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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 207 KB, 800x600, ev84b_up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5248990 No.5248990 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine the situation. There is a new VN coming out. It has everything you wanted: awesome CGs, very well-written story, baddass characters and a really nice soundtrack. But there is one problem. The main character is bisexual male with the preference for men and 3/4 of h-scenes are gay. Would you still play it?

>> No.5248994


Oh why not. Moe is overrated anyway.

>> No.5249001

Hell yes I would.

>> No.5249002

I don't have anything against gay people, but penis on penis is not arousing. I'll play it though.

>> No.5249003

I used to read yaoi fanfiction.

>> No.5249006
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That's called "And the best part of it", not "But there is one problem"

>> No.5249012

Depends, do the other guys look girly enough?

>> No.5249014

>But there is one problem. The main character is bisexual male
I don't see how this is a bad thing. The fap will be even more awesome.

>> No.5249023

As long as the guys look like guys, I'm okay with this.

>> No.5249027

You don't like traps? Dude, you're losing a lot of fun.

>> No.5249029


>> No.5249032

As long as it's bara I'm fine with it.

>> No.5249044

I like traps, but they can get a bit boring.

>> No.5249045

Where is the catch OP? That only 3/4 h-scenes are gay? It's not that bad, I've finished 100% hetero games in the past.

>> No.5249057

I've a feeling that OP doesn't hang around these parts much.

>> No.5249070

He just wants confirmation, maybe he's a little "confused" himself.

>> No.5249077
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I don't read VNs for H-scenes, so I don't care. Bring it on.

>> No.5249088

Being bisexual myself, I am ok with this.

>> No.5249099

If the protag is a trap, or he only goes for traps, I'm okay with this.

>> No.5249106

I used to be bothered by shit like this, but ever since I embraced my inner gay, I no longer care.

Bring on the BL.

>> No.5249117

A bara vn sounds good.

>> No.5249126

Wow, that's impressive Anon. I wish I'd have the courage for that.

>> No.5249134

/jp/ - Homo Culture

>> No.5249143

DUDE. I'd play it _because_ of that.

shit, do fucking want

>> No.5249146

What kind of gay scenes OP? Not that I care, I just want to know what I would expect.

>> No.5249158

Do want. We need more gay routes.

>> No.5249173

I don't play VNs for the porn most of the time, anyways

If the story and characters rule, then all is good

>> No.5249180

So... bara thread?

>> No.5249187
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>The main character is bisexual male with the preference for men and 3/4 of h-scenes are gay.

I don't see a problem here. The 24/7 heteropride in media and outside world got me somewhat bored of straightness a long time ago.

>> No.5249191

Sounds good to me.

>> No.5249225
File: 136 KB, 550x780, 7166666.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While we're somewhat on the subject, am I the only one in /jp/ who's played this shit? For a doujin, it looks fucking awesome, and the plot is even better. You've to break out of jail, and do mafia like things. All the characters are surprisingly, well written once you get into their routes. The first character I went with seemed all dere-dere, if sort of quiet at first, but turned out to be this total yandere towards the protag, who was into necrophilia and all this shit.

>> No.5249226

I...It's not like I have anything h-bara...

>> No.5249235

It's okay anon. Post some.

>> No.5249246

I'd play it if it got translated.

>> No.5249250

No, I really don't have any.

>> No.5249260


>> No.5249265

Just search bara manga in Google, and select the first hit. It's a good site with many, many bara thingies.
I consider myself straight but I instantly melt with bara.

>> No.5249275
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>> No.5249288


>I instantly melt with bara
>I consider myself straight


>> No.5249293


Lots of people in closets around here!

>> No.5249302

Why is /jp/ so fucking gay?

>> No.5249306

You bet I would.

>> No.5249307


I was under the mistaken impression that we discussed girls here.

I did not realize that the females in question were simply self-actualization vehicles that /jp/ used to enable their own homosexuality.

Shit's deep, bro.

>> No.5249314


Well, apparently like 50% of all people have bisexual tendencies, so...

>> No.5249315

Day by day /jp/ is becoming more and more gay on the average. The views about whether it's a good or bad thing are also changing towards positive in general.

>> No.5249318

This sounds like the eroge I've been waiting years for.

>> No.5249326

It should be also noted that the female portion of the /jp/ population is steadily growing. Maybe we are not so gay after all.

>> No.5249327

ITT the female userbase increases.

>> No.5249329


If it's any comfort to you, I am unhappy about this.

But I saw this coming a while ago. As such, I evacuated to /lit/ and no longer post here. If /jp/ is now /homo/, it would damage my exclusively straight reputation to post here.

>> No.5249339

I have some bad news for you. /jp/'s always been gay.

>> No.5249350

Femanon reporting in, I've been here since the split bro.

>> No.5249351

However, here *are* some actual males with gay/bisexual orientation, and as a loud minority, combined with the anonymous female userbase, make it seem like they were (almost?) the majority.

>> No.5249352

I don't remember that actually.

>> No.5249357


Neither do I.

Which is why I'm tremendously disconcerted by all this recent faggotry.

>> No.5249369
File: 73 KB, 806x630, 1242329869349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd kill for it. I'm sick of all the cockteasing.

>> No.5249372

/r/ing sauce.

>> No.5249376

So, are there any good BL VNs out there? Aside from the usual Nitro Chiral stuff, Luckydog1, and Kichiku Megane? Having a decent plot is a must.

>> No.5249384

Kanojo x Kanojo x Kanojo Dokidoki Full Throttle!

>> No.5249401

Uh, what? It's just the usual fags, not girls.

>> No.5249404

>It has everything you wanted
>the main character is bisexual male
>preference for men
>3/4 of h-scenes are gay


>> No.5249406

Think again.

>> No.5249411

>But there is one problem.
Learn to fucking read.

>> No.5249412

Well, it has everything you want AND something you don't want. That computes just fine to me.

>> No.5249418

Seeing as it does have "Everything I wanted" a couple gay scenes wouldn't be much trouble.

>> No.5249421

Retarded much? If it's everything I wanted, then there aren't any problems like homosexual content. Hence does not compute.

I want a VN without such problems, thank you very much.

>> No.5249438

ITT: insecure people trying to prove that they aren't gay on an anonymous image board. I mean, lol, woman. Who is going to believe that?

>> No.5250649

If it's its only problem, no problem. It's not like there isn't Ctrl for that shit. Besides, if it's as epic as it should be, there'll definitely be an anti-faggotry patch.

>> No.5250660


>> No.5250687

I'm proud of you guys.

>> No.5250939

Why not? It's not like you'll suddenly turn gay just because you saw a gay hscene.

And besides I always fastforward hscenes anyway.

That route was hilarious.
Too bad it was very short.

>> No.5250980


>Part of your comment isn't allowed to be posted :(

>> No.5250984

yaoi is fine with me

bro love is the purest kind of love

>> No.5250999

Sweaty man sex does not equal bro love, faggit

>> No.5251019

No, because no one wants to see men fucking eachother. If you are bored of men fucking women thats normal because youd want to have sex with one yourself. And if you are just plain bored of women you desensitized yourself that you aren't just gay, you will want to see someone have sex with anything BUT a human female

>> No.5251028

I don't even like straight h-scenes so it wouldn't really matter to me.

>> No.5251035

Does it have a shota/trap route?

>> No.5251037

Probably not.

I can't enjoy a very well-written story if there's a large quantity of male homosexuality.
If it were a bisexual male with a preference for women and 1/4 of h-scenes were gay, I'd probably just put up with it and mash ctrl at times.

>> No.5251043
File: 794 KB, 1000x1000, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But there is one problem
>The main character is bisexual
Not really a problem to me people just make a big deal about stuff like this for no reason.

>> No.5251054

Yeah, same here, I've actually always wished that one like that (with a few gay scenes, but still the majority straight) existed. (Well, it probably does, but nothing translated that I know of yet. Closest thing I can think of is probably Clannad but it doesn't have H-scenes...) Just seemed like it'd be interesting. Having the gay scenes outnumber the straight ones seems a bit much, though.

>> No.5251055

Spoiler, bisexual doesn't exist. You either like one or the other. If you are gay, its a mental problem, but its not like there aren't alot of people here with mental problems, so youd fit in fine.

>> No.5251066

If there's a mental problem that makes you like your own gender, I don't see why it's so hard to believe that there's one to make you like both.

>> No.5251080 [SPOILER] 
File: 118 KB, 540x772, 17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, wasn't this supposed to be a bara thread?

>> No.5251082

I'd play it BECAUSE it was gay.

Oh why doesn't it exist? ;_;

>> No.5251091

Ignorance is bad for your health.

>> No.5251110


That would be the VN of my dreams.

>> No.5251121

"bisexual" is the point of being confused. Human males were meant to be attracted to features that make a woman seem that she will be good for bearing/raising children. Big breasts, nice shaped mid section and butt for craddling the child correctly.

>> No.5251130


I want to see men fucking each other or women fucking men in the ass.

>> No.5251330

Where the fuck did things like this come from?

I'm glad to see the majority of /jp/ likes cock, even bara.

>> No.5251345

Only if MC was a trap.

>> No.5251431

Ignorance because we called it a mental problem? In a sense it is. A physical condition that renders a person unable to reproduce would be considered by most to be a defect, would it not? So why not a mental one? This does not mean that gays are "insane" or that they don't have a right to fuck what they like, but I don't see what else you'd define it as.

>> No.5251444

Hanachirasu did it best.
Protag is bi, his true love is a guy.
But all the sex scenes are straight.

>> No.5251448

I'd be even more excited about it then. A gay-ish eroge that was actually awesome and not some campy yaoi written by women for women? Sign me up.

>> No.5251454
File: 43 KB, 574x574, crosschannel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cross Channel did have that one route in the all ages version... A shame it wasn't in the version that was translated.

>> No.5251461

There needs to be a BakaTest VN, with this being one of the H-scenes.

..Actually, bakaTest would be perfect for VN like OP said. The hetero routes could be for Mizuki, Minami and Akira. The yaoi routes would be Hideyoshi, Yuuji and that one gaylust dude.

>> No.5251466

Wait, this is actually official art?! I thought it was just fanart!

>> No.5251471

If there's a large focus on romance, I wouldn't. And I tend to read VNs with some romantic aspect to them.

>> No.5251479

The main character is gay.


>> No.5251494

That "mental problem" is just nature's way of limiting reproducing. So, it's not really a mental problem.

>> No.5251508


Gays are still perfectly capable of reproducing even if they don't do it.

>> No.5251630

I guess on the scale of the entire species, as opposed to an individual member, you'd be correct. Obviously anything to limit reproduction at this stage could only be seen as a very good thing.

>> No.5251643

And people who don't want kids are mentally ill too, right? And people on /jp/ who don't want to stick their penis inside anything 3D.

>> No.5251686

A lot of society would look at those of /jp/ who are not interested in 3D women to be mentally ill, yes.

>> No.5251726

I kind of dispute this. It's possible that there would be some benefit to having some members of society who don't have children, but I can't really see it being beneficial to a given species to /not/ propagate itself as much as possible.

Anyways, even if it is technically a disorder, that doesn't mean that gays shouldn't be allowed to marry or adopt. I'm perfectly fine with that.

>> No.5251761


Huh, I've been lurking since the Great Divide and the faggotry is definitely on the rise. It doesn't bother me. Faggots are cool. It's just obvious that we have a lot of fetishists that no longer eschew homosex because they've gotten bored with the somewhat less taboo one they were formerly obsessed with.

>> No.5251773

Feeling compelled to fuck people of the same sex seems to me like the brain was not formed correctly . Connections were crossed or it was not masculinized fully during fetal development.

Not feeling compelled to fuck anyone and just being content with stories about cute 2D girls seems to me like a chemical imbalance somewhere. Hormones maybe? Or perhaps parts of this person's brain are not correctly developed either. Their sex drive is lacking.

Being alone and wishing you were copulating with a real girl, but not doing so because "so ronery ;_; I suck nobody loves me" seems to me like a mental condition. Depression. Self-esteem. Etc.

None of those should be insulting to anyone. I mean, there's very few organisms who are formed 100% correctly and stand at the pinnacle of evolution, following their species' template exactly with 0 operating flaws. We're all imperfect and all that.

>> No.5251791

The first two seem to me to be more of a childhood developmental thing, but I wouldn't know.

Also, what do you mean by "species template"? As far as I know, there isn't any such thing.

>> No.5251833

I like to believe that humans are above blindly fucking everything they see to propagate their genes. I like to believe that humans fall in love, and that love transcends the boundaries of age, sex, and even dimensions.

>> No.5251835

Neurologists are only starting to figure out how that shit works and you're speculating on fetal brain development like it's something obvious.

>> No.5251837

I think the first one is chemical imbalance too i read that a lot of transgender people(In this case M-->F) have more estrogen in thier body than testerone.

>> No.5251855

Ideal DNA map of a perfectly healthy specimen of a certain species. I guess arguably there is not such a thing present anywhere in nature.

Are you suggesting though that basically every unusual behavior or atypical mental state is a result of nurture, and not nature? I believe that biology plays a big role in how people act. Chemical imbalances, the substances one consumes, everything. Development of the brain is also very fragile and it does not happen all at once, there is a lot of room for things to go wrong. Guess I'm just writing a lot of crap and I don't want to bother debating very seriously about this on 4chan but I generally feel a lot of behaviors and personality types can be attributed to biology and other physical aspects.

>> No.5251864

Imagine the situation. There is a new cake coming your way, and it is made exactly the way you wanted; it is the perfect cake. But there is one problem. You have to eat the best tasting ice cream in the world with it. Would you still eat the cake?

>> No.5251899

I for one think most homos are hilarious and pathetic.

>> No.5251916

you mad?

>> No.5251937

Why is that?

>> No.5251960

Because pussy is the meaning of life. Any man who isn't getting his dick wet in as many sluts as he can is a failure to mankind. Pussy is God's greatest gift to man, so faggots can go to hell. Might as well just fuck niggers if you're going to fuck other dudes like a dog.

>> No.5251967

You, sire, are pathetic as you allow your genetic programming to define yourself.

>> No.5251976

Christfag detected.

>> No.5251979

I actually think you are more pathetic.

>> No.5251984

Yeah sure and i'd just avoid the gay h-scenes unless it was with traps, i'm fine with that.

>> No.5251986


>> No.5252002

>Because pussy is the meaning of life
It's called a vagina not a pussy
>Any man who isn't getting his dick wet in as many sluts as he can is a failure to mankind.
Really I didn't know that......Have fun with your STD's though.
>Pussy is God's greatest gift to man, so faggots can go to hell.
That's your "Gods" gift(not much of a girft either.)
>Might as well just fuck niggers if you're going to fuck other dudes like a dog.
You are one hateful person but it's what religion teaches so i don't blame you.

>> No.5252010

yo whore, i bet you're a pussy

pussy pussy!

>> No.5252012

Ah...okay then good for you.

>> No.5252013
File: 91 KB, 500x375, 1272075667404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Were you even trying?

>> No.5252015

now this guy here is definitely very mad

>> No.5252024

Can't you try to act more mature?

>> No.5252028

Trying for what? That's really how I feel about pathetic faggots. Sorry if it's not politically correct enough for your ass. Homos and other flower-wearing beta-male sissies can GTFO of my 4chan. But then you're probably one of them so I'm wasting my time talking to an animal.

>> No.5252032

Goodness you are an unhappy person...i feel bad for you.

>> No.5252053

Guys... I just got meta trolled. 4.2/5

>> No.5252060

4chan: a place for alpha-males

>> No.5252066

Have a nice day :)

>> No.5252079

This person is so stupid.

>> No.5252083
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0/10. You aren't even registering on the scouter, brah.

>> No.5252101

>I'm a hormonal 15 yo

>> No.5252116

Just because a guy is a really cool person to hang out and has a personality that matches yours means that you can be good friends. Just because you touch your dick against something and it feels good doesn't make you gay. People masterbate with many things and it might trick you into thinking you like something. Men are attracted naturally to women BEFORE they touch em with their dick.

>> No.5252119
File: 27 KB, 346x345, bawww1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i was assraped by niggers when i was a kid, so i hate fags now. bawwwwwwwwww

>> No.5252135

itt angry queers

>> No.5252144

Then why are you even here? Go back to /b/; you obviously don't belong in /jp/.
Although we might be self-loathing virgin hikikomori/NEETs, 16-year-old hormone-driven bigots we are not.

>> No.5252153

and the Queen of the Angry Queers has finally graced this thread with Her presence.

>> No.5252157

its you

>> No.5252170

Fuck. I can't recover from that.
