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5261125 No.5261125 [Reply] [Original]

What does /jp/ think about what Israel did to the international effort to bring aid supplies to Gaza?

>> No.5261131

I don't care.

>> No.5261133


>> No.5261136

/jp/ Jews/Palestinians

>> No.5261139

Who cares what 3D pig disgusting Jews do?

>> No.5261145

I don't really care, although I hate the kykes

>> No.5261150

Moar like Kosher jews amirite?

>> No.5261152

Jews will be jews.

>> No.5261159

That's it. I'm sick of all this "Masterwork Vibroblade" bullshit that's going on in the d20 system right now. Lightsabers deserve much better than that. Much, much better than that.

I should know what I'm talking about. I myself commissioned a genuine lightsaber in Corucscant for 2,400,000 credits (that's about $20,000) and have been practicing with it for almost 2 years now. I can even cut slabs of durasteel with my lightsaber.

Jedi smiths spend years working on a single lightsaber and calibrate it up to a million times to produce the finest lightsabers known to mankind.

Lightsabers are thrice as sharp as common vibroblades and thrice as hard for that matter too. Anything a vibroblade can cut through, a lightsaber can cut through better. I'm pretty sure a lightsaber could easily bisect a Dark Trooper wearing full plate with a simple vertical slash.

Ever wonder why medieval drones never bothered conquering the Jedi? That's right, they were too scared to fight the disciplined Jedi and their lightsabers of destruction. Even in the Clone Wars, drone soldiers targeted the men with the lightsabers first because their killing power was feared and confusing.

So what am I saying? Lightsabers are simply the best sword that the universe has ever seen, and thus, require better stats in the d20 system. Here is the stat block I propose for Lightsabers:

(One-Handed Exotic Weapon) 1d12 Damage 19-20 x4 Crit +2 to hit and damage Counts as Masterwork

(Two-Handed Exotic Weapon) 2d10 Damage 17-20 x4 Crit +5 to hit and damage Counts as Masterwork

Now that seems a lot more representative of the cutting power of lightsabers in real life, don't you think?

tl;dr = Lightsabers need to do more damage in d20, see my new stat block.

>> No.5261160

Israel is totally pushing the West's goodwill towards them.

>> No.5261164
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Someone tried to be a hero and got the crew killed in the process.

>> No.5261179

Kill the Jews, niggers, and spics.


>> No.5261189

I'd tell OP to go to /new/ or /int/ but all they do there is make fun of jews.

>> No.5261211

It was in international waters when they did that too.

>> No.5261337

lol you butthurt Jew,

>> No.5261354

Pro-Palestine here because Israel is essentially doing what South Africa did; apartheid. The more stupid stunts they pull like this the better; soon enough people won't be able to ignore it and Israel will be forced into a position of submission.

Not related though.

>> No.5261365

Do you know how long it will take for anything to be done about it while they have the U.S. and U.K. as an ally?

>> No.5261472

Jews being Jews.

>> No.5261490

Another round in the contest between jews and durkas to see which is the most evil race. Nothing new here.

>> No.5261517

Only arabs weren't involved in this.

>> No.5261546


>pushing something towards themselves

I am sorry sir, physics do not work that way.

>> No.5261551

>Someone tried to be a hero and became an hero instead.

>> No.5261553

They are just showing off the power they have.

>> No.5261561

If America stops sucking Israel's cock, then maybe the sandniggers who try to blow our shit up wouldn't view us negatively, and hell, might even stop trying to blow us up, as we show support for Palestine.

just sayin'.

>> No.5261563


They can't be everywhere. Don't worry about them, they'll pick up the slack when next round comes.

>> No.5261581
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>North Korea sinks an armed military South Korean vessel full of soldiers who signed up for that shit
>International community goes into rage mode and condemns and sanctions North Korea, whole region teeters on war

>Israel boards an unarmed humanitarian aid vessel and starts shooting, killing 19 or more
>Not even reported on television news in America, international community remains silent

And they say Jews don't control America.

>> No.5261588

Israel is not perfect but at least they can be called civilized, unlike everywhere else in that region.

>> No.5261590

What happened anyway? I don't watch the news.

>> No.5261602


Sorry but the US and the UK hold little influence over Israel (UK has hardly any real diplomatic relations with them for the most part).

Israel does whatever it wants in complete and utter defiance of what the US government says. What they are doing to the Palestinian is a crime and most of the world knows that. Sadly they have the economic and military might to say fuck you to whoever they want.

Give it time and the whole Arab world will get sick of it and crush Israel. History will repeat itself. Why do you think Iran wants nukes? They'll be the only true Arab power then with a military to boot.

>> No.5261603
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When citizens of advanced nations get killed it's a tragedy!

When citizens of 3rd world nations get killed it's a statistic.

>> No.5261614

Well there is a blockade on Gaza. It allows them basically to get only 25% of the food they need and none of the supplies to rebuild their city after the war or medicine. International aid from all around the world went to try to 'break' the blockade. Basically they knew they wouldn't get it, it was just symbolic. While the aid ship was in international water Israel fired on and boarded the ship killing over 10-19 people and injuring others.

>> No.5261628

>They'll be the only true Arab power then with a military to boot.

You very very obviously keep forgetting that Pakistan has nukes. And it's pretty much Arab.

>> No.5261631

>What they are doing to the Palestinian is a crime and most of the world knows that. Sadly they have the economic and military might to say fuck you to whoever they want.
America and Britain did it to Germany during World War 2 and 1.

It's not considered a crime.

>> No.5261632

Neither Iran nor Pakistan is arab. You people are being silly. They are muslim.

>> No.5261641


>> No.5261643

Basically a boat was traveling to the Gaza strip to bring food and construction supplies. Israel sent a helicopter to the ship and raided it. 50 people were injured and at least 10 killed. !0 soldiers were injured as well. The ship was out 70 miles deep in international waters. Meaning there is ZERO justification for them raiding the ship. It's a breach of international law. Which means that the UN will actually have to hold them accountable.

>> No.5261647

What I meant was the fact that U.S. is a president stops all sorts of sanctions and shit from being passed in the U.N. on them.
When Iraq violated international law before the gulf war they authorized that war.
Israel has more violations of International law then the rest of the countries combined, but they can't do shit because the U.S. won't allow them to in the U.N.

>> No.5261649

Where were the people killed from?

>> No.5261652

Okay you have a point, but they're all sand dwelling Muslims.

>> No.5261654

All over. Turkey, greece, sweden, etc.

>> No.5261655

Pakis are not arabs.

They just happen to be Muslims.

>> No.5261659


Oops, my bad.

Pakistan is a shit hole with no real methods to use their nukes beyond regional borders. Israel on the other hand has rockets that could set it to Australia or Canada or Japan.

>> No.5261660

If a fleet states their intention that they will break through a blockade, seizing ships in international waters do not matter. It's international law.

>> No.5261661

ZOMG conspiracy

>> No.5261666

I think it's not /jp/ related and you faggots need to go back to /new/.

>> No.5261671

All they do is make fun of jews there.

>> No.5261672

Moron. 9 of the 10 killed were Turks.

>> No.5261676

>Israel is not perfect but at least they can be called civilized

By using really fucking lax standards for "civilized".

They're fighting a war of conquest on territory that isn't theirs, killing or interning the original population and stealing the land. That is not civilized behavior.

>> No.5261680


You wonder why?

>> No.5261684

Over 10 were killed dumbass.

>> No.5261688

Isral has no enemies or will ever have at that range. Maybe china or something? But all of their enemies are right next to them no need for long range, and I'm pretty certain all of pakistans nukes can be fired at Israel, too bad they're too busy with India.

>> No.5261692


What? Have you ever been to Israel? I was there for a few months, the place is a security nightmare. Until a year ago Hamas and a dozen other militant groups randomly fired hundreds of RPGs into Israel cities and towns.

It is not a civilized place, it's a war zone.

>> No.5261697

The thing is Iran does not want nukes. They've been very vocal about how they've let the UN investigate them for that for years. That's just an international political cycle. It's not in Iran's interests to want nukes because all of the muslim world wants Israel to sign the NPT. Plus if they DID get nukes Russia, China and Turkey would drop Iran like a bad cold.

>> No.5261698

No, they're still not allowed to do that in international waters. I'd thank you not to make shit up. They have to wait till they're in their territory.

>> No.5261730

Notice how all of the arab nations are all shitholes, yet tiny Israel is outnumbered 1 to 100 and has basically tech on par with Europe or even better.

>Despite limited natural resources, intensive development of the agricultural and industrial sectors over the past decades has made Israel largely self-sufficient in food production, apart from grains and beef. Other major imports to Israel, totaling $47.8 billion in 2006, include fossil fuels, raw materials, and military equipment.[1] Leading exports include fruits, vegetables, pharmaceuticals, software, chemicals, military technology, and diamonds; in 2006, Israeli exports reached $42.86 billion.[1]

Israel is a global leader in water conservation and geothermal energy,[226] and its development of cutting-edge technologies in software, communications and the life sciences have evoked comparisons with Silicon Valley.[227][228] Intel[229] and Microsoft[230] built their first overseas research and development centers in Israel, and other high-tech multi-national corporations, such as IBM, Cisco Systems, and Motorola, have opened facilities in the country. In July 2007, U.S. billionaire Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway bought an Israeli company Iscar, its first non-U.S. acquisition, for $4 billion.

I mean all this in a country that can go to war at any second. Pretty impressive. Seems very civilized to me.

>> No.5261736

Civilized people aren't that sadistic.

>> No.5261741

>making shit up
That's how blockades fucking work. How the hell do you think Britain and America starved Germany in WW2?

They denied all neutral trade and commandeered them. In waters FAR away from their territories.

>> No.5261743


You got a bit to learn about Iran then. Don't believe the facade they put on at these international summits claiming that they don't want nuclear weapons.

Iran is an extremely totalitarian regime and commits atrocities on their own people; restricting freedom of speech, religion, press, voting etc etc etc. They've fixed many elections and the secret police are dedicated to keeping the cries of the civilians being heard by arresting and even killing people who speak out.

Believe me, they want nukes. That recent deal they signed with Brazil and Turkey and France (Turkey sends low grade to Turkey, France sends them highly refined rods for a reactor) is rubbish because they can ask for all their uranium back at any time from Turkey. They already posses the ability to enrich it on their own, just at a slower rate. Iran wants nukes, believe me. They won't use them, it will just supply them with enormous amounts of power on the world stage.

>> No.5261748

and Nazi Germany had the Volkswagen... go figure.

>> No.5261759

>Notice how all of the arab nations are all shitholes, yet tiny Israel is outnumbered 1 to 100 and has basically tech on par with Europe or even better.

Are you seriously implying that would be possible without America pouring billion after billion in their pockets?

>> No.5261760


All thanks to the United States. Isreal would not exist if the US government did not have their backs. They supply everything from business to military power to economic freedoms. If the US dropped them Israel would not have much a standing chance despite the munitions they produce (they would struggle to get resources from elsewhere).

>> No.5261763

Your basically disregarding all of the facts to say that shit. They allow U.N. inspectors and even the U.S. intelligence says they have no intention of building a Nuke.
Also there isn't as much restriction of speech as you think. People were allowed to protest until they started killing people, then they stopped the protests. Also you have no clue whether or not the elections were fixed. That guy is popular there.

>> No.5261766

No reputable source is saying that more than 10 were killed.

>> No.5261770


Money does not make anyone civilized, nor does lack of it remove that status.

>> No.5261772


Iran sends low grade uranium to Turkey where France sends them high refined back. The loop hole is they can turn around and get all their uranium back from Turkey no questions asked and refine it themselves. Sorry, typos.

>> No.5261774

Well it's pretty interesting that Nazi Germany was by far the most technologically advanced nation on earth.

It's also funny how Israel in the middle of a desert can export fruit and vegetables to countries in Europe. Yet actual European countries don't. My country as an example has like 10 times the fertile soil Israel has yet none of it is used.

>> No.5261777

>Also there isn't as much restriction of speech as you think.

Dude, I grew up in Tehran until I was 13. Trust me on this one, Iran is an extremely repressed place for basic freedoms.

>> No.5261781

I'm talking more about technology then money.

>> No.5261785

US aid to Israel in 2009 is 2.2 Billion dollars.

Israel's military budget is 12 Billion dollars US. This is 6.2 percent of Israeli GDP.

>> No.5261788

>They're fighting a war of conquest on territory that isn't theirs, killing or interning the original population and stealing the land. That is not civilized behavior.

They're fighting a war of defense against a region of the globe that wants to slaughter them.

And more importantly, by relevant standards of "civilized", they hit the ball out of the park compared to the rest of the middle east (except maybe Turkey). For example, they don't hang people for being gay.

>> No.5261789

You know that twitter revolution that was against the fixed election? Turns out only 20% of Iran has an internet connection.

>> No.5261790


What technology? They produce tanks and weapons based off American designs and specs. The only thing Israel has going for them is that they produce ammo/guns up the ass and sell them around the world in conflicts zones.

You obviously don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about since you're copying stuff from Wikipedia regarding one of the most sensitive issues of our time. Try reading some real sources of information.

>> No.5261798

Okay then give me a real source about Irans technological level.

I saw documentaries about their I can only say stunning agricultural tech and water filtration techniques/systems. So I can say they're advanced in that.

>> No.5261802

Go to the CIA factbook. You're a retard.

>> No.5261813

So you're a Muslim on /jp/ that likes touhou, thats a first for me I thought you were a legend.

>> No.5261819

Yes, because yu'd go to something that'd be bias against Iran.

You're a retard and stop sucking Israel's cock.

>> No.5261821
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Israels. Sorry.

>> No.5261827

>They're fighting a war of defense against a region of the globe that wants to slaughter them.

A "war of defense" isn't fought on foreign land, despite what you may have heard from the Republican party. And nothing can excuse their ever-expanding colonies in Palestinian ground.

They are evil. It's as simple as that. It's possible for the Pals to be evil too, in fact I think that's pretty likely, but the jews sure as fuck as evil.

>> No.5261839

>A "war of defense" isn't fought on foreign land,
You know how much facepalms foreign diplomats would slap you in the face with. A lot.

>> No.5261846
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I stand with Noam Chomsky and Norman Finklestein in this issue.

Anyway, not /jp/ related. Reported and called the nazis

>> No.5261855

You probably also think the war in Iraq is a war of defense.

>> No.5261858

>I stand with Noam Chomsky and Norman Finklestein in this issue.

>> No.5261859

They're anti israel.

>> No.5261862

You people calling Isreal civilized, you are aware of the endless list of human rights abuses they're guilty of, right? What the fuck do you think the whole issue with the Palestinians is? They want them GONE off the face of the planet. They obviously can't exterminate them to the subject them to war, economic/trade blocks, and are slowly killing their culture by mixing in Jews via the settlement constructions (so even if peace were to happen, the Palestinian land would be so full of Jews they would be the minority).

This is not civilized. Skyscrapers and banks and nice cars does not make you a civilized nation.

>> No.5261864


You fucking idiot.

>> No.5261865


You're trying to push a definition of defense that is synonymous with aggression. You could easily flip it around, say that the durkas are simply trying to repel the jewish threat, and it would be equally true using your nonsense definitions.

Here's what defense is: trying to keep the things you have. Here's what aggression is: trying to take what the other side has. And jews have been on the aggressive side of that see-saw for decades now.

>> No.5261866
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>Go to the CIA factbook.

>> No.5261870


You realize they're extremely left win and anti-Israeli, right?

>> No.5261878

Israel said they are sorry for the loss of life but that they were justified.
No need to be upset at them.

>> No.5261879

They're just cryptozionists.

>> No.5261892

>You people calling America civilized, you are aware of the endless list of human rights abuses they're guilty of, right?

>> No.5261894

So wait, what's Turkey doing? Are they buttmad?

>> No.5261909

Ya they're pissed. They canceled join military exercises and released a condemnation statement. They might have also recalled their ambassador.

>> No.5261911

They streamed video of the ship for 4 hours of news hence what's in OP's pic. Somobody even streamed it. I'm pretty sure Turkey is more than just buttmad.

>> No.5261922


You sure don't know how to have a proper conversation with some one.

>> No.5261926

He's a Croatian Germanophile weeaboo, it's not his fault.

>> No.5261932


>Ankara warned that further supply vessels will be sent to Gaza, escorted by the Turkish Navy, a development with unpredictable consequences. (sauce: http://ibnlive.in.com/news/turkey-threatens-action-israel-on-alert/116743-2.html))

Turkey requests emergency meeting of NATO

>> No.5261924

>Israel rejects Middle East nuclear talks plan
>Israel says it will not take part in a conference aimed at achieving a nuclear-arms free Middle East, proposed at a UN meeting in New York.

>> No.5261937


The sooner they wipe themselves off the map the better. Whites will be able to co-exist with Arabs/Muslims since they won't have a direct reason to hate us.

>> No.5261954

>Ankara warned that further supply vessels will be sent to Gaza, escorted by the Turkish Navy, a development with unpredictable consequences.
Oh fuck. Israel really fucked up their relationship with the only muslim country that didn't want to destroy Israel until now.

>> No.5261961

Israel has a state sanctioned tool to help organize people online so they can respond to threads like this with pro-israel comments.

>> No.5261972


>> No.5261966

That's a feature, not a bug.

>> No.5261983

Oh I do know, but I mean come on America has killed 10 times more then Israel has. And it's considered really civilized. You're just twisting and turning the word civilized into your point of view.

I mean come on the Americans did the same exact thing the jews are doing, they came to a foreign land killed the locals and claimed it as their own, and then they even kept to locals in reserve like zoo animals.

>> No.5261977


Turkish government is secular, they don't give a fuck. (Yes it's predominantly Islamic but they don't apply it in their constitution or policies etc).

>> No.5261992

Yes. The US keeps blocking any resolution remotely critical of Israel. You'll notice that the US is the only country that blocks them as well:


>> No.5261993

All of that was over a hundred years ago.

You don't get to excuse that kind of act happening TODAY.

>> No.5261996

Well, they are cooperating so...

>> No.5262000

It's only a question of time before the media starts talks about wars in the middle east and North/South Korea and how it will lead to a world war etc...

>> No.5262009

The leading party is the AKP of Erdogan. Trust me, these guys DO give a fuck.

>> No.5262012


Wow. On one hand I have to give them a nod for being with the times, but on the other, this is proof positive that Hitler was right.
