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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 153 KB, 1000x1200, 9911457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5223140 No.5223140 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5223147

I'm waiting for this to come out on consoles. I think I'm gonna main Bang.

>> No.5223150

/jp/ is moving fast today.

>> No.5223152


>> No.5223156


Trying out moo but probably sticking with hazama or ragna for main.

>> No.5223164

Definitely gonna main Hazama, even if he's low-tier.

His moves are so... fluid.

>> No.5223175

Hazama is like mid-top tier

>> No.5223185

Maining Ragna here.

Because I suck at fighting games.

>> No.5223186

Still maining the sword of justice, but going to sub the smooth troll once CS arrives

>> No.5223190


Hazama is like bottom of mid tier. Still good though.

I thought Hazama was fluid until I tried CS Ragna. 4k BNB with huge meter gain is lol.

>> No.5223191

Still gonna main Rachel no matter what people say.

>> No.5223194

BB bad game. But goddamn μ got DAT ASS.

>> No.5223199

Nobody's gonna say anything for picking the low tier character. You choose someone like Bang, Ragna or Litchi and you'll get a ton of negative crap.

>> No.5223200


In. Every. Profile. Card.

>> No.5223204


Enjoy your sub 3k damage without super. Overnerfing bullshit FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

Same thing with Tsubaki without charge. Need one charge to get up to mid-tier character BnB and two charge for high-tier BnB. Fuck

>> No.5223212

Maining Tsubaki, for the retard moe appeal.

>> No.5223215

its that challenge makes using her fun

>> No.5223216

Story of my life.

Playing Nu on CT. HUEHUEHUE

>> No.5223217


Probably. It's better than Nu/Jin in every card.

I might try Arakune too, but something about doing shitty and then getting curse -> death combo rubs me the wrong way.

>> No.5223229


>> No.5223233

More like bang in every profile card. I'm predicting it right now.

>> No.5223240


Scrubs mashing 5a and 2a 3k combo HUEHUE

>> No.5223242

I'm ok with Bang, because he's a much more tolerable character than that goddamn shitty vampire.

>> No.5223280

Blazblue pc port has been released in Japan right?

>> No.5223316

If only someone would take Guilty Gear, replace the characters with uninspired hit-all-the-bases otaku pandering ones instead, make everything a bit slower but conversely the combos much longer, add in some retarded throw mechanics with gigantic ranges that in many ways defeat the purpose of a throw, completely obliterate the strong okizeme game, dumb it down a bit more for good measure, somehow fuck the balance up anyway, and try to complement the bland move sets consisting of way too many dragon punches with a big gimmick button.

>> No.5223328
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>> No.5223344

The arcade version was leaked a few months ago. The arcade is pretty much a pc with windows xp so could run on a normal computer.

>> No.5223378

But does it have netplay?

>> No.5223388

I like Blazblue but he's right you know. It's a dumbed down Guilty Gear, which is good for most people because GG was insanely hard to get into, but the truth's the truth.

>> No.5223400
File: 96 KB, 320x480, guilty gear xx accent core plus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guilty Gear is not a fighting game. It's a party game like Smash.

>> No.5223405
File: 111 KB, 650x780, e9f6336ed75adc14aae2a15f758c35be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played Blazblue for the story. Seriously.
Also, v-13 is my waifu you fags can't touch her.

>> No.5223414
File: 641 KB, 1920x1280, 3eabc67e841f8c4bc8f376d65df3a449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BB... Rachel... please punish me

>> No.5223453

Oh yes, I am butthurt. Nobody was more hyped for BlazBlue than me.

>> No.5223460

Ah, there it is; I though you pathetic swine were losing your touch; you only like this game for the underaged pussy.

>> No.5223473

Blazblue is garbage.

>> No.5223479

Same here. I can't wait to see Jin lose his ass virginity to Noel.

>> No.5223480
File: 96 KB, 563x800, 9986854_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1000s of years old vampire

>> No.5223484
File: 714 KB, 919x1300, 1d1fecb40d24b7992737129c6c3bf092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can this be a real fightan thread now?

>> No.5223497


>> No.5223505
File: 103 KB, 599x399, 9491600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Street Fighter 4

>> No.5223509

>using the same dumbass excuse that Touhou fans use

>> No.5223519

So, you're a pedophile if you have sex with a girl that's in her 20s, but looks like she's a teenager.

Thanks for clearing that up for us, morality police. I thought laws protecting kids were in place to prevent them from being harmed, but apparently thought crimes are what they're really supposed to prevent.

>> No.5223521
File: 28 KB, 749x512, arakune.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5223529

That's not pedophilia, that's ephebophilia

>> No.5223537

Thought crime is the worst kind of crime. The State needs obedient citizens.

>> No.5223540

How cute.
I'm sure that that's going to stand up in court when your mother calls the police on you.

Filthy pedophile swine; that's weak justification.
You're attracted to her underage body; it does matter how many centuries old she is.

>> No.5223542

Rachel looks like she's 13, perhaps 14. To say that a pedophile wouldn't be attracted to her is to say the Atlantic Ocean is dry.

>> No.5223544


This is /jp/. Both sides of this argument are retarded, and one is probably a troll. You shouldn't be ashamed of loli in fucking /jp/.

>> No.5223551
File: 110 KB, 500x688, legolassniffinghand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Real fighting game
>HADOKEN x infinity
>Shoryuken if they get close

>> No.5223561

I don't care if you like loli, I care if you make dumb excuses like "oh shes a million years old but she has the body of a 9 year old not loli"

>> No.5223569

I know that, and you know that, but millions of mouth breathers can't be wrong. If you fuck a 17-year-old, you're a pedophile.

And that matters how? Lots of people fantasize about raping celebrities. The state can't legislate that they stop having those fantasies just because the celebrity in question gets pissed off.

You can't legislate people's sexuality, and you can't put a ban on a body type, unless you're Australia, in which case you are already worthless.

>> No.5223570
File: 29 KB, 100x114, mugen_icon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Real fighting game
>RIDE THE LIGHTNING if they get close

>> No.5223573

You weak peon. How dare you use milady Rachel for such lewd things. Such a pure woman wouldn't do such a thing! She would never show her cleavage! You're nothing but stuffed toys, I tell you!

>> No.5223587

That's been done hundreds of times, you're not as original as you think. The only thing you're accomplishing is making people wonder whether you're an idiot or a bad troll.

>> No.5223588
File: 17 KB, 210x314, u mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're nothing but stuffed toys

>> No.5223593

So, if I wanted to have my dog rape a kindergärtner to make me cum, it's all cool; since it's just my sexuality?

Awesome. Good to know, swine.

>> No.5223596
File: 289 KB, 1197x907, 1252874778962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do like the idea of a mother walking into an anon's room, seeing a drawing of a young girl on their screen, and immediately phoning the police to have them apprehended as a paedophile.

>> No.5223599

You're not even trying anymore, are you?

>> No.5223600

The difference between your post and his is that he was actually right.
And you are reported.

>> No.5223601


If it's 2d, no one should fucking care. If it's 3d, you're scarring another human being.

There's your answer, now go back to where you came from.

>> No.5223602

Let's make it into a doujin, Mugen can do the art.

>> No.5223608
File: 51 KB, 500x357, -bangshishigamiflowchart.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For Bang fans.

>> No.5223617

>Action -> 5A

>> No.5223623
File: 30 KB, 464x278, 173848-13-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Real posting
>REPORTED OWNED x infinity
>RIDE THE LIGHTNING if they get close

>> No.5223624
File: 75 KB, 450x500, tager-fuckingmagnets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5223631

Do I really have to?
The discussion is that masturbating to what (to most courts in the western world) looks like an underaged (and yes, depending on your age, fucking a 17 year old will get you charged with statutory rape) girl is fine, so long as she's stated as being an absurd age. It couldn't possibly be her age that they're attracted to; it's her flat, undeveloped body.

>> No.5223633

This is what happens when tripfags try to join in.

>> No.5223644

No. This has been discussed hundreds of times before, by more intelligent people than you. You're just rambling. And a tripfag.

>> No.5223646

how about it's mugen's screen and mugen's mom walks on that? then mugen gets assraped in prison. good end.

>> No.5223648
File: 113 KB, 960x540, result_877_4620_champ_1_photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought CT was broken.
I thought HnK was broken.
But then I saw this

Picture related, it's Rachel's husband and TvC 2009 Tougeki champion.

>> No.5223649

That must mean that you lost those previous arguements.

>> No.5223656

No, it's Sion's screen and there is no prison, he just gets his Xbox taken away and he's forced to go on a diet after some hot steamy incest with his mom

>> No.5223660

on bb topic, doesn't the actual pc port of the first game come out tomorrow?

>> No.5223669

I'm not the one who's trolling here, so it's pretty obvious who has the most pent-up rage. You might have had something on your side if you showed some consistency or intelligence, but you're nothing more than a garden-variety annoyance, the kind we see every day on 4chan.

>> No.5223677

Fantasy isn't the same as action. If our thoughts had physical effects on the world, it would cease to exist the moment one moron got pissed off and wished the whole world would just die. Actions can be crimes, thoughts can't be.

This is a shitty thread and you are a terrible non-troll.

>> No.5223682

If I remember correctly the location testing for this was completely sabotaged by fan girls. And it's going to be at SBO for some reason.

>> No.5223691

It's going to be at SBO because lolcapcom.

I hope Kusoru wins.

>> No.5223695
File: 135 KB, 936x1200, dizzy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it okay if I masturbate to the drawing of a fictional 3 year old in a fantasy universe if she looks legal?

>> No.5223708

Well, today in Japan. NA release date will be announced in a few weeks time.

>> No.5223712

>fantasy universe

>> No.5223716

Does it adversely affect anyone but potentially you if you do so?

If it doesn't, then there's nothing wrong with it, from a moral or legal standpoint.

>> No.5223720

Who would bother playing Calamity Trigger now? Continuum Shift has been out for months and it's getting a console port in July.

>> No.5223726

That (hilariously enough) is fine.
I say that the only way to rehabilitate pedos is to start a genre of loli porn where the lolis look like they're in their 20s.

Shit would be awesome.
What's to keep them from becoming actions, though?
Awww, I love you too, swine. Unfortunately I have hair on my pussy.

>> No.5223736

Maybe it's just me, but the new announcer's voice is so horrible that it just destroys the mood (and the whole experience) for me.

>> No.5223751

No, it has been delayed. Again.

>> No.5223757

>What's to keep them from becoming actions, though?

The same thing that keeps you from becoming intelligent enough to recognize the difference: reality.

>lolis look like they're in their 20s.

This defies the very meaning of it.

>> No.5223759

And without any specific date.
You can pretty much consider it cancelled now.

>> No.5223770

>That (hilariously enough) is fine.
I say that the only way to rehabilitate pedos is to start a genre of loli porn where the lolis look like they're in their 20s.

Hypocritic complete moron confirmed.

>What's to keep them from becoming actions, though?

Inability to distinguish imagination and reality confirmed.

>Awww, I love you too, swine. Unfortunately I have hair on my pussy.
Man confirmed.

>> No.5223773

well, i have a pc that can easily run it, but the only console i have is a ps2.

plus delicious nu. lambda's just not the same.

>> No.5223782

Yeah, but Calamity Trigger kinda sucks. It's too unbalanced. I'm hoping there'll be more diversity online when CS comes out since it's not as broken.

>> No.5223793
File: 17 KB, 185x100, YOU_ARE_ALREADY_DEAD!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forget about those lame-ass users of shotokan karate or whatever. Sumo is the bomb!

>> No.5223803

but i don't want to fuck little girls.

i want to be the little girl for ever. and then fuck hot traps.

>> No.5223824
File: 13 KB, 260x266, 260px-khaaaaan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5223830

Oh, Rin <3
I think you fail to realize that not all people can keep their penis' in their pants like you can.
If you give a gun to someone who fantasizes about killing people; there's still the chance that they my go through with it. Same as with pedos; if you place a naked little girl in a room with them, there will be the temptation. Not all of them would do it, but some would.

>> No.5223857


So we should murder all the pedophiles, right?

>> No.5223859

>What's to keep them from becoming actions, though?
what keeps us from becoming violent sociopathic murderers because we watch hollywood movies?

>> No.5223864

And people who show the slightest sign of anger at any point in their lives. They are, after all, potential murderers.

We should also murder everyone who doesn't show any signs of anger, ever, because they're keeping their feelings bottled up and may eventually explode and kill someone.

Makes perfect sense.

>> No.5223866

Do you fantasize about killing, though?
Your average Blaz player doesn't masturbate to Rachel.

>> No.5223883

>Your average Blaz player doesn't masturbate to Rachel.
Shows how much you know.

>> No.5223894

You're not replying to anything, you're just throwing stupid comments and nonsensical accusations around.

>> No.5223897

By your logic, the only acceptable way to prevent any crimes from ever occurring is to kill every last human.

Seeing as it's your idea, it's only natural that the person who came up with it should test it. Kill yourself.

>> No.5223900


Well, right now I'm fantasizing about breaking my PSP in two because Nu-13 on Arcade Mode is possibly the most impossible boss ever.

I'm a violent and angry person, but I don't think I'd ever kill anyone. Does that mean I should be thrown in prison?

>> No.5223906

don't forget about everyone who watches those evil hollywood movies.

they watch fictional murder without any restraints, so they obviously must be bloodthirsty killers in reality too.

>> No.5223916

I, for one, know tons of people who just masturbate to Jin and Nu, thank you.

>> No.5223929

Sure you do.

>> No.5223930

If fictional children have rights and it's child abuse, then fictional murders should be prosecuted and the directors thrown in jail.

Why should people have "rights" in the first place? They just hamper the ability of the government to prosecute and imprison its citizens. After all, what is a government supposed to do other than that, right?

>> No.5223949

thank go Nu isn't broken in CS. I got tired of playing Nu users who spam the same blockstring over and over again.

>> No.5223995
File: 940 KB, 1024x1024, cmn_ch_m_ny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fapped to lambda only as far as bb is concerned. i don't even like blondes, but for some reason i just felt the urge to.

too bad she has no good porn, but at least her in game portrait is fappable enough.

>> No.5224019

You from Australia, Ren?
Or maybe anywhere in the Western World?

Everybody knows that 2D children are only given rights when 3D men masturbate to them.

>> No.5224027
File: 90 KB, 600x390, ProTF2Playerdispleasedatscrub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you fantasize about killing, though?

This is going to sound ironic considering the board it's on but if you don't think the average person doesn't want at least one person in their life to " disappear " then you need to get out more.

>> No.5224063

>Do you fantasize about killing, though?
i dream about killing often. in my dreams it's always easy and i have absolutely no guilt over that, not to mention it has no consequences. not lucid dreaming btw.

if only killing in real life was so easy.

>> No.5224064
File: 1.49 MB, 1024x1024, gou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thank go Nu isn't broken in CS.
no prob

>> No.5224072
File: 285 KB, 1000x944, cadcba2cfd2503d014783cc110fd676f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was excited about this game. I was thinking of maining Noel, but then I saw that she was a useless Library employee, only good for her sex appeal.

And then I though Taokaka is hilarious, why don't I main her, but NOOOOOOO she has retarded taunt-loop combos.

This game doesn't want me to like it.

>> No.5224073


Killing is pretty easy in real life if you don't care about the consequences.

>> No.5224084

/jp/ is a bunch of scrubs

>> No.5224095

i'd probably have a guilt trip or something. i mean, sure, it's easy to sound tough on the internet, but even the toughest motherfuckers eventually break down.

i'd have to be crazy, but unfortunately my psychiatrist said i only had a nervous breakdown, but i'm still normal.

and sure, not caring about them is easy, but they will care about you and cart you away to some prison where you'll become the girlfriend of a huge fat nigger. will you still be so carefree then?

>> No.5224097

Of course they are; that's why they're not on /v/.

>> No.5224115

/v/ is full of scrubs too, they just talk a lot of shit and pretend they are good at games.

>> No.5224128

At least they whine about the games and not why it's unfair that they can't legal have sex with a 8 year old.

>> No.5224138

But you're the one that ruined this thread with that.

And why doesn't anyone know what the fuck scrub means anymore? It's used to be about player mentality, but now it just means "noob."

>> No.5224141

oh they do that too

>> No.5224142

Are you trying to convince even the dumbest among us about your psychological problems?

>> No.5224155

Amazo is just a faggot troll that is using pedo for troll bait. Stop responding.

>> No.5224161


No one here is saying that. That's disgusting.

We're saying it's wrong when governments throw people in prison for masturbating to pen and ink drawings or when being attracted to a 14-year-old is pedophilia.

>> No.5224164

Oh, this thread was ruined before I even got here. By >>5223414, in fact.

Maybe if tourneyfags would stop calling everyone that's NOT a tourneyfag a scrub, then maybe it wouldn't be like that.

Are your projecting, swine?

>> No.5224175

Oh, the troll insulted me. Excuse me while I rage. And >>5223414 was completely on topic, you were the one who took out your frustrations on this thread.

>> No.5224190

lemme guess
the new guy is a shitty scandaroon wannabe

>> No.5224193

>What's going on in this thread?

>> No.5224202

I'd guess he got access to a friend's tripcode and is trying to make him look like a complete idiot, as a prank.

>> No.5224225

No, that was ignorable.

This thread survived >>5223316 and then got taken out by you pair arguing about loli.

>> No.5224239

I've yet to see this Scandaroon.
At least I'm not the first ordinary patron of Japanese media to point out how pathetic you swine are.

My brother and I may share the same laptop, but I use my own tripcodes. Amazider never comes to /jp/.

>> No.5224250

Your insults only point out how MAD you are.

>> No.5224276

First of all, thank you very much for using a tripcode.
I won't filter you though because you're pretty interesting. Keep on trollin', man.

>> No.5224283

what's the matter, is 'pig' too hard to remember? or are you showing off your e-penis by using non-standard words?

protip: it doesn't make you look smarter, more like the complete opposite.

>> No.5224305


Aww <3 I wuv you, too!

Perhaps, one day, you'll be just like me and NOT be a burden on your parents.

>> No.5224318

You're spending your time trolling and raging on /jp/, and making ad hominems. I fail to see how this proves that you're anything close to decent. Or sane, judging by the inconsistency of your posts.

>> No.5224319

I masturbate to drawings of underage girls while working, attending college, and living on my own. What now?

>> No.5224322

>Perhaps, one day, you'll be just like me and NOT be a burden on your parents.
Who's projecting now?

>> No.5224324

thats coz you're a burden to your whole family

>> No.5224343

Using a condescending tone with randomly guessed traits is actually a step down from reusing a single insult.

>> No.5224377
File: 44 KB, 400x550, 9228950_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on another topic, here's lambda with a dick

>> No.5224434
File: 105 KB, 500x500, gg1735612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sion why do you like the Disney version of Guilty Gear (Blazblue) but not the real deal original.

Also the netplay on SSF4 is so good; how can you not like it?

>> No.5224447
File: 623 KB, 625x783, improvednoel5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT tripfag discovers that /jp/ is easy to troll

>> No.5224457
File: 52 KB, 207x359, 34fascnting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5224474

You confuse trolling with being a retard. They aren't the same thing, after all.

>> No.5224494

guilty gear is more disney than mickey mouse.

>> No.5224501


>> No.5224612
File: 225 KB, 706x354, 8585778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SF4 netplay

>> No.5224623

oh god I've been living a lie

>> No.5224634
File: 247 KB, 600x600, gg7500151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said SSF4, nerd. It sucked in the other one though.

Also we both know that AH3 is better than the Disney version of Guilty Gear anyways.

>> No.5224644

Her Bnbs are fine half the people online in the US won't even be able to do that retarded loop shit none of the less online with diff lat. Anyways that will just set up for another more balanced game since CS isn't a complete shit fest in balancing.

>> No.5224653

>Disney version of Guilty Gear
you mean guilty gear x? that stuff sure was disney.

>> No.5224676
File: 58 KB, 421x500, 8234975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying the changed the netcode at all
>they didn't

>> No.5224683

I'm pretty sure they didn't change the netcode. It still delays instead of catching up (ala GGPO) so you can enjoy missing links and getting DP spammed in the face.

>> No.5224687

I wouldn't be so sure, ya know.

You know you love it; it's like I'm one of those tsundere girls that you thrust into you pillow to at night.

Then you're a swine who actually does something with their life. You're just a pig, not a swine <3

>> No.5224718

>you thrust into you pillow to at night.
I what into what?

>> No.5224721
File: 15 KB, 327x478, NEL008a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Sion

>> No.5224733

Projecting again

>> No.5224735
File: 70 KB, 900x800, 10837099_p7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish that was a real color

Posting best color

>> No.5224736
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>> No.5224744
File: 76 KB, 741x534, 43eaf97850f6c1a64980d368e99337b6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5224746

except you're a fat, hairy neckbeard. right?

>> No.5224748

What's a day in 4chan without a troll spouting inane and meaningless comments? It's impressive how you managed to say absolutely nothing in that post.

>> No.5224758
File: 400 KB, 800x1000, 90a932873d882bbbaca3da972eeaecde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5224766
File: 134 KB, 800x1092, 59b5b2a06ab85ac0c3cda7a77bc62344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5224771
File: 331 KB, 838x600, 092139d26c66246d3457ac124d0b8631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5224781

A day on Idle, maybe?
Actually, why don't y'all just migrate to Idle? It's more highly responsive to ronrey.

Was there much to be said in this thread anyway?

>> No.5224788
File: 323 KB, 643x900, 896f07180dd4e29a6720be54a22aa9d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5224795
File: 6 KB, 125x135, wara.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he frequents Idle

>> No.5224797
File: 128 KB, 446x446, 3e1e78db48b35c0fe0d8f2682d746f16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5224800
File: 356 KB, 900x990, 2e72117b7cc06b0ef54cee4112c87a50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5224801


there, fixed for you. ronery is just a weeabooized lonely, there's no such word as lonley.

>> No.5224802
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>> No.5224805
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I've yet to have any trouble with it and my ISP is pretty bad. It plays perfectly.

If people blame their losses on "bad netcode", then they're probably just making excuses. Or somehow they have a worse ISP than I do.

>> No.5224813

Nobody on /jp/ actually gives a fuck about being alone.

>> No.5224817

I don't even have to do anything, you're making yourself look like a bigger idiot with each post. The "you should all" statements being the proof in this case. Still, if you're willing to make a fool of yourself to this extent just to get attention, you must be quite pathetic, even by /jp/ standards.

>> No.5224823
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>> No.5224824

Kira<Every other character in Arcana Heart

>> No.5224826
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>> No.5224829
File: 101 KB, 1280x720, [Eclipse] Kaichou wa Maid-sama - 08 (1280x720 h264) [11F2D599].mkv_snapshot_15.24_[2010.05.25_13.08.11].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It plays perfectly
>SF4 netcode

>> No.5224832
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>> No.5224835

You make it too easy though.
Instead of going "Oh look, it's that Amazo-tan bitch; HIDE THREAD" you instead go "U AM TROLL, I MUST SAY SOMETHING TO MAKE YOU SEE HOW DUMB U IS takkata,takkata,takkata"

>> No.5224842
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>> No.5224848

So you admit to being a troll? That means you lose, you know.

>> No.5224852
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>> No.5224855

It's fine if you connect to people with a favorable connection, if you're trying to play people out of the country, or even people in Cali sometimes and your/their internet isn't great, then yeah, it lags.

I don't even understand how people could say the net code is bad. If you connect with green bars then it shouldn't be lagging, and if it is, then you need to stop downloading the entire internet while playing or you should flame them and tell them to stop being faggots.

XBL, anyways. PS3 SSFIV is legitimately bad.

>> No.5224856
File: 284 KB, 1506x2161, gg795034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually from a quick search SSF4 seems to match up players who are closer together (as in location) better than the old version.

So that's probably why it's actually playable, Sion.

>> No.5224860

We-re all bored here, so why not discuss with trolls? It's not like we have anything better to do with our lives.

>> No.5224861
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>> No.5224865

>Oh look, it's that Amazo-tan bitch; HIDE THREAD
You're not some internet celebrity, you're just today's annoying one-shot tripfag.

>> No.5224871

Did I, swine?
Or am I merely saying that my comments make you ridiculously angry?

>> No.5224877
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>> No.5224883
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>> No.5224885


>> No.5224893
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>> No.5224900
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It's still terrible delay based netcode. Funny you should mention how the PS3 netcode is worse because this faggot >>5224856 is on PS3

>> No.5224902
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>> No.5224905

Oh, the inanity. You came here to troll and scream LOLI IS WRONG GUISE :( , and you say I'm the one who's mad? You fail at logic.

>> No.5224909


>You make it too easy though.

In response to
>I don't even have to do anything, you're making yourself look like a bigger idiot with each post. The "you should all" statements being the proof in this case. Still, if you're willing to make a fool of yourself to this extent just to get attention, you must be quite pathetic, even by /jp/ standards.

Does "it" refer to "making yourself look like a bigger idiot with each post" or "make a fool of yourself to this extent just to get attention?"

>> No.5224912
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>> No.5224925
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>> No.5224926

It really is, though.
And I mean, there still will be bad green bar connections, but it's usually just scrub faggots trying to use lag to their advantage because they're bad.

It's definitely better than a lot of other net codes I've tried to play on.

>> No.5224934

How many v-13 clones are in this fucking game again?

>> No.5224946
File: 64 KB, 490x720, 1274227993330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The BB netcode is wayyyyyyyy better than the SF4 netcode. It make me sad that GGPO is still being wasted on only things like Final Fight

>> No.5224952

Who's even saying that I'm trying to MAKE logical statements? I could just be shooting all of this out of my ass for my own amusement. I could be a huge supporter of lolicon or even toddlercon, but just wanted to see what it's like to be "angry" about it.

Either or; which ever one you want to use to continue to derail this thread with.

>> No.5224953
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Except it plays exactly as he said on the PS3 as well, nerd. Hence, if someone loses in SSF4 online, then it's simply because they suck.

I guess a poor player can blame the "net code" all he wants if it makes him feel better though. Those kinds of people should stick to Blazblue.

>> No.5224956
File: 51 KB, 367x480, 1274446251662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lambda-11 is the Nu-13 replacement. Mu-12 will play nothing like Nu/Lambda at all.

>> No.5224962

Maybe, I wouldn't know, don't really care for the game.
I've heard the Tekken netcode is the best, but I haven't played that either so I don't know how correct this is.

I remember playing KoF12 when it came out online.
It's uh. . .well, representative of how good the game itself is.

>> No.5224972

There's only one way to lose when trolling. That is to admit that you are trolling.
The only way for you to regain your troll honor now is seppuku.

>> No.5224975
File: 126 KB, 1280x720, [Eclipse] Kaichou wa Maid-sama - 05 (1280x720 h264) [448B74D5].mkv_snapshot_02.27_[2010.05.12_08.40.38].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently you can't read
>says XBL SSF4 is ok
>PS3 SSFIV is legitimately bad.

Also any person who's not a retard knows the netcode is shitty.

>> No.5224984

Doing it wrong. Admitting that you're a troll at this stage puts you in the "tries to mask his idiocy by pretending to be a troll" category in the eyes of a passerby. You should have done it earlier. You have much to learn.

>Either or; which ever one you want to use to continue to derail this thread with.
As you can see, the thread is not derailed, and you have failed.

>> No.5225003
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Tekken netcode is still shitty. KOF12 netcode was total garbage then got upgraded to just garbage

>> No.5225016
File: 55 KB, 398x510, sion91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>fat nerd loses to newfriends
>>"Oh it must be the netcode!!"

Son, why must you disappoint me like this. I thought you were real deal. Played long, played strong, etc.

>> No.5225025

I don't know about that; I think you, me, and that other swine are the only one's discussing whether or not I'm a troll. E'erybody else is talkin' bout da fightan'.

>> No.5225046

They really should have fixed 12 itself, and worried about the net code later, but that's just my opinion.

Oh well, luckily my internet is pretty good so I can get really good, lagless connections with people all over the country if their internet is decent, but if they're idiots and trying to stream porn while playing then they fuck it all up.

>> No.5225049

That's exactly what I'm saying. You get 0 marks for reading comprehension. If it's any consolation, at least you're a bigger idiot than the average troll, which sets you apart from the rest. That's what you wanted, right? Poor boy.

>> No.5225051
File: 48 KB, 848x480, [Ryuumaru] Ichiban Ushiro no Daimaou - 05 [16148B99].mkv_snapshot_13.30_[2010.05.04_22.13.08].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are seriously retarded if you can't tell a difference between SSF4 online and offline. I assume you never ever try to do links at all.

>> No.5225071
File: 23 KB, 153x208, angeherp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

double swine. :)

smiley to show i'm not mad or frustrated, but happy.

>> No.5225093


>> No.5225101
File: 10 KB, 132x132, sion5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Links? Are those what you call normal combos?

Dear god, you have trouble with that stuff Sion? And no, it's exactly the same offline and online in SSF4; there is no different timing for comboing the weak punches and the medium punches and so on.

Those easy Blazblue and Melty Blood dial-in combos have made you lazy, son.

>> No.5225106

I have to ask, what character do you play in SSFIV?

>> No.5225115

Sion being a tourneyfag.jpg

>> No.5225130
File: 56 KB, 848x480, [Chihiro] THE IDOLM@STER - 02 [480p][zunbuttmad].mkv_snapshot_06.11_[2010.04.17_23.55.13].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I play Super Shit Fighter 4

>> No.5225150

You're talking about it as if you do, but since you don't, it's fair that you're just talking out of your ass.

Especially if you play BlazBlue instead.

>> No.5225164

Sion doesn't actually play it. He only plays Valve shooters on his Xbox.

Then he wonders why he always gets owned for life in real deal STGs and fighting games later.

>> No.5225171

I don't play it regularly because it's the same exact shit as SF4 except with new characters. If I ever played it for real I would play Guy, Guile and Ryu or something

>> No.5225173

You >>5225071 & >>5225049

They've got the right idea. Must I quote "repercussions of evil"?

>> No.5225190

I see. That makes sense as to why I'm friends with one of the best Viper players in the country and he doesn't have a problem doing links online.

They made a lot of other small but important tweaks to the game as well, and they're still working on releasing updates to fix things.

>> No.5225196
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>> No.5225219
File: 41 KB, 848x480, [Ryuumaru] Ichiban Ushiro no Daimaou - 04 [4AE1E4E8].mkv_snapshot_06.48_[2010.04.28_02.38.31].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also none of the patches will be fixing the actual core flaws of the game

>> No.5225232
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>> No.5225238
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>> No.5225248

It'd be hard to make a patch that prevents morons like you from being able to play it.

>> No.5225258
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>> No.5225273

this game isn't melty blood so it sucks

>> No.5225302
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>> No.5225308
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>> No.5225322
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>> No.5225342

Well, you know, he's a top player and just won four grand over the weekend from a tournament so I'm more inclined to believe what he says about the game rather than some kid on /jp/ who doesn't even play it.

>> No.5225372
File: 327 KB, 978x748, 1271611674817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend just won 10 grand from a tournament this weekend and he says the game sucks


>> No.5225381

I don't believe you know any players personally that are better than you are. Plus, all of the people that consistently win money from the game, enjoy it and think it's great.

I get it through, trolling and whatnot.

>> No.5225383

My friend just won twenty grand from a Melty Blood tourney and he said "sion is a fag", what now?

>> No.5225387

Daigo says you're a gigantic faggot.

>> No.5225396
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>> No.5225404
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That's silly there's no money in MB

>> No.5225424

Well he got twenty grand and he says he got it from playing Melty Blood

>> No.5225432

Maybe he was selling blood?

>> No.5225437

No he wouldn't sell blood

>> No.5225446

He should, it's good money.

>> No.5225467


>> No.5225827
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