitist for genre fiction for the most part. I love Lovecraft, but they won't touch it if it isn't Dick or Asimov. Not that they're bad.

>> No.5326744

That's how it was translated.

Apparently that's how the translator translates. Kind of like moogy or something.
I don't know since I haven't read the translations

>> No.5326746

Need a chart with good eroge, period.

>> No.5326751

Okay dude.

I'm going to say one thing to you.

Read Saya no Uta.


Do it.

>> No.5326767
File: 67 KB, 800x601, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure that would turn someone on to VNs, no really. Great stuff, great writing.


>> No.5326769

Fine, but would need categories for the fetishes they focus on. I'm not looking for any consensual vaginal intercourse eroge.

>> No.5326770

gemot projects are always known for extensive rewriting. Narcissu and True Remembrance comes to mind. Around 50% of English TR's content don't exist in the original TR afaik.

>> No.5326776

>Read Saya no Uta.
Seconding this. Short (<3 hours) stuff is always perfect for non-weeaboo newbies.

>> No.5326779

You misunderstand.
The point of this chart is to troll new people making recommendation threads. I hate those "HAY GUISE, I'M NEW TO VNS, CAN YOU SPOONFEED ME PLEASE?", and Violent Semen Inferno is a game with high trolling value even with its title alone.
Haha yeah I did, since there were a few Anons looking forward to an update.
That said, after I updated it, someone else actually pointed out that I should have added some more -totally obscure- translated yaoi eroges like http://vndb.org/v144 and http://vndb.org/v1423 . I'm going to add those too at the next update for sure, but I'm probably going to wait some time when Mangogamer and Jast will release their next nukiges.
I wish you good luck with your trollchart too. It's pretty fun when it's done, and I always laugh whenever someone takes my chart seriously.

>> No.5326780

Looks decent, I might do it. Gotta wait until exams are done though. Although, people are complaining about vn quality a lot in this thread. How bad is it really?

>> No.5326783

You forget that /lit/ has read real H.P. Lovecraft.

>> No.5326785

you mean insani you fucking moron

>> No.5326789

Planetarian is a better choice, in my opinion. Better writing, far more emotionally involving, and no sex.

>> No.5326790

I hate the internet sometimes.
Can't tell if this is sarcasm or not.

Honestly Saya no Uta is very good.

OP, Saya will be a real unique experience and is definitely a must.


>> No.5326799


>> No.5326803

Come on, just how much more elitist can they be? Lovecraft along with Poe essentially reshaped horror fiction and influence writers heavily even today. Hell, Lovecraft took the supernatural element a step further with the Cthulhu mythos and the whole concept of the horrible things lurking beneath our silky thin perception of reality. Just put a book on the list, goddamnit.

>> No.5326814

I'm not saying no-one there likes him, heaps of us do, in fact, I think there's a lot of /x/ refugees on the board. But they're probably not gonna put him on the essential reading list. Plus, it's hard to find a good Lovecraft collection with everything in it.

>> No.5326821 [DELETED] 


tinyurl dot com/37zb82j when ur done being a thief copycat scumbag f1cca24dd420b5d1375aa38c39326d9c

>> No.5326816

Is this baby first VN or something?
It is good but not that good.

>> No.5326826
File: 199 KB, 600x800, shar_chara_ache.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I heard you guys like Lovecraft.

>> No.5326827

I was ready to rip into this image as soon as I saw /lit/ (I hate the tearing apart of literature with a venggeance. Just read it, enjoy it, and move on. Don't pull it to bits looking for themes and other bullshit that doesn't fucking exist.) but it's actually a list of decent reads. Quenta Silmaril > The Lord of the Rings when it comes to Tolkien reading material though.

>> No.5326834 [DELETED] 


tinyurl dot com/37zb82j when ur done being a thief copycat scumbag 1393d16a918d883999b2eaf9e3c8ff04

>> No.5326830
File: 144 KB, 600x800, shar_chara_howard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5326831

Ever 17, Saya no Uta, Kana, Planetarian. Good and newbie friendly

>> No.5326836

Need one of that kind of list too. Would be usefull, with proper categories.
Personaly I have been thinking of making one, but my knowledge of various types of nukiges and whats good for said genre is too low to make one.
Well maybe I'll try put up somekind preminaly chart tomorrow and see if I can gather bit of discussion about it to fill my low knowledge.

>> No.5326840
File: 15 KB, 250x329, h_p_lovecraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, Lovecraft just isn't Lovecraft without that stare.

>> No.5326842

No, it's like saying that light novels are shit compared to books, and you need to be one fucking anime_yandere_xD_oniichan_lov3r_realudealu retard to deny that.

>> No.5326848
File: 384 KB, 800x600, 1271615940645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5326855

Light novels and books are about equal. Books just had a big headstart.

>> No.5326863

actually this is the chart I wanted to make, but honestly you need to read them in order to recommend them

fuck nukiges, man.

>> No.5326875
File: 95 KB, 600x600, 1227429079837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>light novels are shit compared to books
Not really. Too bad translation project for LNs suffer from lack of market (discontinued Kino no Tabi from Tokyopop), non-weeaboo friendly adaption (Spice and Wolf) and low quality fan translation (baka-tsuki's translators translate from Chinese, don't understand grammar, lack editors etc).

>> No.5326876

Just staring.

And thrusting.

>> No.5326883

>it's hard to find a good Lovecraft collection with everything in it.
Wikisource alone has most of his stuff, for free even.

>> No.5326890

Look where you are; most people here rate VNs over books.

>> No.5326894

It's easy to find all of his stuff on the net, but not in a single book. Ebooks are another thing /lit/ can get elitist about.

>> No.5326898

well both planescape torment and some VNs have music, gameplay, interactivity and graphics so I'd say that's a closer comparison than light novels.

>> No.5326899
File: 787 KB, 770x770, shar_fa0030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5326900

I hope you're trolling.
Reading light novels is like reading Goosebumps all over again.
VNs are a great medium that is sadly underused but with a few gems to be found. Light novels are complete shit.

>> No.5326904


What VN was this? Was it even real? I never looked into it.

>> No.5326910

>light novels
>not on the same level as books
I hate to bring up /a/ shit, but dude.


>> No.5326913

said game


>> No.5326919

I luv kuuderes too! Green hair is kawaii!!

>> No.5326928

Both light novels and visual novels are at roughly the same level as most popular literature these days. Truly great literature, which neither visual novels, light novels nor modern literature can measure up to, is more intended to be studied than just read.

As a general rule, everything that is consumed just for entertainment value doesn't really have a really high intellectual value, so get over yourself if you think just reading a certain kind of thing will automatically make you intelligent and refined.

>> No.5326936

Catcher in the rye sucked balls

>> No.5326939

That's true, the only complete edition is some Kindle download, and I'm not quite eager to get that thing. However, some of his stories are availabel individually, so a couple could be referenced. Also, my comment was directed to the over-elitist crowd, rather than you general /lit/ guys. Some of the books there are indeed worthy of praise, but there are a couple that are...meh.

Nothing like paper, anon. I too read books in electronic format because not everything is worth having, but it still can't be compared to a nice library.

>> No.5326941

thats why you need to ask "experts" here to fill the missing knowledge and look for general opinion. that way you can make semi good lists even without having yourself read most of the things.

It's real, Shikkoku no Sharnoth - What a beatifull tomorrow-. Probably have heard that name many times.

>> No.5326945

>is more intended to be studied than just read
No fuck you. Stop RUINING books by dissecting them, you elitist fucks.

>> No.5326949

>Green hair


>> No.5326953
File: 107 KB, 1680x1050, 名称未設定.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ebooks are another thing /lit/ can get elitist about
I bet they're faggots who complain about how reading ebooks "hurts their eyes" because they're too stupid to read them on a dark background. If I were to stare into a lamp without shades (i.e. monitor showing white pixels) for a few hours, my eyes would hurt too.

>> No.5326959
File: 447 KB, 800x600, 1271616024496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Shikkoku no Sharnoth, third game from What a Beautiful series. Only the second one is fully translated/


>> No.5326962

>Both light novels and visual novels are at roughly the same level as most popular literature these days.

Then literature is dead already.

>> No.5326963


Thank you for the name, at least.

Too bad it's not translated.

>> No.5326976

You just have a bias since Westerners don't really try reading books for entertainment after their childhoods anymore. The fact is that many anime and manga are based on light novels, and most of the time, people end up saying the light novels were best.

>> No.5326983

Goosebumps are/were novellas, not light novels. There is a difference.

>> No.5326989

You see now? This is why.

>> No.5327000
File: 155 KB, 800x600, ランス02_20100606_003135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5327001

It's hard for a product in any medium to contain both high-quality intellectual and entertainment value at the same time. Either one/two of the crowd hates it, or it's labeled as author masturbation.

Half of MLA audience hate the infodump/theories for example. They just want more mecha and more explosions.

>> No.5327003

Yep, that and the books smell better, or something. I honestly prefer physical books, but there's nothing wrong with ebooks.

>> No.5327006

I think you're confusing "dissecting a book to be able to understand the details the author intentionally put into it and wants the reader to understand" with "taking some insignificant detail out of a book and using some twisted logic to give it some extra bullshit meaning that the author had not intended at all".

No great book was ever written with the intention of reading it cover to cover and then giving it no further thought.

>> No.5327010

Yes, many would argue so.

>> No.5327022

>No great book was ever written with the intention of reading it cover to cover and then giving it no further thought.

Every play by Shakespeare, for example. Populist entertainment and no more, yet somehow these days people like to pretend it's DEEP.

Also, there is no difference between "finding what the author put in" and "finding your own shit" because you are not the author and thus have no fucking clue what they did intentionally and what you are just reading into it.

>> No.5327035

Heh same here. I feel sick reading all those Alice in Wonderland hefty analysis. It's like people reading TOO DEEP and bend everything the author put for the sake of showing how DEEP it is, when it is not.

>> No.5327043

I'd give both of my testicles to be able to accidentally write like Shakespeare.

>> No.5327048

Lord of the Flies analysis is great at shedding new light to the otherwise-just-another-adventure story, however. Describing author's background when writing it is a good start. Symbolism and obscure is shit is for later.

>> No.5327052 [DELETED] 


tinyurl dot com/3ye3cob you WILL take down the illegal clone 058b8c3a1e53353035cf89c6e8004ec3

>> No.5327054


By your rules, there's no such thing as "depth" in the first place.

Hell, IN the first place, depth is based on your perception of it.

>> No.5327070

"Depth" might exist in emotive things like poetry, but I don't think it's applicable to literature.

>> No.5327079

You seem to still think that analyzing a book is exactly the same as speculating. While some people like to just try picking out the obscure clues out of a book, there's much higher value in the subtle clues, and even the things that aren't subtle or obscure at all, but which you need to actively think about and acknowledge to really have read the book. Like the central philosophical principle that guides the storyline. You can't read a Greek drama without that.

>> No.5327081

pseudo-intellectual bullshit. You're all like freshman in college, right? If you want some real "depth" try developing your own ideas instead of devoting your life to studying those of others. Literature is entertainment, kids.

>> No.5327086

>not literature

>> No.5327091

>Literature is entertainment
With that logic even Twilight and Naruto is worth your attention.

>> No.5327094

Not the guy you are talking to but there are things such as metaphors and symbolism's you know. Whatever, i'm just going to dismiss you as a hater.

keep on hating

>> No.5327098

For analysis, they are of equal merit, since analysis is bullshit.

For entertainment purposes, no.

>> No.5327099

I'm not >>5327081
But... A question for you;
If literature isn't entertaining, what is it then?
Also, to each his own.
Some people may like Naruto/twilight/etc.
Shoving your views down other peoples throats? Real mature there comrade.

>> No.5327102

I will never be as wise as Aristotle. Same with you. It just won't happen. So why not just admit defeat and borrow our ideas from someone we already know is smarter than us? People won't praise us for being pioneering geniuses, but that won't happen either way, so we might as well try to be a little smarter than we would otherwise be.

>> No.5327113

Fuck recommendation images.

Just go to vndb.org, browse for something that's popular/highly rated (if that's important to you)/in a language you can understand/in your personal taste or interest and for fuck's sake, delete your thread when a lot of people ask you to.

>> No.5327116

>Literature is entertainment
You speak as if there's no such thing as Literary merit. Ever heard of it?

>> No.5327123

One person?

>> No.5327126
File: 27 KB, 340x314, 1274626829672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ancient greek circlejerking

oh boy, here we do

>> No.5327135

Literature give insight on human nature, thoughts ideas, philosophy etc that can be consumed by academics/critics crowd. Whether the writer make it in a format enjoyable/entertaining to the masses, only for specific audience, or none at all is irrelevant.

Harry Potter, Twilight, and Naruto aren't built based from solid universe or moral or theme about humanity, so I don't count them as literature, but more to mass-media entertainment.

>> No.5327147 [DELETED] 


tinyurl dot com/3ye3cob you WILL take down the illegal clone 50fb94060b6557bd8e9bb9371d43dba4

>> No.5327150

I don't really trust the average ratings of a well-known Western otaku culture related site. But on the other hand, I don't really trust the opinions of /jp/ either. So I don't really know who to trust. Maybe.. Any decent Japanese sites with VN ratings?

>> No.5327158

Harry Potter has a pretty well established universe, and was doing ok with the moral messages and themes until the last book. Twilight is heavily grounded in mormon values and has themes, even if they're the forbidden transcendental love themes she tore out of Wuthering heights and Romeo and Juliet. Never watched Naruto thought.

>> No.5327162

Is that some bullshit that academia nerds cooked up so they can pretend like they earn their tenure while over-analyzing and bickering over minute details of fucking books all day?

>> No.5327163

No, EGS is all full of moefags.

In this case try to click each link here and read each of the premise. See if any one of those catch your interest, and then find dl/play based on that personal decision.


>> No.5327164

>Literature give insight on human nature, thoughts ideas, philosophy etc

To some, that is enjoyment.

You wouldn't get into studying studying say... Human morals, if you didn't find it the least bit interesting.
Would you?

>> No.5327172

>Harry Potter has a pretty well established universe
There are many plotholes though, which makes me less able to enjoy the entire series after book 3.

>> No.5327176

A penny for your thoughts on the last book.
Personally, I thought the story suddenly went down the bizarre route...

>> No.5327186

>To some, that is enjoyment.
True, but I also put the specific crowd/type of people who can enjoy those, such as academics/critics. For the sake of argument they don't count as the masses.

>> No.5327187

Aristotle was just a man. Don't be a tool and get caught up in some dumb legend. He's not wiser than anyone else. When it comes to philosophy there's no objective measurements to anything. So no I will not admit that. I am as wise as Aristotle, and so are you if you're willing to admit it. Everyone has their own ideas on the nature of humanity and life and all that, all equally valid in their own mind. So quit kissing some dead guy's ass.

>> No.5327201

>Everyone has their own ideas
>all equally valid
Sounds boring. Putting your ego in the center of universe and disregard any (and other people's) attempt to find universal truth? That is just lazy.

>> No.5327213

>No Stranger, Metamorphosis or Lolita
>No Martin in fantasy
>No Asimov in sci-fi

wtf am i reading.

Wtf am i reading?

>> No.5327235

If anything, looking to other people to invent your philosophies for you is lazy. We can't find universal truth anyway you dumb faggot, so it's all just a game anyway. We're just men, not gods. You want me to drop some Socrates on your ass?
"The only real wisdom is knowing you know nothing"
