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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5326288 No.5326288 [Reply] [Original]

So how many people besides myself are pissed that HLJ's current free international shipping promotion ends just before they get paid?

>> No.5326386

That's why you have a credit card, dumbass.

>> No.5326436

Credit cards are fucking terrible things, and no one with any sense should ever have one.

>> No.5326448

underage b&

>> No.5326450

poorfag spotted.

>> No.5326444 [DELETED] 
File: 107 KB, 400x400, hey_now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse me?...

>> No.5326456

They're a temptation to debt, and nothing more. If you need to buy online, get a debit card. Credit cards have no place in your wallet.

>> No.5326466

The fuck? Don't use it to buy things you can't afford. I don't even have a credit card and I know this.

>> No.5326467
File: 106 KB, 400x400, watching.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well... OK you were right on the temptation part since I too am prone to it... I usually leave it in my car unless I really REALLY needed it...

>> No.5326481

i have a debit card, but i can only use it in eufofagland. most online stores with figs don't accept it since they're either in usa or chinklands.

paypal also said credit card or fuck off when i tried to buy something off jlist.

>> No.5326484

If you can't afford it, then why do you have to use a credit card on it? Still no reason to have one.

>> No.5326494

i pay by money order a lot

>> No.5326495

Visa Debit, I meant, not an EFTPOS card.

>> No.5326499
File: 112 KB, 400x400, 238475873548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well... Online Transactions... Credit Card is universally accepted almost anywhere so it is very convenient and less expensive than wire transfer...

>> No.5326513

>wire transfer
The fuck? This still gets used?

...Ha ha ha oh wow, I just read up on how ass-backwards the American monetary and purchasing system is. You people really still use cash on most of your purchases?

>> No.5326521


The Fucking Question Renpy game right?

>> No.5326523

What does any of that have to do with /jp/ underage b& troll?

>> No.5326525

You use a credit card to boost your credit score so you can buy a car or house with loans that don't rape your ass with interest. Pay it off every month, build credit.

This concept isn't hard to understand. Only retards treat credit cards as free money and spend more than they can pay off anyways.

>> No.5326526

fuck off mugen

>> No.5326529

Doesn't know mugen is in the Philippines. Shows he is a fucking jerk EUrofaggot by talking out his ass.

>> No.5326534

No my friend... when I purchased some of my Bulldozers and Steamrollers the supplier insists on wire transfers. Same thing when I purchase Bulk Ink from China... all large suppliers prefer wire transfers for very large transactions...

>> No.5326543

New Zealander actually.

>boost your credit score
Fuck, now I've had to go read up on how the American credit system works. We don't have that bloated crap here, we just have a bad debt listing for the past five years. "Good debt" as a quantitative concept doesn't exist, you're either clean or a bad debtor.

>> No.5326551

Even more useless than a EUrofaggot. I bet you are underaged B& too.

>> No.5326562

lol'd at mugen's reaction images

>> No.5326568

The same ones he's been using for months, you mean?

>> No.5326587

The whole 'debt is bad' attitude is instrinsically stupid.

Also, I don't think you understand how credit ratings work (protip: New Zealand and Australia have them too, not just the US) - having no credit history can make life awful hard for you when trying to get a car loan or mortgage, especially in the current world situation.

>> No.5326618

Go along to Baycorp or a similar company in NZ and ask for a copy of your credit record. You'll get a list of who has enquired about you and when, and if you're a bad debtor you'll get that information too. You won't get any kind of "rating" from them.

>> No.5326622

The whole "debt is good" attitude is intrinsically stupid.

>> No.5326633

They won't give you a rating. They will give one to someone who you are trying to secure a loan from.

>> No.5326641

If they have a rating for you then they are legally required to give it to you if you ask. Privacy Act 1993.

>> No.5326644

>You people really still use cash on most of your purchases?
Enjoy having everywhere you go and everything you buy recorded by the credit card companies and passed to the government.

>> No.5326643 [DELETED] 


tinyurl dot com/37zb82j when ur done being a thief copycat scumbag 5a2cf5c8cd0e10dfa0b8e465557f9dba

>> No.5326670

Enjoy being a shitty credit risk then if you don't have a rating.

As if your postage stamp sized country even matters at all in the scheme of things. What you think isn't of any matter at all.

>> No.5326673

I certainly do enjoy having my payments made directly from my account to the seller's account, instantly and securely, with no charge to myself or the merchant. I enjoy having a single card that I can use in place of cash for every transaction I make, and if I do choose to get cash I can use at any ATM and the majority of businesses (cash straight of the till along with purchase of product).

I also enjoy having all prices legally required to be inclusive of all applicable taxes, something that I hear that US merchants are incapable of doing, and never paying tips because restaurants actually PAY their staff.

>> No.5326682

God you are a insufferable twit. No one gives a care what you think mister small penis.

>> No.5326684 [DELETED] 


tinyurl dot com/37zb82j when ur done being a thief copycat scumbag fde75cd406b1e4b2118497423f18f050

>> No.5326697

Butthurt Ameritard detected. Seriously, you faggot always complain whenever anyone mentions the superiority in any regard of any country. Next you'll make some comment regarding your oversized military.

>> No.5326706



>> No.5326756

No actually you are a pretentious faggot.

>> No.5326775

Shhhh! He will start bleating about whaling and Sea Shepherd next if you don't let up.

>> No.5326807

Ha ha, fuck I hate the greenies. Who really gives a shit about whaling?

>> No.5326832

I'm more pissed that there's nothing out right now that I want and isn't already out of print.

>> No.5326862

So I can buy anything and anywhere today with PayPal with free shipping?

>> No.5326917

Read the OP.


>> No.5326923 [DELETED] 

How come every time someone mentions a credit card Eurofriends get asspained? Its not like you can't get credit cards over there.

Fuck, if you make an occasional purchase on the internet it isn't like its going to put you into some cycle of debt. Plus credit cards are nice because you have chargeback rights with them, which are fucking awesome.

>> No.5326947

Fuck, I don't even know if I want anything. All the figures that look any good are either not out yet or discontinued.

>> No.5326952

>As if your postage stamp sized country even matters at all in the scheme of things. What you think isn't of any matter at all.

NZ is the same size as Japan, uneducated one.

>> No.5326967

More on-topic, I hear HobbySearch is going to do the same thing in order to compete against Amiami. Everything is going to be below retail, permanently.

HLJ's shit is overpriced beyond infinity.

>> No.5326970

How do Otacute compare?

>> No.5327008

Credit cards are useful for REALLY expensive things like a house, a car, or travel arrangements. Debit cards with everything else.


I have a paypal account on my debit card...but my bank uses Visa as its "debit" system so every time I use it, it'll charge my debit account even if I say "pay with credit."

>> No.5327028

Except you have a lot less people. Heck you're so unimportant internationally that your leaving the ANZUS alliance hasn't even led to changing the thing's name.

Cool false dichotomy, bro. The point is that debt is neither good nor bad, but a tool.

And you mean to tell me that your banks and other lenders won't give you a rating based on your credit history? Having no history (by not having a credit card) means they'll see that you're an unknown, and will take that into account - by comparison, someone with a good credit history will be lent to more and someone with a bad credit history lent to less than Mr Unknown.

>> No.5327036

Amiami is like the Walmart of nerd goods. HLJ is only doing their OP promotion because of Amiami as well.

>> No.5327032

What kind of income would you need to be able to buy a house with a credit card? Normal people get mortgages for that.

>> No.5327039 [DELETED] 


tinyurl dot com/3ye3cob you WILL take down the illegal clone ede9d181745653e47818f2f3651bb16e

>> No.5327041


So you judge a country by the population count and by one trivial aspect. Well, I guess that says it all, really.

>> No.5327045

>I can't think of a counter argument to the rest so I'll just troll

>> No.5327049


Amiami isn't doing any promotion.

>> No.5327063


It isn't a counter-argument because your argument is non-existent to begin with. How you can possibly make a baseless generalization on a country based on a corporation's lack of name change is beyond me.

You should at least try scrounging for more dirt before you dive for foxnews in search of anything detrimental to <x> country. Sad, really.

>> No.5327075

I was pointing out that your comparing NZ to Japan because the landmasses are roughly the same size is fradulent. My next sentence then gave an example of NZ's complete unimportance internationally - your country made a simple complaint to the US about nuclear submarines entering your waters and they kicked you out of the alliance without a second thought. Truly an important country.

Then there's the next two paragraphs...

>> No.5327096

>single complaint
No, nuclear reactors and thus the vessels thereon are completely banned from entering New Zealand's national waters. THAT is the reason for the US withdrawing from ANZUS with New Zealand. There was no "kicking out". ANZUS is still in force between Australia and New Zealand, and also between Australia and the US. It is simply no longer fully three-way.

Personally I think nuclear isn't a terrible idea, but I support the continued ban purely because it says "fuck you" to America and they don't get enough of that.

>> No.5327107

Except the US wouldn't simply just 'withdraw' from the alliance (I love how you phrase that, as though the US is losing something) if you mattered. Face facts, bro, your country is fucking unimportant in the whole scheme of things, just like my country, Australia (though we matter slightly more due to having lots of natural resources, but that just makes us the world's quarry). You also show a complete misunderstanding of your own financial system and the American system in all your posts - try to do a little more than a search on wikipedia before going on 'The US is retarded' rants.

>> No.5327105

>And you mean to tell me that your banks and other lenders won't give you a rating based on your credit history?

I don't know whether they do or not, but it would have to be done off their own records and not the publically-available ones, since the data that would be used to form a "good" rating doesn't exist in those records.

>> No.5327109 [DELETED] 

>your country made a simple complaint to the US about nuclear submarines entering your waters

My original comparison was that NZ probably has just as much influence on the US as what Japan does.

The fact that NZ even complained shows morals right there - most countries are too intimidated by America's directions that they usually just flow with it.

What is your point again? That NZ is unimportant internationally... based on what, an action judged by the US? Since when does America speak for everyone? And why is being "unimportant internationally" such a big deal to you? Do you think half of America cares what non-Americans think?

> and they kicked you out of the alliance without a second thought.

Yeah, god forbid America tries to come to a compromise. Just "it's our way or no way". So much for that 'change' you guys keep ranting and raving on about.

I was >>5326952, nobody else.

>> No.5327140

>your country made a simple complaint to the US about nuclear submarines entering your waters

My original comparison was that NZ probably has just as much influence on the US as what Japan does.

The fact that NZ even complained shows morals right there; most countries are too intimidated by America's directions, they usually just flow with it.

What is your point again? That NZ is unimportant internationally... based on what, an action judged by the US? Since when does America speak for the mass majority? And why is being "unimportant internationally" such a big deal to you? Do you think half of America cares what non-Americans think?

>and they kicked you out of the alliance without a second thought.

God forbid America tries to come to a compromise.

>other sentences

I was >>5326952, nobody else.

>just like my country, Australia

Oh this is new, aussies hating on kiwis. I'm done here.

>> No.5327143

I'm proud of Australia's stand on the whaling issue. I wish mine had the balls to do so...

>> No.5327156 [DELETED] 


tinyurl dot com/3ye3cob you WILL take down the illegal clone ea9b60b5d4a0d0757e35f6d3391f7dfa

>> No.5327160

This thread got really shitty. really fast.

okay whats something good to buy thats ACTUALLY IN STOCK?

>> No.5327167

I'm from Finland and my Visa works just fine with paypal, never had any troubles with it, so yeah "EUROFAGS CANT USE PAYPAL"

>> No.5327189

They had free and discounted shipping for the last few months as well!

Also wow look at these Anon nerds playing post tennis about some /new/s tripe.

>> No.5327198
File: 44 KB, 640x480, 1273562286406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As expected of /jp/!

I dont even know what we're arguing about.

>> No.5327294

We're talking about how America's unregulated banking industry has managed to con a nation into thinking that taking out and maintaining debts on credit cards and thus giving extortionate interest to banks is the proper way to show you have a good credit record for a mortgage rather than basing these decisions on meaningful factors like having a decent income, proper job, and not having gone into debt regularly.

>> No.5327296

>implying I get paid

>> No.5327320

If you're enough of a dumbfuck to rack up massive credit card debts anyway you deserve all the poverty you get.

durr hurr i can buy a HD plasma screen TV on minimum wage i'll just pay it back later right

>> No.5327327

I'm more pissed that I'd love to take advantage of their offer but HLJ's selection is so poor that there literally isn't a single thing I want to buy.

>> No.5327338

I think you're just mad that I can have all the same shit as you and not work as hard.

>> No.5327388

Looks like someone thinks it's possible to get something for nothing. You'll either end up having to pay that all back in the end anyway or file for bankruptcy.
You can't expect to get something for nothing just by shuffling some papers around. (Except if you work in the city, of course).

>> No.5327430

>The whole 'debt is bad' attitude is instrinsically stupid.

Try telling that to someone dealing with bill collectors.
The nice thing about saving up to buy an item and then buying it is that it's yours. No one can take it back from you and you don't have to worry about covering the cost of the item down the road.

>> No.5327464


Thieves can!

>> No.5327476

I'm having the same problem.
Everything good seems to sell out in the blink of an eye.

And I really wanted that Luka nendoroid too.

>> No.5327477

Well, because I have a savings account that actually has money in it, because I don't spend it all on hookers and blow I actually have money BEFORE I get paid.

>> No.5327501

If HLJ had onaholes I would buy some stuff.
