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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5235861 No.5235861 [Reply] [Original]

>2010.05.27. ef Genuine Draft is delayed until mid-June. >We're still prepping for Anime North. See you there tomorrow!

I'll just leave it here.

>> No.5235877

Not sure if want to meet them. I've never been to a convention before but it sounds kinda too weeaboo-ish....

>> No.5235885

I'm going to anime north just to punch one of them.

>> No.5235888

that's really the only thing I have planned too.

>> No.5235892

For bonus points, punch them while yelling "OMIGAWD SUPAH effective punch!"

>> No.5235898

>294 posts and 44 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.5235904

So, /jp/ meetup - Punch Gipface edition?

>> No.5235907

Minori devs will be at Anime North for the same reason.

>> No.5235915

We can punch them too, then.

>> No.5235916

Don't forget Moogy! He'll be there too.
>implying anyone cares about some shitty extended version of a relatively average VN with no redeeming feature besides the 5000+ CGs.

>> No.5235917

You faggots, stop punching each other. You can never be supah effective like Kei.

>> No.5235923

People /jp/ wishes to punch:
Member of NNL, possibly GipFace
Somebody from Minori

Who else?

>> No.5235924 [DELETED] 



>> No.5235925

Akaebiee soft or however it's spelt. They block gaijin's from their site.

>> No.5235930

Why the fuck would we want to punch the Minori devs?

>> No.5235931

For the gaijin drama. You new or something?

>> No.5235932

Oh wow it really is on autodelete

>> No.5235935

After the TLWiki incident Minori went crying to their friends at Innocent Grey, and Kara no Shoujo and Cartagra projects got taken down as well.

>> No.5235940

But that's Minori's fault! Minori devs are the good guys...

>> No.5235945

>But that's Minori's fault!
Yep, I'm glad we agree on this.
>Minori devs are the good guys...
...Huh? How does that logic work?

>> No.5235950

I think he's confused. He thinks 'Minori' and 'Minori devs' are two separate groups or something.

>> No.5235953

NNL = Minori devs

>> No.5235955
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>> No.5235966
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How to avoid drama, VN translation edition:

- Work on your own
- Don't post what you are working in the wiki
- Sporadically ask questions of how to extract the text
- Arrive one day with the full damn game translated, only needing editors and hackers to finish the job.

Do not worry about someone stealing your project, so long as you don't publish it. Most of the attention whoring project theft happens because people promote it.

>> No.5235969

Both NNL and Minori are fags.

>> No.5235973

Fuck you. They translated game with slutty waifus for us ;_;

>> No.5235980

...Is this seriously slutty, or just some weak ass definition of "slutty"? Since if it's the former, I might actually play EF.

>> No.5235982

>- Arrive one day with the full damn game translated, only needing editors and hackers to finish the job.
So the translator has to wait months for the editor to finish his job to release it? Real smart, you sure sound like you know the VN translation business in and out.

>> No.5235985

The latter.

>> No.5235986

That's just stupid, collaboration with others gets you further.

>> No.5235989

This reminds me of Kara no Shoujo project. Translator was fast and everybody else on the team got everything done, but editing was slow.

>> No.5235990

Then I'm not interested. I have a slut fetish, you see.

>> No.5235992

The editor was editing offline, not updating the wiki. But editing is probably harder than translating itself, depending on what you're working with.

>> No.5235997
File: 131 KB, 400x600, 1272056268590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or considering the amount of failed/abandoned projects, nowhere.

It takes months to get it done if you have people like Message working on the installer.

>> No.5236000

No, not really. Also, the first heroine is the most intolerably obnoxious bitch cunt I've ever experienced in an eroge.

I'm not even trolling. I fucking hated both the leads in that route, but at least Hiro is just an asshole. Miyako, aside from being an obvious Nemu clone, is an asshole, needy, clingy, obnoxious, lazy, ridiculously "perfect" to the point of being a Mary Sue, and a huge drama magnet/starter. She stole a guy away from his devoted osananajimi/biggest supporter, just because she could, after repeatedly emotionally tortured her. Basically, she NTRed Kei. And KEI is the one that gets labeled a slut? WHAT THE FUCK.

Miyako is below shit tier and if she were a 3D girl, /jp/ would hate her with the fury of ten thousand suns.

>> No.5236001

Uh, editing is very time-consuming, almost as much as translating.

>> No.5236006

>It takes months to get it done if you have people like Message working on the installer.
That's closed group aids. If it was on a wiki, someone else would have taken over his job.

>> No.5236008

You have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.5236011

Yeah just like Symphonic Rain.

...Oh, wait...

>> No.5236016

Fuck you! Miyako is MY delicious slut.

>> No.5236019

considering amount of dropped projects working alone won't get you anywhere either

>> No.5236020

Kei is a whore.

>> No.5236023

Oh come one. FSN was popular enough to have at least 5 others taking over that damn installer.

>> No.5236024

She's not even proper slut! A bitch, yes, but not a slut.

>> No.5236026

>She's not even proper slut!
Yes she was....

>> No.5236032

How was she a slut? Did she wear slutty clothing? Did she have lots of carefree casual sex with random people?
No. She was not a slut.

>> No.5236033

Why can't she be more like Chihiro?

>> No.5236040

She was a slut to the maincharater!

>> No.5236041

Miyako > Kei

Superior sluttiness.

>> No.5236044


>People /jp/ wishes to punch:
Gaijin blockers
C&D wiki staff
KS Devs
3D women
Most tripfags

>> No.5236047

Once again I ask, how was she a slut? Unless she displayed actual slutty characteristics, I won't allow you to call her a slut.

That would be an insult to properly slutty characters.

>> No.5236049

See the shit she wears in Kei's route.

Miyako generally needed to GTFO Kei route. I had more of her TMI about her glorious life as Hiro's cum receptacle than I could stand.

>> No.5236054

If she looks slutty, isn't that enough?

>> No.5236058

She used sex to coerce/blackmail Hiro into not going to Kei's basketball game, even when he promised he'd go already. Is that not the definition of not only a slut, but a manipulative whore besides? Choose to go anyway gets you bad end where you're rid of her, Hiro is being too much of a whiny faggot to pay attention when Kei confesses to his sorry ass.

>> No.5236060

>Miyako generally needed to GTFO Kei route.
Fuck Kei. Miyako needed to take over Kei's route, so we could have TWO Miyako routes!

>> No.5236063

>She used sex to coerce/blackmail Hiro into not going to Kei's basketball game
Miyako = Superior waifu.

>> No.5236074 [DELETED] 

Best post in thread.

Chihiro > *

>> No.5236078

> Miyako = RANCID SLUT

fixed bro

p.s. your samefag is showing.

>> No.5236081

I made that post but
You can't just compete against a true angel of love.

>> No.5236085
File: 145 KB, 482x482, 14694fc358a4e5bebb0519cd3d1bc54d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best post in thread.

Chihiro > *

>> No.5236086

>See the shit she wears in Kei's route.
Screens please. I need to see this.

>> No.5236090

lolno, fuck you. you want to see your whore, google her your fucking self.

>> No.5236091

Chihiro is irrelevant

>> No.5236093

If she offers you sex, she's clearly superior slutty than that whore Kei.

>> No.5236098

Myako has superior route, butthurt Keifags.

>> No.5236099
File: 938 KB, 800x600, heychihiro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Chihiro, I think that that there Miyako is a big ol' slut. How about you?

>> No.5236101

Her clothing in Kei route isn't coming up ;_;

>> No.5236105

No, I hate Kei too. But Miyacunt is beyond the pail.

Fucking First Tale was a huge waste of time and disk space, anyway. Not until Chapter 3 do things get even remotely interesting. I pity the Japanese faggots that actually paid for it.

>> No.5236111

cry moar delicious tears for cockwhore, faggot

>> No.5236117

Sure is butthurt Keifag around here.

>> No.5236119

Fuck you, Miyako is a good girl ;_;

>> No.5236130

Well, First Tale did have a good amount of information on Yuuko, especially the second chapter which was full of foreshadowing.

>> No.5236145

So....who's going to Anime North?

>> No.5236155
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>> No.5236157

She's very good at being a slut, a retard, and a dramacunt, yes.

>> No.5236162
File: 1.16 MB, 800x1200, c5d8b56292bf9a9bcc2e09e9c80b0335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Chihiro threadjack.

Or else go back to plans for punching NNL or whatever.

>> No.5236168

Well, as you can clearly see on the left Miyako has superior dem childbearing hips, superior boob, superior thigh highs!

Miyako >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kei

>> No.5236172

So, how will anyone who goes be able to identify Gipface?
I mean being a con and all the main indicator or being a fag will sort of be useless due to the ambient levels of fag-ness essentially hiding him.

>> No.5236173

> implying /jp/ likes meatsacks over DFC

>> No.5236179

But Kei isn't dfc...

Healthy Miyako is superior.

>> No.5236182

Just yell "SUPAH" or "BREAK THE SUPPORT DISC" at one of the events he will be at, he will show up quite quickly.

>> No.5236184

>She's very good at being a slut
You say that as if it was a bad thing. Miyako provides superior porn.

>> No.5236185
File: 94 KB, 463x600, ea8665063869a92a804314e4bc82618a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Superior, you say?

>> No.5236190

Chihiro dev GET OUT. This is between me and that Keifag.

>> No.5236199

Fuck you! Why would you punch someone who's translating porn for you'?

>> No.5236207



>> No.5236210
File: 74 KB, 600x450, 227ce5fcebb7864aac31c0e772ab4b1a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe if we just stare at him he'll go away, huh Chihiro?


>> No.5236212

I'm not Gipface you fool, I'm the guy they quoted on their website.

>> No.5236217

You know what suck about this game?

They go to Australia.

>> No.5236221

Miyako = superior porn
Kei = Inferior

>> No.5236227


I still think you're GipFace.
GipFace is an egomaniac, I think he would definitely quote himself to make it look like his shitty troll worked.

>> No.5236233

That's not true! Stop making up lies ;_;

>> No.5236248 [DELETED] 


Sorry, Gip-chan! Know everyone knows~!

>> No.5236250

>We're still prepping for Anime North.

Prepping what? Faggotry?

>> No.5236290

Something about Karaoke....not sure if want.....

>> No.5236293

Is the ef anime any good?

>> No.5236301

Just punch everyone, problem solved!

>> No.5236929

I've stopped caring what they say until they do. And when they do, I consider that as a pleasant surprise. So far there are no plans to release ef Something, eden*, I've never heard anything of 'Swells' and any sick .ogx hinting at whatever.
At all.

>> No.5237138

Miyako's H scenes were hot. No one can deny this.
No one.

>> No.5237188

Are there any other scenes with Nagi besides her being naked in a classroom? I know she has no route, so I think she has nothing besides that, but she's my favourite girl so far. Dat body.

>> No.5237246

Chihiro is the best.

>> No.5237360

Miyako > Yuuko > Chihiro > Mizuki > Kei

All of them but Kei are awesome though. She's only good for her hard tsun moments.

>> No.5237375

Speaking of NNL, what's this whole Music of Your Destiny or whatever supposed to be? Or rather any ideas?

>> No.5239509

Back on topic.
If you gonna punch nnl-devs, videotape it and post. We wanna see the punching.

>> No.5239748

No we don't ;_;

>> No.5239753

maybe YOU don't.

>> No.5239779 [DELETED] 

Neither do you, you stupid faggot.

>> No.5239816

I do.

>> No.5239839

Fuck you.

>> No.5239847

Go back to bed Moogy

>> No.5239877


I'd hug Ixrec if he were there

>> No.5239911

oh boy, I didn't knew I was Moogy. I must have multiple personalities and I'm not aware of them, how exciting.

>> No.5239912

If you're paying for me to fly to Canada and stay there just to be punched, I'll gladly come. I'll let you punch me wherever you like.

>> No.5239930

This would be totally worth it.

>> No.5239947

There's another one of these floating around, unfortunately I don't have it anymore.
