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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5320271 No.5320271 [Reply] [Original]

ノ and ノ
レ and レ

>> No.5320276

Aren't they supposed to be the same character, except one is halfwidth and the other is fullwidth?

>> No.5320280

Half-width version of the same letter.

No different than A and A

>> No.5320294



>> No.5320287

Yup. OP is just trying to make japanese look harder than it really is (which is pretty fucking hard, just not for his made up reason).

>> No.5320295



>> No.5320311


>> No.5320317


>> No.5320330

This is why stroke order is important even for kana.

>> No.5320333


>> No.5320337

シジシジンソンソノノ ?

>> No.5320342

Well, to be fair, we have l and I

>> No.5320344


>> No.5320346

>This is why Japanese is one of the languages on earth that desperately needs refinement.
Fixed that for you.

>> No.5320348

I, l, 1.
O, o, 0.

>> No.5320350

Just be glad you're not learning Communist Chinese. They have thousands of those pitfalls.

>> No.5320357

That is only due to the type set you are using.

>> No.5320363

Katakana is the only thing messed up about their writing system that could be easily fixed.

>> No.5320368

As is kanji.

>> No.5320378

These are not difficult to differentiate.

>> No.5320374
File: 57 KB, 325x681, 1274059154034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>l I

>> No.5320371

p d b q
j i
t f
g q
I l
h n

fucking letters, man.

>> No.5320370
File: 18 KB, 426x304, 1267547774053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Woman, without her man, is nothing.
> Woman: without her, man is nothing.

>> No.5320373


They must think we're just as fucked up.

>> No.5320386


So easy. One of them looks like a し and the other looks like つ.

>> No.5320387

They're just too difficult!
I'll never be able to memorize them all.

>> No.5320389

The only legitimate pair you have is l and I.

Fortunately, this is only a problem is sans-serif fonts.

>> No.5320390

hm? Although I like the Taiwanese character set better, Kanji is the best writing system on the planet. The reading speed you get with those is just plain amazing.

>> No.5320397

I don't want them to fix katakana or kanji, because I learnt that shit.

Fuck me if they're going to make it useless.

>> No.5320401

No they don't

>> No.5320402


What's really fun is using an uncapitalized L as a replacement for a capitalized i when I refer to myself. I ONLY HAVE TO USE MY SHIFT KEY ONCE FOR WHEN I CAPITALIZE THE FIRST LETTER OF MY SENTENCES, RATHER THAN GOING BACK TO IT EVERY TIME I USE "I." I'M A GENIUS

>> No.5320408

All they need to do to fix Katakana's biggest problems is replace ソ and ツ with more unique-looking characters.

>> No.5320409

>Kanji is the best writing system on the planet.
If by "best" you mean "most convoluted and counter-productive", then yeah, it's the "best".

>> No.5320411

it still takes me a second to tell apart ツ シ ソ ン

kanji is just as bullshit but somehow I find it kinda easy to tell apart similar looking kanji, it's almost intuitive to find that one stroke that isn't there amid a fuckton of lines, for some reason. There's also radicals to clue you off thankfully. But the tsu shi so n in katakana is just straight up bullshit. There's no reason for that.

>> No.5320412

ITT: dyslexic untermenschen and trolls.

>> No.5320414

It's even more fun to [spoiIer]mess with people this way[/spoiIer]

>> No.5320419

>The reading speed you get with those is just plain amazing.
Too bad you can't write nearly as fast as you read them.

>> No.5320422

No, the best writing system on the planet is just using fucking letters like the vast majority of written languages do. That's why the majority of the world doesn't use pictograph anymore. It's ancient and outdated. Even Japanese know this, they use kana more and more often. I agree it has it's benefits but it is far from the best.

>> No.5320423
File: 31 KB, 340x500, 1227222043485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminded me of this.

>> No.5320426
File: 4 KB, 640x480, situ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, they do.

>> No.5320435
File: 10 KB, 342x95, i fix languages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5320433

People generally don't write as much as they read. People also generally don't write much by hand anymore so the difference isn't that big.

>> No.5320431


>> No.5320432


Look, I'm not saying it couldn't be made even simpler, but it's not that difficult. All you need to remember for Tsu and Shi is that Shi has its short dashes "stacked" on top of eachother, while Tsu has them placed next to eachother horizontally. N and So can be tricky at first glance, but I've found it helpful to look at it in terms of a Y axis: horizontally speaking, the short dash on So ends at the same part where the long dash below it begins, while N's short dash does not

ツ シ
ン ソ

See what I mean?

>> No.5320437

oh wow

that's really helpful

>> No.5320440


>horizontally speaking, the short dash on So ends at the same part

Whoops, I meant *vertically.* My bad

>> No.5320441
File: 225 KB, 800x600, chencomputerwat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know if serious.

>> No.5320447

I can't write for shit with a mouse but that's the idea.

>> No.5320448

Hangeul is the best, and most scientific language on earth.

Haters gon' hate.

>> No.5320450

I don't give a fuck. Who the hell writes on paper anymore?
Typing speed is slightly slower than alphabets, but still reasonable.
Also, I read far more than I write.

>> No.5320456

That's not hard. This is hard:
嶺 霊 礼 零 令 例 齢 鈴
嘴 端 波子 箸 橋 觜
主 種 酒 首 手 朱 守 珠
週 州 集 衆 宗 洲 秀 洀

>> No.5320461

I get the feeling they use kanji simply to piss foreigners off.

>> No.5320472

Honestly I kind of feel sorry for people who have to mess with IDE input every day as their native language. Inputting the right kanji just seems like it'd be annoying if you wrote Japanese all the time, no matter how fast you get. Typing letters is very fast.

>> No.5320479

tattoos are always fun

>> No.5320484


I agree, honestly. Though Kanji is a great system for reading because once you're proficient in it you can read at fucking light speed, even just typing in it must be a pain. You don't have nearly as much muss and fuss typing in English

>> No.5320491

I have International set up on my Mac and I still can't type kanji that fast. I have to type the original word in kana, then use the arrow keys to find the right one in the right spot. It takes just as long to write out the kanji itself.

>> No.5320501

They did it because back in the day, they were huge Chinaboos, and copied as much as they could, right down to the writing system.

Now they do it because they're too lazy to actually do something about their horrible abomination of a writing system. Even the PRC took a good look at their writing system and went "yeah, this shit's insane, let's simplify this shit."

>> No.5320504

Can't you just hit space to pick the kanji you want?
For me Ctrl-N/P also works.

>> No.5320505

What's the worst is when you scroll through one too much and hit the wrong kanji by accident. Then you have to go back and redo. Fuck. I read once there is a way to correct in place but I forgot what it is.

>> No.5320515

you just hit space and it goes to the most common one, you only really select one yourself if it is an uncommon character

>> No.5320521

I think Kanji is a good thing, only people who truly have enough will power, will learn it(this is where most creeps fell.)
Any shit-head with little dedication can learn the english alphabet. It takes a people who actually care about Japanese culture to learn their language. Kanji scares a normal person off. I had a few friends who gave up on Japanese in high school, and started taking Korean( >>5320448 i laughed at this.) When i asked why, he said the writing system was "retarded," which is true to some extent.

The privileged will be literate

and the others will be illiterate fuckwads

>> No.5320531

Telling those apart isn't hard at all, especially when they're part of a word.

>> No.5320542

lol what is this, the 15th century? I see what you're coming from but you never want to DISCOURAGE literacy, in any language. I don't like illegal immigrants pouring into America but I'm not going to say "good I hope English is hard for them so they can't learn to write it, the fuckers". Doesn't work like that. Communication with other nations is important and good, so if your language scares off foreigners because it is too complex then you're doing it way wrong.

>> No.5320544

Japs who use computers a lot often use input methods that aren't based on that "type kana, search kanji" principle. One method for example assigns a fixed combination of letters to every kanji and lets you type it directly. Like, typing "al" immediately gives you 狼 or whatever. Just as with Kanji, you have to learn it first, but once you know it, it is very fast.

>> No.5320543

Yeah. But I think the scrolling is better so I can go back and forth to check.

>> No.5320548

(before reading thread) I bet some faggot has made a reference to I and l.


>> No.5320554

I learned something new today then I guess.

>> No.5320566

Oh, I dunno, just the majority of published authors who write a manuscript in ink first then type it out.


>> No.5320599

authors write on paper, ever? I don't think so Tim

>> No.5320618

O, 0 and o
Goddamn gaijin arphabet.
How terru difference? Dei arru rook rike circaru.

>> No.5320656

Two of them are the same thing, though, which is why the look alike.

And they use the Arabic alphabet in Japanese now as well.

>> No.5320676

>authors not writing on paper
o u

>> No.5320685

Uh... That was my point bro.

>> No.5320687 [DELETED] 


wut wooot http://tinyurl.com/2bqeaw5 6e121aa30aaff6c3445e477562f54cf1

>> No.5320693

You didn't make it well. You acted as if the Nipponjin wouldn't understand - but they would.

>> No.5320736

Kanji is good for people who read a lot of books.
Alphabets are good for people who make a lot of comments on youtube.

>> No.5320739

カ and 力


>> No.5320769

Huh...? I was being sarcastic....
When you write a circle, it can often be taken as any one of those three depending on your writing style.
OP's kana are identical, but in different fonts.

I'm not "acting" like anything and I'm not trying to make fun of the Japanese.
At least, I'm not trying to.
I guess I shouldn't have used such a parodied Japanese voice...

>> No.5320779

OP is a 'tard and so are you.

>> No.5320809

Well, I'm not going to argue with you.
That was a pretty shitty post.

>> No.5320837

Don't worry bro I'm just messing with you. We're all friends here

>> No.5320979

ß B

>> No.5321015

>authors write on paper, ever?
And the dumbest post on 4chan, ever, award goes to..
