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5243623 No.5243623 [Reply] [Original]

What are the characteristics of a well-written villain?

>> No.5243629

Huge tits

>> No.5243628

the ones that appeal to your tastes

>> No.5243633

sad/sadistic past

>> No.5243636

Virgin female

>> No.5243641

Says they're a villain from the start but nobody believes.

>> No.5243640
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He must be evil.

>> No.5243637

Fucks the MC's girlfriend.

>> No.5243643

Hair color the polar opposite of the protagonist

>> No.5243644

He must have valid reason to be evil.

>> No.5243652
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A threatening aura, when you see them you should immediately think that shits could go down in a second.
Some awesome speeches.
And a ponytail.

>> No.5243661

>And a ponytail

This is mandatory.

>> No.5243677

Some background that makes him believable.

>> No.5243684

Voiced by Jouji Nakata.

>> No.5243696

I like villains that aren't really villains at all, but just antagonists. The hero has an objective, the villain has his own objective that runs counter, and neither is willing to budge. Both parties have valid reasons for why the want what they want, and the only reason the protagonist is really a hero, is because the reader has been following them for so long. Those are the most interesting villains, I think. Bonus points if they were once a close ally/friend.

>> No.5243742


Choose one.

>> No.5243756
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I choose both.

>> No.5243760

The best villains are the ones who have a point.

>> No.5243778

I like villains that often have such good motivation I think it's stupid I'm expected to side with the hero.

>> No.5243784

I don't have a problem with villains who do stuff just because they can.

>> No.5243788
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The best villains are the ones who have a meaningful goal, something worthy to strive for. They must be intelligent, powerful and deep as well.

>> No.5243791

Houzuki isn't a villain; he's just an antagonist.
A villain must have no motives for doing evil deeds, no logic or reasoning behind his actions.

>> No.5243793


>> No.5243794

Any character which does not try too hard to make the reader feel they're evil should be okay.

I grew sick of the hollywood and modern novels' villains.They're the kind that just be there for the sake of being evil and to make the protagonist shine,even though he's a complete retarded pretender like in G.I.Joe movie.

>> No.5243797

Any examples?

>> No.5243800

The Joker would like to have a word with you.

>> No.5243802

The anon of /jp (or 4chan in this matter) knows the different between good and evil ?

What a joke. It's more natural to ask a cat to bark like a hound.

>> No.5243803

I personally like villains that are mentally 'different' from most people. Not psychotically deranged, but someone like the dwarf from the book The Dwarf, or even Humbert Humbert from Lolita (though, he's not technically a villain, most would consider him so).

But a villain that's eloquent and believes 100% in his aspirations is nice. That is to say, not some guy who knows he's doing bad and likes it, but a guy that believes God/Fortune/Fate/Righteousness is on his side.

>> No.5243808

>no logic or reasoning behind his actions


Seriously,Joker-typed villains are just worst. It shows the writers are just too fucking lazy and put them there for the hero's glory.

>> No.5243811

I like villains who are polite.

>> No.5243817


L2read.Nobody here says anything about good and evil,shithead.

>> No.5243822


Why would you think Humbert Humbert is a villain ?

>> No.5243831

On the other hand, there are people in real life that do horrible shit for no reason whatsoever.

>> No.5243834

>Implying villain is not about good or evil
Hence my point proves that /jp consisted of shit heads

>> No.5243842

The idea of a "villain" as a single character archetype is silly.

-There are antagonists who believe they are doing what is best, but go against what the hero believes.
-There are villains who are genuinely scum and trample over others for selfish reasons.
-There are psychopaths who are kind of like the former, but more devoid of reason and evil for the pleasure it gives them

Trying to limit the villain's role to only one type is itself retarded. The people who preach that the villain must always be the first type seem to believe men are utterly incapable of being truly selfish. The people who preach villains should always be like the second or third have a very limited understanding of what plots can drive a story forward.

Just limiting it to a single archetype shows a poor understanding of how good characterization works. A good writer can make any type of character into a charsimatic one. If you feel ambivalent between him and the hero, or if you fiercely want the hero to beat him, the writer did his job.

The only bad villain is the one you don't care about.

>> No.5243855

Add 'retarded' into the pool as well.

>> No.5243863

Generally Lawful Evil characters ,barring absurdly written ones like those evil chancellors that are hardly convincing in the real world (omg that world renowned hero only visited you so he could take over your throne!!!) have a high chance of being well written.

>> No.5243869

An antagonist is a character in opposition to the protagonist.

A villain is a character who is built around being an opposition to the protagonist.

This is why most people prefer antagonists who are not villains. They have more than one dimension.

>> No.5243876

A good villain must have a cock twice as long as the protagonists.

>> No.5243880

So if we play as Nobunaga Oda in Sengoku Basara...

...We are the evil villain?

>> No.5243882

That's a non-sequitur. A character built in opposition to another has no need to be one-dimensional. Two characters opposed in a fashion can easily have other sides to them. If a villain is one-dimensional, it's the fault of a bad writer, not a necessary trait of his role.

>> No.5243886



And the concept of good and evil itself is a very shallow and outdated. It is a concept designed to persecute people who don't behave like the rest of the communities.

Also you are a retard for bringing that up in fictional villain thread./religion/---->that way

>> No.5243887

I don't know, I probably wasn't very clear with my wording. A villain would have nothing if it weren't for the protagonist. He exists only to get in the protagonist's way.

>> No.5243890

You don't understand a thing about >>5243842.
Stop posting kid.

>> No.5243893

The antagonist is anything that opposes the protagonist.
A villain is a subset of antagonists that commits evil for the sake of evil, or for no reason at all. By definition, a villain must not have any noble intentions.
There can be an antagonist with noble intentions, but there can't be a villain with noble intentions.

>> No.5243903

I don't think you understand the difference between an antagonist and a villain.

>> No.5243905

>A villain is a subset of antagonists


>> No.5243908

>He exists only to get in the protagonist's way.

Again, shortsighted.

Depending on the plot, situation and personal goals of the villain and hero, they may clash for a great number of reasons. They may both be trying to achieve different things. One may only be involved in order to try to stop the other from something. Destroying one another may be each other's goal.

You could just as easily brand all heroes as one dimensional, because they are only the "heroes" by virtue of being in opposition to the villain.

The fact that a writer creates two characters who in opposition doesn't limit their characterization to only that opposition.

>> No.5243918
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>can't provide any reasonable argument
>trolling kids calling other people kids

I deduced greentexts are sufficient for you.

>> No.5243936

>Producing shitty arguments
>demands a counter for shitty argument
>post reaction images
Yep. A kid.

When will this summer torture over?

>> No.5243938
File: 284 KB, 361x361, stillfrustrated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, /jp/. You can really get mad over such a useless discussion.

>> No.5243942

>A villain is a subset of antagonists that commits evil for the sake of evil, or for no reason at all

That's incredibly limiting. Many selfish people wouldn't brand themselves as "evil". What about those who disregard standard values? They may be branded "evil" by others, but you can't say they do evil for evil's own sake. That is the behavior of a psychopath.

>> No.5243946

He must have an objective, and should be able to make the viewer/player sympathise with his case.

>> No.5243948

Welcome to /jp.

You must be new here.

>> No.5243949


Only valid post in this thread.

>> No.5243961

>still no valid arguments
>greentext counters

Ah the trolls are out full force today,I see.

When will this summer torture "be" over?

>> No.5243966

Hey kiddo.

>> No.5243967

After summer, I'd assume.

>> No.5243974
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> "be"

>> No.5243982

Kid. Seriously.


>> No.5243993
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Kids detected.

>> No.5244008
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Frog detected.

>> No.5244011


>> No.5244015

Best ones IMO are the insane and cruel ones. They don't need a reason for being the way they are; acting like an evil bastard is ingrained into their very soul. You love to hate them.

Lame Disney villains are the ones who need reasons to be evil; you should stick with Sephiroth if you like this kind of villain.

>> No.5244022


>Frog detected.

You mean a Frenchman?

>> No.5244029
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>> No.5244034
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No reason?

>> No.5244040

>You love to hate them.

No, I actually always cheer for them.

Ebil cruel vile villain invariably mean that the protagonists are so shitty and unlikeable that it simply wouldn't be possible for them to look good against anyone else.

>> No.5244037
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You can't be any more wrong.

>> No.5244098

Would Avenger/Angra Mainyu from FSN be a good example of a villain rather than an antagonist? Although he's only lightly described in FSN, and Hollow Ataraxia is a joke, he's a character who was chosen as a sacrifice for his tribe, and all the sins of the world were inscribed on him so they would leave with his death. Thus him becoming an incarnation of evil and corruption, and corrupting shit because that's his very existence.

>> No.5244107

Angra Mainyu is an anti-hero.

>> No.5244108

His "existence", not his "action".

Villains are villain because they ACT as one.

>> No.5244133

Alright then, answer this question:

Is /jp/ categorized as protagonist, villain, or antagonist?

>> No.5244150


Side-show comedic relief.

Also /a/ here.

>> No.5245150
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Must use his umbrella as a weapon. That's really crucial.

>> No.5245170

I felt too sorry for this guy to think of him as a villain.

>> No.5245192
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Yeah, he's way more complicated than just a "villain". Especially if you also played Chrono Belt.
