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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5242425 No.5242425 [Reply] [Original]

Everyone who plays stg's on /jp/ has to have MAME right?

>> No.5242431


>> No.5242435
File: 33 KB, 540x405, magmax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The king is dead.

"By far the greatest and most important piece of videogaming code ever written."

Those were the words, chums, of this very reporter, spoken about the Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator (or MAME to its friends) when interviewed by formerly-interesting videogames magazine Edge about it all the way back in October 2002. Created in early 1997, MAME rose from humble beginnings as a Pac-Man emulator created by teenage Italian coder Nicola Salmoria, and immediately started to grow at an exponential rate. Within a few short months the number of games it ran had eclipsed the previous gold standard in arcade emulation, Dave Spicer's Sparcade, and MAME streaked off into the distance without a backwards glance. At the time of writing, the emulator supports well over 5,000 different ROM sets, and over 3,000 distinct games - a very substantial proportion of the entire history of arcade gaming.

It's a little bit surprising, then (to him, certainly), that your correspondent will never be downloading another update of MAME again.

>> No.5242436
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To understand why, we need a little historical background. A few months into MAME's development, Nicola Salmoria had to go off and do his Italian National Service, which naturally put something of a dampener on his opportunities for emulator coding. The helm of the project was taken over by another Italian coder, Mirko Buffoni, in April 1997, under whose guidance MAME ran for several years, growing in size from a few dozen games to hundreds and eventually into four figures. Around this point, the emulator reached the peak of its popularity - millions of people watched sites like Retrogames obsessively for new releases, speculating wildly over which new games might be included (there was no work-in-progress news in those days, and releases arrived out of the blue, met by ecstatic frenzies of excitement), and the program was plastered all over the gaming media, both print and online.

And then it all started to go wrong.

By now, MAME had become far too big for one person to run single-handed, and steadily more people became closely involved at the heart of the project. Eventually, the maintainers coalesced into an official body, known as MAMEDEV, and slowly but surely things started to be done differently. The emulator's nominal purpose had always been to serve as a historical document of coin-op games, rather than as a means by which people could actually play and enjoy them, but under the new management this aim became more and more rigidly adhered to. (No longer, for example, would the "What's new?" text file accompanying each release start off by proudly listing all the new games for which support had been added or improved, but rather reams of tedious technical documentation detailing incomprehensible changes to the source code, with new games being vaguely alluded to somewhere later on, if users were lucky.) In essence, MAME had been hijacked.

>> No.5242439

No, I prefer kawaks.

>> No.5242446

For you idiots who do not have MAME


Just extract romfolder into MAME folder and thats it be sure to REAUDIT it a couple of times in ALL GAMES and reboot MAME.
If really want to have the absolute best mame get MAME0.99 and then the LAGLESS addon. I am too lazy to track it down-
shmup roms


>> No.5242445

Psikyo games make me rage like no other

>> No.5242447

Kawaks only does NEO GEO,CPs1,2,3

Tons of games on other boards..

>> No.5242451
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"Hijacked? By being devoted more closely to its original stated purpose? That's a bit of a stretch, isn't it?", some of WoS' huffier readers might be pouting at this point. But a hijack it was. Because MAME's official mission statement had always had a knowing wink behind it. Everybody knew that the real purpose of the emulator was to share these great, largely-lost old games again, in the only meaningful way there was - by playing them. But from the birth of MAMEDEV, users effectively ceased to exist. Technical considerations were now the only considerations that mattered. If a potential change to the program would result in a fractional increase in theoretical accuracy, at the cost of a huge loss of functionality, then it was made.

By way of a minor illustration, a number of years ago an alteration was made to the way that sound was implemented in Asteroids. Previously, the emulator had used samples, rather than strictly emulating the machine's sound output, but the result was that MAME Asteroids looked, sounded and played like coin-op Asteroids. But the developers decided that this was "inaccurate", and instead introduced a crude early version of emulated sound, forcibly disabling the samples at the same time.

>> No.5242454
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Another aspect in which functionality was discarded as an aim was the concentration of the new administrators on pointlessly "emulating" arcade machines which were hugely beyond the abilities of MAME's rather sluggish core code. Designed to cope with games like Donkey Kong, Galaxian and Dig Dug, MAME was never the quickest of emulators, and had long been effortlessly outpaced on more complex games by other multi-game emus like Zinc and Final Burn, never mind dedicated high-level apps like the Ridge Racer emulator Viva Nonno. But present-era MAME is continually forced into embarrassing attempts at running 3D polygon games like San Francisco Rush, in which it struggles to achieve completely unplayable frame rates of 5 or 6 fps even on high-powered PCs.

(Of course, it's nice to know that these games are supported, or rather will be in about five years' time when PCs are fast enough to run them halfway-properly, but it's an odd thing to devote your time to now. Especially since most of the titles concerned have arcade-perfect console ports anyway, unlike the lost-to-posterity games from the early days of arcades that drew so many people to MAME in the first place and gave its existence some kind of point other than pure piracy.)

The most disturbing aspect of the new regime, though, was the open contempt in which MAME's users were now evidently held. Major upheavals in the game's interface went undocumented, and requests for information rudely refused. Anyone who wasn't capable of interpreting the source code themselves, it appeared, was no longer welcome to use the emulator. "Remember," ran several condescending responses on the official forum, "MAME is a historical artefact, not a games machine."

>> No.5242457
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Another instructive example of the attitude of the emulator's current developers appeared very recently over on the official MAME messageboard. The small add-on file "hiscore.dat" is one of the core factors in MAME's appeal. By a simple method, it adds a highscore-saving facility to games which lacked it in the arcade (ie those ones where the highscores you'd just spent three gruelling hours of battle achieving were lost forever every time the machine's power was switched off).

Highscore saving was one of the greatest single boosts to MAME's functionality and popularity. It transforms the simple old coin-ops from essentially pointless exercises in repetition into something where you always have a target to aim for, adding long-term appeal to the short-term buzz of the five minutes you spend playing the game. You need only pay a visit to console gaming forums when a new "retro" release has come out to see the fury of fans if the publisher has been too cheap or stupid to include a highscore memory-save facility. And yet, the leading members of the MAMEDEV team are as keen as mustard to throw out this wonderful, long-implemented functionality - rather than making it optional, even - for no other reason than that it's "not accurate".

What we're dealing with here, chums, are nerds. Nerds have already ruined mainstream videogaming, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory around the middle of the PS1 era and lumbering the rest of us with a crushing weight of dull, plodding, endless fantasy RPGs or dry, joyless sports sims, which the occasional fun, entertaining game must exhaust itself trying to crawl out from under. Now, in a tragedy whose dimensions shouldn't be underestimated, they've put a stranglehold on the once-thriving world of emulation.

>> No.5242461

MAME has become the emulator equivalent of Windows - bloated, slow and unloved, but so overwhelmingly colossal that nothing else can hope to make a dent in its all-encompassing, suffocating monopoly. All the joy and love that used to characterise it are being sucked out piece by piece, by the sort of people who would try to "preserve" a butterfly by sticking a pin through its heart and sticking it in a glass display cabinet, where people could look at its corpse, but not watch it live and fly and do what butterflies were made to do.

This reporter's had enough. The latest release of MAME features a spectacularly un-necessary overhauling of the configuration system, the end result of which is that every last option and control setup for over 3,000 games, painstakingly built up over six years of using one interface, must be thrown away and recreated from scratch. (And that without the benefit of even the merest scrap of information as to how the new system actually works. Mind you, it can't be long before the whole idea of configurable controls is thrown out as well - after all, you can't reconfigure coin-op controllers, can you? That's not "accurate", is it? Get rid of it!)

It's the last straw for your emulation-loving correspondent, viewers. MAME 0.99 is the last one which will ever be installed on this reporter's PC, or talked or written about. Another figure will be added to the long lines of those shuffling away from the once-great emulator with sad looks on their faces, fondly recalling better days when new releases added functionality rather than removing it, and when new titles were supported that were actually games rather than solely being pieces of abstract technical showing-off by the developers that won't be playable for a decade (playable support for a fun new game is something that hasn't featured in a MAME release for months).

Death to nerds.

>> No.5242470 [DELETED] 

Arcade games were always shit.

>> No.5242480
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>Arcade games were always shit.

Really now? Do you really mean that

>> No.5242488

Pretty much only low life white trash, niggers and mexicans played them where I am from.

>> No.5242494


Why wouldnt I be?

I think I made myself pretty clear.

>> No.5242496

And where are you from?

>> No.5242497

People who play JRPGs kill arcade emulators. You heard it here first.

>> No.5242500

Southern California.

>> No.5242503
File: 59 KB, 240x320, battle garegga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess those low life white trash, niggers and mexicans had better tastes than the rest of the place where you are from.

>> No.5242509
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>Arcade games were always shit.
You disgust me.

>> No.5242510

So you are a low life white trash, nigger or, meixcan?

>> No.5242515

I am neither those type of folks they only played Street Fighter and KoF anyway.

>> No.5242517


You have never played a genuine arcade machine in your entire life.

>> No.5242526
File: 62 KB, 635x751, 10887987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is all you need to read, right here. From http://mamedev.org/devwiki/index.php/FAQ:Features

>Can I play two-player games over the Internet?

>Officially, no. Empirical evidence shows that network play tends to attract the wrong kind of people. Network play is also seen as a novelty feature with no development value, so none of the main developers are interested in implementing it.

>Do not ask for such a feature to be implemented, and do not ask us for any support using 3rd party programs. Specifically, do not ask about a well-known but license violating build that starts with a 'K'. That such a build exists and openly flaunts their violation of the MAME license only serves to reinforce the assertion that this feature attracts the wrong crowd.

Relentlessly stupid.

>> No.5242527
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1994-2001 was just my imagination am I right?

>> No.5242590

When will MAME ever emulate POLYGAMEMASTER board?

>> No.5242623

For some reasons, recent MAME versions doesn't work on my computer.
I still have Final Burn Alpha, so that's ok.

>> No.5242631

Maybe because you are running on a 32bit OS and you are downloading the 64bit versions?

>> No.5242666

Maybe it's because they're shit.

>> No.5242696

in japan still remain some kind of "If you not pay, you are criminal." even in antique games.

so, some gamers, to play the arcade games at home, buy the arcade board (the cpu what have the game and i dont know the name) to home.

>> No.5242707

Arcade boards aren't eternal, even in Japan.
I understand that there's people buying Gradius PCB only to keep it bubble wrapped, but that's called collecting, not gaming.

>> No.5242713

Yeh they even say using emulators makes you a criminal.

>> No.5242716

If anyone is interested here are some art books of some Stgs mostly CAVE.

>> No.5242781

Get the OSTs here


>> No.5242849

I have a custom mame machine at home. can anyone give me a recommended list of shmup games to put on it (and maybe download links)

>> No.5242880

die in a fire, bitch

>> No.5242986


No. Continue being a faggot waste of society, and I'll continue global peace.

>> No.5243033



>> No.5243042

>global peace
Go to your 15 year old revolutionary organisation.

>> No.5243056

It has done for a while. The Knights of Valor games are surprisingly popular.

>> No.5243061
File: 45 KB, 576x659, stupid sexy lockon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to your 15 year old revolutionary organisation
Fine, I will. And promote global peace.

>> No.5243065
File: 146 KB, 500x519, esprade07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first love.

>> No.5243078

Still my favorite Cave game.

>> No.5243086

>stupid sexy lockon.jpg
...oh, I thought it was just me. Phew.

Does that mean I'm still straight?

>> No.5243092

Gundam protagonists aren't like real men, so it's fine.

>> No.5243109

I like Magical Drop.

>> No.5243115


I'm 28 you life newfag XD

>> No.5243136

Are there any old good shmups where the player's ship has swords or other melee weapons.

>> No.5243137
File: 32 KB, 111x171, neogeo-md3-world3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who doesn't?

>> No.5243202

Brave Blade

>> No.5244187

Radiant silver shit

>> No.5244210

Holy shit, I was just playing this.

Died on stage 5. Again. Is that level even meant to be possible?

>> No.5244250
File: 94 KB, 640x448, metal-slug-anthology-20061220065419558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck year MAME

>> No.5244265
File: 267 KB, 600x600, so moe I'm gonna die.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still play Dangun Feveron and Dodonpatchy sometimes... I've never found them on an arcade ;_;

oh, and fuck yeah, aero fighters, sonic wings, etc.

>> No.5244268

ESP Ra.De isn't even that hard by Cave standards.

>> No.5244281

Most people on /jp/ seem to have trouble with Touhou's normal mode.

>> No.5244288
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I want Rivet to have my babies too...

>> No.5244306

It is if you're too shit to get to second loops of things. Compare something like the first loop of DDP to ESPrade. No competition there.

>> No.5244320

aero fighters=sonic wings

>> No.5244351

then I got confused... the other was a game where one of the characters was a big breasted woman flying on a cloud. I can't remember the name... I played those long time ago.

>> No.5244349

No dimahoo yet? I am dissapoint.

>> No.5244354

What do you all think of this?


>> No.5244385
File: 33 KB, 641x480, 1275067311150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mars matrix above progear, giga wing and most of all, Rayforce/gunlock

>> No.5244399

>Only 11 Cave games? Come on, we can be less diverse than that.

>> No.5244409

The one where you could play as the guy with arrows and the witch with bats?

>> No.5244432

as always, hell yeah Garegga

>> No.5244461

there was a little girl with glasses on a robot or something like that.

>> No.5244484

Can't you just use GGPO to play (some) games on-line, though?

>> No.5244522

Some, but it's library is much smaller.
Mostly fighters.

>> No.5244532

Yeah, that's why I used that "(some)".
I know it's just a useless hope, but being able to play Twinkle Star Sprites or any co-op shmup would be awesome. Hell, the fact that they have Metal Slug X means that it's not restricted to fighters only.

>> No.5244835

Cave's danmaku > all touhou moe loli shit

>> No.5244867

>implying Cave hasn't gone the loli shit route for the last half decade now

>> No.5244877

Thanks, much appreciated. Going to take me an eternity to dl it all on my shit connection ;_;

>> No.5244907

I think its more because playing on actual hardware on a candy cab will always be vastly superior to any kind of emulation

>> No.5244915


>> No.5245167

>a game where one of the characters was a big breasted woman flying on a cloud

That's Gunbird. The team that developed the original Sonic Wings left Video System to form Psikyo, which is why there's a certain resemblance between Sonic Wings and Psikyo games (especially the early ones).

>> No.5245185

thank you very much, brb looking for rom.

>> No.5245246

Can someone recommend a good place to download roms for MAME? All the ones from Google have shit selections.

>> No.5245308


>> No.5245641

Which emulator can play twinbee yahho?
