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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5248051 No.5248051 [Reply] [Original]

Is it REALLY this fucking difficult for some of you to talk to a girl? I mean I can understand awkwardness around someone you just met, but jesus christ...

>> No.5248055

Talking to girls easy really i have harder time talking to men.

>> No.5248060

Is it REALLY this fucking difficult for some of you to get a waifu? I mean I can understand the stupidity of normalfags, but jesus christ...

>> No.5248070

I talk to my classmates everyday, it's not that hard.

>> No.5248068

when u assume u make an "ass" out of "u" and "me"

>> No.5248061

Some of us have just never been in a situation where we could approach one

>> No.5248062

Why would I even want to? You tell me.

>> No.5248074

Is it REALLY this fucking difficult to make a decent thread?

>> No.5248073


It is called 'Homosexuality'.

it means being repelled by women, and attracted to men.

However, moral pressures from society encourage many to feign attraction to women - to the point where they partially embrace them, but suffer severe anxiety around them.

They may also attempt to soothe their ingrained homosexuality by taking crossdressers as lovers, masturbating to dickgirls/trans/shemales, and so on.

>> No.5248080

I can talk to them about stuff like school or work just fine, but if it's social conversation I'm pretty terrible. But it's not just girls, I'm the same way with guys too. And I really don't care.

>> No.5248086

what am i when i feel attracted to women and they repel me?

>> No.5248088

I can talk to people, I just don't have anything to talk about and it's not something I enjoy. I mean beyond simple greetings and such it's not easy to carry on a conversation when you have no common interests. Doubly so for girls.

>> No.5248097

I have horrendous social skills.
It's not that I can't talk to girls, I suck at talking to EVERYONE.

>> No.5248098

Disregard them as whores.

>> No.5248108


Self-sabotage in the attempts to court the opposite sex has been a warning sign for buggery amongst the erudite for quite a while.

>> No.5248125

Why would you bother talking to a girl if she isn't a virgin anyway ? It would be like trying to talk to a dog or something.

>> No.5248126

but i don't self sabotage. i was born ugly and had no choice on the matter.

>> No.5248130

hahahaha wow, it really is hopeless.

>> No.5248152

It's difficult for me to pretend to be interested in the mostly inane drivel that's leaking out of their mouths.

>> No.5248153

Yes, you're stupidity is terminal if you take a post like that seriously.

>> No.5248168

Is it really that fucking difficult to stay in celibacy? I mean I can understand the needs of female company, but jesus christ...

>> No.5248239

No, I am just pretending that my blood is running faster, that my face is turning red, that I have difficulty speaking half a word for every 2 words I say, that my heart beats faster, that I am avoiding eye contact, that I am nervous because I was told I am making people nervous and can only create awkward situations, that I can only start having hateful thoughts when I am talking with someone even though I'd like to be nice.

>> No.5248467

um, i've never really tried, they talk to me sometimes though. Most girls and people in general are fucking retards not worth a second of my time though, so i don't really care.

>> No.5248473

Most Japanese and Koreans are too they just get plastic surgery and use circle lenses.

>> No.5248488

But I'm only interested in men. And I don't have difficulties in talking to them. Or having sex with them.

>> No.5248494
File: 63 KB, 450x600, soranowoto x k-on, by みみこ@うにー.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women are too frivolous and irrational.

That's why we quarantine their hysteria into a non-real, 2D form.

>> No.5248511


Guess you've got Asperger's!

>> No.5248519


>> No.5248526


I assume the OP touched a nerve?

>> No.5248527
File: 89 KB, 346x550, 541c99c0a45a500fd12dbd97bf0fcec9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I want to talk to a girl? I've already got a wife.

>> No.5248564

I'd like to think I'm not someone that just turns into a stuttering mess when talking to a girl, but I don't have many girls to talk to in the first place sooo.... yeah.

>> No.5248570

The problem with all this "need a girlfriend" bullshit is that the people who post about it actually care one direction or the other. There are those of us who actually have managed to /have/ lives without women (I for one am working on a masters in mathematics and am going to Thailand for 6 weeks this summer). Being a 23 year old virgin doesn't bother me in the least.

>> No.5248574

Nah since I am just faking it as I said.

>> No.5248578

And yet somehow I still need the Internet to validate me.

>> No.5248595

All mental illnesses (except in extreme cases where physical or chemical imbalances exist) are just bullshit. It's amazing how fast all your "mental illnesses" go away when you are shoved into a situation like, say, Marine boot camp, or similar.

>> No.5248599

'sup scientology devs.

>> No.5248601

I'm not really sure how "Getting sent to boot camp will fix it" makes your mental disorder any less of a disorder.

>> No.5248623

Girls? Who cares about that, it's too hard for me to talk to people in general.

>> No.5248642

Funny you mention bootcamp. I went through 4 months of basic training and had to voluntary release on grad week because I felt like I was going crazy. It didn't fix shit, just made me realize how incredibly fucked up I am.

>> No.5248646

Because you realize it was "all in your head." I used to think I had social anxiety and was actually diagnosed with manic depression twice. Then I had to do Navy OCS and for 12 weeks, for the first time in my life, I had absolutely no mental issues. (I still quit 3 years early though, seriously, fuck the military - their Crypto Logic people are actually idiots)

>> No.5248660

Being shy or having a different personality than the brainwashed masses copying what they see on TV is not a mental disorder.

>> No.5248690

So what is that /like/? It's totally unimaginable to me, I'm the epitome of healthy, balanced, logical "Anglo-Germanic" fit 23 year old male. Aside from not wanting a 3d girlfriend (which automatically makes me a bit weird I guess, but 100% of people are fucking shocked when they find out I'm into /jp/ + /a/ stuff), I look like the type of person who might be into traveling or mountain climbing or something.

>> No.5248710

Convinced what? I am not sure to understand your question.

>> No.5248725

You're going to look back at yourself in 15 years and want to look away out of embarrassment. If only you could somehow put this thread in a time capsule and show it to yourselves you'd probably die out of shame and embarrassment. I guarantee it. Everyone changes. Just think of yourself 5 years ago and I bet you are already ashamed.

>> No.5248736


>You're going to look back at yourself in 15 years

...Assuming, of course, that /jp/ does not commit suicide before then in an attempt to reach Gensokyo.

>> No.5248746

But really, it's a cardinal issue of "ota-ism." Very few of us want to think about the fact that at some point we will probably be in our mid 40's. Will you still be playing danmaku then? Will danmaku even be relevant anymore?

>> No.5248758


Five years ago, we were discussing Rozen Maiden, and ~desu was cool.

Today, we discuss Touhou, and da-ze~ is cool, as well as ~mukyu.

I assume something else will crop up in the next five years. Eventually, Touhou will be forgotten, and it will be good again.

>in b4 Touhou will never be good

>> No.5248770

RM and desu is still cool

>> No.5248772


My friend, you obviously weren't here in the days when RM was gigantic. Jissous were everywhere. Desu was spammed in every single thread, without exception. It was glorious.

>> No.5248773

I don't have much problems talking to people if I have a particular business with them, that doesn't involve awkward things. But when you're supposed to just "talk"...well, what the hell, what I'm supposed to say? Why I should waste my time with them, when I can return to my others activities, which are much more enjoyable? If it's a girl, then it's even more harder, because then we have even less in common and most of them are fucking dumb.

>> No.5248775


>well, what the hell, what I'm supposed to say?

"So, what's your story?"

Sit back and proceed to enjoy not having to say anything for the next hour, or so.

>> No.5248777

My vocal cords freeze when I'm in public. I communicate mainly through body language and others probably suspect me of being deaf or insane.

>> No.5248778


I forgot to add that if you do not have Apsbergers, this presents itself to you the instant you approach someone.

>> No.5248790

Give me one really good reason why I should listen to this bullshit I don't care about in the slightest.

>> No.5248792

I don't know about Aspergers, but I lack social skills for sure.

>> No.5248801

I don`t see how browsing /jp/ and fapping to them touhous can be considering more or less vain than any other human occupation. Just do what you like to do.

>> No.5248802

Sure, if they happen to be interested in Touhous and VNs, I have no problem talking to them.
That never happens.

>> No.5248805


Where did I say that you should listen?

>> No.5248812

Well, I doubt it will be considered a conversation if I just walk away.

>> No.5248820

I'm missing your point here. Do you talk to girls just for the sake of talking to them, not to enjoy spending time with them?

>> No.5248822


This. You wouldn't go up to people to talk to them and this is usually what they want. Let them talk and if you suddenly have something interesting to add, then speak up. Talking to people is easy as long as you aren't being forced to start it.

>> No.5248826


You could, of course, just stand where you are while not listening, which gives the speaker the impression that you care.

>> No.5248841

I talk to girls all the time.

On the internet.

>> No.5248846

They're actually men.

>> No.5248852


Ah, yes. Welcome to the Internet, where Men are Men, women are Men, and little children are FBI Operatives.

>> No.5248868

Well usually they get on webcam...now the idea of them being men and just hot traps has me aroused. Damn you.

>> No.5248875


>Talking to people is easy as long as you aren't being forced to start it.

I just open with an loose question like "What movie you saw last". People are so wrapped up in their own bullshit that they will talk at you about anything for minutes on end, provided you stand there. In fact, the less you say, the better.

Also, if you're worried about not fitting in with normalfags, this is a great way to keep on top of the normalfag world. Just ask them about what TV show they looked at last, what album they bought, etc...

>> No.5248894

Then he/she will ask you: "What about you?"
I: "I...mm, actually I don't give a fuck about it at all."
He/she: "..."

>> No.5248903

I lol'd.

>> No.5248954


>Then he/she will ask you: "What about you?"

You generally shouldn't let it get to that point.

If you're letting THEM ask YOU questions, you messed up.

Or you can play it smooth, and pretend that you were looking for an opinion on the thing in question before you purchased it yourself.

Or you can simply mirror the statements they give you. Feed them their own opinion back. It will convince the person that you and them REALLY HAVE A CONNECTION. It's pathetic.

>> No.5248969

>You generally shouldn't let it get to that point.
And how I'm supposed to do it?

>> No.5248983
File: 111 KB, 412x1226, 1262693518177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this picture explains it partially

>> No.5248985


When the other party's cool story is starting to wind down, hit them with another open-ended question. Then, proceed to highlight their feelings about it and discuss how they REALLY felt about it, if you're feeling brave.

Most people are so relieved to spill their guts about something that they will readily forget about you and your story.

>> No.5248989
File: 134 KB, 752x2167, love eachother please.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong picture

>> No.5249025

If someone thinks I should be the one to speak first, that person isn't really that attractive anyway.

>> No.5249030

>When the other party's cool story is starting to wind down
So that means I will have to listen to them after all. Not so good.

>> No.5249028
File: 242 KB, 963x1200, 045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good advice.

>> No.5249053


>So that means I will have to listen to them after all.


Non-verbal communication, i.e. body language, gets the point across quicker than anything else.

If you're actually stupid enough to listen in the hopes that you'll catch onto when they're finishing their cool story, you'll end up with a barrage of questions before you could blink.

However...there is no law set in stone that you HAVE to answer. If you've got brass balls, you can simply brush people's questions away and continue asking them things. They'll answer. I guarantee it.

Or you can be like me and be funny.

Someone asks me what I was up to last weekend?


I move on. With one word, their question is killed off, never to return.

Some girl asks me what I did today.

"I'd tell you, but then I'd have to kill you." -wink, nod to indicate I'm joking-.

Instant affection.

>> No.5249058
File: 27 KB, 615x113, how do i talk to girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think pulling this post out of retirement is warranted today.

>> No.5249086

Talking to girls out of my league is pretty hard, but I think that's how it is for anyone unless they themselves are a 9/10.

Talking to girls in my league or below me is easy by comparison.

>> No.5249103

Goddamn it, I just realized that we are having an /r9k/ thread in /jp/.

Stop it, you guys. I report u.

>> No.5249105

I mostly have trouble dealing with girls as "girls" and not just as "people". Thus any time I do meet and spend time with one they go straight towards friend zone right away.

I don't understand the concepts behind "dating" and "asking people out". To me, it makes clean logcial sense to go stranger -> friend -> lover. Skipping the friend step is ridiculous since there's no way for you to know if you can actually get along with someone without knowing them for some time.

>> No.5249109

You just made me realise that I haven't seen a ronery thread in quite a while.

>> No.5249113
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>> No.5249115


> To me, it makes clean logcial sense to go stranger -> friend -> lover.

You would think so! And it's logical. It would be nice if things worked this way, too.

But you have to assert yourself as a lover or sexual partner from the get-go, or you will be banished to Friendzone City forever. Once you assert yourself as a friend, that's it for you.

sage for /r9k/ in /jp/.

>> No.5249136


You're actually complaining about content? I thought you reveled in discord.

>> No.5249144


Well, that makes you yet another person who came to the wrong conclusions about me, and anyways, if I wanted an /r9k/ thread, I would just go to /r9k/.

>> No.5249145

Thailand, eh? Great place to monger, I'm sure you're aware. I'm kind of jealous, haha.

>> No.5249189

go outside, nerds.

>> No.5249205

But the sun hates me.

>> No.5249208


I honestly would, but there's nothing for me to do out there.

>> No.5249217


>I honestly would, but there's nothing for me to do out there.

I'm sorry to hear about your full-body paralysis, Anon.

>> No.5249232


I meant to say I'm not interested in anything outside.

>> No.5249240

I picked a bad time to wake up, so many shitty threads on the front page.

>> No.5249284

It's hard to talk to anyone.

It's all over once they find out I'm a nerd anyways; playing a real life game of pretend can only get one so far.

>> No.5249316

The best part comes after that. Why did you leave it out Seba?

>> No.5249340

I talked to a girl just yesterday! She was my neighbor and in her 40s but it still counts right?

>> No.5249396

It's easy to talk to girls. I'm unable to start a conversation with anyone, though.

>> No.5249415

I used to have this problem, but then I just got over it one day. I then realized that girls are super boring and there's no point of talking to them in the first place. I wish I was gay, so I'd never even have the slightest biological urge to be near females.

>> No.5249434

I have an easier time talking to women than I do to men. It's easier to be truthful with girls, with guys I tell one lie after another.

>> No.5249436

I can't talk to anyone past a couple sentences because I'm deathly afraid of making eye contact.

I especially can't talk to women because I don't want to talk to them in the first place, 3DPD and all. At least males can be friends, females are an utter waste of time to talk to.
