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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 20 KB, 350x450, Eminem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5302664 No.5302664 [Reply] [Original]

Serious question. Probably been asked it a lot before, but if you guys honestly love Japan so much why don't you live there?

>> No.5302676

I can't afford it.

>> No.5302699

Can't afford it and the only foreign languages I can speak/understand are English and German both of which are pretty much useless there.

>> No.5302707

I don't. Japan is full of crazy people.

>> No.5302717
File: 20 KB, 243x183, Murasa-r.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But crazy means EXTREME.

>> No.5302720


>> No.5302721

If I wanted to live in Japan, I would live in Hawaii.

>> No.5302727

>op implying anyone here actually likes japan, rather than just their cartoons

>> No.5302729

I hate Japan overall, most people here do.

We just like some of the products that Japan's society's outcasts make.

Besides, gaijin can't buy a house without having a Jap co-sign for them, gaijin can't go into certain places without having a Jap go with them, etc.

>> No.5302730

I don't like japan, the people there are not very nice.

>> No.5302740



>loves Japan

>> No.5302745

/jp/ hates japan

>> No.5302747

I don't care for living in Japan. I'd prefer living in the US, but immigration is a bitch.

>> No.5302767
File: 74 KB, 180x187, Heavy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. Ok, that's good. I seem to misunderstood.

I might hang out here then, I thought /jp/ was full of weeaboos wanting to move to Japan.

I like anime, manga, and visual novels, so I'll stay here and try to discuss shit seriously.

>> No.5302779

Fly to Mexico. Cross the border into the South-Western U.S. Apply for welfare after greasing up and getting a tan.

Big success.

>> No.5302782
File: 19 KB, 305x315, 1274805016655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>France or Canada

>> No.5302778

get back to /v/

>> No.5302776

Take the anime and manga to /a/. Everything else is fine.

>> No.5302774

Why move to shitty, pig disgusting USA when you can move to superior France or Canada?

>> No.5302787

Good, lurk enough before posting and enjoy your time here.

>> No.5302793

If I move to Canada, can I get money from the government even if I wasn't born there? That seems a bit of a rude thing to do...

>> No.5302794

ITT: Weeaboos in denial.

>> No.5302796

It is almost impossible to live over there unless you get married.

I'm still trying though.

>> No.5302805
File: 53 KB, 256x256, Spray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with all the saging though? Seriously, you guys mad at this thread or something?

see pic

>> No.5302821

>Rule 13: Sage - In general, sage doesn't have a negative connotation in /jp/. It doesn't mean "I HATE YOUR POST," it's just a command that lets you post without bumping.

>> No.5302825


Okay, before you even start browsing this board, learn this.

Sage is NOT meant to be offensive. At all. It just means you're not bumping the thread because you don't feel your post is related enough for it to bump the thread. Every fucking board misuses it thinking it's some sort of thread-killing tool, but it's not.

>> No.5302831

>What's with all the saging though?
We don't like the thread enough to bump it, nothing personal.

>> No.5302832
File: 166 KB, 600x837, 1275517895929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Easy answer that I've given countless times... I don't love Japan, in fact I'm rather scared of the Japanese. I am however a huge pervert that enjoys oh-so-moe rainbow vomit erections and the Japanese happen to be pros at that kind of thing. If some other country was equally sick, twisted, and full of sexual deviants drawing extremely hot artwork, I'd admire them as well.

Does that answer your question?

>> No.5302843


>superior France

Oh god I lol'd.

>> No.5302852


>Serious question. Probably been asked it a lot before, but if you guys honestly love Japan so much why don't you live there?

There's no weed.

That's as bad as being on an island where there's cannabis everywhere, and you have no lighter.

>> No.5302865

Too expensive to get/live there and the Japanese hate us baka gaijins OP.

>> No.5302861

Nothing against the japanese people but, it seems that they don't really like foreigners ever since they got bombed, which is understandable.

>> No.5302859

If you guys honestly love Japan so much why don't you marry it?

>> No.5302863


Yeah, exactly...But people still use it as an insult constantly, such as "sage for Mugen" and the like.
I personally use it when I want to make a reply that isn't worth age, that's all.

>> No.5302870

god damn it, /jp/.

This is why no other board takes us seriously.

>> No.5302878


>but, it seems that they don't really like foreigners ever since they got bombed

Uhm... They've never liked foreigners.

>> No.5302881

>Yeah, exactly...But people still use it as an insult constantly, such as "sage for Mugen" and the like.

People who use it like that are retards.

>> No.5302894

Eminem isnt Eminem without her Glasses!

>> No.5302921


>> No.5302926


Huge slam on Slim Shady out of nowhere.

>> No.5303144

You should try it too. Go on, sage your own thread. Feels empowering, doesn't it?

>> No.5303482

I don't really care about how people will treat me there. Money is what i need. Why to live in Japan?: Most of things i like are there, if i want to get somestuff like that on my shitty country i have to pay it x3, also Japan is a very beautiful country. Maybe i will be treated like crap living there, but if is that the price to live there, it's ok.
Oh yes, reaseon why i'm not there: can't afford it.

>> No.5303512

I want to, but I don't know if I'll be able to live there. Like, finding a job and all that shit.

>> No.5303514

Even if I like Japan, that doesn't mean Japan likes me.

>> No.5303528

Japan is shit. I can pirate most things that I want from there already. It would be nice to get away from all of the christfags though

>> No.5303583

last time i checked, you need at last 10k in your bank account and a job there (before even moving there)
if you have a retarded kid before gaining the citizenship, they will evict you.

>> No.5303771

because it's about as repressive as russia without all the prostitutes and drugs

>> No.5303914

/jp/ are tsundere for Japan

>> No.5303930

That's like moving to Italy because you eat Pizza twice a week.

>> No.5303944

Japanese people are racist fucks and they got nuked, how can you want to live somewhere that got nuked and did shit about it.

>> No.5303952

The "/jp/ hates Japan" isn't really true. It's a myth perpetuated to distance ourselves from other weeaboos.
You can still like a country while criticizing 90% they do, you know.

>> No.5303965

In addition: Japan isn't that racist actually. They're pretty xenophobic compared to an American, but they're not all hiveminded racists at all.

>> No.5303982

Liking a country while criticizing 90% of what it does is pretty weeabooish if you didn't grow up there.

>> No.5303971


But I dont like Japan, its a scumhole.
I only like some of its creative exports. I would never leave the west for the communist east.

>> No.5303984

The communist east? Are you even trying?

>> No.5303990

Why would I want to live in a country where I will be laughed at for speaking fluent english while having to be subjected to terrible engrish all the time.

No Thanks.

>> No.5304001

Just learn the kana-ized Engrish and you'll fit right in!

>> No.5303994

I like Russia, even though their government is a corrupt bunch of criminals and the streets are full with mugging trash.

>> No.5304014

Why would you move to japan just becasue you like anime,manga,VNs whatever, thats like moving to america because you love Die Hard.

>> No.5304023


I'd rather cut my ear off than lower myself to such standards.

>> No.5304024

I like my Pizza analogy more.

Oh, how about
It's like moving to France because you like French Fries.
