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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5224673 No.5224673 [Reply] [Original]


>Boring patterns, slow paced gameplay, absolutely zero effort seems to have been put into anything that isn't a boss. The levels are some of the most dull shit I've ever played in a shmup. The bosses are better but ZUN focuses more on making them look pretty than being challenging/fun. Retarded scoring mechanics in some of the games(Not that anyone actually plays it for score). Many people latch onto this shit series because they see a ton of bullets and immediately think "oh this is probably hard!" and associate themselves with the series so they can act as an elite, as they OBVIOUSLY played the hardest games ever made, but give them a psykio shooter or even something like raiden they do awful at it while proclaiming "TOO LITTLE BULLETS TOO EASY". The people who are in it for the characters alone are just as retarded since the characters designs are even worse than the games themselves(which aren't 100% bad, just average and amateurish). I once had a touhou fan explain to me the whole fuss was because the characters were blank slates or some shit where the fans were free to create any sort of bullshit or whatever I wasn't really listening it just seemed like he told me people liked it because they were too uncreative to create their own characters for whatever crap the want to write.

>I can understand if you like the games, but to declare them as among the best Shmups or even close to the quality of "real" shmups is your fanboy speaking up.

What do you think of this, /jp/?

>> No.5224682

i give no fuck because he's probably a virgin nerd

>> No.5224684

Makes me feel like you should go ahead and raid /v/.

A /v/ counter-raid would eliminate every single poster on /jp/ right now.

>> No.5224688

>implying you think

>> No.5224691

Because you play easy modo, idiot.

>> No.5224694

I play it because it is fun.

>> No.5224696

We disagree, but respect their opinion.

>> No.5224700

oh good. cross-board-shitstorm.

>> No.5224704

Awww. Mad that somebody who plays shmups doesn't like toohoo?

>> No.5224709

oh man someone doesnt like touhous i better get real angery


>> No.5224725

I agree

>> No.5224728

>I can understand if you like the games, but to declare them as among the best Shmups or even close to the quality of "real" shmups is your fanboy speaking up.
I'm pretty sure that most of us don't think like that.

>> No.5224729

Only the first couple lines are even about the games.

>> No.5224742

I don't play the games.
I listen to the music and fap to the porn.

>> No.5224755

It's /v/, who fucking cares.

>> No.5224759

It's always good to pick fights with a board that has 10x the posters and you suspect supplies 90% of your recent shitty posters.

Besides, he makes some valid points. The score systems are shit, they are not the best shmups, and there are a lot of retarded fans. Others are less valid (wrong).

>> No.5224761
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>drawn by ZUN

>> No.5224768

Why he didn't complain about the music too? It's not that good.

>> No.5224787


>> No.5224792

>Look at how buttmad I am about his opinion

>> No.5224811


>> No.5224821

Don't dare to imply that there's something wrong with albino. Because albino fetish is the best fetish I ever tasted. And I tasted a lot.

>> No.5224827
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Alright, I giggled a little.

>> No.5224834

The games are fun. I don't really care if some harcore shooter fan thinks that touhou is "average".

>> No.5224854

Touhou, not so good. Why? Not enough CHINA!

>> No.5224859

i agree

>> No.5224867

virgin nerds are cool

>> No.5224895

Almost everything about touhou is average.

>> No.5224897

So what?

I like Touhou; and I won't let some elitist faggot try to tell me what's good and what's bad, that's for me to decide.

>> No.5224907

And that's not a problem.

>> No.5224911

I'd consider myself a hardcore shooter fan, but I do quite like touhou. By doujin standards it's very good and it's certainly better than some shit that's seen an arcade release.

I think people give the games more crap than they deserve because of certain fans attitude to other shmups who treat touhou like a football team they have to support. The easiest example is this rage fest on the Mushihime-sama Futari TFB
Just do a ctrl+f for "touhou." Each one is unbelievably fucking stupid.

>> No.5224920

No, no, that's cheating, you're supposed to get angry.

>> No.5224922

ITT: /v/ shit

>> No.5224924

Everything about your face is average.

>> No.5224930

>By doujin standards

I don't understand why the terms like doujin/indy game is ever needed.

>> No.5224931

Everything about your MOM is average

>> No.5224938

Well, try not to think too hard about it. I don't want you to hurt yourself.

>> No.5224940

>Mom insults
Oh god, come on /jp/. Not funny, even as a joke.

>> No.5224944
File: 36 KB, 640x480, frustraaateeed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT frustrated persons

>> No.5224960

I, uh,

I wasn't serious!

...please don't hate me!

>> No.5224961

Honestly, that looks like shit.

Sure it may be more difficult, but its extremely bland and PURPLE EVERYWHERE. I'll take eye candy Touhou over annoying voice acting and wall of purple.

Plus the shifting camera would fuck me up something fierce.

>> No.5224965

Who cares?

>> No.5224968

I haven't played Mushihime, but from other CAVE games I've played, you get used to the camera stuff immediately.

>> No.5224974

/jp/'s immunity to trolling is quite potent, nice try troll.

>> No.5224983

>Reco's voice
I'm going to your house at night when you're sleeping and open the gas, fucker.

>> No.5224987

and im goign to close it just to own you

>> No.5224988

>implying a dissenting opinion is a troll and not a dissenting opinion

>> No.5224998

>absolutely zero effort seems to have been put into anything that isn't a boss. The levels are some of the most dull shit I've ever played in a shmup.

I agree with this. Touhou has the worst and most boring levels of ANY shoot em up EVER. It's why I like STB and DS and the Phantasmogoria games; the levels are little more than filler bullshit.

>> No.5225004

>implying cross-board quoting /v/ has anything to do with dissenting opinion

>> No.5225011

Well considering most arcade shmups have a shifting camera, you can't have played many of these. It only affects the background and ground enemies, not bullets.

And yes, in a badly compressed youtube video it does look like a purple smear. In the game each bullet is defined, though they're designed around being fun to dodge opposed to look at, touhou wins on patterns.

Though none of this was the point. The comments show the touhou fans that more general shmup fans see. It's no surprise they have some contempt.

>> No.5225020

I'll agree that the stages can be pretty boring. The only good stages are the ones that are timed to the music (MoF Stage 2, UFO stage 5).

>> No.5225023

I think he was talking about the bullet patterns.

>> No.5225026

>implying posting an argument with >implying doesn't make it obvious you have come from /v/

>> No.5225047
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well, the OP is most certainly correct.

If you just step back and think for a bit rather than being a raging fanboy, you would completely see that the whole Touhou thing is shit.

>> No.5225059

>Implying the other ones aren't a part of touhou
>Implying STB and DS are surprising in any shape in form when they are just repeats of the same card over and over
Sounds like butthurt from someone that can't beat a normal shmup.

>> No.5225064
File: 503 KB, 720x352, ultispam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one who thinks the purple bullets are awesome and owns your mom any day?

>> No.5225082

I think Touhou is great because it amounts to an enormously wide-spread community project with just enough "guidance" from the creator.
But what would I know, I'm just a lowly secondary.

>> No.5225107

I'm the guy you quoted and I do actually love the purple bullets. But I think it's true Cave patterns aren't as pretty as touhou patterns.

However, Cave patterns are much more fun to dodge, so it's a style vs. substance thing more than a, err, colour thing. I guess.

>> No.5225154

Can you think of a bad pattern in Touhou with only purple bullets?

>> No.5225201
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I consider myself as a fairly casual gamer (hurr durr). I don't play for scoring, only completion. The slower-pacing of Touhou appeals to me greatly. StB is my favorite game in the series. Einhander was balling. Ikaruga was cool. I've only dabbled in DoDonPachi, Triggerheart Excelica, and eXceed but they were enjoyable, if not a bit too fast for my tastes.

A part of the appeal of Touhou to me is how closely the patterns are tied to the character. Ying Yang Ball's BULLSHIT of hitting Reimu in the face, Yumemi's crosses, Sakuya's knife+timestops, Youmu's slowdown, Reisen's bullet shift, Aya's camera, Murasa's anchors, all that stuff is delicious. It's really unique in that sense, and I've never really had such an interest in understanding the character's themes until then. And although some of the patterns are pretty blatantly inspired by CAVE bullet patterns, the presentation makes it unique to a specific character. Additionally, a wonderful soundtrack and a universe that ZUN puts his love into all show through.

I can understand people not really saying that's an important part of the gameplay, because it isn't at all. I have a lot of fun playing the cards, even if they aren't challenging, maybe I'm a pussy or something. But stuff like Kogasa's Over the Rainbow or Nitori's Dividing Edge was neat, and I don't care that they were piss easy, because I was too busy thinking, "Man, this is fucking cool." StB 10-8 was unforgettable for me, because of how it was all put together. Even though I died, I went, "This is fucking awesome!" Even in stages, I've learned to acknowledge those nameless fairies with an annoying amount of health and danmaku that certainly puts stage 1 bosses to shame.

OP might be right about the scoring, stage and all that, and I can easily see why he might hate the game for it. But for someone like me, I'm too attached to the universe and atmosphere that ZUN created in the games and written works to worry about stuff like that.

>> No.5225215

The entertainment you choose to latch onto is arbitrary, delete thread.

>> No.5225216

>Yumemi's crosses

Well that was unexpected to read.

>> No.5225227

shmup enthusiasts are the biggest faggots on the net

>> No.5225255 [DELETED] 

Her name is Yumemi, right? From PoDD, the final red lady?

>> No.5225274

>implying you're right, I did come from /v/, and it's a bad habit that allows one to put less thought into one's sentences than usual

>implying that last sentence worked within the >implying structure at all

>> No.5225279

>implying Touhou fans aren't the biggest faggots on the net

>> No.5225282

I lol'd.

>> No.5225295


>> No.5225298

greentext should give you that "your comment wasn't allowed to be posted :(" error

>> No.5225316

>implying street fighter elitists and tekken tards aren't

>> No.5225320

what if we need to quote

>> No.5225327

why not just disallow posting images

it might force users to come up with *gasp* witty retorts

>> No.5225332


>> No.5225349

and "umad"

>> No.5225351
File: 45 KB, 317x297, sion is just so upset that his jewish family won't allow him to eat pork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5225359

I can accept his opinion... if he can manage to 1CC Lunatic. Even if it is IN with Border Team.

>> No.5225365
File: 554 KB, 1024x589, sion is laughing as he secretly breaks his diet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u mad

>> No.5225367

What's up with Touhou nerds always going "proff urselvvf 1cc lunactic oin toohou"

>> No.5225429

Shows that touhou isn't all that easy. You know, Zun could go like fuck you guys and just put streams of boring ass bullets, but instead he makes intricate patterns that you are able to dodge, that is the games charm. Not how hard it is, although it is pretty dam hard.

>> No.5225442

I think any elite shmup mastar could at least bomb through the 2nd half of any of them without much trouble.

>> No.5225451

Because if you can't beat it then i don't think you have any right to say it's not hard(though seihou is kinda harder than touhou)

>> No.5225459

ZUN only cares about Lunatic difficulty.

>> No.5225474

Anything normal and up is created quite well. Do you know the amount of coding and math that has to go into a game to make these patterns? Most games are one solid color being shot in random shot gun array. That's why Zun calls this Danmaku, not a shmup. It's meant to be beautiful and deadly.

>> No.5225491

You want invincibility frames with your bombs? Fuck you, this is Banshiryuu, you'll get crushed by lasers and then a bunch of enemies will spawn from wherever on the screen you're probably next to and kill you, even if you're bombing.

>> No.5225498

Most Touhou patterns are only 1 or 2 colors. The main thing is that they move in non-linear ways which you don't usually see until late game/secret bosses in other games.

>> No.5225516

>this thread


>> No.5225517

And when you do get to the final bosses they have things like the last spells of any of the last 3 Touhou games.

>> No.5225522

I think the Touhou games, while a lot of fun, could maybe move forward a little. It's nice to include stuff like the Rocks in SA, but playing some of the PC98 games which were almost more like proper commercial shooters(just of the 80s), the windows games almost feel like a step backwards. Like there was one boss that would lift up the floor tiles and throw them at you. Things like that are cool to do and look good visually.

The windows games just have characters, pickups and bullets with nothing else in between for the most part.

It's one of the things that occasionally bothers me about games like TF2, too. The levels are just collision masks, it'd be nice to have environments or props to interact with like crappier shooters like Halo 3 have. A lot of games made today still have that "Made in the 90s and not a particularly good effort" kind of thing going on with the gameplay which bothers me a lot. Unfortunately Touhou is kind of stuck in that rut too, even if the games are still good.

>> No.5225523 [DELETED] 

Seriously, what IS the consensus on fanfiction in 4chan?

I'd like to report this, but what do I report it for?

>> No.5225527

Yeah a lot of them are more elaborate than the "OMG PURPLE BULLETS" people think. It's false on both ends.

>> No.5225531

If only ZUN took his games seriously, spent more than a few months on them, and bothered to patch some of the really easy to fix bugs afterwards, he could make some pretty good games. The PC-98 ones were churned out even quicker, though.

>> No.5225534

>Anything normal and up is created quite well. Do you know the amount of coding and math that has to go into a game to make these patterns? Most games are one solid color being shot in random shot gun array. That's why Zun calls this Danmaku, not a shmup. It's meant to be beautiful and deadly.

I agree with this. I've wanted to try making a Danmaku parody sort of game before, but the amount of maths you'd have to put into it would be headwrecking.

Also, the TOUHOU NOT HARD ENOUGH crowd are pretty fucking pretentious. I find it ironic that they bitch about people proving themselves by beating Touhou games but then act like playing other danmaku makes them more hardcore.

Games shouldn't be about how hard they are or how hard your penis gets boasting about beating them. I can play Touhou games at least and notice myself getting better at them unlike a lot of shit hard vidyas I've played, even if I never really get good at it. That's good game design, many of these other games are just for fetishists and sadists, and nothing more.

You can actually enjoy Touhou games(even if you can't 1cc them), I don't see why people would want to change that other than I only play Insanely Difficult games for Insanely Difficult gamers such as myself.

>> No.5225535

Yeah, there's zero background interaction, the closest thing is when the fairies pop out of the waterfall in MoF. It'd be good if he stepped back and made some real changes for the next one.

>> No.5225536

Why would you care about what /v/ thinks about videogames? They have shit taste just like /mu/ has shit taste in music, /a/ in anime, and so on.

>> No.5225538

Yeah i think he needs to worry less about the girls and more about the gameplay.(though i hope parsee is in the next game)

>> No.5225546

I have no idea what you're trying to say.

>> No.5225551

Because some losers still go to /v/ and wallow in self hate.

>> No.5225558

And like how /jp/ has shit taste in doujin games and visual novels

>> No.5225559
File: 62 KB, 480x360, Shitstorm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Discussion about Touhou as a shmup.

>> No.5225562

actually /jp/ mostly chooses the popular stuff.

>> No.5225563

I don't get it.

>> No.5225566


>> No.5225568

No, we don't

>> No.5225570
File: 213 KB, 874x591, 1271113390118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah; that kinda of explains why people bitch about Umineko constantly when it's actually a pretty decent VN.

>> No.5225574

In denial

>> No.5225576

Like how everyone's tastes are superior to everyone else's.
I think he didn't expect to see mention of something from the PC-98 era.

>> No.5225584
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People bitch about this and do nothing about it. Horf dorf popularfags into popular doujins. And then when you ask for recommendations for less known stuff, it's all LEARN2GOOGLE.

If you don't like the stuff that's being posted, try posting something you do like and try to get people into it.

4chan boards have a nasty habit of not helping their case.

>> No.5225590
File: 25 KB, 446x336, meg-griffin-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>troll thread
>98 posts and 9 image replies omitted

>> No.5225604
File: 9 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

making this thread better.

>> No.5225606


Personally I found Shoot the Bullet pretty awful, sloppily put together and full of the annoying artificial difficult people seem to want from the main Touhou series.

I did have fun doing the first few scenes, but it just got too frustrating to bother with after a while. IMO that's not good game design. The other Touhous are pretty difficult, but still keep you wanting to play.

>> No.5225611

The later levels require thought. Only a few of them are really just frustrating impossible shitstorms, like 6-2 and 7-2. You just need to figure out how they work.

>> No.5225634

There are threads about lesser known stuff, but they receive a half dozen replies then fall off the board. If people weren't too busy circlejerking over Shkanontrice theories they would see those threads and give them a shot. Or maybe that's just too much work for them.

>> No.5225635
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The really obsessed Touhou nerds don't even follow STGs to begin with, so who cares what they think.

Sadly, these kinds of fans make up the majority of the fanbase. Even the Japanese fanbase has their share. Which is kind of disappointing since ZUN makes these games in homage to tons of other STGs.

>> No.5225639

I admit that StB does require a bit (or a good deal) of luck in some cases. Hell, I'll even admit that DS is pretty much better in most cases (except music), but StB was a VERY unique experience for me, which I love it for.

But it didn't really bother me much, it just made victory even more delicious, and I prayed to ZUN for granting me the good luck I needed to beat some stages. I just take it easy until I beat what I'm trying to beat.

I'm stupid and don't know shit about game design, so I can't really judge on those terms. All I know is that I liked it.

I still didn't beat Seamless Ceiling of Kinkaku-ji.

>> No.5225644

Can you name some others then because i like these types of games.(i like them better than most new games)

>> No.5225646
File: 585 KB, 1112x1600, summer_of_the_residents_of_a_touhou_town_21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is Radiant Silvergun in terms of gameplay pacing?

I hear about it a lot, but I never got to play it due to not having the means to.

I guess a better question is, how can I play it?

>> No.5225659

Radiant Silvergun is a puzzle game like Ikaruga.

>> No.5225662


I kind of gave up at THE ENTIRE SCREEN IS LASERS to be honest.

>> No.5225668

Oh fuck, I just looked it up on Wikipedia. You can change the weapons at ANY time?

>> No.5225677

1. Be praying
2. Be praying
3. Be praying

>> No.5225695


So I can't play it?

>> No.5225698

Oh wait, found an emu. Hope it works.

>> No.5225704

Holy fuck, Radiant Silvergun is expensive.

>> No.5225707

Yes I hate it when my games are not nauseatingly difficult. This is why Troopers was the best IIDX home game and not the worst after 5th. Making apeshit hard charts even more asinine made the game more enjoyable and not have me running back to DistorteD or Happy Sky.

But seriously, to place an independent project above actual titles that are worked on by a group of dozens of people is silly regardless of what game it is. The closest thing that comes close to making some bit of sense is In the Groove, but even that's a long stretch as the sim makers didn't make the coding for the game, but rather took advantage of the resources that others have spent Lord knows how many hours making and fixing up glitches.
