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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5245666 No.5245666 [Reply] [Original]

Visual Novel translation status

Air - 58%
Akatsuki no Goei- common route fully translated, as well as bits of the character routes (8271 lines translated total).
>Ashita no Kimi to Autame Ni - 5/117 scripts translated, now on TLWiki
Baldr Force EXE- Total (lines) 1516/26654 (5.69%)
Baldr Sky - Being translated
Canvas2- Most everything is finished, editing is at 5%, got some new editors
>Cartagra - Being translated by the Kara no Shoujo translator, 99 of 263 scripts translated, roughly 37% translated
>Concerto Note - being translated
>Daibanchou -Big Bang Age- - 77,000 / 102,000 lines translated, partial patch released
Danzai no Maria -The Exorcism of Maria- being translated.
Devils Devel Concept-20% finished, continuing
Dote up a cat- 200 of 16,000 lines translated
Entomic Impurity- 33%
>Fate/Hollow Ataraxia- A messy snapshot patch released. Project 36.3% translated
Flyable Heart - Translation has begun
Galaxy Angel: Moonlit Lovers - 110kb/2.91 mb translated
>G-Senjou no Maou- Total:1427.85/1811.40 KB (78.83%)/ actual progress towards release 854.90/1811.40KB (47.20%)
Haramasete Seiryuu-kun- 1070 lines translated plus some more stuff, translator joined a new group and now that group is working on it
>Hatsukoi- 66.1% translated
Higurashi Daybreak - being translated, at least the twins scenerio is translated
Hime x Hime - partial patch including the prologue has been released, getting priority over Pastel
>Himekishi Lilia- "My localization will be finished probably before the summer maybe not, I make no promises."
Honey Coming- Prologue 100% translated, Common route 12.5% + a bit translated. Yuma Shichiri's route 5% translated
Kara no Shoujo - 100% translated, editing ongoing, C&D took it off TLWiki, but it will be completed
Killer Queen - 66.78% translated 9206/13785 lines
Kizuato - 104/246 scripts translated
Lamento ~Beyond the Void~ - being translated
Lamia no Baai - ~1/7th of the game translated

>> No.5245668

Little Busters - ~60%, new patch released with Kurugaya's route
Love Plus- Dialogue translation: 22.6%
Majikoi- It is hacked, coming after Swan Song
M&M Enchanting Magic & Sweet Charms- 61%
Mare Mare Mare SP - 657 lines translated
>Mirai no Kimi to, Subete no Uta ni - "I've passed the 50% mark.", working on putting out a partial patch
>Muv Luv-Muv Luv Extra fulll patch released, Muv Luv Unlimited, 196.99 KB/1124.07 KB (17.52%) translated, Muv Luv overall (Ex/Un/Alt) progress, 1323.83 KB / 5253.50 KB (30.24%) translated
>Osananajimi wa Daitouryou ~My girlfriend is the President.~ - 29059/29634 lines translated, 98.06%, 1652.04/1684.08KB translated, 98.10% "Yukino route editing is mostly done "
Otome wa Boku ni Koishiteru- Prologue 100% translated translator , still no hacker
Pantsu wo Miseru koto, Sore ga - 2 scripts translated
>Pastel-stalled for the time being
Parfait ~Chocolat Second Brew~ - Translation project beginning on TLWiki
Polygon Love 2 - Fully translated, working on text insertion and editing.
Popotan- still going very slow, but image editing is nearly finished
Princess Lover- 1.5%, now on TLWiki
Pure Pure The Story of Ears and Tails- Sachi Patch released, game is about 40% translated, chapter 3 32.36% translated
Remember11- Scripts translation at 100%, 105/110 tips translated, 96/155 scripts edited
School Days- Translation at 100%, Episode 2 releasing coming soon
Sensei Da-isuki 2- 20%, still being worked on
Sono Hanabira 3 - being translated
Sono Hanabira 5 - 100% translated, 30% edited
Sono Hanabira 7 - 4 translators working on it, 40% translated
Subarashiki Hibi - Moogy is translating it, ~3% translated
>Swan Song - 50% translation patch released, in editing now
Sweet Pool- 23%
>Tenshi No Inai 12-Gatsu-"status: ~translating:active~"

>> No.5245669

Togainu No Chi- 59.7% translated
>To Heart2- 46% - "The final product is still years away unless I get more help. ", Tama-nee alpha patch released, Yuma's route translated
>Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side 1st Love Plus - 67.76%
>Tomoyo After - 15 lines translated this week, though a bit of editing, 40% partial patch planned for the end of may
Touka Gettan: translation status: ~30% translated
Umineko 6- first patch is 80% translated, second is 6% translated
Under The Moon- "Madame Yes is also still working on her own however on UtM"
Yandere- Translation - 574/7846 blocks - 7.31%
Yoakemae Yori Ruriiro Na -picked up by the guy doing Ashita no Kimi to Autame Ni, most of the first day translated
Yosuga no Sora - C&D took it off of TLWiki, unknown if this project will continue
>YU-NO- Total: 48965/98392 lines (49.77%) 2000.49/3995.61KB (50.07%), Prologue/Mitsuki/Ayumi routes fully translated, prologue patch released

Active secret projects
NNL- Swells status: 11098/50594 text blocks (21.9%)
>NNL- Music of Your Destiny - picked up
Part of the team who was working on Ijiwaru MyMaster are now working on something else with good progress

>> No.5245671

Official work

>Higurashi Answer Arc 3- May 31
>Higurashi Answer Arc 4 - to be released seperately about month after the previous
Kohime Musou - Goal to have it out before convention season
Da Capo II - Possibly July, was teaser number 2
Harukoi Otome - likely being picked up
Dear Drops Likely 2010, though it was delayed by 2 months in Japan, which will likely push it back here
Ongoing talks with a company whose bread and jam you would not want to eat
Picked up a Circus title with gameplay
Zaishuu The SiN - A CG from this was used in one of the teasers
Two additional teasers (both audio) have yet to be identify, as well as possible teasers in a recent blog post
Additionally, random sex romps are scheduled as well

>Raidy II- To be released during June
>Demonbane- Scheduled for this Summer.
Downhill Night 2 - In beta testing, expected to be their next release
Jingai Makyou- Jast claimed they would like it out before Anime Expo 2010, though this is looking unlikely
Nitro Royale- being translated
DraKoi- fully fan translated, image editing is finished as well, however scripts are unlikely to be released outside of an official Jast release
Sumaga- 73.9%, still being translated, unlikely to be released outside of an official Jast release
Muramasa - Makoto is working on it, but because it is Nitro+, it is uncertain what will come from the project.
Hanachirasu -Fully translated by Makoto, needs proofing, etc.

HgameZ is alive again, possible releases in the future
Kisaragi no Hogyoku- English trial out, would like to get a full game released in English, and include English voice acting
Upcoming from active fan groups
Himawari is likely to be picked up by the team who did Sharin no Kuni
Forest will be done by Ixrec after the Muv Luv saga
>Stuff like this has been either added or updated since the last thread

>> No.5245672

>Tenshi No Inai 12-Gatsu-"status: ~translating:active~"
Holy shit.

>> No.5245674

キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━ !!!!!

Best thread of the week is here!

>> No.5245687

>Cartagra - Being translated by the Kara no Shoujo translator, 99 of 263 scripts translated, roughly 37% translated
>Swan Song - 50% translation patch released, in editing now

Fucking superb.

Also, I see that TnC is now at 59.7%, Fuck yeah, when did this happen? Even though it's only gone up by like 2% since March. If it's not completed by the time the animu is out, I'll probably read through it anyway, due to sheer impatience.

>> No.5245693
File: 487 KB, 738x1034, nuregarasu_ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I missed you TnC anon. Nice to see we have similar tastes when it comes to other VNs as well. Have some delicious Miki Sugina art.

>> No.5245695

>Cartagra - Being translated by the Kara no Shoujo translator, 99 of 263 scripts translated, roughly 37% translated
>G-Senjou no Maou- Total:1427.85/1811.40 KB (78.83%)/ actual progress towards release 854.90/1811.40KB (47.20%)
Good news
>Swan Song - 50% translation patch released, in editing now
meanwhile translator reading subahibi
>Tenshi No Inai 12-Gatsu-"status: ~translating:active~"
I give it two months
>Remember11- Scripts translation at 100%, 105/110 tips translated, 96/155 scripts edited
If it isn't done yet by the time I finish my exams, I'll script read it.

>> No.5245703

I'm going to forget that Air exists by the time it is actually translated

>> No.5245709

but what if you never remember?

>> No.5245710

I'm counting on MangaGamer to get the Key partnership and pick it up.

>> No.5245713
File: 15 KB, 160x166, 1255310634123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5245714

They won't last that long. ;_;

>> No.5245719

>Subarashiki Hibi - Moogy is translating it, ~3% translated

Would you look at that, another game picked up by TLWiki devs (first being Baldr Force), where the translator translates a few percent to 'claim' the project, and then does nothing for a long time leaving it there to rot.

>> No.5245726

>Osananajimi wa Daitouryou ~My girlfriend is the President.~ - 29059/29634 lines translated, 98.06%


>> No.5245727

>Fate/Hollow Ataraxia- A messy snapshot patch released. Project 36.3% translated
10 more years~ Just 10 more!

>> No.5245728

Hi nnl devs, let's not start the war again.

>> No.5245730

And it begins. I didn't think it would start so early in the thread.

>> No.5245737

a- it isn't worth it
b- if you are THAT desperate, use an automatic translator.

>> No.5245742

I want to think you are trolling, but...

>> No.5245743

>Tomoyo After - 15 lines translated this week
At least the partial patch should be nice to play.

>> No.5245744

Or learn the language, you would be fluent before it is finished.

>> No.5245753

>Concerto Note - being translated
Who is translating this and do they have a site?

>> No.5245759

>Muv Luv Unlimited, 196.99 KB/1124.07 KB (17.52%) translated
Wow, it's moving fast.

>Swan Song - 50% translation patch released, in editing now
>Higurashi Answer Arc 3- May 31
Fuck yes.

>> No.5245763

AnimeNovel, info is from their IRC channel topic, which is the following
>Topic is 'Welcome to the MOE World of Anime Novel | Status: Pastel (Stalled) | Hime x Hime 2/? | Concerto Note: In progress | We're always looking for MOE girls!

>> No.5245774

They have how many projects going? Yeah, I'm not going to keep my hopes up.

>> No.5245806

>At least the partial patch should be nice to play.

Wouldn't be too excited about the partial, seeing that it hasn't been mentioned since the beginning of the month, and little progress was made this month.

>> No.5245810

>Ashita no Kimi to Autame Ni - 5/117 scripts translated, now on TLWiki
Oh wow, it went up an entire script. I doubt this will ever get finished.

>> No.5245822
File: 435 KB, 1132x1740, Image28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not at all, m'dear. Glad to see you, too! Also, fuck yeah for awesome taste. Have you played Luckydog1, by any chance? It's a surprisingly good BL title. As in, it's not just a shitty sex romp. You're part of the mafia, and you go round doing mafia-like things.

>> No.5245835

What actually happened with Subarashiki Hibi? I wasn't really here for the fiasco. Some drama with NNL devs?

>> No.5245841
File: 94 KB, 350x352, 1265077337113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No progress on SubaHibi... how delightful...

>> No.5245845

Just forget it. If you must know then search the archive.

>> No.5245847 [DELETED] 

moogy is so sloooooooooooow.

>> No.5245870


NNL managed to troll Moogy into claiming the project, but since the first couple of days after the announcement, there's been zero progress.

I agree with >>5245719 , it'll probably never be finished.

>> No.5245885
File: 2.11 MB, 2270x2970, moe%20109495%20caucasus%20innocent_grey%20lolita_fashion%20nanatsuki_shion%20pantyhose%20sugina_miki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't played it, anon. I've yet to begin learning Japanese so I'm limited to translations. I've read up a bit on it though and I've heard good things about it so maybe some fujoshi will translate it. If not, I'll read it someday. Just have to get motivated!

>> No.5245887

I have become bored knowing that there's always constant progress on Daibancho and Muv-luv. I demand drama.

>> No.5245901

Does Moogy even know Japanese?

>> No.5245915

Apparently he does.

>> No.5245922


>> No.5245925
File: 409 KB, 1400x990, yura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking forward to some hot Yura action.

>> No.5245941

>Remember11- Scripts translation at 100%, 105/110 tips translated, 96/155 scripts edited

Looks like we are stuck right behind the finish line. This is lame, what the hell are editors doing?

>> No.5245951

>Tenshi No Inai 12-Gatsu-"status: ~translating:active~"
Playing with my heart again aren't you?

>> No.5245965
File: 88 KB, 800x600, e096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure whether I'm looking forward to Cartagra or Kara no Shoujo more. All I know that I want some hot Natsume action. Delicious Hikaru Isshiki.

>> No.5246008

>Yosuga no Sora - C&D took it off of TLWiki, unknown if this project will continue

They could at least release a patch with Sora's route before abandoning the project.

>> No.5246074

I have read something about White Album2, don't see it here though. Is it worth the time for any group to pick it up?

>> No.5246104

Opps, forgot to update Sumaga, now up to 74.1%

>> No.5246123

Was Sora's route even translated when they took it down?
IIRC they had an alpha patch of sorts but I don't know how much that translated. Anyone know?

>> No.5246134

Kazuha's route was translated.

>> No.5246137

I'm not sure. But it was probably not completed at the very least.

>> No.5246199

>Subarashiki Hibi - Moogy is translating it, ~3% translated
i fucking love translations done by people who spent whole two years learning japanese
>Mirai no Kimi to, Subete no Uta ni - "I've passed the 50% mark.", working on putting out a partial patch
better not be translation from russian
>Tomoyo After - 15 lines translated this week
translator of the year

>> No.5246239

goddamn trolls

>> No.5246242

I would like to know why the fuck it takes do much time to translate some lines?

>15 lines translated this week
What the fuck? Can't people do that in like... 5 minutes or less?

I'm not just complaining, I really want to know why translations take so long, it's just because people are lazy or what?

>> No.5246258

when i translated stuff from english to russian it took me 1-2 minutes to translate 1 line

>> No.5246272

I bet they're ATLASing through it.

>> No.5246288

Best thread of the week!
Had to endure idol-tard threads during the weekend, but it was worth it just for this moment.

>> No.5246295

Artist name?

>> No.5246299


>> No.5246302

I want Kara no Shoujo.

>> No.5246305

Remember 11, are you in unlimited editing works?

>> No.5246306

Idol threads are shit. Deal with it, nerd.

>> No.5246313

Hey there, idolfag. I don't like you too.

>> No.5246324

I don't give a shit about idols, but people who post the same shit every week on the same thread is just...

>> No.5246337

And yet it's still the best thread every week.

>> No.5246341

Not me.
Please don't let my dislike of those threads sidetrack this thread...

>> No.5246348
File: 35 KB, 400x473, 1728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kimiaru - 47%

>Born Freaks! - 33% partial patch at 50%

>> No.5246351

And we let it die naturally within 2/3 days.

>> No.5246363

>Kimiaru - 47%

>> No.5246368

Ignore him, he is a weekly troll

>> No.5246431

Best thread!

>> No.5246501

Didn't you have it at 48% last week?

>> No.5246532

I accidentally the whole script

>> No.5246555

>Galaxy Angel: Moonlit Lovers - 110kb/2.91 mb translated
Going nowhere.
>Osananajimi wa Daitouryou ~My girlfriend is the President.~ - 29059/29634 lines translated, 98.06%, 1652.04/1684.08KB translated, 98.10% "Yukino route editing is mostly done "
Ell is more important, idiots.

>> No.5246566 [DELETED] 

>Going nowhere
But amusingly enough still on pace to be finished this year.

>> No.5246564

>Galaxy Angel: Moonlit Lovers - 110kb/2.91 mb translated
>Going nowhere.

Because he is doing Big Bang Age.

>> No.5246590

Oh, didn't realise it was the same translator.
That made my day quite a bit brighter, thanks.

>> No.5246596

Ell route is readable enough as it is without the editing.

>> No.5246596,1 [INTERNAL] 

they stalled pastel, which means they finally realized that it sucks.

>> No.5247200


>> No.5247273 [DELETED] 
File: 118 KB, 471x600, 1272468167645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps the same could be said of all eroge translations.

>> No.5247307

Yup. Just finished it myself. Half the lines in each route are just "I love you~" "No, I love you more~" anyway, so not much editing really needs to be done.

>> No.5247392

Well, I'd say Ell's route was about 60% that, with the rest being Gundam/ZoE/Other Misc Mech references.

>> No.5247456 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 480x360, 1273595613863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Readable enough" isn't good enough.

There's a bunch of lines that read awkward and Engrishy which need a good editing pass.

Plus, there's Japanese language-specific jokes and idioms that I left to the editor since I'm horribly unimaginative when it comes to localizing.

Glad to hear you didn't find it difficult to read though.

Don't forget the countless instances of "I patted her head" and "She narrowed her eyes."

TinFoil (the editor) browses /m/ too, so I need him to catch all the mech references for me.

P.S. I have never watched a single episode of Gundam in my life.

tl;dr - wait for the final release

>> No.5247476

I've never watched any UC Gundam aside from Unicorn, and I still get all the references just fine.

>> No.5247561

I've watched every Gundam and read Sentinel and Tomino's novel of the original series (i.e. the one which Amuro dies in and Char joins EF). Have also watched all Macross. But never played ZoE or have any gunpla.

I also hate the current (As in for the last 7 or 8 months or so) /m/ almost as much as I hate the current /jp/. But at least I still go to /jp/.

>> No.5247588

Yeah current /m/ is extremely shitty.

>> No.5247590

>Remember11- Scripts translation at 100%, 105/110 tips translated, 96/155 scripts edited


>> No.5247610

>Little Busters - ~60%

Looking forward to it.

>> No.5247612

>NNL- Music of Your Destiny - picked up

Anyone know what the hell this is? Currently looping the song nnl upped.

>> No.5247629

Remainder of eden, perhaps?

>> No.5247749

>Osananajimi wa Daitouryou ~My girlfriend is the President.~ - 29059/29634 lines translated, 98.06%, 1652.04/1684.08KB translated, 98.10% "Yukino route editing is mostly done "

>> No.5248175

Quite likely - wasn't eden's total like 9800 lines or something, with 3400 translated?

>> No.5248533


>> No.5248971

So G-Senjou's finished TLC of the old J->C->E scripts (first three chapters), and given TNA's comments regarding Chikan earlier that means that hurdle is mostly overcome. Now we just have to wait for editing and whatever it takes for them to finalise the other scripts.

>> No.5249724


>> No.5249736

>>Demonbane- Scheduled for this Summer.
I would go through any amount of paper cuts for Al.

>> No.5249746

Especially given her route is translated by Makoto - hopefully JAST doesn't screw up the other parts though.

Also, fingers crossed for no censorship.

>> No.5249771

>intercourse with a book
For some reason this is oddly relevant to otakus.

>> No.5249855

If my books could turn into lolis I'd want to fuck them too.

>> No.5249911

Honestly now, are you guys going to buy Demonbane? If nobody does buy it, we won't get other Nitro+ stuff translated. And I remember hearing that JAST was interested in Hello World.

>> No.5249925

I really hope many people will buy it besides me. There really a lot is depending on this one's sale.

>> No.5249951

Hi, Peter. Please stop censoring your games and improve your translation quality and I might consider buying them.

>> No.5249952

If there's no censorship then I'm buying it. I'd hope that others also buy it, but knowing the community...

>> No.5249954


I hope the Nitro+/JAST deal works out but I don't really want to buy such a mediocre game.

What to do...

>> No.5249957

If they don't fuck up paper cuts with censorship, I will definitely buy it.

If not, fuck off.

>> No.5249964

>improve your translation quality
The vast majority of this game will likely be equal to or greater than most fan translation quality (and easily the best commercial release ever) due to having Makoto and LoSS translating for them (amongst others, but I believe they were the two biggest contributors). Complaint null and void. Censorship is a wait and see.

>> No.5249970

Think of it as investment. If people buy Demonbane JAST can release Nitroplus' better games.

>> No.5249974

So funny, Anon. No, I'm not Peter, but I know that you won't see other Nitroplus games if this isn't going to prove profitable.
>improve your translation quality
Half the game is translated by Saya/Kikokugai translator, and the other half by other fantranslators. I don't see how else could one improve it further.

>> No.5249975

Do you really want to have to wait until 2020 to see things like Sumaga?

>> No.5249991

What about Gore Screaming Show?

>> No.5249999

The overall opinion is that it's medicore and Black Cyc has better games, so people aren't too keen on translating it.

>> No.5250005

>Makoto and LoSS translating for them (amongst others, but I believe they were the two biggest contributors)

Makoto only did one route. That's a pretty small portion of the entire game.

>> No.5250019
File: 31 KB, 650x580, al_azif_j24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, check out this fig I found of papercuts from the banner right up there ^

>> No.5250020

Not entirely. Common route + Al's route, which makes it a bit over 50% of the game (not counting Al's ero).

>> No.5250033

Moogy listed the translators by contribution at one point - Makoto was at the top. LoSS was second IIRC.

>> No.5250049

I was talking about their translation quality and censorship in general.

I'm not supporting a company unless I can expect their releases to always be of high quality.

At this rate I'll become fluent in Japanese before JAST gains my trust.

>> No.5250055

And Al's route is the best by far. There's a reason Makoto only translated that one originally.

>> No.5250062

If it's just Nitro+ games, TLWiki crew is working on them so their translations will be of good quality. What more do you want?

>> No.5250065

It's funny because she's supposed to be paper thin.

>> No.5250078

More like you'll be fluent in Japanese before JAST truly releases anything worthwhile given their glacial pace.

>> No.5250086

Actually JAST is taking so long to release Demonbane because they're redrawing the cgs to appeal to the western audience better.

>> No.5250089

Don't even joke like that. I'll kill you.

>> No.5250092

He wants them to give him the games for free so he doesn't have to make up bullshit excuses for why he won't buy the game.

>> No.5250095
File: 410 KB, 1189x1424, 1275143307094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy ya best be joking.

At the same time i would not be suprised if they did decide to do something stupid like that.
I mean they do have a tendency to redraw stuff.

>> No.5250117


>where the translator translates a few percent to 'claim' the project, and then does nothing for a long time until it gets C&D'ed.


>> No.5250222
File: 16 KB, 256x335, 423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% Eng patch + walkthrough

>> No.5250536

>Swan Song


>> No.5250540


In after Remeber11 release.

>> No.5250541




>> No.5250560

In before deskpets.

>> No.5250574

It's working perfectly, now reading the 6th day of Satoru's route, shich was untranslated.

>> No.5250586


Why must you troll me?

>> No.5250607

Because it isn't a troll.

>> No.5250683
File: 306 KB, 1397x827, R11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know where this distrust is coming from, but of course it's real. Editing and QC are not finished so it'd be better to wait for the final release, however that's no troll.

>> No.5250707

Probably a retard who doesn't know about English patch sizes.

>> No.5250727


Fuck you, buddy. Every other english patch I've downloaded was ~40 mb.

>> No.5250747
File: 721 KB, 1280x1440, Hng_at_first_then.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hatsukoi- 66.1% translated

>> No.5250748

The only time they would ever be that large is if they also have a bunch of edited CGs and what not.

>> No.5250756

You are obviously new to this whole "translated VN" thing. Just shut up and stop spreading retarded misinformation you ignorant prick.

>> No.5250765


Fuck off, loser. I've known about VN's longer than you have. Go suck a cock.

>> No.5250783


>> No.5250784
File: 792 KB, 196x207, Bawson animated.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5250791

Waiting for this.

>> No.5250794
File: 36 KB, 370x300, 1263532224091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5250797

Just for confirmation.
Only editing for the later chapters aren't done right?
Cocoro route is 100% edited right?

>> No.5250822
File: 277 KB, 808x987, 9795973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, her route is edited and QCed.

>> No.5250853
File: 81 KB, 800x454, brofist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks brah.

>> No.5250870
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>> No.5250879

Hmmm, I'm going to wait for the 100% edited patch.

>> No.5250906

One of the only things I actually know about him is that he does, in fact, know Japanese. Quite well actually, enough so that he works for JAST.

>> No.5250944


Will you ever actually release a translation, you fucking troll?

>> No.5250945

Sure is reliable information around here.

>> No.5250959



>> No.5250965


Tripcode in name fail.

>> No.5250985

>implying that working for JAST requires good knowledge of Japanese

>> No.5250991

>Implying you are not from Mangagamer

>> No.5251222


>> No.5252693


>> No.5253345


>> No.5253387

No real news this week ;_;

>> No.5253423
File: 30 KB, 250x261, chen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>To Heart2- 46%

.3% more than last week!

>> No.5253515

Go Go Kara no Shoujo!
Also I-don't like-w7-for-my-OP-Cartagra.

>> No.5253674


>> No.5254425

Crap, you had me all excited that these were going to be 100% completion walkthroughs. No one should follow these walkthroughs on the first play, Remember11 loses half its glory if you get no bad ends all the way through.

Does anyone know of or have a 100% completion walkthrough for R11? It would be unbelievably appreciated.

>> No.5254544

Agreed. If it's anything like Ever17, dem bad endings will add a lot. I kind of regretcnot getting Tsugumi's bad ending the first time round, as that ending is horrible. I got the bad ending for pretty much everyone else, as I'm useless, but I feel in Ever17, getting a bad ending a the route first, then getting the good one was a lot more heartwarming/tear inducing.

>> No.5254550

>>Fate/Hollow Ataraxia- A messy snapshot patch released. Project 36.3% translated

Why does this have greentext? Hasn't it been like this forever?

>> No.5254560

It's up 0.1% from last week, when it was 36.2% completed.

>> No.5254610

anybody have a list of finished projects

>> No.5254637


>> No.5254643
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>> No.5254708
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>Himekishi Lilia- "My localization will be finished probably before the summer maybe not, I make no promises."

>> No.5255656


>> No.5255712

Parfait and Baldr Force Exe can be excised from the list now. Yay, Moogy!

>> No.5255738

If you really are keen on blaming someone, then it'd be a lot wiser to blame that 2ch anonymous who keeps spamming the emailboxes of companies and keeps on calling them on phone until they send a C&D.

>> No.5255766

Yeah, except I can't do anything about 2ch xenophobic trolls. Moogy can just ignore this shit - they're not going to sue him or he can just move the scripts offline and laugh them off.

>> No.5255782

Hold up, back the fuck up.
Didn't Moogy make the TLwiki website redirect to google? Why are the C&D letters still coming? Company employees shouldn't be bored enough to hop onto an American proxy to check TLwiki.

>> No.5255799

>he can just move the scripts offline and laugh them off.
And this is what happens. It's up to the translators themselves whether they want to continue.

>> No.5255830

Whoops, my mistake. I thought they'd deleted the pages themselves like before, instead they've simply removed them from the Sidebar (which is still unnecessary). Retract my comments about Moogy. Replace with comments about xenophobic 2ch trolls.

>> No.5256269 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5256271 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5256274 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5256285


You could at least do it properly, faggot.

>> No.5256286
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>saged "combo"

>> No.5256289

I swear this same moron makes this saged combo every week.

>> No.5256293

same shit, same replies, EVERY FUCKING TIME

>> No.5256297

>You are reporting post 5256274 on /jp/.

>> No.5256309

>>Tomoyo After - 15 lines translated this week, though a bit of editing, 40%
I don't have my spongebob crushing his fist picture anymore ;-;

>> No.5257542


>> No.5258564

It's just hot air bullshit at this rate. The fag is trying to morph a fap game into literature.
He's been at it for 3 years, and now starting from scratch. Don't expect anything to happen the next 2 years.

>> No.5258604

Projects that will probably never be finished:
Air (70% chance it will never be finished)
Ashita no Kimi to Autame Ni (80% chance it will never be finished)
Baldr Force EXE (100% it will never be finished)
Fate/Hollow Ataraxia (100% it will never be finished)
Flyable Heart (90% it will never be finished)
Himekishi Lilia (80% it will never be finished)
Killer Queen/Secret Game (99% it will never be finished)
Love Plus (90% it will never be finished)
Pantsu wo Miseru koto, Sore ga (who cares though)
SubaHibi (75% it will never be finished)
Parfait ~Chocolat Second Brew~ (100% it will never be finished)

>> No.5258625

>Himekishi Lilia (80%
Only 80%???
You should realize that project is second only to the gamepatch and To Heart hoaxes....

>> No.5258627

You mean original ToHeart or ToHeart2?

>> No.5258630

To heart 2

>> No.5258644

...Oh yes, there was some hoax 100% project about that. The current one is steadily moving forward.

>> No.5258654


But the translator is clearly dedicated. There's still a chance he'll eventually come through, even if it's just a small 20% chance.

>> No.5258673

More like a 5% chance over the next 2 years.

>> No.5258694

Hey /jp/, just making sure:
There aren't any translators doing Haruka ni Aogi, right? And Haruka ni Aogi isn't going to be licensed anytime soon, right?

>> No.5258700

Don't think so.

>> No.5259310


>> No.5259415

Wrong, they deleted Parfait's page as well.
Don't overestimate Moogy like that.

>> No.5260410

Kimiaru would be pretty cool to get a translation of.

>> No.5261459

Why is Aroduc so sugoi?

>> No.5261470

Cause he drinks booze, gets shit done, and doesn't give a fuck about what people outside of his circle of trust think.

>> No.5262048

Why is Aroduc so drunk?

>> No.5262132


>> No.5263305

At the time of posting he hadn't. So yeah, Moogy's a spineless faggot.

>> No.5263677

Best thread, back to page one.

>> No.5263867


so how many times do we get to kill you for every time that you're wrong?

>> No.5265044

As many times as you can remember when these projects are finished.

>> No.5266576


>> No.5267789

What is the best thread of the week doing down here? Go up there and say hello!

>> No.5269648


>> No.5271172


>> No.5272518 [DELETED] 

I want to see this thread battle with its brother from the next week for once.

>> No.5272770

go up there

>> No.5272779

it will certainly hit bump limit before it happens

>> No.5272863

It's high time that people started using password-protected staff-only forums or wikis for translation projects. If there's a better way to keep the shit-stirring nips out, I'd like to hear it.

(This is not an official announcement, so don't go apeshit, but) I've currently at 10% translation on Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke Wo 8, and I sure as hell will not be doing anything with the future project that isn't safely concealed from the eyes of racist NEETs with nothing better to do than this bullshit.

>> No.5273003

Does anyone actually have a working Mediafire link or something similar for Remember11?
The patch is one thing, but there does not seem to be a place to get the actual game that's not like 30 megaupload mirrors or something retarded like that.

>> No.5273023 [DELETED] 

Use JDownloader.

>> No.5273598

as long as it's not on mediafire, jdownloader will work yeah.

if it's on mediafire though, you're out of luck, it doesn't want to work with it anymore.

>> No.5273779

praying for kara no shoujo

>> No.5273784

He's watching Night Raid, Koihime, Ikkitousen, Mayoi Neko, and Arakawa. I think the man deserves it.

>> No.5273784,1 [INTERNAL] 

here is a link for remember11 in megaupload but it is only 3 links
----(3 parts, 2.03 GB, MegaUpload)---

>> No.5275802

If you give up on Mediafire, this is where I got mine: http://www.hongfire.com/forum/showthread.php?t=82109&highlight=remember11

>> No.5275813 [DELETED] 


f cxuhgn fixlq sdfvCHRISTdOPHER POOLEb (AKA MlOOkT, AgKAi THcEr AxDMIN OhF 4fCvHAtN) IaS A DiANGEROUSt,r MlEpNTALLqYh IfLhL THIEtFn. REdAaD AaLhLu ABOrUT IdTi HlEREm:i HTtTbP:s//l88q.80.21.1h2/b OR HTxTyP://xWWW.ANdONTAbLK.SE/a ORf HTTP://AnT.KnIMpMOA.eSEv/zgyo qc

>> No.5276630 [DELETED] 
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>Osananajimi wa Daitouryou ~My girlfriend is the President.~ - 170/170 (100%)

>> No.5276647
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>Osananajimi wa Daitouryou ~My girlfriend is the President.~ Translation progress - 170/170 (100%)

>> No.5276659

Because Putin-tan is moe.

>> No.5276682

Editing still at 60% or something. still i'm downloading this game right now and waiting.

>> No.5276689

Fuck editing.

Patch where?

>> No.5276701

>Fuck editing

Very bad idea, bro...

>> No.5276718

Kugyuuu has pretty good grammar, and I don't care about typos and shit. I looked over some of the scripts a while ago, and unless he degenerated somehow, then I don't care.

>> No.5276865

VDZ usually makes partial patches and posts them on the talk page on TLWiki, so check there. He hasn't done one since the beginning of May, however.

I read it in japanese, so I'll wait for the editing

>> No.5278172


>> No.5278213

Anime Novel is now "waiting for a future".
Website is replaced with: what is this, see you later, and a countdown from one year.

>> No.5280497


>> No.5280601

Just how exactly far down the pipeline is Baldr Sky?

>> No.5282123


>> No.5282527

Zero until proven otherwise.

>> No.5282559

Dropped along with Baldr Force EXE and Parfait.

>> No.5282600

Project is still going on, that's all you need to know.

>> No.5282617

Oh, right.
I'm going to hold my breath then.

>> No.5283682

I found it hard to believe that Strato was really working on it in the first place, and I find it even harder to believe that he would still be working on it now. Isn't he a professional translator or something? Wouldn't it be very risky for his career to try to translate stuff by a company that's been sending C&Ds of their stuff lately?

>> No.5283724

He's not been sent one, even if GIGA has shown their don't want fantranslations, so no reason for him to stop.

>> No.5283833

I've already pre-ordered my copy of Demonbane. I hope it does well so we get more kinds of VNs.

>> No.5284625


>> No.5285896

Hmm, I've been away for a month or so. Demonbane is on preorder? I think I'll buyfag this one.

>> No.5286330

Things are on preorder 5 months before they are released at JAST though.

>> No.5286527

Never mind Family Project being on preorder for 2 years.

>> No.5286763

>Yo. Since I'm finishing up Senna's route today or tomorrow and getting the last of the non-harem phase Sion stuff out of the way, it'd be great to be able to post some kind of unified Alpha patch and open the forum up to general comments this weekend. Think you'll be able to take care of the general control buttons before then or want me to quickly blitz through them? I'll take a look at the other image stuff (the wonky transparencies etc) once I finish the main story translations.

Senna waifu loev

>> No.5286787 [DELETED] 
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Looks like none of mine have been updated...

>> No.5287538

Any ETA on Swan Song? I'm bored out of my fucking skull here.

>> No.5289132


>> No.5289818


>> No.5290871


>> No.5290886

Flyable Heart now over 1.7%

It has been claimed that the translators were made of wood screws.

>> No.5290893
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Sup /g/

>> No.5291310

Page 1に行く

>> No.5291315

Wow, normally this 404's after 3 days. Looks like we can keep the thread of the week alive till the next thread of the week。

>> No.5291354

Some of these translations taking so long makes me wonder...are the people translating these things trying to do it just completely lacking a grasp of the japanese language? Do they use a Japanese dictionary or something?

>> No.5291356

Reported for summer faggotry.

>> No.5291387


Everyone except TakaJun and AstCd2 do this.

>> No.5291427

Is the translation progress for Little Busters really at 60%? Unless Refrain was always part of the common route anyway

>> No.5291454

Where in the name of fucks are the goddamn editors for R11? No, seriously, what the fuck.

>> No.5291509


It usually hits the bump limit on Friday nights.

>> No.5291532

Most actually have a job/study in real life, and majority of the games are comparable in size to a book (few even longer).

>> No.5291546

The unedited version is playable and easily understandable if your reading comprehension isn't at the level of a child. I only spotted 2 or 3 glaring typos and errors and none are gamebreaking.

>> No.5291551


Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't only half of the game edited in? If that's the case I'll wait, I don't want to have to read the rest of the dialogue through the translated script files in tlwiki, it kinda ruins the experience.

>> No.5291552

Actually I think in general the average size of a VN exceeds the average size of a book.

>> No.5292154

Tsukihime was 50% larger than the entire LoTR trilogy, although it's on the large side for visual novels (64k lines, though I wonder how a Tsukihime line stacks up against other VNs).

>> No.5292191


Bear in mind that's not pure text, it includes scripting for playing music, showing CGs, changing sprites, playing sound effects, shaking the screen etc.

>> No.5292196

>Bear in mind that's not pure text
Yes it is. God damn, how many times do people have to explain that a SCRIPT COUNT is exactly that, a COUNT of the SCRIPT, removing ALL OF THE CODING. There's NO ONE who would "count a script" just by looking at how big the script file is.

>> No.5292200


Chill out, bro.

Also VDZ did that on /jp/ a few days ago.

>> No.5292220

Sharin is a pretty good textbook example of "average length VN" and the translation works out to ~350,000 words.

Pretty sure that dwarfs the majority of novels out there(that's about equal to 2 LotR books, I think, maybe a bit less)

>> No.5292231

Deardrops 2 weeks wooooooo.

>> No.5292464



>> No.5293651

I've seen at least three sets of decompression tools unpack the entire control structure, so no, this isn't right.

>> No.5293655


MORE OLD SCHOOL 97~99 "HENTAI GAMES" (ie not virtual books)

>> No.5295126
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anyone knows what happen to mirrormoon and amaterasu site?

>> No.5295212
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>> No.5295364

People think they're being cool by contributing machine/troll translations

>> No.5295472

I picked a couple at random, those are obviously machine translations.

>> No.5296957


let's keep this thread up without reaching bump limit so it can still be alive when the next one comes tomorrow, that would be kinda of nice.

>> No.5297098

I think such a thing happening would be a first.

>> No.5298405

Yay, best thread of th--- wait.. this is last week...

>> No.5299279


>> No.5299299


>> No.5299306 [DELETED] 


>> No.5299309
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The WHOLE wheel?

>> No.5299322

hahaha owow fucking disney devs destroyed the G-senjou project. It's over. G-senjo is finished

>> No.5299371

>Cartagra - Being translated by the Kara no Shoujo translator, 99 of 263 scripts translated, roughly 37% translated
>Kara no Shoujo - 100% translated, editing ongoing, C&D took it off TLWiki, but it will be completed

So happy~

>> No.5299379

speak english mother fucker

>> No.5299386


What happened?

>> No.5299393


First I've heard of this.

>> No.5299396


The page is still up on TLWiki, in fact it was updated two days ago.

Don't know what he's smoking.

>> No.5299397

I think it would ba a good time to let this thread die as the new one is going to apppear soon.

>> No.5299399

Nothing. Since when do people take these 'disney/realdeal' trolls seriously?

>> No.5299414

Well I know there are real deal and disney trolls but I couldn't even tell what he was trying to troll so I wanted clarification!

>> No.5299417


Neither person was taking it seriously, bro.

>> No.5299421

What does it mean when some things are quoted and some aren't? Are the quoted ones where there's no progress made since last time or something?
Also Quartett translation status where?

>> No.5299618

Any games released or fully translated in the last two weeks?

>> No.5299628

the unedited patch of R11 in this thread?

>> No.5299664

My Girlfriend is the President
Higurashi Minagoroshi

>> No.5299683

Talking about osadai, do you have the patch link?

>> No.5299706

Try to find it yourself? It's not exactly hard.

>> No.5299721

so what happened to tlwiki

>> No.5299723

2ch is DDoSing it

>> No.5299725

You're not serious.

>> No.5299730

I wish I wasn't.

>> No.5299732

What the hell 2ch, why are they even doing that?

>> No.5299733

Ask #tlwiki if you don't believe me

>> No.5299738
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>> No.5299747
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This list needs a "no progress since" bar too. For example,

>Fate/Hollow Ataraxia- A messy snapshot patch released. Project 36.3% translated

would read

>no progress since March

>> No.5299750

Are you insisting that the translation of the furry disney game wasn't the main reason for the G-senjou project to become borderline extinct?

>> No.5299756

Yes. The reason it turned so slow was that in the beginning they had translated from Chinese to English which resulted in lots of errors. And the team's Japanese translator isn't the best one either.

>> No.5299759

to be fair it's more of a reaction towards the whole minori "LOL SHIT JAPS CAN'T STOP US TRANSLATING THEIR SHIT IMMA BEIN' AN INSUFFERABLE FAGGOT AND YOU CAN'T STOP IT" fiasco, I bet. They even said that while they coul'd ve understood a "We're sorry, we're only doing it because we like their games", they really dislike the "Who says we can't? Fuck you, we're doing it anyways!" reaction.

>> No.5299761

Sounds like a conspiracy theory to me. The moment the chief disney dev stopped helping the project it went downhill.

>> No.5299764

More like it was at a constant downhill since it was picked up.

>> No.5299768

Tell them to DDoS NNL's site, then. TLWiki has been pretty respectful of requests from Japan.

>> No.5299777

It's not like world will go under. Someone create some barebone mirrors and troll 2ch with that which will result in them losing momentum and willpower to continue their silly game.

>> No.5299779


>> No.5299801

wtf is a disney dev can you guys speak in a way that I can understand you

>> No.5299806

newfags don't need to get involved into this shit

this is for oldfags

>> No.5299810

Yes, but this would require the idiotic trolls on 2ch to show intelligence, which is never going to happen.

That, and the rest of the original team vanished. The transference of the project to TLWiki's hands has also improved the script by an immense amount. The project's far from dead - all the old scripts are now TLCed and the third chapter is almost fully edited.

>> No.5299820

I've been here since before real deal was even a fad and it was just used by like one guy who used to post in topics. The problem is that you seem to be using the term incorrectly because I have no idea what "Disney Dev" refers to.

>> No.5299839

He means Ixrec - it was a very short-lived term shortly after Inganock won the poll. I think I saw it in one of the post-poll threads and the thread about the first partial patch for Inganock.

>> No.5299847

Furries and talking animal like Disney.
Although it is also used extensively by people that refer to eroge that doesn't have rape and killing IE generic high school sex romp with fairy tale like ending.

>> No.5299872

But what about the translator? Is he still planning on translating the game?

>> No.5299876

Yes, Chikan is still planning to finish the translation. He's already done most of Chapter 4 (just a bit left in the character route), he just took a break whilst TNA TLCed the rest of the game. Word is he's going to start translating again this month.

>> No.5299888

I do know that Ixrec did some very brief work as a light TLC check on G Senjou but it was hardly a role or position with much influence or worth noting so that makes no sense to reference him. Not to mention the original post was plural(devs) so... yeah. No idea. I'm lost. Make your trolling easier to understand dammit!

>> No.5300531

Fuck you all for bumping this so much.

>> No.5301247


The weekend is here and so is the illiterate underage population.

