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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5287203 No.5287203 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /jp/, Could you help me making up a plot for a game?
I'll use rpgmaker xp and i'm out of ideas. It could be anything. (references to anime/japan on the plot are welcome)


>> No.5287211

Make BRUTAL Touhou!!!1

>> No.5287220

Steal a bunch of sprites off pixiv.

Make original content.

>> No.5287224

Reimu and Marisa walk into a bar...

>> No.5287243

Donkey Kong and Touhou crossover.

You know you want to.

>> No.5287256

fall in love with a robot girl

>> No.5287266


Chibisex is ADORABLE.

>> No.5287274

I am weird for fapping to OP's pic?

>> No.5287280

It cant be too adorable considering the fact that I've fapped to it several times. True moe can't be fapped to.

>> No.5287284

Johnson Jackrabbitson is the oldest kid in he family, and thus, entrusted to take care of the house. He really likes washing the dishes and one day while coming back from school, he finds out about an underground dish-washing tournament. Johnson decides to participate so he can get money to pay for his little sister's surgery.

>> No.5287287

What kind of game?

>> No.5287291

I was looking for this picture.
You're not alone

>> No.5287298

A land of magical fairies where if you beat them in a game of mahjong they'll have sex with you.

>> No.5287321

Even after all this time, you still think "moe" means "adorable" or "cute"?

Damn you, anonymous.

>> No.5287349
File: 190 KB, 1090x768, asdas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what the program looks like, i'd like you to keep in mind the possibilities of the program, it could be only dialogue or a rpg or both.

>> No.5287377

>implying no one in /jp/ has ever used rpg maker

>> No.5287386

Really? I mean hey, collaborating on shit like this can be cool and all, but really? Youre not even sure what youre doing and youre already out of ideas?

>> No.5287481

Can you blame me with all of the mass produced moeblob/garbage.

>> No.5287551

After playing Violated Heroine, porn in an RPG maker game is a must. If only someone could add some gameplay to VH.(I know it's just a demo, but I don't think the author cares about non-ero gameplay.)

>> No.5287650

why not rpg maker vx?

>> No.5287669

vx is horrible

>> No.5287688

I've come to the conclusion that any picture can be fapped to by someone somewhere.

>> No.5287693

this gave me some inspiration, thanks

>> No.5287698


How so?

>> No.5287748
File: 97 KB, 834x1200, KANA025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a ghost, compelled to haunt a large hotel in a city containing several unusual landmarks of spiritual significance. You know that you died in the hotel, but you don't know when or how, or who you were in life. You can only talk to children, sleeping people, and very occasionally, other ghosts. You can only pick up objects that are very light or endowed with spiritual power.
You feel that you need to keep busy in order to avoid fading away, so you wander the hallways and rooms at night, destroying angry spirits that have decided to pester certain people or objects for reasons only known to them. Defeating strong spirits, or just a whole bunch, can render new objects manipulateable/equipable, and change the behavior of living people, e.g., causing hotel guests to check out so that new ones can check in, or causing them to make offerings at a shrine, which happens to send some spiritual benefit your way in the process, or getting them arrested, so that friendly ghosts can rest in peace. Defeating these enemies can also increase your spiritual inertia, allowing you to destroy stronger spirits, to manipulate heavier or more mundane objects, and to communicate with older children and less sound sleepers.
The more you explore, the more clues you find out about your past, and about the city you don't live in. A few hotel guests even bring objects with them that you can stow away in, granting you temporary access to other places in the city, e.g. an old battlefield filled with powerful ghosts, or a very old hospital or library.

>> No.5287758
File: 119 KB, 834x1200, KANA026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One advantage of the hotel setting is ease in reusing backgrounds and sprites. One advantage of the premise is that any silly thing you come up with or see in a movie or anime can instantly be a side quest in later revisions or sequals of the game. One drawback of the premise is that it will require writing lots and lots of dialogue. You can decide for yourself how echhi or grimdark you want to go with it. I like lighthearted exploran gaems myself, but death and invisibility in a hotel do offer a lot of possibilities.
Also, I would suggest not going too crazy with the enemy monster types at first, i.e. get a functional game with a coherent central plot working before you include every type of ghost and minor demon you've ever heard of. Also, don't be tempted to make the game too easy just to let people read the next part of the stories. Dead people have nothing but time to waste, and so will the few people playing your game. Some grind and strategy in between chapters would make reaching them all the more rewarding, I think.

>> No.5287769


>> No.5287793

It doesn't need funding, just lots of time and a little writing and sprite editing skill.

>> No.5287858

nice plot, when i end up exploring all the features that this program has, i'll try to do it.

>> No.5288595

Are you going to make it /jp/ related?

>> No.5288653

I think he wants us to do that for him, so he has an impetus to play with the software he's looking at.

>> No.5289666

Is there a reason you're using RPG maker? Why not use c/c++?

>> No.5289687

Plot is literally the easiest portion of a game

It's all the fucking content that's an issue

>> No.5289701

>game development

>> No.5289717


>Impliying he wants to spend a year developing an engine just to make a hobby game.

>> No.5289718

why don't you use RPG MAKER VX

>> No.5289874


>> No.5290028
File: 261 KB, 1280x960, gantz_keixkei_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not like it's hard to make anything in c/c++ that RPG maker is capable of.

If you've ever looked at the source code of mainstream games such as Half-life, most of it is coded in C. Compared to C, C++'s abstraction is limited.

Someone needs to make a game about Gantz.

>> No.5290051

Plot? Sure.

/jp/ learns about an artifact that can turn them into 2D girls and leaves their basements to hunt for it. After adventures such as passing through the zombie-filled suicide forest Aokigahara, diving in Yonaguni and sneaking into the Dragon Palace and fighting demons in Onigashima to learn the whereabouts of the artifact, they finally find Mount Penglai and become the immortal young girls they wanted to be.

The game would lack common fantasy RPG items such as potions, instead using dolls, figurines and dakimakura to rejuvenate the fallen Anonymous' fighting spirits. Skills and classes would likewise be toned, with waifumancers that use their devotion to their waifus to power their spells and people wearing kigurumi as armor.

>> No.5290059
File: 47 KB, 500x600, c++-tan.1079182560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What libraries did you have in mind? I don't have game coding experience, excepting pong.

>> No.5290432

More like include bloat stream.

But addressing your question, use Allegro or SDL. SDL is said to be better but I'm only good with Allegro. If you need any help, I can assist you.

>> No.5290462

I'm going to sleep for now. Hopefully this thread will be around by tomorrow.

>> No.5292194


More people need to do chibisex.

>> No.5292966

I'd play it

>> No.5292971

Possibly during character creation you can choose between waifus that give different stat/skill boosts

>> No.5294979

That's too complex. The game mechanics should be straightforward.

>> No.5294991

I would play it

>> No.5295970

Make it in C++ OP.

>> No.5296443
File: 25 KB, 400x267, Yu Yu Hakusho Group-SD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds familiar.

>> No.5296465
File: 980 KB, 2000x3727, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use my idea

>> No.5296473

You will never use any of these sex positions ;_;

>> No.5296498

That art style looks like the meido's art style.

>> No.5296510


That is me, yeah.

>> No.5296528

I thought deviantartist get pissy when you use their ideas.

>> No.5296546
File: 114 KB, 202x318, 127160166958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5296553

>based on an idea posted in thread 4796082

>> No.5296554

It seems as if you have a lot of VN concepts that involve gameplay. I just wonder which one is the bigger priority: gameplay or VN. If the latter, the programmer would be better off using a high level language. If the former, then the programmer will have to spend a lot of time building a text engine that's good enough for a VN.
