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File: 46 KB, 800x600, Fate Stay Night 010a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5275717 No.5275717 [Reply] [Original]

If Berserker is the strongest Servant, then why does he lose all the time?

>> No.5275725

that made me buttmad

>> No.5275726

He's the strongest, but he loses to the good guys because they make up tactics and plothax and shit.

That happens all the time in fiction.

>> No.5275728

Probably because he isn't the strongest servant.

Or plothax.

>> No.5275729

Because Shiki can kill Servants.

>> No.5275731

Because Nasu

>> No.5275732
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Berserker is the strongest servant for the first part of the story because Shirou doesn't know of and cannot imagine a stronger one.

>> No.5275733

If Lancer can pierce the heart of anyone and never miss, then how come he always lose?

>> No.5275739

>never miss

More like never hit.

>> No.5275758

236236+A is too hard for him execute.

>> No.5275765
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>If Big Show is the strongest wrestler, then why does he lose all the time?

Because having the strongest characters job to weaker ones puts them over as "improving" or being very tactful. One of the oldest tricks in the book. No, literally, in the Bible, Goliath jobs to David so later on in life he becomes king. It's just the way it is.

>> No.5275766

Why is Rider so shitty? ;_;

>> No.5275769
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If Cirno is the strongest Touhou, then why does she lose all the time?

>> No.5275770

Because you touch yourself at night while thinking of Avenger.

>> No.5275772

Are you mad?

>> No.5275778

Nerds always win because that's who the nerds that read and watch relate too, badass fuckers like berserker always lose for this reason.

>> No.5275781

Because tactics > raw strength

>> No.5275784

He did not know Aikido.

>> No.5275788

This too.

>> No.5275790

Get over fsn finally for fuck's sake.

>> No.5275794
File: 38 KB, 800x600, Fate Hollow Ataraxia 281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Caster is the weakest Servant.

>> No.5275795

Because she's delusional. She's DESTINED to be the strongest, but right now, she's a Level 2. When she hits Level 5, instantaneous blizzards over one square mile and time stopping will be achieved, and then she'll be unstoppable.

>> No.5275807

Serves her right for being a bitch.

>> No.5275811

Best Waifu: Sakura
Best Servant: Lancer
Best Character: Caster

>> No.5275817

She's DESTINED to be in a shitty game and to be a shitty character.

>> No.5275819

>Best Waifu: Sakura
Better wear a condom.

>> No.5275822

Did the mud from Angra Mainyu eat your brain?

>> No.5275825
File: 19 KB, 400x376, 1275328518744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Best Waifu: Sakura

>> No.5275830

Go back to /a/ with that shitty meme.

>> No.5275834

People post their opinions which contradict yours. Ergo, they are meme spouting faggots.

Interesting perspective.

>> No.5275836

Who the fuck said Sakura is a slut? Are you a bit too sensitive, newfriend? She is just subpar to all of the other characters in the female casts.

>> No.5275837

I don't think it has to do with it.

She just isn't.

>> No.5275839
File: 111 KB, 800x600, Shirou_-_3x_Bring_Ilya_back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because of this

>> No.5275843


>> No.5275848

In what way? She is clearly the least slutty. She knew the main character for over a year spending every day with him before having sex. And she only had sex because she was forced those urges.
The other two retards had freaky 3 way sex after only talking to him for a week.
Also she is clearly the best waifu as well.
Best cook, most cheerful while putting up with the most shit, most loving, etc.
Basically your disdain for her comes from the shitty /a/ meme.

>> No.5275858

>In what way? She is clearly the least slutty.
Sluttiness determines a character's quality? Amazing.

>> No.5275859

It's one of the attributes that determine quality. If you don't think so fuck off to /r9k/.

>> No.5275879

You forgot self-loathing and endless whining.

>> No.5275886

I don't recall her whining to anyone. Screenshot or it didn't happen.

>> No.5275909

Too lazy to make screenshots, but
>hurr why is nee-san this, why is nee-san that
>why am I the only unhappy one
>that's right I must take revenge

>> No.5275913

That was after she was corrupted, that's like saying she's a bad character because she kills people.

>> No.5275935


Yet with all consciousness.

>> No.5275952

I alway thought it was because he wasn't a proper historical/mythological figure.

>> No.5275953

Shut your mouth Shinji, its YOUR fault to begin with, you dirty pervert.

>> No.5275954

She is never corrupted to begin with. She always holds grudges against Rin. She only used the corruption of Angra Mainyu to pretend that she snapped. Kotomine and even herself confirmed that she is always the same Matou Sakura through out the HF arc.

>> No.5275958

>always the same Matou Sakura
Taken out of context.

>> No.5275959

Looking pretty IN-DEE-STRUCTIBLE there Berserker.

>> No.5275965
File: 52 KB, 473x650, heracles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5275978


Berserker(Hercules) is the guy in the Cool Story Bro macro.

In b4 cool story bro

>> No.5275986

r u srs, Arc
i always thought it was an american gladiator

>> No.5275995

The same reason that Gigglemesh loses all the time:

being physically strong doesn't mean you can ignore tactics, and strength is weaker than cunning when applied without intelligence.

Unless you're the almighty god of destruction. Then you just annihilate everything all at once.

Let's see you dodge that.

>> No.5276001



It's Hercules.

>> No.5276021

Heracles is the better name.

>> No.5276026

Well, I'm behind. I just thought that Berserker was just a pastiche of war deities.

Even still, there are at least two Servents that I can think of that could wipe the floor with Herc, based on whom they themselves are based upon.

>> No.5276050

heracles sounds like a girl's name yo

>> No.5276075

Heracles is a greek hero, so it only makes sense that the greek name is used.

And, in all case it sounds like a philosopher's name. Hercules reminds me too much of the disney version.

>> No.5276077

what's wrong with the disney version man, he was cool

>> No.5276082

Yeah, but he certainly wasn't >>5275965

>> No.5276088


The disney version was awesome.

Black muses? Fucking awesome wisecracking Hades? SHIT YEAH.

Probably one of the rare few Disney movies I like.

>> No.5276089

Heracles is the original Greek name. Hercules is the Roman name.
Roman's were all a bunch Greekaboos visiting Greece and coming back with "original myth do not steal!".

>> No.5276091

i guess you're right ;_;

>> No.5276100

Heracles sounds like the name of a serial killer.


>> No.5276108

"The Aeneid is TOTALLY original and it's absolutely not a Odyssey ripoff!"

>> No.5276112

He was named after Hera to keep her from wanting to kill him as hard.

Unfortunately, Hera hated him more than anybody else.

>> No.5276122

The Aeneid really happened Rome was founded by Trojan master race.

>> No.5276125
File: 49 KB, 419x535, Hercules_Farnese_3637104088_9c95d7fe3c_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say that to my face bitch, not online, see what happens.

>> No.5276127

Then why'd they lose to the Greeks so bad?

>> No.5276134

>suggesting any of the myths about the fundation of rome are true

>> No.5276146

Because walls are useless when the enemy gets inside your city.

>> No.5276169

Because the Gods wanted Aeneas to go to Latium so his sons could found the Roman Empire!

Of course!

>> No.5276170

does that mean hera's roman name is hercu

>> No.5276177

No, the Roman version was Juno.

>> No.5276180

The same gods whom the Trojons spat in the face of?

I doubt this. Naked wolf babies makes more sense.

>> No.5276182

Not the lousy Greek gods but the Trojan-Roman superior ones!

>> No.5276188

>If Lancer can pierce the heart of anyone and never miss, then how come he always lose?

Because Kotomine never has him go all out against anyone. Every fight except against Archer in UBW and Gil in Fate is him fighting to a stalemate because Kotomine wants to assess the abilities of the other masters.

Lancer only ties with Archer in UBW due to Rho Aias and he gets own'd by Gil because.....well, he's Gil.

>> No.5276199

Actualy the Strongest can refer to a person with superior brute strength only. If you have magical Hax powers, you cant called the strongest because you dont have the sheer strength of a thousand beast, you only have a, the correct term for that, Powerful ability

>> No.5276200

No, just that the Romans didn't think things through when they started romanizing the names.

>> No.5276212

Ah yes; the 4Kids versions of the Greek gods.

>> No.5276223

>Butthurt Greco-Sicilian American.

>> No.5276228
File: 214 KB, 800x600, a4c90a0392bde0a5c2df845448f0048c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best Waifu: Caster
Best Servant: Caster
Best Character: Caster

Fixed that for you

>> No.5276238

Fuck yeah, Caster Tier Power Ranking!

>> No.5276249
File: 84 KB, 800x600, 1228166656828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Fate/Stay Night is shit. worst nasu's work. DEAL WITH IT.
There is only one good character
Pic Related.

>> No.5276263

Caster is the team rocket of FSN.

>> No.5276269

>Good character
Shit tier poster, what happened to your trip?

>> No.5276273

It's possible for good characters to be stuck in shit games/series/whatever.

>> No.5276281
File: 44 KB, 800x600, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does it feel being defeated by women and children?

>> No.5276285

So is Fake Assassin James or Meowth?

>> No.5276292

The same as Shirou defeating Saber.

>> No.5276300

Lol'd at this because it's true.

>> No.5276301

Souichirou is James

Meowth is Fake Assassin

>> No.5276347
File: 114 KB, 400x600, f110d94ba48484939d0cea6469f92293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose Saber is Pikachu then

>> No.5276358

Makes sense with the whole EX CALI BUUUUR thing being the same as the sound pikachu does.

>> No.5276373

Wait...Team Rocket wanted to molest Pikachu?
That....makes a sickening amount of sense.

>> No.5276378

The problem is with the definition of 'strongest'. People assume that "strongest" means "best", but it doesn't. Strongest means he's the best in physical strength, which I don't think is inaccurate. But the best? No, not particularly. After all, there is agility, quick thinking, charisma, magical power, and all that to take into account.

>> No.5276399

You forgot the most important thing, plot armor.

>> No.5276405

Go back to /a/.

>> No.5276410

can unhear...

>> No.5276433

Are you implying that Fate/Stay in the kitchen isn't full of plot armor/holes and that nasu finally created a good work?

>> No.5276440

Go back to /a/

>> No.5276459

If you say that FSN is about cooking then you don't know shit about VNs.

>> No.5276467

Say the guy who only played FSN and YMK

>> No.5276475

Unlike you, i actually read books.

>> No.5276476

Apparently he also watches(or reads?) the Index series.

>> No.5276508

you're right, i'm sorry. its about fights... Oh wait, there is no fights in this!

>> No.5276698

I know you're trying to be witty, but you just come off as incredibly stupid.

>> No.5276717

Tell me one fight that don't ended with moralfaggotry and plot armor.

>> No.5276741

Assassin vs. Saber

>> No.5276760

That's not what you claimed. You said that there were no fights in FSN. And using the term "moralfaggotry" makes your posts even more retarded than your bad grammar does.

Saber vs Rider
Kotomine vs T.Assassin
Shirou&Rider vs Saber Alter
Shirou vs Archer (unless this counts as "moralfaggotry")
Rin vs Caster
Souichirou vs Saber
Gil vs Berserker
Shirou vs Shinji

>> No.5276772

Bended sword that is the only thing that save Saber, that's plot armor

>> No.5276791

What on earth does moralfaggotry have to do with anything?

>> No.5276795
File: 56 KB, 212x181, problem, eyes2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh /jp/ you're so funny

>> No.5276800

Is there any VN with fights that don't have any plot armor bullshit?
Too bad action VNs are very rare in english.

>> No.5276808

>Rin vs Caster
But that was plothax, Rin would have won if not for that damn plothaxing Caster!

>> No.5276814

If there was anything that can be called 'Plot Armor' is Shirou's survival at the end of HF.

You're dumb as a bag of hammers.

>> No.5276834
File: 24 KB, 210x168, problem,eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You Angry?

>> No.5276842

>Angry Type-Moon Fan

>> No.5276851

Rin always suffers from reverse plothax.

>> No.5276932

She's atoning for the plothax against Berserker in Fate and Shirou not dying in HF.

>> No.5278548

What can I do before I die that will take me out of the ring of reincarnation and qualify me as a future servant?

>> No.5278559

Berserker lost to Shirou's 9 lives so he must suck pretty bad.

>> No.5278565

Deviate from your destined fate.

>> No.5278609

So this is basically Dragonball Z for neckbeards?

>> No.5278773


Should I consult a Calvinist priest to find out what this is?

>> No.5278846

I think I see what you did there.

>> No.5279064

op you forgot that all the other servants got their asses kicked in one way or another on every other route
