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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5294101 No.5294101 [Reply] [Original]

So /jp/ you wanted a report on the dealextreme fake tenga egg. Wave edition.

So here it is. I feel embarrassed that I'm doing this but whatever.

So for a test drive I fired up some hentai and lubed the egg as pictured on the internet. So far so good, at first it didn't feel like anything special. Takes some time getting used to it since your hand isnt in it's usual position, my problem was that lube somehow got on the outside of the egg so I had to stop get some tissues and wipe it away because it was way to slippery for a firm grip.

And so as time went on I kind of got a hang of it, it started to feel better then my hand. I can't say I really felt the "wave" inside. And so as time went on it felt better, and then I finished. I must say the orgasm is pretty different from your hand, I'd say 2 or 4 times as intense and last longer. Now was this my 3 day abstinence at work or the egg itself I don't know, probably both.

Now for the aftermath, unlike normal faping you have to clean pretty much everything your hands, your p0n0s and the egg. While you could skip the egg cleaning 4$ an egg isn't that cheap. I can't speak for longevity there was at least on mine no deformation or tear or damage after one use. So depending on how rough you are I'd judge about 10 usages +/- a few.

And so ends my report. Was it worth 4$. Yes it was if you never tried a male sextoy this is a cheap testdrive that you'll probably like.

Now since I don't have more lube and I'm cheap my second test will probably be spit.

Thats it.

>> No.5294119

Is it reversible?

>> No.5294133

I really would not recommend this, seriously.

>> No.5294149

I have a foreskin, I do not require this stuff.

>> No.5294167

So do I but it's really different, you might not need it, I certainly don't but it's a nice change. I'm not going to buy one anytime soon but it was a nice test.

>> No.5294171

Usually they don't cut off part of your dick in Croatia so he's probably uncut too.

>> No.5294177

What does foreskin have to do with using a onacup?

>> No.5294186

Tissues are usually enough to clean your dick with if you're lazy. Cleaning the onahole itself is a real bother though and probably the main reason I have refrained from using mine for some while now.

>> No.5294187

Foreskin is like a natural onahole that doesn't require any lube.

>> No.5294188

If you're cut, you're less sensitive I guess?

>> No.5294189

With a foreskin it is easier to masturbate.

I assume the above poster believes erroneously that without a foreskin one would need the aid of a device such as OP's toy to masturbate.

>> No.5294193

Is there a fake foreskin I can buy?
My cut one looks all dried out, and its quite sick that my parents cut off part of my sexual organ without my consent. Fucking christfags

>> No.5294202

No, it's not, not at all actually. Don't spout bullshit.
Now I don't really know how different it is to masturbate without foreskin, and I sure as hell don't want to find out, but using onaholes sure is different from jerking off normally.

>> No.5294208

But Christians don't do that. The Jews and Muslims do.

>> No.5294214

Easier to masturbate, less sensitive, etc etc. You guys are always spreading these lies. I though the majority of 4chans users were from the US, Canada, and the UK. Why are there so many uncut guys here?

>> No.5294211

Yup, there's tons of nerve ending and such there. Not to talk about the unneeded friction against trousers/underwear that desensitises the head of the cock if you are cut.

>> No.5294223

It's a poor man's onahole.

No one's claiming that your foreskin has fancy ribs.

>> No.5294225

UKfags tend not to be cut unless Jewish/Muslim.

>> No.5294227

Any pics, Croatia?

>> No.5294228
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>> No.5294230

I've perfected a technique requiring zero cleanup; simply hold your foreskin closed and cum into it, then walk over to the toilet. Plus you get to feel the pleasure of being cummed inside.

>> No.5294234

Because not all American parents are sheep.

And mostly because those that are cut don't flaunt it around, would you spam endlessly if you only had one testicle, or one eye? It's pretty much the same thing.

>> No.5294236

I got a "Clicker" egg a few months ago, thing's the shit. Threw it out after about a month of medium usage, as it was getting deformed and thin.

I would agree with the OP though; check one of these out if you haven't tried a male sex toy before, definitely worth a few bucks.

On the other side of this are the Onacups from Tenga. So far I've tried the Soft Tube and the Deep Throat. DT was pretty good, not as good as real fellatio, though. The ST on was quite enjoyable, as it allows you to squeeze down and add or remove pressure as you please. As far as reusing the cups, I found that thoroughly cleaning the cups was near impossible while they were intact, so I removed the inner "vagina" and cleaned it, then lubed it before the next use. Those lasted quite a bit longer then the egg, seeing as they're bigger and a bit thicker, so they can take a bit more wear.

Hooray masturbation!

>> No.5294249

>Plus you get to feel the pleasure of being cummed inside.
Okay, I lol'd.

>> No.5294248

Why you would even think this way about an international image board is kind of beyond me.

>> No.5294243

Well I don't know, tissues seems not enough I took a bath, and cleaning the egg is super easy under hot water, it's not ewwwwish or anything. and it dries off quickly too.

Also now that I think back I did feel the waves, also the egg sticks of well "plastic" I guess.

>> No.5294247

I did that a while, it's kinda exciting if you mix it up with the good ol' "how long can I keep fapping untill I need to visit a "dispenser"

>> No.5294252

No, if you want to see how it looks just go to deal extreme.

>> No.5294258

No, it's not the same thing at all! Cut cocks look better and are cleaner! Less penial maladies as well.

I'm sick of you uncutfags waving your smelly droopy dicks all over 4chan. Where's my circumzied pride?! Cutfags gotta be out here too.

>> No.5294259

I wanted to see you using it...

>> No.5294264

The majority of 4chan users are from US. That's just a statistical fact son, don't get defensive.

>> No.5294266

I wouldn't put my penis into something that was made in taiwan. And neither should you.

>> No.5294268

Yeah, I know it's not actually hard or much work to clean, I own a flip hole myself and I guess there's isn't much that's easier to clean when it comes to these, but I still have to get up. In comparison to not getting up.
Pitiful, I know, but that's a huge step for me.

>> No.5294272


>> No.5294275
File: 99 KB, 472x709, DSC_0350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, some of the best things are from taiwan!

>> No.5294277

>Cut cocks look better and are cleaner!
Because showers sure haven't been invented, right?

>> No.5294278

Why would anyone be proud about having his dick mutilated? That's kinda beyond me.

Also, believe it or not, the "cleaner" argument is total bullshit.

>> No.5294280

*winks* (See what you did there)

There's no real scientific basis to say that having a part of your cock cut off is being superior.

It's all just tradition, peer pressure and jews.

>> No.5294279

Yeah it's really a matter of Work:Pleasure ratio.

These things require much more work then simply pulling it out and shaking your hand up and down.

>> No.5294295
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Picture unrelated?

>> No.5294299

Calm down. It's not as if there's anything ashamed about being cut. You shouldn't feel bad about it.

>> No.5294300

In my technique, I place tissue paper over the head of my penis (under my foreskin).

It soaks up the precum so it doesn't get messy when I cum.

>> No.5294302


>>Not otaku

>> No.5294306

Yes, yes he should. Circumsized dicks are ugly as fuck.

>> No.5294311

I don't. It's just you guys with your yells of "mutilation" and all...I think uncut cocks are gross...to see this mindset going around so strong is unsettling it means there will be more uncut cocks in the world...

>> No.5294313

uncut penis looks exactly the same as a cut penis when it is fully erect.

You got the bad end of the bargain, sorry.

>> No.5294319

Are you saying you wouldn't put your penis in Chisame? What kind of a faggot are you?

>> No.5294315

Nah, the precum is awesome. It's the fucking shit !

Let the precum swosh about under your foreskin and you'll be able to fap with infinite force !

>> No.5294320

>>Evolution is gross.

>> No.5294321
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If you have any questions ask I'll answer a bit later, I'm going to leave this cut vs uncut battlefield.

>> No.5294329
File: 97 KB, 1280x720, [Nutbladder]_Arakawa_Under_the_Bridge_05_[45a6817b].mkv_snapshot_02.28_[2010.05.04_04.03.25].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Natural, unmutilated body parts are gross

>> No.5294330

There's no battlefield. As usual it's just me, apparently the only circumsized person on 4chan, expressing my distaste for dog cocks while three samefags laugh and try to defend their smegma and nasty wrinkly skinfolds.

>> No.5294333

Why leave ? Out there you're just semi-European slav-shit.

Now you're one of us! REPRESENT THE FORESKIN !

>> No.5294341

> try to defend their smegma and nasty wrinkly skinfolds

Oh you.

>> No.5294345

Like how you're trying to defend your penis being mutilated, which you had no say in? Also, you never get smegma unless you don't shower for a week.

>> No.5294350

Probably not because I have never actually seen the guy and I'm not into faceless taiwanese men.

>> No.5294353

>>Dog cock
Darwin was wrong apparently.
By that line of reasoning, you're a samefag as well seeing as you have posted your opinion more then once in a given thread.
Do people not shower in America/Arabia/NorthKorea/Israel?
At least our cocks arent flakey.

>> No.5294358

Yet once again,
"the penises I like are better than the penises you like" discussion.
Makes you wonder.

>> No.5294362

Guys, stop it. This is shameful. Poor Croatia.

>> No.5294361

ITT:People that are insecure about how their penises look.
How about they are just used for sex, doesn't fucking matter what the hell you do. The problem with uncircumsized ones is SMEGMA, but it's not my problem.

>> No.5294372

Nobody likes uncut cocks except for the guys that have them.

And how they look is very important, by the way.

>> No.5294374
File: 134 KB, 400x400, pZg4jpoVOczd33ubvrnsnzKD_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when I'm a Jew an my ancestors are responsible for your cut dicks
What do they say? A sorrow shared is a sorrow halved.

>> No.5294375

>The problem with uncircumsized ones is SMEGMA
Yeah, just that it's not.
That's just a lie people with mutilated dicks came up with to make themselves feel better. I never had that shit my whole life.

>> No.5294378
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>> No.5294380

It's not a problem unless you're a disgusting slob who literally never showers.

>> No.5294383

It isn't a discussion.

It's just a poor, narrow sighted, small person desperately defending himself for his mental well being, WOULD YOU WANT TO BE A cut mouse IN A WORLD OF MEN?

>> No.5294385

You know, I am uncut, but I just...don't like cocks.
I'm fine with mine, I'm fine with other people being fine with theirs, I don't think it deserves all this fuss.

>> No.5294388

i.e. the average American 4chan user

>> No.5294391

How do you know? Do you blow yourself regularly? Just cause it's not enough to see it doesn't mean it doesn't smell bad or taste bad. Think of the poor girls you're going to make put that in their mouth. It's just a pouch for bacteria and sweat to gather, how could it possibly ever be as clean.

>> No.5294400

It's not like those people will ever have sex, anyway.
You don't have to blow yourself to know if it's there or not. If you take showers and wash your dick, it's not there. Enjoy your inferiority complex, though.

>> No.5294398

Nice try chump.

That's what you guys talk about in the shower stalls after gym class?

>> No.5294403

Circumcision, leading cause of butthurt in the world.

>> No.5294406

It's pretty easy to tell. If you haven't bloody washed it and you masturbate, your hand's going to stink.

>> No.5294411

I don't know why you guys are arguing if it is or isn't more sanitary. Ahahaha, I get it. It's the only natural thing that christian/jew fags are against so you guys have to go against it to? EPIC TROLLING GUYS 10/10

>> No.5294413

You're the one with the inferiority complex, chum. I think you know that cut cocks are the ideal representation of classical phallic beauty that has been passed down since the times of ancient Greece and even before. I look like a human and yours looks like a dog. But I don't blame you for feeling inferior about that. You shouldn't try so desperately to turn it around though that's childish.

>> No.5294414


Do christians get cut? I didn't think it was standard practice.

>> No.5294416

It's the only argument guys who got mutilated can pull out of their ass, despite the fact that it's a blatant lie.

>> No.5294421

Yeah, seriously. I told his ass to calm down but he's steadily trying to insult people. I mean who wants a dog dick seriously, unless you are a furry.

>> No.5294427

>since the times of ancient Greece and even before
Hurf durf yeah that's why you see all those cut cocks on the Greek vases, right? The ancient Greeks abhorred circumcision.

>> No.5294428

The foreskin is there just for the reason of protection AND cleanliness.

Your flakey, dried out piece of jerky is constantly exposed to the wear and tear from your underwear.
Does that mean that the "gurl bl0wing yuh" is going to die from chemical poisoning because of the softeners you used in the washing machine?


Do your worm-in-the-sun smell like a fucking wardrobe?


Is your dick insensitive.


Shower everyday you fucking American pig.

>> No.5294431
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>ideal representation of beauty
>maimed with a knife
Sure glad I'm not beautiful, then. Enjoy less fulfilling masturbation and (lol) sex.

>> No.5294436

>I think you know that cut cocks are the ideal representation of classical phallic beauty that has been passed down since the times of ancient Greece and even before.

Uh.... that actually made me look it up out of interest.

>According to Hodges, ancient Greek aesthetics of the human form considered circumcision a mutilation of a previously perfectly shaped organ. Greek artwork of the period portrayed penises as covered by the foreskin (sometimes in exquisite detail), except in the portrayal of satyrs, lechers, and barbarians.[4]

>> No.5294439

Enjoy cumming within 60 seconds.

>> No.5294443

Yeah, it's kind of a way of saying that you accept God, but ever since Jesus, christians technically don't have to do it, but its a traditional thing.

>> No.5294445

Barbarians were the most admirable of warriors and satyrs are the literal personification of sex. Consider this argument won; by me.

>> No.5294446

Oh wow. Reading the history of circumcision makes me laugh.

>Later during the Talmudic period (500-625 A.D.) a third step began to be practiced by the more orthodox Jewish groups. This was known as Metzitzeh. In this step the mohel would suck the blood from the circumcision wound with his mouth. Although initially thought to reduce the infections by sucking out any bacteria, it was actually found to introduce infection such as tuberculosis and venereal diseases. More modern day mohels use a glass tube placed over the infant's penis for suction of the blood when performing metzitzah. In many Jewish ritual circumcisions this step of Metzitzah has been eliminated.[9]



>> No.5294444 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5294454
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Nice obvious samefag and blatant misinformation about the Greek part.
Yeah, I'm sure you'd know if that were true or not, since you've actually experienced masturbating with a natural, uncut cock. Oh wait, you haven't!

>> No.5294456
File: 8 KB, 163x239, Davids2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your price. The western world's most famous statue.

>> No.5294460

Ahahaha oh wow.
>mohel would suck the blood from the circumcision wound with his mouth.


>> No.5294462

Jews: The one true master race.

>> No.5294465
File: 49 KB, 261x229, 5ff9543c8b83192fa1c82bc0fdec71c1e399b99c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not cut myself but I like cut dicks more than uncut ones.

>> No.5294471

Make me a video of you sticking your penis inside a vagina and pumping it for more than 60 seconds without cumming. Oh wait, you can't.
