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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 95 KB, 1280x720, [DGz]_Evangelion_2.22_You_Can_(Not)_Advance_[720p][h264_AAC][D33DC592].mkv_snapshot_01.29.04_[2010.05.31_21.11.26].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5263386 No.5263386 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5263404
File: 12 KB, 131x225, reported7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not have autism. So I have no need to watch the 20th version of Evangelion.

>> No.5263447

But it's so fresh and unique and DEEP!

>> No.5263492
File: 140 KB, 1280x720, [DGz]_Evangelion_2.22_You_Can_(Not)_Advance_[720p][h264_AAC][D33DC592].mkv_snapshot_00.47.01_[2010.05.31_21.02.02].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's my first time

>> No.5263501

A friend told me recently that while he wasn't interested in watching Evangelion, he'd watch Rebuild 2.0 if I stopped pestering him.

...is Mari the reason why?

>> No.5263512

I thought you did have autism though.

>> No.5263514

2.22 isn't like how they just twiked stuff up in 1.11


>> No.5263523
File: 203 KB, 282x384, dat_unzan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5263526

For one, Shinji isn't a complete mincing whiny faggot and actually shows some balls.

>> No.5263529


>> No.5263531


But then what's the point?

>> No.5263535

Exactly, they got rid of the incredibly simple message they had and are just milking it now.

>> No.5263537

Is this a new character or something? Because I don't like her.

>> No.5263539

As far as I can tell, her main purpose is fanservice.

>> No.5263541

I forgot that you have never watched an Evangelion before, Sion. You are excused then; post more Mari ass.

I have no mental or physical aliments. I am only a nerd.

>> No.5263542
File: 211 KB, 1300x731, 1275176510391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5263570


I heard that the Asuka/Shinji relationship is not entirely dysfunctional in this one. Is this true?

And is there enough room left in the narrative for a BAD END subversion of expectations like the first one?

>> No.5263576

Jesus Christ!

If Eva gets any DEEPER, I am going to need a FUCKING SUBMARINE.

Shit was hella deep already in TV form.

>> No.5263574

In the original show (before in turned in WE AM MAKE GOD) Shinji waffled between being a punk-bitch and a regular mech pilot.

He's nowhere near, say... Super Robo levels of manliness in 2.22. He is, like mid-tier Real Robo manly.

>> No.5263587

Since Anno isn't suffering from depression anymore, "Rebuild" is like a more mainstream version of Eva with less angst and emo. It is a good thing. Also Mari Sue is probably the best character in there.
DAT ASS and that ENGRISH, it makes my dick hard.

>> No.5263593

Super Evangelion 2 Turbo HD Remix Hyper Fighting

>> No.5263594

>He is, like mid-tier Real Robo manly

Damn it.

>> No.5263600

I want to watch it just for Mari. Then I realize I'm not retarded enough to watch Anno's shit anymore.

>> No.5263615
File: 116 KB, 1280x720, [DGz]_Evangelion_2.22_You_Can_(Not)_Advance_[720p][h264_AAC][D33DC592].mkv_snapshot_01.29.02_[2010.05.31_21.10.41].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the end of the 2.22 I'd say Shinji was actually pretty god tier

>> No.5263621


>> No.5263644

If there are messages that portrayed in these new movies, they are spelled out clearly in the first movies. No need to discuss shitty symbolism.

I just feel 3.0's gonna suck. What will happen now that Kaworu stopped 'Third Impact'?

Maaya Sakamoto has always been yapping dericious Engrish.

>> No.5263651

Evangelion ended with Congratulations, Shinji.


>> No.5263670

> What will happen now that Kaworu stopped 'Third Impact'?
The FAR arrive.

>> No.5263676

Well, fuck. Better go put away my pom-poms.

>> No.5263681

All the bitching about Evangelion and "DEEP" aside, 2.22 was honestly a really good, enjoyable film to watch and if you refuse to see it you're missing out.

Also isn't this /a/ or /m/ rather than /jp/

>> No.5263687

ITT: /a/

>> No.5263688

We don't need another one. The ending of Diebuster ended the franchise perfectly fine.
A sequel will just ruin it.

>> No.5263692

I just don't want to go through the trial of having to locate a working torrent, spend days downloading it, then find out there's some tiny but critical flaw in the file and then having to repeat the process again.

I'm past that now. I have Touhou to keep me busy.

>> No.5263686

I lol'd.

>> No.5263701


Evangelion wishes that it could be as successful as Touhou.

>> No.5263717
File: 315 KB, 485x292, aw yeah ninjas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touhou wishes it could be as successful as Mars Matrix.

>> No.5263722
File: 37 KB, 200x260, 09xb05ps16_03[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you kidding? It's the other way around. I think the ration of so-called "secondaries" to "primaries" is even worse than in Touhou, as well.

When Touhou merchandise like this gets made, I'll acknowledge it's as popular as Evangelion.

>> No.5263726

I don't like the glasses, they don't fit her at all.

>> No.5263757

That would be cool actually.

>> No.5263774

Doubt it would actually happen, though. Makes too much sense to happen.

>> No.5263789

...okay, from all the random stuff you guys have been mentioning, I've resolved to watch this at some point.

>> No.5263794

Okay, I chuckled.

>> No.5263955
File: 110 KB, 1280x720, [DGz]_Evangelion_2.22_You_Can_(Not)_Advance_[720p][h264_AAC][D33DC592].mkv_snapshot_01.27.23_[2010.05.31_21.07.05].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But then it would be obvious that Mari is Shinji from EoE

>> No.5263966

I thought Mari was Soryu Asuka.

>> No.5263979

ok how do you open .ass files i have the d-raws bd version of the movie and the bettersub .ass that goes with it but when i go to load the subtitles the .ass file doesn't show up.

>> No.5263994

Use MPC.
Rename the .ass file name to be the same as the raws.
It will automatically play the sub.

>> No.5264049
File: 17 KB, 511x47, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tried that as well, didn't work. the only player i have is mpc 1.3 with k-lite codec pack and everything else works fine. I don't think i have ever had this much trouble with a sub file, i think my computer is messed up ;_;

>> No.5264054

Fucking reported.

>> No.5264064
File: 86 KB, 403x396, gigglingkonata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ass file

>> No.5264065

dat slut

>> No.5264070

Mind blown.

>> No.5264097

>mpc 1.3 with k-lite codec pack
>mpc 1.3
>k-lite codec pack

There is your problem. Go fucking google a better player and codec.

>> No.5264103

/a/ shit. Take it there. You are not special.

>> No.5264118

Maaya motherfuckin' Sakamoto
Maaya motherfuckin' Sakamoto
Maaya motherfuckin' Sakamoto

>> No.5264122

any recommendations? I've been using k-lite for years without any problems.

>> No.5264128

We know. Mari exists as the bait to reel in nerds for the 75th version of Evangelion.

>> No.5264131

Fucking Corean GTFO with your anime shit.

>> No.5264151

Download the latest version

Google coreavc.
Anything pre version 2.0 will fucked up the video.
Google haali renderer and download the latest version

Not sure if you need anything and if you do need them google vsfilter which I doubt you need unless you are watching ancient old shows and ffdshow. ffdshow come with h264 playback so disable it if you are using coreavc.
