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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5234499 No.5234499 [Reply] [Original]

sup otakus. I am going to post tips on how to get asian girls in college and highschool. Since I know most of you are underage the high school bit will apply. Obviously you'll disagree with some things in here and that's because these are TIPS and not instructions. I will take up a trip for this thread as well.

1. Asian chicks love tech. They don't say it outright and they're not really tech nerds but they are impressed by cool toys. What you will need is a cool cell phone. Not a regular clamshell, it has to look sleek or boxy. Like a Razor or those cellphones that are not curved at all. When you use it, you gotta look cool and you not agree with this buy a razor-looking phone is slick if you can pull it off. Clamshells are annoying to open with one hand, if it rotates open, you can whip it out and BAM just like that. As for colors, it has to stand out. Make it known that you don't care what people think of your cellphone. Pink is the best color to have, trust me.

Handheld video games are a good choices. The DS can get you attention if its a color other than blue, white, or black. Play games you enjoy and pretend to be engrossed in the game. Pokemon is really a hit-and-miss. If she knows what pokemon is and plays as well, that's fucking awesome you just made a ton of progress. On the other hand she may see it as childish and you will lose a lot of points. Stick to casual games like Brain Age or Kirby. For the PSP you have a lot of choices for casual games. But really any games will do.

>> No.5234502

I have to take a shit really bad.

>> No.5234505


>> No.5234506


>> No.5234507

What are you waiting for? The floor is right there.

>> No.5234509

2. Get some stupid little keychain things for your cellphone or backpack, and a lanyard as well. Trust me you won't look lame with them. You've seen those little Winnie the Pooh things that dangle off cellphones, hell get something like a pikachu. Asian chicks love Pikachu because he's cute, and it doesn't imply that you play the game or watch the show. When they ask to see the cute toys you have on your keychain (I have a zelda button thing that plays the "you solved the puzzle" sound when you press it), they'll pull it to get a good look and pull YOU closer since you have a lanyard on. And they'll get addicted and start to love the little toy thing. Its not uncommon to have a few girls surrounding you tinkering with your keychains.

3. Play DDR. No, not because its an asian game, but because its a fun casual game that requires physical skill. If you're good at it, don't rub it in people's faces. If you're bad, pretend that you don't play a lot and play it off. It may be hard to practice playing at arcades because of people watching and buying the game just ti impress girls is stupid. Always make sure you choose easy ASIAN songs if you're not good. Don't play Butterfly, that shit is overplayed and you will look bad. If you're playing 2 player mode against her, its a win-win because if you're much better you can tone it down and make it a close game without making her feel like she's bad at it. If you're worse, compliment her on her skills and ask for a rematch. All girls love determination to get better but you will look even better to an asian woman.

Guitar hero is also a good choice but I highly suggest rockband because the Guitar Hero Sterotype is something asian girls tend to not like (hardcore dude who plays halo, brah). Plus a lot of girls love RockBand.

>> No.5234511


>> No.5234512

4. Be good in school. This applies for all women of course but there are some differences here. The classic stereotype is that Asians are good at math, don't assume she's good at math and don't assume she isn't. Just don't bring it up until she sees YOU good at it. If you play the "slacker who is great at math" you will get asked for help and that's great. Because that means you could have alone time with her, maybe even at her house.

Knowing an instrument is a big plus. Don't try and learn an instrument for the sheer purpose if getting asian girls though, if you don't know anything its fine. The best instruments to know are:
>Piano is top tier. Its considered the hardest to learn. If you're goot at piano thats like having a 7 in cock that ejaculates chocolate.
>Guitar is a universal instrument that impresses all girls, but works less on Asians.

5. If you're an asian guy (as if you are), get long asian hair like you see in Dramas. You'll look like a faggot to some guys but its worth it, if you act cool and badass you won't look like a faggot at all. If you're white don't try and pull off an asian hairstyle because chances are you'll look like a weeaboo. Typical Justin Bieber hair or other short spiky hair is the best. If you're black then there's not many options for you, but honestly they really like mini-afros. For the comical appeal or because it just looks awesome when done right, mini-afros are a good choice if you're black. Dreads will just make you look ghetto and you want the first impressions to count. Having typical short black hair doesn't hurt or increase your chances.

>> No.5234514

lol, why are you guys all mad? I'm just trying to help.

>> No.5234517

6. Clothing. Typically, a lot of layers and colors attract attention from anyone. So you'll want to do this. Why wear just a t-shirt and jeans if you can wear an open dress shirt and light jacket with the jeans? Glasses are great because they make you look smart (they really do). Thick rimmed square glasses are overused but are reliable.

Of course people will post that this isn't true and every girl is unique, this is both true and not true. These are just general tips that can help you make friends with typical asian girls, its up to you to be yourself and act accordingly to the specific girl.

>> No.5234518

I really like to hold in my shit though. It feels so good when I push it back in when it's about to come out.

>> No.5234520

Summer has reached us. They all over /jp/ as we speak.

>> No.5234523

That's not healthy man.

>> No.5234525

If you're a lonely otaku how do you know these tips will work?

>> No.5234532

I hardly see the decrease in quality, swine.

>> No.5234534

But 3D is PD.

>> No.5234535

lol @ angry saging guy. Follow the tripfag's tips and maybe you will get a girl. Trust me the real thing is the best.

I'd just like to add that asian girls like it when you have a bit of asian in you. Listen to asian music, read manga, be just a little otaku. Too much and you will look like a freak.

>> No.5234536

best thread in a while

more please

>> No.5234546
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First of all: Reported for 3DPD.
Second, "real" /jp/ users don't care about women.

>> No.5234548

I thought I was the only guy who figured out that the little keychain things attract asian girls like flies to a light.

>> No.5234557

Go back to /adv/, please.

>> No.5234560

summer was a bad time to post this. You get all the kid otakus who have no chance with women, and decide that they're going to live a life of solitude and hate 3D.

>> No.5234562

>Asian chicks love Pikachu because he's cute
now thats just racist you know...

>> No.5234563

The last 3 weeks have been exceptionally shitty.
'I kept saying every year /jp/ is always shit, like teh rest of 4chan', but Jesus, May has been intolerable and june does not look much better.

>> No.5234568

Fucking summer!

>> No.5234570

>lol @ angry saging guy.
That's not how /jp/ works, bro.

>> No.5234580

its obvious the sages are all one guy who hates 3D.

some of us otakus like real women, deal with it.

Also counter sage.

>> No.5234583


It's spring.

>> No.5234588

these tips do not work because /jp/ is full of losers who will never get a girl. Then they decide to not want girls after knowing they fail.

in b4 sagestorm or angry otakus.

>> No.5234589

It'll be alright, pig; it'll be back to "I sure wish that I was Japanese" and "Touhou and Melty Blood only; get that 3D Pig Shit offa here!" in no time.

>> No.5234591

Same shit.

>> No.5234595


TAKE THAT you'll think twice before messing with me again

>> No.5234596

Hopefully, it will.

>> No.5234597

>If you're an asian guy (as if you are), get long asian hair like you see in Dramas.

How do I do that

>> No.5234598

Hello OP. Did you know that you can sage without it appearing in your e-mail field?

Did you also know that believing that there is such a thing as counter-sage is a sign of mental retardation?

>> No.5234599

/jp/ don't want to see this because they'll have to leave their old lifestyle behind when they get a girl.

bump for your cause though.

>> No.5234602

lol, I just took this from another site. Take it how you will, but all the rage in this thread leads me to believe that you guys are hardcore otakus.

If so I made a mistake.

>> No.5234603

What the fuck? You fucking summer I hate you!

>> No.5234606

Sametroll much.

>> No.5234609

Same person?

>> No.5234613

The only Asian I know is my dentist. I doubt she'd want to date me since she knows about my amazing mouth hygiene.

>> No.5234615

Get that Corean out of here OP. Reported.

>> No.5234618
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>> No.5234620

My advice is that you lurk at least a month before posting on a new board.

/jp/ don't want anything to do with 3D.
Those that say otherwise are the new /jp/ users that came after the /b/, /a/ raids and name change.

>> No.5234624


its pretty clear who the samefag is here. I ain't even mad, if you don't want to read this then don't.

But if I help even one lonely Otaku find his perfect waifu, I will have done my job. This board is pretty shit anyways, not like this thread is the worst.

>> No.5234627

Actually, bullshit. A few people don't like 3D and are convinced that they must purge it from this board. Instead of learning some fucking tolerance.

>> No.5234630

Ahahaha, oh wow. Just get out.

>> No.5234631

Just your everyday /jp/ swine; shaking his sweaty hook at the pig disgusting girl who pays no attention to him.

>> No.5234632

\that isn't how /jp/ works, get out

why don't you try posting loli on /c/ or /h/ and tell them to tolerate it

>> No.5234633
File: 196 KB, 1000x760, 1274848566045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reported. Lurk more. /jp/ doesn't give a shit about 3D women. Ask /r9k/ for that kind of shit. Attached pic is the only woman for me.

>> No.5234639

We do tolerate your Idol threads and whatever as long as you keep it in one thread.

Meta threads like these are what I'm talking about.
This is not /adv/.

>> No.5234640

>Translation: I am a true otaku and you are just a poser stop trying to do things I don't like and go away
nah ^_^

>> No.5234643

Spoken like a true /jp/ user.

>> No.5234645


>> No.5234647
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>> No.5234648

I don't think anyone's had a chance to resist the idol threads. They've been there since the beginning of /jp/.

>> No.5234653

this thread is why I love and hate /jp/. Some stupid tripfag trying to bring real women into the board and the otaku faggots raging over it.

>> No.5234654

/jp/ is pretty much ruled by the users, and if some other majority comes in and decides it wants things differently, then too bad.

Once again:
1: If there's something you hate about /jp/ just wait and it'll change.
2: If there's something you like about /jp/ just wait and it'll change.

>> No.5234655

Yeah.... totally wrong. A white/black person who attempts this will be shunned by asians and their own race. An asian who attempts this is a typical clubber asian who gets the bitchy sqeeky girl or a FOB. (If that's what you want)

Guess what. Have a fucking personality that's not a cookie-cutter mould and you might get someone that likes you.

>> No.5234658

hey guys I like anime as much as you and not all otakus are like you 3D haters so stop scaring people away from the thread

>> No.5234663

Is her romaji name Eri or Ellie? I've seen both and it confuses me and I don't want to call her 絵理 all the time.

>> No.5234667

I don't think most of us have anime as our main item of otaku consumption.

>> No.5234668

Oh, I didnt know this thread bringed TEH REAL WIMENZ. Get your sorry summer ass out of /jp/.

>> No.5234669

A lot of us don't watch anime.
Liking anime does not label you as an "otaku".

Just get out.

>> No.5234675

I'm not lying when I say with this kind of attitude, /a/ would have been a better choice for this thread. Sorry.

Until you leave or this thread is deleted, we'll continue to not care or help you.

>> No.5234676

Oh? Then what is the main aspect of the otaku lifestyle?

I'm curious because I want to know if I'm a real otaku by your standards.

>> No.5234677

"She"'s a dirty gook.

>> No.5234679

>He thinks /jp/ likes anime

>> No.5234681

As I said earlier.
Lurk /jp/ for at least a month and find out yourself.

>> No.5234682

/jp/ anons are not otaku.

>> No.5234686

you guys have made me very sad. /a/ is even worse than /jp/ and I thought you guys could do more than anime imagedumps and laughing over in-jokes.

But I was wrong ;_;

>> No.5234687
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Fuck you man. Out of the newer idols, Ellie is one of the only idols I consider on-par with the originals.

>> No.5234689

Cool. Now get out.

>> No.5234690

Fuck these guys and their highly specific standards. If they had their way we'd be banning chests that aren't washboard-sized.

>> No.5234692

typical summer thread. Someone who doens't know how /jp/ works and the new guys trying to be the otaku army.

Can't wait for fall.

>> No.5234694

Same person.

>> No.5234696

I would love it if they did that.
Too bad meido is a breast lover.

>> No.5234698

What? People here have a wide range of tastes regarding breasts.

>> No.5234699

>I'm going to hang out in this thread and try and make someone angry over the internet

lol :D

>> No.5234703

If you don't want to try /a/, try /adv/ or /r9k/. You could even try 4-ch. Sorry, but your thread isn't really on-topic or even of interest for /jp/.

>> No.5234704


>> No.5234705

Oh, but you do sound mad.

>> No.5234707


That was a joke right?

>> No.5234711

Reported for shitpost and "new /jp/ army" mentality.

>> No.5234712

Well too bad for you! Enough people on here like them, and you have to learn to TOLERATE their presence. I was particularly annoyed by all the Umineko chatter that was on here earlier, but didn't need to go shitting in their fun.

>> No.5234714

I wasn't really trying to help someone for real, just wanted to see what kind of reactions I'd get. *_^

This was kinda expected, perhaps this was a form of trolling? :P Off to adv since those guys really need it.

>> No.5234715

>76 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

Remember when we used to ignore obvious trolls and take it easy? Yeah me neither.

>> No.5234716

One more for the filter, I guess.

>> No.5234719

If you haven't noticed, a few topics on the subject were the target of "BAWW GTFO" and equivalent spam. Likewise for a lot of other topics that are board-related, and enough people like.

>> No.5234720


>> No.5234721


I guess it really is summer, huh.

>> No.5234722

You people who sit on the fence and call both sides retarded are the worse kind of faggot.

>> No.5234723

lol this is now copy pasta.

posting it in adv for lulz

>> No.5234725

> Remember when we used to [...] take it easy?

ah, those were the times. you refresh the page every hour or so and read all 6 or so of the replies made....

>> No.5234726
File: 128 KB, 773x765, nuclear_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would anyone take tips from a faggot who labels them self as "Lonely Otaku"?

>> No.5234729

your summer is showing

>> No.5234732

Sure you're not talking about /bun/?

>> No.5234733

/jp/: The land of sage

>> No.5234734

ITT: summerfags, people calling each other summerfags, and bitter otakus.

>> No.5234735

Sup summer visitor?

>> No.5234738

I have never seen a thread with more sages. This board probably has the most sagers.

Why doesn't moot just get rid of them, what will the sagers do then when they don't like a thread?

btw saging

>> No.5234740

I thought you were GOING TO LEAVE? Geez...

>> No.5234741

If you don't know what sage means, get out.

>> No.5234742

Just because you're not bumping a thread doesn't mean you dislike it.

>> No.5234747

Once again. Actual board rules, from 4chan: "All things otaku welcome!" and additionally "No NSFW content" since it's a blue board. This is about as unspecific as it gets. So the only people who decide what goes on this board are the users. But that means that at any time, some other majority can tell you to fuck off.

>> No.5234754

I think he's talking about your use of the word "topic" when the word "thread" would normally have been used.

>> No.5234774

nobody answered my question about what being an otaku is about if anime isn't it.

Is it because there's no answer? :3

>> No.5234782

It's about houses

>> No.5234785

There's no answer. It's very open to interpretation. See Also: Power clashes in here.

>> No.5234815


Ahh I see.

Still, this board's community is almost as bad as /a/'s. You can deny it all you want but this thread proves it.

>> No.5234821

When you post something the board doesn't like, expect to see the worst of that board. Is it that hard for you to understand? Fuck off already. I wish I could report this thread five more times.

>> No.5234823

This board's old porkers are made up of b/a/stards that come over on the Toohoo boat when split /a/ in twain.

>> No.5234824
File: 100 KB, 1280x720, [CoalGuys] K-ON!! S2 - 08 [390F3A9F].mkv_snapshot_18.26_[2010.05.27_23.04.08].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>considered the hardest to learn

>> No.5234829

Go back to /a/.

>> No.5234834

>board's community is almost as bad as /a/
It's not, it's just that we don't like you and your opinion.

>> No.5234838

Looks like you're the one who came from /a/

>> No.5234846

I can't believe how riled up people are getting over this thread. I usually don't mind summer time but this is ridiculous.

Oh well, good troll. At least ignoring /jp/ in the daylight hours gives more time for piano.

>> No.5234847

Haha, good one, /a/ user. You really got me there.

>> No.5234855

i lold

>> No.5234859

Pointless insults. Get moot to clarify rules, or enjoy your anarchy on here.

>> No.5234865

>I already know piano so I consider it easy

>> No.5234867

I going to give the OP a little advice here. Actually calling yourself an otaku is about the worst thing you can do here.

If you lurked around here a little longer you would realize which topics are interesting to the userbase and which are not. I doubt you are going to actually take this advice but it really is the best method to enjoy this board.

>> No.5235043
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>this thread
>119 replies

>> No.5235057
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119 posts and 8 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
