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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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520218 No.520218 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.520227

ahhh.... that gap has long since closed.

>> No.520226


>> No.520229

Stop right there

>> No.520230


>> No.520234

What are you thinking Yukari?
You could get us all killed!

>> No.520237

[x] resist arrest

>> No.520238

So if old /a/ was Nazi Germany, which is DDR?
/jp/ or /a/?

>> No.520241

Thank you very much

>> No.520242

Fuck this. The wall between /a/ and /jp/ was erected for a reason.

>> No.520249


heh heh... penis joke

>> No.520255


Thought real hard about that, did you?

>> No.520260


/jp/; we're smaller and more... um... communal?

>> No.520261

The problem is that late 2007 /a/ was better than current /jp/ and /a/ combined.

>> No.520263


/jp/; just as the DDR had its drunken Russian overlords we have our drunken Japanese ZUN.

>> No.520269


and we have tyrannical mods banning our best content.

>> No.520273


>> No.520282


Those days will never come again, best not to pine for them.

Even in the event of a remerge, there's far too much bleach and naruto on /a/ now, it'd suck just as bad as it does now.

>> No.520283

But they can never be reunited. Ever Again

>> No.520305

They could come if /a/ got some decent mods

>> No.520303

I enjoy our little dictatorship. Beats the hell out of what /a/ has become.

>> No.520312

I find the only image boards left that don't make me rage or facepalm are touhou-specific boards.

It's kind of a pity, because there could be more going on than just Touhou.... ah... I miss the good old days where all the good people were mixed in with the bad, and you could always find good threads, isolated amidst the garbage.

It was like pre-trammel UO.

>> No.520321

The gap between /a/ and /jp/ has grown too wide, never shall they be reunited.

>> No.520324

Who knowes.
Moot might one day in drunken haze fuse the boards again.

>> No.520330


Been seperated too long. There'd be a shitstorm just as big as when /jp/ was made if it was remerged.

>> No.520331
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>> No.520333


These statements are true.

>> No.520352

/jp/ are the outcasts of /a/, and it's saying something to be so hated even by /a/...

>> No.520354


We didn't run out of content, our content got nuked by mods.

/th/ as a refugee board is thriving in this post-modfest era.

>> No.520360

Naruto? in my /a/?

>> No.520364


Really, the only hope I have is that either moot will finally make /2d/, or the janitors will chill out and start allowing animu discussion again.

I guess you could say the latter has been slowly happening.

>> No.520373

he heh... he said pennis

>> No.520371
File: 416 KB, 600x1000, 1209278947243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.520370


>> No.520376


The minute I saw someone get banned for shitting on a naruto thread, /a/ was irredeemable.

>> No.520378


>> No.520389



>> No.520395


I tell no lies.

>> No.520396


>> No.520404

/jp/ = People who don't argue with one another over stupid things.
/a/ = Shitstorm over "WHOS THE BEST TRIPFAG?".

>> No.520405

I guess I'm an illegal, running up and down the border.

>> No.520408

sage for /jp/

give us our fucking touhou back

>> No.520409

>>People who don't argue with one another over stupid things.

Now now, /a/ sucks bad enough on it's own
No need to make stuff up.



>> No.520416
File: 211 KB, 916x692, 1209279671756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

funny enough, I just got banned from /a/, for the usual.

>> No.520423

Wait, for Nice Day threads?

>> No.520424

never seen that.

however an hour ago a dub thread was deleted, that's a step in the right direction.

>> No.520435
File: 130 KB, 770x577, 1209279867715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.520439

  We're   L_        _,,....,,_           ,. - ── - 、         ,) Take
  the only  /     ,. '"´:::::::::::: "''-,,.  r'つ)∠───     ヽ      ヽ  it
ones who  /    /:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::,r'' 〆⌒  ̄ ̄ ̄ \ \     \     i easy!?
should be  i- .,_/::::::::::::/ ̄`'、;::::::,.イ      ,イ     \ \ __ ',  __く  
 allowed  l  `゛'r-r,r'、,r'   (,:ヾイ    /{ { ヽ、トl    \,´ _,, '-´ ̄∠.  
 to take   _ゝ ,r'二ハ二'ァーヘ.,_  _゙ト{  .ト{\ヽ',  メ __\   'r ´       レ、⌒Y⌒ヽ、
it easy!  「 '´ ,'  ;    `゛'‐-iニ';''ーrゝ  |"ひ)  \  イびゞ \.,'==─-      -─==', i
        ヽ !  ハ  ハ !゙i  ゙i`゛'ァノ  ト、"´,.     ー ノ  i イ iゝ、イ人レ/_ルヽイ i |
⌒レ'⌒ヽ厂 ̄,  ハ__!,. V ゙i.!,__゙i _人__人ノ_   ゝ    _人__人ノ_ リイi (ヒ_]     ヒ_ン ).| .|、i .||
人_,、ノL_,iノ!、 i'、| (ヒ_]     ヒ_ン ゙i「 Fuck  L_ ヽ⌒> 「     L_..!""  ,___,   "" 「 !ノ i |
kya-  / '、|. i '゛  ,___,   "'ノ  off    了└ ´ .ノ       了    ヽ _ン    L」 ノ| .|
ha-ha {  !人   ヽ _ン   )   and    | >ー-) Gross!   |/!、,、/!h.    ,イ| ||イ| /
ha-ha! ヽヽ  >,、/!`h, ,.イく   die!    >/!イ|く        >/  ノ--─ ´ルレ レ´

>> No.520446

[X] Breasts

>> No.520447

god no, I haven't been banned for that yet.
For posting copypasta. The fourth one of these already. It seems they accepted my appeal, for the ban has vanished.
Or at least I hope so, maybe it was just that this comp got a new IP after the connection collapsed...

/a/ is still good, no matter what you hear. As usual, there are always good threads. It just the ammount of shit around them that varies.

>> No.520448

I've lost count of the amount of times I've been b& from /a/ since the split.

>> No.520455

Oh. If it was for Nice Day I would've done the normal /jp/ thing. You know, bursting a vein, etc.

What pasta though?

>> No.520467

Greatest Hits. I was on a reposting mood, so I did "anonymous in YKK", "ronery 1", "ronery 2", and "anonymous future monks".

>> No.520490

Have any of you guys ever actually appealed for getting out of a ban?

>> No.520501

I got permabanned once. No appeals or anything, it was an actual permanent ban. /jp/ mods are brutal.

>> No.520495

I did once,and it worked

>> No.520497
File: 156 KB, 704x396, 1209280458930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"those were the days of wine and roses"

>> No.520506

What for?

>> No.520519

everytime. Only failed once.

>> No.520596


I'll have to try that sometime.

Usually I just send in a snide reply and swap IPs.

>> No.520641

Saaya Irie.

She was fully clothed too. I mean, damn, that was harsh, I've been banned many times, but a permaban for fully clothed Saaya Irie? Lame.

>> No.520650

I was banned like three times. Appealed all three and rejected only once.

>> No.520653


/jp/ mods are inconsistent, not brutal.
Also you shouldn't have been posting 3d in the first place.

>> No.520655


>> No.521085

seems like the portal closed

>> No.521091


Nope, looks like it didn't. Still retards on this side.

>> No.521719

Mods are frustrated failures of life, pent up with stress and rage from all the past experiences being bullied throughout middle to high school. Every once in a while they will take any chance they can get at banning someone just to make their worthless selves feel better.

>> No.521763


>The problem is that late 2007 /a/ was better than current /jp/ and /a/ combined.

Which makes it goddamn hilarious for anyone who can remember late 2007 /a/ and how everyone bitched about how much it sucked shit and how x amount of months ago everything was a glorious utopia.

That said, I do miss late 2007 /a/... at least the nightshift. I still like /jp/, though.

>> No.521765

What? No, mods are just moot's friends.

>> No.521778

Why the fuck is /jp/ talking about Dance Dance Revolution?

>> No.521783

Too much European underage b& at night now.

>> No.521793

Nightshift /a/ isn't nightshift /a/ anymore.

It's still full of trolls and almost as bad as daytime garbage.

>> No.521806

It's mostly European and Australian trolls
and trash that have made it suck.

>> No.521854


>hurr hurr americans are so mature, unlimited good posts from them! Europeans and australians are so much more stupid, all underage b&! America is so awesome!

Retarded post can be from anywhere in the world, you fucking burger eating faggots.

>> No.521856

Europeans and Australians are shit posters and trolls Moot agreed don''t bother him about it.

>> No.521858


Yeah, you definitely belong on /a/.

>> No.521859


I recall a certain ausfag pretending to be a chinese tripfag.

>> No.521868


>> No.521869
File: 20 KB, 294x194, 1209300582301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You see, this is why the whole world hates you guys.

>> No.521876
File: 23 KB, 415x311, 1209300656424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care.

>> No.521887


>> No.521897

I really don't see why Australian faggot.

>> No.521964

english faggot

>> No.521989

/a/ is better than /jp/

>> No.522024

How old are you? 12? Are you a girl?
