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File: 518 KB, 471x562, Liarsoft2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5244312 No.5244312 [Reply] [Original]

So /jp/, who's best waifu material, Mary Clarissa Christie or Ati?

Also, general "What a beautiful" Series thread.

>> No.5244323
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Atiwhen she was still neko..

>> No.5244330
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Black Alice for me.

>> No.5244331
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That's not how Angelica Derleth is spelled.

>> No.5244335

ati. i always liked her.

>> No.5244337

M and Mary are both mai waifu, and mai husbando.

>> No.5244339

I like Mary more, but she suffers from Prince Charming syndrome so it's not like I'll be up to her standards or anything.

>> No.5244341

Mary, because she's not fucking furry bait.

>> No.5244355

Ati is love, regadless what happened to her in the end.


>> No.5244360

>Prince Charming Syndrome

Lol, definitley this.

>> No.5244361

I haven't played Sharnoth yet but I really like Ati.

>> No.5244369
File: 166 KB, 650x578, shar_novelcut02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What other LS/RS VNs are good, while we're on the subject?

I've only played the What a beautiful series (with Sharnoth being my overall favourite), and am definitley going to play Forest soon. Also very interested in raiL-soft's new VN about living on a boat, or some shit.

>> No.5244378


Anyways, I don't know where these are from but I like the one with heterochromia.

>> No.5244380

Don't try Forest and the Rail-soft games if your moonspeak isn't very good.

>> No.5244383
File: 212 KB, 800x601, shar_novelcut08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm following the xxxHOLiC manga, actually. Does it even have a VN?I heard it had something for the PS2 a while back when the animu was airing, but...?

>> No.5244388

Kusarihime, without a doubt. If you like the what a beatiful series you'll like Forest as well. It's like when they made Inganock and subsequent games they said to the writer "Just give us more Forest".

Does that mean you've completed Valcia, by th eway? How is it?

>> No.5244398

My moonspeak is pretty basic, I must admit. Is Forest written in a specific, eloquent way or something?

>> No.5244406

it has spoken lines that doesn't appear in the textbox. It might be difficult to follow.
By the love of god keep posting those SnS drawings, where are they from?

>> No.5244435

I don't know.

I stopped reading after it was revealed that shoarang was a clone, or something like that. More precisely in the chapter where they're playing some sort of gothic lolita chess.

What has happened since, and what's the name of the girl in that image?

>> No.5244491
File: 158 KB, 700x555, shar_novelcut06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooooh, I checked the article out on vndb, and it turns out that it's already on my wishlist, amusingly enough. Character designs are a bit eh, but the story looks too fucking awesome to pass up.

I didn't think I'd be able to get into Valcia at first, due to the Arabian setting, and the sweet character design. Looked much much too... soft? I decided to give it a go regardless, and I was happy enough with it. It's probably the most light-hearted out of the trio, but you should give it a go regardless. Not that it's fluffy all the time, there are some pretty dark, and awkward moments.

Ah, I see. That's an odd way of doing things, but as long as I just listen to what's being spoken before reading what's there, I hopefully shouldn't have a problem. I'm much better at listening to moon language than reading it.

They're absolutely gorgeous, aren't they? They're from the webnovels, which are on the actual Sharnoth site.


Also, listen to this and melt into mush~

>> No.5244502
File: 115 KB, 350x707, shar_novelcut03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ffffffffuck, that was a long time ago. Oh christ, so much has happened. Turned out Yuuko was dead all along, and now Watanuki is running the shop, and he can't leave it. Tsubasa is over and done with now, and there was some shitty deus ex machina end, with Sakura's real name being Tsubasa, or some shit like that. Syaoran and the rest of the crew, sans Sakura, are forever traveling.

The girl is called, like the OP said, Mary Clarissa Christie and she's from the VN Shikkoku no Sharnoth ~what a beautiful tomorrow~.

>> No.5244511
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>> No.5244519
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>> No.5244520
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>> No.5244521

oh, there were webnovels for this as well? Cool. Thanks for the heads up, they're stunningly beautiful. Do they deal with the post-game situation like the Inganock ones do?

>> No.5244523
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>> No.5244544
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Inganock is one of my favourite visual novels ever, what are Sharnoth and Valcia like when compared to it?

>> No.5244555
File: 24 KB, 256x367, 313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone always forgets this game whenever discussing the What a Beautiful series.

>> No.5244563

Thank You.
One more question if I may.
Has it been translated?
The VN, that is.

>> No.5244576

I'm not him, but it's not translated.

>> No.5244584

No, though Ixrec seems to like the series enough, I guess he eventually will translate it sometime after Alternative and Forest.

>> No.5244623

Inganock and Sharnoth's OST are on /rs/.
Did someone find Valcia's?

>> No.5244649

This looks like a good thread to ask, so... about rail soft Vns, anyone is willing to give some impressions on them? There aren't any reviews in english as far as I could tell.

>> No.5244652
File: 404 KB, 800x600, 095x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sharnoth is set in ye olde England, and you get to play as the little girl. You're bffs with Charlotte Bronte and Lovecraft's Derleth, and then all this shit happens when Charlotte gets abducted and you meet Arthur Conan Doyle's Moritary. I actually vastly prefer it to Inganock, though the battle system is a load of wank.

I got this 'wow' feeling while reading it, which I don't feel as often as I'd like to while reading other visual novels. I suppose it's just the kind of thing which suits my interests. The setting, characters, plot, music...

>> No.5244669

I first heard that they were more kid friendly, in comparison to other Liar-soft works. But that doesn't make sense, because when I looked at the site for their upcoming Albatross, there were h-scenes depicted in some of the cgs.

>> No.5244690

Im voting for Ati too.
Her love for the doctor was great.

>> No.5244697


I haven't played the VN or any of the "what a beautiful" series. But goddamn I love the art.

>> No.5244707 [SPOILER] 
File: 8 KB, 208x187, unsmart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why's she so dumb?
Oh right, she's a cat!

>> No.5244720
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>> No.5244742

Played both raiL-soft games (Kagerou Touryuuki and Bengarachou Hakubutsushi). They are very awesome, some of the best-written eroge ever and have a distinct style in terms or writing, music and art that I like a lot.

They're also hard to read -- the writer uses an enormous supply of rare kanji and vocabulary, and even many Japanese people on erogamescape and 2ch are reporting that they're keeping a dictionary at hand when playing the games. I'd estimate both games are among the top 5 hardest commercial eroge ever in terms of language difficulty. Personally, my Japanese is not exactly on a native's level, but if you have a decent grasp of the language and are willing to spend a large amount of time looking kanji and words up on a dictionary, you should be able to go through them, albeit slowly.

>> No.5244755

I think she gave a reasonable conclusion for her situation. She can't see the sun thanks to the smog, nor there was a way to prove it other than Randolf's talks.

>> No.5244758
File: 600 KB, 969x599, ATISUX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought you said it hasn't been translated...

>> No.5244769

I was talking about Sharnoth. Not Inganock.

>> No.5244773

Inganock is translated, Sharnoth/Valcia aren't.

>> No.5244778

Sharnoth =/= Inganock.

>> No.5244785

Don't forget Celenaria.

>> No.5244793
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>> No.5244797

Oh, I thought they were all characters from the same VN.

>> No.5244808

Nah, same series/universe, though. For example, Inganock is briefly mentioned in Sharnoth, and in the Inganock webnovels, Ati meets M, one of the main characters in Sharnoth.

>> No.5244809

This image appears to have been made by a normalfag. I'm never buying nvidia again. 1.7 woodscrews anyway.

>> No.5244815

>Mary Clarissa Christie
Beautiful, refined, pure, self-respecting woman.

Furry slut.

>> No.5244834

>Furry slut.
Fur is soft and comfortable.

>> No.5244841

Actually, what was up with that pseudo h-scene between Mary and M towards the end of Sharnoth?

From what I recall, Mary must have passed out, and was dreaming it all. Either that, or a different reality was shown.

>> No.5244845

What the hell? How can you say that after so many lines of love devotion to only one person (Gii)?

>> No.5244852
File: 98 KB, 800x600, 8736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind me just posting superior waifu.

>> No.5244860

Hikari no Terroristsia.

>> No.5244883

Actually, I wouldn't call Sharnoth's England "Ye Olde". It's basically England of Victorian age, the age when modern technologies got much more popular, and when most of London consisted of factories and the workers' houses. Damn, the places where you can see the sun are considered the places of attraction.
I know that you already know it, I'm just making this clear for those who have yet to read it.

It's on Nicovideo, but you must cut it apart to have a proper OST. I'll try to do it tomorrow if no one does it before me.

>> No.5244888

That was the "perfect, single day frozen in time" Sharnoth's manifestation brought about. The guy wasn't M, but the perfect Prince Charming for Mary. He just looked a bit like M, though behaved nothing like him, so that might mean that she was starting to feel attracted to him on a subconscious level.

>> No.5244893

>edit it out of niconico's vid
Oh heavens no.

>> No.5244972

Ah, I see. That makes sense. Thanks for clearing it up. I thought that she felt something for him before the whole Jane Doe incident, but got awkward when Jane said that she and M used to be lovers. I thought her feelings for him after just letting Jane die like that intensified, as I suppose fierce hatred and passion are two sides of the same coin.

>> No.5244984

Valcia's OST can be found with a single google search

>> No.5245016


Thanks, so we won't see any translations soon I guess.

>> No.5245020

I think there was somewhat of a sexual tension between them, but usually What a beautiful series main male and female don't usually become a couple (I haven't played Celenaria). They have a meaningful relationship that doesn't involve fucking each other senseless like most other eroge, that's one of the things I like about these games.

>> No.5245036

I guess not. When you get down to it, the actual stories in the raiL games aren't impossibly reference-involved or complicated to be translated, but the actual writing style is a major appeal of the games, and I honestly can't see any fan-translator imitating it to a satisfying degree (nevermind Jast, MG & co). And of course, the raiL games are far from popular to begin with, even among the English-speaking Liar-soft fan crew.

>> No.5245042

>And of course, the raiL games are far from popular to begin with, even among the English-speaking Liar-soft fan crew.

Wow, seriously?

>> No.5245046

Go to the archive and search for "raiL-soft". There are posts from almost one year ago in the very first page of results.

>> No.5245055

In the end I don't really care about the VN.
I just really like heterochromia'd girls.

So post more.

>> No.5245059

Oh, I totally agree. I think I found what Mary and M shared much more meaningful because of that, but a more shallow side of me still wanted them to do something. I was certain that something was going to happen when he randomly showed up in her room after she had taken a shower. Then there was all the RAGE when she grabbed onto his collar. But, anyway. It was admirable that Mary was able to save him from that miserable life, and that he was able to finally break free and leave.

It sort of reminded me of the anime Revolutionary Girl Utena's ending, where a similar situation happened.

>> No.5245085
File: 258 KB, 579x800, shar_fa0114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shall post all of the Mary I have. Even though most of it are CGs from the VN itself.

>> No.5245086
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>> No.5245093 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.5245094

She's so pretty.
Almost like a mix between Suigintou and the boku doll.

>> No.5245099 [SPOILER] 
File: 463 KB, 800x600, 100a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5245102
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>> No.5245115

Miserable Life? Break free? No, he was like that on purpose, because he wanted to be. He even said that he made a contract with Professor Moriarty just because he wanted to see if the chosen one would make the same choice he did, living in the frozen time. It's just that Mary changed his way of thinking.

Is that right, anyway? Utena was one of the few animu a guy I know strongly recommended to me, I might get around to watch it if you say it's similar, I loved this game.

>> No.5245128
File: 122 KB, 800x600, 8f97695e4f1e26967a233bcbe72dc7f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every character in the VN is pretty. Everyone, it's almost a crime.


Mary, M, Heinz, Derleth, Moran, Henry, and even Lovecraft-kun.

>> No.5245165

But that's Charlotte, not Mary.

>> No.5245194

>boku doll

show a little more respect.

>> No.5245199
File: 175 KB, 848x600, 2498467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Curiously enough, last night I finished translating the full OP. It's here, if anyone wants it;


It's certainly not the best, and I took some liberties for a few lines. For example, I translated 'dance, dance' as, 'as you dance whirling around' to get more of a feel for the lyrics. Fuck it, it's up there anyway.

>> No.5245204

Why don't you start a translation project for sharnoth?

>> No.5245208

Do you have a link to download that song? I haven't been able to find it

>> No.5245209

You, kind sir, are a gentleman and a scholar. Thank you for translating one of my favorite VN openings of all time.

>> No.5245211

I never learned her name... actually I did but I forgot.
All I remember is suiseiseki, suigintou, and... Hina(because she's named like that touhou)

>> No.5245228

Ixrec is going to do it sooner or later anyways, and this isn't exactly a light writing style we're talking about.

>> No.5245236

I'd be much too lazy to attempt to translate of Sharnoth's length. Four minute song? Perfect, why not. Fifteen hour VN? I think not. Besides, there's a slight chance that Ixrec might want to translate this, so let's pin our hopes on him.

I believe I found the OP on hongfire. Might have been with the soundtrack though, I'm not sure.

Not at all, my dear anon. It's one of my favourites, too.

>> No.5245279

True. And this would need to be carefully handled. For example, to get more of a feel for the series it'd be one thing just to translate it, but it'd be another to rearrange the translation to English dialects of the early 1900s. From what I recall, the only characters who speak colloquially are the pair of street kids, and the newspaper researcher. So Ixrec would have his job cut for him. I imagine that the final result would be very rewarding though.

>> No.5245295

So the song is actually about a dance?

Mind = blown.

>> No.5245345

You should read the wiki article. It's actually a fascinating read. A tarantella is a fast paced dance, and the world was apparently borrowed from Greek, which was a name of an exorcism ritual in relation to the gods.

>A convulsion infuriated the human frame....Entire communities of people would join hands, dance, leap, scream, and shake for hours....Music appeared to be the only means of combating the strange epidemic...lively, shrill tunes, played on trumpets and fifes, excited the dancers; soft, calm harmonies, graduated from fast to slow, high to low, prove efficacious for the cure

>Reportedly, victims who had collapsed or were convulsing would begin to dance with appropriate music and be revived as if a tarantula had bitten them. The music used to treat dancing mania appears to be similar to that used in the case of tarantism though little is known about either.

>While most serious proponents speculated as to the direct physical benefits of the dancing rather than the power of the music a mid-18th century medical textbook gets the prevailing story backwards describing that tarantulas will be compelled to dance by violin music[

>> No.5245361

On second thought, the feverish nature of the dance could be compared to how feverishly Mary is searching for Charlotte. The first part of the chorus is about the dance itself/some sort of struggle, and the second part is the actual search.

>> No.5245372


I think the name "tarantola" actually comes from the old greek name of the city of Taranto, indeed. And Τάρας itself would probably either come from the name of a nearby river or from a greek god.

>> No.5245489

Is Sharnoth better than Inganock, overall?

Despite it not being translated, there's a lot of recent discussion for it.

>> No.5245509

No, Inganock is considered the best of the WAB series.

>> No.5245537

I guess it just depends on what you're more into.

>> No.5245552

I liked Inganock better, but I'm not really a fan of this series.
Overall Forest is much better than them though, but more confusing so I can see lots of people disliking it.

>> No.5245559

Forest > Sharnoth > Inganock.

Of what I've played.

>> No.5245584

Something that I've noticed during my short stint with Railsoft's output is that with the flowery actual novel-like description of the architecture and what not, the games are as much about the setting as about the characters.

This is very rare in eroges with their usual light novel style writing where characters are the absolute heart of the story.

And here in comes the issue with pacing, since by nature, visual novels simply don't need extensive description because they're visual after all. There's nothing more annoying than walls of text about the main character's surroundings when all you want is to get into the story under it.

>> No.5245589

Does Sharnoth and Forest have the same 'Inner Voices' system Inganock has?

>> No.5245607

Don't know about Forest, but Sharnoth has this... rather odd battle system. Which was stupidly time consuming at times, and a right pain. I suppose it'd be fun for the people who liked the strategy part of games like Disagaea and La Pucelle, but I found it annoying and unneeded.

>> No.5245611

Sharnoth has a crappy RUN AWAY RUN AWAY RUN AWAY mini game that will bore you to death.
Forest doesn't have any mini-game but one riddle in particular toward the end has a very, very complicated flag system.
I fucking had to repeat it 4 times before finally giving in and deciding myself to use a walkthrough.

>> No.5245626 [DELETED] 

Forest does, yeah. That's one of the things that puts me off about Liar-Soft. I'm not a fan of their writing which is a pity because their games always have great atmosphere.

>> No.5245639


Thanks for answering.

I don't like the inner voices system of inganock, but I do like the concept of hearing and reading characters thoughts and information like that.

>> No.5245675

You can hear the character's thoughts in the in between parts of Sharnoth's battle system. It always starts with Mary going, 'I heard a voice!', and the characters' thoughts gradually get clearer. But even then, it's only a few lines. And they always finish with, 'therefore, I deny tomorrow'.

>> No.5245721 [DELETED] 

I'm trying to install Sekien no Inganock but every time the installer is in gibberish and aborts midway. I have Japanese Locale. Anyone help?

>> No.5246269

And Valcia/Celenaria? it seems each vn has its own 'type of game'.

>> No.5246470

A link to said torrent would be pretty much appreciated, sorry to be naggy.

>> No.5247441

>A link to said torrent would be pretty much appreciated, sorry to be naggy.

>> No.5247554

While we wait for the torrent link, here are the niconico vids of Valcia

Props to the the kind anon who translated Dorchardas, I have it on an loop right now. Thanks a bunch.

>> No.5247732

T'was nothing at all. I'm delighted that you're enjoying it.

Also, for the anons who're searching for the Valcia soundtrack~ isn't it on Hongfire? Or Share, even?

>> No.5247781

None of them.

>> No.5248439

>Something that I've noticed during my short stint with Railsoft's output is that with the flowery actual novel-like description of the architecture and what not, the games are as much about the setting as about the characters.

This is definitely true, and as a consequence (since neither game is huge in terms of total length), they have an unusually small amount of dialogue. I personally don't have too much of a problem with this -- it sometimes can make reading the games like a pain in the ass but you should be able to appreciate it once you've gotten used to it -- but I can also understand that this would put most people off.

As a side note, I don't really know how this style of minimal amount of dialogue will work with their upcoming game, though. The game will have a much larger cast than either of the two previous games.

>> No.5248471

Their new game looks awesome. I'm especially interested in the poor ole captain who's desperately in need of a good night's sleep, or rehab, and the sinister looking pair of twins. The guy who can't hold his drink looks amusing, too. Should be an utter riot, and I truly can't wait.

>> No.5248474

Me too. Especially after seeing H scenes previews of captain and twins

>> No.5248517
File: 71 KB, 550x268, albatross_chara11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, is there a demo of Albatross on the site? I haven't checked it in a bit, but I'd like to gauge how difficult the translation is before actually getting the thing when it comes out.

>> No.5248521

Oh wow, the first girl is seriously the most strung-out-looking VN heroine I have EVER seen.

p.s. You are now aware that "kuro" is Japanese slang for opium.

>> No.5248525

Not yet, but should come out soon.

>> No.5248530

I'm sure that the OP is the only thing that's been put up.

>> No.5248562

>p.s. You are now aware that "kuro" is Japanese slang for opium.


So we've a loli opium addict as our ship's captain? Fucking marvelous.

>> No.5248859
File: 75 KB, 800x600, mpc-hc 2010-05-28 08-50-17-31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, the OP has been put up on the site this Thursday. Be patient.

Well, her ship is built out of garbage, so she sort of fits it.

Can't wait for it, too. It's all about adult Saya to me.

>> No.5248881
File: 1.90 MB, 1600x1643, Group_29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What really.

Utena comparison = I buy this game NOW NOW NOW.

(Great series and highly recommended to those who want a really thought-provoking anime, BTW. Also has an AWESOME ending. I feel like a lot of Liar-soft fans would dig it.)

>> No.5248912

In Inganock webnovel they throw hints about some sort of romantic relationship could develop between M and Custos. In the end he took no interest at all and leave, betraying reader's expectation ;_;

>> No.5248914
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I haven't played it, but it has the Comedy Rape tag on VNDB, which intrigued me.

>> No.5249566

This deserves a bump.

>> No.5249589

What do we know about the rest of the Albatross characters?

>> No.5249600


I don't want to sound discouraging or anything, but I think you guys are basically getting hyped over the wrong things. Unless there's a totally unexpected change in 希's writing and storytelling style, most of the game's text will be massive walls of text without much concrete stuff really happening. It will be far from an "utter riot".

>> No.5249639

As long as the atmosphere is there, I don't mind it that much. And hey, the OP movie actually shows some intense action.

>> No.5250030

If I want action and concrete stuff happening I'll be playing Symphonic Rain.

>> No.5250193

This. The lack of atmosphere in most eroges saddens me. It's nice to see a difference.

>> No.5250215




>> No.5250237

It'd be nice if atmosphere and plot can combines. But that's asking too much.

I'm asking for Umineko but with better art and Type-Moon tier directing.

>> No.5250242

You are asking for very little, get better standards.

>> No.5250278

I liked it better when the Liar-soft/Rail-soft writers concentrated on making nukiges instead.

>> No.5250300

Liarsoft's nukiges weren't ever very great. I think it's better that they're doing their own thing.

>> No.5250373

I like their female point of view during the H-scenes, very refreshing to say the least.

>> No.5250433

I've love to see Umineko with Sharnoth/Inganock art. Just imagining DEM TEXTURES over all the dresses.

>> No.5250499

I didn't mean Liarsoft nukiges. I meant games like Sagara Family for example, which was half-done by Rail-soft/Liar-soft writers, and they did few other ones too.

>> No.5253065

Still, I think they are better now that they have a distinctive style.

>> No.5255896

I keep awaiting for the torrent ;__;

>> No.5255947

srsly, how did they think Umineko's art was good enough?
It's SHIT!

>> No.5255986

Hey hey slow down there anon; even if Liar-soft's art is way prettier, Umineko's has quite a charm on its expressions. Specially DEM TROLLFACES.

>> No.5257357


Also, Albatross trial is out.

>> No.5257835

Shit, that's fast. Fuck SubaHibi, I'll finish this trial ASAP.

>> No.5258954

By all means, please give us a summary of Albatross when you finish it. I'm really interested in that opium-loli.

>> No.5258974

Sure I will. I'm having some problems with installing it for now, but I'll try to fix it soon.

>> No.5259099
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>> No.5259106
File: 256 KB, 800x600, kuro2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5259230

Fuck, I don't get it. The installer takes a long time to start up, asks about his files on drive C, and then runs another installer which shuts down after it couldn't find some file. I'm confused and frustrated.

>> No.5259250

I knew since Kagerou but Rail-soft really isn't for me.
Holy fuck each page take me 10 minutes to read.

>> No.5259265

You sure you got it directly from the raiL site and the download isn't unfinished? I don't even recall any second installer popping up, and the trial itself installed just fine.

>> No.5259292

that means it's a good exercise to improve your japanese skills. Just don't go about it for relaxing like you'd do other eroges. Go slowly, but be sure to get everything that's written down to the last word, it's a pretty good way to improve.
It's more fun than doing exercise with a book, at least.

>> No.5259300

Yeah, I got it from the very first mirror on their site, and I'm pretty sure that it finished downloading.
This is why I hate getting obscure errors.

>> No.5259450


Maybe your download got corrupted? I can upload my files for you if you want though.

>> No.5259530

I downloaded it twice, so I don't think that it got corrupted both time. But yeah, I'd appreciate another mirror to try.

>> No.5260501

Any progress, bro?

>> No.5260870

age for Albatross trial mirrow

>> No.5260891

age for Valcia OST

>> No.5261111
File: 269 KB, 800x600, snap317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Played about 20% of the trial for now (it's pretty damn long; judging from the extracted script I'd estimate somewhere around 450-500kb of text). Despite of what the demo movie and premise initially had me thinking, the writing is unmistakably raiL-soft, and unless my memory is failing me on the previous games, I'd say this one's writing level is even a small notch up from the two other games.

The game pretty much starts with a boom, and overall the style and characterization are very different from previous raiL. Overall, after the initial scene, the atmosphere is once again very nicely done, and just yet I can't really see this game failing.

If anyone cares, I've uploaded the BGM extracted from the trial: http://www.mediafire.com/?bymitmt1t4z
Because of Liar's retarded system, you need to use MPC (or, more specifically, the ffdshow vorbis codec) to play these files.

>> No.5261842

Thanks anon, both for the insight and BGM.

>> No.5262233

Wow, that loli captain looks great. But I hope there is no rape in Albatross.

>> No.5262694
File: 122 KB, 800x600, gayshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5262709

will there be a translation for Sharnoth in the future?

>> No.5262717


>> No.5263547

Probably since Ixrec himself has an interest in Liar-soft titles, it could be translated after Forest.

>> No.5263554


>> No.5263561

I read that as titties...

>> No.5264149

To you bros that played the trial, Is it like MinDead Blood where you go around different parts of the ship.

>> No.5265067


>> No.5266501

Archive this please, for the love of god. Who knows when /jp/ witll ever see another quality Liar-soft/Railsoft thread?

>> No.5266509

We have easymodo, and there's no much OC in this thread. Just note the post number and move on.

Also, I'm still waiting for the mirror >>5259450 promised.

>> No.5266512


j vqq db qd spro g l flccnflCHRISTtOPHdER PiOOxLyEe (jAKfAh MOOiT, AsKdAg THE ADMINd OoF 4CmHAdN) ISl Ao DANGpERyOUS, MbENTALxLY IcLeLk THIEF. READ ALuL ABhOUaTe IiT HEnREm:y HTTP:v//o88p.80.21.u1z2b/ OR HiTThP:/y/zWlWpW.ANONeTALlK.SdEv/ OaR HTTP://ApTv.KIMMzOA.SEa/iczo zo ievnogi sot uq xz j tqo ug k fowbf pa lk l k

>> No.5266514


m he p lb uu pykfv sdc xCHRvISTOPHER PjOtOLE (AKvA MObOT,n AKrAa THxE ADgMINs OmF 4rCfHiAN)l IhSi A DANGEuROUrS, MrEuNTALrLiY InLL THIEqFb. READd ALLz ABOUTb IT HERoEa:b HtTTPk:o/s/j8s8.b80.21.12/n ORp HTnTP:r/l/sWWW.zAyNObNTALK.SEc/ OR HTfTP:m/r/iATe.KIMMgOA.cSE/ee fqnba anovkoucs tqvs

>> No.5266639

OP here, if this thread reaches its bump limit, I promise to make other as soon as possible; for now let's wait for the Albatross Trial mirrow that anon promised.

>> No.5268373
File: 348 KB, 800x600, snap303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also, I'm not the person who originally promised to upload his game folder, but if anyone still cares here's mine:

Had to split it into two files (with 7zip), because mediafire doesn't allow uploads larger than 200MB.

>> No.5268388

Do I get to fuck her?

>> No.5268395
File: 317 KB, 800x600, snap304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is one of the heroines, yes. Don't know whether she has a h-scene in the trial, but given its length, I'd say it's probable.

>> No.5268396

You don't, no. Maybe the protagonist does, though.

>> No.5268406

How does she flex her arm like that?

>> No.5268414

Translations for the other games fucking where

>> No.5268429

Maybe you can learn Japanese and translate it for us? Your efforts will be highly appreciated.

>> No.5268467

Why am I not surprised?

>> No.5268667

Jesus fuck, this is hard to read. If I make the effort to understand everything then I'm not going to get through the trial before the real game is out.

>> No.5268702

Hard indeed. Kagerou and Bengarachou took me longer than any other visual novel I've read so far in Japanese, despite being fairly short ones in terms of script size. In the end, going through them slowly and looking stuff up is totally worth it, though.

>> No.5268855

Hey, that one actually works, even though I get an error while unpacking it, even with 7zip.

Fuck, it took me about 5 tries to make this post. What the fuck's up with 4chan?

>> No.5269211

do they have routes or are they more like an erotic novel with just one plot?

>> No.5269238

In terms of plot structure, Kagerou is similar to Ever17 (various routes with one "true" one that you can only play after you've completed the other ones), while Bengarachou is more like Sharin no Kuni (4 heroines of whom each have a route, but if you pick the right choices, the routes basically only differ in the last chapter and the ending; common route is long).

>> No.5269783
File: 803 KB, 802x635, ruaha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why has no-one mentioned Ruaha? She was a great character.

>> No.5269798

And her erotica was hot.

>> No.5269876


Am currently downloading the exe, really looking forward to it. That is, if I can even read the bloody thing.

>> No.5269900

What's the plot summary for Albatross?

>> No.5270999

Kerkan and her really NEEDED more screen-time
(and voiced parts).

>> No.5271142

especially voice for Kerkan, such a shame..

>> No.5271605

Christ, Albatross is taking for fucking ever to download, considering it's only 230 MBs.

>> No.5271935
File: 177 KB, 816x638, sns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, what's wrong with my game?

>> No.5273036

I guess you got the Corean version.

>> No.5273039
File: 193 KB, 654x600, 3703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you sure that you installed it and read it on a Japanese locale?

It seems that grpo_bu.xfl is corrupted in these. Can you or anyone else upload it separately? I didn't get any in-game errors yet, and I want it to stay that way.

>> No.5274039

>It seems that grpo_bu.xfl is corrupted in these. Can you or anyone else upload it separately?

Huh, are you sure about this? I really can't see how it could've gotten corrupt. Anyway, sorry, I won't be at my home PC for until tomorrow night, so no can do.

>> No.5274640

oh fuck, awesome. I will now be playing this game for this scene alone (even if Captain Opium-tan does look painfully skinny in her Hscene screens. you can see every one of her ribs, wtf).

>> No.5275197

>Huh, are you sure about this? I really can't see how it could've gotten corrupt.
Well, maybe it's me who can't merge the archives properly, and this file got split into two. I'm not really good at this stuff, so who knows what happened. The rest of the archive unpacked just fine, though.

>> No.5275503

>05/29/10(Sat)15:29 No.5244312
So, Liar Soft confirmed for /jp/'s version of JoJo threads?

>> No.5275528

What do you mean?

>> No.5275554

JoJo threads are getting famous for being active for days on /a/ - and that's even more impressive on such a fast board.

>> No.5275610

there are a lot of threads dealing with niche topic that stay alive for a while here. It's why we do "____ general" threads, to keep like-minded people in the same place. There's always the passing troll or spammer, but in the end it's a great way to lessen conflict here.
Now, if only we could have a catalog function instead of having to watch a thread with extensions, that would be perfect.

>> No.5275727

If that were to happen it'd be more of a forum rather than an image board.

I'd add Ar Tonelico, Mahjong, Tenhou, and obviously some Touhou threads.

>> No.5275782

No, they are not, they are just recreated, the same thread doesn't last even a day.

>> No.5275810

This is a good thread. We must preserve such a rare thing.

>> No.5275851

That depends on the exact thread, really: sometimes they last for more than 30 hours, and sometimes we get two threads in one day.

>> No.5276224

I started playing Albatross earlier on, as my first rs VN. And, like other anons have said, the writing certainly is dense. It feels like I'm reading an actual novel instead of a VN.

>> No.5276672

I wonder how long it would take for a translation group to release a patch for this type of eroge; even if wordy it'd be rewarding.

>> No.5277096

God, how am I supposed to read this. And to make matters worse, I must click on the game window each time AGTH catches a line. I so want to read this, but this just kills me.

>> No.5277878
File: 164 KB, 800x600, snap297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you still need it, http://www.mediafire.com/?zmht00zwzjn

>> No.5277964

Kia is best. Fuck this disgusting furry, the loli was superior.

>> No.5279441
File: 86 KB, 709x611, 1246911717201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Downloaded and installed (and reinstalled again) with AppLocale and still getting those weird korean runes.

>> No.5280272

Hell no, Kia is a typical mary-sue.
Ati is the only one for Gii.

>> No.5281848

Thanks bro, now the only thing left to do is to improve my moonspeak skills.

>> No.5282831

Why wont you die, thread!

>> No.5283477


Not sure if that's the problem in this particular case, but generally speaking you will have problems with running eroge under AppLocale. Better to just switch your entire system into Japanese locale.

>> No.5283905

I'd rather Gii over Ati, and Kia.

No homo.

>> No.5283914
File: 97 KB, 800x600, 2008-11-23-126281..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wish to be the little girl so that I can bang him.

>> No.5283924

brofist. the image in >>5244491 gets me extremely hot, is this wrong?

>> No.5283930

So agreed.

I'd love M, and Mary. At the same time.

>> No.5284018

Seems like this thread is about to hit the bump limit pretty soon. I've created a new one at >>5284006

>> No.5284128

>210 posts and 41 image replies omitted.
You know, that's still 90 posts away of bump limit.

>> No.5284187

I was under the impression the bump limit is 200. Guess I should have double-checked.

>> No.5285076

Okay, thanks.

>> No.5286963

Why the newest thread is inactive? ;__;
